Alexei A. Belika,
Dina V. Deyneko
Oksana V. Baryshnikovab,
Sergey Yu. Stefanovichb and
Bogdan I. Lazoryak
aResearch Center for Functional Materials, National Institute for Materials Science, Namiki 1-1, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0044, Japan
bDepartment of Chemistry, Moscow State University, Moscow, 119992, Russia. E-mail:
First published on 17th March 2020
Sr9In(VO4)7 was prepared by a solid-state method at 1270 K in air. This vanadate has the β-Ca3(PO4)2-type structure and crystallizes in polar space group R3c. The structural parameters of Sr9In(VO4)7 were refined by the Rietveld method from laboratory powder X-ray diffraction data (XRD): the lattice parameters are a = 11.18016(9) Å and c = 39.6170(3) Å with Z = 6. In3+ cations occupy the octahedral M5 site, Sr2+ cations occupy the M1, M2, and M3 sites of the β-Ca3(PO4)2-type structure, and the M4 site remains vacant. Sr9In(VO4)7 was characterized by differential thermal analysis (DTA), optical second-harmonic generation (SHG), high-temperature XRD, and dielectric measurements. All these methods prove the existence of a ferroelectric–paraelectric phase transition at Tc = 974 K. This transition is compared with a similar transition in Ca9In(PO4)7 with lower Tc = 902 K. The polar-to-centrosymmetric phase transition in such compounds has a quite unique mechanism of the order–disorder type. The structural transition involves slight shifts of the M1, M2, M3 cations and the E2O4, E3O4 tetrahedra, while half of the E1O4 tetrahedra (E = P or V) statistically reverse their orientation along the three-fold axis, so that the centre of symmetry appears in the structure as a whole. To invert the E1O4 tetrahedron, one oxygen anion should pass a large neighbouring cation (Sr2+ or Ca2+) that is only possible when intense rotational vibrations of the tetrahedra are excited at high temperatures. The lower Curie temperature in Ca9In(PO4)7 corresponds to the smaller rotational vibration amplitude of the P1O4 tetrahedron required to reverse this tetrahedra at Tc in comparison with V1O4 in Sr9In(VO4)7.
Ca2+ ions in β-TCP-type structure are located in five quite different positions. The M1, M2, and M3 sites are large sites with eight-to-nine oxygen coordination, the M5 site is a small octahedral site, and the M4 site is a very extended site or a cavity formed by 15 oxygen atoms.21 This unique structure allows different isovalent and aliovalent substitutions, including the introduction of a large strontium cation.22 The β-TCP-type materials with two- and three-valent luminescent ions, substituting for calcium in various positions, are very promising to be used together with light-emitting diodes (LED) in spectra-controlled luminous sources. As the incorporation of Sr2+ cations into the structure is usually accompanied by noticeable changes of luminescence spectra it is interesting to design Sr-based β-TCP-type structural analogues and compare their basic properties with known ferroelectrics, non-linear optical materials, calcium-ion conductors, and luminophores in the family of calcium-containing β-TCP-type phosphates and vanadates. The attempt is encouraged by the fact that in the solid solutions of β-Ca3−xSrx(PO4)2, Sr2+ replaces Ca2+ in a wide range of compositions with 0 ≤ x ≤ 16/7,23 and this substitution leads to noticeable changes of the luminescent properties and symmetry. For example, emission color in Ca3−xSrx(PO4)2:Eu2+ changes from blue to green and to green-yellow.24 In addition, as a result of changes in symmetry (R3c ↔ Rm) ferroelectric properties change to paraelectric.23 In some cases, the luminescence intensity noticeably increases with strontium content, for example, in (Ca,Sr)10Li(PO4)7:Ce3+, Mn2+, Eu2+.25,26
In case of β-TCP-type phosphates, Ca- and Sr-containing phosphates are known with small substituting cations M2+/M3+, for example, Ca9M(PO4)7 and Sr9M(PO4)7 (where M = Al, Sc, Cr, Fe, Ga, and In),27,28 Ca9+xM1.5−x(PO4)7,23 Sr9+xNi1.5−x(PO4)7,29 Sr9+xCo1.5−x(PO4)7,30 and Sr9Fe1.5(PO4)7,31 and also with large rare-earth R3+ cations, for example, Ca9R(PO4)7 (R = RE).32 On the other hand, in case of β-TCP-type vanadates, Ca- and Sr-containing vanadates are known only with large dopant rare-earth R3+ cations or Bi3+, for example, Ca9R(VO4)7,33 Ca9−xSrxBi(VO4)7,21 and Sr9R(VO4)7 (R = Tm, Yb, and Lu).34 These compounds are noncentrosymmetric and shows ferroelectric and non-linear optical properties. In this paper, we describe the first β-TCP-type vanadate containing small In3+ cation, Sr9In(VO4)7. Calcium phosphates with a similar composition with small cations (Fe3+ or In3+) were previously obtained.37,41 Phosphates Ca9R(PO4)7 (R = Fe3+ or In3+) are ferroelectrics and a reversible ferroelectric/paraelectric phase transition is realized in their crystal structures. However, the phase transition mechanism in these phosphates has not been discussed. In present work we report on the synthesis, crystal structure refinement and description of new Sr9In(VO4)7, its ferroelectric phase transition, and a detailed structural analysis of the order–disorder mechanism of the phase transformation.
