Yudi Rosandia,
Hoang-Thien Luub,
Herbert M. Urbassekc and
Nina Gunkelmann*b
aDepartment of Geophysics, The Nanotechnology and Graphene Research Center (PRINTG), Universitas Padjadjaran, Jatinangor, Sumedang 45363, Indonesia
bClausthal University of Technology, Institute of Applied Mechanics, Adolph-Roemer Str. 2A, Clausthal Zellerfeld 38678, Germany. E-mail: nina.gunkelmann@tu-clausthal.de
cPhysics Department and Research Center OPTIMAS, University of Kaiserslautern, Erwin-Schrödinger-Straβe, 67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany
First published on 8th April 2020
For materials with high oxygen affinity, oxide layers will significantly change the material properties. This is of particular importance for aluminum nanowires which have many applications because of their ultrahigh strengths. Recent studies show that thin amorphous oxide shell layers on aluminum surfaces significantly change the responses of the material. However, the relations between the thickness of the oxidized layer, the strain rate and the mechanical response of nanowires to compression and tension have not been investigated intensively. In this study, we use a ReaxFF potential to analyze the influences of oxide shell layers on the material responses of the nanowires under uniaxial tension and compression at different strain rates. The Al–O interface leads to an increased defect nucleation rate at the oxide interface preventing localized deformation. During tension, we observe a reorganization of the structure of the oxide layer leading to bond healing and preventing fracture. While ductility is increasing with coating thickness during tension, the thickness of the coating is less decisive during compression.
Fig. 1 Cross-sectional and side views of initial configurations. The common neighbor analysis implemented in OVITO17 was used to detect the crystalline structure of the nanowire. Green: fcc, blue: Al of the coating, orange: O, white: other. |
The oxide shell was prepared by constructing crystalline α-Al2O3, and then removing the outer and inner concentric parts to obtain an oxide shell. After combining the Al core and the oxide shell together, we relax the samples using high-temperature annealing at 80% of the melting temperature with a Nosé/Hoover isenthalpic ensemble (NPH) during 100 ps. We employ the reactive force field ReaxFF by Zhang et al., including charge transfer between aluminum and oxygen molecules using the parameters developed by Zhang et al.7 This potential was fitted to describe Al2O3, as well as several AlxOy clusters. The lattice constants, elastic constants and surface energies agree well with first-principles calculations and experiments (see Table II in ref. 7.) The total energy of the ReaxFF potential is described by including bonding, coulombic, over-coordination, and van der Waals energies:
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The simulations were carried out by performing uniaxial tension and compression tests along the z axis at a strain rate of 109 s−1 for 320 ps. To observe the mechanism of ductility enhancement in more detail, we perform tension simulations of aluminum nanowires coated by amorphous alumina layers. The nanowires are subjected to uniaxial tension tests along their wire axis with strain rates varying from 5 × 108 s−1 to 1 × 1010 s−1. The atom trajectories are followed up to 400 ps. The simulations are conducted at a temperature of 10 K using a Nosé–Hoover thermostat in order to minimize thermal noise. We use periodic boundary conditions in the axial direction and free boundary conditions along the other axes as in Aral et al.12
Fig. 2 Pair distribution function for Al–O of the shell and Al in the core for three configurations. For comparison, the RDF for bulk Al and Al2O3 structures are shown. |
We compare the behavior of the nanowire during tension for different coating thicknesses. In Fig. 3 we plot snapshots of the samples during tension, the von Mises stress, the dislocation density and the phase fraction versus strain. The von Mises stress σVMS is used to describe the onset of plasticity.
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The dislocation density is detected by the dislocation extraction algorithm within OVITO.17 Surprisingly, we observe from Fig. 3 that the fracture of the nanowire is significantly delayed for the coated nanowires. While for pure Al we see clear fracture at around 22% strain, for the coated samples we observe a slight dilution of the sample at a position in the right half of the snapshot that does not occur for the thickest layer. We see many stacking faults originating at the interface for both pure and coated samples. This becomes evident from the array of diagonal “hcp stripes” seen in the fcc matrix as the hcp layers detected by the local analysis correspond to stacking faults in the fcc packing sequence. As can be seen from the subfigure of phase fraction versus strain, these stacking faults nucleate at 10% strain for pure Al and the number of stacking faults remains constant during further tension. These stacking faults are associated with dislocations and correspond to the pronounced peak in dislocation density. For the coated samples, the number of dislocations linearly increases between 10% and 15% strain and reach higher values. As shown before,10,19 the Al–O interface leads to an increased number of dislocations sites. Note that this result is consistent with experiments of Au nanowhiskers coated by Al2O3 via atomic layer deposition.20 Here, an increase in both the activation energy and the activation volume for dislocation nucleation is observed. The activation energy of dislocation nucleation depends strongly on the nature of interface structure.
The pure Al nanowire exhibits a high von Mises stress at 9.6% strain followed by fracture up to 30% strain. In contrast, the samples with coatings do not show a stress drop but the von Mises stress continuously decreases.
Our result can also be understood from the distribution of virial stresses of the sample at a strain of 10% strain, right before the formation of stacking faults. The bulk material is under pressure while tension is mainly concentrated on the coating surface. In contrast, for pure Al the stress distribution is uniform across the sample. The formation of voids at the interface between Al and the coating enables the formation of Al–O–Al atomic chains at the necking position resulting in a healed bond network. Note that several authors found that nanowires may become superplastic at room temperature and can form long atomic chains at the fracture surfaces.10,21
We observe in Fig. 3 that the dislocation density is largest for the sample with thick coating. Here, still no necking is visible at about 20% elongation. Instead, we see many stacking faults. These are detected as hcp by the common neighbor analysis.
