Center for Electrochemical Sciences (CES), Faculty of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Ruhr University Bochum, Universitätsstr. 150, D-44780 Bochum, Germany. E-mail: nicolas.plumere@rub.de
First published on 30th January 2019
Redox-active films are advantageous matrices for the immobilization of photosynthetic proteins, due to their ability to mediate electron transfer as well as to achieve high catalyst loading on an electrode for efficient generation of electricity or solar fuels. A general challenge arises from various charge recombination pathways along the light-induced electron transfer chain from the electrode to the charge carriers for electricity production or to the final electron acceptors for solar fuel formation. Experimental methods based on current measurement or product quantification are often unable to discern between the contributions from the photocatalytic process and the detrimental effect of the short-circuiting reactions. Here we report on a general electrochemical model of the reaction–diffusion processes to identify and quantify the “bottlenecks” present in the fuel or current generation. The model is able to predict photocurrent–time curves including deconvolution of the recombination contributions, and to visualize the corresponding time dependent concentration profiles of the product. Dimensionless groups are developed for straightforward identification of the limiting processes. The importance of the model for quantitative understanding of biophotoelectrochemical processes is highlighted with an example of simulation results predicting the effect of the diffusion coefficient of the charge carrier on photocurrent generation for different charge recombination kinetics.
In both cases, the overall energy conversion efficiency is closely related to the rates of electron transport defining the photocurrent and to the redox potential of the various components defining the light-induced potential difference within the electrochemical half-cell and thus the potential energy gain. From a practical perspective, it is advantageous to immobilize the electron mediator and the photosynthetic proteins within thin redox films on the electrode surface to allow for efficient electrical wiring and for high catalyst loading and thus obtain high photocurrent generation.4,5
However, besides the photocatalytic process, possible competitive pathways may have a detrimental impact on the performance of such biophotocathodes. One of the general challenges in photoelectrochemical systems is related to charge recombination processes.6 Light-induced charge separation at the photosystem produces a high energy electron that is ideally transferred to the charge carriers or to the redox catalyst with minimal energy loss. However, the large driving force imposed by the light-induced potential difference favors recombination of these reduced electron acceptors with oxidized components of the redox matrix or with the electrode surface (Fig. 1, red pathway).7,8 These short-circuiting processes lower the photocurrents and hence the overall power output or solar fuel generation of the devices. Therefore, in-depth understanding of the processes involved in photocurrent generation, including such short circuit pathways, is an essential pre-requisite for the rational design and optimization of biophotoelectrochemical systems.
The short-circuiting processes are often invisible to electroanalytical methods since their contribution do not provide any net photocurrent. Therefore, it is paramount to establish theoretical models for biophotoelectrochemical systems which consider both the processes generating the photocurrent and the processes competing with photocurrent generation. The ability to simulate and deconvolute the various contributions, including photocathodic processes and recombination processes, would enable the pinpointing of bottlenecks in the power generation process. Ideally, such a model would not only include simulations for the entire observed signal, but would also contain the development of dimensionless groups which are useful for summarizing the rates of the major processes in the system, and in particular, predict how a given parameter may impact photocurrents and thus how it could be modulated to achieve energy conversion enhancement.
Several models have been previously developed for biophotoelectrochemical systems, which considered photosynthetic proteins9–12 or whole photosynthetic cells immobilized on electrodes or in solution.13,14 In these previous reports, electronic communication between the photosystems and the electrode were modelled based on freely diffusing electron mediators. Here, we establish a model for biophotoelectrodes with both the photosystems and the electron mediators confined in redox films on the electrode surface based on a reaction scheme that is generally applicable and relevant for multiple experimental cases.1,4,15,16 In particular, we consider both an outer-sphere electron transfer between the photosystem and the electron acceptor (which is typically relevant for photosystem 1 based biophotocathodes) as well as photoenzymatic reactions (which are typically relevant for biophotocathodes based on purple bacterial reaction centers). Moreover, we include the possibility for either electron transfer to a charge carrier that subsequently diffuses to the bulk of the solution or for electron transfer to a redox catalyst followed by subsequent catalytic reduction of a final electron acceptor generating solar fuels. The model is built upon previous models for bioelectrochemical systems17,18 in which we integrate the effect of light induction of electron transfer and the associated charge recombination processes to predict the time dependent photocurrent generation and the associated concentration profile. Dimensionless groups are developed for understanding the limiting processes. We highlight the usefulness of this modeling tool with an example of simulation results predicting the effect of the diffusion coefficient of the charge carrier on photocurrent generation with different charge recombination kinetics.
