Zhichun Zhanga,
Xiuping Yue*a,
Yanqing Duana and
Zhu Raob
aCollege of Environment Science and Engineering, Taiyuan University of Technology, Taiyuan 030024, China. E-mail: yuexiuping@tyut.edu.cn; Fax: +86-351-3176581; Tel: +86-351-3176581
bEnvironmental Organic Geochemistry, Key Laboratory of Eco-Geochemical, Ministry of Land and Resources, National Research Center for Geoanalysis, Beijing, China
First published on 27th March 2020
Quinoline (Qu) and its derivatives have been widely regarded as hazardous pollutants in the world because of their acute toxicity to humans and animals, and potential carcinogenic risks. In this study, a novel sulfate radical system co-activated by ferrous and ZVI was developed to remove Qu from acidic solutions. The optimal ratio of ferrous and ZVI in the system and the mechanism of Qu removal from acidic solutions are also explored. The ZVI can initiate activation using hydrogen ions, which are released from the reaction of Fe2+, organics and PS in acidic solutions. This may dramatically improve the overall removal efficiency of Qu. The results indicated that the initial removal rate of Qu increases from 85.8% to 92.9%. The cleavage pathway of Qu is speculated by Frontier molecular orbital (FMO) theory and verified by GC/MS analysis.
In this study, a novel PS-based system is proposed in order to remove Qu with high reaction rate and high removal rate by simultaneously adding ferrous ions and ZVI as activators of sulfate radical oxidation. To our knowledge, few information is available on the research of synergistic effects of ferrous ions and ZVI in the PS-based system. The objective of the research is to compare the Qu removal rates and the reaction rates in the three different PS-based systems activated by ferrous ions or ZVI, and co-activated by ferrous and ZVI. The ratio of ferrous ion, ZVI and PS dose in the PS-based system is also optimized according to Qu removal rate. Moreover, the mechanism of Qu removal by sulfate radical oxidation in acidic solutions in the proposed system is also explored.
C9H7N + 24Fe2+ + 24S2O82− + 21H2O → 24Fe3+ + 48SO42− + NO3− + 9CO2 + 49H+ | (1) |
A 4 mL aliquot of reaction suspension was sampled from the CMR using a disposable and sterilized syringe (Shanghai kindly Co. LTD, China) and filtered through a 0.45 mm PTFE syringe filter (Thermo Scientific, Waltham, MA). The filtrate was mixed with a certain amount of quenching agent (methanol) in a 5 mL glass vial. The vial was capped and placed in a refrigerator at 4 °C until high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis for aqueous Qu concentrations. Preliminary tests showed less than 2% loss of Qu after filtration. The control experiment showed that the average system loss of Qu was always lower than 4% of the initial concentration. For the effects of pH on the Qu oxidation, the initial pH of the Qu solution was adjusted to 3.0, 5.0, 7.0, and 9.0 by adding 0.1 M H2SO4 or NaOH; subsequently, the pH was not controlled after the start of the reaction. All experiments were conducted in triplicate.
fA(2)(r) = fA+(r) − fA−(r) = 2qAN − qAN+1 − qAN−1 | (2) |
S2O82− + 2Fe2+ → 2Fe3+ + SO42− + SO4˙−, k = 2.7 × 101 m−1 s−1 | (3) |
C9H7N + SO4˙− + H2O →SO42− + NH4+ + NO3− + CmHnNOi + CO2 + H+ | (4) |
SO4˙− + 2Fe2+ → 2Fe3+ + SO42−, k = 4.6 × 109 m−1 s−1 | (5) |
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Fig. 1 Effects of different iron-based activators on Qu degradation. Conditions: [Qu]0 = 0.1 mM, [PS]0 = 2.4 mM, [ZVI]0 = 0.8 mM, [Fe2+]0 = 2.4 mM, T = 25 ± 1 °C, [pH]0 = 7.0 ± 0.2, no pH adjustment. |
It has been reported that excessive Fe2+ ions could compete with organic pollutants for the active sites of sulfate radicals because of their reducibility.23 When highly water-soluble (26.3 g/100 g H2O at 20 °C) ferrous sulfate was added into a PS solution, PS immediately started to release sulfate radicals and the pH decreased. Due to the high oxidation potential of the sulfate radicals present in the solution (E0 = 2.6–3.1 eV), Fe2+ would preferentially react with SO4˙− rather than PS, until radicals completely disappeared. The rate constant (k) of eqn (5) was much higher than that of eqn (3). Therefore, Qu was not adequately degraded. This had been proved by the experimental results (Fig. S1a†). The oxidation reaction was considered complete when the concentration of Qu changes by less than 2%; therefore, Qu and sulfate radicals were thought to be completed in 5 min in a Fe2+/PS system.
