Jiayou Liuab,
Qianqian Nieabc,
Zhongchao Tanc,
Yulin Luod,
Shuai Wangd and
Hesheng Yu*ab
aKey Laboratory of Coal Processing and Efficient Utilization, Ministry of Education, Xuzhou 221116, China. E-mail: heshengyu@cumt.edu.cn
bSchool of Chemical Engineering and Technology, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou 221116, China
cDepartment of Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering, University of Waterloo, 200 University Avenue West, Waterloo N2L 3G1, Canada
dAdvanced Analysis and Computation Center, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou 221116, China
First published on 9th November 2020
Bismuth tungstate (Bi2WO6) nanomaterials are widely used as visible-light driven photocatalysts. However, limited attention has been paid to the purity of prepared Bi2WO6 nanoparticles, which may affect the photocatalytic performance and hinder in-depth study of Bi2WO6. In this work, the impurities of Bi2WO6 formed during the hydrothermal process under a wide range of acid–base conditions (from 1.5 M HNO3 to 0.5 M NaOH) were qualitatively analyzed and accurately quantified for the first time. After confirmation of Bi2WO6 stability, the impurities were dissolved using acid or base treatment, followed by measurements of the ion concentrations using Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS). Furthermore, various characterization techniques including XRD, FE-SEM, TEM, UV-Vis DRS, XPS and FTIR were implemented to explore the change in morphology and optical properties of Bi2WO6 prepared in different acid–base environments, and to facilitate qualitative analysis of impurities. The hydrolytic properties of raw materials used for the synthesis of Bi2WO6 were also analyzed with UV-Vis transmittance observation. Following these analyses, the types and contents of impurities in Bi2WO6 prepared by the hydrothermal method under different acid–base conditions were determined. Results show that the primary impurity is WO3·0.33H2O (41.09%) for the precursor prepared in 1.5 M nitric acid solution. When the pH of the precursor was in the range of 0.97–7.01, the synthesized Bi2WO6 has relatively high purity, and the impure products were identified as BiONO3. Bi2O3 began to appear when pH reached 9.01 and it reached 18.88% when pH was 12.98. The final product was Bi2O3 exclusively for the precursor conditioned in 0.5 M NaOH solution. In addition, the accuracy of the proposed quantitative method using ICP-MS was validated for several scenarios by weight difference experiments.
Bismuth tungstate (Bi2WO6) has recently gained considerable attention because of its physicochemical stability and efficient response to visible light.5 Bi2WO6 and its modified catalysts have been used for degradation of organic wastewater, conversion of carbon dioxide (CO2), water splitting for hydrogen production, and removal of nitric oxide (NO) from atmosphere.6–11 Since Kudo12 first synthesize Bi2WO6 by conventional solid state reactions, many methods have emerged for its preparation including hydrothermal method,13,14 microwave-15 and ultrasonic-assisted16 hydrothermal method, solvothermal procedure,17 sol–gel process,18 grinding and calcination,19 and co-precipitation.20 Among these methods, the hydrothermal method is one of the most widely used because of its simplicity, safety, and high yield.21,22
During the hydrothermal synthesis process, the final products may be affected by factors, such as hydrothermal reaction temperature and pH value of precursors. Zhang and Zhu23 explored the impact of hydrothermal reaction temperature on the properties of Bi2WO6 nanocatalysts. They observed that the crystallinity and morphology of final products were affected by the temperature and time during hydrothermal process. Specifically, low temperature will lead to poor crystallinity, while high temperature will result in low photocatalytic activity. Additionally, it is well acknowledged that pH value also affects several physical properties of Bi2WO6 in a hydrothermal preparation. Huang et al.24 produced Bi2WO6 nanomaterials with different morphologies by adjusting the pH level of the precursor solution. At pH 8, the fluffy microspheres-like Bi2WO6 exhibited the highest photocatalytic activity. Hu et al.25 reported that the pH value of precursor solution affected the specific surface area and the porosity of their Bi2WO6 nanocatalysts. Lin et al.14 reported that pH value impacted on the particle sizes of the synthesized Bi2WO6 photocatalysts. Moreover, the pH value of precursor could affect the composition of final products. Some researchers prepared WO3/Bi2WO6 composite in a strong acid environment.26,27 Others discovered Bi3.84W0.16O6.24 in Bi2WO6 nanomaterials prepared under alkali conditions.28 Therefore, it is likely that the acidity and/or alkalinity of preparation conditions may have a strong impact on the final products. However, most researchers focused on properties like morphology and specific surface area; few attempted to determine the purity of Bi2WO6 nanomaterials prepared at different synthesis conditions.
