b and
Judith L.
aDepartment of Materials Science and Metallurgy, University of Cambridge, 27 Charles Babbage Road, Cambridge, CB3 0FS, UK. E-mail: jld35@cam.ac.uk
bState Key Laboratory of New Ceramics and Fine Processing, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Tsinghua University, 100084, Beijing, China. E-mail: linyh@tsinghua.edu.cn
First published on 15th September 2020
Dielectric capacitors are fundamental components in electronic and electrical systems due to their high-rate charging/discharging character and ultrahigh power density. Film dielectrics possess larger breakdown strength and higher energy density than their bulk counterparts, holding great promise for compact and efficient power systems. In this article, we review the very recent advances in dielectric films, in the framework of engineering at multiple scales to improve energy storage performance. Strategies are summarized including atomic-scale defect control, nanoscale domain and grain engineering, as well as mesoscale composite design. Challenges and remaining concerns are also discussed for further performance improvement and practical application of dielectric films.
As shown in Fig. 1, the governing parameters of the energy density Ue in dielectrics are: (1) the polarization P induced by electric field E, and (2) the breakdown field (Eb, the highest E the dielectric can sustain). This is expressed by the equation , where Pm and Pr are the maximum and remnant polarizations, respectively, in the charging–discharging process. The hysteretic response of P to E causes partial energy loss Uloss; the energy storage efficiency η is therefore defined as η = Ue/(Ue + Uloss).10 Ideally, a high Ue is realized with concurrently high P (or high dielectric permittivity εr), low Uloss and large Eb. However, these parameters are conventionally coupled with each other. Dielectric polarization consists of electronic, ionic, dipole-switching and space charge mechanisms, which contribute in an increasing order to P, but also cause increasing Uloss.8 Besides, Eb usually shows an inverse trend with εr, as dielectrics with higher permittivity intrinsically bear weaker polar bonds and are more susceptible to bond breakage.11 New materials, strategies and designs are thus to be explored, in order to mitigate these couplings and to improve the energy storage performance.
The idea of dielectric energy storage originates back to 1960s,12 when high-polarization (εr > 1000, P > 25 μC cm−2) perovskite ferroelectrics (FEs), e.g. BaTiO3 (BTO), PbTiO3 (PTO) and Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 (PZT), were discovered and studied in detail. It was revealed that BTO ceramics could exhibit Ue of nearly 2 J cm−3 at high enough electric fields, showing the huge potential for energy storage.13 However, ceramics suffer from inevitable structural flaws (pores, microcracks, etc.) which limit Eb to 0.1 MV cm−1. Intensive studies have been conducted to reduce flaws in ceramics. The fabrication process is optimized by the addition of sintering aids,14 hot-press sintering,15 spark plasma sintering,16etc. Composition design is also adopted to reduce grain sizes17,18 and construct core–shell structures.19 These efforts improve Eb to near 0.4 MV cm−1 and Ue up to 10 J cm−3 in ceramic dielectrics.20,21 Multilayer ceramic capacitors (MLCC) were further developed based on tape-casting techniques, in which the layer thickness is reduced to the micrometer scale. Porosity is suppressed, and composition homogeneity is improved, giving rise to Eb of near 1 MV cm−1 and the highest Ue of 21 J cm−3.22–25 On the other hand, polymer dielectrics, e.g., polypropylene and poly(vinylidene fluoride), possess very high Eb of ∼5 MV cm−1 but weak polarization (εr < 10, P < 10 μC cm−2), leading to unsatisfactory energy performance.26 By introducing high-εr ceramic fillers and modifying the filler composition, morphology and distribution, polymer-based composite dielectrics can realize Ue of 10–30 J cm−3.27–30
Oxide dielectric thin films with thicknesses at the nano or submicron scale have come to the fore in the last decade and they exhibit huge potential for unprecedentedly high-performance in terms of energy storage. Fig. 2 compares the permittivity, breakdown and energy density of representative dielectric films, polymers (and polymer-based composites), MLCC and ceramics. Dielectric films, with great improvement of crystalline quality and suppression of flaws, give rise to nearly intrinsic Eb value of 2–5 MV cm−1, which is more than one order of magnitude higher than those of their bulk ceramic counterparts and they rival the values of polymer dielectrics.31,32 The high Eb, together with the high permittivity (polarization) maintained in dielectric films, gives rise to ultrahigh Ue of over 100 J cm−3.33–38 In addition, dielectric films are favourable for their moderate working voltage (dozens to hundreds of volts), matching the commonly used power voltage; they are also more utilizable in embedded integrated circuits with scaled-down geometry.
