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aSchool of Materials Science and Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 639798, Singapore. E-mail: alexyan@ntu.edu.sg
bSingapore Centre for 3D Printing, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 639798, Singapore
cKey Laboratory of Materials Processing and Mold, Ministry of Education, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450002, China
dSchool of Physics and Electronics, Hunan University, Changsha 138634, China. E-mail: nanoelechem@hnu.edu.cn
First published on 17th September 2019
With an increasing energy consumption rate and rising global population, constructing sustainable energy technologies has become one of the major scientific challenges. Therefore, the development of electrocatalytic conversion technologies that can convert renewable resources, such as water and nitrogen, into value-added chemicals or fuels (e.g., hydrogen and ammonia) can be crucial. A number of transition metal carbides (TMCs) have been investigated over the past few years as effective electrocatalysts for various reactions. This is mainly owing to their unique electronic structures, which leads to high electrical conductivity and chemical stability. Moreover, the reactivity of TMC-based electrocatalysts is highly dependent on their surface and interfacial properties. This review focuses on tuning nanostructures and interfaces to enhance the electrocatalytic activity of TMC-based materials for hydrogen production and nitrogen fixation. The mechanisms behind the surface and interface engineering are discussed, including the synergy effects, facet binding energy, active defects, and low-coordinated sites. In particular, studies on activity enhancement through design of the interfacial phase, composition, and structure in TMC-based electrocatalysts are highlighted. The effective tuning strategies might pave the way for future development of highly active TMC-based electrocatalysts for sustainable energy-related conversion.
Transition metal carbides (TMCs), with structures consisting of carbon (C) atoms occupying the interstitial sites of their parent metals, have sparked increasing attention as efficient electrocatalysts toward several electrochemical reactions, such as the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER),16 oxygen evolution reaction (OER),17 nitrogen reduction reaction (NRR),18 and oxygen reduction reaction (ORR).19 TMC-based electrocatalysts, as a class of special “interstitial alloys”, are interesting because of their advantageous physical and chemical properties, including their precious-metal-like electronic structures, high electrical conductivities, excellent stabilities, and good corrosion resistance.20 The precious-metal-like electronic structures render TMCs effective to adsorb and activate hydrogen, thus exhibiting intrinsic activities like Pt-based electrocatalysts.21 In addition, most transition metals, with the Pt-group metals as exceptional examples, are intensively capable of forming TMCs with significant variations in their crystal structures. Fig. 1a exhibits the Group 4–10 metals and their stable carbides.22 As we can see from Fig. 1a, the transition metals on the left and center can alloy with the C atoms to form carbides generally with the formulas of MC and M2C respectively. On the other hand, for the transition metals on the right, metal-rich stoichiometries of M3C and M4C are more prevalent. It is worth noting that the bonding arises from the interaction of 2s and 2p orbitals of the C atoms with the d orbital of the transition metals. Thus, with rising sp electrons, the parent metal structure progressively transitions from body-centered cubic (bcc) to hexagonal close-packed (hcp) to face-centered cubic (fcc) (Fig. 1b).23,24 Likewise, elements in Group 4 and 5 prefer the bcc structure owing to their partially-filled bands capable of accommodating large amounts of sp-C orbitals, while Group 6 elements adopt the hcp structure and other elements in Groups 7 and 8 favor the fcc structure.23,25 Moreover, it has been demonstrated that the broadening of the parent metal d-band, due to the introduction of C atoms, would raise the density of states (DOS) at the Fermi level, hence resulting in high electrocatalytic activities.26
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Fig. 1 (a) Typical transition metals in the TMC compounds. Reproduced with permission from ref. 22. Copyright 2013, Elsevier Ltd. (b) Common crystal structure in TMC compounds. The blue points represent the metal atoms and the brown points represent the carbon atoms. Reproduced with permission from ref. 23. Copyright 2016, John Wiley and Sons, Inc. |
Unfortunately, many of the reported TMCs suffer from limited specific surface areas, which hinders their widespread applications in the field of electrocatalysis.27 Furthermore, during the carbide synthesis process, the generation of surface contaminants blocks the active sites and cavities, resulting in the degradation of electrocatalytic activities.28 In general, carbides are typically prepared by solid–solid or gas–solid reactions to achieve high surface area, namely, direct pyrolysis of metal carbonyl compounds, or reaction of metal/metal oxides with a C source.22 Consequently, the aggregation and/or excessive growth of TMCs during pyrolysis at relatively high temperatures leads to a reduction in the active sites and electrocatalytic activities for electrochemical reactions.29 Up until now, significant efforts have been dedicated to enhancing electrocatalytic activities via the engineering of structures and interfaces, including nanostructuring,30 heteroatom doping,31 morphology control,32 and introduction of various carbon-based materials.33,34 Furthermore, the problem of char contamination has also been studied.35–37 One of the effective solutions is the strategy of carburizing the metal precursor using compounds such as g-C3N4,38 carbon nanotubes (CNT),39,40 graphene,16,41–43 and other inorganic carbon sources.44 Compared with their organic counterparts (like aniline, dopamine, and melamine), the diffusion speed of C atoms away from the inorganic compounds is slower, thereby avoiding the char contamination.45 More specially, oxygen (O2) plasma treatment is also demonstrated to be an effective method to eliminate the surface contamination with minimal effect on the carbide structure.46 Based on the discussion above, rational design and controllable preparation of TMCs with the utmost exposure of active sites is very important to realize efficient electrochemical reactions.
The Pt-like electrocatalytic behavior of TMCs can be traced back to the pioneering investigations by R. B. Levy and M. Boudart in 1973.47 They reported that carbon sp electrons enhanced the apparent electron to atom ratio, thereby forming a more Pt-like electronic configuration. A series of TMC-based electrocatalysts were subsequently reported, such as molybdenum carbides, tungsten carbides, titanium carbides, etc., which exhibited high activity in various electrocatalytic technologies.48,49 With the development of advanced characterization techniques, novel preparation strategies and theoretical methods, the mechanisms behind the electrocatalytic activities of TMCs have been widely explored. For instance, Jingguang Chen and co-workers48 reported that the d-band center of both Mo- and C-terminated β-Mo2C surfaces could be broadened via the hybridization between d-orbitals of Mo and s/p-orbitals of C, thereby resulting in the enhancement of electrocatalytic activities toward the HER. Shuit Tong Lee and co-workers45 reported the preparation of phase-pure and ultrasmall W2C nanoparticles via an improved carburization strategy. Kian Ping Loh and co-workers50 reported the synthesis of edge segregated Mo2C electrocatalysts consisting of conventional AA-stacked T-phase Mo2C and Bernal-stacked (AB-stacked) Mo2C crystals using the diffusion-mediated method. The density functional theory (DFT)-based calculations demonstrated that the AB-stacked Mo2C crystals possessed a d-band closer to the Fermi energy compared to the AA-stacked Mo2C crystals, resulting in the improvement of electrocatalytic activities toward the HER. R. R. Adzic and co-workers40 demonstrated that the inlaid structure coupled with the electronic modification could facilitate the electrocatalytic activity of carbides, as exemplified by Mo2C and CNT (covalent binding). The X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) and extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) results suggested that this unique anchored structure induced a charge-transfer from Mo to C, which could further downshift the d-band center of Mo, and thus formed a moderate hydrogen binding energy. Most recently, by utilizing first-principles DFT, Q. Jiang et al.51 investigated cobweb-like MoC6 electrocatalysts and they claimed that the d orbitals of Mo atoms could be strongly hybridized with the orbitals of graphyne, leading to strong interactions between the Mo atom and graphyne. The as-prepared MoC6 exhibited high activity and selectivity toward the NRR at low potential and ambient conditions, which was mainly ascribed to the selective stabilization of N2H* species and destabilization of the NH2* species.
