van Teijlingen
Sean A.
*b and
Simon R.
aDepartment of Pure and Applied Chemistry, University of Strathclyde, 295 Cathedral Street, Glasgow, G1 1XL, UK
bSchool of Chemistry, University of Bristol, Bristol, BS8 1TS, UK. E-mail:;
First published on 21st April 2020
We investigate the phase-transition behaviour of nickel nanoparticles (3–6 nm) via dynamic TEM. The nanoparticles were synthesized within a reverse microemulsion and then monitored via dynamic TEM simultaneously while undergoing controlled heating. The size-dependent melting point depression experimentally observed is compared with, and is in good agreement with existing thermodynamic and molecular dynamic predictions.
In a typical synthesis (synthesis 1) a 5% (w/v) nickel nitrate solution was prepared by dissolving nickel nitrate hexahydrate (11.25 mg, 38.67 μmol) in water (0.225 mL). A 5% (w/v) alkaline NaBH4 solution was prepared in a similar fashion. Two reverse microemulsions (RME-1 and RME-2) were made up of cyclohexane (22.744 mL), 1-hexanol (0.3 mL) and TX-100 (1.731 mL, 2.50 mmol). To RME-1 under stirring 5% (w/v) nickel nitrate solution (0.225 mL) was added so that W0 was equal to 5 or 1 respectively. To RME-2 under stirring 5% (w/v) alkaline NaBH4 (0.225 mL) solution was added. Both reverse microemulsions were left to stir for 30 min to achieve homogeneity after which RME-2 was added dropwise to RME-1 with continuous stirring under an inert (argon) atmosphere. The resulting reverse micro-emulsion was left to stir for 3 hours to allow for nanoparticle growth via Ostwald ripening. The nickel nanoparticles were separated via centrifugation and washed with ethanol and separately with toluene then dispersed in water (Fig. 2). These reverse microemulsions continually collide and coalesce, mixing their internal constituents – this allows the sodium borohydride to reduce the nickel ions which then grow into a nanoparticle within the microemulsions. The synthesis has been visualized in Fig. 1.
Fig. 2 TEM images of (A) nickel nanoparticles encapsulated within a reverse microemulsions of TX-100/1-hexanol (d = 100 nm) and (B) a single nickel nanoparticle (d = 4.5 nm). |
1. The average diameter of the spherical nanoparticle increased by at least 4.3% (this percentage was chosen as it is the difference in diameter for two equimolar spherical nickel nanoparticles, one a solid and one a liquid with perfect wetting on a substrate, densities 8.908 g cm−3 and 7.81 g cm−3 respectively).
2. The melting point is clearly identified by a rapid and sustained increase in size as opposed to gradual expansion due to heating of a solid.
3. The diameter of the liquid phase nanoparticle used to deter-mine the melting point does not have overlapping error bars with the diameter measurements of the solid nanoparticle.
Images at different temperatures were analysed using the soft-ware package ImageJ2, Fiji distribution15,16 by recording the projected TEM image surface area of individual nanoparticles (Fig. 3) and the diameter calculated according to (1).
(1) |
Fig. 3 shows the change in mean diameter as a function of projected nanoparticle surface area, for a single nickel nanoparticle over increasing temperatures. There is an abrupt increase at the melting point (925 °C ± 25 °C). The melting point was taken as the temperature halfway between the upper and lower points of the increase. This method is similar to the nano-DSC method described by Lai et al.8 This process was repeated for seven different nickel nanoparticles and the determined melting points plotted in Fig. 4. This experimental data is in good agreement with the MD studies and thermodynamic models also shown in Fig. 4.
(2) |
Fig. 4 A graph showing the results of evaluating the melting point depression of nickel nanoparticles by four different methods. The red line denotes the melting point of nickel nanoparticles according to the empirical model (eqn (2)) from d = 1 nm to d = 6 nm with 1 nm increments. The blue trendline and markers plot the melting point results of the molecular dynamics study using the quantum-Sutton-Chen (QSC) force field reported by Qi et al.3 The purple line denotes values predict by the liquid-drop model24 with a β value given by Hanszen et al.25 The black line and markers represent values for the melting point as a function of size predicted by the Gibbs–Thompson (eqn (3)). The green area shows the temperatures between the upper and lower bounds of the liquid nucleation and growth model (eqn (4) and (5)) – this is in very close agreement with the experimental data between 3.5 nm and 5.3 nm, where most of the experimental data points where collected. The orange trendline and markers display the experimental data collected in this study, the vertical error bars show a ±50 °C uncertainty in temperature and the horizontal error bars show a ±0.1 nm uncertainty in diameter. |
The empirical relationship between diameter and melting point can be described by eqn (2) where T0 denotes the bulk melting point, d the diameter, Tm the melting point of the nanoparticle and the melting point is inversely related to the diameter.
(3) |
There exist several proposed mechanisms in which melting initialization and propagation in nanomaterials is described as a function of interface energies and the enthalpy of fusion (ΔmH). One of these models is the Gibbs–Thompson eqn (3), which assumes an isolated spherical nanoparticle situated within it's a liquid of its own type.7 While this model has some success in predicting melting point depression in our nanoparticles,2 it is generally believed that it is an incomplete model of solid–liquid phase transition in nanoparticles. More sophisticated models, such as the liquid nucleation and growth model (eqn (4) and (5)), which supposes that the liquid phase is initiated at a surface (a discontinuity) and propagates inwards towards the centre. At a critical radius (r*) an unstable equilibrium is formed, where r = r*. The temperature at which this is formed marks the upper boundary of the melting range (green area, Fig. 4), while the lower boundary is given by eqn (5).17
(4) |
(5) |
Thermodynamically, for the solid-to-liquid phase transformation to be energetically favourable, the sum of the energies of the newly formed solid–liquid and liquid–vapor interfaces must be less than or equal to the energy of the solid–vapor interface (eqn (6)).
γsv ≥ γsl + γlv | (6) |
A key limitation of thermodynamic models is that melting is equivalent to stability such that changes in individual atoms in a system are not considered and therefore cannot reveal the mechanism of the melting process alone. In 2001 Qi et al. published a molecular dynamics study calculating the degree of melting point depression in nickel nanoparticles.3 By superheating and super-cooling nickel nanoparticles under the QSC potential (eqn (7)), they found the equilibrium melting temperature according to eqn (10). The data presented in Fig. 4 sheds light onto the accuracy of some thermodynamic and molecular dynamic models that have been used to predict the melting point depression as a function of size in nickel, showing that the liquid nucleation and growth model (green area) to be the model that fit best with the experimental data (orange line).
(7) |
(8) |
(9) |
(10) |
Experimental data presented herein (Fig. 4) have shown that MD studies using the QSC force field, while generally in agreement with the experimental data,3,18,19 consistently over-predict the melting points of all sizes of nickel nanoparticles studied – a predictable outcome as their system was shown to determine the melting point of bulk nickel to be 1487 °C (32 °C higher than the real bulk melting point). This QSC force field has previously been used to accurately predict melting point depression in gold,20 copper,6 platinum21 and iron.22 It is of note that in each system the bulk melting point of each element was overpredicted. Finally we compared the normalised (ΔT = T/T0) and undercooled (ΔT = T0 − T) QSC MD study and find that, while closer to the experimental data they over- and under- predict the individual melting points respectively (ESI Fig. 5 and 6†).
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/d0na00153h |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2020 |