Laboratory powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) data for phase analysis and structure refinements were collected at room temperature (RT) and high temperatures (from 360 to 1190 K) on a Rigaku RINT 2500 diffractometer (40 kV, 300 mA) using CuKα radiation (2θ range of 8–100°, a step width of 0.02° and a counting time of 1 s per step for phase analysis and high temperatures; 2θ range of 8–150°, a step width of 0.02°, and a counting time of 12 s per step for the structure analysis). Structure parameters were refined with the Rietveld method using Jana-2006.35
Thermogravimetry (TG) and differential thermal analysis (DTA) were carried out in air on a MacScience TG-DTA 2000 instrument between 290 and 1273 K at a heating–cooling rate of 10 K min−1 using a Pt holder. Three runs were performed to check the reproducibility. After TG-DTA experiments, the sample remained single-phased as examined with XRD.
Second-harmonic generation (SHG) responses of powder samples (grain size of about 3 μm) were measured in a reflection scheme using a Q-switch pulsed YAG:Nd laser operated at a wavelength, λω, of 1064 nm. The SHG signals were registered in reference to α-SiO2 (grain size 3–5 μm) kept at RT. Temperature dependence of the SHG signals of the sample was measured between 300 and 1000 K.
To measure the dielectric permittivity (ε) and loss tangent (tanδ) we used ceramic disks of Sr9In(VO4)7, approximately 1 mm thick and 5 mm in diameter. Commercial Pt paste was put on both flat surfaces of the disks, and then they were heated to 923 K to produce metal electrodes. Temperature dependences of ε and tan
δ were registered between 300 and 1070 K with computer-controlled ac-bridges R5083 and E7-12 at electric-field frequencies between 1 kHz and 1 MHz.
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Fig. 1 A fragment of the experimental (black crosses), calculated (red line), and difference (blue line) XRD patterns for Sr9In(VO4)7 at room temperature. |
Fig. 2 shows the temperature dependence of the lattice parameters for Sr9In(VO4)7. The phase transition is marked by discontinuity in all temperature dependences of a, c and V. The a lattice parameter demonstrates a drop at the phase transition temperature, while the c parameter shows a jump. The resultant unit cell volume shows a small drop at the phase transition temperature. In general, there is a slight increase in the cell volume of Sr9In(VO4)7 (2.5%) upon heating from 297 K to 970 K. A similar increase in cell volume was also observed in Ca9In(PO4)7 (2.7%).37
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Fig. 2 Temperature dependence of the a and c lattice parameters of Sr9In(VO4)7. The inset shows temperature dependence of the unit-cell volume. αV is the volumetric coefficient of thermal expansion. |
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Fig. 3 Fragments of heating/cooling DTA curves of Sr9In(VO4)7 (the heating/cooling rate was 10 K min−1). Three heating/cooling cycles were run to verify the reproducibility. |
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Fig. 5 Temperature dependence of dielectric constant (ε) at 300 kHz frequency and dielectric loss tangent (tan![]() |
A further classification of ferroelectric phase transitions is possible using the Curie–Weiss law as discussed in ref. 38. With this approach, the inverse dielectric constant in a ferroelectric material can be approximated by a straight line above Tc, as it was done for Sr9In(VO4)7 in Fig. 6. The slope of this linear approximation defines the Curie–Weiss constant, CC–W. Values of CC–W vary between 103–105 K for different ferroelectric materials. The lower values of CC–W are typical for ferroelectrics with the “order–disorder” type of a ferroelectric transition, while the larger values of CC–W (∼105 K) are usually observed in ferroelectrics with the “displacive” mechanism of a ferroelectric transition. In case of Sr9In(VO4)7 the estimated value of CC–W = 1.35 × 103 K corresponds to the “order–disorder” type of a ferroelectric transition. It means that a structural unit in Sr9In(VO4)7 should have a strictly defined non-centrosymmetric position below the temperature transitions, while above this temperature it is ambiguously distributed in a number of positions. According to the available structural data, only the oxygen tetrahedral group E1O4 (E = P or V) meets this requirement in the β-TCP-type ferroelectrics. The O11 atoms of the E1O4 tetrahedra lie on the polar c axis and are all oriented along one direction below Tc, while above Tc half of the E1O4 tetrahedra are randomly turned in the opposite direction.37
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Fig. 6 Reciprocal dielectric constant in Sr9In(VO4)7 on heating and cooling with the Curie–Weiss fit in the high-temperature region (broken line). |
In the detailed consideration of structure–properties correlations in the β-TCP-type substances it is necessary to keep in mind that in the group of isostructural compositions Ca9R(XO4)7 (X = P or V, and R – trivalent metal) the ferroelectric Curie temperatures, Tc, are 200–300 K regularly higher in the vanadates (1000–1220 K) in comparison with the phosphates (800–892 K).8,9,39,40 This correlates with larger size of the V5+ cation and VO43− tetrahedron as a whole against the P5+ cation and PO43− tetrahedron, respectively. Evidently, the smaller size of PO43− tetrahedra favors the decrease of the transition temperature in calcium phosphates versus calcium vanadates but does not explain the comparable transition temperatures in Ca9In(PO4)7 and Sr9In(VO4)7 (Tc = 902 and 974 K, respectively). Starting from the comparison of the crystal structure of Ca9In(PO4)7 at room temperature and above Tc and the similarity of its RT crystal structures with that of Sr9In(VO4)7 it is naturally to suppose that in these compounds all cations and anions (except oxygen atoms O11) are close to the centrosymmetric positions.37 During the ferroelectric–paraelectric transition, all cations and V2O43− and V3O43− ions should only slightly shift. The largest changes occur in the V1O43− position. The half of V1O43− tetrahedra changes their orientation to the opposite.37 Such overturn of the voluminous oxygen tetrahedron without changing the rest of the crystal lattice meets spatial obstacles which require more detailed consideration.