Research on TMC-based materials is an emerging field. Further developments can expand the widespread application of TMCs in electrochemical technologies (involving hydrogen generation and nitrogen fixation) to potentially substitute the noble-metal catalysts. In addition, TMCs can be surface decorated with active materials or chemically doped with metal/non-metal atoms or heterostructures to direct the desired electrocatalysis of energy-related reactions, and such surface/interface modifications can be used to tune multiple electrocatalytic steps. In this review, we summarize recent advances in hydrogen generation and nitrogen fixation via the HER and NRR using TMC-based materials. Emphasis is given to discussions on the relationship between surface/interface engineering and electrocatalytic activity, and mechanisms for the increasing electrocatalytic performance. The important strategies of surface/interface engineering such as control of nanocrystal shape, size, crystallographic orientation, doping, chemical state, support material, and composition are described. Finally, an outlook of future prospects for hydrogen generation and nitrogen fixation by TMC-based electrocatalysts is described.
Reactions | Reaction steps | Equations | Tafel slope (mV dec−1) |
Acidic solution: 2H+ + 2e− → H2 | Volmer | H+ + e− → H* | b = 2.3RT/αF = 120 |
Heyrovsky | H* + H+ + e− ↔ H2 | b = 2.3RT/2F = 30 | |
Tafel | H* + H* ↔ H2 | b = 2.3RT/(1 + α)F = 40 | |
Alkaline/neutral solution: 2H2O + 2e− → H2 + 2OH− | Volmer | H2O + e− ↔ H* + OH− | |
Heyrovsky | H2O + e− ↔ H2 + OH− | ||
Tafel | H* + H* ↔ H2 |
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Fig. 2 (a) The Volmer–Heyrovsky and (b) the Volmer–Tafel mechanism of the HER. Reproduced with permission from ref. 53. Copyright 2018, Nature Publishing Group. |
To evaluate the electrocatalytic activity of target HER electrocatalysts, several crucial parameters such as the total electrode activity, Tafel slope, exchange current density (j0), faradaic, efficiency (FE), stability and turnover frequency (TOF) are essential to be measured/calculated carefully.52,54,55 In general, linear sweep voltammetry (LSV) is performed to estimate the total electrode activity, in which low sweep rates (e.g., 2 or 5 mV s−1) are commonly applied to minimize the non-faradaic capacitive current. Based on the LSV curves, two important parameters for the HER can be evaluated; namely, the onset potential and the overpotential (η). Onset overpotential is the excess potential at which the current density starts to enhance significantly. Furthermore, the overpotential (η), which is the excess potential to reach the current density of 10 mA cm−2 is generally regarded as the benchmark to compare the HER activity of as-prepared electrocatalysts, corresponding to photoelectrochemical hydrogen generation efficiency of 12.3%.56–58 In addition, the Tafel slope and j0 are two essential parameters which can be determined from the Tafel equation (η = a + blog
j), where j is the current density and b is the Tafel slope. Tafel slope is commonly correlated with the electrocatalytic mechanism of the HER (Table 1) and j0 reflects the rate of electron transfer under equilibrium conditions. A promising electrocatalyst should offer a low Tafel slope and high j0 simultaneously during the HER process. FE, also called coulombic efficiency, is the ratio of the experimental to the theoretical H2 generation. Thereinto, the theoretically produced H2 can be calculated by estimating the total charge transfer from potentiostatic or galvanostatic electrolysis plots and the experimental H2 production can be measured by gas chromatography (GC). In general, the FE is less than 100% owing to the existence of side reactions in the HER process. Furthermore, in order to realize the largescale application of the catalysts, the long-term stability is another important parameter, which can be measured by two methods: CV and galvanostatic/potentiostatic electrolysis. Finally, the TOF, which is a measure of the intrinsic activity of each electrocatalytic site, is defined as the number of reactants that an electrocatalyst can convert to a desired product at each electrocatalytic site per unit time. But, it is still a challenge to preciously measure the TOF due to the heterogeneous catalytic reaction often occurring on the electrode surface.52 Despite the fact that the measured TOF is relatively imprecise, it may still give insights into the comparative catalytic activity or efficiency of two or more materials if carefully executed. In conclusion, promising HER electrocatalysts should possess a low overpotential, small Tafel slope, high j0, large TOF, and long-term stability.
However, accurately measuring and evaluating the activity of various electrocatalysts is difficult owing to the various measurement methods/conditions, such as electrolyte compositions, deposited substrates, and pH values. Therefore, standard electrocatalytical measurements are of great value. As a successful example, Thomas F. Jaramillo and co-workers59 proposed a benchmark to explore various HER electrocatalysts (Fig. 3), which may be greatly significant for the development of standard measure techniques. Aiming toward higher accuracy of reported results, we need to pay special attention to the following points:60,61 First, the electrode setup should well define the overpotential of the working electrode. Second, if the researchers use the manual iR drop compensation at the benchmark current densities, they should exhibit a detailed iR compensated method, and especially the percentage of iR drop compensation should be cited in reports. Third, in order to ensure the accuracy of the activities, researchers should choose a suitable reference electrode and calibrate it experimentally.
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Fig. 3 Suggested protocol for benchmarking the performance of electrocatalysts for the HER. Reproduced with permission from ref. 59. Copyright 2015, American Chemical Society. |
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Fig. 4 (a) Possible mechanisms for NRR on heterogeneous catalysts. Reproduced with permission from ref. 65. Copyright 2017, Elsevier Ltd. (b) Dissociative (solid lines) and associative (dashed lines) mechanisms, with (dotted lines) and without (solid lines) H-bonds effect on both stepped (red line) and flat (black line) metal surfaces. Reproduced with permission from Ref. 66. Copyright 2012, Royal Society of Chemistry. |
Similar to the electrochemical HER, the free energies of N2 admolecules and N adatoms are also regarded as an important descriptor to tune the activity and selectivity of an electroreduction nitrogen reaction. For instance, Nørskov and co-workers66 calculated the free energy profiles for the NH3 generation on both the flat and steeped surface using DFT, demonstrating the correlation between the adsorbed N intermediates and the selectivity of the NRR. Fig. 4b displays a volcano diagram for flat (black line) and stepped (red line) electrode surfaces for the NRR, containing associative (dotted lines) and dissociative (solid lines) mechanisms, with (dashed lines) and without (solid lines) H-bonds.66 As we can see from Fig. 4b, the most active metal surfaces for NH3 generation are Mo and Fe. However, these metal surfaces are evaluated to be more active for the HER instead of the NRR. In particular, most of the flat metal surfaces studied in this work, such as Co, Ni, Rh, Ir, and Pt, are predicted to be covered by H adatoms rather than N adatoms, resulting in low selectivity for the NRR. Note that several early transition metals (e.g., Zr, Ti, Y, and Sc) exhibit stronger N adatom binding energy compared to H adatoms. Thus higher selectivity to the NRR than the HER can be expected on these electrodes. Most recently, Nørskov and co-workers67 further reported a promising strategy to increase NRR selectivity by limiting the proton and electron supply, by numerous strategies such as increasing the barrier for proton transfer to the electrode surface, lowering the concentration of protons in the electrolyte, preventing the electron thermalization, and supplying a slow stream of electrons. Therefore, the theoretical investigations provide a good indicator to better understand the trend for electroreduction of N2 to NH3.
