M. A.
Sánchez Iglesias
f and
aUniversity of Milano-Bicocca, Department of Biotechnology and Bioscience, Piazza della Scienza, 2, 20126, Milano, Italy. E-mail: davide.prosperi@unimib.it
bClinica di Malattie dell’Apparato Respiratorio, IRCCS Fondazione Policlinico San Matteo, Pavia, Italy
cDipartimento di Scienze Biomediche e Cliniche “Luigi Sacco”, Università di Milano, via G.B. Grassi 74, 20157 Milano, Italy
dSurgery Department, Breast Unit, ICS Maugeri S.p.A. SB, via S. Maugeri 10, Pavia, Italy
eNanomedicine Laboratory, ICS Maugeri S.p.A. SB, via S. Maugeri 10, Pavia, Italy
fBionanoplasmonics Laboratory, CICbiomaGUNE, Paseo de Miramón 182, 20014 Donostia-San Sebastián, Spain
First published on 23rd July 2019
The efficient targeting of cancer cells depends on the success of obtaining the active targeting of overexpressed receptors. A very accurate design of nanoconjugates should be done via the selection of the conjugation strategy to achieve effective targeted nanoconjugates. Here, we present a detailed study of cetuximab-conjugated nonspherical gold nanocages for the active targeting of triple-negative breast cancer cells, including MDA-MB-231 and MDA-MB-468. A few different general strategies were selected for monoclonal antibody conjugation to the nanoparticle surface. By varying the bioconjugation conditions, including antibody orientation or the presence of a polymeric spacer or recombinant protein biolinker, we demonstrate the importance of a rational design of nanoconjugates. A quantitative study of gold content via ICP-AES allowed us to compare the effectiveness of cellular uptake as a function of the conjugation strategy and confirmed the active nature of nanoparticle internalization in cancer cells via epidermal growth factor receptor recognition, corroborating the importance of the rational design of nanomaterials for nanomedicine.
In this project, we decided to investigate cetuximab (CTX)-conjugated cubic gold nanocages (AuNCs) as model NPs for epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) targeting in triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) cells. Although the synthesis of such NPs is not straightforward since it requires multiple steps of synthesis and purification, we have already shown that AuNCs are a competitive tool for imaging because of their unique optical properties, which avoids the use of fluorescent dyes, and therefore, problems related to fluorescence bleaching and artifacts in biologic readouts related to the presence of organic dyes.8,9
Because of their strong absorption in the NIR region, AuNCs have become an alternative tool for imaging. CTX mAbs were used as the model molecule for conjugation to AuNCs, one of the most relevant mAbs in cancer therapeutics. CTX binds with high affinity and blocks the EGFR, which is overexpressed in several cancer cells.10 CTX-conjugated NPs have been widely used for the specific targeting of different kinds of cancer cells overexpressing EGFR, including lungs,11–13 gastric,14 colon,15–17 brain,18–20 and breast cancers.21–23
When a mAb is conjugated to a colloidal NP, the expected goal is to enhance the bioavailability, tumor-targeting efficiency, and ideally the therapeutic effect.24 A few critical issues should be taken into account while designing colloidal nanoconjugates for the targeting of molecular receptors, which include exercising control over the biomolecule/NP ratio, biomolecular orientation and activity, stability of the linkage between the NP and molecule, and, finally, the bioconjugation reaction conditions.25–27 The control over antibody orientation is probably the most difficult to achieve, yet one of the most relevant in order to optimize the targeting efficacy of nanoconjugates. Unfortunately, only a partial understanding of the impact of all these issues has been achieved until now.25,28–31 Several researchers have taken advantage of conventional conjugation approaches preferentially based on covalent immobilization, including amide coupling,14 thiol chemistry,32 and click reactions,33 as well as the direct adsorption of biomolecules onto NP surfaces regardless of their final orientation and protein folding.34 However, one conjugation strategy can effectively work for a certain mAb and a certain NP, while the same strategy can fail when using other mAbs and NPs. For this reason, developing controlled mAb bioconjugation onto NPs remains a challenge in nanobiotechnology.