It is therefore necessary to qualitatively and quantitatively analyze impurities to better understand the effects of synthesis conditions on the purity of Bi2WO6. The impure components in Bi2WO6 can be qualitatively analyzed by some characterization technologies such as XRD, SEM and FTIR.29,30 Earlier studies have indicated that the impurities in Bi2WO6 prepared via hydrothermal method mainly resulted from the hydrolysis of raw materials.26,31,32 Therefore, accurate and comprehensive understanding of the hydrolysis properties of Bi(NO3)3·5H2O and Na2WO4·2H2O at different pH levels is also essential to qualitative analysis of impurities.
To the best of our knowledge, however, there is not relevant research on the quantification of impurities in Bi2WO6 nanomaterials. One feasible strategy is to take advantage of the difference in physio-chemical properties between impurities and Bi2WO6. As far as we know, the hydrolysate of the raw material for Bi2WO6 preparation can be dissolved in an acid or hot alkali solution,33,34 while Bi2WO6 is relatively stable.35,36 Hence it is reasonable to carry out quantitative analysis by dissolving impurities from the Bi2WO6 samples.
The objective of the current work is to study the impurities of prepared Bi2WO6 nanocatalysts. For this purpose, we first synthesized Bi2WO6 using hydrothermal method from 1.5 M nitric acid (HNO3) to 0.5 M sodium hydroxide (NaOH) solutions. Then we identified the compounds of the impurities and other properties of the samples according to XRD, UV-Vis DRS, XPS FTIR, FE-SEM, TEM results and hydrolysis properties of raw materials for preparation of Bi2WO6. After that, the stability of Bi2WO6 was determined experimentally to ensure the feasibility of quantitative experiments. Later, impurities in the catalysts were dissolved into strong acid or hot alkaline solutions. Following that, the concentrations of key elements in the solutions were measured using ICP-MS, followed by conversion into mass weight of corresponding impurities. Finally, the accuracy of the quantitative method based on the ICP-MS technique was then verified by weight difference experiments. Overall, the present work is expected to shed light onto Bi2WO6-related studies and investigations using Bi(NO3)3·5H2O and/or Na2WO4·2H2O as raw materials.
For dilute acid and base conditions ranging from pH 0.97 to pH 12.98, 1.4552 g of Bi(NO3)3·5H2O and 0.4948 g of Na2WO4·2H2O were dissolved in 25 mL of 0.3 M HNO3 solution and in 55 mL of ultrapure water, respectively. These two solutions were then magnetically stirred for 30 minutes separately, before they were mixed up for another 20 minutes. The pH of the precursor, which was monitored by a pH meter (S470-K, METTLER TOLEDO), was then adjusted to 0.97, 2.99, 4.99, 7.01, 9.01, 10.00, 11.05, 12.01 and 12.98 with NaOH and/or HNO3. The corresponding nanomaterials synthesized under these conditions are defined as 0.97BWO, 2.99BWO, 4.99BWO, 7.01BWO, 9.01BWO, 10.00BWO, 11.05BWO, 12.01BWO, and 12.98BWO, respectively.
The precursor suspension was then transferred to a 100 mL PTFE autoclave, and heated at 180 °C for 24 h. After naturally cooling down to room temperature, the solid was collected by centrifuge, followed by washing 3 times with ultrapure water and ethanol, respectively. The nanomaterials collected were then dried at 60 °C for 12 h; the resultant nanomaterials were stored for subsequent use.
The critical pH value of hydrolysis is defined as the pH value at which ions begin to hydrolyze. The critical pH values for Bi3+ and WO42− ions were determined using the transmittance pattern of the UV-Vis spectrophotometer (Hitachi U-3900H). The precipitate may affect the transmittance intensity of a solution. Therefore, transmittance observations can be used to identify the critical pH values. At the critical pH value, transmittance drops abruptly due to the presence of precipitates.
