*b and
aState Key Laboratory of Bioreactor Engineering, Shanghai Key Laboratory of New Drug Design, School of Pharmacy, East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai, 200237, P. R. China. E-mail: zhengjing@ecust.edu.cn
bDepartment of Electronic Engineering, School of Electronic Information and Electrical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, P. R. China. E-mail: swguo@sjtu.edu.cn
First published on 17th September 2020
Graphene quantum dots (GQDs) have shown great promise in a variety of medical applications. Recently, it has been found that GQDs are also beneficial for photodynamic therapy (PDT). However, the findings of GQDs as PDT agents have been controversial in the literature. Herein, we investigate the photoactivity of single-atomic-layered GQDs by examining their ability to generate singlet oxygen (1O2) under irradiation and their effects on the photoactivity of photosensitizers. We demonstrate that the GQDs with lateral sizes of ∼5 or 20 nm are photo-inactive for they cannot generate 1O2 under irradiation of either a 660 nm laser (105 mW cm−2) or a halogen light. Moreover, the GQDs inhibit the photoactivity of two classical photosensitizers, namely, methylene blue and methylene violet. The stronger interaction between the GQDs and the photosensitizer results in greater inhibition of GQDs. Besides, the large-sized GQDs exhibit stronger inhibition than the small-sized GQDs. The inhibitory effect of the GQDs on the photoactivity of photosensitizers is consistent with their photo-cytotoxicity. These results indicate that the single-atomic-layered GQDs are not potential PDT agents, but they may be helpful for photosensitizers by delivering them into the cells. The discrepancy between the current work and the literature is probably associated with the GQDs used.
It has also been shown that GQDs can improve the photoactivity of photosensitizers, thus probably are PDT auxiliary agents, which may be similar to the combination of the semiconductor quantum dots with a traditional PDT agent.15–22 For instance, a nanosystem composed of GQDs with a redox-triggered cleavable PEG shell was designed for the selective recovery of photoactivity of chlorine e6 (Ce6) in a tumor-relevant environment.18 In this unique system, the GQDs enabled an efficient quench of the fluorescence and 1O2 generation of Ce6. However, once this nanosystem was exposed to a tumor-relevant glutathione environment, the disulfide-linked PEG shell started a reductive cleavage and subsequent detachment from the GQD scaffold, leading to the accelerated release of Ce6 with recovered photoactivity, even though the Ce6 was not bound to PEG.18 This group latter reported a different system that Ce6 directly bound to the GQDs through a disulfide bond and found that the Ce6–GQDs system displayed considerably stronger quenching ability to the fluorescence of Ce6, but the photoactivity of the Ce6 in the system was recovered in the presence of a reducing agent.19 Nafiujjaman et al. also showed that GQDs enhanced the photoactivity of Ce6 that was loaded through hyaluronic acid (HA).23 These results indicate that the GQD-based systems can substantially improve the photoactivity of photosensitizers, though the mechanism underneath remains unclear. However, several studies have shown that graphene-based materials could quench ROS in many systems.10,24,25 For instance, Xu et al. found that folic acid-modified nanographene oxide quenched the 1O2 generation by cationic porphyrin resulting in a lower phototoxicity.26
Herein, we use single-layered GQDs with different sizes to systematically investigate the potential of the GQDs as PDT reagents, including their ability to generate 1O2 and their effect on the photoactivity of photosensitizers.
GQDs were characterized by atomic force microscopy (AFM) in a tapping mode using a Multimode Nanoscope V scanning probe microscopy system (Bruker, USA). TEM images were obtained using a JEM-2010 transmission electron microscope (JEOL, Japan) operating at 200 kV. The samples were prepared by placing the aqueous suspension of GQDs after dialysis on the copper grids and drying under ambient conditions. FT-IR spectra were recorded using an Equinox 55 FT-IR spectrometer (Bruker, Germany). The specimens for FT-IR measurement were prepared by grinding the dried powder of GQDs or GO with KBr together and then compressing into thin pellets. The UV-visible measurements of the samples were performed using a Cary 50 spectrometer (Varian, USA). The fluorescence spectra were recorded using a Cary Eclipse spectrofluorometer (Varian, USA). Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectra were recorded using a Bruker BioSpin GmbH, with 100 kHz modulation frequency and 1.0 G modulation amplitude at room temperature.
The 1O2 was also detected by the bleaching of N,N-dimethyl-4-nitrosoaniline (RNO), and its absorbance at 440 nm would be diminished by the presence of 1O2.30 The solution of photosensitizers and GQDs was mixed with an RNO solution (0.5 μL of 250 μM stock) and 150 μL of histidine (30 mM) solution before irradiation. After irradiation, the absorbance of the sample was recorded at 440 nm.