In the ZVI/PS solution, the removal rate of Qu was up to 61.6% (Fig. 1). The decreasing mode of the Qu concentration in the ZVI/PS system was completely different from that of the Fe2+/PS system. The Qu concentration decreased significantly and stably, except for the initial reaction in the ZVI/PS system. The removal rate of Qu is shown in Fig. S1b,† the final removal percentage was higher than that in Fe2+/PS at the same electron transfer moles (such as 1.2 mM Fe2+ vs. 0.4 mM ZVI, 2.4 mM Fe2+ vs. 0.8 mM ZVI).
The dose of oxidant and activator concentrations is a critical parameter during Qu oxidation (Fig. S1a and b†). The results are summarized in Table S2.† The different molar ratios led to different Qu removal rates at the same rate of electron transfer (assuming that all iron molecules in the final state solution of the reaction exist as ferric iron). When the molar ratio of Fe2+ to PS was 2:
1, the highest removal rate was achieved (44.82%). Moreover, it can be found that the excessive Fe2+ ions would quickly quench the sulfate radicals and cause the removal rate to decline, and the results can be well explained by eqn (3)–(5). In addition, the removal rate of Qu could reach 85.81% at a molar ratio of ZVI to PS of 1
1. As shown in Table S2,† the reaction rate constant (kobs) of Qu oxidation in the Fe2+/PS system was at least one order of magnitude higher than that in the ZVI/PS system. This may be ascribed to the difference between the solid and liquid phases and the passivation of oxide iron layers on the ZVI surface, which resulted in the slow Fe2+ production.24,25 Therefore, the removal rate of Qu was lower at the beginning of the reaction. However, the Fe2+ ions could be released through the slow corrosion of ZVI as the reaction proceeds according to eqn (6) and (7). ZVI could be corroded in water, and Fe2+ ions were produced in the process under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions.24 Fe2+ and PS further released sulfate radicals, oxidized Qu, and generated Fe3+ as shown in eqn (8). Fe3+ and ZVI experienced a normalization reaction to form Fe2+ as shown in eqn (9):
Fe0 + H2O + 0.5O2 → Fe2+ + 2OH− aerobic conditions | (6) |
Fe0 + 2H2O → Fe2+ + 2OH− + H2 anaerobic conditions | (7) |
C9H7N + Fe2+ + S2O82− + H2O → Fe3+ + SO42− + NH4+ + NO3− + CmHnNOi + CO2 + H+ | (8) |
Fe0 + 2Fe3+ → 3Fe2+ | (9) |
It can be seen that the Fe2+ slow-release system could be formed in the solution. At the same time, more ions can accelerate the corrosion of ZVI,26,27 and the Fe2+ ions were produced continuously and incrementally. As a result, the maximum yield of sulfate radicals and the maximum degradation of Qu could be obtained. Therefore, Fe2+/PS system is the fastest yield system to produce sulfate radicals, and the ZVI/PS system is the maximum yield system in which radicals are activated by the production of Fe2+ through ZVI. How to combine their advantages will be an interesting question.
