Michael Herraiza,
Marc Dubois*a,
Nicolas Batissea,
Elodie Petita and
Philippe Thomasb
aUniversité Clermont Auvergne, CNRS, SIGMA Clermont, Institut de Chimie de Clermont-Ferrand, F-63000 Clermont-Ferrand, France. E-mail: marc.dubois@uca.fr
bGroupe de Technologie des Surfaces et Interfaces, Université des Antilles Campus Fouillole, BP250 97157 Pointe à Pitre Cedex, France
First published on 2nd May 2019
Exfoliation appears as a promising way to decrease the friction coefficient of carbon materials. Although there is massive defluorination during exfoliation, the friction coefficient is not increased and an exfoliated structure facilitates the formation of a homogeneous and stable tribofilm. The weakening of the interparticle interactions due to the exfoliation process is the main explanation for the excellent tribological properties. Three representative examples are studied to evidence the efficiency of the thermal shock to prepare solid lubricants or additives for lubricating oils, high temperature graphite fluorides, fluorinated carbon nanofibers and fluorinated nanodiscs. An opened (graphite fluoride) or defect structure (nanofibers) allows the gases formed during the exfoliation to be evolved; the exfoliation is then successful regardless of the C–F bonding. Exfoliation and defluorination occur simultaneously resulting in samples with a low F/C atomic ratio. On the contrary for the case of fluorinated nanodiscs, the exfoliation fails because of cracks and edges as well as the low diameter of the discs.
The aim of the present paper is to investigate the tribological properties of graphene materials, which are prepared by an easy operating, highly scalable, and low-cost method by applying a fast thermal treatment on highly fluorinated carbons under argon atmosphere. This route differs from the three conventional synthesis methods to obtain fluorinated graphene; all require mild conditions as follows: (i) reaction between raw graphene and fluorinating agent such as XeF2 or F2, (ii) exfoliation of (highly) fluorinated graphite, (iii) fluorination of graphene oxide (GO). In order to evaluate the efficiency for different fluorinated carbons, three precursors were studied, graphite fluoride with CF1 composition as a reference compound, 1D fluorinated nanofibers (CNF) and 2D fluorinated nanodiscs (CND). The aim is to highlight the effect of the morphology.
High-purity (>90%) CNF, 2–20 μm in length (supplied by courtesy of the MER Corporation, Tucson, Arizona) were obtained by chemical vapor deposition (CVP) and heat treated at 1800 °C in an argon atmosphere to enhance their graphitization degree. Their diameter distribution is between 80 and 350 nm. The average diameter is estimated equal to 150 nm from observations of various parts of the raw sample. The well-defined periodicity of the layers (interlayer distance d of 0.337 nm) was confirmed both by transmission electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction.
The 2D samples consist in a mixture of carbon nanodiscs (70 weight%), carbon nanocones (20 weight%) and amorphous carbon (10 weight%), provided by NTec Norway annealed under argon at 2700 °C for graphitization.12 Because of the large amount of discs, the mixture will be denoted CNDs. CNDs were produced by pyrolysis of heavy oil using the Kvaerner Carbon Black and Hydrogen Process (CBH).13
Direct fluorination was carried out with pure fluorine gas flow in a Monel reactor. Different fluorine contents were obtained according to the fluorination temperatures TF with constant duration of 3 h and F2 gas flux of 10 mL min−1. The fluorine content “x” of the fluorinated nanocarbons, expressed as the atomic F/C ratio, was determined first by gravimetry upon fluorination (weight uptake method) and confirmed by quantitative 19F NMR analyses. Carbon nanofibers and nanodiscs were placed treated at temperatures TF equal to 480 and 520 °C, respectively. The resulting materials, denoted as FCNF and FCND, exhibit both x value of 0.80 ± 0.05.
Prior to friction tests, the planes were polished to generate multidirectional scratches and to obtain an average peak-to-peak roughness of 350 nm in order to improve the adherence of the tested materials. The balls were used as delivered (average peak-to-peak roughness of 90 nm). The balls and the planes were cleaned in ultrasonic baths in acetone and ethanol in order to eliminate pollutants and remaining abrasive particles. Then few milligrams of powdery carbon phases were deposited on the plane surface. A normal load of 10 N was applied. The ball moved on the static plane surface at a speed of 3 mm s−1. According th Hertz's theory, the contact diameter was 140 μm and the mean contact pressure was 0.65 GPa. The friction coefficient μ was measured with a computer-based data acquisition system. The tribological parameters (10 N, 3 mm s−1) were selected in order to compare with other fluorinated (nano)carbons. The experimental conditions are chosen in order to test the tribological performances of the compounds in the boundary lubrication regime.
Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) was carried out on solid products using a Thermo Nicolet 5700 in Attenuated Total Reflectance (ATR) configuration.
Raman spectra were recorded at room temperature using a Jobin Yvon T64000 with a charge coupled device multichannel detector. The radiation source was a 514.5 nm Argon laser line. The laser power was tuned to 10 mW.
NMR experiments were carried out with Bruker Avance spectrometer, with working frequencies for 13C and 19F of 73.4 and 282.2 MHz, respectively. A Magic Angle Spinning (MAS) probe (Bruker) operating with 2.5 mm rotors was used. For MAS spectra, a simple sequence was performed with a single π/2 pulse length of 4.0 and 3.5 μs for 19F and 13C, respectively. 13C chemical shifts were externally referenced to tetramethylsilane (TMS). 19F chemical shifts were referenced with respect to CFCl3.
After that the exfoliation was demonstrated for FG and FCNF, the content of fluorine atoms was addressed using solid state NMR. 19F NMR experiments were performed using MAS with spinning speed of 34 kHz (Fig. 4). With such conditions, the strong 19F–19F homonuclear dipolar coupling and possible chemical shift anisotropy are either averaged or decreased, that results in a substantial narrowing and separation of the lines.
Fig. 4 19F MAS spectra, at 34 kHz, of raw and exfoliated fluorinated carbons (a) and their fits (b). |
Whatever the starting material, the low signal/noise ratio in the spectra of the exfoliated sample (although a high scan number of 3072 has been applied) reveals the low fluorine content. Concerning the covalence of C–F bonding, the lower the 19F chemical shift, the higher the covalence.14 The C–F bonding for FG, FCNF and FCND is mostly covalent as revealed by the single line at −190 ppm, whereas for the exfoliated samples, both covalent C–F bonds and C–F with weakened covalence coexist; their lines overlap in the −200/−150 ppm range. CF2 and CF3 are present in all raw and exfoliated samples as revealed by the lines at −120 and −80 ppm, respectively. Whereas those groups are present in very few amounts for the starting materials, their relative contents in Exf-FG are respectively 60.4 and 23.4% regarding fluorine atoms (Table 1). Those data are extracted from the fits with Lorentzian lines (Fig. 4b). The relative content of CF bonds is 16.2% (initially 100%) highlighting that a drastic defluorination occurs during the exfoliation. The data for exfoliated FCNF are close (6.8, 69.9 and 23.3% for CF, CF2 and CF3, respectively) and similar exfoliation/defluorination mechanism may occur. On the contrary, 80.8% of CF is found for only 2.3% of CF2 and 16.9% of CF3. CF groups are located along the sheets whereas CF2 and CF3 are at the sheet edges and/or at the defects. The slight differences in their contents depend of both the sheet size and disorder. The weak exfoliation revealed by SEM images, occurred without change in the C–F bonding; the main group is still CF.
Exf-FCND | Exf-GF | Exf-FCNF | |
% CF | 80.8 | 16.2 | 6.8 |
% CF2 | 2.3 | 60.4 | 69.9 |
% CF3 | 16.9 | 23.4 | 23.3 |
For the cases of FG and FCNF, thermal exfoliation results in sheet disruptions and sheet edges fix fluorine atoms in CF2 and CF3 groups. Thermal defluorination with CF4 and C2F6 result in a local breaking of the graphene sheets that also is in favor of the exfoliation step.15 On the contrary, the amount of on-plane fluorine atoms decreases partly by relocation from the bulk to the defects/edges.
The fast generation of gas species favors the exfoliation. In addition, the initial presence of fluorine atoms between the layers decreases the van der Waals interactions and facilitates this process. By analogy with conventional thermal process,15 large-scale defluorination is achieved due to the temperature and the weakened covalence of the C–F bonds. The lower the fluorine content, the higher the weakening of the C–F bond covalence by hyperconjugation (between C–F and non-fluorinated sp2 carbon atoms in the neighboring).16 The two steps of exfoliation/restructuration occur quite simultaneously during the flash thermal.
Defluorination during exfoliation is confirmed by infrared spectroscopy (Fig. 5a). For the fluorinated precursors, the main band at 1199 cm−1 is characteristic of the stretching vibration of C–F covalent bond, whereas the shoulder present near 1120 cm−1 is related to C–F bond weakened by hyperconjugation. Other band, at 1350 cm−1 can be ascribed to the stretching vibration of –CF2 moieties present in the defects/edges formed by breaking of graphitic layers during fluorination.17 All those vibration bands disappear after exfoliation whatever the starting material, even for FCND.