EPR spectroscopy was also employed to detect 1O2 during irradiation based on the principle that the generated 1O2 by the system reacts with TEMP forming a stable radical adduct TEMPO. Photosensitizers, GQDs, and TEMP (20 mM) were mixed in a phosphate buffer before irradiation.
Fig. 1 AFM images of the single-atomic-layered GQDs, their corresponding heights, and size distributions. Top: GQD-1, scale bar is 300 nm. Bottom: GQD-2, scale bar is 200 nm. |
As aforementioned, it has been reported in the literature that owing to the ability of 1O2 generation, GQDs could enhance the photoactivity of the photosensitizers, and thus could be used as PDT reagents, similar to the photosensitizer molecules.6,7,9–14,31 However, the findings of GQDs as PDT agents or auxiliary PDT agents for photosensitizers are controversial. Therefore, we first investigate whether GQDs themselves have photoactivity, and more specifically, whether they can generate 1O2.
Several often-used methods of 1O2 detection were first examined. Most 1O2 detection methods are monitoring the changes in absorbance or fluorescence intensity of the 1O2 detecting reagents, including DPBF,9,13,22 SOSG,11,17–19 ADMA,29 and RNO.30 Among them, DPBF is insoluble in aqueous solutions, its aqueous suspension with GQDs generates a false positive signal, which might be due to the organic solvent used (Fig. S2a†). The GQDs quench the fluorescence of SOSG, resulting in a false negative result (Fig. S2b†). Based on these observations, we employed water-soluble reagents ADMA and RNO as 1O2 detecting reagents in the following experiments. Here, 1O2 was also detected by electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy (EPR) using a 1O2 trapping agent, TEMP, as described in the Experimental section.
Fig. 2 showed the ADMA absorbance in the presence of GQDs (decrease in absorption indicates the generation of 1O2). Because the GQDs exhibited weak absorption at long wavelengths (Fig. S1a†), we used both a 660 nm laser and a halogen lamp as irradiation sources. No obvious change was observed in the GQD suspensions with different irradiation time periods (15–60 min), indicating that both GQD-1 and GQD-2 cannot generate 1O2. Conversely, GQDs can prevent the photodegradation of ADMA caused by laser irradiation (left panel in Fig. 2), as evidenced by the unchanged absorbance of ADMA compared with the control. In contrast, the photodegradation of ADMA caused by the irradiation of halogen light was not efficiently prevented by the GQDs, possibly due to the wide wavelength range of the halogen light (400–800 nm, right panel in Fig. 2). Failure to generate 1O2 by the GQDs was further confirmed by EPR trapping experiments with TEMP, a 1O2 tapping agent. TEMPO signal was observed neither in the GQD-1 aqueous suspension nor in the GQD-2 aqueous suspension after irradiation. These observations are consistent with the work by Li et al., who found that the GQDs efficiently quenched the generation of 1O2 by Ce6.18 However, our finding is contradicted to the GQDs prepared by hydrothermal treatment of polythiophene, which exhibited excellent 1O2 generation with a quantum yield of 1.3.31 This discrepancy is possibly caused partially by their GQDs that hybridized with nitrogen and sulphur. The nitrogen-doped GQDs have been shown with higher 1O production ability than the GQDs reported previously.11
Fig. 3 shows the 1O2 production of MB and MV in the presence of different amounts of GQD-1 (black traces) and GQD-2 (red traces). To better compare the effect of the GQDs on the two sensitizers, the concentrations of MB and MV were chosen in such a way to ensure they generate a similar amount of 1O2. The decrease in the ΔA380 nm indicated that the 1O2 generation by MV or MB were both inhibited by GQD-1 and GQD-2. The inhibition was also dependent on the GQD concentration, the higher the concentration of the GQDs present, the stronger the inhibition observed. The inhibition to both photosensitizers by GQD-1 (black traces) was more effective than that by GQD-2 (red traces). For instance, with 20 μg mL−1 of GQDs, GQD-1 reduced the 1O2 production of MB by 4-fold compared to GQD-2. The inhibition of GQDs to the 1O2 production of the MB and MV was also confirmed by the decrease in the EPR signal intensity of TEMPO, a product of 1O2 with TEMP, with the increase in the concentration of the GQDs (Fig. S4†). The inhibition of the GQDs to MB and MV was either by directly inhibiting the generation of 1O2 or by quenching the generated 1O2. In the former case, the interaction between the GQDs and the photosensitizers is critical. Since MB and MV both are planar molecules (Fig. S5†), they can interact with GQDs via π–π stacking and electrostatic interactions.26 As expected, owing to their larger sizes, GQD-1 interacts with MV and MB more effectively than the small-sized GQD-2; therefore, less 1O2 were generated in the presence of GQD-1 than in the presence of GQD-2. Previously, we and others found that GO and GQDs can quench oxygen reactive species such as OH˙, O2˙−, and 1O2,10,26,34,35 and it was also reported that GQDs could quench DPPH radicals.10 However, we cannot differentiate between the inhibition and quenching of 1O2 by the GQDs at this stage, they could occur concurrently, or one of them is dominant.
