Beo Deul
Tae Hoon
c and
a2D Materials and Devices Laboratory, Department of Physics and Nanotechnology, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Kattankulathur, 603 203, Tamil Nadu, India. E-mail:;
bDepartment of Semiconductor Science and Technology, Semiconductor Physics Research Center, Chonbuk National University, Jeonju 54896, South Korea
cSmart Energy & Nanophotonics R&D Group, Korea Institute of Industrial Technology, Gwangju 61012, South Korea
First published on 9th July 2020
Atomically thin molybdenum disulphide (MoS2) is a direct band gap semiconductor with negatively charged trions and stable excitons in striking contrast to the wonder material graphene. While large-area growth of MoS2 can be readily achieved by gas-phase chemical vapor deposition (CVD), growth of continuous MoS2 atomic layers with good homogeneity is indeed one of the major challenges in vapor-phase CVD involving all-solid precursors. In this study, we demonstrate the growth of large-area continuous single crystal MoS2 monolayers on c-plane sapphire by carefully positioning the substrate using a facile staircase-like barrier. The barrier offered great control in mitigating the secondary and intermediate phases as well as second layer nucleation, and eventually a continuous monolayer with high surface homogeneity is realized. Both micro-Raman and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) results confirmed the high structural quality of the grown MoS2 layers. Using low temperature photoluminescence spectroscopy, additional pieces of information are provided for the strong band-edge emission in the light of vacancy compensation and formation of Mo–O bonding. The monolayer MoS2 transferred to SiO2/Si exhibited a room temperature field-effect mobility of ∼1.2 cm2 V−1 s−1 in a back-gated two-terminal configuration.
Continuous MoS2 films with high spatial homogeneity over large areas are the ideal materials for realizing practical devices. Both mechanical9 and liquid phase exfoliation10,11 methods are not suitable for electronic device applications because these methods only offer flakes of nano- to micro-meter sizes with poor layer controllability. Alternatively, chemical vapor deposition (CVD) is proven to be a suitable method to grow single crystal MoS2 with layer controllability and homogeneity over large area.12–14 Based on the type of precursor used, CVD reactions can be classified as gas phase and vapor phase, and most of the current CVD based MoS2 production uses either of these two methods. In the gas phase CVD approach, pyrolysis of Mo based hexacarbonyl or organometallic compounds and hydrogen sulphide (H2S) occurs on the substrate in a reaction chamber, resulting in continuous MoS2 on a wafer scale with atomically smooth surfaces.14–17 Though this method is considered promising for the growth of wafer-scale MoS2, the high price of the Mo precursors and the need for safety systems to handle certain toxic precursors make this method costly and environmentally not benign. Alternatively, the use of solid phase precursors such as molybdenum trioxide (MoO3) and sulfur to grow MoS2 films has attracted significant attention as these precursors are environmentally friendly and the growth setup is simple and relatively low cost.12,18,19 Yet another promising feature of this method compared to gas-phase CVD is the ability to achieve larger size grains (up to a few hundreds of micrometers).20 In fact, this method has been found to be highly effective in achieving rapid growth of other TMDCs such as WS2 and WSe2 on Au foils.21,22 Recently, growth of 6 inch uniform MoS2 on a glass substrate has been demonstrated via a Mo foil-assisted face-to-face metal precursor supply strategy in a vapor-phase CVD process, exploiting the homogeneously distributed Na catalysts in the glass.23 However, as far as the growth on other substrates is concerned using all-solid precursors, difficulty in controlling the vapor flux (associated with the large difference in the evaporation temperatures of Mo and S source materials) poses challenges in achieving a continuous monolayer MoS2 film without secondary or intermediate phases viz. molybdenum dioxide (MoO2) and molybdenum oxysulphide (MoOS2). These secondary phases have been observed to be present on the surface of MoS2 films grown by vapor phase CVD.24 Several approaches have been used to obtain continuous, large area MoS2, but no control over the formation of secondary phases is realized. Pondick et al.24 reported that both MoO2 and MoOS2 are intermediate products in a reaction resulting due to variations in the local Mo:
S vapor ratio on the substrate. Though this study has shown a way to convert MoOS2 into MoS2via extended sulfurization by keeping the S
Mo molar ratio well in excess than the stoichiometric requirement, the formation of continuous monolayer MoS2 was not demonstrated. To effectively control the precursor reaction rate, Lim et al.25 used nickel oxide (NiO) foam as a reactive-barrier between the MoO3 source and the substrate. In this case, the NiO reacts with the MoO3 and forms nickel(II) molybdate (NiMoO4) all along the vapor trajectory in the NiO foam, which eventually controls the Mo concentration gradient. The use of the NiO reactive barrier facilitated the growth of larger grains of ∼170 μm in size on a c-plane sapphire substrate, but yet the sample contained a significant amount of secondary phases such as MoO3−x. Recently, the use of independent carrier gas pathways and addition of oxygen led to successful wafer-scale epitaxial growth of continuous MoS2 on sapphire.26 Besides the growth of wafer-scale MoS2 films, a facile method for growing TMDC monolayers with high spatial homogeneity across a large area is highly desired for further scale-up synthesis.
