Transition-metal-free lactamization of C(sp3)–H bonds with CO2: facile generation of pyrido[1,2-a]pyrimidin-4-ones

Zhen Zhang *a, Xiao-Yu Zhou b, Jin-Gui Wu b, Lei Song b and Da-Gang Yu *bc
aKey laboratory of Coarse Cereal Processing of Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, College of Pharmacy and Biological Engineering, Chengdu University, Chendu 610106, P. R. China. E-mail:
bKey Laboratory of Green Chemistry & Technology of Ministry of Education, College of Chemistry, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610064, P. R. China. E-mail:
cBeijing National Laboratory for Molecular Sciences, Beijing 100190, P. R. China

Received 24th October 2019 , Accepted 27th November 2019

First published on 28th November 2019


A novel carbonylation of C(sp3)–H bonds in pyridylamines with one atmosphere of CO2 is reported to synthesize important pyrimidinones in good yields. This transition-metal-free and redox-neutral process features the use of a nontoxic carbonyl source, broad substrate scope, good functional group tolerance, facile scalability and easy product derivatization.

The development of green and sustainable strategies for organic synthesis has received increasing attention. A green and recyclable building block may play a key role in these strategies. As an ideal C1 building block, CO2 is nontoxic, abundant, and recyclable. Therefore, it is highly important to utilize CO2 to synthesize high-value-added chemicals in a sustainable way.1 Among the diverse organic transformations of CO2,2 the carbonylation with CO2 to synthesize carbonyl-containing heterocycles has attracted increasing attention,3 replacing highly toxic and user-unfriendly CO and phosgene. Recently, significant progress has been achieved in the carbonylation of C–H with CO2 due to its high atom- and step-economy.4 Importantly, as it bears carbon with a higher valence than that of CO, CO2 can act ideally as the combination of CO and oxidants (CO2 = CO + [O]), realizing such carbonylations under redox-neutral reaction conditions and reducing the cost and heavy metal residues.5 However, most of the research in this field is focused on the carbonylation of C(sp2)–H bonds.4a–n In contrast, there are only few examples of carbonylation of C(sp3)–H bonds with CO2.4o–q Notably, to the best of our knowledge, only one example of lactamization of C(sp3)–H with CO2 was reported by Zhang and Lv,4p who realized the efficient generation of 4-hydroxy-2(1H)-quinolinones from o-acetamidoacetophenones, albeit under a high pressure of CO2 (3 MPa). Herein, we report a novel carbonylation of C(sp3)–H bonds in pyridylamines with one atmosphere of CO2 to synthesize important pyrimidinones under transition-metal-free and redox-neutral conditions (Scheme 1B).
image file: c9gc03659h-s1.tif
Scheme 1 Carbonylation of the C–H bond.

Pyrimidinones are important motifs in many drug molecules and widely investigated in medicinal chemistry.6 Therefore, many groups have developed synthesis methods to generate such a structure efficiently.7 It is worth noting that Zeng and co-workers developed an elegant Pd-catalyzed lactamization of ketoimines with CO (Scheme 1A), which displays broad substrate scope and high step economy.8 However, the use of toxic CO and stoichiometric Cu(OAc)2 as the oxidant increases the risk for heavy metal residues and hampers its applications in industry. With our continuous interest in the sustainable organic synthesis with CO2,4b,9 we wondered whether we could realize the efficient carbonylation of the C(sp3)–H bonds in ketoimines with CO2 to obtain pyrimidinones under redox-neutral conditions. Such a scenario faces several challenges. First, the thermodynamic stability and kinetic inertness of CO2 render it difficult to realize efficient transformations, especially under low pressure. Second, the dearomatization of pyridines would occur during the reaction, which make such processes even more challenging (Fig. 1).

image file: c9gc03659h-f1.tif
Fig. 1 Selected examples of bioactive pyrimidinones.

With such challenges in mind, we began to investigate the reaction using N-(2-pyridyl) ketoimine 1a as the substrate under one atmosphere of CO2 (Table 1). To our delight, the desired product 2a was obtained in 61% yield with lithium t-butoxide as the base in DMF at 120 °C for 24 h (Table 1, entry 1). Other bases, such as NaOtBu, KOtBu and Cs2CO3, were also tested but gave lower yields (Table 1, entries 2–4). When using NaOtBu or KOtBu as the base, the reaction system was very viscous and 1a was transformed to a byproduct (see the ESI for details), both of which might cause a lower yield of 2a. The screening of the amount of LiOtBu demonstrated that 4.5 equivalents was the best choice (Table 1, entries 5–10). Similar to our previous reports,4b the desired product was not detected when 1 equivalent of LiOtBu was used, indicating that LiOtBu not only acts as a base but also participates in the formation of intermediates. Subsequently, we evaluated the reaction temperature and found that 130 °C gave the highest yield (Table 1, entries 9 and 11–14). Although 2a was generated in very low yield at 80 °C, the carboxylative product could be detected obviously by ESI-MS (Table 1, entry 11), which indicates that it might be an intermediate for this transformation and the cyclization might not occur easily at lower temperatures. Other solvents, such as DMA, DMSO, diglyme, and THF, were also tested (Table 1, entries 15–19). However, no better results were obtained, indicating the unique role of DMF for this reaction. No desired product was obtained in the absence of CO2, demonstrating its crucial role as a carbonylative source (Table 1, entry 20).

