a and
aSchool of Pharmacy, Shanghai University of Medicine & Health Sciences, 279 Zhouzhu Highway, Pudong New Area, Shanghai 201318, China
bMicrobial Pharmacology Laboratory, Shanghai University of Medicine & Health Sciences, 279 Zhouzhu Highway, Pudong New Area, Shanghai 201318, China. E-mail: shaolei00@gmail.com
cState Key Laboratory of New Drug and Pharmaceutical Process, Shanghai Institute of Pharmaceutical Industry, 285 Gebaini Rd., Shanghai 200040, China
First published on 21st January 2020
Steric hindrance in the binding pocket of an alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) has a great impact on its activity and stereoselectivity simultaneously. Due to the subtle structural difference between two bulky phenyl substituents, the asymmetric synthesis of diaryl alcohols by bioreduction of diaryl ketones is often hindered by the low activity and stereoselectivity of ADHs. To engineer an ADH with practical properties and to investigate the molecular mechanism behind the asymmetric biocatalysis of diaryl ketones, we engineered an ADH from Lactobacillus kefiri (LkADH) to asymmetrically catalyse the reduction of 4-chlorodiphenylketones (CPPK), which are not catalysed by the wild type (WT) enzyme. Mutants seq1–seq5 with gradually increased activity and stereoselectivity were obtained through iterative “shrinking mutagenesis.” The final mutant seq5 (Y190P/I144V/L199V/E145C/M206F) demonstrated the highest activity and excellent stereoselectivity of >99% ee. Molecular simulation analyses revealed that mutations may enhance the activity by eliminating steric hindrance, inducing a more open binding loop and constructing more noncovalent interactions. The pro-R pose of CPPK with a halogen bond formed a pre-reaction conformation more easily than the pro-S pose, resulting in the high ee of (R)-CPPO in seq5. Moreover, different halogen bonds formed due to the different positions of chlorine substituents, resulting in opposite substrate binding orientation and stereoselectivity. Therefore, the stereoselectivity of seq5 was inverted toward ortho- rather than para-chlorine substituted ketones. These results indicate that the stereocontrol element of LkADH was changed to recognise diaryl ketones after steric hindrance was eliminated. This study provides novel insights into the role of steric hindrance and noncovalent bonds in the determination of the activity and stereoselectivity of enzymes, and presents an approach producing key intermediates of chiral drugs with practical potential.
Diaryl ketones can be asymmetrically reduced to their corresponding chiral alcohol. Optically pure diaryl alcohols are important pharmaceutical intermediates.6 Among these alcohols, (R)-(4-chlorophenyl)(phenyl)methanol (CPPO) is the critical intermediate in the production of laevorotatory cloperastine, which can be prepared through the symmetric reduction of diaryl ketone CPPK. Levocloperastine is faster acting and causes greater reduction in the intensity and frequency of coughing of recipients compared with racemic cloperastine.7 The chemical synthesis of chiral diaryl alcohols often involves expensive Ru catalysts or resolving agents.8 Therefore, the alternative strategy for production is bio-reduction by ADHs, which is considered the more ecologically and economically viable route for synthesis.
Due to the important role of steric hindrance in chiral recognition and activity, from the view of rational design, it can be inferred that the elimination of steric hindrance in the binding pocket has a double effect of providing improved ligand–protein interactions with the enhancement of activity toward bulky CPPK, and potentially low stereoselectivity, unless a different stereocontrol element takes over. In this study, we aimed to create an ADH variant with enhanced activity and stereoselectivity toward CPPK without property trade-offs. The molecular basis of an ADH from Lactobacillus kefiri DSM 20587 (LkADH), which has a resolved crystal structure,2 was selected for engineering. Naturally occurring LkADH shows a preference for the reduction of bulky–small ketones as opposed to bulky–bulky ketones. It is difficult for the phenyl group of CPPK to bind to a small pocket, which results in an inactive binding conformation. Reduction using LkADH wild-type (WT) only produced a conversion of less than 0.1%. This result further suggests that steric hindrance prevents optimal substrate interactions. Moreover, the subtle differences between the two phenyl groups of CPPK result in difficulty in chiral recognition for LkADH. In this study, we constructed focused libraries consisting of limited amino acids with sites selected in or around the catalytic pocket to screen variants with enhanced activity and stereoselectivity. A 5-point mutant (seq5) with reduced steric hindrance and dramatically increased properties was obtained. The molecular docking and dynamic simulations of the WT and mutants further revealed the origin of enhanced activity and stereoselectivity. Moreover, huge differences in chiral recognition between the WT and seq5 were discovered, which indicated that the stereocontrol element can be converted in the engineered ADH.
