Megan S.
Ross S.
Ammon P.
Ulrich E.
*c and
C. Michael
aDepartment of Chemistry, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523, USA. E-mail:
bMax Planck Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion, D-45470 Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany
cDepartment of Chemistry, University of Konstanz, Universitätsstraße 14, Konstanz, 78457, Germany
First published on 12th May 2020
Two covalently linked donor–acceptor copper phenanthroline complexes (C–A dyads) of interest for solar energy conversion/storage schemes, [Cu(I)(Rphen(OMV)24+)2]9+ = RC+A48+ with RC+ = [Cu(I)Rphen2]+ involving 2,9-methyl (R = Me) or 2,9-phenyl (R = Ph)-phenanthroline ligands that are 5,6-disubstituted by 4-(n-butoxy) linked methylviologen electron acceptor groups (A2+ = OMV2+), have been synthesized and investigated via quantum chemical calculations and nanosecond laser flash spectroscopy in 1,2-difluorobenzene/methanol (dfb/MeOH) mixtures. Upon photoexcitation, charge transfer (CT) states RC2+A+A36+ are formed in less than one ns and decay by charge recombination on a time scale of 6–45 ns. The CT lifetime of RC2+A+A36+ has a strong dependence on MeOH solvent fraction when R = Me, but is unaffected if R = Ph. This solvent effect is due to coordination of MeOH solvent in MeC+A48+ (i.e. exciplex formation) allowed by conformational flattening of the ligand sphere, which cannot occur in PhC+A48+ having bulkier Phphen ligand framework. Interestingly, the decay time of the CT state increases for both species at low magnetic fields with a maximum increase of ca. 30% at ca. 150 mT, then decreases as the field is increased up to 1500 mT, the highest field investigated. This magnetic field effect (MFE) is due to magnetic modulation of the spin dynamics interconverting 3CT and 1CT states. A quantitative modeling according to the radical pair mechanism involving ab initio multireference calculations of the complexes revealed that the spin process is dominated by the effect of Cu hyperfine coupling. The external magnetic field suppresses the hyperfine coupling induced spin state mixing thereby lengthening the CT decay time. This effect is counteracted by the field dependent processes of T0–S mixing through the Δg-mechanism and by a local mode spin–orbit mechanism. Further, the maximum MFE is limited by a finite rate of direct recombination of 3CT states and the spin-rotational mechanism of spin relaxation. This study provides a first comprehensive characterization of Cu(II)-complex spin chemistry and highlights how spin chemistry can be used to manipulate solar energy harvesting and storage materials.
As such, [CuP2]+ exhibits a strong metal-to-ligand charge-transfer (MLCT) transition in the visible resulting in a strongly reducing excited state, which can undergo oxidative quenching reactions. However, it is likely that the covalently linked donor–acceptor copper phenanthroline complexes, i.e. C–A dyads of [CuP2]+, have been less investigated than the [RuL3]2+ analogs due to their complex chemistry. As a d10 metal, Cu(I) complexes are often very labile and, when oxidized to d9-Cu(II), undergo pseudo-Jahn–Teller (J–T) distortion.4–9 Consequently, it is often impossible to prepare, isolate, and purify [CuP2]+-type complexes via techniques such as chromatography. Further, in the J–T distorted Cu(II) geometry, Lewis basic solvents or anions can coordinate to form a non-emissive exciplex.5,10–17 Although non-emissive, the exciplex is capable of oxidative quenching by an acceptor, but with a diminished driving force dependent upon the strength of the overall ligand interactions.10–13,16,18–22
Despite lability and J–T distortion issues, examples of photoinduced electron transfer with [CuP2]+-type C–A dyads go back many decades. Unlike [RuL3]2+, persistent, detectable CT product is formed in [CuP2]+-type C–A dyads because the rate of oxidative quenching, kA, is usually faster than non-radiative deactivation of the J–T distorted state.5,23–26 If manipulated correctly, the J–T distortion and ligand lability can be advantageous. Meyer and co-workers reported efficient formation of relatively long-lived (τCT is on the order of a few microseconds in highly coordinating solvents) photoinduced CT products in several Cu(I) bipyridine-viologen-based dyad assemblies.23,25 In these studies, the lifetime of the C+–A− product was demonstrated to be highly solvent dependent, varying by two orders of magnitude between dichloromethane (DCM, shortest) and dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO, longest). The authors invoke a Marcus theory argument, relating the long CT lifetime to the large reorganization energy requisite for geometric and coordination changes accompanying the recombination reaction.5,23,25,27 The authors left open the question of whether spin restriction has an effect in this regard. On the other hand, the significance of spin effects has been demonstrated and extensively studied in our laboratories for unlinked [Ru(bpy)3]2+/MV2+ dyad systems,28–32 as well as for linked phenazine/[Ru(phen)3]2+/MV2+ triads, where an electron donor is appended to achieve multi-step electron transfer.33–35