In order to consider the possibility for charge recombination we consider two short-circuiting reactions involving Yred (Fig. 2, in red). The redox potential of Yred|Yox (E0Y) is more negative than the redox potential of Mred|Mox (E0M). Therefore, the potential difference favors the reduction of Mox by Yred. We model this first short-circuiting pathway (SC1) as a bimolecular reaction with a kinetic constant kSC1. The second possible short-circuiting pathway (SC2) takes place at the electrode and leads to the reoxidation of Yred. The heterogeneous (multi-) electron transfer is also modeled according to Butler–Volmer kinetics with a heterogeneous rate constant k0SC2 and an apparent electron transfer coefficient αY.
The reaction stoichiometry between Yox and Pred is fixed as one-to-one, but the number of electrons transferred in the reaction (νY) is variable. Additionally, the number of electrons that are transferred from Pox to Mred (νM) is flexible depending on the properties of the mediator. The number of electrons transferred between Yred and Mox in the SC1 process depends on the ratio of νY and νM.
ltot = l1 + l1ζx = l1(1 + ζx) | (1) |
As shown in eqn (2), the total time (ttot) is divided into three time domains: (1) when the light is initially off (teq), (2) when the film is under photoillumination (texp), and (3) when the light is off once again (trec).
ttot = teq + texp + trec = τtottexp | (2) |
By means of the factor τtot, the total time is expressed as a multiple of the exposure time, which is the primary time related variable of interest. Information regarding the calculation of τtot is given in the ESI.†
Reaction stoichiometry is explicitly included in the model, and allows for flexibility with regards to the number of electrons that can be transferred to the electrode by the mediator, and by the first electron acceptor (Yred|Yox), which appear as zM and as zY in the modeling equations, respectively. The stoichiometry between the first electron acceptor and the second electron acceptor (Zred|Zox) is fixed as one-to-one.
These modeling equations shown for the film domain represent the most complex form of these equations, and the corresponding equations for simpler reaction schemes, or for the main equations in the solution domain can be deduced by setting the relevant kinetic terms or concentrations to zero. For example, the main equation for Yox in the solution domain can be deduced by setting κYCAT and κYSC1 in eqn (4) to zero.
![]() | (3) |
![]() | (4) |
![]() | (5) |
ιtot = ιcat + ιSC2 | (6) |
![]() | (7) |
![]() | (8) |
In contrast to the SC2 recombination process, current loss due to the SC1 recombination process is manifested indirectly as a reduction in the main current. In order to isolate the effect of SC1 recombination, each simulation is run twice: one time with the SC1 kinetic constant set to zero, and a second time with the SC1 kinetic constant set to its nominal value, where the corresponding catalytic currents are subtracted.
The boundary condition at the film/electrolyte interface is different depending on the species involved. Since the mediator is immobilized in the film, the intermediate boundary condition for Mred is “no-flux”, which requires that the concentration gradient be equal to zero at the film/electrolyte interface when approaching the film boundary from domain I on the left side (l1−), as shown in eqn (9). The boundary condition for Mred in the bulk is that its concentration is zero, the same value that it has in the surrounding solution domain.
![]() | (9) |
Since Yred|Yox is freely diffusing throughout the system, in particular, between the film and the surrounding solution, and without mass transfer resistance, the intermediate boundary condition for Yox is “perfect-flux”, where the concentration gradients just before and just after the film/solution interface are equal, as shown in eqn (10).
![]() | (10) |
The bulk semi-infinite boundary condition holds for Yox and Zox, therefore, their concentrations at the bulk must remain undisturbed at their initial values, and with a slope of zero. At the end of each simulation, the concentration profiles at the end time are inspected, and if necessary, the simulation is repeated with a greater distance.
Inspection of the scaled main equations and the scaled electrode surface boundary conditions shows three main kinds of dimensionless groups: “κ” type groups, “ω” type groups, and “σ” type groups. As was done in a reference model,19 various κ type groups are used related to the various reaction–diffusion processes, which occur within the volume of the film or in the surrounding solution. In the model, single script notation was used to denote the particular chemical process of interest. The use of ω groups was inspired from another reference model,20 which focuses on transient electron transfer within redox-active films. Finally, σ type groups denote electron transfer processes at an electrode surface. One example of each of these group types is described in detail in the following sections. A summary of the dimensionless groups in the model is included in the ESI.†
![]() | (11) |
This ratio can be more clearly demonstrated after multiplication of the numerator and denominator by Ytot and rearrangement; the result is shown in eqn (12). In this equation, the units of the numerator and the denominator are mol cm−3 s−1; the numerator therefore represents the maximum possible rate of SC1 (when both reaction species are at their maximum possible concentrations), and the denominator represents the maximum molar diffusion rate of SC1 in a basis area of l12.
