*a and
aLehrstuhl für Chemische Reaktionstechnik (CRT), Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU), Egerlandstr. 3, 91058 Erlangen, Germany. E-mail:
bChemical Process Engineering, RWTH Aachen University, Forckenbeckstr. 51, 52074 Aachen, Germany
cDWI – Leibniz Institute for Interactive Materials, Forckenbeckstr. 50, 52074 Aachen, Germany
First published on 3rd September 2019
In times of depleting fossil fuel reserves, optimizing industrial catalytic reactions has become increasingly important. One possibility for optimization is the use of homogenous catalysts, which are advantageous over heterogeneous catalysts because of mild reaction conditions as well as higher selectivity and activity. A new emerging technology, supported ionic liquid phase (SILP), was developed to permanently immobilize homogeneous catalyst complexes for continuous processes. However, these SILP catalysts are unable to form freestanding supports by themselves. This study presents a new method to introduce the SILP system into a support made from multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT). In a first step, SILP catalysts were prepared for hydroformylation as well as low-temperature water–gas shift (WGS) reactions. These catalysts were integrated into freestanding microtubes formed from MWCNTs, with silica (for hydroformylation) or alumina particles (for WGS) incorporated. In hydroformylation, the activity increased significantly by around 400% when the pure MWCNT material was used as SILP support. An opposite trend was observed for WGS, where pure alumina particles exhibited the highest activity. A significant advantage of the MWCNT composite materials is the possibility to coat them with separation layers, which allows their application in membrane reactors for more efficient processes.
Promising SILP catalysts have also been developed that allow hydroformylation of highly diluted or mixed feeds with exceptionally high selectivity, adding value to industrial waste streams.13,14 For the first time, the applicability of sophisticated but labile phosphite ligands (see bpp in Fig. 1) in hydroformylation has been reported with catalyst stabilities exceeding 800 h time-on-stream with cumulative turn-over-numbers exceeding 400.000 and high space-time-yields of 850 kgproduct mSILP−1 h−1.13 These values are high enough to make new hydroformylation processes based on SILP materials economically viable. A possible drawback is the undesired aldol condensation, in which two aldehyde molecules can react to form side products with high boiling points that accumulate in the ionic liquid film.15,16 This side reaction has to be suppressed in order to maintain high catalyst activity. One option is to remove the formed aldehydes immediately from the SILP catalyst in a membrane type reactor. Therefore, we aim at developing SILP based membrane reactors for both WGS and hydroformylation reactions. While the WGS will benefit from product removal due to the shift in equilibrium conversion, the yield of the desired aldehyde in hydroformylation will benefit from in situ removal due to less aldol condensation (see Scheme 1).
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Scheme 1 Reaction schemes of SILP catalyzed water–gas shift (WGS) and hydroformylation (HyFo) with attempted in situ removal of one product. R = alkyl chain. |
A material suitable for both membrane formation and SILP impregnation has to be identified. Recently, we have shown that polymer-based spherical activated carbon (PBSAC) can serve as support for SILP hydroformylation catalysts.17,18 Proper surface modification can yield SILP catalysts with TOF of 700 molpentanal molRh h−1 in gas-phase 1-butene hydroformylation.18 Using another carbonaceous material, in 2014 Gendel et al. demonstrated the fabrication of freestanding hollow fibers made only from multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT).19
In this work, the fabrication procedure is altered to include small-scale particles within the MWCNT network, which enhance catalytic activity in a SILP reaction system. The ability to tune microtubes via the addition of small particles was first reported by Keller et al.20 This particle inclusion offers possibilities to adjust porosity and pore volume for a proper catalyst distribution in the microtube. Previous experiments indicated that silica (SiO2) is the support material of choice for the hydroformylation reaction, while alumina (Al2O3) particles work well in the water gas shift reaction.12,21
Such small-scale particles are unable to act as a freestanding membrane support material on their own. However, integrated into a MWCNT network, the MWCNTs combined with small particles build a freestanding catalytic support, which is tunable to different reaction systems, depending on various catalysts and reaction kinetics. In order to evaluate the applicability of these microtubes as support for SILP catalyzed reactions, we analyzed the performance of short MWCNT tube fragments as a structured packing for both reactions mentioned above. We included these particles into the microtube structure with various particle ratios for a better understanding of the reaction performances.