The gene encoding LkADH (accession number: AY267012) from Lactobacillus kefiri DSM 20587 was expressed using pET-21b. A single transformant was cultured at 37 °C for 12 h and was then transferred to 100 mL fresh Luria–Bertani (LB) medium and cultured at 37 °C. The culture was induced by adding 0.1 mM isopropyl β-D-1-thiogalactopyranoside when its optical density at 600 nm reached 0.6. After induction at 20 °C for 20 h, resting cells were harvested by centrifuging at 8500g for 10 min and were then resuspended in 100 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.6) with a cell concentration of 80 mg·mL−1.
Resting cells expressing mutants were used as biocatalysts in the reaction of CPPK to determine the conversion and ee. The screening reaction mixture (500 μL) included 200 μL of suspended resting cells expressing mutants, 25 μL of 5 mM NADP stock, and 50 μL of 200 mM CPPK dissolved in isopropanol. The reaction mixture was incubated at 30 °C with rotation at 200 rpm for 30 min. The reaction was terminated by adding 1 mL isopropanol and incubating the mixture at 65 °C for 10 min. The samples were analysed after filtering by HPLC to determine the conversion ratio and ee.
MD simulation was performed using the particle mesh Ewald molecular dynamics module implemented in the Amber 18 suite,9 with the ff14SB force field used for the protein system, and the GAFF force field used for the ligands.10 The NADPH parameters were obtained from the AMBER parameter database.11 The ANTECHAMBER module and Gaussian 09 were used to calculate the CPPK RESP atom charges. Hydrogen atoms and sodium ions (to neutralise the negative charges) were added to the protein using the tleap utility. Each simulation system was immersed in a cube of TIP3P explicit water, extending to 12 Å outside the protein on all sides. Water molecules were treated using the SHAKE algorithm, and the long-range electrostatic effects were considered using the particle mesh Ewald method. The binary complex of protein–NADPH without the substrate being bound, the ternary complex obtained from the molecular docking of seq1–NADPH–CPPK, and complexes with the pro-R/S docking poses of the seq5–NADPH–CPPK were treated as follows. The water molecules and ions were relaxed to minimise the energy during the 10000 minimisation steps with the protein and ligands restrained. The backbone of the protein was restrained with the other section relaxed to minimise the energy. The whole system was then minimised without the restraints during the 10
000 minimisation steps. After energy minimisation, the system was gradually heated in the NVT ensemble from 0 to 303 K over 200 ps. This procedure was followed by 200 ps of NPT simulation at 303 K and 1 atm pressure using the Langevin dynamics algorithm with the complex constrained. Equilibration for 200 ps was performed with the complex constrained. All the positional constraints in energy minimisation and equilibration used a force constant of 2.0 kcal mol−1 Å−2. Three independent productive simulations of WT, seq1, and seq5 were performed without any restraints for 200 ns. A time-step of 2.0 fs was used, and coordinates of the system were saved every 2 ps during production. The pocket volumes were calculated using the POVME2 program.12 The WT, seq1, and seq5 used the same parameters to describe the binding pocket using POVME 2.0. Based on the algorithm of this program, the grid spacing was set as 0.5 for better accuracy. The centre of the point inclusion sphere was set as X = 45, Y = 42, and Z = 27 and the radius was 10 Å. The centre of the point exclusion sphere was set as X = 50, Y = 44, and Z = 38 and the radius was 6 Å. The default distance cutoff value was used. The convex-hull-clipping option was set as “True” to increase the accuracy. The centre of the contiguous pocket seed sphere was set as X = 45, Y = 42, and Z = 26 and the radius was 7 Å. The contiguous points criteria was set as 3.
