Muhammad Faris
Shahin Shahidan
Timothy D.
b and
aSchool of Physics, The University of Melbourne, 3010, Australia. E-mail:
bReserve Bank of Australia, Craigieburn, Victoria 3064, Australia
First published on 13th April 2020
Pigment-free colouration based on plasmonic resonances has recently attracted considerable attention for potential in manufacturing and other applications. For plasmonic colour utilizing the metal-insulator-metal (MIM) configuration, the generated colour is not only dependent on the geometry and transverse dimensions, but also to the size of the vertical gap between the metal nanoparticles and the continuous metal film. The complexity of conventional fabrication methods such as electron beam lithography (EBL), however, limits the capacity to control this critical parameter. Here we demonstrate the straightforward production of plasmonic colour via UV-assisted nanoimprint lithography (NIL) with a simple binary mould and demonstrate the ability to control this gap distance in a single print by harnessing the nanofluidic behaviour of the polymer resist through strategic mould design. We show that this provides a further avenue for controlling the colour reflected by the resulting plasmonic pixels as an adjunct to the conventional approach of tailoring the transverse dimensions of the nanostructures. Our experimental results exhibit wide colour coverage of the CIE 1931 XY colour space through careful control of both the length and periodicity and the resulting vertical gap size of the structure during the nanoimprinting process. Furthermore, to show full control over the vertical dimension, we show that a fixed gap size can be produced by introducing complementary microcavities in the vicinity of the nanostructures on the original mould. This demonstrates a simple method for obtaining an additional degree of freedom in NIL not only for structural colouration but also for other industrial applications such as high-density memory, biosensors and manufacturing.
In previous studies, a grayscale technique involving electron beam lithography (EBL),13–15 focused ion beams (FIB) milling16 and photolithography (PL)17 have been utilised to produce nanostructures with varying vertical dimension (i.e. grayscale) for structural colouration and 3-dimensional plasmonic devices. The grayscale approach, however, require meticulous control of electrons, ions and photon dosage. Additionally, EBL and FIB have relatively low-throughput while PL produces structures with feature size limited to diffraction.18 Nanoimprint lithography (NIL),19 on the other hand, offers a rapid nanopattern replication process by means of mechanical transfer from mould onto a surface at minimal cost without compromising the nanoscale resolution.20 Due to these attractive features, different NIL techniques have been developed and are widely used for fabrication of various plasmonic devices.21,22 Previously, thermal NIL has been successfully demonstrated to produce high-resolution surfaces exhibiting plasmonic colour.1,23 A more industrial approach has been performed by Højlund et al. where thermal roll-to-roll nanoimprint lithography (R2R-NIL) was used to mass-produce devices exhibiting plasmonic colour.24 Thermal NIL, however, involves heating to high temperatures (typically around 150 °C, depending on the type of resist) which not only consumes energy but requires meticulous control over the relevant imprint parameters such as temperature and pressure. The UV-assisted NIL process, on the other hand, requires no heating and can be performed at room temperature and therefore, thermal damage, energy usage and process time can be minimized. Furthermore, the use of low viscosity photocurable resist requires a relatively low pressure (<4 bar) to emboss the structures, thus reducing potential damage to the mould.25 Despite the clear benefits of high-throughput, good quality pattern replication and plasmonic colour production there has been no discussion in the literature of any capacity of NIL to vary the vertical dimension, including the gap size in the MIM structure, across a sample using a simple, two-step (binary) mould.
The MIM structures considered here are fabricated using NIL into a resist followed by a single metallisation step. Since the resulting reflected colour produced by these devices is sensitive to the vertical gap size12 and this gap correlates directly with the imprint depth, the capacity to vary the imprint depth across a sample provides an additional degree of freedom in NIL-facilitated plasmonic colouration. During the nanoimprint process, the homogeneity of the imprint depth of the replicated structure is highly dependent on the resist filling behaviour in nanoscale cavities on the mould. The mould design (e.g. the size of the cavities, the density of structures and imprint area) is one of the significant factors affecting the resist filling process into cavities in the mould.25–32 Previous simulations of the NIL process performed by Yin et al. showed that an inhomogeneous imprint depth resulted when a mould composed of both micro- and nanoscale features was used for NIL due to variations across the sample in the resist filling rate.31 A similar effect was observed when a mould with various pattern densities was used in the NIL process.33 Although inhomogeneous imprint depth often caused unwanted artefact appearing in the NIL pattern transfer process34,35 we, on the other hand, find that this feature is an advantage when producing plasmonic colour as such it permits control over the vertical dimension and add another degree of freedom for colour tuning.