Multiwalled carbon nanotubes were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich. The MWCNT's have an outside diameter of 10 nm ± 1 nm, an inside diameter of 4.5 nm ± 0.5 nm and are 3–6 μm long. Their carbon content is ≥98%. Silica particles SYLOID® C 803 with an average diameter of 3.4–4 μm were provided from Grace. Two different alumina oxide particles were used in this study. Puralox TM 100/150 UF with an average diameter of 2.5 μm were kindly donated from Sasol Germany GmbH. Gamma-alumina (γ-Al2O3) powder with a particle size of approx. 5 μm was purchased from Pengda Munich GmbH. Polypropylene (PP) S6/2 hollow fiber membranes for filtration of MWCNT/MWCNT + particle suspension were ordered from Accurel (1.8 ± 0.15 mm inside diameter). Further chemicals used were Triton-X 100 (Carl Roth), iso-propanol (Applichem, 98% purity) and deionized water (2.2 μS cm−1).
The fabrication process of the freestanding tubes was the same for both SiO2 and Al2O3 particles integration. To ensure well-dispersed particles within the suspensions, 5 mL of Triton-X 100 was added as a surfactant. Each suspension was sonicated for three hours (Hielscher UP200S) and subsequently stirred with a magnetic stirrer for an hour. In consecutive steps, each suspension was filtered in an inside out filtration through the polypropylene (PP) S6/2 hollow fiber membrane, which had been cut to a length of 250 mm and glued shut on one end. Filtration occurred with a constant pressure of 5 bar until 3.4 mLsuspension cmPP-membrane−1 were transported through the membrane. A scheme of the experimental set-up is given in Fig. 2.
The MWCNT/particle suspension forms a filter cake on the inside of the PP membrane during filtration. After the filtration, a cleaning step was added, to remove any remaining Triton-X 100 impurities in the filter cake. 50 mL of isopropanol were flushed through the PP membrane with 0.7 mL min−1 using a syringe pump (Harvard Apparatus, PHD Ultra).
This cleaning step is necessary because otherwise, the MWCNT based microtubes exhibit defects.19 These defects destabilize the microtubes, which would hinder their use as a support material. After removing the surfactant, a drying step was performed overnight in a vacuum oven at 30 °C and 30 mbar. In a final step, one end of the PP membrane was carefully cut off with a scalpel to pull out the formed MWCNT microtube from the shell.
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The pore filling degree with ionic liquid, defined as ratio between ionic liquid volume and total pore volume, was set to αIL = 34 vol% (see eqn (2)).
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The SILP hydroformylation activity is expressed by means of the turnover frequency TOF (in h−1) which is calculated according to eqn (3).
![]() | (3) |
For SILP WGS the molar flow of product cannot be determined in high accuracy due to a change of the total flow caused by the condensation of water before the dry gas flows through the online IR-analyzer. Here, the TOF has to be modified according to eqn (4).
![]() | (4) |
The molar flow of substrate is known from the calibrated MFC and the degree of conversion is calculated based on the CO signal from the gas analyzer.
Field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) allows to evaluate the particle distribution within the microtube wall. The thickness of the microtube wall depends on the filtration time and filtration flux, being in the range of 150–350 microns. Fig. 3d shows the catalyst-free microtube surface structure of pure MWCNTs. Even though there are no particles embedded into the network of MWCNTs, it seems as if some small clusters form beneath the surface. These clusters consist of agglomerated MWCNTs, and they can form dense structures, which also affect the homogeneity in porosity of the MWCNT network as explained in the next section. The number of clusters depends much on the preparation and the corresponding homogeneity of the solution to be filtered.