To obtain more information on the structure of the sample FG-650, Raman spectra were measured (Fig. 5b), from which D/G ratio were extracted in relation with the presence of defects and residual fluorine atoms on the surface. Moreover, both position and shape of the 2D band are analyzed to evidence the presence of graphene layers in the exfoliated sample and their stacking. At the same time, two new bands at 1615 and 2940 cm−1 can be observed in the Raman spectrum. Due to the high concentration of fluorine atoms, the too strong luminescence background avoided the recording at 514 nm for the starting materials. All the bands were fitted using simple Lorentzian, and the D/G ratio was 1.5, 1.7 and 1.1 for Exf-FG, Exf-FCNF and Exf-FCND, respectively, which is relatively high in comparison with reduced graphene.18 Both the presence of residual fluorine atoms and the increase of the amount of defects formed during the thermal exfoliation contribute to the high intensity of the D-band. D′ band, characteristic of few layer graphene sheets, appeared as a shoulder of the G band.18,19 Concerning the 2D band, it may be a direct indicator for a graphene-like sheets with few layers.20 Here, exfoliation of the fluorinated graphite into fluorinated graphene was demonstrated from the change in position and shape of this band, which is sharp and symmetric.
Thanks to the presence of a high amount of fluorine atoms, the exfoliation of fluorinated graphite by a very fast thermal treatment has proved to be efficient for the case of graphite and nanofibers. The presence of fluorine favors the exfoliation, thanks to the generation of fluorinated gaseous species such as CF4 and C2F6, which occurs simultaneously with the defluorination. When the treatment is performed with a fast temperature increase, both exfoliation and restructuring of the graphitic regions occur simultaneously during the flash. During the thermal shock, the C–F bonding becomes weakened because of the fluorine atoms dilution in the sheets (most of F atoms are located in the sheet edges and defects in the forms of CF2 and CF3 groups). Highly fluorinated graphite or nanofibers appears as a promising precursor for the preparation of conductive graphene with low fluorine content. Contrary to graphene oxide, the reduction step to obtain pure graphene could be easier because of the low amount of residual fluorinated groups.
The exfoliation and gas evolution are hindered for the case of fluorinated nanodiscs. The accommodation of fluorine atoms results in small cracks homogenously dispersed on the disc surface.21 During the thermal shock, fluorinated gases are removed both from those cracks and from edges of discs with average diameter of 1.5 μm; the resulting pressure between the carbon sheets is not enough to ensure huge exfoliation as for fluorinated graphite and nanofibers. Thermal exfoliation of nanodiscs was then not successful and the resulting sample appear close to the precursors for which the tribological properties were studied.8–11 Tribological tests were then performed only for exfoliated nanofibers and graphite. Both the exfoliated structure and presence of residual fluorine may act on the friction energy.
The evolution of the friction coefficients of raw and exfoliated materials are reported in Fig. 7 in the case of graphite and Fig. 8 in the case of carbon nanofibers, as a function of cycle number. In the case of FG and FCNF, Fig. 7 and 8 show an increase of the friction coefficient during the tribological tests. The friction coefficient becomes superior to 0.1 after 50 cycles for FG and 100 cycles for FCNF. This is attributed to a tribofilm breakdown. On the contrary, the good lubricating performances of Exf-FG and Exf-FCNF are maintained after 1000 cycles of friction. Both peeling of some fluorinated graphene layers and decrease of the interparticle interaction could occur during the formation of the tribofilm as for the case of nanofibers and graphitized carbon blacks.8–10 An orientation of the fibers occurred during the formation of the tribofilm.8,9 In the same way, fluorinated GCBs could disaggregate and easily form a dense tribofilm. The thickness of the film is of 0.6 μm.8,9 The friction properties differ for GCBs and CNFs probably according to the nature of the tribofilm and suggest different friction mechanisms involving surface effects for the case of CNFs and bulk effects for the case of GCBs. For the case of exfoliated fluorinated graphite, the changes of friction coefficient suggest that the exfoliation process facilitates the formation of an homogeneous and stable tribofilm. Exfoliated particles enter more easily in the convergent zone of the contact and resulting in a deposition of graphene layers parallel to the sliding direction.
Fig. 7 Evolution of the friction coefficient as a function of cycles number in the case of FG and Exf-FG. |
Fig. 8 Evolution of the friction coefficient as a function of cycle number in the case of FCNF and Exf-FCNF. |
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/c9ra01267b |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2019 |