Zi Shuai
Terry Chien-Jen
Wallace C. H.
h and
aÉcole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Laboratory of Photomolecular Science, Station 6, CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland. E-mail:
bDepartment of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Yazd University, Yazd, 89195-741, Iran
cDepartment of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of Rome “Sapienza”, via Eudossiana 18, 00184 Roma, Italy
dDepartment of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The University of Hong Kong, Pok Fu Lam Road, Hong Kong SAR, China
ePhotovoltaics and Thin-Film Electronics Laboratory (PV-Lab), Institute of Microengineering (IMT), École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Rue de la Maladière, Neuchâtel 2002, Switzerland
fDepartamento de Química, Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto, X5804BYA Río Cuarto, Córdoba, Argentina
gExperimental Physics VI, Julius Maximilian University of Würzburg, 97074 Würzburg, Germany
hMassachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
iDepartment of Chemistry, University of Cologne, 50939 Cologne, Germany
jDipartimento di Fisica, Università di Cagliari, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche CNR-IOM, Cittadella Universitaria, S. P. Monserrato-Sestu Km.0,700, Monserrato 09042-I (CA), Italy
kInstitut für Siliziumphotovoltaik, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien and Energie GmbH, Kekuléstr. 5, 12489 Berlin, Germany
First published on 22nd March 2019
One of the key properties of lead-halide perovskites employed in solar cells is the defect tolerance of the materials, in particular regarding intrinsic point defects, which mainly form shallow traps. Considering that high luminescence yields and photovoltaic performance are obtained by simple solution processing from commercial chemicals, it is commonly anticipated that the defect tolerance – at least to a considerable degree – extends to grain boundaries and extrinsic defects, i.e. impurities, as well. However, the effect of impurities has hardly been investigated. Here, we intentionally introduce small quantities of bismuth (10 ppm to 2%) in solution to be incorporated in the perovskite films based on mixed cation mixed anion compositions. We observe that Bi impurities in the %-regime reduce charge carrier collection efficiency and, more importantly, that the open-circuit voltage decreases systematically with impurity concentration even in the ppm regime. This strong defect intolerance against Bi impurities comes along with reduced electroluminescence yields and charge carrier lifetimes obtained from transient photoluminescence experiments. Calculations based on molecular dynamics and density functional theory predict delocalized (≈0.16 eV) and localized deep (≈0.51 eV) trap states dependent on the structural arrangement of the surrounding atoms. Structural characterization supports the idea of Bi being present as a homogeneously spread point defect, which substitutes the Pb2+ by Bi3+ as seen from XPS and a reduction of the lattice parameter in XRD. Sensitive measurements of the photocurrent (by FTPS) and surface photovoltage (SPV) confirm the presence of tail states. Photoelectron spectroscopy measurements show evidence of a deep state. These results are consistent with the common idea of shallow traps being responsible for the reduced charge collection efficiency and the decreased fill factor, and deeper traps causing a substantial reduction of the open-circuit voltage. As Bi is only one potential impurity in the precursor salts used in perovskite solar cell fabrication, our findings open-up a research direction focusing on identifying and eliminating impurities that act as recombination centers – a topic that has so far not been fully considered in device optimization studies.
Such low voltage deficit and high luminescence yields are quite astonishing for a thin film of a nano-crystalline material processed from solution and at low temperature. The anticipated defects originating from grain boundaries, crystal imperfections and solvent remnants do apparently not act as effective recombination centers. One reason is that many of the intrinsic point defects form only shallow traps because of the strongly ionic bonds and the antibonding nature of the valence states, as described by density functional theory (DFT) simulations.19–21 However, deep defects caused e.g. by a dissociation of the methylammonium molecule have also been predicted.22 The role of grain boundaries in recombination is still under lively debate23–29 and probably depends on which moiety is predominantly terminating the crystallite surface and the respective surface states created. Notably, perovskite films prepared by thermal evaporation show small grains yet deliver high performance.30 Other sources of recombination may also be present. If interfaces to charge transport layers are not perfectly selective to the designated charge carrier, they constitute a source of surface recombination. Therefore, tuning the charge selectivity by employing wide band gap oxides31 and organic interlayers32 is essential to maintain the high chemical potential difference, which is photogenerated in the absorber, at the contacts in terms of a high open-circuit voltage (VOC).
