Ning Liab,
Yawen Yuanac,
Jinglei Liub and
Shifeng Hou*b
aSchool of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Shandong University, Jinan, Shandong 250100, China
bNational Engineering and Technology Research Center for Colloidal Materials, Shandong University, Jinan, Shandong 250100, China. E-mail:
cInstitute 53 of China North Industries Group Corporation, Jinan, Shandong 250031, China
First published on 28th May 2020
In this work, chemical vapor deposition (CVD) method-grown graphene on plasma-etched quartz glass supported platinum nanoparticles (PtNPs/eQG) was constructed as an independent transparent electrode for non-enzymatic hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) detection. Graphene grown on quartz glass by the CVD method can effectively reduce the wrinkles and pollution caused by traditional transfer methods. The addition of the CF4 plasma-etched process accelerates the growth rate of graphene on quartz glass. The platinum nanoparticles (PtNPs) prepared by in situ sputtering have favorable dispersibility and maximize exposed active catalytic sites on graphene, providing performance advantages in the application of H2O2 detection. The resulting sensor's detection limit (3.3 nM, S/N = 3), detection linear range (10 nM to 80 μM) and response time (less than 2 s) were significantly superior to other graphene supported PtNPs materials in sensing of H2O2. In addition, the material preparation method was related to the non-transfer CVD method and in situ sputtering technology, allowing for the creation of independent electrodes without additional electrode modification processes. This primitive material preparation and electrode assembly process were promoted for the application and development of practical H2O2 sensors.
The sensitivity, selectivity and stability of electrochemical sensors are strongly dependent on the structure and performance of the electrode materials.10 Graphene, a two-dimensional carbon nanomaterial,11 is widely used as a transparent electrode because of its large surface area, excellent conductivity, ultra-high optical transparency and chemical stability.12,13 At the same time, noble metal nanoparticles, with large surface-to-volume ratio, extraordinary conductivity and high catalytic performance, have been widely applied in the electrochemical sensing fields.14–19 What's more, platinum nanoparticles (PtNPs) have higher catalytic ability and stability for the detection of H2O2 due to their lower oxidation/reduction overvoltage.20 Therefore, graphene supported PtNPs has attracted great attention for non-enzymatic detection of H2O2 due to favorable properties of graphene as transparent electrodes and ultra-high detection performance of PtNPs.21 For example, Selvakumar Palanisamy22 et al. reported a single step electrochemical fabrication of a platinum nanoparticle decorated reduced graphene oxide (RGO–PtNPs) composite for enhanced electrochemical sensing of H2O2. It was linear over the concentration ranging from 0.05 to 750.6 mM with the limit of detection of 16 nM. Their study conclusively reveals the feasibility of the application of graphene nano-platinum composites in electrochemical H2O2 sensing.
Nevertheless, it is still a tremendous challenge to prepare high-quality, large-scale and non-polluting graphene for electrochemical sensing.23 For example, graphene prepared by mechanical exfoliation24 and redox methods25 are agglomerated and have functional group residue, which leads to a decrease in the conductivity and sensing properties of sensors.26,27 At present, graphene grown by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) method has become the most promising material due to their large specific surface area and high crystalline quality.28,29 However, this additional transfer process is extremely prone to resulting in wrinkles, cracks, contamination and defects in graphene. This greatly limits CVD graphene from developing the proper electrochemical properties.30,31
Direct CVD growth of graphene on the target substrate has immensely aroused research enthusiasm.32 The direct growth of graphene on the target substrate can reduce defects and contamination caused by complex transfer processes and better preserve the physical and chemical properties of graphene. The excellent electrochemical properties of graphene grown on target substrate can improve its potential application in the field of electrochemistry. High-quality graphene produced by non-transfer CVD method can be directly used in self-assembly electrode devices, which is convenient in electrochemistry and promoting the industrialization of CVD graphene.33
In this paper, graphene was directly grown on the surface of quartz glass by atmospheric pressure chemical vapor deposition (APCVD). The effect of plasma etching of quartz glass on the growth behavior of graphene was studied.34 Graphene grown on plasma-etched quartz glass (eQG) combined with sputtered Pt nanoparticles (PtNPs) were used as independent electrodes to assemble electrochemical sensors for non-enzymatic detection of low concentration of H2O2.
The morphologies and structures of the samples were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM-SU8010, Hitachi, Japan), Raman spectrometer (PHS-3C, Horbin, France), UV-Visible Spectrophotometer (TU-1901, PERSEE, Beijing, China). X-ray photoelectron spectrometer (XPS, ThermoFisher K-Alpha, USA) and high resolution transmission electron microscope (HRTEM, JEM-2100, Japan).
