Álvaro R. Ruiz-Fernández‡
Felipe Villanelo‡
Sebastian E. Gutierrez-Maldonado
Claudia Pareja-Barruetoac,
Boris E. Weiss-López*b and
Tomas Perez-Acle
aComputational Biology Lab, Fundación Ciencia & Vida, Santiago, Chile. E-mail: tomas@dlab.cl
bUniversidad de Chile, Facultad de Ciencias, Departamento de Química, Casilla 653, Santiago, Chile. E-mail: bweiss@uchile.cl
cCentro Interdisciplinario de Neurociencia, Universidad de Valparaíso, Valparaíso, Chile
dUniversidad San Sebastian, Carmen Sylva 2444, Santiago 7510156, Chile
First published on 17th April 2020
Lyotropic liquid crystals (LLCs) are mixtures of amphiphile molecules usually studied as mimetic of biological membrane. The equilibrium dynamics of tetradecyltrimethyl ammonium cation (TTA+) molecules forming nematic LLCs (LNLCs) is guided by a dive-in mechanism where TTA+ molecules spontaneously leave and re-enter the bicelle. Of note, this dynamic behavior could be exploited to produce drug nano-delivery systems based on LNLCs. Therefore, the understanding of the effect of pharmaceutically interesting molecules in the dynamics of the dive-in mechanism should be crucial for drug delivery applications. In this work, we studied the effects of L-DOPA in the equilibrium dynamics of TTA+ bicelles forming LNLCs, employing a transdisciplinary approach based on 2H-NMR together with molecular modeling and molecular dynamics simulations. Our data suggest that L-DOPA perturbs the kinetic of the dive-in mechanism but not the thermodynamics of this process. As whole, our results provide fundamental insights on the mechanisms by which L-DOPA govern the equilibrium of LNLCs bicelles.
L-DOPA administration also produces side effects such as nausea, sleepiness and dyskinesia4 and, due to its high metabolic clearance, maintaining a constant L-DOPA plasma concentration requires both elevated and continuous dosage, exacerbating its side effects.5 To deal with these issues, different delivery systems have been developed including microspheres, dendrimers, and micelles for infusion and transdermal delivery.5,6 Recently, the use of biodegradable copolymers of glycolic and lactic acids used via nasal L-DOPA administration, have attract the attention of many investigators7 In recent years, mixtures of amphiphilic molecules in solutions received significant attention as potential delivery systems. Among these, solutions made of orientationally ordered discotic aggregates (bicelles8 among others), termed as lyotropic nematic liquid crystals (LNLCs), exhibit several uses such as, to grow oriented carbon nanotubes,9–11 to synthetize silica and metals containing regularly oriented nanopores and,12–17 as membrane mimetics,18–20 and as micro-lubricants.21,22 Of note, more recently, LNLCs has been proposed as simple but versatile carriers for pharmaceutical formulations to avoid the metabolic clearance and to maintain constant plasma concentration of drugs.23–26 Due to their geometry, bicelles have an anisotropic diamagnetic susceptibility that makes them spontaneously align in magnetic fields, with the symmetry axis of the disk perpendicular to the direction of the field. This enables the obtention of valuable experimental information such as quadrupole splittings that helps to understand its intrinsic dynamics nature. In a previous work, a mechanism for the insertion and expulsion of an amphiphile molecule from a bicelle, called the dive in mechanism, has been proposed.27 Considering that LNLCs could be used as delivery systems for drugs, particularly L-DOPA, we performed an experimental and theoretical study aimed to determine how the presence of L-DOPA modulates the dive in mechanism of the amphiphiles forming the LNLC. Notably, our data suggest that, while the inclusion of L-DOPA in the media actually modulates the kinetics of the dive in mechanism generating additional micro-states where several more TTA+ amphiphiles could be out of the bicelle, the thermodynamics of this process, remain unaltered. Therefore, future applications of LNLC to the development of drug delivery systems, should consider the effect of the drug concentration on the dynamical behavior of bicelles.
