Yinwei Wanga,
Hang Ping*a,
Tiening Tana,
Wenxuan Wanga,
Peiyan Mab and
Hao Xie
aState Key Laboratory of Advanced Technology for Materials Synthesis and Processing, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan 430070, China. E-mail: pinghang0716@163.com
bSchool of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Life Science, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan, 430070, China
First published on 6th September 2019
As environmental and energy problems have worsened worldwide, research for developing renewable energy has become urgent. Presently, the primary focus of such research is directed towards the photocatalytic decomposition of water to produce hydrogen as an energy source. Herein, ZnO nanosheet/CdS nanoparticle heterostructures were synthesized by a mild wet chemical reaction and displayed a high photocatalytic efficiency (1040 μmol g−1 h−1) without Pt loading under visible light radiation. The structure was prepared by first constructing two-dimensional nanocrystalline ZnO flowers and then loading CdS nanoparticles onto the nanocrystals. Results show that this structure can facilitate the separation of photogenerated electrons and holes and improve the photocatalytic efficiency and stability of the materials in the photocatalytic decomposition of water. By changing different experimental conditions to prepare a variety of samples and test their properties, we can analyze the optimal parameters for the preparation of this material.
In a representatively photocatalytic process, semiconductor materials experience roughly three steps: (1) sunlight excites an electron from the conduction band to the valence band and forms a photogenerated electron–hole pair; (2) photo-generated electrons and holes transport or recombine on the surface and in the bulk of a semiconductor, then migrate to the surface of the semiconductor; (3) photogenerated carriers, migrating to the surface of the semiconductor, induce the redox reaction.8,9 Therefore, the selection of a semiconductor photocatalyst is determined by band gap, structure, stability, among other factors. The band gap width directly determines the efficiency of the photogenerated electron–hole, where a wider band gap requires a higher excitation energy, and most visible light cannot be absorbed effectively. The structure or morphology of the semiconductor greatly affects the absorption efficiency, the carrier transport path or rate of carriers, electron–hole recombination, etc. For example, one-dimensional nanostructures can facilitate electron transport and the separation of photogenerated carriers.10 In the process of photocatalysis, redox reactions on the surface of semiconductors will lead to photocorrosion of the semiconductor; thus, it is very important to enhance photostability of the semiconductor photocatalyst.
Numerous studies have fabricated various semiconductor photocatalysis, including TiO2, ZnO, C3N4, CdS, MoS2 and graphene/black phosphorus in order to improve the efficiency of hydrogen production.11–18 ZnO is a common photocatalyst semiconductor with a direct band gap, which can effectively avoid the low electron transition probability in indirect semiconductors, and offers advantages of high photosensitivity, low cost, non-toxic environmental protection, etc. However, the wide band gap (3.2 eV) and fast recombination of photogenerated carriers severely inhibit ZnO semiconductors' photocatalytic efficiency.19–22 While CdS can split water under visible light due to its narrow band gap (2.4 eV), its photocorrosion seriously limits its recycling utilization efficiency as a photocatalyst.23 Considering the advantages of both materials, CdS has been adopted to sensitize ZnO in many studies. Previous literatures have reported the syntheses of ZnO and CdS heterostructures to form respective hybrid systems, which are used to improve the efficiency of hydrogen production and stability.24–26 For instance, X. W. Wang et al. prepared ZnO/CdS nanocrystalline heterostructures by a wet chemical reaction at 60 °C for 24 h. After loading noble metal Pt, the hydrogen production efficiencies of CdS and ZnO were 14 and 40 times higher than that of single ZnO, respectively.25 D. D. Ma et al. prepared CdS/ZnO heterostructures by coating CdS quantum dots on ZnO nanosheets via a hydrothermal method assisted by ultrasound. The hydrogen production efficiency of this material was 22.12 mmol g−1 h−1, which is 13 and 138 times higher than that of single ZnO.3 S. Mukhopadhyay et al. prepared disk ZnO by an ultrasonic chemical method, then deposited CdS nanoparticles on the disk surface using a hydrothermal method. The hydrogen production efficiency of the composite was 22 times higher than that of single ZnO in visible light.26 Although these results of the above works are promising, the synthesis of ZnO/CdS heterostructures requires high temperatures and complex preparation methods, which are energy-consuming procedures.