The NRR process severely suffers from poor reliability and reproducibility because of the low production rates of the NRR and ubiquitous contaminants.68 Similar to HER study, standard protocols for measuring the NRR are of fundamental importance for the NRR. In this regard, Chorkendorff and co-workers69 proposed a rigorous protocol to quantify the electrochemical reduction of N2 to ammonia (Fig. 5). A set of rigorous control experiments under an Ar, N2, and 15N2 atmosphere for each electrocatalyst should be performed to exclude ammonia contamination. Moreover, it is recommended that at least two testing methods be used to quantify the amount of ammonia, and an average of the two detection methods taken.70
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Fig. 5 Protocol for the benchmarking of electrocatalysts for the NRR. Reproduced with permission from Ref 69. Copyright 2019, Nature Publishing Group. |
Apart from this, as demonstrated by previous studies, early-transition-metal carbides possess strong H-binding, which prejudices against gaseous H2 release.71 Taking Mo2C for example, there are high d-orbital vacancies around the EF which impede HER kinetics.71 TMC electrocatalyst doping with rich electrons elements reduces the vacancies effectively. The optimization of the H binding energy of TMC materials enhanced the kinetic reaction of the HER effectively.36,72,73 Rich electron dopants including metal atoms such as Fe, Ni, Co, Pt, and Pd,74–80 and non-metal atoms such as B, N, P, and S,30,81–85 show positive effects on modulating the surface composition and the internal electronic structure of the electrocatalysts. To cite N-doped Mo2C nanosheets as an example, the 1.0 nm ultrathin structures were constructed by transformation of the crystal phase and the surface atomic structure between MoO2 NSs and N-Mo2C NSs.30 Highly crystalline and porous structures were confirmed by HR-TEM (Fig. 6a). Besides, DFT calculations demonstrated that after N doping, new active sites associated with the N atom and Mo-3-T atom on the surface were introduced and with low |ΔGH*| values of 0.07 and 0.3 eV, respectively. The overpotential (η = 10 mA cm−2) of N-doped Mo2C nanosheets was only 99 mV owing to the robust sheet structure and N doping reduced the energy input for activating the HER (Fig. 6b). The morphology, phase transformation and composition of the N doped Mo2C NSs was affected by the amount of dicyandiamide and calcination temperature obviously. The authors also verified that the larger amount of dicyandiamide increased disordered carbon on the surface of the nanosheets during the calcining process. Besides, the more dicyandiamide led to phase transformation from Mo2C to MoC, and produced an excess amount of carbon coating the surface active sites of the Mo2C nanosheets resulting in poor HER activity (Fig. 6c). DFT calculations further verified that MoC possessed weaker HER activity than that of Mo2C (Fig. 6d). Hence, N doped Mo2C NS electrocatalysts with the appropriate amount of dicyandiamide possessed the best HER performance. Carbide electrocatalysts doped with transition metals which are rich in electrons such as group VIII metals can effectively reduce the unoccupied d orbitals of metal atoms in carbides.86,87 Wei and co-workers88 introduced a study about Ni-doped Mo2C supported on Ni foam, which showed excellent HER activity in alkaline solution. In another work, Yan and his colleagues reported a Fe-doped Ni3C electrocatalyst with remarkable water splitting performance in both acid and alkaline solutions.74 Thus, carbides doped with heterogeneous metal atoms (e.g. Fe, Ni, Co) exhibit remarkable enhancement in activity for the electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution reaction.80 To cite Co-doped Mo2C nanowires as an example, Gao and his co-workers75 reported a series of Co-doped Mo2C nanowire electrocatalysts, synthesized by means of a simple process of annealing Co-modified Mo3O10(C6H5NH3)2·2H2O precursors in an inert atmosphere. Nanowire structures provided abundant active sites in the radial direction for H2 generation and bubble release, while facilitating charge transfer in the axial dimension. After Co-doping into Mo2C, the electronic density around the Fermi level (EF) in Mo2C significantly increased which led to declination of the Mo–H bond toward optimized HER kinetics. XRD patterns undoubtedly confirmed that β-Mo2C was successfully prepared (Fig. 7a). On increasing the Co doping, the lattice parameter, a/b in β-Mo2C decreased resulting in a positive shift in the peaks of (100), (002) and (101) to higher angles (Fig. 7b and c). Analogous peak shifting was observed in electrocatalysts of Fe-doped Mo2C as reported by Leonard and his co-workers.89 Furthermore, the Mo2C unit cell shrunk on account of the replacement of some Mo atoms with the smaller Co in the lattice. On increasing the content of Co, the peak intensity of Co 2p3/2 and Co 2p1/2 in Co-Mo2C increased gradually. The peak position at 780.6 eV and 778.3 eV corresponded to metal Co and the peak position at 781.3 eV corresponded to oxidized Co, which was attributed to the interaction in the Mo2C lattice (Fig. 7d). The electronic feature of Mo in Mo2C varied after Co-doping, and there were three states (+2, +4 and +6) for Mo on the surface of the electrocatalysts. Mo4+ and Mo6+ were due to the inactive MoO2 and MoO3 as the carbides were exposed to air. Plenty of foregoing studies consider that Mo2+ species are the active centers for electrocatalytic HER. The Mo2+ signals were visibly red-shifted in Co-Mo2C (Fig. 7e), with increased Co-doping, which led to the lower binding energy. The shifting indicates that there are enriched electrons around Mo because of Co-doping. Besides, the Mo 3d peaks shifted to lower binding energy were reasonable on account of electron transfer from Co to Mo. The higher electronegativity of Mo (2.16) versus Co (1.88), and partially oxidized Co in Mo2C were the main contributing factors for electron transfer. Valence band (VB) study exhibited that a new peak at 3.45 eV arose with increasing amount of Co on account of more electrons around its Fermi level (Fig. 7f). The optimal Co-doping with the Co/Mo ratio of 0.020, guaranteed abundant Mo2+ species in Co doped β-Mo2C. Thus, Co-β-Mo2C nanowires acquired increased electron density by Co doping, which is in favor of its remarkable HER activity in both acid and alkaline solutions.
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Fig. 6 (a) HRTEM image of N-Mo2C NS. (b) Polarization curves of MoO2 NSs, Mo2C NSs, N-Mo2C nanoparticles, N-Mo2C NSs, and 20 wt% Pt/C on the GC electrode at 5 mV s−1 in 0.5 M H2SO4. (c) Polarization curves of N-Mo2C NSs with different content of N. (d) ΔGH* values of Mo and C atoms in MoC and Mo2C. Insets are the corresponding theoretical structural models. Reproduced with permission from ref. 30. Copyright 2017, American Chemical Society. |
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Fig. 7 (a) XRD patterns of different phase Mo2C. (b) Corresponding zoomed-in regions showing evolution with Co-doping. (c) TEM image of Co-Mo2C-0.020. (d) XPS patterns of Co 2p and (e) Mo 3d in (I) Mo2C, (II) Co-Mo2C-0.012, (III) Co-Mo2C-0.020, (IV) Co-Mo2C-0.035, and (V) Co-Mo2C-0.049, and (f) their UPS spectra of the valence band. Ref. 75. Copyright 2016, John Wiley and Sons, Inc. |
Co-doping of organic–inorganic heteroatoms is recently reported as an effective way to increase the active sites of the catalyst. Recently, Lin and his co-workers90 reported porous MoC nanosheets co-doped with Zn, N metal–nonmetal atoms which demonstrated the advantages of metal/non-metallic heteroatom doping. A low melting point transition metal Zn acting as a dopant has attracted more attention in recent years due to the low electron negativity and divalent state of Zn.91–94 Besides, Chen and his co-workers91 confirmed that Zn was an efficient promoter for improving the HER catalytic activity of CoP. The bi-metal oxide precursor of ZnMoO4 acted as a template and a Zn doping source simultaneously. The porous Zn–N MoC nanosheets exhibited enhanced HER activity and remarkable long-time stability owing to the optimized Mo–H bonding as a result of the Zn, N co-doping and the large electrochemical surface area of the porous nanosheet structures. DFT calculations confirmed that the faster HER kinetics were achieved by Zn, N co-doping, on account of weakening the strong bond of Mo–H and facilitate the desorption of the absorbed hydrogen atom (Hads).