In both, Ru- and Cu-based dyads, the primary events after photoexcitation may be represented by Scheme 1. As a reference for the present study with C–A dyads of copper, we briefly review the specific situation for the ruthenium case. Ultrafast (ps) transient absorption spectroscopy on linked [RuL3]2+-type C–A dyads has demonstrated that forward electron transfer forming the charge transfer (CT) state occurs very fast, but reverse electron transfer regenerating the Ru(II) complex in its ground state is similarly fast, if not faster.36 Thus, no appreciable amount of charge separated product persists. Only an upper limit of ca. 80 ps could be estimated for the time constant of recombination in ref. 37. Data reported by Yonemoto et al. corroborate values on this order of magnitude for covalently linked ruthenium tris(bipyridyl)-viologen dyads.36
In linked [RuL3]2+-type C–A dyads, the dominant MLCT state is a triplet. Forward electron transfer from the 3MLCT to the CT species, C+–A−, results in an overall triplet spin alignment of the unpaired (radical pair (RP)) electrons. The magnetic field dependence of reverse electron transfer kinetics in such systems has greatly expanded the understanding thereof. Since reverse electron transfer, i.e. recombination, from the triplet 3CT state, 3(C+–A−), regenerates the singlet ground state, 1(C–A), spin conversion from triplet 3(C+–A−) to singlet 1(C+–A−) must occur within the CT state before recombination can proceed. The rate of spin-conversion then becomes part of the overall backward electron transfer kinetics, which exhibits a magnetic field dependence according to the field dependence of the triplet/singlet (T/S) conversion process.
This spin-chemical scenario corresponds to the so-called radical pair mechanism,37,38 which describes a magnetic field dependent spin conversion process where interplay between local magnetic interactions, e.g. hyperfine and Zeeman interactions, affect the unpaired electron spins. The major factors determining the magnetic field dependence of T/S conversion kinetics in Ru-based systems are (1) fast electron spin-relaxation and (2) different Zeeman interactions of the Ru(III) complex and MV+ radical resulting from their distinct g-factors. Theoretical analysis of the magnetic field dependence on the CT lifetime in unlinked C–A dyads of [RuL3]2+/MV2+ yielded specific kinetic parameters of the C+…A− state;28–32 particularly, the rate constant of spin-allowed backward electron transfer and spin relaxation. Although these studies dealt with unlinked C–A dyads, the magnetic field dependence of the spin-conversion process should, in principle, also apply to the linked systems where the rate constant of dissociation is zero. Considering the rate of Ru(III) spin relaxation (ca. 19–26 ps) together with the rate of spin-allowed backward electron transfer (ca. 12–30 ps), overall recombination lifetimes of 100–150 ps are predicted for the CT state of the linked [RuL3]3+…MV+ C–A dyads (where L = bpy or phen).30,33
The CT state lifetime, τCT, has a great influence on the utility of the C–A dyads in solar energy conversion/storage applications. To achieve long, functional lifetimes using [RuL3]2+ chromophores, electron transfer from the chromophore to the acceptor must be followed by an additional electron transfer step. Thus, as briefly referenced above, an electron donor can be added to the system to form a donor–chromophore–acceptor (D–C–A) triad. In [RuL3]2+-based D–C–A triads, fast recombination of the CT state (D–C+–A−) is prevented by the second fast electron transfer from the donor to the chromophore: D–C+–A− → D+–C–A−. The greater physical separation between radical species and different spin-chemical interactions in the [RuL3]2+-based D–C–A species enables much longer lifetimes to be achieved.34,39–42 However, as mentioned above, copper C–A dyads can already exhibit longer lifetimes of the C+–A−, CT state. Yet, the question of their spin chemistry is interesting and has not been explored.