Despite the outstanding achievements, there is still a long way to go towards reaching the radiative efficiency limit considering that still around 99% of recombination in the best devices is non-radiative. One source of such recombination might be recombination centers resulting from impurities introduced during processing or already present in the precursors. The role of these extrinsic defects is almost completely neglected in perovskite solar cell research, because it is anticipated that the defect tolerance21,33 predicted from several intrinsic defects19,20,34 extends to extrinsic defects as well. The aim of this work is to question whether this assumption is correct and investigate whether extrinsic defects are the limiting factor of the efficiency of state-of-the-art perovskite solar cells. We, therefore, intentionally introduce and characterize the impact of impurities on device performance by a selected conspicuous deliberate defect.
This approach has not been followed so far except for one study where iron was added.35 Here, we have selected Bi because it is a common byproduct of lead refining and may be an unwanted impurity in many lead salt precursors. We find that, unlike other elements such as Cs, Na, K, Al, Sb, or Co,36–39 Bi indeed acts as an efficient non-radiative recombination center (as recently found for CH3NH3PbBr3 (ref. 40)) that reduces VOC even if present in quantities of ppm. The increased recombination is also visible in reduced photo- and electroluminescence yields and charge-carrier lifetimes. For larger quantities of Bi, changes in charge carrier transport properties can be observed. The results of this study show that the metal halide perovskites, even though in general defect tolerant, are not necessarily tolerant against all kind of impurities, even if present in the ppm range.
The organic monovalent cation salts were purchased from Dyesol; the lead compound from TCI; CsI from abcr GmbH. The perovskite precursor solution contained FAI (1 M), CsI (0.05 M), PbI2 (1.1 M), MABr (0.2 M) and PbBr2 (0.22 M) dissolved in anhydrous DMF:
1 (v/v) in an argon-filled glovebox. We refer to this mixture as “CsMAFA” throughout the paper. Bi was incorporated by separately preparing Bi(III) iodide (Sigma-Aldrich, 99.99%) solution (0.31 M) in DMF, which was used as the source solution for the 2, 1, 0.5, 0.25, 0.1, 0.01 and 0.001 at% (referred to Pb) samples. The low concentrations were obtained by sequential dilution of the Bi-containing perovskite solutions with Bi-free perovskite solution. The respective perovskite solution was spin-coated in a two-step procedure at 1000 and 6000 rpm for 10 and 20 s, respectively. During the second step, 200 μL of chlorobenzene was poured on the spinning substrate 5 s before the end of the procedure. The substrates were then annealed at 100 °C for 1 h in a dry box.
The hole transport layer was deposited by spin coating (4000 rpm, 30 s) 50 μL of solution prepared by dissolving 72.3 mg (2,2′,7,7′-tetrakis(N,N-di-p-methoxyphenylamine)-9,9-spirobifluorene) (spiro-OMeTAD), 17.5 μL of a stock solution of 520 mg mL−1 bis(trifluoromethylsulphonyl)imide in acetonitrile, and 29 μL of a stock solution of 300 mg mL−1 tris(2-(1H-pyrazol-1-yl)-4-tert-butylpyridine)cobalt(III) bis(trifluoromethylsulphonyl)imide in acetonitrile, and 28.8 μL 4-tert-butylpyridine in 1 mL chlorobenzene.
Finally, the device fabrication was completed by thermally evaporating a 70 nm gold layer as a back contact. All device fabrication was carried out under controlled atmospheric conditions with humidity <2%.
FTPS was measured in an in-house built FTPS setup, which consisted of a Thermo Nicolet 8700 FTIR spectrophotometer. To ensure a high absorptance dynamic range, colored-glass filters were employed for a particular spectral range. Measurements on the Bi doped perovskite solar cells were performed in air in a dark room. A current preamplifier, Stanford Research Systems SR570, was used with preamplification of 200 μA V−1 and 20 nA V−1 for the higher (above the band edge) and lower (below the band edge) wavelength ranges, respectively. The measurement results were plotted as a normalized Internal Percentage Conversion Efficiency (IPCE) vs. energy (eV) to compare between the different effects of Bi doping. More details on the FTPS measurement of perovskite layers and solar cells can be found in ref. 5.