Metal–organic framework (MOF) materials to prepare mesoporous TMC materials have attracted much attention due to their unique structural characteristics in recent years.107,108 Continuous pore structures greatly facilitate electron transport and mass transfer during electrocatalytic reactions.109–112 MOF materials are extensively used in gas storage and separation, sensors, catalysts, and any other related fields.108–114 MOFs are materials of a porous coordination network formed by the interaction between metals and organic ligands, with a record surface area that exceeds that of activated carbon and zeolites. A large number of studies confirm that the introduction of MOFs into the catalyst plays an important role in promoting the electrocatalytic process. Huang et al.99 reported a porous Mo2C electrocatalyst with controlled compositions (doping) and morphologies (1D nanowires or 2D nanosheets) synthesized via carburizing cobalt or zinc-based zeolite-type MOF (ZIF-67 or ZIF-8) and cladding MoO3 nanosheets or nanowires under high temperature. A porous Mo2C electrocatalyst emerged with excellent electrocatalytic performance owing to unique pore structures. In this work, MOFs only acted as a precursor. However, the traditional method of preparing carbides relies on high temperature pyrolysis. Carbides with bulk structures form easily under high temperature conditions, resulting in loss of large number of active sites of the electrocatalysts.108 Recently, Lou et al.104 reported nano-octahedron MoCx electrocatalysts synthesized by a metal–organic framework (MOF)-assisted strategy, that exhibited excellent HER activity. Using the MOF-assisted strategy as a template to prepare porous transition metal carbides can effectively avoid diffusion/agglomeration during the pyrolysis process. And the porous structures remained intact even at higher temperatures. After preparing [Cu2(BTC)4/3(H2O)2]6[H3PMo12O40] (BTC = benzene-1,3,5-tricarboxylate) nano-octahedron structures, highly porous texture MoCx octahedral nanoparticles were finally obtained through a successive process of annealing and Fe3+ etching to remove Cu (Fig. 8a). The polycrystalline structure was confirmed by a selected-area electron diffraction (SAED) pattern (Fig. 8b). Some large particles formed at the corners of octahedral particles because of higher surface activity and stress, which was caused by collapse of MOFs, and MoCx nanocrystallites grew subsequently during high-temperature reaction. A number of MoCx clusters with a size of 5 nm anchored on the surface of amorphous carbon (Fig. 8c). The interplanar distance of 0.24 nm was consistent with (006) planes of η-MoC. Owing to the large electrochemical active surface of the unique nanostructures, porous MoCx nanooctahedrons showed excellent HER activity both in acid and alkaline media. The overpotentials at 10 mA cm−2 were 142 mV and 151 mV in acid and alkaline media respectively (Fig. 8d–f). And the electrocatalysts presented a small Tafel slope in both acid and alkaline media.
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Fig. 8 (a) Schematic illustration of the synthesis procedure for porous MoCx nano-octahedrons. (b) TEM images of MoCx nano-octahedrons; inset is the SAED pattern. (c) Magnified TEM image of MoCx nano-octahedrons. (d) Polarization curve at 2 mV s−1 and (e) Tafel plots in 0.5 M H2SO4. (f) Polarization curve at 2 mV s−1 and (g) Tafel plots in 1 M KOH. Ref. 104. Copyright 2015, Nature Publishing Group. |
The chlorination temperature played a vital role in nanocrystal size and HER performance. Higher temperatures favored the formation of nanocrystals with a small size which was further confirmed by theoretical calculations based on the reactive kinetics of chlorination.126 Furthermore, carbide-derived carbon (CDC) growth on the surface of carbide blocks,127,128 can be understood as a diffusion-controlled mechanism based on linear-parabolic Deal-and Grove-like growth kinetics. The transition belts produced during the preparation process between high-index (222) facets of TaC NCs and in situ amorphous carbon layers prevented structural collapse during high temperature preparation and electrocatalytic processes. The challenge of structural instability of high crystal face index materials obtains a satisfactory solution.
Furthermore, DFT calculations uncovered the high-index (222) faceted TaC with no band gap as the crossover of the Dirac cone at the G point. In other words, a TaC electrocatalyst with high-index (222) had a fast electron transfer during an electrocatalytic hydrogen reduction process. Partial density of states verified that the Fermi level of all facets crosses the conduction band. Hence, the influence of electron mobility on different facets is insignificant, which is beneficial for the HER electrocatalysis. As we all know, Pt is the best electrocatalyst for the HER with a very low ΔGH* value of −0.09 eV.129–133 In comparison, the ΔGH* values of low-index (311), (220), (200) and (111) facets of the TaC electrocatalyst were −0.53 eV, −0.56 eV, −0.73 eV and −0.67 eV respectively. The TaC electrocatalyst with high-index (222) facets showed a least negative ΔGH* value of −0.23 eV. From the thermodynamic point of view, high-index (222) facets of TaC have the best electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution ability relative to other low-index crystal faces. The ultra-fine structure of carbon-cohered high-index (222) faceted tantalum carbide nanocrystals (TaC NCs@C) was obtained via using Cl2 to cut TaC blocks into TaC NCs at high temperature (Fig. 9a).124 The transition belts would be produced between high-index (222) facets of TaC NCs and in situ formed amorphous carbon layers which prevented conversion of high-index crystal facets. The high activity and stability of high-index (222) facets of TaC NC electrocatalysts was attributed to these unique structures. The authors maintained that Cl2 molecules preferentially reacted with Ta atoms located at small cracks existing in TaC blocks (Fig. 9b). This is the main reason for disorderly piled residue surface C atoms turning into amorphous carbon. The average size of TaC NCs was about 12.5 nm which uniformly encapsulated in the in situ formed carbon blocks during high-temperature reaction. The interplanar spacing of TaC NCs was 1.3 Å corresponding to high-index (222) facets (Fig. 9c). A weak carbon peak was exhibited in the XRD patterns (Fig. 9d). The authors considered that the cohered carbon was beneficial to maintain high-index faceted structures and exceptional dispersivity of nanostructured TaC NCs. The overpotential of high-index (222) facet carbon-cohered TaC NCs (146 mA cm−2) was substantially lower than that of the bulk TaC electrocatalyst (Fig. 9e). High-index facets of TaC NCs also showed an excellent Tafel slope of 143 mV dec−1, where the Tafel slope of bulk TaC was 232 mV dec−1 (Fig. 9f). The theoretical free energy of the hydrogen adsorption on different HER electrocatalysts indicated that the position of the j0 and ΔGH* values was closer to the peak (Fig. 9g), indicating a better HER activity.
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Fig. 9 (a) Schematic formation of TaC NCs@C by a subtle chlorine-assisted micro-cutting fragmentation strategy. (I) Pristine TaC blocks; (II) intermediate state of the reaction; (III) final product TaC NCs@C; (IV) side-view model of the product. (b and c) High magnification TEM images of TaC NCs@C, presenting exposed high-index (222) facets on the surface of TaC NCs. (d) Powder XRD pattern of bulk TaC and TaC NCs@C. (e) Polarization curves and (f) Tafel plots (b) of commercial 20% Pt/C, TaC NCs@C and bulk TaC. (g) Volcano plots of i0 as a function of the ΔGH* for newly developed high-index (222) faceted TaC (red pentacle), common metal catalysts, molybdenum carbide and carbon hybrid catalyst, typical nanostructured MoS2 and WS2 catalyst as well as metal-free C3N4@N-doped graphene catalyst. Reproduced with permission from ref. 124. Copyright 2017, Elsevier Ltd. |
Another study on high-index facets was reported recently. Ma et al.134 prepared high-index {120} faceted dendritic hexagonal NiCx nanosheets on a Ni/CF substrate by a mild electrodeposition approach. The obtained dendritic NiC0.2NS/Ni/CF showed remarkable activity and stability of water splitting. The overpotential at 10 mA cm−2 was 121 mV, and the corresponding Tafel slope was 51 mV dec−1 in an alkaline medium. Furthermore, a dendritic NiC0.2NS/Ni/CF electrocatalyst offered superior catalytic stability of more than 100 h. Excellent electrocatalytic performance of NiC0.2NS/Ni/CF electrocatalysts was ascribed to several factors. The dendritic nanosheet morphology contributed abundant active sites for catalysis in NiC0.2NS/Ni/CF electrocatalysts. Besides, the enhanced electron transport characteristic between NiC0.2 nanosheets and the conductive substrate and the optimal carbon content also contributed to excellent HER performance. High-index crystal plane regulation improved the performance of electrocatalysts effectively. However, it is difficult to attain the best performance of electrocatalysts only by crystal plane regulation. Therefore, when considering the electrocatalyst design, it is quite essential to combine other techniques such as impurities doping, morphology modulation, electronic effects, interface engineering, etc.