![]() | (12) |
The inverse square root of κYSC1, which is shown in eqn (13), is also of interest because it allows for one to think of the same process in terms of the SC1 reaction layer.
![]() | (13) |
The reaction layer concept, which was introduced and emphasized in a foundational reference model,17 and was also used in a later reference model18 was useful for the interpretation of this dimensionless group as the fractional distance in the film that a formed Yred molecule will be able to travel within the film before undergoing SC1, ignoring all other processes in the system.
![]() | (14) |
![]() | (15) |
The inverse square root of ωY, which is shown in eqn (16), is also of interest because it allows for one to think of the same process in terms of the Y diffusion layer.
![]() | (16) |
Comparison to the w dimensionless group in a reference model20 was helpful for the interpretation of this new dimensionless group as the fractional distance in the film that a Yox molecule will be able to travel within the film in the time given, ignoring all other processes in the system.
υ Y is the only factor in σYSC2 that is outside of an exponent in eqn (19), therefore the units of this term will determine the overall units of σYSC2. Multiplication of the numerator and denominator of υY by Ytot and rearrangement results in units of mol cm−2 s−1 in the numerator and the denominator. This allows for the interpretation of this dimensionless group as the rate of heterogeneous electron transfer of Y at the electrode surface versus the rate of diffusion of a surface plane of Y, without considerations related to overpotential and the apparent electron transfer coefficient.
![]() | (17) |
![]() | (18) |
In keeping with the notation from a reference textbook,21 a reduction at the electrode surface is considered as a “forward” reaction, and oxidation is conversely regarded as a “backwards” reaction. Since SC2 occurs through oxidation of Yred, the “backwards” reaction is SC2; therefore σYb can be regarded as σYSC2 for this case as shown in eqn (19), and can be interpreted as the rate of SC2 versus the diffusion rate of Y, which includes the effects of the applied overpotential and of the apparent electron transfer coefficient on the electron transfer rate.
![]() | (19) |
![]() | (20) |
θ MM is a secondary group because it can be represented as a ratio of two individual κ groups. Starting from its simplified form, shown in eqn (21), multiplication of the numerator and the denominator by Ptot demonstrates how θMM can be interpreted as a ratio of the catalysis and electron transfer rates, as shown in eqn (22).
![]() | (21) |
![]() | (22) |
Since κ groups are ratios of reaction and diffusion rates, κYcat and κYMP can be defined by eqn (23) and (24).
![]() | (23) |
![]() | (24) |
Similarly, κMPcat denotes the ratio of the catalytic reaction and electron transfer rates as shown in eqn (25).
![]() | (25) |
κ MPcat can then be expressed as the ratio of κYcat and κYMP, which is equal to θMM, as shown in eqn (26).
![]() | (26) |
![]() | (27) |
The appearance of l1 in the numerator of eqn (27) implies that for an extremely high value of l1 (extremely thick films), recombination is much more likely to be by SC1 than by SC2; this is physically reasonable since for very thick films, most of the Yred would be generated further away from the electrode. However, the likelihood of SC1 versus SC2 also depends on the relative kinetic parameters, as well as on the apparent electron transfer coefficient. For example, extremely high SC2 kinetics together with extremely low SC1 kinetics can therefore result in a higher likelihood for SC2 over SC1, even in a very thick film.
The derivation of expressions such as eqn (27) are useful because they are order of magnitude estimates of the individual rate ratios of interest. However, such expressions do not negate the need for full simulations, which include simultaneous considerations of all competing rates in the system, and which therefore generate exact results regarding the behavior of the system under a given set of conditions.
The system of ODEs was then solved using a Matlab built-in ordinary differential equation solver (ode15s), which is designed specifically for systems in which concentration profiles increase steeply over short distances (i.e. numerically “stiff”22,26). The time discontinuities within the system (i.e. light on and off) were managed within ode15s by time-dependent coefficients which were changed by steep linear on/off ramps. Numerical solution of the system allowed for the calculation of a “deconvoluted” current–time curve, which shows all contributions (direct and indirect) to the observed total current, for calculated concentration profiles at specified times, and for the generation of concentration profile animations at all time points of the simulation.