Thus, in the present work, we set out to investigate the role of spin-chemical influences on the mechanism of CT formation and relaxation in [CuP2]+ dyads. For our investigations, we prepared the two Cu(I)-based C–A dyad systems shown in Fig. 1. To denote their structure we will use the short hand notation [Cu(I)(Rphen(OMV)24+)2]9+ = RC+A48+ with the complex RC+ = [Cu(I)Rphen2]+ (Rphen = 2,9-dimethyl (R = Me) or 2,9-diphenyl, (R = Ph) phenanthroline), as the photoelectron donor, and four 4-(n-butoxyl) linked methylviologen (A2+ = OMV2+) electron acceptor groups, substituted at the 5,6-positions of the phenanthroline ligands.
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Fig. 1 Structures of the synthesized and investigated RC+A48+ dyads and associated Rphen(OMV)24+ acceptor ligands. |
These complexes are related to the original complex of Meyer and co-workers,24 but use 2,9-dimethyl-1,10-phenanthroline (dmp) and 2,9-diphenyl-1,10-phenanthroline (dpp) based ligands rather than bipyridine. As reported below, our systems undergo efficient, single-step, photoinduced charge separation to form a CT, in which Cu(I) is oxidized to Cu(II) and the viologen electron acceptor is reduced to the radical mono-cation, MV+˙. We find that the solvent composition influences the lifetime of the CT state in dramatically different ways for the MeC+A48+ and PhC+A48+ dyads. Furthermore, the CT lifetime depends on the applied magnetic field between 0 and 1.5 T. The kinetic MFE is modelled in terms of the radical pair mechanism. The required magnetic parameters of the Cu(II) complexes were obtained from state of the art ab initio multireference calculations performed to elucidate the experimental data.
The effect of an applied magnetic field on the recombination kinetics of the CT state was also examined by TA spectroscopy. For these experiments, the pump and probe beams were directed through the center of an electromagnet (Model: HV4H, Walker Scientific, Inc.) in a near collinear orientation (Fig. S2 in ESI†). All TA data (in the presence and absence of a magnetic field) were fit using either Origin 7.5 advanced fitting function or a nonlinear regression fitting function in the statistical computing software R46 which fit a differential equation simulating the excitation and subsequent decay of CT state during and after each laser pulse (referred to subsequently as the “ODE fit”). The laser beam profile was measured with a photodiode and approximated to be a normalized (by peak intensity) Gaussian distribution with a FWHM of 4 ns for the ODE fits. Confidence intervals for these fits were produced by investigating the profile log-likelihood function of the fitted model (profile.nls of the {stats} package in R). Details of the signal fits are shown in the ESI.†
In addition to the truncated models, calculations of the entire dyad MeC+A48+ were performed. The geometry was optimized at the RI-BP86/def2-SVP level of theory including relativistic effects by ZORA and dispersion correction (DFT-D3BJ).
The lifetime of the CT state of MeC+A48+ is significantly solvent dependent. As demonstrated in Fig. S5A in the ESI,† the lifetime of the CT state increases with increased MeOH concentration up to a value of ca. 45 ns at a concentration of ca. 5% (v/v) where the effect saturates (%[MeOH] higher than 10% were not considered).
In pure dfb, the lifetime of the CT state formed from PhC+A48+ is essentially the same as for MeC+A48+ (ca. 8.0–9.5 ns). However, in contrast to MeC+A48+, the τCT and absorbance (static or transient) of PhC+A48+ show essentially no solvent dependence with added MeOH. In 5% MeOH/dfb the lifetime is, within experimental error, the same as in 0% MeOH (Fig. 4). This difference is interpreted to indicate the efficacy of the phenyl substituents in the 2,9-positions of the phenanthroline ligand to inhibit MeOH from accessing the metal center relative to the smaller methyl substituents. The difference in steric environment between the two complexes, MeC+A48+ and PhC+A48+, is evident in the quantum chemical calculations provided in Fig. S12 of the ESI.† Moreover, the results with MeC+A48+ are qualitatively in concert with observations reported by Meyer.27,67 The ligands used by Meyer and coworkers had no blocking substituents in the equivalent bipyridine positions (i.e., only H in 6,6′-positions) and an increased τCT with increasing Lewis base strength of the solvent was observed.