SDS-d25 is added because it is used to test the effect of L-DOPA in the aggregate structure, following modifications in the dynamics of the aliphatic chains of SDS-d25 at different depths towards the interior of the hydrophobic core. D2O is added because ΔνQ of water deuterium gives valuable information about the interface dynamics. L-DOPA-d3 will provide information about the interaction of the drug with the aggregate components.
Of note, SDS is a salt that in aqueous solution dissociates in its cation and anion, thus in the solution used for NMR experiments, SDS becomes dissociated in SD− and Na+. Thus, the NMR results are from SD−. For this reason, the MD simulation protocols used SD−.
The amount of L-DOPA in system 2 is close to the saturation point, thus no additional concentration-response experiments, could be performed. However, for theoretical simulations, an increased number of L-DOPA molecules can be included.
Therefore an additional simulation containing exactly the same molecules as Box 1, but adding four L-DOPA molecules was generated and named Box 3. Thus Box one is basically a bilayer of TTA+, and; Box 2: is Box 1 + 2 L-DOPA and Box 3: is Box 1 + 4 L-DOPA. Atomic charges of all simulated molecules are presented in Table S3† along with Fig. S6.† The equilibrium condition reached by the simulations, studied specifically for Box 3, is presented in Fig. S4 and S5.†
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Fig. 2 2H-NMR spectra and the PLM textures. Panel (A), L-DOPA-d3 in system 2. Panel (B), SDS-d25 in system 2. Panel (C), SDS-d25 in system 1. * System 1 spectrum and PLM texture were obtained in a previous work and are reproduced with permission from ref. 27. |
As seen in Fig. 2A, the signal on the left corresponds to the deuterium from L-DOPA-d3 and the signal on the right is from DHO. In Fig. 2B and C, the signal in the middle, near 0 Hz, is from DHO, and the remaining signals are from SDS-d25. The separation in Hz between two signals coming from the same deuterium corresponds to the quadrupole splitting (ΔνQ). ΔνQ can be obtained from the following expression:
![]() | (1) |
![]() | (2) |
Table 1 shows ΔνQ of SDS-d25 of systems 1 and 2. In both systems, ΔνQ decreases as the carbons of SDS-d25 get closer to the hydrophobic core. This is expected because the orientational order given by the interface interaction decrease towards the hydrophobic core. The addition of L-DOPA has an effect in the dynamics of the first 8 carbons of SDS, as can be observed in Table 1; ΔνQ of system 2 decrease around 2 kHz respect to system 1. For the rest of the carbons, the change in ΔνQ is not significant. These observations imply that L-DOPA must be interacting with the interface of the aggregate without reaching the hydrophobic core. Moreover, considering that Fig. 2A indicates that L-DOPA remains in the isotropic domain of the systems, the interaction with hydrophobic core, if exist, must be too weak to be detected.
Carbon | ΔνQ (Hz) | |
System 1* | System 2 | |
1 | 24![]() |
22![]() |
2 | 24![]() |
22![]() |
3 | 24![]() |
22![]() |
4 | 24![]() |
22![]() |
5 | 24![]() |
22![]() |
6 | 24![]() |
22![]() |
7 | 24![]() |
22![]() |
8 | 24![]() |
22![]() |
9 | 19![]() |
20![]() |
10 | 16![]() |
15![]() |
11 | 11![]() |
11![]() |
12 | 2967 | 2788 |
Other possible explanation for the decrease in ΔνQ when L-DOPA is added, is that L-DOPA could affect the system inducing macroscopic changes in the aggregates that affects macroscopic measurements, such as viscosities. An increment in viscosity could explain the widening of the 2H-NMR signals from spectra in Fig. 2B with respect to Fig. 2C, and the decrease in ΔνQ is given by a lost of orientation of the complete aggregate.21,22 To check for this phenomena a study on the effects of L-DOPA in other lyotropics nematic systems, approaching the sensitivity of these kind of systems, is added in ESI, Section 1 (Fig. S1†). Unfortunately, since the concentration of added L-DOPA (7.5 mg per ml of water) is saturating, conducting a study similar to those exposed in the ESI Section 1,† is not viable because increasing the concentration of L-DOPA in this systems will produce precipitation, so no phase change could be observed.