Here we demonstrate simple, scalable fabrication of multilevel plasmonic nanostructures via UV-assisted nanoimprint lithography (NIL) and the capacity to tune the colour of light reflected from the surface by controlling the vertical gap in the structure in a single print using a binary NIL mould with tailored pattern densities. In addition to experimentally demonstrating the role played by mould architecture in determining the imprint depth, we investigate the influence on resulting plasmonic colouration. The details of the building block of the MIM plasmonic pixel to be considered here is shown in Fig. 1. The structure comprises Ag nanorods with length varying from l = 75–150 nm and fixed width w = 50 nm, sitting above an aperture in a continuous Ag film with the same transverse dimensions. The nanoparticle is supported by the surrounding dielectric. The vertical gap, g between the particle and the metal film is determined by the imprint depth which, in turn, depends on the details of the resist filling process. The particles are arranged in a rectangular lattice with a fixed periodicity in the y-direction, Py = 300 nm, while the periodicity in the x-direction, Px is varied from 100–300 nm. The thickness of the particle and metal film is fixed at t = 50 nm. By varying the length, l and pitch size, Px of the structure, this generates not only plasmonic colour variations arising from tailored transverse feature sizes but also from the uneven vertical gap size across the imprinted structure resulting from variations in filling rate. Although the ability to vary the gap size of the structure in a single imprint with a simple binary mould is useful in some applications such as the surface colouration discussed here, this can be problematic in other applications. We, therefore, suggest a simple solution to avoid gap size variation in the sample by introducing a complementary microcavity mesh into the original mould architecture permitting filling-rate compensation in different pattern densities resulting in an almost constant gap size and thus the resonance wavelength.
SEM images in Fig. 3 show the nanocavities on the imprinted sample (a–c) with varying lengths and periodicities. The morphology of the final fabricated structures are in very good agreement with their transverse counterparts on the mould, depicting excellent fidelity of the pattern replication (also refer Fig. S1†). Insets in Fig. 3(a–c) show white light optical microscope images taken in reflection of devices after metal coating. A variation in resulting colour is apparent. Cross-sectional images in Fig. 3(d–f) reveal that increasing the periodicity leads to a larger imprint depth, hi during the imprint process. This results in a shift in the resonance wavelength and, hence, the colour of the final structure even if other parameters are held fixed. The variation in imprint depth (and the resulting value of g, where g = hi − t) is mainly affected by the nanofluidic channelling behaviour of the resist during the NIL process.25,31,36 There are two major factors that influence the nanofluidic dynamics of the resist: (i) the architecture of the mould and (ii) the physical properties of the resist. For a given resist, the details of the mould architecture can be used to tune the behaviour of the gap size across the imprinted structure. Our results show that the film-nanoantenna vertical gap size, g has an approximately linear relationship to the periodicity, Px as depicted in the plot in Fig. 3(g) (see also Table S1† for detailed analysis of the line fitting). Inset (i) in Fig. 3(g) shows the cavity-filling mechanism of the resist during imprinting, where the dynamics of the liquid phase resist depend on the contact forces between the mould and resist. Contact force is expressed as the combination of external and capillary forces:31
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For a feature-rich mould composed of various cavity sizes, the resist filling rate can vary greatly across the mould due to the non-uniform distribution of contact force.31 The pitch size of the nanostructures influences the volume of cavity to be filled by the resist (inset (i) Fig. 3(g)). As the pattern density increases (decreasing periodicities), the resist fills a smaller cavity volume at a slower rate due to the higher viscous resistance, according to the Poiseuille law.37 This produces a shallower imprint depth, hi leading to a smaller film/nanorod gap size, g after metallization as illustrated in inset (ii) of Fig. 3(g). The change in the length of the nanostructure however, introduce a relatively smaller change in the cavity size thus results in a minimum variation to the imprint depths a shown in Fig. S2.† The results of a repeatability test with imprint results given in Fig. S3† indicate that the process is capable of reproducing the same colour palette even after multiple imprints. It also demonstrates that colour variations are not due to random defects occurring during the imprint process. The experimental results exhibit a wide colour coverage in the CIE 1931 XY colour space generated by varying length (l) and periodicity (Px) and subsequent vertical gap size, g as shown in Fig. 3(h).