A myriad of conjugation strategies have been formulated for NP functionalization. Probably, the most popular mAb conjugation method involves the coupling of a primary amine onto the antibody molecule, where EDC and sulfo-NHS are used as the coupling reagents. However, since the primary amine functional groups are randomly distributed throughout the antibody molecule, the arrangement of antibodies on a solid surface results in a random orientation, leading to diminished binding efficiency and selectivity associated with reduced accessibility of the antigen-binding sites on the mAb fraction.35 Moreover, the EDC/sulfo-NHS coupling system has often demonstrated poor conjugation efficiency: indeed, only 1–20% of the antibodies could be immobilized onto a solid surface by using this method.36
In the present study, we carefully designed mAb nanoconjugates following the various recently reported conjugation strategies, leading to either oriented or nonoriented CTX conjugation. The colloidal stability and antibody functionality of the NPs were verified throughout the synthesis process. Nanoconjugate uptake was quantified and compared as a function of conjugation strategy adopted in order to reveal the most suitable approach for CTX conjugation. Our approach has general utility: based on our results, we highlight the importance of undertaking preliminary research on the conjugation method to optimize NP biofunctionalization for the successful targeting of cancer cells.
As model NPs, AuNCs (44.5 ± 3.0 nm) were synthesized by the galvanic replacement reaction starting from silver nanocubes (AgNCs; side length: 40.4 ± 2.8 nm) (Fig. 1). AgNCs were synthesized using CF3COOAg as the precursor in accordance to the polyol synthesis process, as described by Zhang et al.37 These AgNCs were found to grow in size at a controllable pace over the course of the synthesis, and their sizes in terms of the edge length were controlled by the position of the SPR band, while their quality was checked by the determination of the full width at half maximum (FWHM): lower values indicated better batch quality. The localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) band of each batch was tuned to 435–445 nm; however, it was challenging to obtain the batches with the same values of LSPR maxima, while the reaction time could vary from 20 to 50 min depending on the batch. Importantly, all the solutions were used as freshly prepared for better reproducibility of the nanocubes. At the end of the synthesis, all the samples were collected by centrifugation and then washed once with acetone to remove the remaining precursors and ethylene glycol (EG), followed by washing three times with ethanol to remove excess polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP). Finally, these AgNCs were kept in ethanol and used as soon as possible. We highlight that different batches of AuNCs have been used for these studies, due to a huge variety normally encountered in preparing these samples (NP size and LSPR band position could slightly shift from one preparation to another), and all the experiments reported in this work were repeated several times to confirm the batch-to-batch reproducibility. The NP concentration was measured by nanoparticle tracking analysis (NTA) and expressed in NPs per mL.
The main advantage of using AuNCs rather than spherical gold NPs is because of their optical properties, which allowed us to exploit their intrinsic transmittance emissions for cellular uptake studies by confocal microscopy, thereby avoiding contamination from dye labeling.9
In addition, AuNCs could be exploited for the conversion of irradiated energy into heat upon light absorption in the NIR region, thereby behaving like nanomediators in photothermal therapy.8 CTX was chosen as the biorecognition molecule because of its prevalent use for therapeutic and diagnostic targeting processes for ErbB1 receptors in several tumor malignancies, including breast cancer.38
The first part of this study was dedicated to the optimization of the composition of AuNCs ligand shell and development of an appropriate synthesis protocol to obtain stable nanoconjugates. Among the several bioconjugation strategies available from the literature, we have selected a few to functionalize AuNCs with CTX, which facilitated a broader generality (see Scheme 1).
The first strategy of choice involved the semi-oriented conjugation of mAbs to NPs through a polyethylene glycol (PEG) spacer. In this method, the primary amine groups on CTX were chemically modified with a 2 kDa orthopyridyldisulfide polyethylene glycol N-hydroxysuccinimide ester (OPSS-PEG-NHS ester) by reaction with the NHS group. Next, the PEGylated CTX was conjugated to AuNCs via the Au–S bond of the ortho-pyridyl disulphide (OPSS) group, yielding Au-OPEG-CTX NCs (Scheme 1a). The functionalized AuNCs were further coated with a saturating amount of HS-PEG-OMe to improve the nanoconjugate colloidal stability.