In pure dfb solvent, the MeC+A48+ dyad exhibits qualitatively similar behavior to that of PhC+A48+ as a function of applied magnetic field as shown in Fig. 5. Specifically, τCT increases from ca. 6.5 ns to ca. 8.5 ns between applied fields of 0 and 100–200 mT, then τCT decreases as the field is increased to ca. 500 mT (Fig. 5, p < 0.05 when τCT at 0 and 100 mT are compared via a paired, two-tailed t-test). At that point, the lifetime approximately plateaus at a value of ca. 6.5 ns. One behavioral difference between the two dyads at high magnetic fields is that the τCT of MeC+A48+ returns approximately to its zero-field value whereas τCT for PhC+A48+ is significantly higher at 1500 mT than at zero field. Additionally, like PhC+A48+, the τCT of MeC+A48+ in dfb is insensitive to excitation and monitoring wavelength. The τCT of the PhC+A48+ dyad at zero field is also not dependent on monitoring wavelength, therefore, it is likely that the same is true in an applied field although that was not explicitly investigated. As mentioned previously, the τCT of MeC+A48+ increases when MeOH is incorporated into the solvent mixture, but consistently follows the same qualitative pattern in an applied magnetic field regardless of MeOH concentration (Fig. 6). The combined data presented in Fig. 4–6 ostensibly display a consistent, general pattern in τCT with magnetic field for both RC+A48+ dyads regardless of solvent composition, excitation wavelength, monitoring wavelength, and laser power.
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Fig. 6 The relative change in CT lifetime (τ) for MeC+A48+ at 396 nm in dfb/X% MeOH with magnetic field after excitation at 475 nm. With exception of the data at 0 and 1250 mT which is shown as calculated from the ODE fits, the values were smoothed using a 3-point moving average. Confidence intervals (95%) for the single field data points are of the same relative magnitude as in Fig. 4 and 5 (<4.2%) and should be approximately reduced by a factor of 13 by the 3-point averaging. Error bars were omitted because they are miniscule on this lifetime scale. The solid lines represent fits with the radical pair model. Solvent dfb with 0% (blue), 2% (green), 5% (orange), 10% (red) MeOH. For parameters cf. Discussion. |
The HFC tensors of nitrogen in [Cu(dmp)2]2+ and [Cu(dpp)2]2+ are much smaller than those of copper, which is due to the lighter core, smaller polarization at the core level and a negligible A(so) contribution. The pertinent values are listed in the ESI, Table S5.†
In the ground state, the geometry of [Cu(dmp)2]+ is nearly tetrahedral while the conformation is significantly flattened for [Cu(dpp)2]+, as shown by geometry optimization in this work (see ESI†) and preceding literature.68,70 Vertical excitation to the 1MLCT state causes the [Cu(dmp)2]+-geometry to flatten due to Jahn–Teller distortion. In the case of [Cu(dpp)2]+, excitation exacerbates the pre-existing flattening distortion.71 These structural rearrangements take place within about 0.8 ps and are followed by ISC to the 3MLCT state (rate constant kST) within about 10 ps.14,17,72 As noted earlier,69 the singlet-triplet splitting of the MLCT state is small enough for thermal repopulation of the 1MLCT state to occur and delayed fluorescence to be observed. From the temperature dependence of emission quantum yield and lifetime, McMillin and coworkers estimated some of the rate constants for the [Cu(dmp)2]+ complex in the non-coordinating solvent CH2Cl2. Exploiting the more recent experimental information of kST ≈ 1011 s−1, on the quantum yield of prompt fluorescence,14,17,71 and extending the kinetic approach from ref. 69, it was possible (cf. ESI†) to determine the following absolute values of the rate constants for pure singlet (kS) and pure triplet (kT) recombination as well as the 3MLCT → 1MLCT process (kTS): kS = 4.95 × 109 s−1, kT = 8.8 × 106 s−1, kTS = 4.6 × 107 s−1. The energy gap between 1MLCT and 3MLCT was evaluated to be 1360 cm−1, in fair agreement with a value of 1201 cm−1 obtained by our quantum chemical calculations (cf. ESI†) based on more advanced methods than applied in ref. 14 where a value of 1800 cm−1 was obtained. Experimental evidence for the latter value was provided from the difference of the high and low temperature spectral maxima.14,69 However, as our analysis of the temperature dependent lifetime and quantum yield data in ref. 69 has shown (cf. ESI†), an energy gap of 1800 cm−1 would not comply with a notable contribution of emission from 3MLCT which is inconsistent with spectral evidence. For [Cu(dpp)2]+, in which ISC between 1MLCT/3MLCT is fast,72 our quantum chemical calculations yielded a ΔE value of 1716 cm−1 (cf. ESI†).