To calculate the proportion of the pre-reaction conformations of the pro-S and pro-R poses, each pose obtained from the docking result underwent 4 ns of MD simulation with ten replicas. Distances were calculated with the cpptraj module. The plot of the probability density distribution of the distances of C4NADPH–C1CPPK and OHTyr156–O1CPPK was calculated using 2D kernel density estimation using OriginPro 2018. The binding free energies of CPPK in seq5 and seq1 were calculated from 1000 frames extracted from ten independent 4 ns simulations with stable root-mean-square deviation, using the generalised Born surface area method implemented using the MMPBSA.py script of Amber 18.13
Based on the structural information of the binding pocket and catalytic mechanism, we selected five residues around the catalytic triad as the target for “shrinking mutagenesis” with an iterative strategy aimed at the expansion of the original small binding pocket (Fig. S1†). Based on the CPPK hydrophobicity (logP = 3.57), van der Waals volumes, and charges of residues, the bulkier residues with large volumes (Tyr190/Ile144/Leu199/Glu145/Leu195) were selected for mutagenesis of aliphatic residues (Ala/Pro/Val/Gly) and polar residues (Ser/Cys) with smaller volumes. Basic and acidic amino acids were excluded because of their hydrophilicity. The van der Waals volumes of 20 residues are listed in Table S1.† Based on the crystal structure of LkADH, Leu199, Glu145, and Leu195 were in different α-helixes, and the Tyr190 was located in a loop region. Based on previous reports, Pro is the worst helix former due to its lack of an amide hydrogen for main chain hydrogen bonding and because of its unique geometry.14 Mutations to Pro at sites Leu199, Glu145, and Leu195 could destabilize the α-helix structure and result in inactive variants. However, proline is frequently found in turn and loop structures of proteins.15 Therefore, only the site in the loop region (Tyr190) was mutated into Pro, and the sites in the α-helixes (Leu199, Glu145, and Leu195) were excluded.
Iterative mutagenesis is a powerful approach for semi-rational design.16 With the structural information on the binding pocket, the sequence space could be reduced by selecting limited residues in or near the binding pocket. Beneficial mutations with additive and synergistic effects could be achieved using several rounds of mutagenesis.
Tyr190 was the residue with the largest volume (141 Å3) in the binding pocket. Therefore, it may be the key residue preventing the binding of the large groups in the small binding pocket. This site was targeted first as changes to this site may result in higher activity. Using resting cells expressing mutants, all six mutants at sites Y190 produced measurable CPPO. Among them, Y190G, Y190A, and Y190C demonstrated a conversion ratio of more than 30%, a dramatic increase when compared with WT. However, these mutants demonstrated low ee values of 3%, 30.5% and 31.3%, respectively. The Y190P (seq1) mutation demonstrated the highest ee of 72.1% with a medium conversion ratio of 20.1%. Based on this, we used Y190P as the template to perform the second cycle of mutagenesis at Ile144. The location of Ile144 was quite close to catalytic residue Ser143, which may be sensitive to residue change. Therefore, only similar small aliphatic mutations of Val, Ala, and Gly were constructed. Y190P/I144V (seq2) demonstrated an increased conversion ratio of 26.1%, and was the only active mutant at site I144. The I144G and I144A lost their activity toward CPPK. Gly is an amino acid that has a single hydrogen atom as its side chain, which results in the smallest VDW volume. However, it has also lost the necessary hydrophobic interactions for CPPK binding. Compared with Ala, Val demonstrated enhanced activity and stereoselectivity. This may be because of its relatively large hydrophobic isopropyl group providing better hydrophobic interactions. In a previous study, Val was also used for manipulating stereoselectivity in an epoxide hydrolase to achieve much better results than using Ala.17 The stereoselectivity of seq2 further increased from 72.1% to 89% ee.