Different researchers have shown that NP stability and targeting efficiency directly depend on the ratio between the targeting molecule and PEG coating on the NP surface.39,40 Within this strategy, we could choose between two different protocols for CTX conjugation. In the first protocol, AuNCs could be sequentially reacted with OPSS-PEG-mAb, followed by HS-PEG addition,41 while the second one involved the simultaneous addition of OPSS-PEG-mAb and shorter HS-PEG to AuNCs.42 On the basis of the research of Bergeron et al., where these two synthetic variants were compared, we preferred to use the sequential strategy for CTX conjugation, which resulted in more stable NPs with the highest receptor recognition efficacy of the antibody.43 CTX was first functionalized with PEG at the ratio of 1:
20 (CTX
PEG). Assuming that an IgG molecule contains 83 lysine residues on average,44 PEG functionalization was aimed to cover only a fraction of them, without compromising the antigen recognition ability of CTX.44 The typical dimensions of IgG were approximately 14.5 nm × 8.5 nm × 4.0 nm,44 where 14.5 nm is the size of the largest portion between the antigen-binding sites.
On the basis of these parameters, the projected area of the IgG molecule on the NP surface should be 3.14 × (7.25 nm)2 = 165 nm2. The total surface area of a cube with a side of 45 nm is 6 × (45 nm)2 = 12150 nm2; therefore, 1 NP can accommodate around 73.6 CTX molecules. For this reason, we used a marginally excess amount of CTX in the conjugation reaction, considering a ratio of 1
100 (NP
As shown by Puntes et al., when the conjugation of CTX is performed in a random manner without considering the ratio between the antibody and NP, multilayers of antibodies can be formed, ultimately entrapping several NPs and compromising both colloidal stability of nanoconjugates and mAb functionality.28 Finally, taking into account the fact that the grafting density of one PEG2000 molecule is 1.07 ± 0.02 PEG per nm2,45 as well as considering the abovementioned total surface area of the nanocube, we needed at least 11355 PEG molecules to fully cover the NP surface. In order to afford a complete coating, we used large PEG excess (100
000 PEG molecules per NP) corresponding to 8.8 thiolated PEG chains for each site available on the AuNC surface. These assumptions and calculations were also considered in the other conjugation strategies investigated in this study.
In the second strategy, a half-chain CTX (HC-CTX) was conjugated to AuNCs with higher control over the molecular orientation. HC-CTX fragments were obtained by the reduction of disulfide bridges that hold the two mAb chains.46 Then, the reduced thiol groups were used in the reaction with AuNCs, as shown in Scheme 1b. This method, previously tested in our laboratory using different NPs,47,48 showed promising results, allowing for the immobilization of mAb fragments with a fixed orientation that could preserve the intact affinity toward the specific molecular receptor (EGFR, in this case). Indeed, disulfide bridges that bind the two mAb halves are located at the ends of the constant fraction (Fc), in an area sufficiently far away from the fragment involved in the receptor recognition (Fab). The reduction of the disulfide bonds was effected by reacting the antibody with the 2-mercaptoethylamine (cysteamine) reducing agent, as shown in Scheme 1b. CTX-HC produced in this way was immediately reacted with AuNCs in order to prevent the oxidative reassociation of the antibody. As that in the earlier method, Au-HC-CTX NCs were finally saturated with HS-PEG2000-OCH3.
The third strategy took advantage of the affinity between a specially engineered protein (spa-BC3)49 and the constant portion of human IgG for the conjugation of monoclonal antibodies to gold NPs.50 This method has already been used by our group for the immobilization of trastuzumab antibody (Tz, Herceptin®) on the surface of spherical NPs, yielding encouraging results.47,49,50 Spa-BC3, as shown in Scheme 1c, is an engineered variant of the B domain of protein A,51 which has the ability to specifically bind to the constant portion (Fc) of human IgG with high affinity.52 To allow its interaction with AuNPs, a tripod of cysteines was conveniently inserted at the C-terminal end, along with a histidine tag (Hisx6) useful for protein purification.50 The advantage of using spa-BC3 for the conjugation of CTX to AuNCs relies on the fact that the antibody can be immobilized on the surface with a specific and suitable orientation of Fab, since the binding between spa-BC3 and CTX engages the antibody Fc fragment.
