Martin A. M.
Laboratory of Microsystems, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland. E-mail: martin.gijs@epfl.ch
First published on 13th July 2020
Fast spreading of antimicrobial resistance is now considered a major global health threat. New technologies are required, enabling rapid diagnostics of bacterial infection combined with fast antimicrobial susceptibility testing (AST) for evaluating the efficiency and dosage of antimicrobial compounds in vitro. This work presents an integrated chip-based isothermal nanocalorimetry platform for direct microbial metabolic heat measurements and evaluates its potential for fast AST. Direct detection of the bacteria-generated heat allows monitoring of metabolic activity and antimicrobial action at subinhibitory concentrations in real-time. The high heat sensitivity of the platform enables bacterial growth detection within only a few hours of incubation, whereas growth inhibition upon administration of antibiotics is revealed by a decrease or the absence of the heat signal. Antimicrobial stress results in lag phase extension and metabolic energy spilling. Oxygen consumption and optical density measurements provide a more holistic insight of the metabolic state and the evolution of bacterial biomass. As a proof-of-concept, a metabolic heat-based AST study on Escherichia coli as model organism with 3 clinically relevant antibiotics is performed and the minimum inhibitory concentrations are determined.
Rapid diagnosis of bacterial infection combined with fast and accurate antimicrobial susceptibility testing (AST) is one of the keys to counteract AMR progression, in particular by optimizing and personalizing the therapeutic management of infected patients.7 AST in vitro techniques aim to predict the efficiency of an antimicrobial compound for treating an infection. Ideally, an AST protocol should provide the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) for microbial growth, i.e. the lowest drug concentration that inhibits bacterial growth after overnight incubation.8 Standard AST methods in clinical microbiological diagnostics, in particular the disk diffusion method and broth microdilution (BMD), are based on established, robust and often manual protocols. A commercial diffusion-based gradient method (Etest®, BioMérieux) may be used for MIC determination.9 Current clinical protocols, however, suffer from important limitations, in particular extended time to result or the requirement of relatively large amounts of viable microorganisms. Automated AST systems based on turbidity measurements aim to reduce time to result, typically to below 24 h.10 Moreover, a range of new AST technologies is under development to tackle the AMR problem,10,11 either in a 96-well plate or microfluidic format, including molecular diagnostic tools to detect the presence of resistance genes12 and fast AST assays based on single-cell imaging, for instance.13 Nevertheless, most of these technologies still face major barriers with respect to general acceptance by the health care system and market penetration.7
In this context, we explore microbial heat production as a direct indicator of metabolic activity and viability of bacterial populations. Metabolic heat/heat flow curves provide real-time information on microbial growth dynamics and can be used for detecting bacterial growth inhibition in the presence of antimicrobials in vitro. The potential of isothermal microcalorimetry (IMC) for microbial activity monitoring, metabolic studies and drug assays has already been demonstrated by means of commercial devices. The latter use sealed mL-size sample ampoules and have very low heat power detection limits, typically in the range of a few μW down to 0.2 μW.14,15 For instance, different metabolic phases of Escherichia coli (E. coli) bacterial growth have been identified by analyzing heat flow profiles.16 Highly sensitive and fast detection of bacterial contamination (≥1–10 CFU mL−1) was also demonstrated by recording heat flow of artificially contaminated blood platelets samples.17 The potential of IMC for rapid differentiation between methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) and methicillin-susceptible S. aureus (MSSA) was evaluated by von Ah et al. by using the antibiotics cefoxitin and oxacillin.18 Subsequently, Baldoni et al. reported a study using a 48-channel batch calorimeter for the detection of methicillin-resistance in S. aureus including genetically distinct clinical isolates.19 MRSA isolates were correctly identified after 5 h by testing against cefoxitin, however, very high bacterial inocula (McFarland turbidity of 5) were used to reduce time to result. Yang et al. analyzed the growth rate of E. coli and the time to maximum heat power as a function of concentration for two different cephalosporins.20 The two antibiotics tested affected the heat power curves in a clearly different manner. A more extensive AST study was performed by von Ah et al., analyzing heat flow curves for reference strains of E. coli and S. aureus for 12 different antibiotics. The results have been grouped by mode of antimicrobial action, revealing different thermal signatures for each compound family.21
