Alex G.
C. Richard A.
abd and
Andrew M.
aUK Catalysis Hub, Research Complex at Harwell, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Didcot OX11 0FA, UK. E-mail:
bDepartment of Chemistry, 20 Gordon Street, London, WC1H 0AJ, UK
cPaul Scherrer Institut, 5232 Villigen, Switzerland
dCardiff Catalysis Institute, School of Chemistry, Cardiff University, Main Building, Park Place, Cardiff, CF10 3AT, UK
First published on 18th November 2019
The small pore zeolite Cu-SSZ-13 is an efficient material for the standard selective catalytic reduction of nitrogen oxides (NOx) by ammonia (NH3). In this work, Cu-SSZ-13 has been studied at 250 °C under high conversion using a modulation excitation approach and analysed with phase sensitive detection (PSD). While the complementary X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy measurements showed that the experiments were performed under cyclic Cu+/Cu2+ redox, Diffuse Reflectance Infrared Fourier Transform Spectroscopy (DRIFTS) experiments provide spectroscopic evidence for previously postulated intermediates Cu–N(O)–NH2 and Cu–NO3 in the NH3-SCR deNOx mechanism and for the role of [Cu2+(OH−)]+. These results therefore help in building towards a more comprehensive understanding of the reaction mechanism which to date has only been postulated in silico.
Concentration modulation excitation (ME) represents an approach to enable the detection of dynamic species directly involved in a reaction,18–20 which is achieved by removing all parts of the spectroscopic signal from species which are not changing with the same frequency as the modulation excitation frequency. The procedure used in a typical concentration ME experiment is briefly explained here; the theory and data processing required are covered in detail in the ESI† and elsewhere.20–25
In this study, all ME experiments utilise a pulse sequence which repeatedly stops/starts the flow of NO through the catalyst bed mimicking the standard NH3-SCR reaction (see Fig. 1a). Spectra are recorded continuously throughout this work using DRIFTS or XANES in a time-resolved manner in order to follow structural changes. To the eye, these spectra look similar, as the changes between each spectrum are barely discernible (Fig. 1b). After a few cycles of the perturbation, a quasi-equilibrium state is attained, in which the state of the catalyst is considered the same at the start of each cycle (Fig. 1c); these spectra, which correspond to the same point (time) in each cycle, can then be averaged to produce a series of spectra with improved signal-to-noise ratio which are subsequently processed using phase sensitive detection (PSD) (see ESI† for more detail). For this study in particular, features due to strongly adsorbed species (particularly ‘stored’ ammonia), which are not involved in the reaction, are removed.17 This also applies to background noise that does not respond to the same frequency as the pulse sequence. The result is a series of spectra with enhanced signal-to-noise ratio providing enhanced sensitivity to species present in the catalytic cycle.
Importantly the concentration modulation excitation DRIFTS data augmented with the application of Density Functional Theory (DFT) allowed us to observe the formation of key intermediates including a copper nitrosamine (Cu–N(O)–NH2) and copper bidentate nitrate species (Cu–NO3), while highlighting the regeneration and importance of [Cu2+(OH−)]+ sites in the catalytic process. Ancillary ME XANES experiments confirmed that the measurements were conducted in the presence of the Cu2+/+ redox behaviour in the cycle.
Fig. 2 Time-resolved spectra collected during the NO concentration ME DRIFTS experiment (top), and corresponding phase-resolved spectra (bottom). Blue vertical lines indicate features previously reported in the literature (Table 1), whereas orange vertical lines represent features that are enhanced in the phase-resolved spectra, corresponding to newly observed species. The bottom traces indicate how the spectral features are changing with time/gas composition. Note the difference in scale bar units. |
Wavenumber (cm−1) | Assignment | Ref. |
3737 | Isolated silanol groups (strong) | 17 and 34 |
3655 | [Cu2+(OH−)]+ (very weak) | 17 and 34 |
3602–3588 | Brønsted acidic bridging hydroxyls (very strong) | 17 and 34 |
3332, 3182, 1620 | Cu2+ adsorbed NH3 (medium) | 15 and 17 |
3272, 1454 | NH4+ (Brønsted acid site adsorbed NH3) (strong) | 15 and 17 |
2158 | NO+ (very weak) | 14 |
1812 | Cu+ adsorbed NO (strong) | 14 |
1460 | NH4+/solvating NH3 | 34 |
1327 | Extra framework Al (EFAl) adsorbed NH3 (weak) | 17 |
1270 | [Cu2+(NH3)4]2+ (weak) | 17 |
The corresponding phase-resolved spectra (Fig. 2, bottom panel) reveal how species that are actively involved in the catalytic process evolve over the duration of one complete modulation cycle. These spectra clearly show that most of the contribution of the zeolite framework is removed because it is unresponsive, and that the intense features in the time-resolved spectra do not necessarily correlate to large features in the phase-resolved one. For instance, the relative intensity of the absorption bands of the bridging hydroxyl groups and the [Cu2+(OH−)]+ species is completely reversed. For clarity, the time-resolved response of several of the relevant features and regions of interest in the ME data have been expanded in Fig. 3. Importantly, for completeness, we note that the varying signal of gas-phase NH3 measured online to the DRIFTS cell confirms that the ME experiment was performed under actual SCR conditions (Fig. 3b).