The selectivity of spa-BC3 binding to therapeutic mAbs (e.g., Tz) has already been shown in our earlier research.50 As shown in Scheme 1, spa-BC3 was subsequently reacted with AuNCs, exploiting the high affinity of cysteine tripod toward gold, followed by the reaction with CTX and PEG saturation using HS-PEG2000-OCH3. To study the effect of molecular mobility on the NP, we investigated the recognition between CTX and EGFR by increasing the distance of CTX from the AuNC surface using a suitable short spacer to separate the antibody. AuNCs were first coated with a mixture of HS-PEG2000-COOH and HS-PEG3000-NH2 at a ratio of 75:
25%. These experimental conditions were found to induce the maximum stability toward the NPs, given that the amino groups could undermine AuNC colloidal stability.
Next, an NHS-PEG8-maleimide heterobifunctional linker was added to Au–NH2–COOH NPs in order to further conjugate HC-CTX and spA-BC3 proteins by reaction with lysine residues. These two additional strategies are shown in Scheme 1d and e, respectively.
An additional strategy adopted for mAb nanoconjugation comprised the oxidation of a saccharide residue (carbohydrate-containing cis-diol groups) present in the Fc portion of the antibody.5,53 This procedure comprised the formation of an aldehyde group capable of reacting with nucleophilic functionalities (such as amines) that are appropriately visible on the NP surfaces, as shown in Fig. S1.† This method also allowed us to bind CTX to AuNCs along a specific orientation through its constant portion, without compromising the Fab region and ensuring the maintenance of its functionality.28 Antibody oxidation and the functionalization of NPs with amine groups were conducted in separate steps: first, the antibody was treated with the oxidizing agent NaIO4; in the second step, the NPs were reacted with a mixture of two bifunctional PEGs, namely, HS-PEG2000-OCH3 and HS-PEG3000-NH2, both exhibiting the thiol functionality that can to bind to the NP surface. The reaction between the aldehyde group formed on the oxidized antibody (SugOX-CTX) and the amine groups on the surface of the functionalized NPs formed a Schiff base, which was subsequently reduced by the addition of NaCNBH3 (Fig. S1†). The reactivity of SugOX-CTX toward the secondary antibody was also checked by the dot blot analysis, confirming its maintained activity after oxidation (Fig. S1†).
The CTX-conjugated nanocages were characterized by UV-vis spectroscopy and dynamic light scattering (DLS) analysis, determining their hydrodynamic diameter and zeta potential. According to the literature,54 the conjugation with CTX caused a red-shift of 12–17 nm in the LSPR band for all the samples (Table S1†), due to a variation in the NP extinction coefficients. These shifts were independent of the initial LSPR peak position. The UV-vis spectra of Au-OPEG-CTX, Au-CTX-HC, and Au-spa-CTX are shown in Fig. S2.† With regard to Au-SugOX-CTX (absorption spectrum shown in Fig. S3†), the conjugation with HS-PEG3000-NH2 (Au-PEG-NH2) caused a net widening of the LSPR band, indicating a certain loss of colloidal stability. This instability was recovered even after conjugation with CTX. On the contrary, all the other conjugates maintained their stability, demonstrating a peak of width similar to that observed in nonconjugated NPs.55 On the basis of the stability data, we did not investigate the SugOX-CTX conjugation strategy any further, focusing the biological investigation on the methods that yielded more stable nanoconjugates. DLS and zeta potential studies yielded good results, reporting different variations in the hydrodynamic sizes after protein conjugation and marginal zeta potential increase (from −26.0 ± 2.7 mV (PVP-coated AuNCs) to less negative values) (Table S2†). Worthwhile polydispersity indexes of all the nanoconjugates confirmed their stability during the analyses.
Further colloidal stability studies in different media showed worthwhile stability profiles for all the nanoconjugates under physiological conditions, in serum, and at different pHs (Fig. S4†), as evident from the UV-vis spectra and their shapes before and after incubation with the media. The nanoconjugates were incubated with the medium for 1 h prior to the UV-vis measurements. The worthwhile stability of the nanoconjugates remains an obvious characteristic that should be confirmed for their application in nanomedicine.