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Fig. 3 Comparison of ΔνQ between experiment (system 2) (continuous line) and MD simulations (Box 2) (dashed line) as a function of the carbon number. Error bars represent the standard deviation. See Table S1† for exact numbers. |
Individual ΔνQ values can be seen in Table S1 of the ESI.† Importantly, the reproduction of the experimental ΔνQ was achieved using a temperature of 328 K and halving the DS− charges of the experimental system in order to compensate for the absence of polarizability. As proposed in the literature, this change corrects the overestimation of the electrostatics interactions that is present in common MD force fields.36–42
During simulation of both Box 2 and Box 3, L-DOPA establish a dynamic process, passing from the bulk aqueous phase to interact with the interface of the aggregate (Fig. S2†). These fast L-DOPA exchange denotes a weak interaction with the bilayer: there is a cumulative loss of 115 kJ mol−1 of short range LJ and coulombic interaction energy when L-DOPA is transferred from bulk to the surface of the bicelle (see Table S2 at the ESI†). Notably, this energy loss shown by our MD simulations is in agreement with 2H-NMR results (Fig. 2A) explaining why L-DOPA interaction with the bicelle is too weak to produce a ΔνQ.
Fig. 4 shows the distance, between the center of mass of the bilayer and the center of mass of the TTA+ molecules leaving the bilayer, as a function of simulation time in boxes 1, 2 and 3. These data indicates that adding two L-DOPA (Fig. 4, Panel B) to the system, apparently do not perturb the exchanges dynamic of TTA+ between the bulk and the bicelle. As noted, the addition of two L-DOPA do not change significantly the time that TTA+ molecules remain in the bulk after leaving the bicelle, neither changes the frequency of TTA+'s insertion and expulsion. When two L-DOPA molecules are added, the time that TTA+ molecules remain in the bulk is on average 65 ns, similar to the average time of 68 ns without L-DOPA. During the simulation without L-DOPA, 14 TTA+ molecules were expelled and 13 were inserted; with two L-DOPA molecules, 13 TTA+ molecules were expelled and inserted along the simulation. Thus, the addition of two L-DOPA molecules do not perturb the exchange dynamics of TTA+, resulting average in 0.72 and 0.74 molecules in the bulk, for systems without L-DOPA and with two L-DOPA, respectively.
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Fig. 4 Distance, as a function of time, between the TTA+ center of mass and the center of mass of the bilayer of the bicelle. Panels (A), (B) and (C), represent Box 1, Box 2 and Box 3, respectively. (*) Reproduced with permission from ref. 27. |
However, the addition of 4 L-DOPA molecules (Fig. 4C) increases the number of TTA+ molecules present in the bulk. During the MD simulation, 19 TTA+ molecules were expelled and 18 were inserted, with an average time in the bulk of 87 ns, corresponding to an average of 1.65 TTA+ molecules in the bulk.
To check if TTA+ molecules reach a thermodynamic equilibrium in the bulk (after expulsion from the bilayer), we define an internal order parameter as the inner vector going from the first to the second carbon of TTA+ (Fig. 5), and compare its behavior in the bulk of our simulations with that of a control simulation where the bilayer is absent. The control simulation consisted of a box of 4 × 4 × 4 nm3 with 1 TTA+, 1 Cl− and 2126 molecules of H2O, using the same simulation parameters of Box 2, but executed for 200 ns. Fig. 5 shows the probability distribution of the inner vector angle of TTA+ with respect to the z axis in three different scenarios: bulk TTA+ in Box 2, bulk TTA+ in Box 3 and a TTA+ in the control box. As noted, the angular sampling distributions for all systems resulted similar without statistically significant differences, according to a Kruskal–Wallis non-parametric test, suggesting the achievement of a thermodynamic equilibrium. The same histogram was constructed to evaluate if L-DOPA changes the inner angle distribution of a TTA+ molecule in water (Fig. S7†).
