Ashleigh D.
Smith McWilliams
Carlos A.
de los Reyes
acdf and
Angel A.
aDepartment of Chemistry, Rice University, Houston, Texas 77005, USA. E-mail:
bDepartment of Chemical Engineering, Russell Berrie Nanotechnology Institute (RBNI), Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, 3200003, Israel
cDepartment of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Rice University, Houston, Texas 77005, USA
dDepartment of Materials Science and Nanoengineering, Rice University, Houston, Texas 77005, USA
eDepartment of Bioengineering, Rice University, Houston, Texas 77005, USA
fSmalley-Curl Institute for Nanoscale Science and Technology, Rice University, Houston, Texas 77005, USA
First published on 17th December 2018
Boron nitride nanotubes (BNNTs) belong to a novel class of material with useful thermal, electronic and optical properties. However, the study and the development of applications of this material requires the formation of stable dispersions of individual BNNTs in water. Here we address the dispersion of BNNT material in water using surfactants with varying properties. The surfactants were compared based on the quantity of BNNTs dispersed and the quality of the dispersions, as visualized by AFM and cryo-TEM. All surfactants produce dispersions of individualized or small bundles of BNNTs. Of the surfactants tested, high molecular weight, nonionic surfactants suspend the most BNNTs, while ionic surfactants remove the most h-BN impurities. The surfactant dispersions were further characterized by ensemble measurements, such as UV absorption and photoluminescence, dynamic light scattering (DLS), and zeta potential to investigate dispersion stability and quality. These techniques provide a facile strategy for testing future BNNT dispersions. The results of this study reveal that BNNT dispersions in aqueous solution can be tuned to fit a specific application through surfactant selection.
Despite these exceptional properties, research into the production of large-scale BNNT materials has been relatively limited, particularly when compared to their carbon counterparts. This is largely due to the inability to produce large amounts of BNNTs with high purity. In bulk BNNT synthesis, the resulting BNNTs are contaminated with elemental boron and boron nitride impurities, such as hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN). While published purification methods11,12 are effective at removing boron and small boron nitride impurities, h-BN is much more difficult to remove due to the similarity of its properties with those of BNNTs (Fig. S1†).
The ability to fabricate macroscopic materials of BNNTs has also been hindered greatly by the poor dispersibility of BNNTs in all solvents. Researchers have attempted to overcome this barrier in a variety of ways, including covalent/non-covalent functionalization,13–18 polymer or peptide wrapping,19–24 co-solvent systems,25 surfactants,26–28 strong acids,12,29 and other aromatic and biomolecules.9,10,30–34 One promising way to disperse BNNTs into aqueous solution is through the use of surfactants. Surfactants are amphiphilic compounds that, when used at high enough concentrations (i.e. the critical micelle concentration), form micelles in solution. While the hydrophobic portion of the surfactant, typically a long carbon chain, will interact with or wrap around the BNNT, the hydrophilic portion will interact with water molecules. This allows the BNNTs to form a dispersion in water, stabilized by either electrostatic (ionic) or steric (nonionic) forces. Compared to other dispersion systems, surfactants have some clear advantages. They are inexpensive, can be easily utilized in a wide range of applications, and do not cause any disruption to the sp2 hybridization of the BNNTs.
Recent studies have shown that surfactants such as ammonium-oleate26 and sodium dodecylbenzenesulfonate (SDBS)27 can yield dispersions of BNNTs in aqueous media; however, these studies did not report the stability of these dispersions with the application of centrifugation nor quantified the amount of material suspended. Without these properties being addressed, it is impossible to compare one dispersion to another or to determine the best surfactant for a particular application. In order to move forward the purification of BNNTs and the fabrication of macroscopic materials, it is necessary to better understand the surfactant properties that enable BNNT dispersion and produce the best quality dispersions of BNNTs into solution. In 2003, Moore and coworkers performed such a study, comparing the dispersion ability of various surfactants and polymers, with single-walled CNTs (SWCNTs).35 They utilized UV-visible-NIR absorbance, photoluminescence, and cryo-TEM to study the SWCNT dispersions. Other groups have further investigated these and similar dispersions utilizing additional techniques, such as AFM, DLS, and zeta potential.36–40 As the polarity of interatomic bonding changes significantly with the switch from C to BN in the nanotubes, we ask how the interactions between the surfactant molecules and BNNTs compare with those of CNTs.
Here we report a systematic study of BNNT dispersion into aqueous solutions of various surfactants; we define a standard procedure for BNNT dispersion and analysis, and report the stability, quality, and concentration of these dispersions via mass conversion measurements, AFM, cryo-TEM imaging, UV-Vis absorption, fluorescence spectroscopy, DLS, and zeta-potential measurements. The eight surfactants selected are commonly used for the dispersion of nanomaterials35,37,39–41 and have properties that allow for direct comparison. The techniques utilized here could be applied to further expand the surfactant scope in the future.
Control TGA experiments are performed on samples that do not undergo a centrifugation step and the water is just evaporated. Because all the material is still in the sample, the mass conversion of control samples is expected to be around 0%. The mass conversion measured for each surfactant is displayed in Fig. 2 and compared to that reported for SWCNTs35 and the control (for values see Table S1†).