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Fig. 2 Comparison of dielectric permittivity, breakdown and energy storage performance between representative dielectric films, polymers (and polymer-based composites), MLCC, and ceramics.17–25,27–38 |
While there are extensive reviews on energy-storage dielectrics from the point of view of material type (glass, ceramic, polymer, etc.),39 composition (lead-based, lead-free, bismuth-based, etc.)40 and classification of dielectric type (linear, paraelectric, ferroelectric, relaxor, antiferroelectric, etc.),41–43 this field has seen many new remarkable advances, especially in dielectric films. Here, we present a summary of the very recent progress in dielectric energy-storage films. A new perspective is provided, i.e. engineering of dielectric films across different scales (atomic, nano and meso scales) to comprehensively optimize polarization, loss and breakdown properties for further improvement of energy storage performance. Effective and generalizable strategies are highlighted. Remaining concerns for further performance improvement and practical application of dielectric films are also discussed.
It was found that PLD-fabricated BTO films exhibit improved crystalline quality as BiFeO3 (BFO) is incorporated, owing to a lower-melting-point eutectic forming between Bi2O3 and TiO2.47 This is analogous to liquid sintering in ceramic fabrication, by which mass transfer and crystallization are facilitated. A 25% BFO + 75% BTO film shows the smallest value of full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the reciprocal space map (RSM) peak in X-ray diffraction, meaning the narrowest distribution of lattice parameters and thus the best crystalline uniformity (Fig. 3a). Leakage current density is accordingly suppressed, which is 1 × 10−4 A cm−2 at 0.5 MV cm−1 (compared with 2 × 10−3 A cm−2 in the pure BTO film). An Eb of 2.2 MV cm−1 is achieved in the 25% BFO + 75% BTO film, which is 1.5 times larger than that of the BTO film (Fig. 3b). As a result, Ue is greatly enhanced from 5.6 J cm−3 to 52 J cm−3. Similar research was also reported in CSD-fabricated PTO-based films; by incorporating excess PbO48 or a PbO seeding layer,49 grain nucleation and film crystallinity are promoted, leading to a lower leakage current and higher energy density.
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Fig. 3 (a) RSM of BFO–BTO dielectric films around the (103) peaks.47 (b) Breakdown field of the BFO–BTO films as a function of the FWHM of qx of the RSM in (a).47 Copyright © 2018, Elsevier. (c) Schematic comparison of the LLD and SD strategies for pulsed laser film deposition.51 (d) Rocking-curve (ω scan) and (e) leakage current of the 25% BFO + 75% BTO films fabricated by SD and LLD strategies, respectively.51 Copyright © 2020, Elsevier. |
The nature of deposition is another factor affecting the film growth kinetics. For instance, reducing the pulse frequency in PLD allows longer diffusion time for adatoms, realizing dense, layer-like growth, instead of a porous, columnar structure.50 However, this is at the sacrifice of fabrication efficiency. A “layer-by-layer” deposition (LLD) strategy was proposed recently, which combines (1) deposition pulses at high frequencies (e.g. ∼50 Hz) to form a monolayer (unit-cell thick) in 10–20 ms, and (2) a long interval (>1 s) for full relaxation and reconstruction of the monolayer towards stable structure (Fig. 3c).51 This LLD strategy enables high film perfection at high fabrication rate; while in standard PLD deposition (SD) with similar overall rate, island growth with inferior quality occurs. LLD-fabricated 25% BFO + 75% BTO films show narrower rocking curves than the films made by SD, with the FWHM reduced by 60% (Fig. 3d). The improvement of crystalline quality suppresses the leakage current by 2 orders of magnitude (Fig. 3e) and enhances the Eb to 3.1 MV cm−1, giving rise to an even higher Ue of ∼80 J cm−3.