The increase of the number of Al–O bonds during the tension test demonstrates the chemical reaction driven ductility enhancement. The bond-breaking of aluminum atoms leads to immediate oxidation. Due to the stronger bonds, the ductility is gained by formations of Al–O–Al chains, especially at the necking position (see Fig. 3). In this location, the atoms are thermally active, allowing fast oxidation and diffusion of oxygen into the pure aluminum material. Hence, the mechanical properties in this region are shifted towards the properties of alumina. For quantifying this, we show in Fig. 4 the number of bonds in the wire during tension. We define the number of bonds on a distance-based criterion. The cutoff for bonds of Al–O was rcut = 0.25 nm and for Al–Al rcut = 0.35 nm. Note that we do not find O2 bonds during the tensile test. For pure Al, we observe an continuous decrease in the number of bonds during tension up to around 25% strain. Here, the nanowire fractures which stabilizes the number of bonds. This is consistent with the drop in tensile stress to zero at this strain (see Fig. 5). We observe that for the thin coating, the number of Al–O bonds is increasing and the broken Al–Al bonds are healed. This is why the fracture of the wire is considerably delayed. The number of Al–Al bonds decrease up to a strain of around 15% and are approximately constant afterwards. At this strain, the neck is formed. For the thicker coatings (cases 3 and 4), the number of Al–Al bonds are continuously decreasing and we do not observe neck formation. This decrease is strongest for the thickest coating. Again, the number of Al–O bonds increases leading to bond healing while the increase is only weak for the thickest coating.
Fig. 5 Comparison of the stress–strain curves for pure Al and coated Al nanowires for different thicknesses at a strain rate of 5 × 108 s−1 during tension. |
To show the dependence of the thickness, Fig. 5 displays the tensile stress versus strain for the pure Al nanowires and the nanowire coated by alumina of various thicknesses. The pure Al nanowire exhibits a high tensile strength at 9.6% strain followed by fracture up to 30% strain. This behavior was also found in experiments of gold nanowires and was correlated to the formation of extended thinned regions.22 A slip step was visible shortly before the stress dropped. Simultaneously, the onset of plastic deformation was observed manifesting itself by thinning of the wire and further extension of the thinned region. TEM investigation revealed that the deformation occurred by multiple short twins on one glide system. Further TEM studies showed that the plasticity of metallic nanowires deformed under vacuum is controlled by the nucleation and escape of dislocations from the free surfaces.23 In contrast to the crystalline nanowires, the samples with coatings do not show a stress drop. For the thickest coating, we see monotonous increase in tensile stress to 4.9% strain at 2.3 GPa and for the thinnest coating to 6.5% strain at 5.2 GPa. In particular for the thock coatings, cases 3 and 4, we observe further unsteady increase of strength after the first load drop up to 25% strain in contrast to the crystalline Al wire. The coated samples exhibit a lower strength but enhanced ductility. For the thicker coatings the tensile strength as well as the ductility are elevated in comparison to the thinner coatings. With increasing thickness of the oxide layer we observe an increase in failure strain. This increase in failure strain emphasizes the increase in ductility for increasing thickness. The elastic part of the curve also differs. While we observe elastic deformation up to 2% for the pure sample, we cannot depict the end of the linear regime for the coated samples. Note that Young's modulus slightly decreases by the coating. A reason could be that the effective diameter of the Al nanowire is smaller due to interaction of Al with the oxide layer. A drastic decrease in the Young's moduli of Al nanowires with decreasing nanowire diameters was predicted due to the formation of an amorphous oxide shell with a low modulus.24
We display the influence of the strain rate for pure Al and the coated samples in Fig. 6. The strain and stress at the first stress drop in displayed for different strain rates. The strain rate did not significantly affect the yield strain of pure Al. However, for a strain rate of 1 × 10 s−1 the tensile stress does not approach to zero up to 55% strain. For the coated samples, the ductility significantly increases with increasing strain rate. Here, a non-monotonic increase in strength is clearly visible, in particular for the thickest oxide layer. A reason could be that for higher strain rate deformation only a short time is available for void growth at the interface. The yield stress and the strength increases with increasing strain rate.
Fig. 6 Comparison of the stress–strain curves for pure Al and coated Al nanowires at different strain rates during tension. |
To evaluate the influence of oxygen on the tension-compression asymmetry, we studied compression using different strain rates. Fig. 7 shows the von Mises stress, the dislocation density and phase fraction during compression for three different cases.
We observe a maximum in the stress–strain curve at around 7% and subsequent plastic relaxation to nearly zero stress at 22% strain for the pure sample. In contrast, the von Mises stress reaches a plateau for the covered sample. We do not observe strong differences in dependence of the thickness of the coating. The dislocation density is large for all cases and the maximum of the dislocation density is only slightly larger for the thickest coating in comparison to the crystalline wire. Note that we detect a large amount of hcp stacking faults and some bcc clusters. The number of stacking faults is elevated for the coated samples. We observe that the thickness of the oxide shell increases during compression. This process can be explained from radial diffusion of Al and oxide.
We also display in Fig. 8 the evolution of the number of bonds during compression. As expected, the number of bonds is steadily increasing. However, we observe that for both coatings, the slope of the curve for the number of Al–O bonds is above that for the number of Al–Al bonds. This means that we observe a reorganization of the structure of the oxide layer. For pure Al, we observe a kink at 9% strain. This is also reflected in the kink in the stress curve for pure Al at this strain where the first stacking faults occur as can be detected from the number of atoms which are detected as hcp (see Fig. 7).
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2020 |