Different microfabricated and microfluidic integration formats have been proposed for high-sensitivity nanocalorimeters. A miniaturized chip-based calorimeter, similar to the one presented in the present work, has been developed earlier by Higuera-Guisset et al. The authors studied the effect of two different growth media and of the culture temperature on the metabolic heat curves of E. coli.22 Another group used a flow-through chamber chip module, enclosed by two high-precision thermostats, for the study of biofilm inactivation by predatory bacteria and for monitoring biofilm eradication with antibiotics.23–25 Johannessen et al. implemented a sub-nL open-reservoir assay for heat measurements on a small number of isolated living cells.26 Torres et al. reported the microfabrication of 96-detector enthalpy arrays on polyimide membranes and implemented rapid electrostatic merging/mixing of droplets.27 The technology enabled studying kinetic parameters of enzyme-catalyzed reactions.28 Lee et al. proposed a more complex closed-chamber microfluidic approach with precise nL sample manipulation capabilities for measuring the heat of reaction of urea hydrolysis, for instance.29 Inomata et al. developed a picocalorimeter for detection of heat produced by a brown fat cell attached to a Si microstage connected to a cantilevered Si sensor. Heat is sensed by the resulting shift in the resonant frequency.30 An ultrasensitive micro-DSC (differential scanning calorimeter) for liquid protein sample characterization was demonstrated by Wang et al. The device is based on vanadium oxide thermistors and a microfluidic dual-chamber calorimeter design.31 Kim et al. recently reported a thin-film parylene microfluidic calorimeter with on-chip vacuum insulation. Measurement of cellular metabolic power changes upon controlled stimuli was demonstrated.32 A more recent commercial microcalorimetry instrument (Symcel AB) uses a well plate format for tracking the activity of living cells and biological processes.33
In this work, we present an isothermal nanocalorimetry platform designed for monitoring microbial growth dynamics with high sensitivity, thus enabling fast AST based on metabolic heat measurements. The INCfAST system (acronym for “isothermal nanocalorimetry platform for fast AST”), which is operated in a microincubator format, was optimized with respect to high thermal stability, a prerequisite for fast detection of bacterial infection or establishing accurate antibiograms. We evaluated microbial heat generation under different culture conditions. More importantly, we performed a proof-of-concept study comprising metabolic heat AST assays of E. coli exposed to 3 commonly used antimicrobial drugs (ciprofloxacin, ampicillin and gentamicin). Specific features of the metabolic heat/heat flow curves showed clear variations as a function of the antimicrobial concentration and MIC values could be determined for the 3 compounds. Furthermore, in a modified version of the isothermal platform, an oxygen sensor was implemented, enabling heat and oxygen consumption measurements for identical culture conditions in parallel. This offered a more detailed phenotypic fingerprint of the microbial metabolic activity upon drug exposure, while optical density measurements over time of the bacterial cultures provided additional insight in the development of bacterial biomass.
More details of the integrated system are shown in Fig. 1d. The microincubator that receives the bacterial suspension is bonded onto the sensor surface. The liquid sample is in direct contact with the Si sensor membrane (no polymer membrane on the bottom of the microincubator), thus maximizing heat transfer to the sensing elements. The microincubator has one sample inlet and one waste outlet. The corresponding reservoirs are located outside the thermostat at room temperature for convenient operation. Nevertheless, thermalization of compound solutions and bacterial suspensions during injection is fast and not limiting the performance of the platform for the present application involving relatively slow heat signal variations. Optionally, the reservoirs could be placed inside the thermostat for reducing thermal stabilization time. Placing the whole setup inside a foam/polystyrene housing (not shown) further reduced perturbations due to environmental temperature variations.
The INCfAST nanocalorimetry measurements were combined with real-time oxygen consumption measurements of a microbial suspension under culture conditions that are equivalent to the heat assays. For that purpose, the thermopile sensor was replaced by a glass substrate holding a sputter-deposited thin-film optical oxygen sensor spot (Fig. 1e). The sensor features detection of oxygen-dependent luminescence in the near-infrared (REDFLASH Technology, PyroScience GmbH). The microincubator was fixed directly over the sensor and optical access was provided from the bottom of the thermostat. The same thermal control and fluidic systems were used for both platforms, ensuring identical assay conditions. Parallel heat and oxygen measurements were performed by injecting simultaneously identical bacterial samples into each platform.