However perfect the crystallization is, point defects inevitably remain in dielectric films. Oxygen vacancies are common defects in oxide dielectrics, from which trapped electrons can be activated into the conduction band, leading to leakage conduction. Post-deposition annealing in an oxygen-rich atmosphere is widely used to reduce the oxygen vacancy concentration.52 Appropriate element doping is another acknowledged strategy to eliminate or compensate oxygen vacancies.51,53–55 In (Bi1/2Na1/2)TiO3 (BNT) films, Mn doping at the Ti site causes Mn′′Ti defects, which interact with oxygen vacancies and form defect complexes.55 Defect complexes, with strong internal electrostatic force, are effective traps of charge carriers, which form deeper defect energy levels and thus increase the resistivity.56,57 The leakage current of BNT films with 1% Mn doping is decreased by 2 orders of magnitude (Fig. 4a), leading to an improvement of Eb by 67% (from 1.4 to 2.3 MV cm−1) and Ue by 100% (from 15 to 30 J cm−3).55 Note that the doping strategy is very delicate; excess ion doping (e.g. >1% Mn in the BNT film) could introduce superfluous defects, thus deteriorating the resistivity and energy performance (Fig. 4a). Besides element doping, extrinsic strategies such as tuning deposition parameters58 and ion irradiation59 can also introduce defect complexes. A high-energy helium ion bombardment strategy was reported recently,37 which knocks ions from their lattice sites in 0.68Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-0.32PbTiO3 (PMN-PT) films, causing deep-energy-level defect complexes, e.g.,
, and possible
. The leakage of the PMN-PT films is thus suppressed by 3 orders of magnitude after ion bombardment (Fig. 4b) and Eb is improved from 3.8 to 5.9 MV cm−1, contributing to an ultrahigh Ue of 133 J cm−3 (Fig. 4c).
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Fig. 4 (a) Leakage current density of BNT films with various amounts of Mn doping.55 Copyright © 2017, Elsevier. (b) Leakage current density and (c) P–E loops of as-grown and ion-bombarded PMN-PT films.37 Copyright © 2020, American Association for the Advancement of Science. (d) Schematic of a defect complex dipole PD![]() |
In addition to resistivity and breakdown behaviors, defects can also play a role in altering polarization properties. Chemical pressure is introduced by doping ions of different radius, which alters the Landau energy profiles. It was indicated that a tensile chemical stress is created by the substitution of larger Fe2+ and Fe3+ ions for smaller Ti4+ in Bi3.25La0.75Ti3O12-BiFeO3 films, which decreases the free energy of the potential well at biased fields, increases the polarization and enhances Ue.60 On the other hand, a compressive chemical pressure induced by Li+/La3+ ion doping in antiferroelectric (AFE) PbZrO3 films could stabilize the AFE phase and delay the field-induced phase transition, also enhancing the energy performance.61 As for defect complexes, they are equivalent to dipoles (PD) consisting of inversely charged point defects, which is conventionally oriented along the local spontaneous polarization (Ps) and crystal symmetry (Fig. 4d).62 Since PD reacts relatively more slowly to electric field, it offers a restoring force for Ps to switch back to its original orientation, causing an ageing feature that is characteristic with a pinched P–E loop and a much suppressed Pr (Fig. 4e).63 This provides an opportunity to reduce Uloss and enhance Ue.62 On the other hand, when the defect complex dipoles are aligned in the same direction due to substrate stress, crystal symmetry or poling, internal bias fields and imprint features are built in the films.64 As shown in Fig. 4f, imprint in FE films increases the Pm − Pr value, which also improves Ue.37,65
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Fig. 5 (a) Schematic illustration of the design of RFEs with nanodomain and polymorphic nanodomain structures to lower the polarization switching barrier, reduce the hysteresis and improve the energy storage performance.34 (b and c) STEM images of the nanodomain structures of the (1 − x)BFO–xSTO relaxor films with x = 0.30 and 0.60, respectively (scale bars: 10 nm). The insets are magnified images of selected areas to show the Fe/Ti ion displacement δFe/Ti, where the yellow and red circles denote the Bi/Sr and Fe/Ti ion columns, respectively.68 Copyright © 2018, Springer Nature. (d) STEM images of the polymorphic nanodomain structures of 0.25BFO–0.30BTO–0.45STO films; (e–g) magnified images of selected areas in (d), with olive and pink spheres representing the Bi/Ba/Sr and Fe/Ti ion columns, respectively.34 The yellow dashed lines delineate the nanodomains with spontaneous polarization; the red and cyan arrows denote the Fe/Ti ion displacement in 〈111〉R and 〈001〉T directions. Copyright © 2019, American Association for the Advancement of Science. |
An effective strategy to obtain RFEs is the formation of solid solutions. For example, the PLZT solid solution, with 10–20% Pb substituted by La, is driven from FE to RFE phase,67 which realizes a high Ue of 85 J cm−3 at the E of 4.5 MV cm−1.33 It has been reported that solid solution films combining the FE BFO with paraelectric SrTiO3 (STO) also realizes RFE.68 Clear nanodomain evolution is observed with the composition change. 0.70BFO–0.30STO films contain rhombohedral FE domains that are >20 nm in diameter, as characterized by scanning transmission electron microscopy (Fig. 5b). 0.40BFO–0.60STO films, on the other hand, exhibit nanodomains with diameters of <10 nm, which are embedded in a nonpolar matrix (Fig. 5c). This is because that the incorporation of Sr onto the Bi site and Ti onto the Fe site breaks the long-range compositional, chemical, and ferroelectric order of BFO. Relaxor 0.40BFO–0.60STO films therefore exhibit substantial reductions of Pr and Uloss, leading to concurrent improvements of Ue and η, with high values of 70.3 J cm−3 and 70%, respectively. A wide range of new RFE films including BTO-based,69,70 BNT-based,71,72 and (K1/2Na1/2)NbO3-based73 films have been similarly developed, in which energy storage performances are all enhanced with nanodomain engineering.