Fig. 4(a–c) show experimentally-obtained two-dimensional reflectance spectra acquired from selected plasmonic pixels with varying periodicity, Px and vertical gap size, g, at three nanoparticle lengths i.e. l = 120 nm, 85 nm and 75 nm respectively. The measured reflectance exhibits two minima at shorter and longer wavelengths. For each nanoparticle size, these resonance wavelengths can be tuned by varying the periodicity parallel to the short-axis of the nanorods, Px, and the associated gap size g. To further understand features in the reflectance spectrum, Finite Element Method (FEM) simulations were performed where the periodicity, the length and vertical gap size of the structure were varied as in the experiments where the geometry was obtained from SEM images. The simulated 2D reflectance plots as a function of periodicity in Fig. S4† shows comparable trends in the location of features in the reflectance spectrum (depicted by the dashed lines) as obtained in experiments (Fig. 4(a–c)). The simulations show that for structures with periodicities less than 220 nm, the resonance due to the plasmonic coupling between adjacent nanoantennas38 results in the excitation of a higher-order resonance (a quadrupole mode) as depicted by the charge density distribution (inset (i) in Fig. 4(d)). This is accompanied by the appearance of an additional resonance, a quadrupole mode, at a shorter wavelength. At larger periodicities (Px ≥ 220 nm), the coupling strength between neighbouring nanoantennas becomes weaker as the separation increases (inset (ii) in Fig. 4(d)). This leaves only the lower-order dipole mode that resonates at longer wavelengths. On the other hand, previous work12 has shown that when the ‘floating’ nanoantenna is located at the optimal distance from the metal film, (equal to (2m + 1)λ/4, where m is an integer and λ is wavelength in the medium) the resulting structure exhibits the strongest resonance (inset (iii) in Fig. 4(d)). A slight increase in the gap size between the nanoantenna and the film within the near-field distance therefore significantly blue-shifts the wavelength of the dipole mode as a result of weaker plasmonic coupling between film and nanoantenna as depicted in inset (iv) in Fig. 4(d). Simulations assuming a structure with a fixed vetical gap size shown in Fig. S5,† however, show either no shift or a red-shift of the dipole mode thus confirming that the blue-shift in resonance wavelengths shown in Fig. 4(a–c) is due to increasing vertical gap size, g.
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Fig. 4 (a–c) Measured reflectance plot as function of periodicity, Px and vertical gap size, g for fixed length of nanorod l = 120, 85 and 75 nm respectively. Dashed line indicate blue-shift of the resonance wavelength (dipole mode). Insets shows the corresponding colours for each dimensions while colours in black boxes refers to cyan, magenta, yellow and black (CMYK) colours. (d) Plot shows relation between periodicities, Px, vertical gap size, g (obtained from linear relation shown in Fig. 3(g)) and resonance wavelengths, λres (dipole mode) for nanorod of length of 85 nm. Insets are the charge density distribution diagram depicting resonance mode and plasmonic coupling strength at (i) shorter and (ii) longer periodicity; and (iii) shorter and (iv) longer gap sizes. |
Optical images in the insets of Fig. 4(a–c) show colours of various hue and saturation seen in reflection from the structure with varying transverse and vertical dimensions. Here, we have demonstrated that by optimising the length and the vertical gap size via tailoring the particle spacing, we were able to produce cyan, magenta, yellow and black (CMYK) fundamental colours (colours in black boxes in inset of Fig. 4(a–c)). The colouration is strongly dependent on the excitation of the quadrupole and dipole mode of the structure. For example, both cyan (inset Fig. 4(a)) and magenta (inset Fig. 4(b)) colours were produced by adjusting the length of the nanorod to 120 nm (cyan) and 85 nm (magenta), while the periodicity was fixed at 300 nm and the vertical gap size at 85 nm. Decreasing the periodicity, Px, however, results in a change in the saturation and hue of the reflected colour due to a blue-shift of the dipole mode resonance and the broadband absorption contributed by both dipole and quadrupole mode. A yellow plasmonic pixel (inset Fig. 4(c)) was composed of nanorods with a length, l = 75 nm, periodicity, Px = 180 nm and vertical gap size, g = 39 nm. Similarly, by simply reducing the periodicity, Px and vertical gap size, g to 100 nm and 15 nm respectively, while maintaining the nanorod length at 75 nm, results in broadband absorption resulting from the excitation of both modes thus producing ‘black’ (inset Fig. 4(c)). The plot in Fig. 4(d) shows the resonance wavelength (dipole mode) as function of periodicity, Px, vertical gap size, g (obtained from the straight line fit of Fig. 3(g)) for devices with nanorods of length, l = 85 nm. The plot indicate that the resonance wavelength (dipole mode) is blue-shifted when the periodicity and vertical gap size increases. Discrepancies between the measured and simulated reflectance spectra may be due to the presence of the metal deposited on the sidewalls.39–41 This appearance of these artefacts could be minimized by producing nanocavities with more ideally rectangular profiles which is a challenge when using NIL. Some sidewall deposition should be expected as a result of the trapezoidal geometry of the nanocavities and the surface chemistry between the metal and the polymer resist film.41 In specific applications, balancing performance and scalability requires accommodating these defects in the design process. On the other hand, increasing the length of the rods results in a red-shift of the resonance wavelength as indicated by the position of the dashed line in Fig. 4(a–c) (see also Fig. 5(c and d)). Our approach, therefore, permits fine tuning of the position of the resonance wavelengths to produce a broad colour palette enabled by varying the transverse and vertical dimension.