Seq2 was then used as a template to mutate Leu199 obtaining seq3 (Y190P/Y144V/L199V). The conversion of seq3 increased to 31.3%, and ee increased to 94.7%. Using seq3 as a template, Glu145 was selected for mutagenesis, creating seq4 (Y190P/I144V/L199V/E145C). The stereoselectivity of seq4 was more than 99% ee, and the conversion ratio further increased to 33.9%. Using seq4 as a template, all six mutations demonstrated decreased activity at Leu195, indicating that leucine exhibits favourable interaction with CPPK.
To increase the activity of seq4 further, flexible docking analysis was performed. Based on the docking results of seq4 (template used for M206F), the CPPK in the pre-reaction conformation was found to interact with Met206 and Tyr249. Besides, as the CPPK is a hydrophobic compound with two aromatic rings, this indicates that increasing hydrophobic effect and constructing π–π interaction will probably help to stabilize the pre-reaction conformation. Among the amino acids, only Phe, Tyr, and Trp have an aromatic ring that allows them to form π–π interaction with CPPK. Moreover, Phe has the smallest van der Waals volume among the aromatic amino acids. Therefore, it was chosen for the site-directed mutation of M206F to construct π–π ‘T’-shaped interaction and enhance the hydrophobic effect. After virtual mutation, docking results demonstrated that the phenyl ring of CPPK interacted with Tyr249 and Phe 206 by π–π ‘T’-shaped interaction and formed a densely packed hydrophobic region. In addition, based on a previous report, the π–π interactions had been successfully designed to affect transition-state binding for catalysis.18 Therefore, from the view of rational design, site direct mutation of M206F was performed. As expected, seq5 (Y190P/I144V/L199V/E145C/M206F) further increased the conversion to 46% and maintained an ee value of more than 99%.
The conversion ratio and enantiomer excess of all the mutants created using iterative mutagenesis are listed in Table 1. Through five rounds of mutagenesis with minimal screening, we obtained five-point mutant seq5 (Y190P/I144V/L199V/E145C/M206F) with a dramatic enhancement of activity and stereoselectivity.
Template | Mutation | Conversion ratio (%) | ee (%) | Configuration |
WT | None | <0.1 | — | — |
WT | Y190G | 31 | 3 | R |
Y190A | 35 | 30.5 | R | |
Y190S | 0.9 | — | R | |
Y190C | 24.3 | 31.3 | R | |
Y190P | 20.1 | 72.1 | R | |
Y190V | 4.32 | 43 | R | |
Seq1: Y190P | I144G | <0.1 | — | — |
I144A | <0.1 | — | — | |
I144V | 26.1 | 89 | R | |
Seq2: Y190P/I144V | L199A | 4.2 | 90 | R |
L199S | 4.5 | >99 | R | |
L199C | 12.3 | 98.5 | R | |
L199V | 31.3 | 94.7 | R | |
L199G | <0.1 | — | — | |
Seq3: Y190P/I144V/L199V | E145G | 2.2 | >99 | R |
E145A | 27 | 95 | R | |
E145S | 5.3 | 85.9 | R | |
E145C | 33.9 | >99 | R | |
E145V | <0.1 | — | — | |
Seq4: Y190P/I144V/L199V/E145C | L195G | 8.9 | >99 | R |
L195A | <0.1 | — | — | |
L195S | 7.7 | >99 | R | |
L195C | <0.1 | — | — | |
L195V | <0.1 | — | — | |
Seq4: Y190P/I144V/L199V/E145C | M206F | 46 | >99 | R |
Mutant | K m (mM) | V max (μmol min−1 mg−1) | k cat (min−1) |
Seq1 (Y190P) | 0.54 | 0.0055 | 0.15 |
Seq2 (Y190P/I144V) | 1.08 | 0.0426 | 1.2 |
Seq3 (Y190P/I144V/L199V) | 1.13 | 0.0710 | 2.0 |
Seq4 (Y190P/I144V/L199V/E145C) | 3.30 | 0.1316 | 3.8 |
Seq5 (Y190P/I144V/L199V/E145C/M206F) | 3.14 | 1.2811 | 36.9 |
The enhanced activity implied that hindrance in the binding pocket of the WT enzyme was reduced, and that the pocket expanded to accept the bulkier CPPK substrate. To understand the differences in the enzymatic activity, the pocket volumes of WT and seq5 were calculated to be 163.25 Å3 and 203.63 Å3, respectively. The engineered seq5 reduced the steric hindrance and achieved an expanded binding pocket, as expected.