Protein loading was analyzed after CTX conjugation. The amount of conjugated CTX on each AuNC was indirectly calculated by subtracting the amount of free CTX determined by the Bradford analysis from the CTX concentration of the initial solution. The number of CTX molecules attached to the surface of AuNCs in each nanoconjugate type is shown in Fig. 2. Unfortunately, since the analysis was performed on at least six different batches of NPs, there was significant variability. This can be due to the slightly different sizes of the as-synthesized NP batches, which, in turn, resulted in different total surface areas available to the host CTX. Nevertheless, in the medium, all the conjugation strategies yielded very similar results in terms of the number of CTX molecules per particle, ranging between 36 and 51 mAbs per NP.
After NP characterization, the diverse nanoconjugate systems were evaluated by in vitro experiments using TNBC cells. Two breast cancer cell lines overexpressing the EGFR receptor, namely, MDA-MB-231 and MDA-MB-468 cells,56 were selected for this study, while 3T3-L1 murine fibroblast cells were used as the healthy control cell line. To confirm the EGFR expression in these TNBC cells, we conducted flow cytometry analysis of the cells incubated with fluorescein-labeled CTX to saturate the EGFR receptors. MDA-MB-468 cells showed the highest levels of EGFR expression, according to the highest fluorescence levels, as compared to that for MDA-MB-231 cells (Fig. 3). On the other hand, 3T3-L1 control cells showed the lowest EGFR expression level. These data are in accordance with the data reported by Jeong et al.57
Finally, we compared the cellular uptake of each nanoconjugate in TNBC cells by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES) analysis with the aim to investigate the bioconjugation strategy that yields the highest AuNC internalization. MDA-MB-231 and MDA-MB-468 cells were incubated for 24 h with 0.4 and 0.8 nM AuNCs by using five different conjugates. After incubation, the cells were carefully washed to eliminate any unbound NPs and digested in aqua regia.
The number of particles per cell was calculated based on the amount of gold found by ICP and correlated with the NP concentration found by NTA. By comparing this data with the results from the analysis of NP batches at known concentrations, we obtained the Au content per NP; by proportion, the total number of NPs per cell was determined. The results are reported as means of at least 6 individual experiments with relative standard deviation (Fig. 4). Although MDA-MB-231 cells exhibited lower EGFR density as compared to MDA-MB-468 cells (105vs. 106 receptors per cell),33 the uptake was slightly higher in MDA-MB-231 cells for each nanoconjugate at both these concentrations. However, these results referred to the amount of AuNCs incorporated by cells at 24 h and do not necessarily reflect the uptake kinetics. From this viewpoint, the apparent higher uptake in MDA-MB-231 cells could be explained in terms of the different kinetics of internalization, sorting, and excretion of NPs. The uptake kinetics was influenced by not only the ligand density and NP size, but also the receptor density itself. When the concentration changed from 0.4 to 0.8 nM, the cellular uptake proportionally increased, indicating a concentration-dependent mechanism of NP internalization in both the cell lines. Au-IgG NCs, used as the control for unspecific cellular uptake, showed the lowest number of NPs per cell in both the cell lines, and this amount was independent of the cell type.