The procedure of UV-Vis transmittance observation was described as follows. Firstly, Bi(NO3)3 and Na2WO4 were completely dissolved in a strong acidic solution and ultrapure water, respectively. The obtained transparent Bi(NO3)3 and Na2WO4 solutions were then gradually regulated using NaOH and HNO3 solutions to reach a series of pH values with a small interval. The transmittance of these Bi(NO3)3 and Na2WO4 solutions was recorded at each pH value.
Nanomaterials prepared at strong acid (1.5MHNO) and base (12.98BWO) precursors were also analyzed to further confirm the stability of Bi2WO6. The XRD patterns and FE-SEM images of 1.5MHNO before and after alkali treatment was compared. The stability of 12.98BWO was confirmed by XRD results before and after soaking with acid.
The ICP-MS results were further verified by weight difference tests. A specific amount of 1.5MHNO, 0.97BWO and 12.98BWO samples were treated using base or acid solution. The treated catalysts were then cleaned in a sintered disc filter. The 1.5MHNO nanomaterials after alkaline treatment were washed using ultrapure water during filtration. However, the 0.97BWO, 12.98BWO samples soaked in acid were washed 5 times using pH 0.5 HNO3 solution, followed by a thorough rinse with ultrapure water. This way, the hydrolysis of Bi3+ ions left on solids could be prevented, ensuring the accuracy of final analysis. After drying at 60 °C for 12 hours, the weight difference before and after acid or base treatment was recorded.
Fig. 2 shows the XRD patterns of catalysts synthesized in neutral and alkaline environments. For pH values ranging from 7.01 to 11.05, the XRD spectrums showed the phase of Bi2WO6 only. When the pH value increased to 12.01, however, a new crystal phase of Bi3.84W0.16O6.24 (JCPDS No.: 43-0447), besides Bi2WO6, appeared in the prepared nanomaterials. Moreover, the intensity of the diffraction peak of Bi3.84W0.16O6.24 was stronger than that of Bi2WO6. This may be attributed to the solubility of [WO4]2− in the precursor suspension, which is much greater than that of [Bi2O2]2+ in a strong alkaline environment. Therefore, [Bi2O2]2+ can precipitate rapidly, forming the new phase of Bi3.84W0.16O6.24.28,37 As the pH value reached 12.98, however, the phase of Bi2WO6 disappeared and only Bi3.84W0.16O6.24 existed. In this paper, Bi3.84W0.16O6.24 is regarded as another crystalline phase of Bi2WO6 rather than impurities because of its strong stability and catalytic ability. Synthesized Bi3.84W0.16O6.24 could be converted to α-Bi2O3 (JCPDS No.: 76-1730) when the precursor was further conditioned by 0.5 M NaOH solution. The formation of α-Bi2O3 resulted from the high concentration of OH− in the precursor, leading to the production of Bi(OH)3. Bi(OH)3 further transformed into α-Bi2O3 under hydrothermal reaction conditions.38 Consequently, Bi3+ ions were unable to participate in the synthesis of Bi3.84W0.16O6.24 and Bi2WO6 with WO42−.
According to the XRD patterns, WO3·0.33H2O, Bi3.84W0.16O6.24, and α-Bi2O3 were observed sequentially with increasing precursor alkalinity in addition to Bi2WO6. The results not only demonstrated the successful synthesis of Bi2WO6, but also strongly proved that different substances could be produced under different acid–base conditions.
Fig. 3 shows that the band gaps of different catalysts, including 0.97BWO, 2.99BWO, 4.99BWO, 7.01BWO, 9.01BWO, 10.00BWO and 11.05BWO, varied slightly between 2.76–2.80 eV. This range is consistent with those in other studies on Bi2WO6.40,41 The absorption edges of 1.5MHNO, 1MHNO and 0.5MHNO are 446 nm, 451 nm and 454 nm corresponding to band gaps of 2.78 eV, 2.75 eV and 2.73 eV, respectively. The band gap of 12.98BWO (which is Bi3.84W0.16O6.24) is 2.82 eV, corresponding to previous report as well.42 The results in this section indicate that all samples have visible light response capabilities and that the band gap lies between 2.73 eV and 2.82 eV.