For [Cu(dmp)2]+, it is known that a five-coordinate exciplex with a solvent molecule is formed in coordinating solvents such as MeOH. Despite the fact that formation of this structure is complete within a few nanoseconds,26 there is no quantitative information about the rate constant of exciplex formation. At least in solutions having dilute concentrations of a coordinating solvent component, it is unlikely that the process is faster than the initial ISC process in the unsolvated species. Hence, we will assume that solvent coordination occurs on the stage of the unsolvated 3MLCT state, or even after electron transfer and formation of the CT state. In Scheme 2, these processes are indicated in gray.
![]() | (1) |
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Fig. 7 Back electron transfer in, and dimensions of the complex [Cu(II)(Mephen(OMV)2)3+˙(Mephen(OMV)24+)]9+. Structure calculated with geometry optimized at the RI-BP86/def2-SVP level of theory including relativistic effects by ZORA and including dispersion correction (DFT-D3BJ) (cf. ESI†). |
Here, the rate constants kS and kT of singlet and triplet recombination are magnetic field independent, i.e. global parameters for the set of decay curves measured at different fields.
The magnetic field dependence of the rate constants of spin conversion is assumed as follows:
kST0(B0) = khfc,0 + kΔg(B0) + ksri | (2) |
Here the rate constant khfc,0 is treated as a semiempirical field independent parameter. However, the other two contributions, S/T0-mixing by different Larmor frequencies (kΔg(B0), so-called Δg-mechanism) and by spin-rotational coupling (ksri), are calculated using the magnetic parameters of the system. The former is given by (cf. ESI†):
![]() | (3) |
![]() | (4) |
![]() | (5) |
The general relation between the T1 time of a radical and the pertinent rate constants for transitions between S, T0, and T+/T− is given by 1/4T1.73 Hence
![]() | (6) |
For the field dependent rate constant k±, we consider four possible contributions:
k±(B0) = khfc(B0) + kgta(B0) + kgta,int(B0) + ksri | (7) |
![]() | (8) |
![]() | (9) |
In principle, the Lorentzian form of a function in eqn (8) is suitable for both, coherent and incoherent contributions and we are not introducing a separate Lorentzian term for spin relaxation due to rotational modulation of anisotropic hyperfine coupling. After determining the parameters empirically by fitting the experimental data, their relation to isotropic (coherent) and anisotropic (incoherent) hyperfine interactions will be discussed.
Only the Cu(II)-radical site is considered for the contribution of relaxation by g-tensor anisotropy. From the expression for T1, given for this type of relaxation in the general EPR literature,86 and again taking into account the relation kgta = 1/4T1,gta, we obtain
![]() | (10) |
Δgta = g‖ − g⊥ | (11) |
Actually, the contribution of kgta from rotational modulation of the g-tensor anisotropy is negligible, but we also have to consider modulations of the g-factor by internal vibrational modes, kgta,int(B0). To this end, Δgta in eqn (10) was replaced by an effective value with a modification factor, αint, and the rotational correlation time by an internal correlation time, τint. The contribution of this mechanism is essential to explain the decrease of the CT lifetime at high fields. Both parameters are treated as empirical fitting parameters.
To simulate the kinetic MFE, eqn (1) were numerically solved using Mathematica. The general solution is represented by a tri-exponential decay for the relevant parameter ranges, however, with a dominating contribution of one of the exponentials. An effective decay time, τCT, was obtained by a least-squares fit of a mono-exponential to the calculated tri-exponential (for details cf. ESI†). The effective decay time τCT is a unique function of five parameters:
τCT = f(Bhfc,1/2, kS, kT, τgta-int, αint) | (12) |
The sets of 5 parameters for each of the best fits shown in Fig. 4–6 are listed in Table 1. From these, we derived the secondary quantities keff = 1/τCT (B = 0), the effective decay rate constant at zero field, kspin-av, the average rate constant of spin conversion, and khfc,0, the effective rate constant of hyperfine induced spin mixing at zero field.