Herein, we prepared ZnO/CdS heterostructures through a simple synthesis method under low temperatures. The flower-like ZnO was assembled by single-crystal nanosheets with a thickness of 10 nm, followed by the uniform deposition of CdS nanoparticles with a diameter of 5 nm on the surface of the nanosheets. The loading content of CdS can be controlled by incubating different concentrations of ZnO nanosheets in the reaction solution. The 2D nanosheets provide an ideal platform for confining the growth of CdS27 and facilitate the fast transport of carriers to prohibit the recombination of photogenerated electrons and holes. As expected, the prepared CdS/ZnO heterostructure without Pt loading exhibits the highest hydrogen evolution rate of 1040 μmol g−1 h−1, about four times that of solely CdS under visible light irradiation. In addition, the CdS/ZnO heterostructure we prepared also has excellent cycle stability. The results demonstrate that the ZnO nanosheets/CdS nanoparticles heterostructure has good potential as a photocatalyst for hydrogen evolution. The main text of the article should appear here with headings as appropriate.
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Fig. 1 SEM (a–c) and TEM (d–f) images of the flower-like ZnO (ZnO@2![]() ![]() |
To facilitate the deposition of CdS on the surface of ZnO nanosheets, we selected ZnO@2:
5 with a rigid structure as the experimental sample. After incubating ZnO with Cd2+ and S2−, the whole structure was maintained (Fig. 2a and b), and CdS nanoparticles with a 5 nm diameter were observed on ZnO nanosheets (Fig. 2c). In the TEM image, the selected area electron diffraction (SAED) indicates the coexistence of ZnO and CdS (Fig. 2d and inset). The single crystal-like spots result from the ZnO nanosheets, and the ring diffraction pattern is responded to the random deposition of CdS nanoparticles. The XRD patterns also verify the phase components in the composites (Fig. 3a and S6†). The coating of CdS nanoparticles on ZnO nanosheets is visible from the exterior spaces of the vertical and horizontal nanosheets in Fig. 2e and f. The crystal plane spacing of 0.31 and 0.28 nm is attributed to the exposed crystal plane of CdS (101) and ZnO (100) planes, and the specific surface areas of ZnO@2
5 and ZnO/CdS were determined to be 17.2 and 28.4 m2 g−1, respectively. The increase in the specific surface areas of ZnO/CdS may be attributed to the CdS nanoparticles. Fig. 2g and S7† exhibits the uniform distribution of Zn, O, Cd, and S elements in the ZnO/CdS heterostructure. As a control group, the CdS powder with aggregated nanoparticles was individually synthesized through directly mixing Cd2+ and S2− (Fig. S8†). The EDS mapping of CdS nanoparticles and ZnO flower was presented in Fig. S9.†
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Fig. 2 SEM (a–c) and TEM (d–f) and EDS (g) of the ZnO/CdS heterostructures (the inset in part d is the SAED of the ZnO/CdS composite). |
The chemical composition of ZnO/CdS was further analyzed by XPS. Fig. 3c shows the measurement spectra, from which the peaks of elements in sample ZnO and ZnO/CdS can be clearly observed. The high-resolution XPS spectrum of Zn 2p3/2 and Zn 2p1/2 shows respective peaks centered at 1021.8 and 1044.9 eV (Fig. 3d), where the spin orbit separation of about 23.1 eV is ascribed to Zn2+ in ZnO.28 Compared with pure ZnO, the weak shift of Zn peaks in ZnO/CdS indicates the chemical bonding between ZnO and CdS. The Cd 3d orbital region (Fig. 3e) reveals the binding energies of Cd 3d5/2 and Cd 3d3/2 peaks at 405.1 and 411.8 eV, respectively, where the splitting energy of 6.7 eV is a characteristic value of Cd atoms in CdS. Further, Fig. 3f displays two bonding energy S 2p peaks at 161.5 and 162.5 eV, which are indicative of CdS.
