Rojas Pérez
Departamento de Química Inorgánica, Analítica y Química Física, INQUIMAE, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires, CONICET, Intendente Güiraldes 2160, Ciudad Universitaria, Pabellón 2, Buenos Aires (C1428EGA), Argentina. E-mail:
First published on 29th October 2018
A visible-light activatable caged compound based on a ruthenium-polypyridine complex was used to elicit the feeding response of the freshwater cnidarian Hydra vulgaris. The phototrigger delivers L-arginine in a clean reaction under irradiation with blue or green light. The synthesis, characterization and application mode of this caged arginine are described. A combination of fiber-optics setup and a high absorbance medium allows the precise control of uncaging in the submillimetric range, needed to address the zone where activation takes place.
Hydra vulgaris is a small cnidarian, typical of freshwaters, with a very simple body plan: just a foot, a body and a mouth surrounded by several tentacles. It is virtually immortal, not showing senescence, and therefore constitutes a convenient model to study regeneration.12,13Hydra has been genetically engineered and recently used as a model for the study of neural circuits, given its simple nervous system and its transparency.14,15
In spite of its simplicity, it is capable of exhibiting many different behaviors depending on the environment cues. One of the most interesting features is its feeding mechanism: a prey that touches its tentacles can be quickly grabbed and directed to the Hydra mouth with a fast tentacle movement which is initiated by chemical signals. Reduced glutathione and L-arginine are among the molecules known to elicit full or partial feeding response.16–18 The capability of generating patterns through natural-like events would allow the study of the subsequent nervous pathways, a big deal for knowing the basic neural coding in simple nets. However, most studies of this kind are performed under very loose control, given the difficulty in eliciting the response by means of a chemical signal with 3D resolution and no simultaneous mechanical perturbation.
In this work we present a ruthenium-based caged arginine and a method to deliver the amino acid with submillimeter resolution even using single-photon excitation. We characterized its photo-chemistry and photophysics and showed that this strategy can be used to elicit the feeding behavior of Hydra vulgaris in a physiological manner.
Quantum yield measurements of photouncaging were performed by recording full absorption spectra while the photoreaction occurs. Then, the quantum yield of photolysis (ϕPD) was adjusted as a parameter in order to fit eqn (1) to the measured spectra.
NMR spectra were obtained with a 500 MHz Bruker AM-500. The compound was photolyzed inside the unopened NMR test tube with an array of high power LEDs centered at 525 ± 20 nm (full width at half maximum, FWHM).
15 minutes before an experiment, a Hydra or a freshly cut tentacle was immersed in a 35 mm diameter Petri dish filled with freshwater containing 100μM to 1 mM of [RuBi-Arg]Cl. The video images of the tentacles were recorded from above in a dark field configuration. The video images of the whole Hydra were recorded by using two microscope cameras: one above and one at one side, in order to register all movements. Illumination for imaging was performed with a NIR (800 nm) LED in order to prevent any uncaging or undesired effects of light on Hydra. A 445 nm laser was focused and directed through a 62 μm diameter fiber optics to the uncaging position. The fiber was kept in position by means of an XYZ manual micromanipulator. The uncaging light pulse was fixed to 3 seconds. Image manipulation was done with ImageJ software.
Fig. 1 (a) Structure of [Ru(bpy)2PMe3Arg]2+ (RuBi-Arg). (b) Scheme of the Ru-bipyridine uncaging mechanism. |
The basic scheme of the photoreaction pathway is depicted in Fig. 1b. Briefly, irradiation at around 450 nm promotes the complex to a 1MLCT excited state which later decays to the triplet state, from which a dissociative d–d state can be populated. The overall process lasts for tens of nanoseconds, the time after which a monodentate ligand is expelled and replaced by a solvent (water) molecule.19,20
RuBi-Arg presents a deep orange colour as PF6 or a chloride salt. This colour arises from its strong MLCT absorption with a maximum at 443 nm. Irradiation on this band provokes the delivery of Arg to form [Ru(bpy)2PMe3(H2O)]2+. Fig. 2a shows a part of the NMR spectrum during photolysis with a 525 nm LED set, where it can be seen that arginine is released (signals A and D). The remaining aquo complex also appears, showing some degree of cis–trans isomerization (see the ESI†). Fig. 2b shows the quantitative photolysis of RuBi-Arg by means of a 532 nm laser while UV-Vis spectra were obtained. The quantum yield of the photoreaction can be obtained by fitting of the numerical integration.
(1) |
Fig. 2 (a) NMR spectra of RuBi-Arg during photolysis in D2O at 525 nm. (b) UV-vis spectra of a solution 130 μM RuBi-Arg during photolysis in H2O (T = 25 °C, pH = 7, λ = 532 nm, p = 7.35 mW). Inset: Moles of products vs. time. Solid line: Fitting of eqn (1) for ϕPD = 0.21. |
Evidence about the coordination site between Arg and Ru can also be obtained from the 1H-NMR spectra. Signals at 4.16, 3.74, 3.61, and 3.27 ppm (t = 0 s) correspond to the hydrogens of the coordinated aminos in the two diastereomeric forms of the complex (ΔRu/L-Arg and ΛRu/L-Arg respectively). The fact that these signals appear even in D2O as the solvent indicates that no isotopic exchange is possible. This is a typical characteristic of amine-coordinated Ru-bpy complexes.6 No signals but the ones corresponding to the amino-coordinated cis-RuBi-Arg are present in the spectrum.