Fig. 2 Metabolic heat and oxygen consumption measurements performed on the nanocalorimetry platform. (a) Metabolic heat flow curve P(t) (black) for E. coli ATCC 25922 with typical incubation conditions on the INCfAST platform (Mueller–Hinton broth, 37 °C). The heat power signal was obtained by read-out of the thermopile sensor voltage output after calibration. Integration of the heat flow curve over time provides the corresponding metabolic heat curve Q(t) (red). The single bacteria heat power (green curve) was estimated by normalization of Q(t) by the biomass at a given time point, as determined from optical density (OD600) measurements. Synchronized parallel on-chip oxygen consumption measurements revealed complete oxygen depletion in the microincubator after 4 h (blue curve), indicating the transition from an aerobic to an anaerobic metabolic state. The assay interval for t = [0, 7 h] is emphasized in the plot. For t > 7 h heat values remain constant, all other values tend to zero. (b) Plot of the metabolic heat signal vs. OD600 of a bacterial suspension up to the exponential growth phase (using data shown in (a) and Fig. S3a† for t = [0, 5 h]). The proportional relationship (coefficient 134 mJ/1.0 OD600) indicates that the heat signal is directly related to the amount of bacteria in this regime. All curves represent mean ± SE (n = 3). |
We performed optical density measurements (OD600, i.e. at 600 nm) under culture conditions comparable to the BMD method on a plate reader. As shown in Fig. S3a† for culture in MH, the exponential phases of the Q(t) and the OD600 curves overlap well. A scaling or heat/OD600 conversion coefficient of 134 mJ/1.0 OD600 for MH was determined by linear regression of the Q(t) vs. OD600 plot shown in Fig. 2b. This observation indicates that heat curves recorded with our system can be safely correlated with bacterial growth or the actual biomass density in the microincubator, respectively. Mean slopes Q/t in the exponential region may be considered as indicative for bacterial growth rates, whereas heat flow profiles P(t) are more sensitive to transient phenomena of the growth behavior. Furthermore, P(t) can be normalized with respect to biomass simply by dividing through the converted Q(t) values. The resulting curve (Fig. 2a, green curve), showing a continuous decline (∼0 pW for t > 7 h), provides a rough estimate of the time evolution of the metabolic heat production per bacterium for the specific culture conditions. For the calculation we applied a conversion equivalence of 1.0 OD600 corresponding to 5.0 × 108 CFU mL−1.35
In order to further analyze the metabolic phenotype, we measured the oxygen concentration during bacterial growth in the thermalized microincubator by modifying the nanocalorimetry platform into a luminescence detection-based oxygen sensor platform, taking care to keep culture conditions identical to those of the heat flow assay. For aerobic bacteria such as E. coli, oxygen consumption is an important indicator of metabolic activity and viability. The microincubator itself can be considered as gas non-permeable, thus the oxygen concentration directly reflects the actual oxygen consumption of the bacterial population. In the case study discussed in Fig. 2, the oxygen signal started declining sharply at the onset of exponential growth (i.e. at ∼1.5 h) and reached a non-detectable level after 4 h (Fig. 2a, blue curve). Interestingly, the oxygen consumption curve indicates that depletion of oxygen occurs earlier than the time point were heat flow is maximum (Pmax at ∼5 h, black curve in Fig. 2a), suggesting that the bacteria population continues growing normally for at least ∼1 h in an anaerobic metabolic state. As a facultative anaerobic bacterium, E. coli thus appears not to be immediately sensitive to oxygen depletion. Indicative heat power/bacterium mid-range values are 1.1 pW (at t = 2.5 h) for the aerobic metabolic state and 0.32 pW (at t = 5 h) for the anaerobic state, respectively (Fig. 2a, green curve). Transitions between different metabolic states may in principle result in more complex heat flow curves (see Discussion). In the present case, a small crinkle-like feature can be identified at ∼3.7 h (Fig. 2a, black curve), possibly corresponding to the transition from aerobic to anaerobic conditions. Nevertheless, no significant impact on the overall shape of the heat flow curve is observed, suggesting a fast shift between the two metabolic states.