Optical images obtained in reflection with a bright field microscope and accompanying reflectance spectra were obtained across a range of pixel geometries to investigate their optical response. Fig. 5 shows optical micrographs of the entire colour palette with an imprinted area of 0.6 × 0.4 cm2 obtained when the structure was illuminated with linearly polarized light with electric field either parallel (Fig. 5(a)), or perpendicular to the long-axis (Fig. 5(b)), of the nanorods. The columns of the palettes correspond to changes in length, l, ranging from 75 nm to 150 nm in 5 nm increments, while the rows represent different periodicities, Px, ranging from 100 nm to 300 nm in 20 nm increments. The colours are clearly sensitive to the direction of polarisation due to the asymmetric shape of the nanorod. Colour variations were quantified by experimental reflection spectra obtained for nanorods with varying lengths, l but fixed periodicity, Px = 300 nm (red box). Since the structures in the red box have the same periodicity they also have approximately the same vertical gap size, g = 85 nm (refer Fig. 3(f)). The measured reflectance spectra in Fig. 5(c) shows that when the direction of polarisation is parallel to the long-axis of the rod, the resonance red-shifts as the length increases from 75 nm to 150 nm creating distinct colour changes. For example, a pixel appears magenta when the nanorod has a length of 80 nm, but cyan when the length is 130 nm (red box in Fig. 5(a)). Using the measured gap size obtained from fabricated devices, the simulated spectra also show comparable trends in the corresponding measured spectra as l increases (Fig. 5(d)), consistent with the trend observed elsewhere.7,12 In comparison, the resonance shift resulting from the change in periodicity shown previously in Fig. 4 resulted in a significant impact on the associated plasmonic colouration as can be seen in the colour variations in the black box of Fig. 5(a). In contrast to the case where the polarization is parallel to the long axis of the nanorods, the colours obtained for the orthogonal polarization show minimal variation with length as the width, w, was held fixed at 50 nm (red box in Fig. 5(b)). The measured reflectance spectra in Fig. 5(e) confirm that the position of the resonance minima barely changes as the length of the rods is increased. The simulated results in Fig. 5(e) are also in good agreement with the measured spectra.
Although we have demonstrated that a variable imprint depth provides an additional degree of freedom in creating plasmonic colouration, in many applications this can be undesirable. Several approaches have been proposed to reduce the global variation of imprint depth such as increasing the applied pressure,42 increasing the imprinting time,31,43 introducing additional microcavities or protrusions in proximity to the original design33 and utilising a cavity-equalized mould.36 To address this issue, we propose the addition of a novel mesh-like microcavity architecture to the multi-density mould to facilitate resist flow. The structure considered here has microcavities with a width, smicro = 5 μm and periodicity of 25 μm (schematic shown in Fig. 6(a)). The additional microcavities promote a more uniform distribution of resist by aiding the long-range transport of resist over various pattern densities.44 At the same time, the resist travels locally into the microstructure to assist cavity filling into the nanostructure in order to compensate and stabilise the filling rate as depicted in Fig. 6(a).31 This permits an almost constant resist filling rate over the sample producing a consistent imprint depth and resulting gap size in the final structure. Fig. 6(b) shows the top-view of the mould with mesh-like cavities, dividing the pixel into sub-pixels. Cross-sectional images in Fig. 6(c–e) reveal that cavities with almost the same imprint depth were produced regardless of the size of the lattice period through the use of this strategy. Fig. 6(f) shows the measured reflectance from the metallized nanoimprinted plasmonic pixels using the mould without (dotted lines) and with the microcavity mesh (solid lines), for nanorods with lattice periodicities, Px = 100 nm, 200 nm and 300 nm. As seen previously, the reflectance spectra exhibits a significant shift in the resonance minimum with increasing periodicity in the absence of the microcavities. In contrast, the spectra in Fig. 6(f) show no obvious resonance shift with additional microcavities since the gap (Fig. 6(e)) has a constant size. There is, however, a reduction in the depth of the reflectance minima as the periodicity increases due to a decrease in structure density. Ongoing work is aimed at optimizing the mesh to ensure uniform print depth while maximising particle density. Our results show that the mesh-like sub-pixel design is not only applicable to the generation of plasmonic colouration but can useful for other NIL processes to control imprint depths when utilizing a mould with a pattern of various densities.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/d0na00038h |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2020 |