The present study is therefore focused on understanding the position dependence of the MoS2 growth via process optimization in realizing continuous monolayer MoS2 with high spatial homogeneity and electronic quality without any secondary or intermediate phases. The novelty of our study lies in the use of SiO2 as a mechanical barrier to moderate the Mo flux so as to allow better controllability and high position selectivity for the growth of homogeneous MoS2 monolayers. The study also uncovers the potential of the oxide barrier substrate as a possible source of oxygen, which plays an important role in enhancing the photoluminescence of MoS2. A high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) study provided direct evidence for the formation of single crystal MoS2 with hexagonal symmetry (2H). For a fixed Mo:
S precursor ratio, the density of secondary phases in the sample showed high position dependence. Raman, photoluminescence, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopic techniques were used to verify the number of layers, crystal and optical quality, and chemical environment of the grown MoS2 layers. Electrical measurements using two terminal circular transfer length method (CTLM) test structures showed space charge limited current (SPLC) transport at high applied voltages. The method demonstrated in this study can be extended to grow other TMDCs by vapor-phase CVD using all-solid precursors.
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Fig. 1 Schematic of the experimental setup showing the side-view geometry of the stair-case-like barrier and different substrate positions discussed in this work. |
In addition to continuous monolayer formation, the sample showed the formation of bulk MoS2 at random sites, which is also evident from the Raman spectrum. In the case of bulk MoS2, the E12g mode is shifted towards lower frequency because of long range coulombic interaction force causing the bond length of MoS atoms to increase while the A1g mode is shifted towards higher frequency due to enhanced restoring force between interlayer S–S bonds.30 The value of Δω in this case is estimated to be 24.5 cm−1, thus confirming the bulk nature of the MoS2 in accordance with previous findings.31 The observed secondary or intermediate phases on the MoS2 monolayer are detrimental to the device fabrication. A second barrier is therefore introduced above the first barrier in the form of a staircase to eliminate the secondary phase formation via controlling the Mo flux at the substrate position. Fig. 3a–i show the optical images of MoS2 grown by placing the substrate on the second barrier at three different positions (positions P2, P3, and P4 shown in Fig. 1). It is observed that the sample grown by placing the substrate at position P2 still contains traces of secondary phases, but their density is relatively lower compared to that of the sample grown at P1. This result can be understood by considering the high amount of MoO3 vapors expected at the edge of the barrier. So, the substrate was moved towards the upstream direction in the reactor to position P3 and P4 to understand the growth behaviour. At first sight, the sample grown at position P3 seems to be homogeneous and no obvious colour contrast is seen within the entire grown area (refer to the photograph of the corresponding sample shown on the right). The optical images (Fig. 3d–f) of the sample taken at different points give further indication that the MoS2 film is homogeneous on the entire substrate without any secondary or intermediate phases. A further change in the substrate position more towards the upstream direction (at position P4) also provided similar results, except that there was some discontinuity in the film at random sites. In particular, the upstream edge of the substrate had isolated and merged triangular grains (Fig. 3i). Thus, it is presumable that the staircase barrier helped to prevent the direct deposition of secondary phases on the substrate at elevated growth temperature. Also, an increase in the lateral distance between the precursor and the substrate limits the amount of Mo vapors available at the substrate position for the reaction to occur. In all the cases, the Mo
S ratio is fixed to a value of 1