For all media, OD600 curves overlap well with the corresponding heat curves in the exponential region (after y-axis scaling and time synchronization, Fig. S3a–c†). OD600 measurements reveal that the increase of the bacterial biomass is fastest in BHI compared to MH or LB. As already shown in Fig. 2b for MH, heat/OD600 coefficients were determined by linear regression in the exponential region for all media tested (Fig. S3d†). These coefficients vary for the different culture media (BHI 84 mJ/1.0 OD600, MH 134 mJ/1.0 OD600 and LB 162 mJ/1.0 OD600), indicating that heat curves cannot be converted to growth curves based on biomass in a universal manner for all conditions. Considering the Pmax values stated above, maximum growth rates of 1.9 × 105 CFU s−1 for BHI, 8.1 × 104 CFU s−1 for MH and 6.0 × 104 CFU s−1 for LB, respectively, can be derived for culture in the microincubator of the INCfAST platform (1.0 OD600 = 5.0 × 108 CFU mL−1). Incubation of E. coli in BHI yields the fastest growth rate but the lowest heat production rate. This finding is in agreement with a previous statement in literature, claiming that the heat production rate per unit weight is inversely proportional to the growth rate in the exponential phase.36 Interestingly, for all 3 media conditions in the microincubator Qmax values are reached on the same time scale (at t ≈ 6 h, Fig. 3b).
We also compared the effect of culture temperature in MH on the heat flow curves (Fig. 3d) and the heat curves (Fig. 3e). As expected, bacterial populations show the highest transient growth rate (heat production rate) under most favorable conditions (37 °C, Pmax ≈ 21.3 ± 2.5 μW) and lower values for higher (42 °C) or lower temperatures (in particular for 27 °C with Pmax ≈ 10.3 ± 1.8 μW). The apparent lag phase tdelay (∼1.5 h at 37 °C) is shortest for 42 °C (<1 h) and becomes more important for decreasing temperatures (∼3 h at 27 °C). Further alterations of the heat flow curves, comprising a general broadening or flattening of the profiles and emerging secondary transient peaks, is observed for culture at low temperatures (Fig. 3d, 32 °C and 27 °C). P(t) broadening also results in lower mean slopes Q/t in the exponential phase (Fig. 3e, in particular at 27 °C). Heat signals reach comparable Qmax levels for all culture temperatures (160–190 mJ), but on longer time scales for decreasing temperature. Corresponding OD curves evolve similarly (Fig. S4†). The temperature effect on oxygen consumption is in line with the heat curves as well, showing a clear delay of oxygen depletion at most unfavorable growth conditions (27 °C) (Fig. 3f).
For ciprofloxacin, for instance, heat flow curves are relatively confined for drug concentrations ≤0.004 mg L−1, whereas at concentrations ≥0.015 mg L−1 heat production is inhibited (Fig. 4a). In the intermediate concentration range, i.e. for 0.008 mg L−1 in this case, the heat flow curve flattens significantly and secondary transient structures become more apparent. On the corresponding heat curve the mean slope Q/t in the exponential growth region decreases (Fig. 4b, green curve). The total heat signal disappears at ≥0.015 mg L−1 for the assay duration of 20 h. Moreover, a clear prolongation of the apparent lag phase tdelay from ∼1.5 h at 0 mg L−1 to ∼4 h at 0.008 mg L−1 occurs. Based on this series of experiments, we assume that the MIC value for ciprofloxacin falls into the concentration interval 0.008 mg L−1 < MIC ≤ 0.015 mg L−1. Clinical reference values established by the European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing (EUCAST) are summarized in Table 1 for the antibiotics studied in this work.37 EUCAST provides a MIC range of 0.004–0.016 mg L−1 for ciprofloxacin, thus the INCfAST result overlaps well with the reference range.
Antibiotic | INCfAST MIC interval (mg L−1) | EUCAST MIC range (mg L−1) |
a The European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing. | ||
Ciprofloxacin | 0.008 < MIC ≤ 0.015 | 0.004–0.016 |
Ampicillin | 2.4 < MIC ≤ 4.7 | 2–8 |
Gentamicin | 1.1 < MIC ≤ 2.2 | 0.25–1 |
We performed similar AST assays for ampicillin (Fig. 4d and e) and gentamicin (Fig. 4g and h). Ampicillin heat flow curves showed prolonged lag phase and a strongly modified profile at 2.4 mg L−1 (i.e. close to MIC). Secondary transient structures are not visible in this case. The mean slope Q/t in the exponential growth region decreases strongly for this concentration (Fig. 4e, blue curve). Heat production was inhibited for higher concentrations (≥4.7 mg L−1) providing an INCfAST interval of 2.4 mg L−1 < MIC ≤ 4.7 mg L−1, which falls within the EUCAST reference value range 2–8 mg L−1 (Table 1). Heat profiles for bacterial culture with increasing concentrations of gentamicin evolved in a similar way as for ciprofloxacin. Interestingly, close to MIC the secondary P(t) transient features are strongly pronounced but the mean slope Q/t in the exponential growth region seems to be less affected (Fig. 4g and h, green curve). In the case of gentamicin, however, the INCfAST interval 1.1 mg L−1 < MIC ≤ 2.2 mg L−1 was just above the EUCAST range (Table 1). As a control, we performed AST using the BMD method on a plate reader (Fig. S5†). OD600 results for ciprofloxacin and ampicillin are consistent with heat measurements in terms of MIC values. The OD600 interval 0.55 mg L−1 < MIC ≤ 1.1 mg L−1 for gentamicin is lower compared to the heat assay and overlaps well with the EUCAST range of 0.25–1 mg L−1.