a Zero field values from the fit agree well with the experimental values. b cf. eqn (13). c Calculated according to eqn (9). | |||||
Complex solvent | PheCA2 dfb | MeCA2 dfb | MeCA2 dfb/2% MeOH | MeCA2 dfb/5% MeOH | MeCA2 dfb/10% MeOH |
k eff = 1/τCT (B = 0)a | 1.13 × 108 | 1.55 × 108 | 3.4 × 107 | 2.4 × 107 | 2.3 × 107 |
k rec,S, s−1 | 3.5 × 108 | 5.1 × 108 | 9.6 × 107 | 6.6 × 107 | 6.3 × 107 |
k rec,T, s−1 | 5.6 × 107 | 8.2 × 107 | 1.5 × 107 | 1.1 × 107 | 1.0 × 107 |
k spin-av | 1.30 × 108 | 1.9 × 108 | 3.7 × 107 | 2.4 × 107 | 2.3 × 107 |
B hfc,1/2, mT | 14.9 | 14.3 | 10 | 10 | 10 |
k hfc,0, s−1c | 3.5 × 108 | 3.3 × 108 | 2.3 × 108 | 2.3 × 108 | 2.3 × 108 |
τ gta-int, ps | 5.8 | 6.0 | 6.0 | 2.0 | 2.1 |
α int | 0.47 | 1.2 | 0.5 | 1.1 | 1.0 |
In ref. 25 the recombination rate constant for the [Cu(bpy)2]+ containing dyads has remained unresolved with respect to the contributions of singlet and triplet recombination and the role of the spin processes. In our case, however, this task could be solved with the help of the kinetic MFE. It is found that direct triplet to singlet ground state recombination is possible, its rate constant being about 1/6 of the spin allowed recombination. Such a behavior seems plausible in view of the spin–orbit coupling effect of the Cu center. The kinetic role of spin conversion between the initial triplet and the singlet charge transfer state can be assessed by comparing keff the effective rate constant of recombination with kspin-av, defined as the average of krec,S and krec,T under spin equilibrium
![]() | (13) |
Pertinent values are listed in Table 1. At zero field, the observed value of keff (Table 1, row 1) is less than kspin-av (Table 1, row 4) for the three fastest cases of recombination, i.e.PhC+A48+ or MeC+A48+ in neat dfb and MeC+A48+ in dfb/2% MeOH). This result indicates that spin evolution is a non-negligible kinetic determinant of recombination in these cases. However, when the percentage of MeOH in the solvent is increased to ≥5%, spin equilibrium seems to have been established prior to the recombination process. Nevertheless, with rising magnetic field, the k± process is sufficiently slowed down to make the recombination magnetic field dependent in all cases.
Compared to electron-donor/-acceptor systems with [Ru(bpy)3]2+ or ferrocene as an electron donor,30,87 the spin-allowed backward electron transfer rate constants are several orders of magnitude smaller in the Cu-complex dyads (cf.Table 2). This finding is most likely due to a strongly reduced Franck–Condon factor in the Cu complexes as a result of conformational relaxation of the ligand sphere.
a Ref. 30 and 32. b Ref. 87 and 94. c This work. d Energy of lowest doublet excitation. e Spin-rotational relaxation time. f Calculated according to eqn (9). g Neglecting the small contribution from magnetic isotopes of Ru and Fe. h Ox˙ = oxonine semiquinone. | |||
Complex | [Ru(bpy)3]3+a | [Fe(Cp)2]+b | [Cu(II)(dmp)2]+c |
d-config. (symmetry) | d5(D3) | d5(D5) | d9(D2) |
ΔED–D, cm−1d | 600–800 | 270–480 (ref. 90) | 9000 |
B 0-indep. T1, T2 | 20 ps | 5 ps | 44 nse |
g ‖, g⊥ | 1.14, 2.64 | 4.35, 1.24 | 2.37, 2.07 (ref. 68) |
B 1/2(hfc)f (counter radical) | ∼2 mT (MV+˙)g | ∼2 mT (Ox˙)g,h | ∼14 mT (MV+˙) |
k S, s−1 (counter radical) | 7 × 1010 (MV+˙) | 1012 (Ox˙)h | 3 × 108 (MV+˙) |
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Fig. 8 Magnetic field dependence of various contributions to spin dynamics and related parameters for PhC+A48+ in dfb. Red data points: inverse of experimental τCT values with best fit line from Fig. 4 in black. For details cf. text. |
The magnetic field dependence of kST0, determined by the Δg-mechanism, corresponds to a monotonic increase with the field. At zero field it is zero, but it increases quickly and supersedes the value of khfc,0 by 45 mT. Noteworthy, the Δg-mechanism causes a field dependence of τCT only up to a field of about 250 mT (cf. Fig. S30 in the ESI†), where it leads to a depression of the τCT maximum by about 6%. At higher fields, this mechanism renders the S/T0 process fast enough to maintain full spin-equilibrium between the two spin states during all stages of decay. Thus, further acceleration of the S/T0 process is not seen as a MFE in the recombination kinetics.