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Fig. 10 (a) Synthesis of inverse opal-like Mo2C without SiO2 spheres and formation of a rich density of defects. (b) Low-resolution TEM images of MoxC-IOL. (c) Magnified TEM image of MoxC-IOL. Inset is the corresponding particle size distribution of Mo2C in MoxC-IOL. (d) Overpotentials@10 mA cm−2 of Mo2C-NP, MoxC-IOL and Pt wire (left) and corresponding exchange current densities (right) in 0.5 M H2SO4. (e) Overpotentials@10 mA cm−2 of Mo2C-NP, MoxC-IOL, and Pt wire (left) and corresponding exchange current densities (right) in 1 M KOH, Scan rate: 5 mV s−1. (f) Hydrogen adsorption configuration on the Mo2C surfaces with Mo2+/Mo3+ = 0/1 (I), 0.4/0.6 (II), 1/0 (III). (g) Corresponding H binding energies. Ref 106. Copyright 2017, American Chemical Society. |
Macroporous inverse opal-like (IOL) MoxC structures with a number of defects were formed finally (Fig. 10b). MoxC IOL structures with different pore sizes were prepared for evaluating electrocatalytic performance. A pore size of 380 nm demonstrated the best hydrogen evolution performance among all pore sizes as the macroporous structures provided more convenient mass transport channels than mesoporous structures. Furthermore, MoxC nanoparticles existed in the IOL structure with a size of 2.5–3 nm (Fig. 10c). MoxC-IOL showed superior intrinsic electrocatalytic activity in both acid and alkaline media. The overpotentials at 10 mA cm−2 in acid and alkaline solution were 117 mV and 82 mV respectively (Fig. 10d and e). Besides, MoxC-IOL also exhibited large exchange current densities of 0.18 mA cm−2 and 0.5 mA cm −2 in both acid and alkaline media, respectively. The authors attributed the excellent performance of an electrocatalyst to the abundant defects generated from a myriad of Mo+ species introduced in the MoxC IOL structure.
DFT calculations provided a fundamental understanding of the remarkable electrocatalytic activity of MoxC-IOL at the atomic level. Metal–hydrogen (M–H) bond strength was calculated on the surface of Mo2+, Mo3+ and Mo2+/Mo3+ (Fig. 10f). In the acidic solution, the binding energy for the MoxC-IOL was only 0.07 eV smaller than Pt (Fig. 10g). Such hydrogen binding energy was beneficial for proton adsorption, reduction, and H2 release in the acidic solution.137 On the other hand in the alkaline medium, H2O molecules are the reactant to release H2. H2O is first absorbed on the surface of catalysts, followed by subsequent reactions to produce H2. The H2O binding energies of Pt and MoxC-IOL are 0.12 and 1.12 eV, respectively. Higher binding energy of H2O favors capture of more H2O molecules. Hence, the MoxC-IOL electrocatalysts showed significantly enhanced HER performance in alkaline solution.
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Fig. 11 (a) X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns of different phase MoC. The insets show the corresponding crystal structures. (b) Polarization curves for four phases of molybdenum carbide, Pt on a carbon support, and multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) in 0.1 M HClO4. (c) The corresponding Tafel plots for β-MoC and γ-Mo2C. The catalyst loading for all samples is 0.28 mg cm−2 and the scan rate is 2 mV s−1. Ref. 144. Copyright 2014, John Wiley and Sons, Inc. |
Electrocatalyst | Catalyst loading (mg cm−2) | Electrolyte | η 10 (mV) | Tafel slope (mV dec−1) | Ref. |
β-Mo2C/N-doped carbon | 0.35 | 0.5 M H2SO4 | 119 | 72 | J. Mater. Chem. A, 2018, 6, 6054 |
2D WC@graphene | 0.00222 | 0.5 M H2SO4 | 120 | 38 | Nano Energy, 2017, 33, 356 |
Nanoporous Mo2C NMs | 0.21 | 0.5 M H2SO4 | 120 | 53 | Energy Environ. Sci., 2014, 7, 387 |
V8C7 networks | NA | 0.5 M H2SO4 | 38 | 34.5 | Adv. Energy Mater., 2018, 8, 1800575 |
1 M KOH | 47 | 44 | |||
Mo2C@NC nanomesh | 0.5 | 0.5 M H2SO4 | 36 | 33.7 | Adv. Funct. Mater., 2018, 28, 1705967 |
Ni3Mo3C@NPC NWs | 0.285 | 0.5 M H2SO4 | 161@η100 | 74.8 | ChemSusChem, 2018, 11, 2717 |
B,N:Mo2C@BCN | 1 | 1 M KOH | 360@η100 | 62 | ACS Catal., 2018, 8, 8296 |
Co4Mo2@NC | 0.35 | 1 M KOH | 218 | 73.5 | J. Mater. Chem. A, 2017, 5, 16929 |
Co-Mo2C nanowires | 0.14 | 0.5 M H2SO4 | 140 | 39 | Adv. Funct. Mater., 2016, 26, 5590 |
1 M KOH | 118 | 44 | |||
Mo2C@NPC/N,P-doped RGO | 0.14 | 0.5 M H2SO4 | 34 | 33.4 | Nat. Commun. 2016, 7, 11204 |
Mo2C@NC | 0.28 | 0.5 M H2SO4 | 124 | 60 | Angew. Chem., Int. Ed., 2015, 54, 10752 |
α-Mo2C | 0.102 | 0.5 M H2SO4 | 198 | 56 | J. Mater. Chem. A, 2015, 3, 8361 |
1 M KOH | 176 | 58 | |||
NiMo2C@C | 0.531 | 0.5 M H2SO4 | 72 | 65.8 | Nanoscale, 2018, 10, 6080 |
Nanoporous Mo carbide | NA | 0.5 M H2SO4 | 229 | 100.7 | Adv. Sci., 2018, 5, 1700601 |
Fe–Ni3C-2% | 0.15 | 0.5 M H2SO4 | 178 | 36.5 | Angew. Chem., Int. Ed., 2017, 56, 12566 |
1 MKOH | 292 | 41.3 | |||
N@Mo2C-3/CFP | 2 | 0.5 M H2SO4 | 56 | 49 | Adv. Energy Mater., 2018, 8, 1800789 |
1 M KOH | 66 | 51 | |||
Mo2CNWAs/CFP | 20 | 0.5 M H2SO4 | 56 | 68 | Adv. Funct. Mater., 2018, 28, 1804600 |
1 MKOH | 52 | 72 | |||
Mo2C | 1.5 | 0.5 M H2SO4 | 140 | 124 | J. Mater. Chem. A, 2015, 3, 16320 |
Co/β-Mo2C@N-CNTs | 0.014 | 1 M KOH | 170 | 92 | Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 2019, 58, 1 |
β-Mo2C nanotubes | 0.75 | 0.5 M H2SO4 | 172 | 62 | Angew. Chem., Int. Ed., 2015, 54, 15395 |
0.1 M KOH | 112 | 55 | |||
Ni/WC hybrid | 0.7 | 0.5 M H2SO4 | 53 | 43.5 | Energy Environ. Sci., 2018, 11, 2114 |
Mo2C | 1 | 0.5 M H2SO4 | 35 | 25 | Adv. Energy Mater., 2018, 8, 1801461 |
Mo2C-N, P-rGO | 0.24 | 0.5 M H2SO4 | 95 | 60 | ChemCatChem, 2018, 10, 2300 |
1 M KOH | 71 | 49 | |||
Mo2N–Mo2C | 0.337 | 0.5 M H2SO4 | 157 | 55 | Adv. Mater., 2018, 30, 1704156 |
1 M KOH | 154 | 68 | |||
Mo2C/N-doped graphene | 0.25 | 1 M KOH | 142 | 101.8 | Electrochim. Acta, 2019, 299, 627 |
Mo/Mo2C heteronanosheets | 0.285 | 0.5 M H2SO4 | 89 | 70.7 | ACS Energy Lett., 2018, 3, 341 |
Fe3C–Mo2C/NC | 0.14 | 0.5 M H2SO4 | 116 | 43 | ChemSusChem, 2017, 10, 2597 |
WxC@WS2 | 0.3 | 0.5 M H2SO4 | 146 | 61 | Adv. Funct. Mater., 2017, 27, 1605802 |
Inverse opal-like Mo2C | 2.22 | 0.5 M H2SO4 | 117 | 60 | ACS Nano, 2017, 11, 7527 |
0.1 M KOH | 82 | 56 | |||
Co–NC@Mo2C | 0.83 | 0.5 M H2SO4 | 143 | 60 | Nano Energy, 2019, 57, 746 |