20 and the high sulfur content facilitates complete conversion of intermediate phases to MoS2, leading to a homogeneous film formation. The Raman spectrum of the corresponding sample in Fig. 4a shows peaks corresponding to E12g and A1g at 386.2 and 404.1 cm−1, respectively. Once again, the Δω of 18.9 cm−1 between the two modes suggests the formation of monolayer MoS2. Furthermore, the full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the Raman peak, a figure-of-merit for the qualitative evaluation of the quality of the crystalline structures, is estimated to be 2.9 and 4.2 cm−1, respectively, for the E12g and A1g peaks. These values fall within the range reported for mechanically exfoliated single crystal MoS2, signifying the respectable quality of the grown MoS2 layers.32 The spatial homogeneity of the grown MoS2 films is also studied by mapping the positions of the two Raman modes (E12g and A1g) over an area of 30 × 30 μm2 (see also ESI Fig. S5† for the Raman spectrum at various points over the entire substrate). One can visualize from Fig. 4b and c that the frequencies of the two modes are constant at every point the spectrum is acquired with maximum deviation of 0.263 cm−1 and 0.122 cm−1, respectively, for the E12g and A1g modes. This result gives further evidence for the homogeneous and monolayer nature of the grown MoS2 layers.
The crystal quality and phase purity of the MoS2 film are further evaluated with the help of high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HR-TEM). Fig. 5a shows the low-magnification TEM image of a portion of the sample on a TEM grid. One can clearly see the continuous film with some layer folding, which is inherent to the transfer process. The selected area electron diffraction (SAED) pattern shown in Fig. 5b confirms the single crystalline quality of the grown MoS2 layer (see Fig. S6 in the ESI† for SAED patterns obtained from different regions of the sample). Furthermore, the HRTEM image (Fig. 5c) taken at a random site shows the crystal lattice composed of hexagonal rings. Fig. 5d shows the surface topography of typical monolayer MoS2 grown at position P3. The surface is found to be smooth and homogeneous with a root mean square surface roughness of 0.443 nm. Furthermore, the thickness of the film is estimated to be ∼0.8 nm (see ESI Fig. S7†), which is close to the value expected for three atom thick monolayer MoS2.27
Photoluminescence measurements were carried out on the MoS2 sample grown under optimum conditions. The room-temperature PL spectrum shown in Fig. 6a is characterized by a single strong peak at 1.89 eV, which is attributed to the so-called radiative recombination of neutral A excitons in monolayer MoS2.6 The low temperature photoluminescence is a unique spectroscopic tool to evaluate the structural defects in semiconducting materials. Fig. 6b shows the PL spectra of a typical monolayer MoS2 film recorded at different temperatures from 93 K to 273 K. It is observed that the intensity of the free exciton or band edge (X0) emission increases with decreasing temperature due to better exciton–phonon coupling. Moreover, the exciton peak red shifts as temperature increases due to band gap reduction, a typical trend well described by the Varshni equation for many semiconductors.33,34 For MoS2, in addition to the free exciton peak, an additional peak at low energy around 1.75 eV arises if bound exciton (Xb) states are present.33–35 If excitons are not tightly bound to defects, they can be easily perturbed by thermal stimulation, and hence a peak evolve at low temperatures. In other words, since the probability for nonradiative recombination increases with temperature, the defect-induced bound exciton peak will quench at room temperature. However, it is interesting to note that the bound exciton peak is not manifest in the spectra even at low temperatures. According to a study reported by Haiyan Nan et al.,36 oxygen molecules adsorbed on sulfur vacancy sites in the MoS2 lattice could enhance the radiative recombination via trion-to-exciton conversion and quenching of nonradiative recombination at defect sites (sulfur vacancy sites). As our MoS2 samples showed the presence of Mo–O bonding (will be discussed later), the observed strong photoluminescence and the absence of bound exciton peaks both could be taken as a measurement parameter for the high optical quality of the MoS2 film. The spatial homogeneity of the sample is further examined by mapping the PL intensities over an area of 50 × 50 μm2. Fig. 6c gives a clear picture of the thickness and spatial homogeneity of the grown MoS2. To supplement the PL results, the optical absorption spectrum of the MoS2 layer is recorded and the result is shown in Fig. 6d. The spectrum clearly shows three absorption peaks at 1.89, 2.05, and 2.89 eV, corresponding to A, B, and C excitons, respectively. These bands originate from the direct band gap transition in monolayer MoS2 at the K-point due to spin–orbital coupling induced energy level splitting in the valence band.6 The energy difference between A and B excitonic peaks is estimated to be 0.16 eV. It is interesting to note that for monolayer MoS2 with a high crystal quality and fine electronic structure, this value is reported to be approximately 0.148 eV based on theoretical calculations.17,37,38 The above result therefore leads us to conclude that the MoS2 layers grown in this work are of excellent quality, consistent with the HRTEM and PL results.