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Fig. 5 Histogram of a characteristic inner angle of a TTA+s when are in the bulk solution of Box 2, Box 3 and from 1 TTA+ in water for 200 ns. |
In a thermodynamic equilibrium, the standard free energy of a process depends on the equilibrium constant, according to eqn (3):
ΔG0 = −RT![]() ![]() | (3) |
Assuming that our simulation is an equilibrated system, qualitative information about the insertion/expulsion process could be obtained considering that this equilibrium is properly represented by eqn (4):
![]() | (4) |
Therefore, ΔG0 of insertion of a TTA+ molecule can be calculated from eqn (3), assuming that the equilibrium constant Keq can be estimated using the quotient between the amount of TTA+ present in the bilayer and in the bulk. Table 2 summarizes the TTA+ insertion/expulsion events, the average time of TTA+ molecules in the bulk, the average number of TTA+ molecules present in the bulk and the ΔG associated with the TTA+ insertion/expulsion process.
Insertion/expulsion events | Avg. time of TTA+ in the bulk (ns) | Avg. number of TTA+ in the bulk | ΔG of insertion (kJ mol−1) | |
Box 1 | 12/14 | 68 | 0.72 | −11.00 |
Box 2 | 13/14 | 65 | 0.74 | −10.95 |
Box 3 | 18/19 | 87 | 1.65 | −8.89 |
As seen on Table 2, for all simulation boxes both the number of insertion/expulsion events and the average time that TTA+ molecules remain in the bulk are different. However, the ΔG0 calculated according to eqn (3), in all three cases was quite similar, with differences falling within the thermal noise (around 2 kJ mol−1). These ΔG0 values also support our assumption of thermodynamic equilibrium, suggesting that the presence of L-DOPA will only perturb the kinetics of the TTA+ insertion/expulsion mechanism but not its thermodynamics.
To test the hypothesis of a kinetic effect of L-DOPA on the studied systems, we analyze the autocorrelation function of the order parameters, SCH, of every carbon–hydrogen bond on TTA+. This analysis is computationally expensive because the trajectory must be saved with a higher frequency, to rigorously catch the dynamic behaviour of the atoms. Attending to this cost, we perform the analysis on the control box decribed in the preceding section (one TTA+, one Cl− in a water box, without the bilayer, simulated for 200 ns) with and without L-DOPA. The autocorrelation curves were fitted to a mono-exponential decay, to obtain the representative τ of the SCH decay of each C–H bond, with and without L-DOPA (Fig. 6), see Table S5† for the exact numbers and Fig. S8† to see the autocorrelation curves. Interestingly, the τ with L-DOPA is significantly shorter than τ without L-DOPA for the first eight carbons. This can be interpreted as an effect of L-DOPA on the dynamics of the C–H bonds, specially for the first carbons that are near the polar head of TTA+. In Table S4† we present the SCH of TTA+ obtained for Box 2, and using a Box containing only water molecules.
From every simulations we calculate the work performed and then calculate the energy (ΔF) using Jarzynsky equation:
ΔF = −kT![]() | (5) |
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Fig. 7 Distance and energy of a TTA+ molecule during the SMD protocol. The application of the SMD protocol simulating the expulsion and the insertion mechanism is presented in the top and bottom panels, respectively. Red line corresponds to the energy as function of simulation time (left y-axis). Left panels shows SMD experiments without L-DOPA and right panels with L-DOPA. Error bars represent the standard deviation of n independent steering experiments for TTA+ molecules according to Table 3 (see Methods). Blue line shows the distance between the steered TTA+ molecule and the rest of the bilayer (right y-axis). |
ΔF (kJ mol−1) | n | ||
Expulsion | Without L-DOPA | 48.45 ± 8.69 | 48 |
With L-DOPA | 66.18 ± 7.32 | 35 | |
Insertion | Without L-DOPA | 2.77 ± 5.01 | 40 |
With L-DOPA | 27.90 ± 4.74 | 23 |
Regarding the interaction of L-DOPA with the interphase, Fig. S3† shows an alternative insertion/expulsion mechanism given by the interaction of L-DOPA with the amphiphile molecule that is being inserted or expelled.