When the initial ferrous ion concentration was 1.3 mM, the removal rate of Qu reached highest at 35 min. Compared with the Fe2+/PS and ZVI/PS systems (Fig. 2b), the degradation rate of Qu in the Fe2+/ZVI/PS system increased by 73.5% and 7.2%, respectively. The synergistic effect of Fe2+ and ZVI was obvious within 15 min from the start of the reaction, and the Qu removal rate increased to 66% from less than 15% within 5 min. Thus, it can be seen that the value was significantly related to the initial addition of Fe2+ and the addition mode of Fe2+/ZVI combination. This is not a simple addition of the efficiency of two activators, but an increase in the removal percentage of Qu when the oxidant is unchanged and the activators are excessive. Although the co-activation of Fe2+ and ZVI can enhance the degradation, it is not enough to oxidize Qu due to its stable structure. The research shows that when ZVI particles initially entered the solution containing PS, the surface was still smooth. After the reaction was completed, the ZVI surface was obviously corroded.15,28 It has also been reported that ZVI can react with PS directly in the PS-based solution, as shown in eqn (10):
Fe0 + S2O82− → Fe2+ + 2SO42− | (10) |
When the reaction conditions are appropriate, the reactions of eqn (6), (7) and (10) will occur simultaneously. However, the reaction rates are obviously difference. The oxidation potential of PS is much higher than that of H2O molecules and the reaction is faster. Therefore, since ZVI is a solid state, the process of S2O82− reaction with ionic state needs to break through the solid–liquid interface, and Qu removal was relatively low (less than 10%). When Fe2+ ions were added in the initial reaction, S2O82− ions in the solution will preferentially react with the ionic Fe2+ to release free radicals, Fe3+ and H+ ions (eqn (8)). The increase in H+ and Fe3+ ion concentration in the solution obviously accelerates the corrosion of ZVI, and the release of free radicals accelerates continuously; as a result, the removal rate of Qu accelerates. However, ZVI (E0 = −0.44 eV) is widely used in the removal of pollutants in water. It not only could be used as a reducing agent for high-priced toxic heavy metals,29 but also can oxidize pollutants by the ZVI/O2 system;30,31 ZVI's strong reducibility can also reduce Fe3+ ions in the solution to Fe2+ and participate in the sulfate radical generation reaction again until PS is completely consumed. Therefore, in the Fe2+/ZVI/PS system, there are at least three electron transfer processes: from Fe2+ to Fe3+, from Fe0 to Fe2+, and from Fe0 to Fe3+. The complicated electron transfer processes are considered to produce “active iron”. These electron transfer processes exhibits a positive effect on the splitting of O–O bonds in PS.
In a word, the result can be explained by four reasons. First, ZVI could be early passivated in the PS solution, and the activation is not obvious.12 The corrosion rate of ZVI can be accelerated in solutions under acidic conditions.32 Fe2+ and PS can immediately release sulfate radicals, and the pH of the solution decreased from 7.2 to 2.12 (Fig. 1). This may be due to a large of hydrogen ions released as the Qu was oxidized (eqn (7)). The accumulation of hydrogen ions and Fe3+ ions can accelerate the corrosion of ZVI, and thus Fe2+ with high activation efficiency is released quickly. Second, ZVI in an acidic solution can be oxidized by double electrons to produce H2O2. It is well known that the hydroxyl radical is a kind of radical with high redox potential (E0 = 2.7 eV). Therefore, the oxidation of pollutants is accelerated.33,34 Third, Fe2+ on the surface of ZVI and ZVI together form the binary structure of the “active iron” system, which causes a rapid electron transfer.35,36 There is the synergistic effect of Fe3+/Fe2+ and Cu2+/Cu+ cycles for peroxymonosulfate (PMS) activation.37 The rapid electron transfer on the ZVI surface exhibits ultra-high activity for PS activation and accelerates Qu oxidation. Finally, Fe2+ added at the beginning of the reaction is immediately oxidized into Fe3+, and then Fe3+ is reduced into Fe2+ by ZVI.9,10,13,14 These four factors lead to the rapid formation of Fe2+ and accelerate the start-up rate of the PS-activated reaction at the beginning reaction. In conclusion, the addition of Fe2+ is essential for triggering the ZVI/PS system in the initial state. The addition of Fe2+ in the ZVI/PS system can be used as an initiator to rapidly generate sulfate radicals at the beginning phase, and effectively accelerate the degradation of Qu. However, it should be noted that Fe2+ cannot be overdosed; otherwise, the free radical quenching will occur.