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Fig. 1 SEM images of (a) quartz glass, (b) QG and (c) eQG and (d) Raman spectrum of quartz glass, QG and eQG. |
The growth mechanism of graphene film on plasma-etched quartz glass is similar to that on heat-treated quartz glass.35 As shown in Fig. 1d, the Raman spectrum of graphene grown on eQG showed D (1323 cm−1), G (1600 cm−1) and 2D (2650 cm−1) peaks of graphene.36–38 The ratio of G peak to 2D peak was about 1 and the peak width of the 2D peak was greater than 50 cm−1, which shows that there were a few layers of graphene. The D peak at 1323 cm−1 shows the defect of graphene, which indicates that the defect structure of graphene was easier to form when quartz glass was treated by etching. In contrast, there was no obvious characteristic peak of graphene on the non-plasma-etched quartz glass substrate for the same growth time.
The effect of the etching process on the growth of graphene on quartz glass was verified by testing different etching times. From Fig. S1,† with the prolongation of etching time, the nanoscale gullies created by plasma-etching became larger and larger, which showed the increase of roughness. With increased etching time, the characteristic peak of graphene (Fig. S1e†) still appeared in the Raman spectrum with the ratio of peak intensity of G and 2D being about 1. This shows that the rough surface was conducive to the growth of a few layers of graphene and has good crystal quality. However, as the etching time continued to increase, IG/I2D became larger (Fig. S1f†), indicating an increase in the number of graphene layers. It is speculated that the large roughness of the quartz substrate will increase the number of carbon atoms deposited and lead to the accumulation of graphene. Due to the ideal properties of a few layers of graphene, we chose quartz glass etching for 10 min as the substrate for graphene growth.
The growth mechanism of graphene film on plasma-etched quartz glass was similar to that on heat-treated quartz glass.36 The plasma-etching of the quartz substrate could increase the roughness of the quartz glass surface as shown in Fig. 1c. The defects provided by the roughness would provide more opportunities for graphene domain nucleation. A plurality of adjacent graphene islands was joined together to form a continuous graphene film.
After the 180 min CVD growth process, the untreated quartz glass did not join the graphene islands into graphene films and did not show significant peak positions in the Raman spectrum measurements. The quartz glass after being plasma-etched had obvious Raman spectral peak positions, indicating that the continuous graphene film can grow quickly and effectively on the surface of plasma-etched quartz glass.
Furthermore, the morphology and structure of platinum nanoparticles (PtNPs) prepared by vacuum sputter equipment were characterized by HRTEM and corresponding selected area electron diffraction (SAED) pattern, as depicted in Fig. 2. As shown in the HRTEM image of Fig. 2a, the sputtered PtNPs had good dispersion with the average size being about 3.5 ± 0.5 nm (the histogram of size distribution was inset in Fig. 2a). The SAED patterns of PtNPs showed multiple diffraction rings, which were attributed to the reflection lattice plane of Pt (111), (200), (220) and (311), as shown in Fig. 2b. The results confirmed the successful preparation of PtNPs with good dispersion and small sizes by sputtering technology.
The surface composition and element characterization of PtNPs/eQG were analyzed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), as depicted in Fig. S2.† As shown in Fig. S2a,† there were four elements in the XPS spectra of PtNPs/eQG: platinum, carbon, oxygen and silicon. The spectra of XPS existed the characteristic peaks of Si 2p (104.5 eV) and Si 2s (150 eV), which was indicative of the existence of the SiO2 phase in PtNPs/eQG. In addition, the presence of SiO2 could be further confirmed by the O 1s XPS peak at 532.8 eV, which was regarded as the oxygen species in the SiO2. As shown in Fig. S2b,† the highest peak of C 1s in the sample was 284.6 eV, corresponding to the CC bond. The remarkable carbon peak of sp2 hybrids indicates that the sample had obvious graphite structure. The C 1s peak in the sample could be divided into four peaks, with the other three peaks at 285.8 eV, 287.6 eV and 289.1 eV representing C–C, C–O and O
C–O bonds, respectively. Fig. S2c† showed the splitting of Pt 4f of PtNPs/eQG to two peaks at 70.9 eV and 74.3 eV, corresponding to Pt (0) 4f7/2 and Pt (0) 4f5/2, respectively,39 indicating the feasibility of nanoparticle sputtering technology in applications.
The effects of different growth time were investigated by comparing the Raman and UV-Vis transmission spectra of graphene grown on quartz glass with etching time of 10 min and growth time of 150 min, 180 min and 210 min. As shown in Fig. S3a,† the sharp G peak indicates that the graphene prepared under these three conditions had good crystal quality. The sharp D peak indicates that the etching of quartz glass accelerated the formation of the defect structure of graphene. With the increase in growth time, the number of graphene layers increased. This is perhaps due to the aggregation and agglomeration of graphene that follows from increases in the amount of deposited carbon atoms. As shown in Fig. S3b,† when the other growth conditions were the same, the growth time of 150 min had a high transmittance of 93.7%. By comparing the transmittance trends of different growth times, it could be deduced that the longer the growth time, the lower the transmittance. By extending the growth time to 210 min, the transmittance was only at about 89.0%. After sputtering Pt nanoparticles, the transmissivity of PtNPs/eQG180 in Fig. S3b† was reduced to 86.4%. It could be seen from the inseted figure that the electrode had excellent transmittance, making the electrode ideal for use in sensing, optoelectronic devices and other fields.