The morphologies of the synthesized catalysts are similar to each other when the pH values of the precursors fall into the range of 4.99–7.01 (Fig. 4d and e). Both appear to be building blocks, formed by interspersion between small rectangular pieces. The side lengths of these blocks are approximately 0.6–1.0 μm. The lower the acidity is, the thicker the blocks are.
Fig. 4f and g illustrate that the shapes of samples 9.01BWO and 11.05BWO are like square bricks. These square bricks of Bi2WO6 are randomly plied up without obvious aggregation. As the pH value reaches 12.01, a new crystal phase of Bi3.84W0.16O6.24 emerges. Two different morphologies can be clearly observed in Fig. 4h. The sheet shape is for the Bi2WO6 and the regular octahedron shape is for Bi3.84W0.16O6.24. It also shows that the Bi3.84W0.16O6.24 crystal is the dominate phase. This finding agrees with the XRD patterns of 12.01BWO samples presented in Fig. 2, which show two crystal phases.
Fig. 4i shows the morphology of 12.98BWO nanomaterials. It does not show the structure of the Bi2WO6 sheet, but regular octahedral crystals of Bi3.84W0.16O6.24 and some irregular small crystals. According to the FTIR results in the following section and those in earlier studies,31,38 these irregular crystals are likely Bi2O3. Finally, the synthesized crystals become irregular Bi2O3 spheres and rods with various sizes when the precursor is conditioned using 0.5 M NaOH solution (Fig. 4j). The transformation arises from the fact that a large amount of OH− ions in the precursor directly combines with Bi3+ ions to form Bi(OH)3, which is then converted into Bi2O3 after dehydration during hydrothermal process.43
Fig. 5 presents the TEM images of 1.5MHNO and 12.01BWO samples. The overall TEM image of 1.5MHNO in Fig. 5a shows large nanosheets decorated by small “nanocrumbs”. The section inside the circle was further analyzed using HR-TEM (Fig. 5b), which reveals the lattice interplanar spacing (0.31 nm) of the large nanosheets corresponding to the (131) plane of Bi2WO6. The nanocrumbs sprinkled onto the large nanosheet have interplanar distances of 0.32 nm and 0.37 nm, corresponding to the crystal lattice spacing of the (220) and (200) planes of WO3·0.33H2O, respectively. These findings are consistent with the SEM image shown in Fig. 4a. Fig. 5c shows the TEM image of 12.01BWO. Both granular and flaky crystals can be clearly seen. These SEM and TEM images clearly show the change of morphology and transformation of dominate compounds with the variation from strong acid to mild base circumstances.
Fig. 6 High-resolution XPS spectrums of (a) O 1s, (b) Bi 4f and (c) W 4f of samples; (d) atomic percentage of surface elements on samples. |
As shown in Fig. 6b, the spectrum of Bi 4f had two peaks located at around 158.74 eV and 164.05 eV, which correspond to Bi 4f7/2 and 4f5/2, respectively. Moreover, the difference between the two binding energies is about 5.31 eV, indicating the existence of Bi3+ in all samples.10 In Fig. 6c, the peaks around 34.96 and 37.10 eV are fitted into W 4f7/2 and 4f5/2, respectively. The peak distance of 2.14 eV indicates that W in these samples are mainly presented as W6+.45 Moreover, the absence of W peaks in the 0.5MNAOH sample confirms that 0.5MNAOH samples are Bi2O3.
Fig. 6d shows the XPS atomic percentage of surface elements on different samples. The content of O element changes insignificantly with the variation in precursor acidity. When the acidity gradually increases, the W element gradually increases, whereas the Bi element gradually decreases. This finding is associated with gradual transformation of the main substances from Bi2O3 into Bi3.84W0.16O6.24, into Bi2WO6, and into Bi2WO6/WO3·0.33H2O with increasing acidity.