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Fig. 2 Mass conversion of BNNTs dispersed in eight sample surfactants. The results were compared to those obtained by Moore and coworkers for SWCNTs35 and control experiments. Surfactant structures and images of the produced dispersions can be found in Fig. S2 and S3† respectively. (SDS = sodium dodecyl sulfate; CTAB = cetyltrimethylammonium bromide; DTAB = dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide; CTAC = cetyltrimethylammonium chloride; PF108 = Pluronic F108; PF87 = Pluronic F87; PL81 = Pluronic L81; P17R4 = Pluronic 17R4; Pluronic® = poly(ethylene oxide)–poly(propylene oxide)–poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO–PPO–PEO) triblock copolymer (F108, F87, L81)46,47 or PPO–PEO–PPO triblock copolymer (17R4)48). |
The mass conversions for BNNT material ranged from 0–10%. Of the surfactants tested, it appears that, as was seen with SWCNTs, the highest molecular weight (MW), nonionic surfactant (Pluronic F108) was the most effective for BNNT dispersion. Pluronic F108 (MW = 14600 g mol−1) showed a similar mass conversion for BNNTs (10%) and SWCNTs (8.7%). However, this mass conversion dropped from 10% to 3% with the switch to Pluronic F87 (MW = 7700 g mol−1). This occurred at a higher MW for BNNTs than was witnessed for SWCNTs; a similar drop was seen for SWCNTs (from 8.7% to 2.5%) in Pluronic F77 (MW = 6600 g mol−1).35 This decline in mass conversion could also be attributed to the decrease in polyethylene oxide (PEO) composition from 80% to 70% (ref. 46) as this reduction increases the hydrophobicity of the polymer. Further reduction in the polymer's molecular weight and PEO composition, however, showed very little change in mass conversion: in Pluronic L81 (MW = 2800 g mol−1, 10% PEO)47 BNNTs had a mass conversion of 2.5%. Moore and coworkers report no conversion for SWCNTs in Pluronic polymers with molecular weights less than 4620 g mol−1, however the exact species tested were not reported. We further tested the importance of the order of the triblock copolymer. While Pluronic F108, F87, and L81 are composed of a PEO–PPO–PEO structure, Pluronic 17R4 (MW = 2700 g mol−1) has the hydrophobic component on the exterior (PPO–PEO–PPO).48,49 Unsurprisingly, BNNTs could not be dispersed using Pluronic 17R4.
Focusing on the ionic surfactants; anionic surfactant, SDS, has a slightly, though insignificantly, higher mass conversion for BNNTs (3.9%) than for SWCNTs (3.3%). However, cationic surfactants, CTAB and DTAB, are much more effective at dispersing BNNTs. Mass conversion for both CTAB and DTAB was around 8% for BNNTs as compared to ca. 5% for SWCNTs. We believe that this increase in dispersion ability could be due to the partial negative charge on the nitrogen atoms of the BNNTs, leading to an increased interaction between the surfactant and the BNNTs. Unlike the trend seen with nonionic surfactants, however, there is not a significant change in mass conversion with the decrease in aliphatic chain length from 16 to 12 carbons. In addition to testing chain length for cationic surfactants, the impact of the surfactant's counter ion was also studied. The shift from a bromide (CTAB) to chloride (CTAC) counter ion showed a slight, though not significant, decrease in dispersion ability.
Zeta potential measurements were obtained for each sample to help assess the quality of the dispersions (Fig. 3). Each sample was dialyzed prior to measurement in order to remove excess surfactant and decrease the contribution of free surfactant to the zeta potential, which could shadow the values of the dispersed BNNTs. As was expected from previous work with SWCNT-surfactant dispersions,39,40 the zeta potential of dispersions in ionic surfactants trends well with the mass conversion results observed, while the nonionic surfactants show no trend (Fig. 3). In the case of dispersions that rely on electrostatic interactions, more stable dispersions should produce a larger magnitude zeta potential. We observed that our CTAB–BNNT dispersion, which had one of the highest mass conversions of the ionic surfactants, produced the largest magnitude zeta potential (77 mV), while SDS, which showed the lowest mass conversion, produced the smallest (26 mV).
In addition to comparing the quantity of BNNTs in the dispersions, we studied the individualization of BNNTs and whether h-BN impurities (which are present in the starting material – Fig. S1†) were effectively removed from the dispersion. We used AFM to obtain good height resolution and a large overview of the sample, and cryo-TEM for high-spatial resolution examination of the solutions in their native state. Images were collected for BNNTs dispersed in SDS, CTAB, and Pluronic F108, as these showed the highest mass conversion for their respective category (Fig. 4, S4†). All three surfactants yielded individualized or small bundles of BNNTs, with primarily individualized tubes in CTAB and Pluronic F108. Additionally, in the case of SDS and CTAB, the images appear clean and without significant h-BN or other impurities. On the contrary, while Pluronic F108 shows a higher density of BNNTs, the sample appears to contain a small fraction of h-BN sheets alongside the nanotubes.