Considering the dynamic motion of the enzyme–NADPH complex, we further calculated the pocket volumes of WT, seq1, and seq5 during three independent MD simulations for 200 ns (in total 600 ns). As illustrated in Fig. 1A, significant differences in volume distribution were found. Pocket volume distribution analysis revealed that seq1 and seq5 exhibit larger average pocket volumes as well as broader distributions. The WT exhibits a smaller average pocket volume and a narrower distribution. However, this difference cannot be solely explained by the replacement of bulky residues with smaller ones. Furthermore, the representative structures of WT, seq1, and seq5 during simulation were overlaid and compared. The comparison of the secondary structure revealed that the substrate-binding loop (residues 190–210) was much more open in seq1 and seq5 than in the WT (Fig. 1B). The distance between Tyr156 and Leu195 also indicated that the proportion of the open state in seq1/seq5 was much more occupied than that in the WT during the simulations (Fig. S3†). The prolonged open state of the pocket induced by mutations may be the main reason for the dramatically increased pocket volume in seq1 and seq5.
The one amino acid substitution Y190P of seq1 with a dramatically increased volume suggests that proline was responsible for the prolonged open state of the binding pocket. Proline is often found in the secondary structure of the β-turn and is often used to induce a turn in the loop.20,21 This might be because the cyclic structure of proline gives rotation. The rotation could bend the binding loop with a greater probability of opening rather than closing, which further resulted in a large pocket volume. The different proportions of the closed or opened state of the binding pocket could be manipulated by different mutations. Contrary to mutation Y190P, the previously reported mutation A94F promotes a slightly more closed binding loop because Phe94 exhibits van der Waals interaction with Leu195.2 The mobile loop regions located at the entrance of the active site pocket are often considered as the gates that control the entry and exit of substrates and products, in addition to shielding the active site from the bulk solvent during catalysis.22,23 Therefore, the results above indicate that reduced steric hindrance and a wider entrance for substrate access was obtained in seq1 and seq5.
Although a more open entrance conformation was achieved by seq1 than seq5, the activity of the single point mutant seq1 remained low. The expanded pocket caused by Y190P (seq1) provided basic and essential space for CPPK access, which resulted in detectable activity compared with WT. However, seq1 bound CPPK with relatively poor affinity compared to seq5 (binding free energy calculated to be −25.3 ± 2.9 vs. −18.1 ± 2.3 kcal mol−1). This suggests that the other four mutations contribute significantly to the enhanced affinity and activity in seq5. As illustrated in Fig. 2, the mutations in seq5 contributed to binding through different interactions. I144V/E145C located in the catalytic loop and Y190P/L199V/M206F located in the binding loop form the expanded pocket. They interact with substrates through energy-favouring interactions. In this conformation, two hydrogen bonds between O1CPPK and catalytic Try156/Ser143 are formed. Y190P interacts with CPPK via a π–alkyl interaction. A π–sulphur interaction was observed between E145C and the two phenyl groups. Moreover, the phenyl groups of CPPK interacted with M206F and Tyr249 in π–π stacking with a T shape, as was expected. The π–alkyl interaction observed between the Leu195 and L199V side chains and CPPK may synergistically influence CPPK binding. In addition, the amide oxygen of Leu195 forms a halogen bond with the para-chlorine of CPPK. These interactions favour substrate binding and anchor the phenyl in the expanded pocket, which dramatically increases the activity of LkADH. Therefore, in addition to the more open entrance, the favourable interactions between the substrate and residues that help stabilise substrate binding are also crucial for activity enhancement.