Table 1 Optimization of reaction conditionsa

image file: c9gc03659h-u1.tif

Entry Base x T/°C Yieldb (%) Entry Base x T/°C Yieldb (%)
a Reaction conditions: 1a (0.2 mmol), 1 atm of CO2, 2 mL of DMF, 24 h. b GC yields are given with dodecane as an internal standard and the isolated yield is given in parentheses. c DMA (2 mL). d DMSO (2 mL). e Diglyme (2 mL). f THF (2 mL). g 1,4-Dioxane (2 mL). h Under the atmospheric of N2 instead of CO2.
1 LiOtBu 3 120 61 11 LiOtBu 4.5 80 <5
2 NaOtBu 3 120 35 12 LiOtBu 4.5 110 67
3 KOtBu 3 120 22 13 LiO t Bu 4.5 130 87 (86)
4 Cs2CO3 3 120 12 14 LiOtBu 4.5 140 86
5 LiOtBu 1 120 N.D. 15c LiOtBu 4.5 130 23
6 LiOtBu 2 120 35 16d LiOtBu 4.5 130 47
7 LiOtBu 2.5 120 56 17e LiOtBu 4.5 130 35
8 LiOtBu 3.5 120 63 18f LiOtBu 4.5 130 17
9 LiOtBu 4 120 74 19g LiOtBu 4.5 130 5
10 LiOtBu 4.5 120 77 20h LiOtBu 4.5 130 0

With the optimal reaction conditions in hand, we began to expand the substrate scope of N-(2-pyridyl) ketoimines 1 (Table 2). First, we examined the substrate bearing mono-substituents on the phenyl ring (1a–n). As shown in Scheme 2, various functional groups, such as electron-donating groups (EDGs, –OMe, –OCF3) and electron-withdrawing groups (EWGs, –CF3, –Cl, –SO2Me) at the ortho (1c), meta (1d–e), and para (1f–m) positions of the phenyl ring, did not affect the reaction. However, a substrate bearing a strong EWG, such as the nitro group (1n), at the para position showed low reactivity and was not suitable for this reaction. Besides the mono-substituents, the substrates bearing di- (1o) or tri-substituents (1p) on the phenyl ring can also undergo this transformation to provide the desired products in good yields. To our delight, our protocol was also suitable for the alkyl-substituted N-(2-pyridyl) ketoimine substrate 1q, which has not been reported via Pd-catalysis.8 Furthermore, substrates bearing substituents on the pyridine ring were also investigated. Similarly, the substrate with EDGs on the pyridine ring (1s and 1u) showed better reactivities than those with EWGs (1t) and electron-neutral groups (1r). Notably, the product 2r shows significant bioactivity and acts as an ERR-alpha inverse agonist.6c Besides the mono-substituted pyrimidinones, to our delight, we could also generate the di-substituted ones (2w and 2x) in good yields.

image file: c9gc03659h-s2.tif
Scheme 2 Gram-scale reaction.
Table 2 Substrate scope investigationa
a Reaction conditions: 1 (0.2 mmol), LiOtBu (4.5 equiv.), 1 atm of CO2, 2 mL of DMF, 24 h, 130 °C. Isolated yields. b 30 h.
image file: c9gc03659h-u2.tif

After developing this method, we further demonstrated its utility in organic synthesis. First, we conducted the gram-scale reaction of 1a and obtained the target product 2a in 73% yield (Scheme 2). Moreover, product 2a could be functionalized to give both 3 and 4 in quantitative yields (Scheme 3A). These results indicated the great potential application of this transformation in organic synthesis. In addition to 2r, a quorum sensing inhibitor 5[thin space (1/6-em)]6d could be rapidly accessed in good yield via the carbonylation of 1v followed by demethylation (Scheme 3B).

image file: c9gc03659h-s3.tif
Scheme 3 Derivatization reaction.

To gain more insight into the lactamization reaction, we did some mechanistic studies (Scheme 4). To confirm the carboxylate as the intermediate (Table 1, entry 11), we added CH3I to quench the reaction which was performed at 80 °C. We detected the formation of the corresponding methyl ester by ESI-MS and obtained product 2a in a higher yield (27% GC yield, Scheme 4A). In contrast, neither 2a nor the intermediate could be detected by ESI-MS in the control experiments under N2 (Scheme 4B). Therefore, we speculate that both the carboxylate intermediate and the ester could undergo the cyclization reaction to provide the desired product.

image file: c9gc03659h-s4.tif
Scheme 4 Mechanism studies.

Based on the results and previous reports,7e,10 we proposed the following possible pathway (Scheme 5). 1a underwent deprotonation in the presence of the strong base LiOtBu to form 1a-1, which can further react with CO2 to generate intermediates 1a-2 and 1a-3. Under standard conditions, 1a-3 might react with tBuO to generate 1a-4, which further transforms to 2a in the presence of a base. In addition, 1a-3 might also transform to 1a-5, which undergoes a cyclization reaction to provide the desired product 2a.

image file: c9gc03659h-s5.tif
Scheme 5 Proposed mechanism.


In summary, we have developed an efficient transition metal-free and external oxidant-free strategy to generate valuable pyrimidinones via the carbonylation of C(sp3)–H bonds with an atmospheric pressure of CO2, which is the more environment-friendly carbonylation source. This protocol features broad substrate scope, good functional group tolerance, facile scalability and easy product derivatization, thus providing potential application in organic synthesis and the pharmaceutical industry.

Conflicts of interest

There are no conflicts to declare.


We thank the National Natural Science Foundation of China (21822108, 21801025, and 21502124), the “973” Project from the MOST of China (2015CB856600), the “1000-Youth Talents Program”, Sichuan Science and Technology Program (2019YJ0669), the National Key Research and Development Program of China (2018YFC1602101) and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities for financial support. We also thank the comprehensive training platform of the Specialized Laboratory in the College of Chemistry at Sichuan University for compound testing.

Notes and references

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These authors contributed equally to this work.

This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2020