Tomasz S.
von Stetten
bc and
aInstitute of Physical Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences, Kasprzaka 44/52, 01-224 Warsaw, Poland. E-mail: garst@ichf.edu.pl
bLaboratory for MEMS Applications, IMTEK-Department of Microsystems Engineering, University of Freiburg, Georges-Koehler-Allee 103, 79110 Freiburg, Germany
cHahn-Schickard, Georges-Koehler-Allee 103, 79110, Freiburg, Germany
First published on 27th November 2019
The alarming dynamics of antibiotic-resistant infections calls for the development of rapid and point-of-care (POC) antibiotic susceptibility testing (AST) methods. Here, we demonstrated the first completely stand-alone microfluidic system that allowed the execution of digital enumeration of bacteria and digital antibiograms without any specialized microfluidic instrumentation. A four-chamber gravity-driven step emulsification device generated ∼2000 monodisperse 2 nanoliter droplets with a coefficient of variation of 8.9% of volumes for 95% of droplets within less than 10 minutes. The manual workload required for droplet generation was limited to the sample preparation, the deposition into the sample inlet of the chip and subsequent orientation of the chip vertically without an additional pumping system. The use of shallow chambers imposing a 2D droplet arrangement provided superior stability of the droplets against coalescence and minimized the leakage of the reporter viability dye between adjacent droplets during long-term culture. By using resazurin as an indicator of the growth of bacteria, we were also able to reduce the assay time to ∼5 hours compared to 20 hours using the standard culture-based test.
Recent studies reveal that microfluidic technologies actually can count bacteria precisely by digital methods,6,7 simplify the standardized AST assays based on dilution methods,8 and estimate the MIC from the growth of bacteria in droplets.9 These methods offer accurate liquid handling and fast detection of bacteria which could result in enhanced accuracy of the MIC measurement. However, they still mainly rely on external sources of flow such as syringe pumps to supply liquids which makes lab-on-a-chip microfluidic devices complicated and inconvenient to use. Hence, it is desired to reduce the external equipment and develop a new generation lab-on-a-chip microfluidic device for POC applications.
Nowadays, on-chip vacuum sources such as air chambers or degassed polymer forming chips may be used to suck liquids into the channels and next perform point-of-care AST.10–12 Such devices are usually made of elastomers, are equipment-free, portable and easy to use with only a few pipetting steps for sample deposition. However, the flow rate cannot be efficiently controlled for long periods of time and, more importantly, this approach cannot be used for a wide range of materials, especially thermoplastics which are widely used in mass production of microfluidic and medical diagnostic devices. Typically, in vacuum-driven devices, the inlet chamber amounts to a significant dead volume and may lead to the disadvantage of sample wasting.13 In order to obtain a sufficient flow rate, it is necessary for these degassed systems to be incubated in a vacuum chamber for 24 hours and then to be stored in a tightly sealed container before loading the liquid sample in order to obtain a sufficient flow rate to trigger the system.13,14 Any possible air leakage or long waiting times after opening the container disqualify the chip from further use. Here, we demonstrate digital counting of bacteria and ASTs via generation of libraries of highly monodisperse droplets using the most abundant, easy-to-use and “green” source of energy—gravity.