Ultrasoft pseudopotentials were employed to describe interaction between valence electrons and nuclei plus core electrons. Kohn–Sham orbitals were expanded on a plane wave basis set with a cutoff of 40 Ry. Structure optimizations, achieved by combining molecular dynamics and cell and atomic position optimization (see below), were performed with a Γ-point sampling of the Brilluoin zone. Electronic and optical properties are, instead, computed with a 4 × 4 × 4 Monkhorst–Pack k-point sampling.47
Calculations have been performed with the Quantum Espresso suite of codes.48 Thermodynamic transition energy levels have been computed according to the formula ε(+/0) = Ef(0, EF = 0) − Ef(+, EF = 0) = E(0) − E(+) + Ecorr, where Ef(0, EF = 0) and Ef(+, EF = 0) are the formation energies of the neutral and charged defects at zero Fermi energy (EF = 0), respectively, E(0) and E(+) are the energies of the neutral and charged defects as computed from the supercell calculations, and Ecorr is a correction term accounting for electrostatic interaction between periodic images of charged defects and energy level alignment.49 The second equality stems from the fact that the reference states of the neutral and charged defects are the same. Corrections for charged defects and energy levels alignment have been performed following the approach proposed by Freysoldt et al.50 using the SXDEFECTALIGN software.51 It is worth mentioning that transition energy levels include the reorganization energy upon change of the charge state of the defect. If the transition energy level satisfies the condition ε(+/0) ≥ ECBM it means that the untrapped state, consisting of the empty defect state, BiPb˙, and the electron in the conduction band, is energetically favored. If ε(+/0) < ECBM but this difference is small, few kBT, the untrapped state is still thermally accessible. Finally, if ε(+/0) ≪ ECBM thermal detrapping cannot take place and non-radiative recombination is enhanced.
At room temperature, organic cations of hybrid lead-halide perovskites are orientationally disordered, and this affects the configuration of the 3D PbI3 framework. To reproduce such a complex system a simple (local) optimization of the atomistic configuration obtained from the 4 × 4 × 4 replication of the cubic unit cell, similar to that adopted in previous works,46,52 is not sufficient. To cope with this problem, we implemented a multi-step protocol. The initial sample is (i) aged by constant temperature (400 K) and pressure (ambient pressure) ab initio molecular dynamics (MD) for 3 ps and then (ii) (gently) annealed at 300 K. (iii) After 2 ps of thermalization at ambient conditions (iv) the system is further annealed at 100 K. (v) In the last configuration of this step we introduce defects either by replacing a Pb with a Bi atom (BiPb˙) or introducing an interstitial Bi (Bii˙). (vi) The systems with and without defects are further annealed down to 10 K and the last configuration is used as starting point for (vii) the final geometry and cell optimization. To check the possible presence of inequivalent defects of the same BiPb˙ nominal kind, we generated 5 different initial configurations by replacing 5 different Pb atoms selected randomly out of the 64 present in the sample. Indeed, as mentioned above, this approach allowed us to identify two kinds of defects, shallow and deep. The interstitial Bi has been inserted in the cell at a random position in the proximity of iodine atoms. To avoid problems with the integration of the dynamics, before proceeding with the annealing step atomic forces are partly relaxed keeping the PbI3 framework fixed.
Fig. 1 shows the solar cell performance parameters as a function of Bi content. Interestingly, even a concentration of 0.001% (i.e. 10 ppm) affects the power-conversion efficiency negatively, which decreases monotonically with increasing amount of Bi; for 1% of Bi the PCE approaches 0. This trend, which is not limited to this specific perovskite composition, but holds for CH3NH3PbI3 as well (Fig. S1†), is reflected in the individual solar cell parameters to different extents. The short circuit current density (JSC) initially remains rather unaffected, but drops drastically when going from 0.01 to 1%. The fill factor (FF) decreases moderately and is particularly low for the 0.1% sample. The most systematic trend is however found in the VOC, which decreases continuously without a strong spread upon increasing the Bi concentration. This behavior is strongly indicative of the Bi impurity acting as a recombination center. Before further characterizing recombination at VOC, we aim to better understand the observed trends in JSC and FF.
We start with optical and structural characterization, where we show data measured on films with up to 2% Bi concentration (all samples with [Bi] <0.1% are indistinguishable here). The absorption data, plotted in Fig. 2a, show that the absorbance is comparable for all perovskite films with the investigated Bi concentrations. This finding is consistent with a recent report on CH3NH3PbBr3, where it was shown that the bandgap is not modified upon addition of Bi.40 Only the absorption onsets seem to be broadened for higher concentrations of Bi, which is consistent with the slight red shift of the PL spectra seen for this series. However, this shift of 15 nm is close to what we commonly observe as sample-to-sample variations (≈±5 nm). The XRD data in Fig. 2b do not indicate that the crystal structure or lattice parameters of the perovskite are considerably modified upon addition of Bi, similar to the recent report on CH3NH3PbBr3.40 The Bi-containing perovskite keeps a cubic symmetry and no evidence of the impurity phase (CH3NH3)3Bi2I9 was observed. We will proceed with a more detailed analysis of peak positions below.