Oxygen consumption as a viability indicator can be applied as another method to determine metabolism and MIC for non-anaerobic bacteria. For concentrations below MIC, oxygen is gradually consumed and the time to full oxygen depletion in the microincubator increases clearly for concentrations approaching MIC (Fig. 4c, f and i). For ciprofloxacin and ampicillin oxygen levels remain constant above MIC because of metabolic inactivity or death of the bacteria (purple curves in Fig. 4c and f). In the specific case of gentamicin, oxygen consumption at subinhibitory concentrations evolves in principle as for ciprofloxacin and ampicillin, even if delays are more pronounced close to the expected MIC (e.g. green curve in Fig. 4f, 1.1 mg L−1). Surprisingly, oxygen depletion is also observed at a concentration of 2.2 mg L−1, i.e. above the MIC value range derived from the heat assay. The oxygen concentration in the microincubator decreased sharply only after a prolonged incubation period of ∼13 h (purple curve in Fig. 4i), indicating that a small population of bacteria was able to survive in the microincubator. The antimicrobial action of gentamicin is based on an oxygen-dependent process.38 It is possible that diffusion of oxygen to bacteria clusters attached on the surface of the oxygen-sensing spot is limited thus inhibiting temporarily the action of gentamicin.
A similar analysis based on assay endpoint detection of OD600 and Qmax has been done for different culture media (Fig. 5b). In this case, the heat/OD600 coefficients decreased from BHI, MH to LB, corresponding to the order of the respective nutrient levels (98 ± 12 mJ/1.0 OD600 for MH). This was not the case with the coefficients derived previously by linear regression during the exponential growth phase (Fig. 2b and S3d,† 134 ± 3 mJ/1.0 OD600 for MH). OD600 values have been determined either with a sample retrieved from the closed microincubator (Fig. 5b) or cultured by BMD on a shaking plate reader (Fig. 2b and S3d†). Both methods evaluate the heat/OD600 coefficients in a methodically different way, with focus on averaging over the assay duration or on the exponential growth region, respectively. As outlined above, the endpoint method is better suited for evaluating energy spilling over the whole assay duration. For the average heat per biomass at different culture temperatures in MH, no significant differences were observed (Fig. 5c).
IMC has high potential for biomedical applications in general and for microbial studies in particular.14–16 In this view IMC may also be considered as one of the near-future alternatives for AST in clinical settings.11 For instance, among other specific advantages, calorimetric assays can in principle be performed directly with opaque clinical samples, thus reducing significantly time to result. The non-specificity of the heat signal, however, requires carefully designed protocols in order to extract the information of interest and interpretation of calorimetric data in terms of meaningful microbiological parameters.15 Despite their performance, commercial IMC systems have drawbacks related to the use of sealed mL-size ampoules, requiring relatively large inoculum size and impeding fluidic manipulations during the assay. The chip-based nanocalorimetry platform developed in this work aims to overcome such bottlenecks, mainly through miniaturization and improved fluidic integration. The INCfAST platform was designed for direct injection of bacterial suspensions or drug solutions into the isothermal microincubator. This feature reduces delay times (only the small sample/drug volume needs to be thermalized), enables automated operation and eventually enhances assay versatility. Minimizing thermal time constants by reducing sample volumes and thermostat size, combined with high sensitivity, is a prerequisite for implementing fast AST protocols.