Multiphoton excitation exhibits real z-axis sectioning, and the complete photochemical action can be reduced to the focal volume. The price to obtain this exquisite precision is the use of very expensive femtosecond lasers. Conversely, linear optics cannot be used to achieve this goal. This fact is particularly troublesome when a precise 3D localization is required in thick environments. In order to be able to elicit a physiological response in a small 3D volume using a simple laser diode, we devised a fiber-optics probe that, under specific conditions, can be used to achieve submillimetric focal activation. Usually, linear excitation is done in a low absorption regime, and thus a full cone of light is directed far from the focal plane. In our case, we have chosen to use high absorption conditions and fiber optics irradiation. This configuration prevents the zones far from the fiber tip to be irradiated, given that most of the light was already absorbed in the vicinity of the tip. One of the keys to achieve this high absorption is the use of blue (445 nm) irradiation, in order to take advantage of the high molar absorptivity of RuBi-Arg at this wavelength. The quantum yield at 445 nm was measured in the same way, yielding ϕPD(445) = 0.17 (see ESI Fig. 3†). Fig. 3a shows the basic definitions of the coordinates used to model the uncaging setup. On the other hand, an experimental measurement of the emission of the complex excited with 445 nm light from the optical fiber tip can be seen in Fig. 3b. It can be noted that the emission diminishes abruptly due to the inner filter effect of the surrounding solution.
The analysis of the irradiation system was performed using cylindrical coordinates. The origin of the vectors (r, z) is located at the center of the fiber tip. The beam is considered to have a radial Gaussian dependence g(r, z) with minimum waist w0 at z = 0. The area A covered by the conical beam increases with z as A = NA2z2 + w02, with NA being the numerical aperture of the fiber, which can be measured in the experimental system. Supposing similar absorptivities of RuBi-Arg and the aquo product, the differential amount of Arg that appears at any point (r, z) is:
(2) |
Hydra vulgaris feeds on small aquatic invertebrates. When a prey touches one of its tentacles, a nematocyst21–23 stings the animal, paralyzing it. Simultaneously, chemical cues from the prey indicate Hydra that there is a presence of a suitable piece of food, and initiates a neural response that ends on the sudden shrinkage of the tentacle, opening of the mouth and help from other tentacles to facilitate engulfing the prey. Among the molecules that can elicit one or more of these mechanisms are some small peptides like reduced glutathione and some derivatives, and a few amino acids.17 Maximum knowledge about this behaviour is gained from “bulk” experiments, in which a given amount of the chemical is added to a medium where many Hydra are placed, and the statistical response of the animals is recorded.23 On the other hand, the small size and high sensitivity of Hydra to even tiny mechanical perturbations make single tentacle experiments in whole animals under near physiological conditions almost impossible to perform, and to our knowledge no such experiment has been done to test chemical signaling and their correlates.
Fiber-optics irradiation of RuBi-Arg solutions constitutes a virtually ideal tool to activate the feeding response with no side effects. We have decoupled direct mechanical perturbations (like fast injection) from the chemical perturbation (Arg concentration increase). Both the capsule and the fiber optics are kept stationary while light is directed from the far end of the fiber through a remote electronic shutter to avoid any mechanical movement from being conducted to the tip end. The short range of Arg photodelivery allows a precise enough localization of the chemical action.
A first test of the setup used to uncage arginine with a fiber was done by directing light to a detached tentacle of a Hydra. Fig. 4 shows four characteristic frames of a video taken during the procedure.
Fig. 4 Sequence of a single tentacle shrinkage of Hydra vulgaris elicited by uncaging of arginine from a solution of 400 μM RuBi-Arg using the fiber optics illumination depicted in Fig. 3. (a) 1 second before irradiation. (b) 0 s. (c) 4.9 s. (d) 8.3 s laser irradiation (445 nm) from 0 to 3.5 s. |
A couple of seconds after Arg is photodelivered near the tentacle end, contraction begins until its total length shortens to less than one third of its original extension. As the tentacle is not attached to any massive body, the contraction keeps its mass center roughly unchanged. Although some similar experiments can be done by direct application of a free drug with a picospritzer injection, the uncaging procedure is the only one that guarantees a mechanical perturbation free environment.
RuBi-Arg phototriggers at concentrations ranging from 80 μM to 1 mM activated through a fiber optics setup were also used to initiate stereotypical behaviours in whole animals. Fig. 5 shows four frames of a video in which a complete Hydra was placed in a bath containing 1 mM RuBi-Arg (Cl− salt). After a few minutes, the photodelivery of Arg was induced through irradiation using a 445 nm laser on a 62 μm diameter fiber optics for 3 seconds. The complete sequence of the response both in images and video are given in the ESI.† After 1.8 seconds, one of the mechanisms of the feeding response is initiated, leading to tentacle shrinkage at 9 s (see the arrow). Later, other tentacles are directed to the mouth axis, resembling the final stage of the feeding response. However, the movement of the excited tentacle toward the mouth and the subsequent aperture was not observed, in concordance with previous findings.17
The subtle but precise movements of the tentacle tip immediately after chemical detection, typical in shrimp-induced feeding response were also observed, as can be seen in the video given in the ESI.†
Similar responses were obtained using concentrations as low as 77 mM, as can be seen in ESI Fig. 5.†
In order to confirm that Arg release is the unique promoter of the feeding response, rather than light itself, a possible photoredox process due to MLCT irradiation or the aquo complex product, two additional tests were done. Firstly, irradiation was directed to Hydra tentacles in Hydra artificial freshwater, in the absence of any Ru complex (n = 4). Secondly, a solution containing 1 mM of the aquo product [Ru(bpy)2PMe3(H2O)]2+, a complex with a similar chemical structure and photophysics of RuBi-Arg was used (n = 3). In neither case was observed feeding response in Hydra as shown in ESI Fig. 6 (videos are available in the ESI†)
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: NMR characterization of the compounds and a video of Hydra optical manipulation. See DOI: 10.1039/c8pp00467f |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry and Owner Societies 2019 |