Overall, the small changes observed in the optical properties can by no means explain the trends seen in JSC. The reduced JSC, in accordance with the reduced FF, indicates instead a reduced charge carrier collection efficiency because of either increased recombination rates or decreased charge carrier transport properties. Before quantifying those parameters, we make use of the knowledge that charge carrier collection efficiency in perovskite solar cells is influenced by preconditioning.56,57 This behavior results in the well-known hysteresis, when performing a current–voltage (JV)-sweep.58,59 For instance we have shown previously that the photocurrent of degraded devices could be recovered by a fast JV scan following a positive pre-bias, confirming that the major reason for the low JSC was a reduced charge carrier collection efficiency, whereas absorption remained unmodified.56
Fig. 3 shows JV loops from 1.2 V to −1.5 V and back for different voltage sweep rates (0% Bi device shown in Fig. S2†). All devices exhibit severe hysteresis although the stabilized maximum power output is very close to the maximum power point of the backward scan (Fig. S3†). For devices with 0.001% and 0.01% Bi, JSC reaches values larger than 20 mA cm−2 independent of scan rate. However, the 0.1% device shows clear kinks in the JV curve, which reduce the FF substantially. The higher FF of the 1% device is therefore merely due to the kink removal via the much lower photocurrent. One major reason for kinks in the JV curve is charge accumulation due to unfavorable charge extraction properties by the electrodes. In perovskite solar cells, mobile ions tend to screen the electric field.56 Hence, photocurrent for slow scan rates is expected to be mainly diffusion driven. In case of moderately low effective mobilities, this constellation can give rise to S-kinks.60 If mobilities are sufficiently high, the S-kink vanishes and the FF increases (as here for [Bi] ≤ 0.01%). The S-kink can vanish for very low mobilities as well because only a small fraction of photogenerated charges is collected. This effect could explain the observed trend in the FF.
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Fig. 3 JV hysteresis loops starting from 1.2 V for various voltage sweep rates measured at solar cells with different Bi concentrations. Reduced JSC and FF upon addition of Bi are mainly due to a strong dependence of charge extraction on the electric field. (The 0% Bi device behaves similarly as the 0.001%, see Fig. S2†). |
The reduction of JSC with increasing Bi content is partially explained by the fact that the photocurrent saturates only at reverse voltages, indicating that high electric fields are required for successful charge extraction. Performing faster scans, almost the full absorbed photon flux can be extracted as electron–hole pairs, resulting in currents larger than 20 mA cm−2. The faster scans benefit from the persistence of the preconditioning state of forward bias (1.2 V), providing an enhanced electric field for charge carrier extraction. Even for the 1% device, which delivers a JSC < 1 mA cm−2 in a slow scan (20 mV s−1), we can reach almost 5 mA cm−2 at 1.5 V reverse bias for a fast scan (10000 mV s−1). The slope indicates that even more charge carries could be collected under higher reverse bias. This clearly shows that addition of Bi increases charge carrier loss by recombination, outcompeting the charge extraction which strongly relies on the electric field. The reason could be either enhanced recombination consistent with the trend in VOC, or reduced charge carrier transport properties, or a combination of both; the latter case is supported by our device simulations (see below and Fig. S20†).
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images, shown in Fig. S4,† do not indicate a considerable change of film morphology. Especially for low (<0.25%) Bi concentrations, the average grain dimension remain between 300 and 450 nm. However, grains become smaller and bright features appear for samples with 1 and 2% Bi, indicating accumulation of possibly Bi-rich material on the surface.
To further explore whether charge transport is modified (as already mentioned when discussing the S-shape), we deduce the series resistance from the JV curve in the forward direction. For the data shown in Fig. 3 we obtain 25, 62, 56, and 190 Ohm as values for slow scans for 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, and 1% Bi concentration, respectively. Statistics are shown in Fig. S5.† This indicates that indeed charge carrier transport, either in the perovskite or at the interfaces to the charge transport layers, is negatively affected, in particular in the case of 1% Bi. A considerably larger series resistance for devices with 1% Bi compared to lower concentrations is also observed when extracted from dark JV curves as shown in Table 1. The reason could be connected to the presence of shallow trap states as discussed below.