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) measurements were performed under UHV conditions to examine the atomic composition and nature of the chemical bonding in our MoS2 samples. Fig. 7a displays the Mo 3d core level spectrum where the experimental data are fitted with four peaks at a binding energy of 228.8, 231.8, 232.1 and 235.2 eV. The first two peaks, located at lower binding energies, represent the doublet component Mo 3d5/2 and Mo 3d3/2 (with a spin–orbit splitting energy of 3 eV) related to Mo4+ in the sulfur environment. The other two peaks at a higher binding energy of 232.1 and 235.2 eV are attributed to the Mo6+ 3d5/2 and 3d3/2 doublets of MoO3 or substoichiometric MoOx phases.39–41 This observation indicates the presence of a trace amount of oxygen chemisorbed at sulfur vacancy sites in our MoS2 film. Fig. 7b shows the S 2p core-level spectrum of the MoS2 sample. The spectrum is deconvoluted into a single doublet component 2p3/2 (161.75 eV) and 2p1/2 (163.02 eV). The binding energy position of S 2p confirms that sulfur is in the Mo–S bonding state of MoS2.39–42 The two different oxidation states for Mo in MoS2 grown by solid vapor phase CVD have been previously reported and different reasons have been put forward to explain their origin.40 Despite the fact that sulfur vacancies when exposed to atmospheric oxygen have a tendency to form MoO3 at the surface due to energetic interaction with oxygen,43 the exact source for the incorporation of oxygen into our sample is unclear. In fact, the SiO2/Si substrate has been used as a source for supplying continuous oxygen in chemical vapor deposition of graphene.44 Therefore, release of oxygen from the SiO2/Si barrier used in our experiments as a source cannot be completely ruled out. This speculation is beyond the scope of this study and requires further experiments and will be reported elsewhere. But, whatever be the source, sulfur vacancies in MoS2 have a tendency to react with oxygen molecules or ions and hence the formation of Mo–O bonds is very probable. The chemisorbed oxygen molecules reoccupying the defect sites in the lattice could increase the quantum yield of free exciton emission,33,36 which is supported by our PL results discussed earlier.
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Fig. 7 X-ray photoelectron spectra for (a) Mo 3d and (b) S 2p core-levels. The spectrum was fitted using XPSPEAK4.1 with Shirley background. |
To understand the carrier transport behaviour in the material without gating effects, a two terminal circular transmission line model (CTLM) device with varying channel length (L, the gap between the two circular metal contacts) is fabricated by photolithography. Fig. 8a shows the schematic of the device configuration. The current–voltage (I–V) curves for different channel lengths measured at lower applied potential are shown in Fig. 8b. It is obvious that the I–V curves are highly symmetric and linear, except for the deviation observed from linearity above 0.5 volt in the case of L = 5 μm, which we attribute to the increase in the space charge area in regard to the extent of the MoS2 channel, a distinct effect observed particularly at shorter channel lengths. The observed linear I–V relationship at low applied voltages, on the other hand, reveals the formation of ohmic contact at the Ti/MoS2 interface due to Fermi level pinning. While the formation of ohmic contact at the Ti/MoS2 interface is well supported by literature reports,45–48 the MoS2 sample appeared to have spatial inhomogeneity in the work function values (which varied from 5.1–5.4 eV), estimated using the scanning Kelvin probe method (Fig. 8d). It has been found that for CVD grown monolayer MoS2 the high work function appears due to oxygen binding at sulfur vacancies. Such vacancies are shown to favour n-type Ti/MoS2 contact with a lower Schottky barrier.47 The scenario of the higher work function due to sulfur vacancies is well corroborated by the existence of a trace amount of the MoO3 phase in the MoS2 sample as discussed earlier in the light of the XPS results. The current transport mechanism in MoS2 is also studied by measuring I–V characteristics at high applied voltages, as shown in the inset to Fig. 8b. Laskar et al.49 showed that the well-known Mott–Gurney relation for space charge limited current conduction can be applied to thin films with lateral contact geometry, wherein the dependence of current is assumed to take the form instead of