In comparison to the pure MWCNT microtube from Fig. 3(d), the integration of small particles considerably changes the structure of the microtube. Fig. 4 is an example of a surface and a cross-section view of a 50 wt% MWCNT/50 wt% SiO2 microtube. The small SiO2 particles are evenly distributed within the MWCNT network. The same effect is observed for Al2O3 particles as well, as can be seen in Fig. S1.†
Particle loading has a strong influence on microtube stability. Mechanically stable, freestanding MWCNT-SiO2 microtubes can be formed up to a particle loading of 70 wt% of SiO2 particles. For MWCNT-Al2O3 microtubes, it was not possible to increase the particle loading above 50 wt% without breaking the fibers during production. For particle loadings larger than 70 wt% in SiO2 rich microtubes or 50 wt% in Al2O3 rich microtubes, the structures became unstable and some samples broke upon removing them from the PP filtrations membranes. Therefore, all results presented in the following were obtained with microtube particle loadings between 0–70 wt% in case of SiO2 rich microtubes and 0–50 wt% for Al2O3 rich microtubes.
The observations regarding MWCNT-microtube stability match well with the work from Keller et al., who discovered that bending strength of MWCNT microtubes reduced significantly with an increase in particle loading.20 A possible improvement of the MWCNT interconnection, and thus, the stability of the microtube can be achieved through crosslinking of amine-functionalized MWCNT's.25 The crosslinking increased the mechanical stability of buckypaper by more than two-fold, according to Zhang et al.,26 and could be tested in follow up work for MWCNT microtubes.
For the SILP impregnation into the porous microtubes, it is necessary to know the pore volume. As mentioned in the catalyst preparation section, it is sufficient to fill only a certain amount of pore volume with SILP solution. Fig. 5 shows the Barrett, Joyner and Halenda (BJH) adsorption pore volumes of different amounts of all three kinds of particles integrated into MWCNT microtubes, as well as the powder forms.
For the SiO2 particles, the pore volume decreases from a pure MWCNT microtube towards a 50% MWCNT-SiO2 combination. A further increase of SiO2 particles increases the pore volume again, towards the SiO2 powder pore volume. A possible explanation for this behavior is the entanglement of MWCNTs with SiO2 particles and, resulting from this interaction, the forming of new pores. Contrary to the MWCNT-SiO2 combination, the pore volume increases slightly for both MWCNT-Al2O3 combinations at 10 wt% Al2O3, before dropping continuously with higher particle loadings. Again, the entanglement of MWCNT's and particles seems to be a possible reason, which leads to the forming of new pores. A more detailed explanation can be found in the ESI including Fig. S2† of the differential analysis of pore volume depending on particle loading.
After every temperature variation, the temperature was reset to the reference state of 120 °C, to investigate whether the system undergoes deactivation phenomena. The results show that the catalyst promotes stable values at all temperature stages after a start-up period in the first 120 °C-stage. For the sake of clarity and better comparability, every temperature variation experiment is turned into a turnover frequency (TOF) over temperature plot by averaging the measured data of a stable operation regime over a time of 30 minutes within every temperature stage. By doing so, Fig. 7 is obtained, which shows the same experimental run (Pengda, 5 μm particles) as a TOF-temperature plot. In addition, results from powdered Sasol support (Puralox TM 100/150 UF, 2.5 μm particles) and granulated alumina (Puralox NWa 155, 200–500 μm particles) are shown. From these data it becomes evident that the three systems had a similar activity at each reaction temperature.
Next, we investigated the performance of MWCNT-alumina composite support materials. Different support materials made from varying fractions of MWCNTs and alumina-types (purchased from Pengda and Sasol) were examined. After preparation, the MWCNT material was reduced in length into fragments of approx. 1 mm length each, which were placed into the reactor. The prepared systems had alumina contents of 0 (pure MWCNT), 10, 30, 50 and 100 wt%. In Fig. 8 the results for the composite material based on alumina Pengda are shown; the behavior for Puralox TM 100/150 UF can be found in the ESI (Fig. S6†), which is almost identical. All systems showed a higher activity with higher temperatures following Arrhenius law without undergoing any deactivation over time. This temperature dependency leads to the conclusion that the support materials themselves are stable at elevated temperatures under reaction conditions. While all systems showed a similar increase in activity with rising temperature, the system with 50 wt% alumina deactivated to a minor degree from 120 to 130 °C.
Furthermore, a higher alumina content in the prepared support materials for the catalysts had a positive influence on activity. The higher the alumina content, the higher the activity of the investigated SILP catalyst system. We observe this trend throughout all three plotted temperature stages. The trend can be considered as quasi-linear, which is most prominent at 120 °C. All discussed trends can be observed in the catalyst systems using alumina from Sasol as well (see Fig. S6†).