Bi concentration | V OC, rad/V | EQEEL | V OC, calc/V | V OC/V | PL decay time/μs | R s/Ohm cm2 |
a The pronounced tail and a too low electroluminescence yield did not allow the analysis of the data for 1% Bi. | ||||||
0 | 1.34 | 1 × 10−3 | 1.16 | 1.18 | 2.7 | 5 |
0.001% | 1.34 | 1 × 10−4 | 1.10 | 1.11 | 1.9 | 15 |
0.01% | 1.34 | 6 × 10−6 | 1.03 | 1.04 | 1.1 | 9 |
0.1% | 1.34 | 2 × 10−8 | 0.88 | 0.90 | 0.4 | 14 |
1% | —a | —a | —a | 0.85 | 0.1 | 78 |
Now we turn the focus on VOC and recombination. We measured steady-state and transient PL of perovskite films deposited on glass substrates (Fig. 4). Whereas the shapes of the PL spectra remain almost unmodified upon addition of Bi, the overall signal decreases by around four orders of magnitude, indicating a reduced PL yield (consistent with data on CH3NH3PbI3 in ref. 61 and CH3NH3PbBr3 in ref. 40) and enhanced non-radiative recombination in those films. This finding is confirmed by the PL decay experiments, where the long exponential decay time of several μs for a Bi-free perovskite film is reduced to values below 100 ns for a film with 1% Bi. Therefore, Bi is responsible for faster non-radiative recombination in the perovskite films. For simplicity and due to the complexity of the interpretation of PL decay curves,13,62 time constants are extracted by simply fitting a mono-exponential function in the time range indicated by the white lines. The obtained values are included in Table 1.
We measured the ideality factor from intensity dependent VOC data following the approach of ref. 63. Due to light-soaking effects, an unambiguous determination of the ideality factor and assignment to a dominant recombination mechanism was not feasible. Roughly, we deduce values lower than 2 (mostly around 1.6), which reduce towards 1.3 for higher concentrations of Bi. This reduction could indicate a larger majority charge carrier density in tail states as discussed below. From the series resistance analysis, such hypothesized larger charge carrier density does however not seem to translate into a higher conductivity as expected for a doping effect reported for Bi addition to MAPbBr3 (ref. 64) or CsPbBr3 (ref. 65) single crystals. Additionally, this phenomenological series resistance might be limited by charge carrier injection.
We proceeded by using electroluminescence (EL) as a complementary measurement technique to quantify the share of radiative recombination expressed by the external quantum efficiency of EL (EQEEL). As EL is measured on the complete device, VOC can be predicted according to:10
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V OC, rad is the radiative limit of VOC, which is obtained using detailed balance and reciprocity between IPCE and EL.10 The EQEEL is measured in the dark at a forward current that equals the short-circuit current under illumination with one sun (full sweeps in Fig. S7†). The deduced VOC values coincide with experimental VOC data and are included in Table 1, showing a reduction of the EQEEL by roughly five orders of magnitude with increasing Bi content. Whereas the EL results can be used to quantitatively describe the VOC, the trends in our PL data match rather qualitatively. This difference is attributed to the fact that EL is measured at conditions similar to VOC. This is important because the luminescence yield is a function of charge carrier densities and thus of the excitation source in a PL measurement. For transient PL as a non-steady-state measurement at high excitation densities, it is even more challenging to quantify recombination time constants.62 Furthermore, EL results contain the effects of contact layers, which might cause surface recombination. Although we do not have indications that surface recombination introduced by the contact materials should depend on the Bi concentration, we cannot exclude that it contributes to the decrease in VOC to some extent. Within the sensitivity of our detectors in EL and PL, we could not detect the onset of a broad NIR emission peak as reported in ref. 61.
The IPCE onset sensitively measured by FTPS is displayed in Fig. 5a. It shows the typical sharp absorption onset with a narrow Urbach tail (14 meV) at 1.6 eV.5,66 Interestingly, for higher (>0.1%) concentrations of Bi, additional tail states are observed yielding a characteristic trap energy of 37 meV when fitted by an exponential function. This observation is consistent with the absorption data presented in Fig. 2 and the more sensitive PDS data in Fig. 5b.