1 M KOH | 173 | 65 | |||
Mo2C/GCSs hybrids | 0.36 | 0.5 M H2SO4 | 120 | 62.6 | ACS Catal., 2014, 4, 2658 |
Mo2C nanoparticles | 0.28 | 0.5 M H2SO4 | 144 | 55 | ACS Nano, 2016, 10, 11337 |
1 M KOH | 100 | 65 | |||
Mo2C | 0.57 | 0.5 M H2SO4 | 70 | 39 | Adv. Sci., 2018, 5, 1700733 |
1 M KOH | 66 | 37 | |||
Mo2C–RGO hybrid | 0.285 | 0.5 M H2SO4 | 70 | 54 | Chem. Commun., 2014, 50, 13135 |
MoCx-DecoratedCo@N-C | 0.7 | 0.5 M H2SO4 | 187 | 82 | Small, 2018, 14, 1704227 |
1 M KOH | 157 | 148 | |||
MoxC–Ni@NCV | 1.1 | 0.5 M H2SO4 | 75 | 45 | J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2015, 137, 15753 |
MoP/Mo2C@C | 0.453 | 0.5 M H2SO4 | 89 | 45 | ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2017, 9, 16270 |
1 M KOH | 75 | 58 | |||
MoCx@C | 0.354 | 0.5 M H2SO4 | 79 | 56 | J. Mater. Chem. A, 2016, 4, 3947 |
Mo2C nanobelts | 0.5 | 0.5 M H2SO4 | 140 | 51.3 | Appl. Catal., B, 2018, 224, 533 |
1 M KOH | 110 | 49.7 | |||
Ni/Mo2C–NCNFs | 1.4 | 1 M KOH | 143 | 57.8 | Adv. Energy Mater., 2019, 1803185. |
Porous N@MoPC hybrid | 0.14 | 0.5 M H2SO4 | 139 | 69.4 | Adv. Energy Mater., 2018, 8, 1701601 |
Mo2C | 0.255 | 0.5 M H2SO4 | 160 | 66 | Electrochim. Acta, 2018, 274, 23 |
1 M KOH | 92 | 63 | |||
N,P-Doped Mo2C@C | 0.9 | 0.5 M H2SO4 | 56 | 56 | ACS Nano, 2016, 10, 8851 |
1 M KOH | 47 | 71 | |||
MoCx | 0.8 | 0.5 M H2SO4 | 142 | 53 | Nat. Commun., 2015, 6, 6512 |
1 M KOH | 151 | 59 | |||
Mo2C/C | 0.3 | 0.5 M H2SO4 | 145 | 60.6 | ChemCatChem, 2017, 9, 1588 |
Ni–Mo2C/C composite | 1 | 1 M KOH | 99 | 73 | Chem. – Eur. J., 2017, 23, 4644 |
MoSx@Mo2C | 0.213 | 0.5 M H2SO4 | 178 | 44 | ACS Catal., 2015, 5, 6956 |
Mo2C-G | 0.8 | 0.5 M H2SO4 | 150 | 57 | Chem. Commun., 2015, 51, 8323 |
Zn–N porous MoC NSs | 0.357 | 0.5 M H2SO4 | 128 | 52.1 | Nanoscale, 2019, 11, 1700 |
Mo2C NPs | 0.25 | 0.5 M H2SO4 | 78 | 41 | Angew. Chem., Int. Ed., 2015, 127, 14936 |
Vanadium carbide nanoparticles | 0.28 | 0.5 M H2SO4 | 98 | 56 | Nano Energy, 2016, 26, 603 |
MoS2/Mo2C NSs | 1.67 | 0.5 M H2SO4 | 63 | 53 | ACS Catal., 2017, 7, 7312 |
VC@NCNT | 0.9 | 0.5 M H2SO4 | 161 | 95 | Nanoscale, 2018, 10, 14272 |
1 M KOH | 159 | 125 |
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Fig. 12 (a) Schematic illustration exhibiting the effect of different carbon precursors. (b) TEM image of W2C/MWNT. (c) W 4f XPS spectrum, (d) W L3-edge XANES spectrum and (e) Fourier transform EXAFS spectrum and associated fitting curve of W2C/MWNT at the W L3-edge. (f) HER polarization curves in 0.5 M H2SO4 and corresponding Tafel plots (g). Reproduced with permission from ref. 45. Copyright 2016, Nature Publishing Group. |
Analogously, graphene-based materials, e.g., graphene oxide (GO),159,160 reduced graphene oxide (rGO),41,43 and graphene nanoribbons (GNRs),161 are another class of materials widely applied as the supports to synthesize TMCs. Yang and co-workers42 prepared Mo2C nanoparticles stabilized by a carbon layer on rGO using a general two-step strategy. They found that the outer protection by the carbon layer could increase the stability of the as-prepared materials. Moreover, the synergistic interaction/intimate contact between Mo2C and rGO as well as the carbon layer was the main reason for the improved HER activity. A similar phenomenon has also been reported by Lan and co-workers.43 They fabricated a 2D coupled hybrid consisting of Mo2C nanoparticles encapsulated by N, P-codoped carbon layer and rGO (marked as Mo2C@NPC/NPRGO) with efficient HER activity. They proposed that the improved HER performance is mainly attributed to the small size of Mo2C nanoparticles, the enhanced interaction with H+, the robust conjugation between Mo2C and NPC/NPRGO, and the enhanced electron penetration from Mo2C to rGO. Other hybrid materials such as Fe3C/rGO,41 Fe3C/GRNs,161 and Mo2C/graphene foam162 have been fabricated using a similar principle.
In addition to the aforementioned as-formed carbon-based materials, there are other carbon supports which can be/are in situ formed during the carburization process. In the past, low-cost polymers (including polydopamine (PDA)163 and PANI160) and renewable biomass (including chitosan164 and glucose162) have been widely used to rationally design efficient TMCs/carbon hybrids. Li and coworkers165 reported a simple two-step method to fabricate Mo2C nanoparticles (∼3nm) uniformly dispersed on N-doped carbon microflowers (denoted as Mo2C/NCF) using the self-polymerization of dopamine. The as-prepared Mo2C/NCF exhibited excellent HER performance with small onset overpotential, low Tafel slopes, and superior durability both in acidic and basic solution. Most recently, ultra-small 1 nm Mo2C nanoparticles confined in mesh-like N-doped C (denoted as Mo2C@NC) were fabricated using dicyandiamide as a C precursor (Fig. 13a).34 As displayed in the HR-TEM image (Fig. 13b), the Mo2C@NC had a fine pore size between 2 and 15 nm, and the corresponding lattice fringes (∼0.32 nm) on the carbon nanolayers around the Mo2C corresponds to the (004) graphene crystal plane. Furthermore, the as-prepared Mo2C@NC offered exceptional HER activity with a low overpotential of 36 mV at the current density of −10 mA cm−2 and a high TOF of 0.046 H2 s−1 at the overpotential of 40 mV (Fig. 13c and d). DFT calculations further demonstrated that the N dopants in the carbon layers close to an Mo atom could withdraw an electron and introduce a fast electron-transfer process, which contributes to the enhanced performance of the HER (Fig. 13e). Mu and co-workers166 developed a novel colloid-confinement method for the preparation of ultrafine Mo2C nanoparticles with sub-2 nm size assembled in the in situ formed amorphous carbon foams (denoted as uf-Mo2C/CF). Uniformly sized SiO2 nanospheres and glucose were chosen as the template and C precursors, respectively. The as-obtained uf-Mo2C/CF exhibited excellent and stable activity for the HER in the whole pH range due to the 3D hierarchical architecture, synergistic effects of ultrasmall size, and low valence states of the Mo atoms on the surface. This work might provide some new insights into the fabrication of ultrafine nanocrystals assembled in the 3D porous frameworks as a class of highly active electrocatalysts.