With regard to the cellular uptake efficiency as a function of the conjugation method, we could conclude that at 24 h of incubation, Au-spa-CTX NCs showed the highest uptake, with a total of about 21900 and 37
100 AuNCs per cell for MDA-MB-231 and 16
400 and 30
200 AuNCs per cell for MDA-MB-468 at NP concentrations of 0.4 and 0.8 nM, respectively. The insertion of a linker between the protein and NP surface did not seem to improve the cellular uptake, yielding lower values of gold content. However, a thorough statistical analysis of the results did not show any significant difference in the uptake before and after linker insertion. This can be due to the high variability of data as a result of the experiments with different NP batches. Moreover, a high number of steps during the synthesis can induce variability. On the other hand, excessive PEGylation can lead to a strong inhibition of cellular uptake and a less efficient interaction and binding with the target receptors; this is because the target recognition of ligand molecules located on the surfaces of PEGylated NPs is also dependent on the density and thickness of the PEG layer and the positioning of the ligand.58
The lowest uptake was obtained when using Au-HC-CTX, with around 2290 (at 0.4 nM) and 4830 (at 0.8 nM) AuNCs per cell in MDA-MB-231 cells and 2090 (at 0.4 nM) and 3570 (at 0.8 nM) AuNCs per cell in MDA-MB-468 cells. Even if this uptake seemed very low as compared to those in the other samples, the overall amount of NPs engulfed by cells was high when compared with earlier published data.57 It is noteworthy that the conjugation of HC-CTX to the NP surface via a linker significantly improved the total uptake at 24 h in both the cell lines. In contrast, this confirmed our hypothesis that the direct conjugation of an antibody to such charged NPs could damage its conformation and compromise the correct interaction with the cell receptor. However, as long as the antibody was distanced from the NP surface by a short PEG linker, the charge interference decreased, allowing for a more properly adapted interaction with the EGFR receptor. Eventually, Au-OPEG-CTX NCs, where CTX was conjugated in a nonspecific manner, exhibited intermediate cellular uptake as compared to the other conjugates investigated in this study. However, the preparation of this nanoconjugate was more straightforward as compared to the other ones, requiring less effort and lower number of synthesis steps. Altogether, the above considerations suggested that the sample reproducibility and biological results could be directly influenced by preparation issues. In fact, when comparing the standard deviations of the uptake data, Au-OPEG-CTX (and Au-IgG, prepared in the same way) afforded the lowest values. On the basis of this, the ideal nanoconjugate for biological investigations should afford the best compromise among three fundamental issues, i.e., cellular uptake, reproducible results, and straightforward synthesis. Finally, considering PEGylated NPs, it is supposed that the PEG extends away from the particle. However, there are two regimens for polymers attached to the surface, depending on their grafting density. If the density is too low, the polymer is said to be in a “mushroom-like” conformation, where the PEG chains bend toward the surface. However, if the grafting density is sufficiently high, the polymers are said to be in the “brush-like” regimen, and the PEG molecules extend away from the surface. The molecular weight of the polymer, as well as its grafting density, determines the degree of surface coverage and distance between the graft sites, and they ultimately affect the exposure of the targeting moiety and NP-targeting efficiency.59
The results for the EGFR− 3T3-L1 nontumor cells are shown in Fig. S5.† The uptake of nanoconjugates was not concentration-dependent and showed similar values regardless of the conjugation strategy adopted. Only one nanoconjugate (Au-spa-CTX-linker) exhibited enhanced interaction with cells, probably because of the higher level of nonspecific uptake. On the basis of the above results, we decided to limit the subsequent steps in this study only to Au-OPEG-CTX and Au-spa-CTX nanoconjugates.
We determined the binding selectivity of Au-OPEG-CTX and Au-spa-CTX NCs toward EGFR in the three cell lines by means of ICP-AES. To this aim, the cells were separately incubated with 0.8 nM nanoconjugates for 1 h at 4 °C, thoroughly washed, and the amount of gold was analyzed to determine the number of AuNCs per particle. The results are shown in Fig. 5. In order to confirm that Au-OPEG-CTX and Au-spa-CTX NCs were internalized by the cells specifically via the EGFR receptor, we performed competition studies with CTX. The cells were preincubated with unlabeled CTX (1 mg mL−1) for 30 min at 4 °C and then incubated with CTX-conjugated AuNCs (0.8 nM, 1 h) at 4 °C. As shown in Fig. 5, after blocking the EGFR receptor with CTX at 4 °C, which rigidified the cellular membrane, the number of targeted NPs inside the cells drastically dropped. This implied that the interactions between the NPs and MDA-MB-468 or MDA-MB-231 cells were inhibited when the EGFR receptors were competitively bound by excess CTX molecules. When the receptors were free to bind with the nanoconjugates (at 4 °C), Au-spa-CTX NCs showed higher binding in MDA-MB-468 cells as compared to that in MDA-MB-231 cells, which is in accordance with the relative extent of EGFR expression determined by flow cytometry (Fig. 3). The same conclusion could be drawn using Au-OPEG-CTX NCs in the absence of free CTX at 4 °C. When comparing the two nanoconjugates after 1 h of incubation, Au-OPEG-CTX apparently yielded the highest binding ability in both the cell lines, probably because of faster binding kinetics. In some cases, we could hardly detect the amount of gold in the samples as it was under the detection limit of the instrument (n.d.: not determined). These data can be considered equal to zero, confirming the specificity of the binding between the nanoconjugates and corresponding receptors.