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Fig. 5 Sensitive optical measurements at the band edge (a) IPCE measured by FTPS and (b) PDS. Both measurements show that larger amounts of Bi introduce optically detectable tail states. |
To perform a more sensitive measurement of the tail states, we switch from the current to the voltage response measured as a surface photovoltage67 (SPV) on top of perovskite, deposited on FTO. Note that we used a slightly modified perovskite composition with a slightly lower bandgap. However, the effect of Bi on device performance and tail states is the same. The SPV signal arises from spatial charge separation upon photon absorption and does not require charge transfer to the contacts. Performed as a function of energy of the incident light it can be used to measure tail states. The results plotted in Fig. 6 clearly show a more strongly pronounced tail with the addition of Bismuth. Fitting an exponential decay between 1.3 and 1.44 eV (for 0.01 to 1% Bi), we find a characteristic energy of 47 meV, which is approx. 3 times higher than the value of 15 meV for the 0% device. Despite being a voltage response, this value matches the one from the current response (IPCE, Fig. 5) and corresponds to the well-documented Urbach tail in metal-halide perovskites.5,66 The energy of the additional tail states is independent of Bi concentration, which indicates that Bi within the perovskite leads to a defect with a characteristic energy, whereas the Bi concentration only changes the magnitude of the signal as expected for conventional defects. This result is independent of whether the perovskite is deposited onto TiO2 or whether doped spiro-MeOTAD is present on the perovskite surface.
It is suspected that these shallow states are mostly responsible for a dispersive charge transport due to trapping and detrapping events resulting in lower effective charge carrier mobilities and, thus, a reduced JSC and FF. The shallower states are obviously still associated with a transition dipole moment allowing for absorption of photons visible in the IPCE and SPV. Based on the results from EQEEL, we conclude that the reduction of VOC is associated with non-radiative transitions, and therefore not detectable in absorption and emission measurements. This non-radiative recombination could result from a low emission yield of these tail states (as we cannot detect emission from them) or additional deep recombination centers, discussed in the subsequent paragraph.
To probe the overall density of occupied states (DOS), we performed UV photoelectron spectroscopy measurements (UPS) on perovskite films deposited onto FTO; the full spectra are presented in Fig. S8 of the ESI.† We find no significant change in the overall shape of the valence band (VB) with addition of Bi, however we observe the appearance of states within the band gap. This is best observable in a log scale representation of the DOS, as presented in Fig. 7. For the lowest investigated Bi concentration, a distinct peak appears approximately 200 meV below the Fermi energy EF. This feature is still noticeable for the 0.01% sample, however for higher ratios a broad distribution of gap states appears (black line) that cover up that signal. Likely this broad distribution originates from excessive Bi at the surface as observed in XPS that could form continuous (metallic) states. It should be noted that these states appear to stretch significantly beyond EF (wider than expected from the energy resolution of 120 meV), which is an artefact of the log scale presentation that blows up very low signal intensities as further discussed in the ESI, Fig. S9.†
The before mentioned discrete state, marked in yellow for the 0.001% and 0.01% Bi measurements in Fig. 7, is likely originating from a specific Bi related defect state, since it is not present in the 0% sample. Additional inverse photoelectron spectroscopy measurements (see Fig. S8†) show that the conduction band (CB) is located close to EF as well. Therefore, it can be concluded that this defect is located around 0.3–0.5 eV below the conduction band (Table 2), which is in good agreement with DFT calculations shown below.
[Bi] (%) | Cutoff UPS | VB onset (lin) | CB onset (lin) | Wf | IE | EA |
0 | 17.21 | 1.79 | 0.05 | 4.01 | 5.8 | 3.96 |
0.001 | 17.27 | 1.75 | 0.13 | 3.95 | 5.7 | 3.82 |
0.01 | 17.03 | 1.43 | 0.31 | 4.18 | 5.61 | 3.87 |
0.1 | 16.99 | 1.49 | 0.38 | 4.23 | 5.72 | 3.85 |
1 | 16.97 | 1.42 | 0.33 | 4.25 | 5.67 | 3.92 |
In addition to the occurrence of gap states, we observe a shift of the work function towards higher values upon addition of Bi, whereas IE and EA remain roughly constant (Table 2). While for 0% the CB is in close proximity to EF, as often observed for Pb based perovskites,68,69 the difference between CB and EF increases with increasing Bi content. This could indicate a mild p-type doping by the Bi addition. However, knowing from UPS (as well as theory discussed at the bottom of this article) that gap states appear, we rather assume that newly created unoccupied states close to the CB lead to a pinning of the Fermi energy a few 100 meV below the CB. We tried observing these states in the IPES measurements shown in the ESI (Fig. S8†), however due to the significantly lower signal intensities they are not observable within the noise level of the experiment.