While the WGS catalytic activity did not benefit from incorporating alumina particles in MWCNTs, the tubular geometries that might be accessible by these new composite materials (e.g., hollow fibers, tube bundles) can compensate for the effect of lower activity. On the way to a membrane reactor that would consist of several hundreds of MWCNT hollow fibers, the lower activity would be compensated by the more effective handling of SILP catalysts in combination with separation.
The SILP catalyst required a long induction period of more than 13 h to reach a stable performance (the first two hours were bypass measurements). The purely silica based SILP catalyst also reached steady-state performance only after 15 h (see Fig. S7†). Interestingly, even after the reactor temperature had stabilized, which took approximately 10 hours, the system was not stable, and the activity kept increasing. After 15 hours, the MWCNT-SiO2 based SILP catalyst reached a steady state of approximately 1800 h−1 activity, corresponding to 4.8% conversion. The n-pentanal selectivity was very high at 99.2%, the total selectivity toward aldehydes stabilized at 64.2% and the isomerization tendency was around 19.4%. Aldol formation as the most problematic side reaction in gas-phase hydroformylation was low during the induction period but increased to a stable plateau of 13.5%. Such behavior hints at an ongoing process of restructuring of the ionic liquid film due to changes in the wettability when substrates and products dissolve.16 Especially the change in aldol content in the effluent stream of the reactor is a strong indication for the restructuring process. To compare different MWCNT-SiO2 compositions, we calculated the average values of the steady state for all selectivities, as well as the turnover frequency (see Fig. 10). Since the sample consisting of pure MWCNT material showed a steady deactivation throughout the observed period (see Fig. S8†), the initial TOF values were considered.
When comparing the MWCNT-SiO2 composite materials with pure MWCNT and SiO2, it becomes obvious that the SiO2 lowers the overall activity compared to pure MWCNT. The pure silica-based SILP catalyst had a TOF of 625 h−1, while the pure MWCNT based SILP was 400% more active around 2440 h−1. The activity of composite materials having different ratios between MWCNT and SiO2 gradually declined with increasing SiO2 content. The selectivity pattern did not reveal a clear trend, with all MWCNT-SiO2 based catalysts yielding n/iso-selectivity (96 ± 4%), moderate toward n-pentanal (55 ± 7%), and isomerization (19 ± 2%). The aldol content varied significantly between the different catalysts, being 22 ± 9% on average. Especially higher amounts of silica content show an increased aldol and therefore decreased n-pentanal formation. We explain this trend with the higher amount of silanol groups on the surface, which enhance the acid/base-catalyzed aldol formation. Calcining the silica at an elevated temperature of 600 °C for several hours reduces the number of surface silanol groups significantly.5a Due to a combustion temperature in the range of 400–500 °C of the MWCNT microtubes, calcining at 600 °C was not possible. The combustion temperature of MWCNT microtubes in air was analyzed with TGA measurements (see Fig. S3†).
The experiments showed that the reaction performance in the WGS reaction is lower for Al2O3 particle integrated microtubes compared to pure Al2O3 powder. Nonetheless, the combined support shows stable and selective behavior. The catalytic activity of MWCNT microtubes for the hydroformylation reaction is very high for pure MWCNT microtubes and decreases for higher SiO2 contents. However, the catalytic stability is low if the materials are not adequately calcined, which is difficult, because of thermal instability of MWCNTs above 600 °C.
WGS and hydroformylation of 1-butene are two promising case studies, which are part of the ROMEO project, targeting the development of SILP membrane reactor systems.27 The technology to combine SILP and tunable MWCNT based microtubes could be expanded and used for other chemical reactions. Hydroformylation of smaller olefins (e.g. propene) is feasible, while for higher olefins (e.g. hexenes or octenes) the pore condensation inside the monolithic structure can hamper the overall efficiency. Next, we aim to apply molecular selective membranes on the microtube surface: a self-supporting reaction system combined with a membrane to separate products in situ would be a significant step towards process intensification.
Footnotes |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/c9ra04830h |
‡ Both authors contributed equally to the paper. |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2019 |