To further analyze these results, it is important to address the differences between the energies obtained from the equilibrium MD and the SMD simulation protocols. Free energy values obtained from equilibrium MD using eqn (3) represent a function of state for a molecular system in a near-to-equilibrium condition: the TTA+ molecules that become expelled from the bicelle describe a conformational sampling in the solvent equivalent to that of TTA+ molecules in solution (Fig. 5).
On the other hand, ΔF values are obtained from the ensemble of trajectories generated by the irreversible work of the SMD protocols executed to either insert or expulse a TTA+ molecule from the bilayer. Therefore, the SMD protocol assume an out of equilibrium condition where irreversible work is performed between the two states: a TTA+ molecule embedded in the bilayer and its counterpart embedded in the solvent. As a consequence, these energies can not be compared directly as they represent different thermodynamic processes.
However, ΔF implies that the balance between the insertion and the expulsion process, considered as a whole, is tilted towards the insertion and, as we increase the concentration of L-DOPA, the cost of the insertion process increases, an observation that is in agreement with the increase of ΔG shown in Table 2.
Likewise, SMD results are useful to better describe the “dive in mechanism” of TTA+ molecules.27 Thus, in the absence of L-DOPA, the ΔF of expulsion of a TTA+ molecule is more than 17 times higher than the value of its ΔF of insertion, the latter being near to thermal noise. This is a clue about how energetically costly is the expulsion mechanism of an amphiphile from its aggregate, compared to that of the insertion value. Notably, this observation in agreement with the spontaneity of the insertion process denoted by ΔG values in Table 2. It is important to remark that L-DOPA was inserted in the interphase with some restriction as was describe in the last part of Section 2.4.2. These restrictions are much needed because during the insertion/expulsion of the TTA+ under study, is possible that L-DOPA leave the interphase, as is suggested by the loose of 115 kJ mol−1 when L-DOPA pass from the bulk to the interphase, as is exposed in Fig. S2.†
Even more interesting is the apparent contradiction between the values of ΔF and ΔG when L-DOPA is added. In SMD, both cases, expulsion and insertion, have a 20 kJ mol−1 increase in ΔF compared to condition without L-DOPA (Table 3). To better comprehend these results, it should keep in mind that the ΔG from equilibrium MD implies both process simultaneously, insertion and expulsion. Instead SMD considers both process independently. In SMD with L-DOPA both process have a similar increase in energy, so both increases are canceled when they are considered together, because they act in opposite sides of the eqn (4). As whole, our data supports the notion that adding L-DOPA will affect the kinetic of the “dive in mechanism” rather than its thermodynamics.
NMR analysis shows that L-DOPA does not seems to significantly affect overall TTA+ bicelle dynamic properties (see Fig. 2) but it affects the exchange kinetic of TTA+ between bulk and bilayer. Simulation experiments support this conclusion because L-DOPA do not change ΔG0 (see Table 2). L-DOPA affects the autocorrelation time of C–H order parameters from TTA+ chain, which are related with the re-orientational order of the carbon chain of these molecules (see Fig. 6). These evidences suggest that L-DOPA intervenes in the kinetic of the dive in mechanism, but deeper analysis are required to known the exact mechanism.
It is interesting that the L-DOPA affects the kinetics of the process without affecting its thermodynamics. There is a kind of robustness in the TTA+'s insertion/expulsion equilibrium that was not expected, considering the intervention of L-DOPA. SMD experiments support this conclusion and favors kinetic perturbation.
Bicelles with TTA+ as main component, are interesting models of potential new drug delivery systems. This work contributes to the understanding of how a pharmacological interesting molecules like L-DOPA affects the dynamic properties of a bilayer.
Footnotes |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/d0ra00764a |
‡ These authors contributed equally to this work. |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2020 |