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Fig. 13 (a) Schematic illustration of the synthesis procedure for the as-prepared Mo2C@NC nanomesh. (b) HRTEM image of the Mo2C@NC nanomesh and corresponding crystal lattice fringes of the Mo2C nanoparticle and N-doped carbon. (c) Polarization curves of the Mo2C@NC nanomesh in comparison with Mo2C@NC sheet and Pt/C. (d) TOF plots of Mo2C@NC nanomesh in comparison with Mo2C@NC sheet, Pt/C, and other reported noble-metal free catalyst. (e) Theoretical calculations of the free adsorption energy of the sites of the catalyst (the * represents the H atoms adsorption site). Reproduced with permission from ref. 34. Copyright 2018, John Wiley and Sons, Inc. |
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Fig. 14 (a) Schematic illustration of the steps for preparation of vertically aligned MoS2/Mo2C nanosheets. (b) SEM image of the MoS2/Mo2C hybrid nanosheets. (c) LSV curves of vertically aligned MoS2/Mo2C nanosheets and the 5, 15, 25, and 60 min (Mo2C) samples. Reproduced with permission from ref. 182. Copyright 2017, American Chemical Society. (d) HRTEM image of the as-prepared MoC–Mo2C-31.4 heterojunction nanowires. (e) j0 (current density at η = 0 mV) and j150 (current density at η = 150 mV) for Mo2C, MoC–Mo2C-31.4, MoC–Mo2C-68.1, and MoC as a function of Mo3+/Mo2+ ratio in 0.5 M H2SO4. (f) Schematic illustration of the HER activity depending on the electron density of Mo in Mo2C, MoC–Mo2C-31.4, MoC–Mo2C-68.1, and MoC electrocatalysts. Reproduced with permission from ref. 168. Copyright 2017, American Chemical Society. |
Most recently, MOFs have been widely used as both the precursor and template to construct highly active multiple interfaces due to their well-defined nanostructure, high surface area, and uniformly dispersed metal ions.170–172 In this regard, Luo and co-workers173 fabricated a CoP-Mo2C heterojunction using the Co-based ZIF-67 and an Mo-based compound as the precursor. The as-prepared CoP/Mo2C–NC hybrid catalyst exhibited a significantly improved HER activity over the whole pH range with a small overpotential of ∼55.7 mV at the current density of 10 mA cm−2. The XPS analysis confirmed that the electron could transfer from Co to Mo through the Co–P–Mo bond, leading to the generation of a higher Co valence and lower Mo valences, which could effectively optimize the H binding energy during the electrochemical HER process. In addition, Arne Thomas and co-workers44 developed a metal–organic coordination-precursor assisted method to prepare mesoporous Mo-based carbon catalysts (denoted as mC-Mo) consisting of uniformly distributed Mo2C–Mo2N heterojunctions. As shown in Fig. 15a, distinct from other investigations on Mo-based precursors via MOF precursors, this novel strategy was a fast and controlled aqueous self-assembly process based on dopamine (DA) hydrochloride and sodium molybdate. The introduced Si nanoparticles not only acted as a template but also played a crucial role in stabilizing the formed microspheres, thus resulting in the homogeneous assembly of isolated organic–inorganic microspheres. The TEM image demonstrated that the as-prepared mC-Mo exhibited a uniform spherical morphology (Fig. 15b). As shown in Fig. 15c, a large amount of ultrasmall overlapping crystals of Mo2C or Mo2N were formed in the boundary regions between Mo2C and Mo2N, thus indicating the in situ generation of heterojunctions in the electrocatalysts. Benefiting from the Mo2C/Mo2N heterojunctions and the mesoporous structure, the as-prepared mC-Mo electrocatalysts exhibited an impressive HER activity with a low overpotential of ∼173 mV at the current density of 10 mA cm−2 and excellent stability (Fig. 15d and e). Other efforts have been devoted to constructing an efficient interface between the metal and metal carbides. For example, Yangguang Li and co-workers79 reported multi-interfacial Ni/WC hybrid nanoparticles anchored on N-doped carbon sheets (denoted as Ni/WC@NC) using a two-step strategy as shown in Fig. 16a. Polyoxometalate (POM) molecular cages [Ni(en)2(H2O)2]6{Ni6(Tris)(en)3(BTC)1.5(B-αPW9O34)}8·12en·54H2O (denoted as Ni54W72) were chosen as the metal source as the Ni and W elements in this POM cluster were naturally intimately linked with each other, which might facilitate the in situ formation of a Ni/WC interwoven architecture with multiple interfaces. Moreover, the introduced rGO not only favored the good dispersion of POM clusters but also promoted the deoxygenation and collapse of Ni54W72. The TEM image confirmed that the Ni/WC hybrid nanoparticles had a fine size between 4 and 14 nm and intimately anchored in the N-doped carbon sheets (Fig. 16b and c). The HRTEM image of one Ni/WC nanoparticle confirmed the formation of multiple interfaces between Ni and WC (Fig. 16d), which might benefit the mass and charge transfer of the hybrid. Furthermore, the loose N-doped carbon sheets around Ni/WC nanoparticles not only offered rich defect sites but also stabilized the Ni/WC during the electrochemical process. The as-prepared Ni/WC@NC exhibited an excellent HER activity in the acidic electrolyte (0.5 M H2SO4) with a low overpotential of 53 and 125 mV to reach 10 and 50 mA cm−2, respectively, which is very close to that of commercial Pt/C (Fig. 16e). The DFT calculations demonstrated that the Ni/WC@NC had a weaker ΔGH* than either of the parent surfaces (Fig. 16f), confirming optimized electronic interaction between Ni and WC. Importantly, the in situ X-ray adsorption spectroscopy (XAS) further verified a conceivable electron transfer process (from WC to Ni) and a synergistic mass transport process occurring in Ni/WC@NC during the electrocatalytic HER process. Analogously, a similar improvement mechanism whereby multiple interfaces could facilitate the electrochemical activity was also verified in the Mo/Mo2C heteronanosheets.174 Xiaofeng Lu and co-workers183 synthesized N-doped carbon nanofibers integrated with Ni and Mo2C nanocrystals (denoted as Ni/Mo2C–NCNFs) and investigated the relationship between the interfaces and the improved electrocatalytic activity. They proposed that the close interaction of Ni (weak H binding energy) with Mo2C (strong H binding energy), could form a moderate metal–H binding energy, which would benefit the adsorption and desorption of Hads. Most importantly, Ni/Mo2C–NCNFs possessed a higher Ni valence and lower Mo valence caused by the electron transfer from Ni to Mo2C in their interfaces, which could further facilitate the electrocatalytic activity. Their study further confirmed that constructing hetero-interfaces is an effective method to increase the active sites of the as-prepared hybrids and thus enhance their electrocatalytic performances.
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Fig. 15 (a) Schematic illustration of the synthesis procedure of Mo2C/Mo2N-doped mesoporous carbon spheres. (b) TEM and (c) HRTEM images of the as-prepared hybrid. (d) Polarization curves of mC-Mo-750, mC-Mo-850, mC-Mo-950, and Pt/C in 1 M KOH. (e) Long-term stability of the mC-Mo-850 and Pt/C electrocatalysts under the various current densities of 10, 50, and 100 mA cm−2, and the inset image exhibits the LSV curves of mC-Mo-850 electrocatalyst before and after stability tests. Reproduced with permission from ref. 44. Copyright 2019, John Wiley and Sons, Inc. |
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Fig. 16 (a) Schematic illustration of the preparation of a Ni/WC@NC catalyst. (b) TEM image and (c and d) HRTEM images of Ni/WC@NC. (e) Polarization curve of Ni/WC@NC Ni@NC, WC@NC, N-doped C and Pt/C in a 0.5 M H2SO4 electrolyte. (f) Gibbs free energy diagram of the HER on different surfaces. Reproduced with permission from ref. 79. Copyright 2018, Royal Society of Chemistry. |
From such a perspective, Wang et al.102 prepared Mo2C nanodots embedded on ultrathin carbon nanosheets (Mo2C/C) and explored their nitrogen reduction performance (Fig. 17a). The Mo2C nanodots with a size of 3.5 nm anchored on the ultra-thin carbon (Fig. 17b–d). The inlaid structure of Mo2C dots could availably reduce the coverage of H spillover on the electrocatalyst surface, thus offering more chance for N2 diffusion and adsorption on the surface of the electrocatalyst. As a result, the as-synthesized Mo2C/C exhibited superior electrocatalytic performances with a maximum NH3 yield rate of 11.3 μg h−1 mg−1 at an applied voltage of −0.3 V vs. RHE (Fig. 17e) and the highest faradaic efficiency of 1.6% occurred at −0.2 V vs. RHE (Fig. 17f). Meanwhile, Mo2C/C also displayed the good NRR electrocatalytic stability owing to its excellent structural stability (Fig. 17g). Beyond the regulation of dimension tuning, research indicated that carbides with a porous structure are potential nitrogen reduction catalysts. For instance, Sun and his co-workers reported that porous Mo2C nanorods displayed excellent NRR performance.103 It provided important experimental evidence of the applications of TMC materials for electrocatalytic NRR. The yield of NH3 was 95.1 μg h−1 mgcat−1 at −0.3 V in 0.1 M HCl and the faradaic efficiency was up to 8.13%. In addition, porous Mo2C nanorods exhibited remarkable long-term stability and good selectivity of NH3. Thus, experimental and theoretical calculation results indicated that porous carbide structures are promising electrocatalysts for nitrogen fixation under mild conditions. Up to now, only a few TMC-based electrocatalysts can catalyse N2 reduction, although, there is still much space for improvement of underexplored reactions.