The use of gravity is an economical and facile approach to transport liquid in the microfluidic channels. Nevertheless, to date, there have been very few studies that discussed droplet generation via hydrostatic pressure that is caused by gravity. For example, Zhang et al.15 demonstrated a gravity-actuated technique for microfluidic droplet manipulation, van Steijn et al.16 used a gravity-based pressure control system for generation of monodisperse droplets and Tjhung et al.17 enumerated phage by using a gravity-driven droplet generator. However, all of these systems are characterized by relatively large dimensions as reservoirs need to be positioned high above the microfluidic junction in order to supply significant rates of flow. Additionally, on-chip operations in the aforementioned systems can be perturbed by any small variation in flow rates caused by partial clogging or bubble formation and have to be recalibrated with any change in the tubing supplying the liquids to the chip. Here, we addressed those issues by (i) compacting all the supply channels onto the chip (thus eliminating any external tubing or loose parts), (ii) triggering the flow by simply turning the chip vertically, (iii) using passive generation of droplets via step emulsification to ensure formation of a monodisperse emulsion.18
10-fold series dilutions from an initial bacterial concentration of ∼108 CFU ml−1 were performed. We mixed 5 μl of 88 μM resazurin sodium salt (Sigma-Aldrich, Germany) and 5 μl of 108, 107, 106, 105, 104, 103, 102, and 101 CFU ml−1 bacterial culture, loaded 5 μl of mixtures into two copies of a four-chamber device, prepared the droplets and directly incubated at 37 °C for 5 hours before detection. The change (reduction) of resazurin sodium salt to fluorescent resorufin sodium salt was detected by a confocal laser microscope system (Nikon A1R/TiE, Japan). We counted the total number of droplets in a single chamber (N) and the number of positive droplets (N+). The fraction of positive droplets was denoted by P = N+/N. We assumed that the distribution of bacteria to droplets follows a Poisson distribution as a fraction of positive droplets (P): P = 1 − e−C0v, where C0 is the concentration of bacteria and v is the average volume of droplets. Therefore, the concentration of bacteria can be determined as C0 = −ln(1 − N+/N)/v. This formula defines the procedure of the digital droplet CFU assay that determines the concentration of bacteria.
Fig. 1 Schematic outline of the microfluidic chip. (A) The chip contains an oil reservoir with an oil inlet, four sample inlets, four sample chambers with the opening angle α = 15° (Fig. S3†) and four droplet chambers. A channel with a width of 200 μm and height of 40 μm connects the sample chamber and the droplet chamber. Two oil outlets connect each of two droplet chambers. The total length of the supply channel (200 μm × 200 μm in cross section) is 70 mm. The height difference between the oil inlet and the oil outlet is 30 mm. (B) The side view of the droplet forming unit consisting of a shallow part of the sample chamber (10° slope) connected via a step with the droplet chamber. The dimensions are H = 1 mm, h1 = 40 μm, h2 = 200 μm. |
The tapered geometry of the sample chamber allows avoiding the step being blocked by the sample during its emulsification when its rear part approaches the step; see Fig. 1B.22 The total length of the supply channel is 70 mm. The oil reservoir is located above the droplet chamber. The difference in height of 30 mm between the oil inlet and the oil outlet generates a pressure head of approximately 4.73 mbar that drives the liquid through the step emulsification module. The oil flows only when both the oil inlet and the oil outlet are open. The droplet outlet located at the top of the droplet chamber was designed for the users to extract droplets for culture or further analysis if necessary. The CAD file of the design is provided in the ESI† 1.
The whole emulsification process of the 5 μl sample took less than 10 minutes (ESI† 3), which corresponded to the flow rate of ca. 0.5 μl min−1. Previous gravity-driven droplet generation devices15–17 maintained a constant flow rate, while our device kept the monodisperse character of the emulsion when the oil level decreased thanks to the use of passive droplet generation which is more resistant to variations in the flow rate than other methods of droplet production.18,22 All of the features that we designed together made it possible to generate sufficient flow with the use of a small (30 mm) height difference that can be integrated onto a microfluidic chip.
In addition, we emulsified 2 μl liquid samples of different viscosity to observe the monodispersity of droplet generation on the four-chamber device. We used water (0.89 mPa s), Mueller–Hinton (MH) broth (1.09 mPa s), Luria-Bertani (LB) broth (1.1 mPa s), 1.2 wt% 20k polyethylene glycol (PEG) dissolved in Tris-EDTA (TE) buffer (1.5 mPa s), 2.4 wt% 20k PEG dissolved in TE buffer (2.16 mPa s), 4.8 wt% 20k PEG dissolved in TE buffer (4.03 mPa s), and 0.5 wt% 2m PEG dissolved in TE buffer (9.17 mPa s). The average droplet volume for water is 1.99 ± 0.07 nl, for MH is 1.87 ± 0.17 nl, for LB is 1.88 ± 0.15 nl, for 1.2 wt% 20k PEG in TE is 1.90 ± 0.18, and for 2.4 wt% 20k PEG in TE is 1.81 ± 0.04 (Fig. 3B). Interestingly, we observed a “balloon” phenomenon23 when the viscosity was above 4 mPa s which created big deviations of droplets in the group of 4.8 wt% 20k PEG in TE buffer (4.03 mPa s) and 0.5 wt% 2m PEG in TE buffer (9.17 mPa s). However, the droplet generation became stable afterwards (Fig. S6A†). A similar observation was found in a single-chamber device with glycerol and water mixtures (Fig. S6B†). However, when the viscosity was above 66 mPa s, it switched to the dripping module and the aqueous stream broke before the step (ESI† 4). We can observe a decline of the volume of droplets when the viscosity increases. Therefore, the gravity-driven step emulsification device helps to produce monodisperse droplets when the viscosity of the sample is under 4 mPa s which is enough for most biological samples (e.g. urine (1.07 mPa s at 20 °C and 0.8293 at 37 °C (ref. 24)), plasma (1.10–1.30 mPa s at 37 °C (ref. 25)), and saliva (0.95–1.1 mPa s (ref. 26)) etc.).