When the incubation was conducted at 37 °C, we observed a marginal increase in NP content inside both the EGFR-overexpressing cell lines due to the more rapid uptake kinetics at this temperature. The only exception was Au-OPEG-CTX NPs incubated with MDA-MB-468 cells, which showed a higher uptake at 4 °C rather than that at 37 °C. Moreover, these conflicting results were not supported by statistics, suggesting that the levels of cellular uptake could be very similar. We have two hypotheses in this regard: a high level of NPs were nonspecifically uptaken, or the kinetics or cellular uptake at 37 °C is so slow in this cell line that it is comparable to the binding kinetics at 4 °C. When the receptors were saturated by CTX, the cellular uptake decreased, indicating the receptor-mediated characteristic of the internalization as the preferred uptake mechanism. In EGFR-negative 3T3 cells, both NP binding at 4 °C and uptake at 37 °C after 1 h of incubation were very low or even negligible, and they were hardly influenced by the CTX pretreatment of cells, confirming the nonspecific characteristic of the interaction (Fig. S6†).
Finally, we performed the TEM analyses for the cellular uptakes of Au-OPEG-CTX and Au-spa-CTX NCs in TNBC cells in order to assess the particle interactions with the cell membranes and trafficking inside the cells. The cells were incubated for 24 h and processed to obtain slices for TEM visualization. As evident from Fig. 6, Au-OPEG-CTX NPs were distributed either in the extracellular matrix or inside the endosomes and lysosomes in huge amounts. Interestingly, the vesicles seemed to be bigger in size in MDA-MB-231 cells as compared to those in MDA-MB-468 cells. The size of endosomes including the NPs could influence their performance in photothermal applications in vitro, with larger vesicles yielding stronger plasmon coupling effects, and therefore, higher temperature rise.60 In Fig. 7, we propose an example of internalization mechanism for Au-OPEG-CTX NCs.
A clathrin-mediated interaction of NPs with a cell membrane was hypothesized, followed by endosome formation leading to the accumulation of a huge number of NPs in the lysosomes. This confirmed the receptor-mediated endocytosis mechanism of internalization, in accordance with the results of the competition (binding) studies, as shown in Fig. 5. Au-spa-CTX generally showed a similar internalization mechanism, where smaller vesicles were formed during NP uptake (Fig. 8). It is noteworthy that the receptor-mediated mechanism of uptake was often accompanied by other internalization mechanisms, such as micropinocytosis, particularly when excess NPs were used in the experiments; this made it difficult to rule out parallel uptake routes to enter the cell.
As soon as the silver seeds appeared after the color change to bright yellow, the stirring of the reaction was slowed down and the NPs were allowed to form. Upon reaction completion, the suspension was cooled down by placing the flask into ice. The final nanocubes were purified by repeated centrifugation in acetone (once) and ethanol (three times) and finally redispersed in ethanol.
The as-prepared AgNCs were then used to obtain AuNCs. For this, concentrated nanocubes (the entire batch) were diluted in Milli-Q water (200 mL) after the addition of PVP (1 mg mL−1) to prevent their aggregation. An HAuCl4 solution (1 mL at a time, 1 mM in Milli-Q water) was gradually added under stirring, and a color change was observed. With the reaction going on, AuNC formation was monitored by recording the UV-vis spectra. The reaction was carried out till the AuNCs did not reach the desirable SPR peak value of around 780–820 nm. Finally, AuNCs were purified by repeated centrifugation and then concentrated. The stock suspension of AuNCs was prepared by dispersing them in Milli-Q water at a particle concentration between 3 and 10 nM depending on the batch.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: SDS–PAGE analysis, UV-vis spectra, further experimental details. See DOI: 10.1039/c9na00241c |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2019 |