In β-TCP-type structure, the O11 oxygen atom (hereinafter the apical oxygen atom on the three-fold c axis) and E cation (E = P, V) are located in 6a site on the three-fold axis. Three other O12 oxygen atoms of the E1O4 tetrahedron are connected by the three-fold axis (Fig. 7). In Sr9In(VO4)7 structure, V1O43− tetrahedron forms bonds with nine strontium cations (3Sr1 + 3Sr2 + 3Sr3) at distances dSr–O = 2.488–2.68 Å (Fig. 7). The apical O11 oxygen atom is connected with three Sr3 cations at distances 2.69 Å. Each O12 atom is connected with two strontium cations: Sr1 (dSr1–O12 = 2.68 Å) and Sr2 (dSr2–O12 = 2.488 Å). Also, there are three Sr3 cations at a longer distance (dSr3–O12 = 3.01 Å) from the O12 atom. A similar position of calcium cations around the P1O43− tetrahedron is also realized in the structure of Ca9In(PO4)7.37 From the analysis it follows that the V1O43− tetrahedron in β-TCP-type structure has a symmetric environment from the alkaline earth element cations in Sr3, Sr2 and Sr1 sites (Fig. 7).
Nevertheless, with increasing temperature, such a tetrahedron changes its orientation to the opposite at ferroelectric–paraelectric phase transition temperature (Fig. 7). The distance between the two extreme positions of oxygen atoms on the three-fold axis in the polar O11 and nonpolar O′11 phases is ∼3.2 Å. Reversal of the V1O43− tetrahedron may be achieved by simultaneous moving the O11 atom to the O′12 position, and the O′12 atom to the O′11 atom position (Fig. 8a). In this case, as a result of thermal vibrations, bonds between the Sr3–O11, Sr2–O12, and Sr1–O12 atoms should be broken. In any case, the O12 oxygens of V1O43− tetrahedron have to overcome the bottleneck between the two neighboring cations Sr21–Sr22 (d = 3.8 Å) (Fig. 8b). If the O′12 oxygen atom moves in the direction of the O′11 position, then the Sr21 cation, which is slightly lower than the O′12 atom (Fig. 8a), impedes this movement. To overcome this obstacle, the O′12 atom must first shift toward the Sr22 cation and then toward the O′11 position (Fig. 8a). After such a shift, there are no obstacles to the movement of the O′12 atom to the O′11 position, and the O11 atom to the O′12 atom position (Fig. 8a). Such a displacement becomes possible only at high temperature, when the rotational vibrational mode of the oxygen tetrahedron rotates its base by some angle (α) (Fig. 8b). This angle will be sufficient for the passage of the oxygen between the two neighboring Sr2 cations (Fig. 8b). Similar transitions are also realized in the structure of Ca9In(PO4)7.
The rotation through this angle α is sufficient to allow the oxygen O′12 atom of the tetrahedron to move in O′11 position. Its value depends on the crystal chemical sizes of the ions constituting the structure. At 297 K it is 38.1° for Ca9In(PO4)7 and 38.9° for Sr9In(VO4)7. Rotation at such an angle can be performed only with the accumulation of sufficient thermal energy of the tetrahedron: Wv ∼ kBT. With increasing temperature, the amplitude of the rotational vibration of the tetrahedron is also rising. Moreover, the proximity of the α angles of phosphate and vanadate is consistent with their close values of the phase transformation temperatures, Tc. A little bit lower Curie temperature in the case of Ca9In(PO4)7 agrees with slightly smaller angle of rotation of P1O4 tetrahedron required to turning over this tetrahedra at Tc in comparison with V1O4 in Sr9In(VO4)7.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/c9ra10336h |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2020 |