Fig. 4 shows that the droplets maintained good stability while incubated at 37 °C for 18 hours because we used HFE 7500 oil containing 2 wt% surfactant and designed an end-sealed tube to close the oil outlet to prevent bubble generation during incubation (Fig. S7 and Table S1,† step 13). HFE 7500 is an oil characterized by high gas solubility (0.48 ml air per one ml of oil27) which decreases with increasing temperature. Higher temperature causes bubble formation in the chambers. Once bubbles are formed in the chambers, they occupy some of the volume of the chamber and tend to grow in volume and further squeeze the droplets which results in droplet coalescence.
In addition, our system not only provides good stability of droplets but also is a promising platform for long-term culture of bacteria. Oxygen in the chamber can be stored both in the droplets and in the oil. In our case, roughly 1/3 of the volume of the chamber is filled by 2 nl droplets. Using the solubility coefficients of oxygen in complex medium28 and in fluorocarbon oil,29 we can calculate the amount of oxygen per droplet in the chamber. To estimate the oxygen consumption by bacteria inside a droplet, we assume that initially there is one bacterium inside the droplet which consumes oxygen with a rate30 determined by the exponential growth of bacteria. Consequently, we estimated that the oxygen will be consumed after 6 hours of incubation (ESI:† Note 4). This value is a lower bound estimation because it does not consider that some droplets do not comprise encapsulated bacterial cells and there is a diffusion of oxygen from PDMS into the chamber which introduces an additional flux of oxygen.31
Moreover, we have demonstrated the droplet generation process in a single chamber on a polycarbonate chip (ESI† 5) so we believe that this system, in the future, can be compatible with mass production strategies by using hard thermoplastics (e.g. COC) sealed with an oxygen-permeable polymethylpentene foil (e.g. TPX®). In fact, the depth of our droplet chamber is around 200 μm, which is 15 times shallower than in a VITEK®2 AST Card (bioMérieux) with the TPX® foil so the oxygen permeability of this foil should be sufficient to support incubation in the droplets.
Therefore, the gravity-driven step emulsification device proposed here is well suitable for long-term cultivation and monitoring of bacterial growth.
From the perspective of the diffusion rate in a homogeneous fluid, it is surprising that the resorufin stays inside the droplets for such a long period in our system. Estimation of the time scale for the diffusion of resorufin in a homogeneous fluid gives the following time, τ = l2/4D = 26 s, where we assumed the characteristic length (l) equals to the droplet diameter and the diffusion coefficient of resorufin (D) was estimated from the Stokes–Einstein formula for 1 nm particles in HFE 7500 oil. According to this estimation, the equilibrium distribution of resorufin in all droplets in our system should happen in minutes. In reality (from our experiment and as shown before34), the droplets are covered with PFPE–PEG–PFPE surfactant so the partitioning of resorufin from the droplets to the fluorinated oil phase is small, and the mass transport between the droplets is mediated by vesicles rather than by diffusion. These vesicles (∼200 nm in diameter) consist of a fluorinated core surrounded by a surfactant bilayer in which particles soluble in water, instead of oil, are present as described before.34 The diffusion coefficient of such a vesicle is much smaller (3 to 4 orders of magnitude smaller) than that of a single fluorophore particle,34 which limits the transport between droplets as the vesicle needs to diffuse through the oil phase from one droplet to another. Additionally, these vesicles must detach themselves from one droplet and merge with another one, which additionally prolongs the process.