The minor peaks at 1001 cm−1 and 1608 cm−1 of 1.5MHNO's FTIR spectrum are assigned to the WO valence vibrations and δ(O–H) stretching vibrations of coordinated water, respectively. They are likely attributed to the crystal phase of WO3·0.33H2O.47 Additionally, the weak peak at 1634 cm−1 corresponds to the O–H bond of the adsorbed water molecules.48 The peaks at 500 cm−1 and 787 cm−1 are likely originated from the vibrations of Bi–O and W–O bonds of Bi3.84W0.16O6.24. Unlike the characteristic peaks in Bi2WO6, the intensity of the Bi–O peak is greater than that of W–O. This may result from the increase of Bi–O bond in Bi3.84W0.16O6.24.
It is worth noting that the small peak at 1384 cm−1 corresponds to the vibration of N–O bond.46,48 It was ascribed to the hydrolysis products of Bi(NO3)3·5H2O, such as BiONO3 and Bi2O2(OH)NO3.31,49 This conclusion can also be verified by comparing the FTIR spectra of 0.97BWO before and after the acid treatment. After acid soaking, most of the impurities (BiONO3 and Bi2O2(OH)NO3) in 0.97BWO was dissolved, which corresponds to a sudden decrease in the peak at 1384 cm−1 while others remained almost unchanged. This peak becomes weaker with the increasing alkalinity, and it disappears at pH 9.01. With the escalation of OH− concentration in the precursor, BiONO3 and Bi2O2(OH)NO3 gradually transform into Bi(OH)3, which could be further converted to Bi2O3 via hydrothermal reaction. Furthermore, the tiny peak at 1384 cm−1 of 1.5MHNO is probably due to the hydrolysis of minor residual of Bi3+ ions, which forms BiONO3 precipitates on nanocatalyst surface during washing with ultrapure water.
The nanomaterials synthesized at pH value greater than 7.01 has no obvious peaks between 3400 cm−1 and 3800 cm−1, which are the characteristic peaks of O–H.50–52 It is believed that most Bi(OH)3 was converted to Bi2O3, which is the main impurity at pH ≥ 9.01.
On the contrary, Fig. 8b clearly demonstrates that XRD pattern of 1.5MHNO changes after alkali treatment. The disappearance of the characteristic peaks of WO3·0.33H2O impurity indicates that WO3·0.33H2O in 1.5MHNO can be dissolved in a boiling alkaline solution, but Bi2WO6 is stable. The disappearance of the “nanocrumbs” scattered on the flower-like Bi2WO6 in the inset SEM images supports this conclusion. For Bi3.84W0.16O6.24 (Fig. 8c), XRD spectrum remains the same before and after acid leaching, indicating that Bi3.84W0.16O6.24 is relatively stable.
The chemical stability of Bi2WO6 is verified by ICP-MS data. Fig. 8d shows the variation of Bi and W elements leached from 1 g of 0.97BWO sample over 7 days. As soaking time increases, the mass of dissolved Bi element in the HNO3 solution at pH 0.5 first increased and then leveled off. Similar trend is observed for the change of W element dissolved in 0.5 M NaOH solution. The constant quantity of the leaching elements after 3 days strongly proves the chemical stability of Bi2WO6. Meanwhile, undamaged microspheres of 0.97BWO in the inset SEM images of Fig. 8d indicates morphological stability.
In summary, Bi2WO6 and Bi3.84W0.16O6.24 are stable enough to resist dissolution during acid and base treatments. Therefore, the Bi and W elements measured by ICP-MS in the following leaching experiment are believed to be derived from soluble impurities rather than from Bi2WO6 and Bi3.84W0.16O6.24.
It is believed that the impurities in the Bi2WO6 nanomaterials prepared using hydrothermal reaction are primarily hydrolysis products and derivatives of Bi3+ and WO42− ions. The primary impurities include WO3·0.33H2O, BiONO3, Bi2O2(OH)NO3, and Bi2O3. Eqn (1)–(6) describe the formation of such impurities. When the pH of the precursor is lower than 1.13, WO42− ions will combine with H+ ions to form H2WO4, which is transformed to WO3·0.33H2O in the subsequent hydrothermal reaction (eqn (1) and (2)). Bi3+ ions are subject to hydrolysis to form BiONO3 and Bi2O2(OH)NO3 precipitates when the pH is greater than 0.67 (eqn (3) and (4)). Since the degree of hydrolysis in the second step (eqn (4)) is much lower than that in the first step (eqn (3)), the hydrolysis products of Bi3+ ions are mainly BiONO3 instead of Bi2O2(OH)NO3. In a relatively strong base solution, impurities could progressively turn to Bi2O3, which is transformed from Bi(OH)3 (eqn (5) and (6)).