We further compared the specific activities of the WT and seq5 to nine ketones. The specific activities for bulky–bulky ketones (1a–5a) and bulky–small ketones (6a–9a) are compared in Fig. 3. Compared to the WT, engineered seq5 demonstrated higher activity in all the tested substrates. Substrate 5a demonstrated the highest activity of seq5 among all the tested ketones. Its corresponding chiral alcohol, (S)-(4-chlorophenyl)(pyridin-2-yl)methanol (CPMO), is an important intermediate in the synthesis of the antihistamine drugs bepotastine and carbinoxamine.24 Meanwhile, the WT has no measurable activity toward 1a–5a (specific activity less than 0.001 μmol min−1 mg−1) and was only active toward small–bulky ketones. Furthermore, compared to ketones without substituents, electron-withdrawing chlorine substituent seemed to enhance the activity. Moreover, seq5 demonstrated gradually increasing activities from ortho-chlorine- to para-chlorine-substituted ketones. This indicates the importance of the chlorine position, which may affect substrate binding by noncovalent interaction. The expanded substrate scope further confirms that the engineered binding pocket reduced the hindrance near catalytic residues, which demonstrated a general increase in enzyme activity in different substrates.
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Fig. 5 Stereoselectivities of seq5 for different substituted ketones. The chlorine position plays an important role in product stereo configuration. |
All the bulky–small ketones were reduced in the R enantiomer by WT, and three of them exhibited a relatively high ee of >99%. 2-Chloro-1-phenylethanone (10a) exhibited a relatively low ee of 65%. These results indicate that WT was an anti-Prelog-selective ADH that produced (R)-enantiomers, which is consistent with a previous report.29 The small and large binding pockets differ in size in the WT, which fixes the substrate-binding orientation. As a result, the substituents on the bulky group have almost no impact on stereoselectivity, as steric hindrance mainly determines the stereoselectivity.
Surprisingly, contrary to the strict anti-Prelog-selectivity of the WT, the stereoselectivity of seq5 was inverted toward some substrates, demonstrating an opposite stereo-preference. Seq5 was highly anti-Prelog selective for para-chlorine-substituted ketones, such as 3a (CPPK), 5a, and 9a, all producing (R)-enantiomers, except 5a. 5a was reduced to an (S)-enantiomer due to the presence of a pyridine group instead of phenyl, which is higher than a large phenyl group according to the Cahn–Ingold–Prelog (CIP) rule. However, the stereoselectivities inverted to Prelog selective when 2-chlorodiphenylketone (1a), 2-chloro-1-phenylethanone (7a), and 3-chloro-1-phenylethanone (8a) were reduced, mainly yielding (S)-enantiomers. Therefore, docking experiments were performed using 4-chloro-1-phenylethanone (9a) producing an (R)-enantiomer of 82% ee and 2-chloro-1-phenylethanone (7a) producing an (S)-enantiomer of >99% ee, which may reveal the reason for stereoselectivity inversion (Fig. 6). 4-Chloro-1-phenylethanone bound in the pro-R pose, the para-chlorine of which formed a halogen bond with Leu195, stabilising the pro-R pose (Fig. 6A). In contrast, 2-chloro-1-phenylethanone bound in the pro-S pose (Fig. 6B), the phenyl ring of which was located in the expanded pocket and interacted with Y249 and F206 as a π–π T-shape. Significantly, the ortho-chlorine formed halogen bonds with Gly189 and Pro188. The superimposition clearly illustrated the opposite binding orientation of two substrates, resulting in opposite enantiomers (Fig. 6C). Similar binding conformations of 2-chlorodiphenylketone (1a) producing an (S)-enantiomer of 57% ee and CPPK were also observed (Fig. S4†). These results further revealed that sufficient space was created for the inversion of binding orientation and the halogen bond controls the binding orientation in seq5.
In addition, it should be noted that ketones without any substitution on phenyl, such as phenyl-2-pyridinylmethanone (4a) and acetophenone (6a), only decreased with a low ee of 7% and 35.9%, respectively. When para-chlorine was attached, the ee of 5a and 9a dramatically increased to >99% and 82%, respectively. These significant increases and the inversion in stereoselectivity clearly indicate that the halogen bonds formed by chlorine substituent play an important role in the determination of stereoselectivity. This important halogen bond was also observed in the pro-R docking pose of CPPK but was absent in the pro-S docking pose (Fig. 2; Fig. S5 and S6†).