The electrochemical behavior of Pt nanoparticles/graphene grown on plasma-etched quartz glass (PtNPs/eQG) towards the sensing of H2O2 was explored using CV tests. Fig. 3a exhibits CV curves of platinum nanoparticles loaded on plasma-etched quartz glass (PtNPs/eQ, black line), graphene grown on plasma-etched quartz glass (eQG, blue line) and platinum nanoparticles/graphene grown on plasma-etched quartz glass (PtNPs/eQG, red line) in the presence (solid line) and absence (dashed line) of 10 μM H2O2. The voltammogram ranged from −0.3 V to 0.8 V at a scan rate of 50 mV s−1. As shown, PtNPs/eQ and eQG had increased current value with the addition of H2O2. The CV curve of PtNPs/eQG shows higher capacitance and significant peaks of −0.05 V and 0.60 V in the presence of H2O2 (red solid line), which indicates PtNPs/eQG had an exceptional electrochemical response to low concentration of H2O2. In summary, comparing the response CV curves of different materials to H2O2, PtNPs/eQG had an impeccable electrochemical response to low concentration of H2O2.
In order to demonstrate the charge transport characteristics of PtNPs/eQG in the process of electrochemical sensing H2O2, cyclic voltammetric curves with various scanning rates (40 mV s−1–180 mV s−1) were recorded in Fig. 3b. When the scanning rate increased, the redox peak current changed significantly. Inset Fig. 3b shows the linear relationship between the peak current of PtNPs/eQG at 0.60 V and the scanning rate. The linear regression equation is I = 0.0168 × ν + 1.1829 (μA, mV s−1, correlation coefficient R2 = 0.998), indicating the dynamics control was an adsorption process.
The response current varied with the concentration of H2O2 as shown in Fig. 4b. In the range of 10–2000 nM, the response current had a good linear relationship with the H2O2 concentration, which is in accordance of the formula I = 0.10392 + 0.00012 × c (μA, nM, R2 = 0.996). In the range of 2–80 μM, the response current value had a strong linear relationship with the H2O2 concentration, in accordance of the formula I = 0.46593 + 0.09077 × c (μA, μM, R2 = 0.998). In the case of a signal-to-noise ratio of 3, the detection limit was 3.3 nM, which shows the good sensitivity of PtNPs/eQG for the detection of ultralow concentration of H2O2.
The comparison of detection limits and linear ranges between graphene-supported PtNPs towards H2O2 detection were shown in Table 1. PtNPs/eQG as an independent electrode had lower detection limit and faster phase response time than other graphene-supported PtNPs modified electrode. We believed that the excellent electrocatalytic activity of PtNPs/eQG nanocomposites can be attributed to the active role of CVD graphene. First, the larger specific surface area of CVD graphene provides more active sites by increasing PtNPs loading, promote the dispersion and expand the active region. Second, the excellent conductivity of graphene and the synergistic effect between Pt atoms and graphene provides for the rapid transfer of electrons from the reaction site to the electrode. Third, as the framework of PtNPs, graphene can protect the nano structure from agglomeration, deformation and collapse in harsh electrochemical test environments. Therefore, PtNPs/eQG is a preeminent independent electrode material for preparing H2O2 sensors with low detection limit, short response time and wide linear range.
Electrode materials | Detection limit (μM) | Linear range (μM) | Reference |
a Microwave-assisted synthesis of Pt/graphene nanocomposites.b Graphene–Pt nanocomposite. | |||
Pt/GNa/GCE | 0.8 | 2.5–6650 | 40 |
GN-Ptb/GCE | 0.5 | 2–710 | 21 |
Pt-IL-pGR/GCE | 0.42 | 10–4000 | 41 |
PdPt NCs@SGN/GCE | 0.3 | 1–300 | 42 |
RGO-PT-Pt | 0.26 | 1–100 | 43 |
PtNPs-CDs/IL-GO/GCE | 0.1 | 1–900 | 44 |
RGO–PtNPs/GCE | 0.016 | 0.05–875 | 22 |
PtNPs/eQG | 0.0033 | 0.01–80 | This work |
The selectivity of PtNPs/eQG for H2O2 detection was investigated in Fig. S5.† The amperometric response of H2O2 (0.05 mmol L−1) and dopamine (DA, 0.5 mmol L−1), ascorbic acid (AA, 0.5 mmol L−1) and uric acid (UA, 0.5 mmol L−1) at 0.60 V was measured. It can be seen from Fig. S5† that the response current caused by DA, AA and UA was negligible compared to the response current caused by H2O2. The results show that PtNPs/eQG had strong anti-interference performances. This makes it an ideal candidate to be applied to the low-concentration qualitative and quantitative detection of H2O2 in the determination of actual biological samples.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/d0ra01963a |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2020 |