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Fig. 3 XRD (a), BET (b) and XPS spectra (c) of ZnO and ZnO/CdS. High resolution XPS spectrum of Zn 2p (d), Cd 3d (e) and S 2p (f). |
Changing the concentration of Cd2+, we modified the amount of CdS deposited on ZnO. When the concentration ratio of Zn to Cd was 10:
1, a composite with structural integrity was obtained with visibly apparent CdS nanoparticles (Fig. 4a). Increasing the ratio from 8
1 to 2
1, the composite with unchanged structure were synthesized, and the loading of CdS in ZnO may increase (Fig. 4b–d). At the same time, the compositions of the samples were not changed through XRD patterns (Fig. 4f and S10†). However, when the ratio was 1
1.2, some nanowire-like products appeared on the ZnO nanosheets, meaning the impurity phase was synthesized (Fig. 4e). The impurity phase of Cd(OH)2 was detected in samples with 1
2 (Zn
Cd), and the flower-like structure collapsed (Fig. S11†). Since the alkalinity of the S2− solution can cause destruction of the ZnO structure, we changed the load order of S2− (first) and Cd2+ (second) on the ZnO nanosheets to prevent this breakage. This resulted in a load effect similar to previous and the structure of the product did not change much (Fig. S12 and S13†). The deposition of CdS on ZnO can also be demonstrated in TEM images (Fig. S14†). To investigate the effect of the formation of ZnO/CdS heterostructure on optical band gap, we tested the UV-vis spectra of pure ZnO and ZnO/CdS 1
1 (Fig. S15†). It illustrates that the optical band gap of ZnO/CdS 1
1 (2.1 eV) is narrower than pure ZnO (3.1 eV). The band gap of CdS nanoparticle is 2.2 eV (Fig. S16†). The XPS valence spectra of CdS and ZnO are presented in Fig. S17.† The PL spectra of the pure ZnO and ZnO/CdS 1
1 which excited at 325 nm is showed in Fig. S18,† it is obviously that compared with pure ZnO, the peak of ZnO/CdS 1
1 has a red shift of 25 nm.
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Fig. 4 SEM (a–e) and XRD (f) of the products at different reaction concentration ratio of S and Cd ((a) 10![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
The photocatalytic capability of splitting water over these samples was measured under irradiation of 420 nm using the Xenon lamp and Na2S and Na2SO3 as sacrificial agents. It can be seen in Fig. 5a and b that pure ZnO produced almost no hydrogen due to its wide band gap, which prevents excitation of ZnO to produce photogenerated electron and holes under visible light. As the loading of CdS in the ZnO/CdS heterostructure increased, hydrogen production and the hydrogen production rate of the samples (ZnO:
CdS) increased to 106.7 (10
1), 132.3 (8
1), 418.4 (5
1), 465.7 (2
1), 1040.5 (1
1), and 284.6 (CdS) mol g−1 h−1. For 5
1 (ZnO
CdS), the amount of hydrogen produced and the rate of hydrogen production exceeded that of CdS without ZnO. In the Fig. 5c, it shows the photocurrent response of different photocatalysts. Compared with the pure ZnO and CdS, the ZnO/CdS photocatalysts (1
1) we prepared here shows higher photo-current response, demonstrating that the separation between photogenerated electrons and holes in this prepared ZnO/CdS heterostructure is more efficient, which is significant to improve the photocatalytic activity. Meanwhile, the photocurrent of ZnO/CdS 2
1 was presented in Fig. S19.† According to the relative intensity of photocurrent, it is confirmed that the content of CdS in ZnO/CdS is proportional to the photocurrent. In order to verify the stability of the ZnO/CdS heterostructure (1
1), we also take the recycling photocatalytic performance under the same conditions (Fig. 5d). From the data, it can be seen that the H2-production rate of the ZnO/CdS (1
1) sample within five cycles in 10 hours is relatively stable. Fig. 5e shows the photocatalytic hydrogen production mechanism of ZnO/CdS heterojunction where the CdS nanoparticles loaded on the ZnO nanosheets formed a heterojunction, which is further described as follows. According to the band gap from UV-vis absorption spectra and XPS valence spectra, the alignment modelling was presented. Under illumination, the semiconductor CdS absorbs visible light energy and excites the electron to transition from the valence band to the conduction band and form photogenerated electron–hole pairs. Then, the photogenerated electrons in the CdS conduction band migrate to the conduction band of ZnO through the heterojunction, which inhibits the combination of photogenerated electrons and holes. Photogenerated carriers migrated to the surface of ZnO to produce hydrogen and hole oxidation of S2− and SO32− on CdS. Therefore, the ZnO/CdS heterostructure exhibits better photocatalytic capability than pure CdS.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/c9ra04975d |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2019 |