AFM images were additionally used to obtain detailed bundle size information. 100 nanotubes or bundles were randomly selected and their heights measured for each surfactant dispersion. For all surfactants tested, the average bundle size was below 10 nm and at least 95% of those measured had a height less than 20 nm, further confirming that a large majority of the BNNTs were individualized or in few-nanotube aggregates (Fig. S5†).
The BNNT–surfactant dispersions were also characterized spectroscopically. Unfortunately, the ultraviolet absorption and emission of BNNTs (Fig. 5) overlaps considerably with many surfactants, making their study cumbersome. Additionally, we found that most common laboratory plasticware (such as microcentrifuge tubes and pipette tips) contributes to fluorescence impurities in this region. We solved these problems by studying BNNTs in SDS and using only glassware for BNNT processing. As SDS contributes minimally to absorbance and emission in the UV region, it can be easily subtracted as background. Also, glass does not contribute to fluorescence impurities, so glass inserts and pipettes prevent contamination. The supernatant from BNNT dispersions in SDS was utilized for absorption and photoluminescence measurements. The BNNTs dispersed in SDS produce a sharp absorption peak at 204 nm and a broad fluorescence emission with a maximum at 352 nm (Fig. 5). This emission has been previously attributed to band-to-band optical transitions across the direct band gap.26,50 Taking advantage of the minimal absorption at 204 nm of SDS, we determined the extinction coefficient of BNNTs in SDS to be 0.164 mL μg−1 cm−1 at 204 nm (Fig. S6†). This extinction coefficient can be conveniently used as a tool for determining the concentration of BNNTs in SDS.
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Fig. 5 Absorption and emission spectra of BNNTs dispersed in SDS show a sharp absorption peak at 204 nm and a broad fluorescence emission around 352 nm. |
Using this newly determined extinction coefficient for BNNTs in SDS, we studied how the change in surfactant concentration affects the dispersion. The surfactant concentration (1 wt%) used for this study was chosen originally due to its observed effectiveness at dispersing CNTs.36,40,51,52 In fact, Sun et al. found this concentration of surfactant to be optimum for dispersing CNTs in an array of surfactants.40 Additionally, this concentration falls well above the critical micelle concentration (CMC) for all surfactants tested. However, to ensure that the results observed for CNTs would hold true for BNNTs, we studied the mass conversion of BNNTs with different concentrations of SDS (Fig. 6). We utilized the calculated extinction coefficient of BNNTs in SDS to quickly determine the mass conversion in each SDS concentration. As was observed by Sun et al. for CNTs, BNNT mass conversion is low at concentrations below the CMC, but quickly increases and reaches a plateau as surfactant concentration increases, with little difference going from 0.5 to 1 wt% SDS.
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Fig. 6 Mass conversion (%) of BNNTs as a function of SDS concentration. The initial nanotube concentration is 1 mg mL−1. The published CMC for SDS is 0.236 wt% (ref. 53) and is denoted with a blue star. BNNT mass conversion quickly increases once the concentration of SDS is above the CMC with a maximum of approximately 4% conversion in 1 wt% SDS. |
Beyond characterizing the BNNT–surfactant dispersions just after being prepared, we wanted to ensure that they remained stable over time. We utilized absorbance and DLS measurements to track the state of the dispersions over one month. UV absorbance will provide information about the relative concentration of nanotubes in solution, and therefore allow us to determine if material is crashing from solution overtime (Fig. 7a). On the other hand, DLS measures the hydrodynamic radius of the particles, and would inform us if the material is aggregating in solution (Fig. 7b). We investigated BNNT dispersions in SDS, CTAC, and Pluronic F108, as these surfactants had the least overlap in absorbance with that of BNNTs. Over the month-long timeframe we saw no significant changes in the UV absorbance or hydrodynamic radius, leading us to conclude that the dispersions are stable over time.
Finally, we investigated how centrifugation rate affected BNNT dispersion quality. CTAB–BNNT dispersions prepared with five different centrifugation rates were studied by AFM, DLS, and zeta potential measurements. As expected, the average bundle size, as measured by AFM, decreased with increasing centrifugation rates as larger aggregates were forced out of solution (Fig. 8a, histograms in Fig. S5†). The average hydrodynamic radius, as measured by DLS, followed the same trend, revealing a large drop in aggregate size with the increase in centrifugation force from 1000 to 6000g, followed by a minor decrease at 12000g (Fig. 8b). Both methods further demonstrate a decrease in size distribution with increasing centrifugation rate. Finally, zeta potential measurements increase with increasing centrifugation rate (Fig. 8c). Since zeta potential is linked with electrostatic dispersion stability, we can conclude that increasing the centrifugation rate, and removing larger aggregates of BNNTs, produces more stable dispersions.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: AFM images showing h-BN impurities in starting material, surfactant structures, images of produced dispersions, table of mass conversion data, additional cryo-TEM images, AFM histograms for different surfactants and centrifugation rates, and a plot for determination of the extinction coefficient. See DOI: 10.1039/c8na00315g |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2019 |