After implementation of the simulation was completed, a series of calculations were performed in order to verify the correctness of the model. As much as possible, this verification was performed in a “piecewise” way, in which the model was simplified for direct and quantitative comparison to the results from relevant reference models. For example, for verification of the correct implementation of the heterogeneous electron transfer at the electrode by SC2, the kinetics for all chemical processes was set to zero, and the resulting current–time curve was compared to expected results from an analytical expression for quasi- and irreversible electron transfer in a potential step experiment.21 For verification of the SC1 process, reduction of the model was not possible. Therefore, in this case, a general material balance which simultaneously considers the initial and final concentration profiles as well as the corresponding current–time curve was used. More details and examples related to the piecewise verification are given in the ESI.†
As a case study we performed simulations to predict the effect of the diffusion coefficient of the charge carrier (DY) on photocurrent generation as a function of the kinetic constant for the recombination (kSC1) of the reduced charge carrier Yred with the electron mediator Mox. The schematic illustration of the reactions is shown in Fig. 3A. In this particular example, we model the reaction between the photosynthetic protein and the charge carrier by means of Michaelis–Menten kinetics. The recombination of Yred at the electrode (SC2) is set as zero to unambiguously reveal the effect of DY and kSC1 on photocurrent generation. As highlighted in Fig. 3A, DY is involved in two competing processes. In the photocatalytic portion of the scheme, DY defines the flux of Yox to the photocatalytic reaction layer and thus an increase in DY would be expected to be beneficial to the photocatalytic process. However, DY also defines the flux of Yred to the reaction layer for recombination of Yred with Mox, so an increase in DY leads to a faster recombination rate. Since the rate of the photocatalytic process and the rate of recombination have opposite effects on photocurrent generation, the impact of DY on the system cannot be predicted based on a qualitative comparison of the two processes. Instead, simulations are required in order to quantitatively predict the effect of DY on the photocurrent generation.
The simulations were performed for a set of parameters (see the ESI†) that ensure that mass transport of Yox is limiting the photocatalytic process. 77 current–time curves were generated for 7 different values of DY and 11 different values of kSC1 while all other parameters where kept constant. Examples of deconvoluted current–time curves for increasing kSC1 values are shown in Fig. 3B for DY = 6 × 10−6 cm2 s−1. For the lowest value of kSC1 (below 102 M−1 s−1), a steady state photocurrent is obtained which is mostly overlaying with the predicted current for the one corresponding to kSC1 set to 101 M−1 s−1. As kSC1 is increased, the photocurrent–time curves increasingly deviate from the pure photocatalytic curve. At transition values for kSC1 (for instance 105 M−1 s−1 and 107 M−1 s−1) the photocathodic current is lower and decreases over time during illumination while an anodic current appears in the following dark phase. These features are characteristic for recombination processes. At the highest kSC1 values (above 109 M−1 s−1), both the photocurrent and the dark current completely vanish. The same qualitative trend of photocurrent decrease with increasing kSC1 is observed for all investigated values of DY.
Quantitative analysis of the impact of the diffusion coefficient is performed by plotting the photocurrent values (before the dark phase) against the kSC1 values for each value of DY (Fig. 3C). The i vs. kSC1 plots confirm the current cancelling effect of the charge recombination process irrespective of the value of DY. However, the most important feature is that the transition in photocurrent loss in the i vs. kSC1 curves is shifted to higher kSC1 values as DY is increased. For a 10-fold increase in kSC1, a given value for the photocurrent can be maintained if DY is increased by a factor of 100. These results demonstrate the ability to accommodate for increasing kSC1 by increasing DY according to the relationship shown in eqn (28).
![]() | (28) |
The simulations were compiled into a stand-alone app, which can be used to investigate the effects of different parameters on photocurrent generation. The example given here, in which the effect of increasing charge carrier diffusion coefficient on the ability of the system to withstand increasing mediator–charge carrier recombination kinetics was investigated, shows the ability of the simulation to predict the performance of the system for complex situations where it is not possible by means of qualitative reasoning. The same simulation approach can be carried out for predicting the effects of any other parameters described in the model. Therefore, the model developed in this work will be helpful for the rational design and further optimization of biophotoelectrodes for maximal energy conversion efficiency.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/c8fd00168e |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2019 |