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Fig. 3 Effects of the solution pH on the rates of Qu degradation. Conditions: [Qu]0 = 0.1 mM; [PS]0 = 2.4 mM; [FeSO4] = 1.3 mM; [ZVI] = 1.6 mM; T = 25 °C. |
First, the advantages of sulfate radicals are high redox potential, negative charge and active single electrons (E0 = 2.65–3.1 eV).14 Luo et al. studied the kinetic of Qu oxidation by ferrate(VI), and the results indicated that Qu species was the major part at neutral and alkaline pH, and it possesses a positive charge under acidic conditions.38 Sulfate radical with negative charge is much easier to get close to Qu with a positive charge in an acidic solution. The reaction results can be represented in Fig. 4.
Second, the reason why Qu degrades faster under acidic conditions can also be explained by FMO theory.39 According to the FMO theory, the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) is the most reactive and preferential site for electrophilic reactions. The band gaps of Qu will change after it was protonized in the acidic solution and had a positive charge (Fig. 5a and b). The relatively large band gaps and low HOMO levels imply that Qu have high stability against oxidation. By calculation, the band gaps of Qu and protonated Qu are 7.03972 eV and 6.4653 eV. Generally, the reducibility of matter is enhanced with the increase in electron cloud density and uneven distribution. It can be seen that the protonated Qu is more likely to react with sulfate radicals.
Finally, it is reported that the orbital configuration of the free radical can be switched by the pH value in the solution, which further causes the stability to change.40 The stability of free radicals is also affected by polar effects through steric effects.41 In other words, when the pH of the solution changes, especially when the hydrogen ion increases, the protonation of the anionic or group fragment restores the regular orbital configuration; therefore, the LOMO–HOMO conversion of radicals occurs more actively in an acidic solution, and the radicals further react with protonated compounds easily. The dual descriptor (DD) method was used to describe the reactive sites of Qu. The fA(2)(r) values of each atom are listed in Table S3.† The most negative values occurred at 2C > 5C > 1C > 3C > 6C, suggesting that they are the most favorable sites for electrophilic attack by sulfate radicals. These results are highly consistent with those of the recognizable intermediate of Qu. In a word, H+ can protonate Qu and make the sulfate radical easier to react with Qu. Therefore, it is not only a reaction product, but also an important catalyst in an acidic solution.
A series of additional hydroxyl compounds are first obtained after Qu is attacked by sulphate radicals. This process is similar to Fenton and anaerobic metabolic oxidation processes (Fig. 6).42,43 Then, the pyridine ring of Qu would cleave first in most cases. Organics with benzene rings and carboxyl groups are formed after removing the nitro group. It is reported that the stable hydroxylated Qu shows lower genotoxicity and mutagenicity,44 which was consistent with the result of the biological metabolism process of wastewater containing NHCs. Furthermore, there is also a small amount of Qu, in which the benzene ring is cleaved to form an amino compound. The positions of these broken bonds are consistent with the higher negative positions of Qu given in Table S3.† The N in the Qu structure is removed as ammonia, which is beneficial for the utilization of microorganisms. The mass spectrum showed that linear alkane appeared after 30 min of oxidation (Fig. S2†). Many studies showed that the molecular structure of organics and the biodegradability have a certain relationship: chain hydrocarbons are more easily degradable than cyclic hydrocarbons; unsaturated hydrocarbons are more easily degradable than saturated hydrocarbons; and direct chain hydrocarbons are more easily degradable than branched chain hydrocarbons. After the sulfate radical oxidized Qu, the biodegradability of Qu and its intermediate is improved.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Effects of molar ratios on the rates of Qu degradation. Total ion chromatograms form the intermediates of quinoline oxidation. Physical and chemical characteristics of Qu. See DOI: 10.1039/c9ra10556e |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2020 |