Fig. 3 Time-resolved response of several features present in Fig. 2 during the 15–18 cycles of the NO concentration modulation experiment. (a) NO pulse sequence, (b) out-gas NH3 integral response (online IR detected), (c) [Cu2+(OH−)]+ integral, (d) 1436 cm−1 and (e) 1258 cm−1 bands due to the presence of Cu–N(O)–NH2 species, (f) response of the band at 3605 cm−1 (Brønsted acid site). Close-up of regions in the phase-resolved spectra of Fig. 2, (g) 3800–3300 cm−1 region containing the Brønsted acid site (zeolite OH) and the [Cu2+(OH−)]+ stretches, (h) 1650–1200 cm−1 region relevant for NH3 coordinated Cu and zeolite. |
Fig. 3 shows that the set of phase-resolved spectra exhibits several features (particularly between 1250 and 1700 cm−1) that appear in the time-resolved data, such as NH4+ ions formed on the Brønsted acid sites and NH3 adsorbed on Cu2+. In addition, bands at 1812 and 2158 cm−1 are also observed that were previously attributed to Cu+-NO and NO+ (i.e. formed by either NO2 disproportionation or NO oxidation on Cu2+ sites), respectively. It is important to note, however, that the most intense feature in the phase-resolved spectra is that at 3655 cm−1, characteristic of [Cu2+(OH−)]+ sites, presenting a larger variation than those corresponding to either silanol groups and bridging hydroxyls. This observation can be attributed to a response of this species to the variation of gas composition, pointing to an active role of this species in the catalytic mechanism, as is clearly illustrated in Fig. 3c, which shows the temporal response of [Cu2+(OH−)]+ species to be affected during the entirety of the NO pulse, which is clear evidence for its consumption and subsequent regeneration under SCR conditions.
A second interesting feature observed in the phase-resolved data concerns a band centred at 1436 cm−1, which on first sight appears to be due to NH4+ species (i.e. typically, a combination of both symmetric and asymmetric bending vibrations). Upon closer inspection, this band is clearly red-shifted from the centre of the band due to adsorbed ammonia species, observed in the time-resolved spectra, by approximately 20 cm−1. There have been previous studies into the nature and evolution of the broad feature associated with the NH4+ species, notably by Giordanino et al. and Lezcano-Gonzalez et al.17,34 The former study identified the presence of a combination of bands in this region at low temperatures, caused by solvated NH4+ ions (i.e. NH4+·nNH3 associations) and the two bending vibrations of NH4+ ions. Desorption of solvating NH3 molecules with increasing temperatures was seen to lead to a gradual intensity decrease and shift to lower wavenumbers of the component at 1463 cm−1, and eventually to the appearance of a single broad band at 1430 cm−1 due to un-solvated NH4+ ions attached to the zeolite framework. Lezcano-Gonzalez et al. showed that at 250 °C, these NH4+ ions slowly react under a flow of NO and O2, concluding that these species are not an intricate part of the NH3-SCR mechanism and more likely remain as a ‘reservoir’ of NH3.17 Given the time scale over which the (NO pulse) modulation experiment is occurring and the relative intensity of the 1436 cm−1 band, it seems unlikely that this is due to the consumption and regeneration of NH4+ ions. Nevertheless, to further probe the origin of the band at 1436 cm−1, a series of additional time-resolved pulse experiments were conducted.