In the present proof-of-concept study, AST assays were performed on purified samples with volumes of only 150 μL. In order to estimate the lower limit of time to detection, we consider the LOD of 750 nW of the platform, corresponding to ∼106 CFU (assuming 1.1 pW per E. coli bacterium). For an inoculum size of 4.2 × 104 CFU (2.8 × 105 CFU mL−1) and taking a typical doubling time of 15–20 min for E. coli in laboratory conditions, the limit of quantification (i.e. 3 × LOD ≈ 2.2 μW or ∼2.2 × 106 CFU per microincubator) should be reached after ∼2 h. In our study, heat flow was indeed reliably detectable after a time lapse of ∼2 h (corresponding to ∼2 μW) under normal culture conditions (MH, no antibiotics, 37 °C) (Fig. 2a). An additional conservative time lapse of 30 min for thermalization was allowed after the injection before starting data recording of each experimental curves. This estimation is based on a fast-growing laboratory strain of E. coli as bacterial model.
Based on the heat flow curves in Fig. 4, AST on E. coli ATCC 25922 with ciprofloxacin, ampicillin and gentamicin could be safely performed in approximately 5–6 hours using the INCfAST platform. After this incubation duration, a significant difference between the heat flows of the lag phase with antibiotic and the “no growth” of cultures at the MIC occurs in all 3 cases. Nevertheless we have to consider that most clinical isolates, for instance Klebsiella pneumonia,39Acinetobacter baumannii,40 and Pseudomonas aeruginosa41 have doubling times in the range of 40 to 140 min, i.e. longer than the E. coli strain in the present study. Accordingly, the amount of microbials required for reliable detection might only be reached on a longer time scale. On the other hand, the heat power per bacterium also varies for different species. Higher heat power relieves partly the adverse effect of slow growth in terms of time to result. Further investigations will be needed to evaluate the performance of the present approach in real clinical settings and to determine actual realistic time scales of the metabolic heat AST assays.
Compared to other AST techniques, the thermal profiles of metabolic heat assays reveal significantly more information on the mode and kinetics of action of antimicrobial compounds. In the frame of this study, we observed clear variations of growth-related patterns in the presence of antibiotics. One important parameter is the time lapse to reach a detectable heat signal tdelay (apparent lag phase). Extension of tdelay, in particular for concentrations close to MICs, was observed for the 3 compounds tested (Fig. 4). This feature may be interpreted as a transient bacteriostatic effect, especially in the case of ciprofloxacin and gentamicin, where the mean growth rate Q/t in the delayed exponential phase is less affected than for ampicillin. On the other hand, ciprofloxacin, ampicillin and gentamicin are bactericidal antibiotics and in principle two reasons may be considered for longer apparent lag phases: (i) the drug compound kills most of the bacteria population, but a small amount of surviving cells (persisters) can be detected only with delay,42 or (ii) elongation of the lag phase of the bacterial growth cycle attributed to enzymatic adaptations or genetic regulations in response to changing micro-environmental biochemical conditions.43,44 Single-cell analysis would be necessary for discriminating between these two possibilities. It has been shown previously that lag phase extension in the presence of antibiotics is an important criterion that has to be taken into account, in addition to MIC or IC50 (concentration at 50% growth inhibition) values, in order to evaluate the efficacy of a drug.45 For instance, bacterial strains were found to increase the lag time as a strategy for developing compound tolerance in response to antibiotic stress.46 Such findings are important for the clinical evaluation of antimicrobial treatments. As outlined above, the high sensitivity of the INCfAST platform allows bacterial growth detection using a standard inoculum size in pure medium after only ∼2.5 h for E. coli. Detection of infection in clinical samples should in principle be possible on the same time scale. Lag phase extension in the presence of antibiotics, however, counteracts this advantage. Nevertheless, even if antimicrobial action delays the onset of metabolic heat production, heat signals could still be detected as early as ∼4 h just below MICs for the specific conditions of our assays (Fig. 4). Actual time windows in clinical settings for differentiation between growth/growth inhibition based on standard methods are set to 16–20 h. For implementing a new AST approach this time frame has to be reconsidered in order to take full advantage of the new technology, but also for defining an acceptable minimum assay time with respect to reliability of the results from the clinician's point of view.