Here it is worth pointing out that the nanodomain strategy usually reduces the polar domain entities, and thus sacrifices polarization. The coupling between polarization and loss becomes the main challenge in RFEs for further improvement of energy performance. To mitigate the coupling, a polymorphic nanodomain strategy was recently proposed.34 By judiciously constructing coexisting nanodomains with competitive free energies but different polarization orientations, e.g., rhombohedral (R) and tetragonal (T), the polarization anisotropy between the 〈111〉R and 〈001〉T orientations were greatly weakened (Fig. 5a). This led to further flattening of polarization switching energy barriers and lower Uloss, while maintaining relatively high polarization. In the accordingly designed BFO–BTO–STO ternary solid-solution films, a polymorphic nanodomain structure was realized. Coexisting R and T nanodomains were observed with very small sizes of 2–5 nm and strong local polarization disorder (Fig. 5d–g). The optimized composition 0.25BFO–0.30BTO–0.45STO showed a combination of high polarization and low loss, with a Pm to Pr ratio of 7.9, much larger than those of binary films (e.g., 3.5 for 0.55BFO–0.45STO and 6.8 for 0.25BFO–0.75STO), giving rise to an ultrahigh Ue of 112 J cm−3 and high η of ∼80%.
Besides nanodomains, nanograin design to improve energy storage performance has also been investigated. In ceramic dielectrics, Eb usually follows the rule , where G is the grain size.74 This indicates that smaller grains tend to enhance Eb, partially because grain boundaries in dielectrics are more resistive than grains.75 Amorphous dielectrics, in which there are no crystalline grains, usually exhibit very large Eb values.76 However, their inferior permittivity imposes serious limitation on the achievable Ue. Nano-crystalline dielectrics are thus designed to reach an optimal compromise between Eb and P. Delicate thermal treatment is usually adopted to realize nanograins. In Pb0.88Ca0.12ZrO3 films,77 annealing at 550 °C realizes nanometer-size pyrochlore grains that randomly distribute in the amorphous matrix, resulting in a Pm of 37 μC cm−2 and an Eb of 5.0 MV cm−1. Lower annealing temperatures (e.g., 525 °C) leads to pure amorphous films with slightly higher Eb of 5.2 MV cm−1 but a much smaller Pm of ∼20 μC cm−2; while a higher annealing temperature (e.g., 650 °C) results in fully crystallized films with a higher Pm of ∼68 μC cm−2 but a much smaller Eb of 2.1 MV cm−1. The nanograin film annealed at 550 °C gives the highest Ue of 91 J cm−3.77 Similar results have also been seen in Sr0.925Bi0.05TiO3, BiMg0.5Ti0.75O3 and Pb1.1TiO3.1 films,35,76,78 confirming the effectiveness of the nanograin strategy. Also, chemical composition design can reduce the grain size and improve Eb, as demonstrated in dielectric ceramics.17,18 To the best of our knowledge, this has not yet been reported in dielectric films but it is expected to be a feasible strategy in future.
In heterostructures, dielectric layers are connected in series. To ensure a continuous P, a layer with lower permittivity is subject to a higher effective electric field, and vice versa. The distribution of electric fields can be modulated by altering the thickness and dielectric parameters of each layer, providing a chance to improve the energy performance. For example, by adding a 6 nm low-permittivity Al2O3 layer in series with a 400 nm high-permittivity BFO–STO layer, the voltage in the BFO–STO layer is decreased, which leads to a delayed polarization saturation and a ∼30% increase of Ue (Fig. 6a and b).81 It is also revealed that a PZT/Al2O3/PZT double heterojunction greatly improves Eb from 2.4 to 5.7 MV cm−1, because of the reduced effective E in the PZT layers, the high resistivity of Al2O3, and the built-in fields at the heterointerfaces. This leads to a much enhanced Ue from 10 to 64 J cm−3.32 Recently, it was suggested to take advantage of the negative capacitance (NC) feature of FEs to enhance the energy storage capability.82 The NC state, which is unstable in a single FE layer, can be stabilized in a FE/paraelectric or a FE/linear-dielectric heterostructure film (e.g., Hf0.5Zr0.5O2/Ta2O5, Fig. 6c). With an optimized match of the capacitances of the FE and linear-dielectric layers, the field in the linear-dielectric layer is amplified due to the decreasing field in the NC-state FE layer, leading to an ultrahigh differential capacitance (Fig. 6d). A Ue of >100 J cm−3 with η of ∼95% can be experimentally observed in this heterostructure film.