The 2D arrangement of droplets reduces the transport of fluorophores between droplets simply because in 2D arrangement, each droplet has smaller number of neighbours than in 3D emulsion arrangement, as was shown theoretically.35 This, however, is only an addition of time to the already lengthy transport that is based on large vesicles rather than on diffusion of single fluorophore particles. Scheler et al.21 could distinguish positive (with resorufin) from negative droplets after up to 9 hours under a 3D array incubation of E. coli encapsulated in droplets. We used exactly the same concentration of the same surfactant as they did, but we had ca. 2 times larger droplets incubated in a 2D arranged array. By estimation, the ratio of equilibrium time between adjacent droplets in the system of Scheler et al.21 (1 nl) and our droplets (2 nl) is 1.59 because the equilibrium time is proportional to the diameter square of droplets. Furthermore, in the case of 2D arrangement of droplets in comparison to 3D arrangement, the transport of fluorophores is reduced by a factor of 1.5.35 Since, Scheler et al.21 could distinguish positive from negative droplets after 9 hours, we then calculate by these factors and estimate that we should be able to do so after 21.47 (9 × 1.59 × 1.5) hours. Additionally, in Scheler et al.21 there could have been mixing due to convection at an elevated temperature which increases the rate of formation of contaminating vesicles.34 In our 2D arrangement, such a convection should be limited as the chamber was oriented horizontally during incubation. The fact that we are able to distinguish positive and negative droplets in our system after as long as 18 hours is therefore in line with the previously shown theoretical models. Although we can see a slightly decreased fluorescence signal after 12 hours, it is still clearly possible to distinguish positive droplets from negative ones (Fig. 4).
The correlations between the fractions of positive droplets (P) followed the Poisson distribution for E. coli, S. aureus, and E. faecalis (Fig. 5B and S9†). Theoretically speaking, when the bacterial concentration (C0) is 5 × 105 CFU ml−1, 63% of 1.98 nl droplets obtained from chamber 2 will be positive. In our case, we obtained 66 ± 6% positive droplets for E. coli, 65 ± 7% positive droplets for S. aureus, and 70 ± 6% positive droplets for E. faecalis. We compared this digital enumeration method to series dilution from the original concentration of bacteria and found that they displayed a high correlation in the case of E. coli (R2 = 0.9985), S. aureus (R2 = 9998), and E. faecalis (R2 = 0.9992) by the least squares fit within logarithmic axes (Fig. 5C). More statistical details are provided in Table S3.†
The limited number of droplets in a single chamber decreases the dynamic range of the enumeration method. We observed deviations from Poisson distribution at concentrations lower than 5 × 102 CFU ml−1 where the positive droplets were less than 1% (Fig. S9†). When the concentration of bacteria was higher than 5 × 107 CFU ml−1, it reached a saturation point of the assay. Therefore, the limit of detection of our system is between 5 × 102 CFU ml−1 and 5 × 106 CFU ml−1, yielding a dynamic range of four orders of magnitude. This dynamic range can easily be expanded with the use of (i) smaller droplet generation nozzles, and thus smaller and more numerous droplets, and (ii) larger sample volumes and larger chambers.
With the help of resazurin, we could possibly determine the MIC value with various bacterial species within 5 hours. Here, we presented tests with one Gram-negative (E. coli) and two Gram-positive (S. aureus and E. faecalis) bacteria by pre-supplementing resazurin with antibiotics. However, Schmitt et al.36 pointed out that under the recommended concentration of 44 μM resazurin, the growth of Francisella and Neisseria species were inhibited after 24 hours of incubation at 37 °C and further showed that F. tularensis LVS (live vaccine strain) reached a maximum fluorescence ratio (resorufin to resazurin) after 4 hours post-inoculation but a decline in viable bacteria after 8 hours suggesting the limitation of using resazurin in some of bacteria strains. We also observed that presence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa (ATCC 27853) in the resazurin/resorufin assay resulted in limited discrimination of the positive droplets from the negative ones within a short period of time (Fig. S11†). This was probably due to the interactions of the fluorescent products (e.g. pyocyanin) that P. aeruginosa produces with resazurin/resorufin. Resazurin can be converted to resorufin in the presence of NADH or NADPH which is the product of respiration, but NAD(P)H might be oxidized by pyocyanin to NAD(P)+ (ref. 37) that results in a weak signal for detection. However, the use of resazurin is still quite universal approach within the incubation time (5 h) that we suggested in this work.