In order to visualize differences in the time response of the bands in the 1400–1530 cm−1 region (Fig. S7–S13†) the following pulse sequences were used: (1) adsorption of NH3 into a pre-equilibrated catalyst bed of NO and O2, and (2) the consequent desorption of NH3 (after pre-equilibration of NO, NH3 and O2). While the features at 1460 and 1436 cm−1 share the same response when NO is omitted from the catalyst bed (NH3 adsorption under O2 flow, Fig. S7 and S8†), clear differences are detected when the catalyst is previously equilibrated with NH3, NO and O2 (Fig. S9 and S10†), with the intensity of the band at 1436 cm−1 increasing more rapidly than the feature at 1460 cm−1 upon NH3 adsorption. Similarly, a different evolution of these signals is detected after switching off the stream of NH3 (Fig. S11 and S12†), with again the band at 1436 cm−1 showing a different response from those of the bands more typically observed. This difference in evolutions confirms the 1436 cm−1 band to be a separate species to the adsorbed ammonium species typically seen in this part of the spectrum.
To understand the possible origin of the 1436 cm−1 band, DFT simulations were performed, focusing on transient species postulated in various reaction mechanisms, but for which there is currently no definitive spectroscopic evidence. The vibrational frequencies of different Cu complexes were calculated, where the active Cu site is placed in the 8 ring as a Cu2+ in a cube of 8 unit cells of the CHA structure zeolite (see ESI section† on DFT IR band prediction for further information of all structures calculated and vibrational modes assigned). Of the structures calculated, the closest assignment to such a signal was identified as a Cu nitrosamine (Cu–N(O)–NH2), with an NO stretching (with some Cu–N component) frequency determined to 1431.2 cm−1 (Fig. 4a). In addition to this band, the DFT calculation also predicted a weak band originating from the N–N stretch of the Cu–N(O)–NH2 species at 1258 cm−1. Upon (re)inspection of the PSD data there is a weak band in the spectra that evolves and is consumed at exactly the same time (see Fig. 3d and e) and phase angle as the band at 1436 cm−1, providing additional support for the presence of a Cu nitrosamine intermediate species. Importantly, Cu–N(O)–NH2 is a key intermediate postulated (on the basis of DFT calculations) in the recent works of Janssens et al. and Paolucci et al.,10,35 although this is the first spectroscopic confirmation of its formation and role in the NH3-SCR reaction mechanism.
To validate further the findings of the ME DRIFTS experiment, additional modulation experiments were conducted in the absence of NH3 (see Fig. S13†). Significantly, these data contain two large features that modulate with the NO pulses; species representative of adsorbed NO (1896 cm−1) and NO+ (2160 cm−1).16 The phase-resolved data show neither the consumption and regeneration of [Cu2+(OH−)]+ or any feature close to the signal observed at 1436 cm−1 in the experiments described above, thereby supporting the proposal that Cu–N(O)–NH2 intermediate species is part of the SCR catalytic cycle. In addition, the results confirm that the various species observed in the NO pulse ME experiment are consumed and regenerated during the SCR reaction and that they are not spectator species or by-products caused by unselective NO oxidation.
Another feature that shows a strong response to the ME concentration stimulation (NO) is a band centred at ca. 1606 cm−1. Although the exact origin of this band is unclear, its position falls in the range characteristic of nitrate/nitrite and Cu-amine species, also postulated as relevant intermediates in the SCR mechanism.10 We exclude the presence of diamine/tetra-amine Cu species on the basis that although this band could be assigned to an asymmetric bending mode, as can be seen in Fig. 3h, the behaviour of this part of the spectrum does not match at all with that of the 1278 ‘region’ corresponding to the symmetric bending mode of these species.17
Examination of possible stable species predicted using DFT suggests a few candidate mono, bidentate nitrate and nitrite species with typical NO stretching frequencies ca. 1595 cm−1 (±30 cm−1). Of the three structures, the bidentate Cu–NO3 structure A (see ESI†) possesses a NO stretching frequency (νNO, ca. 1609 cm−1) closest to that observed in the phase-resolved IR spectrum. The observation of only one IR active stretch mode (E mode) also implies that the D3h symmetry of the NO3− molecule is preserved on coordination with the Cu ion; the absence of two bands with similar stretching frequencies (νas/νs modes) suggests the absence of a nitrate species of monodentate geometry (C2v symmetry). We note, however, that there have been many studies performed on Cu-containing zeolites and that a number of possible nitrates/nitrites have been proposed, including some similar to the structures shown here (particularly Cu–NO2, surface adsorbed NO2), further suggesting that the accurate assignment of nitrates/nitrites is not trivial.16,36–38 These results also contrast with some observations in which the appearance of ‘Cu-NOx’ only occurs after the system has moved away from SCR conditions (i.e. after NH3 flow is switched off).19 We note, however, that the Cu nitrate species observed by XAS probably possess a higher Cu–(N)O coordination number or higher number of nitrate ligands than those postulated or observed here. This difference in the nature of the nitrate species may be a consequence of the operating conditions, i.e. different temperatures and conversion regimes, but also of their fraction being too short lived for XAS to be detected compared to all other species and thus of the different sensitivity of the two spectroscopic techniques. This observation allows us to conclude that there is probably a difference between the nitrates that play a role in the catalytic cycle as seen here, compared with those that form in the absence of NH3 (i.e. those that form slowly during NO oxidation).