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Fig. 17 (a) Illustration of the molten salt synthesis route for Mo2C/C nanosheets. (b) AFM images of the Mo2C/C nanosheets. (c) TEM images of the Mo2C/C nanosheets. (d) HRTEM image of the Mo2C/C nanosheets, the inset in (d) is the corresponding fast-Fourier-transform (FFT) pattern. (e) NH3 synthesis yield rate. (f) Corresponding faradaic efficiency. (g) NH3 synthesis yield rate and faradaic efficiency of each cycle at −0.3 V versus RHE. Ref. 102. Copyright 2018, John Wiley and Sons, Inc. |
Judging the hydrogen evolution performance based on Tafel slope and exchange current density along with η10 is particularly important. Furthermore, Pt contamination is worth paying more attention. The use of an ion exchange membrane to separate the working electrode and Pt counter electrode or using carbon rod to replace Pt is recommended. Highly dispersed and nano-sized carbide materials facilitate their use in electrochemically related reactions due to the easy availability of bulk materials for carbides at increased temperatures.
Low activity and poor selectivity are the primary challenges for nitrogen reduction reactions. In the last few years, metals,183 metal oxides,184 sulphides,185 carbides,102 nitrides,186 non-metallic materials,187etc. have been used for the electrocatalytic nitrogen reduction reaction, and the corresponding Faraday efficiency for producing ammonia is not more than 15%. The electrochemical performance properties of some typical nitrogen reduction electrocatalysts in an aqueous electrolyte are shown in Table 3. The ammonia yield of the existing nitrogen reduction electrocatalysts is extremely low, and ammonia is ubiquitous in a laboratory environment. Thus, ammonia contamination should be taken very seriously. 15N isotope labeling experiments should be carefully performed to confirm that the ammonia is only derived from nitrogen.188 Besides, more accurate product detection methods such as ion chromatography and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy should be greatly recommended in electrocatalytic nitrogen reduction reactions.
Electrocatalyst | Electrolyte | FE (%) | Yield rate | Ref. | |
Carbides | Mo2C/C | 0.5 M Li2SO4 | 7.80 | 11.30 μg h−1 mgMo2C−1 | Adv. Mater., 2018, 30, 1803694 |
Mo2C nanorod | 0.1 M HCl | 8.13 | 95.10 μg h−1 mgcat−1 | ACS Cent. Sci., 2019, 5, 116 | |
MXene (Ti3C2Tx) nanosheets | 0.01 M HCl | 5.78 | 4.72 μg h−1 mg−1 | Joule, 2019, 3, 279 | |
Metal | THH Au NRs | 0.1 M KOH | 4 | 1.648 μg h−1 cm−2 | Adv. Mater., 2017, 29, 1604799 |
Bi nanocrystals | 0.5 M K2SO4 | 66 | 200 mmol g−1 h−1 | Nat. Catal., 2019, 2, 448 | |
0.052 mmol cm−2 h−1 | |||||
Mo catalysts | 0.1 M KOH | 14.60 ± 1.60 | 34.0 ± 3.6 μg h−1 mgcat−1 | Angew. Chem., Int. Ed., 2019, 58, 2321 | |
Ru SAC@ZrO2/NC | 0.1 M HCl | 21 | 3.665 mg h−1 mgRu−1 | Chem, 2019, 5, 204 | |
Fe/NC | 0.1 M PBS | 18.60 ± 0.80 | 62.9 ± 2.7 μg h−1 mgcat−1 | Nano Energy, 2019, 61, 420 | |
Ag triangular nanoplates | 0.5 M K2SO4 | 25 | 58.5 mg gAg−1 h−1 | Chem. Commun., 2019 | |
Sulfide | MoS2 | 0.1 M Na2SO4 | 1.17 | 8.08 × 10−11 mol s−1 cm−1 | Adv. Mater., 2018, 30, 1800191 |
Sn/SnS2 | 0.1 M PBS | 6.50 | 23.8 μg h−1 mg−1 | Small, 2019, 1902535 | |
Oxide | MoO3 nanosheets | 0.1 M HCl | 1.90 | 29.43 mg h−1 mgcat−1 | J. Mater. Chem. A, 2018, 6, 12974 |
MoO2 | 0.1 M HCl | 8.20 | 12.20 μg h−1 mg−1 | Nano Energy, 2019, 59, 10. | |
Nb2O5 nanofiber | 0.1 M HCl | 9.26 | 43.6 μg h−1 mgcat−1 | Nano Energy, 2018, 52, 264 | |
Nitride | Mo2N nanorod | 0.1 M HCl | 4.50 | 78.4 μg h−1 mgcat−1 | Chem. Commun., 2018, 54, 8474 |
VN nanowire | 0.1 M HCl | 3.58 | 2.48 × 10−10 mol−1 s−1 cm−2 | Chem. Commun., 2018, 54, 5323 | |
Non-metallic material | Polymeric carbon nitride | pH = 1 HCl | 11.59 | 8.09 μg h−1 mgcat−1 | Angew. Chem., Int. Ed., 2018, 57, 10246 |
Nitrogen-doped porous carbon | 0.1 M HCl | 1.45 | 15.7 μg h−1 mgcat−1 | J. Mater. Chem. A, 2018, 6, 7762 | |
N,P co-doped carbon | 0.1 M HCl | 4.20 | 0.97 μg h−1 mgcat−1 | Chem. Commun., 2019, 55, 687 | |
Other | Bi4V2O11/CeO2 hybrid | pH = 1 HCl | 10.16 | 23.21 μg h−1 mgcat−1 | Angew. Chem., Int. Ed., 2018, 57, 6073 |
Zr4+-doped anatase TiO2 | 0.1 M KOH | 17.30 | 8.90 μg h−1 cm−2 | Nat. Commun., 2019, 10, 2877 | |
SeO/Te nanrod | 0.1 M HCl | 24.56 | 21.54 μg h−1 mg−1 | Adv. Sci., 2019, 1901627 |
At present, the investigation of the HER and NRR is still in the laboratory stage. Information on the reaction rate descriptor, reactive active sites and reaction mechanisms is urgently needed to guide design of the electrocatalyst. Hence, we propose that the following potential research opportunities need to be addressed in the field of carbide applications of the HER and NRR. First of all, the importance of the catalyst–electrolyte interface in addition to the electrocatalysts, which can be explored in-depth by many in situ or in operando analytical methods and optimized by surface modification of electrocatalysts, regulation of electrolyte composition, etc. Combination of experimental and theoretical calculations to probe into the electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution and nitrogen reduction mechanism and confirm the reactive sites is of great importance for the design of electrocatalysts. Next, the above-mentioned surface and interface engineering have not been widely used in carbide electrocatalysts. Thus, designing an ideal structure that can overcome the drawbacks of carbides to provide desired electro-chemical performance is very attractive and important for next-generation clean energy devices.
Footnote |
† These authors contributed equally to this work. |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2020 |