After having analyzed and characterized the device performance and optoelectronic properties, we want to shed light on the structural and chemical effects of Bi in our perovskite films to understand why Bi in such small quantities is so detrimental. For this purpose we characterize films deposited on glass substrates by XPS. We clearly observe the signature of Bi3+ independent of concentration (clearly resolved for [Bi] > 0.25%, Fig. 8a). The signal originates from Bi 4f (7/2 peak at 159 eV), suggesting that the only oxidation state is Bi3+.70 This can be seen as a first indication that instead of forming interstitials, Bi replaces Pb in the perovskite lattice consistent with recent studies on CH3NH3BixPb1−xI3.61,71 Quantifying the molar ratio between Bi and Pb for the sample with 1% Bi, we observe an accumulation of Bi on the surface (up to 10% detected). Given that 1% is in the film, as verified by mass spectroscopy, and assuming an XPS probe depth of 10 nm, we conclude that there should be approx. 0.8% Bi in the bulk of the 500 nm thick layer. Carefully analyzing the XRD data (Fig. S10 and S11†), we observe a slight reduction of the lattice parameter (Fig. 8b, Table S1†) deduced using Pawley refinement (TOPAS Academic V6) in cubic symmetry (Pmm).72 This decrease is consistent with our expectation since Bi3+ (1.03 Å) has a smaller ionic radius than Pb2+ (1.19 Å) in an octahedral environment,73 as also found for CsPbBr3:Bi single crystals.65 To probe whether this Bi substitution is homogeneous in the perovskite layer, we measured grazing incidence X-ray diffraction. Comparing diffraction patterns from the surface and the bulk, we deduce the same trend, indicating that Bi substitution occurs also in the bulk of the perovskite layer (Fig. S12†). A reduction of lattice parameters is also predicted by simulation when assuming that Bi substitutes Pb (BiPb˙), as presented in the following section.
In order to simplify the theoretical analysis, DFT calculations were performed on CH3NH3PbI3. We remark that our experiments show comparable Bi-related features for CsMAFA and CH3NH3PbI3 perovskite (Fig. S1†). Thus, the simpler CH3NH3PbI3 model allows to identify the fundamental effects of Bi-related defects on the properties of the mixed perovskite. In particular, we considered both substitutional Bi on Pb sites (BiPb˙) and interstitial Bi (Bii˙) in a sample consisting of 64 stoichiometric units (768 atoms) in periodic boundary conditions, corresponding to a Bi concentration of ≈1.5% (see section Experimental methods for details). Additional data are available in the ESI, Fig. S13 to S20.†
Previous theoretical studies46 have indicated that BiPb˙ is the most stable bismuth defect, which is consistent with the +3 charge of bismuth determined by XPS. In addition, computational results show a consistent ≈0.01 Å shrinking of the lattice parameter for the samples containing BiPb˙, in nice agreement with the ≈0.01 Å reduction deduced from XRD data of samples containing 1–2% of Bi (see Fig. 8b). On the other hand, we verified that Bii˙ produces a negligible change of the lattice parameter, and its charge state is inconsistent with XPS data (additional data for BiPb˙ are available in the following and in the ESI†).
CH3NH3PbI3 is a soft material and at room temperature presents an orientationally disordered cation sub-lattice, which also affects the local structure of the PbI3 3D framework. This gives rise to a multiplicity of different local environments for BiPb˙, which might have an effect on the features of defect states. To take this into account, we generated a series of different configurations with Bi substituting different Pb sites in a well thermalized CH3NH3PbI3 sample. These initial configurations are then gently annealed. At first sight, the various structural configurations appear rather similar, with Bi well incorporated into the inorganic 3D framework of the perovskite, and no relevant differences in the structure are observed. However, a closer look at the structure surrounding the Bi atom reveals two different types of atomic configurations of the same nominal defect state. In the first type, the Bi atom is at the center of an almost perfect octahedral BiI6 unit, in which all the I–Bi–I angles α along the axes are almost perfectly flat, α ≥ 175° (see Fig. S13†). In the second configuration, the I–Bi–I angle along a specific axis is sizably smaller (α ≈ 170°).