Antimicrobial action not only delays the onset of heat production, but also has a significant impact on the transient features of the heat flow curves. Progressively emerging secondary peaks and a general broadening of the curves with increasing antimicrobial concentration is most evident in Fig. 4a and g for ciprofloxacin and gentamicin, in particular close to MICs (green curves). Similar features were also observed in heat profiles without drug exposure and are generally attributed to metabolic transitions. Metabolizing sequentially two different carbon sources results in successive growth cycles with multiple exponential phases, possibly separated by a phase with reduced growth rate or transient growth inhibition, giving rise to diauxic shifts.47,48 As observed in Fig. 3d, such effects may be enhanced at low culture temperatures, possibly due to reduced cellular enzymatic activity. Transitions between respiration and a fermentation states (Fig. 2a, black curve) may also generate more or less pronounced features or peaks, depending on the respective time scales.49 It was noted previously that deconvolution of heat profiles yields individual Gaussians that can be used to estimate the metabolic heat produced by different mechanisms.16
Comprehensive understanding of the dynamic growth behavior at subinhibitory concentrations revealed by specific metabolic heat flow profiles might enable anticipation of antimicrobial efficacy and possibly extrapolation to MIC values, provided that quantification of growth parameters through adequate growth models can be applied.21,50 Interestingly, it was demonstrated by von Ah et al., based on an IMC study with 12 antibiotics on E. coli and S. aureus that it could be possible to distinguish between different modes of antimicrobial action. In addition to alterations of transient features, variations in tdelay and mean growth rates Q/t were observed. The 3 antibiotics tested in our nanocalorimetric study have different modes of action. Ciprofloxacin targets topoisomerase II (DNA gyrase), which inhibits bacterial DNA synthesis, ampicillin inhibits cell wall synthesis and gentamicin inhibits bacterial protein synthesis through binding to the A site of 16S ribosomal RNA.51 As discussed before, we observed a strong impact on the heat profiles for all compounds. Nevertheless, no conclusions can be drawn from our results with respect to different modes of action. Heat flow curves for ciprofloxacin (Fig. 4a) and gentamicin (Fig. 4g) close to MIC are very similar, for ampicillin (Fig. 4d) the overall shape is different. A more systematic study is necessary for further going interpretations. Investigation of bactericidal and bacteriostatic modes of action would also be of interest.
Total heat curves Q(t) as integrals of heat flow curves allow a better evaluation of mean growth rates Q/t in the exponential region. The aggregated heat value Qmax in the stationary phase is determined by growth-limiting factors, such as oxygen/nutrient depletion and waste production in the microincubator. Interestingly, comparing heat curves (Fig. 4) and OD600 values of samples after incubation in the microincubator revealed that the metabolic heat production may be enhanced under antimicrobial stress (Fig. 5), an observation that can be understood as energy spilling. Inefficient use or spilling of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) as energy source is known as a possible survival strategy for many bacterial species. In E. coli, energy spilling could be mediated by a futile cycle of potassium or ammonium ions.52 As far as can be deduced from our nanocalorimetric assays (Fig. 5a), ciprofloxacin and gentamicin induced strong energy spillage close to MICs, whereas the effect was only weakly pronounced for ampicillin. Previously, an initial increase of the heat production rate upon antibiotic exposure was observed in Pseudomonas putida biofilms and related to energy-dependent resistance mechanisms.53 In addition, there is evidence that antibiotics can perturb bacterial respiration and central metabolism. A recent publication demonstrated that antibiotic-induced adenine limitation increases purine biosynthesis and ATP demand, which might relate antimicrobial stress to enhanced bacterial heat production.54
Combining oxygen consumption measurements with metabolic heat recordings of bacteria under antimicrobial stress provides a more holistic phenotypic characterization of metabolic activity. Time to full oxygen depletion in the microincubator increases clearly close to MIC (Fig. 4c, f and i). In our assays, oxygen depletion appeared on a shorter time scale than significant features of the heat flow profiles (e.g. earlier than the maximum of heat production Pmax). Oxygen consumption may therefore be explored as another potential parameter for fast AST on aerobic bacteria. Nevertheless, oxygen depletion in the microincubator has to be considered carefully when evaluating the results. For instance, the MIC interval for gentamicin determined with the INCfAST platform was above EUCAST reference values (Table 1). The oxygen-dependent antimicrobial action of gentamicin may be at the origin of this observation.38 Progressive oxygen depletion in the microincubator during the assay possibly reduced the antimicrobial efficacy of gentamicin, resulting in somewhat enhanced MIC values with respect to conventional protocols. Accordingly, for OD measurements (Fig. S5c†), where shaking of the plate reader ensures oxygen replenishment of the culture solution, no deviation from the standard MIC range was observed. On the other hand, the enclosed microincubator system might be suitable for performing fast AST on anaerobic bacteria, which can be challenging with the conventional agar-based culture methods.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/d0lc00579g |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2020 |