The time-kill of the used antibiotics versus the used bacterial strains might play an important role in this assay. Antibiotics are classified either as bacteriostatic or bactericidal. Bacteriostatic antibiotics inhibit cell growth, whereas bactericidal antibiotics induce cell death. Growth inhibition from bacteriostatic antibiotics is associated with suppressed cellular respiration, whereas cell death from most bactericidal antibiotics is associated with accelerated respiration.38 Resazurin is converted to resorufin by the products of respiration, and if within 5 hours, bacteria have not been “killed” by bactericidal antibiotics, the products from accelerated respiration will be detected and cause false signals. We think that experiments that would shed more light on the issue are possible in our setup and might be an interesting research path to follow in the future.
The concern of partitioning of the antibiotics between the aqueous environment of the droplet and the oil phase is of outmost importance. In our work, we used only one concentration of the antibiotic in a single chamber to minimize the effects of any cross-talks that might occur between neighbouring droplets. In a more general view, most antibiotics contain polar groups (e.g. amino (–NH2) and carboxylic (–COOH) in both ampicillin and cefotaxime) that make them insoluble in non-polar solvents and especially in fluorinated solvents.39,40 For most antibiotics, the partitioning to the fluorinated oil should be minimal. Although the antibiotics in droplets might migrate between the emulsions by vesicles, this migration will not influence the measured level of the MIC. Nonetheless, the partitioning and stability of the concentration inside droplets should be checked for each new combination of antibiotic, oil, surfactant and aqueous medium used in a given experiment.
Compared to other microfluidic methods for enumeration of bacteria7 and AST41 in droplets, the advantages of using a gravity-driven step emulsification device are the following: (i) pump-free droplet generation, (ii) integrated system with small footprint, and (iii) no need for manual transfer steps for incubation and imaging. Other microfluidic systems might suffer from droplet loss when transferring the droplets from a droplet generation chip to the incubation tubes and from tubes to a detection chip which may lead to miscalculation of the bacterial load. In this work, there are no additional transferring steps for users that makes the gravity-driven step emulsification device easy to use.
The routinely used commercial instruments (e.g. bioMérieux VITEK® 2 system) for AST are based on a variant of the microdilution method that requires a precisely known inoculum density to provide reliable results. For many β-lactam antibiotics used against β-lactamase-producing bacteria, the recorded value of the MIC shows a significant dependence on the starting density of bacteria. The allowed range of the starting inoculum density recommended by CLSI3 and EUCAST4 and errors associated with the limited precision of the commonly used optical densitometers may cause significant and even multiple fold differences in the measured MIC value (ESI:† Note 11). In the worst case scenario, a given pathogen can be even misclassified between susceptible, intermediate or resistant classes. On the other hand, the instruments for sensitive detection and enumeration of bacteria (e.g. bioMérieux TEMPO® and IDEXX Colilert-18) require 18–20 hours of incubation for measurement and this time-to-result could be shortened if the droplet assay is applied. In this context, the droplet digital assays provide a promising alternative that simultaneously digitally measure the initial density of a culture (determine the number of cells) and perform the susceptibility assay.
Moreover, possible applications of the gravity-driven step emulsification device are not limited to use in microbiology. The system presented here can also be combined with many digital droplet nucleic acid amplification techniques such as ddPCR42 (polymer chain reaction), ddRPA43 (recombinase polymerase amplification), and ddLAMP19 (loop-mediated isothermal amplification). However, to perform point-of-care detection, both droplet generation and imaging should be performed with possibly simple techniques and easily accessible in low-resource environments. Smartphone-based fluorescence microscopy has been developed in many studies44–47 and is also available on the market (e.g. handheld fluorescence microscopy, Soma Optics, Ltd., Japan), so the confocal microscopy used for detection in this work should be possible to be replaced with such portable detectors. Besides, label-free techniques based on light scattering48 or colorimetric methods49 can be another alternative way for detection in future work.
Thus, the gravity-driven step emulsification microfluidic device constitutes a step towards a simple and convenient way for large-scale compartmentalization and single-bacteria investigation which could be applied in microbiology and medical diagnostics.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/c9lc00684b |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2020 |