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Fig. 6 (a) P–E loops and (b) structure schematic of BFO-STO/Al2O3 heterostructure.81 Copyright © 2012, American Institute of Physics. (c) Structure schematic and (d) schematic of enhancement of energy density by negative capacitance effect in the Hf0.5Zr0.5O2/Ta2O5 heterostructure.82 (e) Structure schematic and STEM images of (BZT/BCT)N superlattice film.31 (f and g) P–E loops of N = 8 and N = 2 films, respectively.31 (h) Energy density and efficiency of the (BZT/BCT)N superlattice.31 Copyright © 2016 WILEY-VCH. |
In superlattices, the existence of high-density interfaces and the electrostatic coupling between layers provide more freedom for subtle control of dielectric properties. BTO/(Ba0.3Sr0.7)TiO3 superlattice films were fabricated with a periodicity of ∼8 nm and a total thickness of 600 nm.83 The films exhibited typical RFE features with dispersed phase transition and frequency dispersion. A high breakdown field of >5 MV cm−1 and an estimated Ue of ∼46 J cm−3 were obtained. (Ba0.7Ca0.3)TiO3/Ba(Zr0.2Ti0.8)O3 (BZT/BCT) superlattice films were also studied recently with respect to the periodicity. With a fixed total thickness of ∼100 nm, (BZT/BCT)N films with N = 2, 4 and 8 were designed (Fig. 6e). Along with the decrease of periodic length, the long-range FE coupling interaction becomes more dominant, which results in much slimmer P–E loops in the N = 8 film than those for N = 2 (Fig. 6f and g). Moreover, it was demonstrated that the interfaces impede the growth of electric breakdown trees; therefore, Eb increases with N and reaches 4.7 MV cm−1 for N = 8. With these synergetic benefits, the N = 8 film exhibits the highest Ue of 52 J cm−3 and high η of 72%, which are 98% and 21% higher than those for N = 2, respectively (Fig. 6h).31 However, a further increase of N (or decrease of periodicity) may be disadvantageous as the interface diffusion becomes more prominent, thus weakening the blockage of electric breakdown tree. This was revealed in Ba(Zr0.15Ti0.85)O3/Ba(Zr0.35Ti0.65)O3 superlattice films, in which N = 6 leads to the largest Eb (8.3 MV cm−1) and the highest Ue of 84 J cm−3.36
When it comes to practical utilization of dielectric films, other factors also need to be considered. For high-frequency alternating current or impulse applications, power density is an equally important parameter. A quantitative expression of the power density PW is PW = πfε0εrE2/(2tanδ), where f and tan
δ are the operating frequency and loss tangent (assuming tanδ is frequency and field independent).84 The importance of a low tan
δ (i.e., a low equivalent series resistance) for dielectric film capacitor is emphasized. What is more, capacitors work in various and often harsh conditions, such as high E and high temperatures, where performance reliability and stability are among the most fundamental qualifications. Dielectrics in practical use are limited to E that is only 1/3–1/2 of the statistical Eb to prevent unwanted device failure. A large Eb of dielectric film is therefore critical for realizing a large enough practical energy storage capability while ensuring long-term performance reliability. Further work on revealing the breakdown mechanisms and improving Eb of dielectric films is thus required.
Thermal stability is another concern for dielectric films considering high-temperature applications. Thermally-stable permittivity and polarization have been realized in RFE films that undergo diffused phase transitions. However, thermal-stimulated leakage current generally increases exponentially with temperature. As a result, conduction loss becomes dominant, causing potential electrical-thermal breakdown and deteriorating energy performance. Further studies such as large-bandgap dielectric screening, defect engineering and nanocomposite film design are expected to address this problem.
Last but not the least, it is important to modify the deposition techniques of dielectric films for the compatibility with integrated circuit and device fabrication. Flexible electronics is an emerging and important field, for which flexible energy-storage dielectric films are required. Success for flexible energy-storage films has been proven using modified deposition on flexible substrates,85,86 which might also be possible using lift-off techniques.87,88
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2020 |