To understand further the inhibition of GQDs to the photoactivity of MB and MV, interactions between GQDs and MB, MV were examined by the fluorescence measurement. It has been generally accepted that GQDs can quench the fluorescence of small molecules or single-stranded nucleic acid via π–π stacking.1,36,37 Fig. S5† shows that in the presence of GQDs, the fluorescence of MB and MV were quenched as expected, and the binding constants (kb) of MB and MV can thus be obtained. kb for MB is 10-fold lower than that of MV for both GQD-1 and GQD-2, revealing that MB binds to the GQDs more tightly than MV. Different binding abilities of MB and MV to GQDs are unexpected because MB and MV have very similar planar chemical structures (insets in Fig. S5†). However, MB and MV have different functional groups, which suggests that other weak interactions such as electrostatic interaction may also contribute to their interaction with the GQDs. This assumption was supported by the result of the photoactivity of MB and MV in the presence of GQD-1 at different pH values. The electrostatic interaction between GQD-1 and MB or MV can be affected by pH because the protonation states of the functional groups in MB and MV are different at different pH values. As shown in Fig. 4a, the photoactivities of MV at pH 5 and 7.4 were quite similar in the presence of GQD-1, suggesting that none or a very weak electrostatic interaction was involved in the interaction between MV and GQDs. In contrast, the photoactivity of MB in the presence of GQDs at pH 5 was higher than that at pH 7.4, while the photoactivity of MB alone is independent of pH. The pH-dependent photoactivity of MB/GQD-1 indicated that when pH was 5, the electrostatic interaction between the carboxyl groups of GQD-1 and the amine group of MB was weak, and some MB was mobile, and thus, its photoactivity was relatively high. When the pH was neutral, this interaction was relatively strong, thus the inhibition of GQD-1 to the photoactivity of MB increased. This assumption was further supported by the photoactivity of MB and MV with GQD-1 in the presence of ethanol, which affects the π–π stacking between photosensitizers and GQDs, but interferes less to the electrostatic interaction between them.1 As shown in Fig. 4b, in the presence of 50% ethanol, the photoactivity of MV/GQD-1 increased much more than that of MB/GQD-1, because the hydrophobic interaction is the major driving force between MV and GQDs. These results together indicated that the inhibition of GQD-1 to the photoactivity of MB and MV depends on the extent of their interaction. GQD-1 interact with MB more strongly, thus their inhibition to the photoactivity of MB is more severe than to that of MV. This conclusion was also supported by the effect of GQDs on the photoactivity of another typical photosensitizer, rose bengal (RB). Fig. S6a† show that the inhibition of both GQD-1 and GQD-2 to the photoactivity of RB was almost negligible because the interaction between GQDs and RB is relatively weak (Fig. S6b†). The interaction of GQDs with these photosensitizers also suggested that the GQDs in the systems with Ce6 or other photosensitizers were carriers for the photosensitizers, as reported in the literature,6–14 which is similar to the GQDs in drug delivery.1–5,18–21 Collectively, these results indicated that GQDs inhibit the 1O2 production of photosensitizers, which is presumably due to the energy transfer between the GQDs and the photosensitizers.10,26,34,35,38
The current results are different from the literature that GQDs were reported to be able to enhance the photoactivity of Ce6 or other photosensitizers.15–22 The discrepancy could be caused by the difference in the GQDs used. In many reported works, the GQDs were prepared by the hydrothermal method with organic compounds used as carbon sources, and in most cases, they were carbon dots (CDs), instead of the single-atomic-layered GQDs.13,14,17,31,39 This assumption is consistent with their much stronger fluorescence than the single-atomic-layered GQDs. In some other cases, the as-prepared GQDs were prepared using graphite by the classic method; no further separation was performed.7,9 The lateral size of these as-prepared GQDs often ranges from several to hundred nanometres, and multi-layered GQDs also co-exist.6,7,19,22 The interaction of these GQDs with photosensitizers must be complicated.
Nevertheless, photosensitizers can attach to single-atomic-layered GQDs or carbon dots via weak interactions, thus they could be taken into the cells as a cargo, and their cellular accumulation is likely to be improved. This is probably the major reason that the photoactivity of the GQDs/photosensitizer systems was improved compared to the photosensitizer alone.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Experimental data of characterizations of the GQDs, different singlet oxygen detection methods, and EPR data of the GQDs alone after the irradiation, and interaction of GQDs with photosensitizers. See DOI: 10.1039/d0na00631a |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2020 |