, where L is the channel length. Fig. 8c shows the I–V curves on a log–log scale where one can clearly see two distinct regions (A and B) for L below 10 μm. In region A, the current varies linearly with voltage whereas in region B, it shows quadratic dependence with voltage. This observation indicates the SCLC dominated carrier transport in MoS2 at high applied voltages. According to previous studies,43,49 the SCLC region becomes more pronounced at shorter channel lengths and the longitudinal electric field can be realized at relatively low voltages with channel lengths of a few hundred nm. In such devices, the trap states have been identified to have influence on the carrier transport mechanism. In our devices, we found that the SCLC conduction is more pronounced at high applied voltages when the channel length is <10 μm, consistent with previous findings. For larger channel lengths, the current transport is dominated by ohmic conduction even at high applied voltages, because the overall behaviour of the carrier is still dominated by free charge carrier density. Thus, it is clear that the onset of the SCLC conduction is greatly influenced by the channel length.
In order to further shed light on the electronic quality of the material, back-gated FETs were fabricated by transferring the MoS2 monolayer to heavily doped p++ Si capped with thermally grown 295 nm SiO2. Fig. 8e and f show the output and transfer curves of a representative device with a channel length and width of 20 μm and 350 μm, respectively. The Ids–Vds curves measured for different gate voltages are found to be linear at low (<1 volt) drain voltages, suggesting the ohmic nature of Ti contact, analogous to the CTLM results. Furthermore, the transfer characteristic curve in Fig. 8f shows typical n-type unipolar transport with anticipated transistor behaviour. The field-effect mobility is calculated using the expression , where, Ids, Vd, and Vg denote drain current, drain voltage, and gate voltage, respectively, and L is the channel length, W is the channel width, and Cox is the dielectric capacitance per unit area (defined by Cox = ε0εr/d, where ε0 = 8.854 × 10−12 F m−1, εr is dielectric constant of the oxide material (for SiO2, εr = 3.9) and d is the thickness of the dielectric film). The average room-temperature mobility is estimated to be about 1.2 cm2 V−1 s−1, which falls within the range of reported mobility values (0.1 to a few tens of cm2 V−1 s−1) for CVD-grown and exfoliated monolayer MoS2.4,23,25,26,50,51 However, the relatively low mobility observed in our devices compared to recent results reported in ref. 23 and 26 could be due to the wet-transfer process driven poor interface quality at MoS2/SiO2 and metal/MoS2 interfaces. While the theoretical upper bound of the room temperature mobility for monolayer MoS2 is predicted to reach a few thousands,52 the mobility values reported for practical devices are rather low due to intrinsic limitations including the large effective mass of the conduction band and significant phonon scattering, and other factors such as surface impurities, charge traps, intrinsic defects, etc. It is proven that sulfur vacancies can limit the carrier mobility by acting as scattering centres for charge carriers and active centres for molecular adsorption or chemical functionalization in the form of impurities.52,53 However, when oxygen occupies the vacancy sites and forms chemical bonding with Mo (Mo–O), it not only occupies the localized defect states but eventually removes the scattering centres. Based on the low temperature photoluminescence, it has been shown that the carrier mobility has a strong dependence on the IXb/IX0 ratio (IX0 and IXb denote the PL intensity of neutral excitons and bound excitons, respectively).33 It may be recalled once again that since in our samples the Xb peak was not present, the IXb/IX0 value is negligible and hence manifold improvement in charge carrier mobility is possible. We surmise that our MoS2 films can achieve high field-effect mobility by improving the transfer process and using the high-k dielectric environment. The relatively low (105 to 106) on/off ratio observed can be attributed to the high off-state current, because Mo–O bonding could likely lead to higher surface carrier concentration.54
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/d0na00524j |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2020 |