Very recently, during the engineering of KpADH from Kluyveromyces polyspora, high stereoselectivity was obtained using substrate 5a due to the opposite charge characteristics between chlorophenyl and pyridine substituents.24 KpADH was revealed to prefer the formation of the pro-R pose of 5a because of the electrostatic attraction formed between the positively charged pyridine substituent and the negatively charged Glu214.24 In the present study, no charged residues interacted with any substrate, which suggests a different chiral recognition mechanism in seq5. Halogen bonds are commonly found in protein–ligand complexes, with >2000 structures having been reported in recent years.30 They are analogous to hydrogen bonds and are highly directional and specific.31 They are also applied to control substrate selectivity in biocatalysis.32 In addition, although halogen bonds have been successfully applied in enantioseparations and chemical chiral catalysts,33–35 to the best of our knowledge, the role of the halogen bonds in determining stereoselectivity has not been reported in the area of biocatalysis. All the results that we obtained indicate that the elimination of steric hindrance in seq5 created sufficient space and appropriate conformation for phenyl ring inversion and new noncovalent bond formation. In this situation, differences in the sizes of groups had a limited impact on stereoselectivity, and the noncovalent halogen bond mainly determined the stereoselectivity. The main stereocontrol element changed in LkADH after engineering.
Based on the results above, seq5 prefers the pro-R binding of CPPK mainly because of the halogen bond between the para-chlorine and oxygen of Leu195. Moreover, the absence of a halogen bond with a pro-S conformation may cause difficulty in catalysis initiation. The catalysis mechanism of the ADH revealed that hydride transfer can happen when the distance between the NADPH-C4 atom and ketone carbonyl carbon is ≤4.5 Å, and the carbonyl oxygen forms a hydrogen bond with the side chains of the tyrosine catalytic residue.24,36–41 Therefore, the CPPK conformations in which the carbonyl oxygen formed hydrogen bonds (≤3.7 Å) with Tyr156 and the distance between the carbonyl carbon and NADPH-C4 atoms was less than 4.5 Å were defined as pre-reaction conformations. Both the docking conformations of the pro-R and pro-S poses were pre-reaction conformations (Fig. 7A and C). However, seq5 only produced an (R)-enantiomer, and previous reports have shown that docking analysis alone may provide an incomplete picture of ligand binding.42
Considering the dynamic motion of the substrate–enzyme complex, MD simulation was performed to further analyse the two critical distances and compare the proportions of the pre-reaction conformations of the pro-R and pro-S poses. As previous reports suggest that multiple short simulations achieve better correlation of stereoselectivity than a single long simulation,43,44 the two distances of the pro-R and pro-S conformations were monitored with ten independent 4 ns simulations (in total 40 ns). The binding free energy of the pro-S pose was calculated to be −22.1 ± 2.5 kcal mol−1, higher than that of the pro-R pose (−25.3 ± 2.9 kcal mol−1). Furthermore, as illustrated in Fig. 7B, the pro-R conformations of CPPK demonstrated a close and relatively stable distance to NADPH and Tyr156. However, it is difficult for the pro-S pose to sustain a stable close contact with NADPH and Tyr156, which implies that the probability of hydride transfer from the re-face was quite low (Fig. 7D). Remarkably, the proportion of the pre-reaction conformations with both distance C4NADPH–C1CPPK ≤ 4.5 Å and distance OHTyr156–O1CPPK ≤ 3.7 Å was 22.2% in the pro-R pose and 7.3% in the pro-S pose. The occurrence of more than three times of pre-reaction conformations of the pro-R pose than those of the pro-S pose indicated that seq5 prefers to transfer hydride from the si-face producing (R)-CPPO, which is consistent with the bio-reduction results. The above results suggest that the pro-R pose with a halogen bond can form pre-reaction conformations more easily than the pro-S pose, resulting in (R)-CPPO with high ee.
Among the variants recently reported, seq5 demonstrated attractive substrate tolerance and satisfactory ee without additional optimisation (Table S2†). These results demonstrate that the bio-reduction approach using seq5 has potential for further large-scale applications.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/c9cy02444a |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2020 |