WO42− + 2H+ → H2WO4 | (1) |
H2WO4 → WO3·0.33H2O + 0.67H2O | (2) |
Bi(NO3)3 + H2O ↔ BiONO3 + 2HNO3 | (3) |
2BiONO3 + H2O ↔ Bi2O2(OH)NO3 + HNO3 | (4) |
Bi(NO3)3 + 3OH− → Bi(OH)3 + 3NO3− | (5) |
2Bi(OH)3 → Bi2O3 + 3H2O | (6) |
Fig. 9 indicates both Bi3+ and WO42− ions can be hydrolyzed at pH 0.97. Their major hydrolysis products, WO3·0.33H2O and BiONO3, could appear in the catalysts. The presence of WO3·0.33H2O is proven by ICP-MS measurements. The peak at 1384 cm−1 in the FTIR spectra confirms the presence of BiONO3.
For the pH values between 2.99 and 7.01, the hydrolysis of WO42− ions becomes negligible. BiONO3, which is the predominant product of Bi3+ hydrolysis, constitutes to the impurity in the samples. The FTIR spectra of samples prepared within this pH range have a clear peak at 1384 cm−1, indicating the existence of BiONO3. As indicated by the FTIR results the hydrolysate BiONO3 disappears when synthesizing catalyst under alkaline (pH ≥ 9.01) conditions. The presence of Bi(OH)3 seems unlikely because there is not obvious vibration characteristic peak of O–H. Earlier studies indicate that impurities are very likely Bi2O3,38,54–56 which could be converted from Bi(OH)3 through hydrothermal reactions.
The Bi3+ ions were identified by ICP-MS after the 12.98BWO sample was soaked in acid solution, indicating the presence of acid soluble impurities. The aforementioned FTIR analysis proves that the acid-soluble impurity in 12.98BWO is likely Bi2O3. It is believed that the impurity is δ-Bi2O3 (ref. 57) because the positions of strong diffraction peaks of δ-Bi2O3 in XRD pattern (JCPDS No.: 27-0052 or JCPDS No.: 52-1007) are almost overlapping with those of the primary crystal phase of Bi3.84W0.16O6.24.
Fig. 10 shows a concise diagram based on the preceding analyses presented to describe the transformation of samples and their impurities with the change of acid and alkali environments. Both the main compounds and the impurities in the samples undergo transformation. The main compounds begin to convert from Bi2WO6 to Bi3.84W0.16O6.24 at precursor pH of around 12. Further increase in alkalinity leads to the production of Bi2O3. The impurities then gradually shift from WO3·0.33H2O to BiONO3 around pH 1, and to Bi2O3 at near pH 7.
Weight difference experiments were conducted before and after purification to validate our identification analysis and the newly developed quantification method using ICP-MS. The results are tabulated in the last column of Table 1. ICP-MS provides similar results to the weight difference experiments. Most discrepancies are within 3.5%, except for the 12.98BWO samples, which is 11%. This indicates the analysis of impure compounds and quantitative determination of impurities using ICP-MS method are reliable.
Samples | Impurities | Mass weight (%) ICP-MS | Mass weight (%) weight difference experiment |
1.5MHNO | WO3·0.33H2O | 41.09 | 39.75 |
1.25MHNO | WO3·0.33H2O | 14.27 | — |
1MHNO | WO3·0.33H2O | 9.90 | — |
0.5MHNO | WO3·0.33H2O | 5.99 | — |
0.97BWO | WO3·0.33H2O/BiONO3 | 1.99/3.58 | —/3.63 |
2.99BWO | BiONO3 | 3.52 | — |
4.99BWO | BiONO3 | 2.75 | — |
7.01BWO | BiONO3 | 2.80 | — |
9.01BWO | Bi2O3 | 1.50 | — |
10.00BWO | Bi2O3 | 2.03 | — |
11.05BWO | Bi2O3 | 4.90 | — |
12.98BWO | Bi2O3 | 18.88 | 21.26 |
0.5MNAOH | Bi2O3 | 102.90 | 100.00 |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2020 |