Additional weak bands are seen in the phase-resolved data of Fig. 2 at 3272 and 3182 cm−1, which can be assigned to the stretching modes of both NH4+ ions and adsorbed NH3 on Cu2+, respectively, together with a broad feature at 2156 cm−1 due to NO+.14 Finally, two very broad features between 2600 and 3100 cm−1 are also seen to be present, which have previously been assigned to hydrogen-bonded coordination spheres around NH4+ (2800 cm−1) and H3O+ ions (3025 cm−1).39,40 These changes are not unexpected since the Cu ions and zeolite are fully saturated with NH3 before the SCR reaction begins with the loss of at least one NH3 ligand around the Cu ions necessary for the SCR reaction to take place. The absence of the more commonly observed, yet weaker NH3/NH4+ bending modes in the phase-resolved data suggests that these species undergo only minor modulation during the SCR reaction, which is largely due to their playing an indirect role in the reaction; solvating NH3 and NH4+ species are proposed to provide a reservoir of ammonia for the reaction although as has been shown previously for this catalyst, NH4+ ions are not particularly reactive.17
The intermediate species seen in this study have previously been proposed as protagonists in the reaction mechanism proposed by Janssens et al. (see Fig. 5).10 However, analysis of the phase-resolved data, specifically of the in-phase data (φPSD value where signal intensity is highest; Fig. 6) can provide additional insight on the mechanism. Table S2† lists the φPSD values obtained for the signals of the species discussed above. Similar angular values indicate that the species behave kinetically very similarly, while large differences suggest that species are temporally well separated in the chemical process. In the previous work by Janssens et al., it was proposed that the reaction begins with [Cu2+(OH−)]+ and is followed by the formation of Cu–N(O)–NH2.10 From Table S2† it appears that both components have a similar phase angle suggesting similar rates and time of formation. Furthermore, the subsequent formation of Cu–NO3 followed by NO+ (2160 cm−1) from the disproportionation of NO2, is observed at its maximum intensity with roughly the same phase angle as those associated with Cu–NH3 stretch (3182 cm−1) which suggests a complex is formed containing both Cu–NH3 and NO2 towards the end of the cycle. Indeed, if we normalise the phase angle to the start of the catalytic cycle (i.e. presence of [Cu2+(OH−)]+ as shown in Fig. 6) it can be seen that there is excellent correlation concerning the order in the phase angle that a species appears and the catalytic cycle shown in Fig. 5.
Fig. 5 Summary of species evolution during the catalytic cycle, species shaded in green observed in the ME drifts experiments. [Cu2+(OH−)]+ is consumed to make Cu–N(O)–NH2, followed by bidentate nitrate and finally a Cu complex with both NO type and NH3 ligands (as anticipated in the mechanism proposed by Janssens et al.10). |
Fig. 6 Normalised sinusoidal curves for the respective protagonist IR bands listed in Table S2.† All signals are normalised between 0 and 1, with the response at 3655 cm−1 ([Cu2+(OH−)]+) set to 0° phase angle and all other species adjusted accordingly. These species are listed in Table S2† and correspond to band intensity responses due to black = 1258 cm−1, red = 1436 cm−1, blue = 1606 cm−1, green = 2158 cm−1, purple = 3182 cm−1, orange = 3655 cm−1. |
Despite the new insight obtained, we observe that the ME technique is not able to allow us to rationalise fully all the steps in the catalytic mechanism at this temperature or to discriminate definitively between active and spectator species that may evolve at the same rate as the dose response. It may be that better resolution regarding these steps could be realised by performing experiments at lower conversions and/or at lower temperatures. We note, furthermore, that the temperature employed for this study is also unable to discriminate between the low and high temperature mechanism because of the Cu loading, but as it was performed at 250 °C, these results are likely to be more pertinent to a high temperature mechanism; indeed some of the intermediates observed here are different from those recently reported at much lower temperatures (i.e. Cu2+(NH3)3(NO3)).4,45,46 It is clear, however, that the identification of intermediate states as achieved here can be very useful in guiding the design of the next generation of new and related technologies for deNOx applications, perhaps using cationic components that could be more active or at least more environmentally benign or at risk than copper.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/c9sc04905c |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2020 |