The difference in the local atomistic structure has a pronounced effect on the energetics of defect states. BiPb˙ presents both shallow (ECBM − ε(+/0) = 0.16 eV, where e(+/0) is the thermodynamic transition energy level and ECBM is the energy of the conduction band minimum, CBM) and deep (ECBM − ε(+/0) = 0.51 eV) defect states, corresponding to the less and more distorted atomistic structures, respectively. We remark that here we report for the first time the double nature, i.e. shallow and deep, of substitutional Bi-related defects. We speculate that this novel finding is due the careful procedure for producing the computational samples, which allowed to access defect configurations not achievable by standard total energy minimization procedures.46,52
The difference in the transition energy levels is related to a difference between the density of states (DOS) of the two configurations: in the neutral charge state, i.e. when the defect has captured an electron, the DOS of the first defect configuration shows two defect peaks almost overlapping with the conduction band minimum (CBM, Fig. 9a), with a small shift to lower energy with respect to the CBM of pure CH3NH3PbI3. This shift is due to hybridisation of Pb 6p and I 5 s with lower energy Bi 6p orbitals. These shallow defect states (Fig. 9b, bottom) are analogous to the partially localized Bi-related conduction band orbital of ref. 52, which consistently with present results, is 0.13 eV below the pristine CBM. The DOS of the second BiPb is characterized by three defects-derived peaks, two at higher energy, empty and almost overlaping with the conduction band, and the third half-filled, and farther in energy from the CBM. This latter orbital is highly localized, more than the lowest energy defect state in the other configuration and reported in the literature,52 as confirmed by the dominant contribution of the Bi 6p orbitals to the DOS in the relevant energy range, and by the shape of the electronic density of the defect state (Fig. 9b). An extended explanation of the relation between the atomistic and electronic structure of the defect states, based on the comparison between present and literature results,34,44,74 is reported in the ESI (Fig. S14–S16†). Interestingly, van der Waals interaction have minor effects on both the thermodynamic transition energy levels, within few tens of meV, and DOS of shallow and deep defects (Fig. S18†). Also cation mixing plays a minor role, both when a second cation, e.g. FA, is near or far from the substitutional bismuth (Fig. S19†).
The fact that BiPb can generate both shallow and deep defect states depicts a scenario coherent with the main experimental findings including the results from FTPS, PDS, and UPS. In fact, 0.16 eV, the transition energy level of the shallow defect state, is ≈6 times the thermal energy available to the system at room temperature. Thus an electron trapped in this orbital has a non-neglibigle probability of getting thermally detrapped and reach the conduction band. The trapping/detrapping process slows down the carrier conduction which negatively affects FF and JSC. On the contrary, detrapping from the deeper defect configuration requires 0.51 eV, ≈20 times the thermal energy; a carrier stuck in this highly localized state has very little probability to be thermally excited into the conduction band. Instead, it will more easily recombine non-radiatively, thus most likely being responsible for the reduced VOC. This recombination can be quantitatively described by Shockley–Read–Hall theory. Implemented in drift-diffusion simulations of a p–i–n device, the observed reduction of VOC requires defects that are at least as deep as 0.3 eV (Fig. S21†). Comparing the simulated current–voltage curves (Fig. S22†) with the hysteresis curves of Fig. 3, this enhanced recombination can also explain the reduction of photocurrent as a function of scan rate. However, the reduced fill factor and enhanced series resistance is better described by an additionally reduced charge carrier mobility.
We also computed the dielectric function of the (positively charged) defect states in the configurations described above. The theoretical results are consistent with experimental spectra. In fact, both defects only contribute with low energy tails to the spectrum of the pristine material (inset of Fig. 9a, cfr. with Fig. 5 and 6). We, thus, infer that the deep unoccupied energy level of BiPb˙ is dark (see also ESI†). In addition, the dielectric function of Bii˙ shows no tails (Fig. S20†), which further supports the hypothesis that it is BiPb˙ responsible for the low energy tails defect signature in the experimental spectra.
Footnotes |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: JV data of CH3NH3PbI3, SEM data, XRD data, UPS data, details to the calculations. See DOI: 10.1039/c9ta01744e |
‡ These authors contributed equally. |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2019 |