The rate constant k± (cf.eqn (7)) is made up of several contributions: first and foremost, the empirically determined hyperfine coupling contribution, khfc, which effectively comprises both isotropic and anisotropic interactions. Secondly, spin relaxational contributions specific to the Cu(II)-center, viz. rotational modulation of g-tensor anisotropy (kgta) and spin-rotational coupling (ksri); both of which can be calculated directly from the magnetic parameters of the Cu(II)-complex. A further contribution from a spin–orbit coupling related relaxation mechanism modulated by internal motions was also parametrized by an empirical fit and will be discussed below.
The empirical fit according to eqn (8) and (9) of the field dependence of khfc, that mainly determines the increase of τCT with the field up to about 100 mT, yields a Bhfc,1/2 value of 14–15 mT for the two complexes in neat dfb. Now, the role of coherent and incoherent hyperfine induced singlet/triplet mixing on the behavior of khfc(B0) needs to be discussed. As shown in the ESI,† a semiclassical model of spin motion by Schulten and Wolynes,85 and its improved version by Manolopoulos et al.,77,78 can be used to consistently relate coherent hyperfine driven spin motion to the rate constant, khfc,0, of a classical exponential process at both zero field and high field.
According to Schulten and coworkers,85,88 the spin motion is completely determined by the effective hyperfine fields of each radical, I, characterized by the following sum over the nuclei, k
![]() | (14) |
![]() | (15) |
Thus, there is a direct relation between this half field value and spin motion and its approximation by an exponential process (cf. ESI, Section H†).
The coherent spin motion of the Cu(II)…MV+ pair has also been calculated by the improved semiclassical model of Manolopoulos et al.77 (cf. Fig. S28 in the ESI†). The exponential curves derived from the Schulten–Wolynes model fit the curves derived according to Manolopoulos et al. equally well.
For the MV+ radical, the pertinent hyperfine couplings are 0.134 mT (4H), 0.159 mT (4H), 0.401 mT (6H), and 0.425 mT (2N), yielding BMV+ = 1.25 mT. For the Cu nuclei in the MeC+A48+ and PhC+A48+ complexes, we average the anisotropic hyperfine couplings, A‖ = −17.7 mT and A⊥ = 2.8 mT, to an isotropic value of Aiso = −4.0 mT, yielding BCu = 7.8 mT. From these values and eqn (14) and (15) we obtain Bhfc,1/2 = 13.7 mT. This value is in rather good agreement with the Bhfc,1/2 parameter from the best fit for the two complexes in dfb (cf.Table 1). On addition of MeOH, the Bhfc,1/2 value decreases somewhat, which may be indicative of modified spin densities by exciplex formation with the solvent.
Although the coincidence of the empirical Bhfc,1/2 and the theoretical value derived for isotropic hyperfine coupling is gratifying, the role of anisotropic hfc must be considered. If rotational motion is fast, the anisotropic interactions are averaged out and their effect is reduced to spin relaxation, which is slow on the timescale of molecular rotation. As shown in the ESI,† based on Redfield theory, at zero field and low fields the usual theoretical expressions lead to T1 and T2 relaxation times of the Cu(II) center on the order of 0.1 ns. This is significantly shorter than the expected rotational correlation time of about 0.7 ns. Hence, the rotational correlation time comes below the valid range of the Redfield condition, which demands that the resulting relaxation must be slower than the stochastic process inducing it. For the Cu(II) complexes herein, anisotropic hyperfine coupling may lead to spin motion that is faster than or comparable to rotational motion. On the other hand, frozen rotational motion treated by a static averaging of anisotropic hyperfine coupling would not be a good approximation for the present systems either. Actually, it would be most realistic to apply a dynamical theory that treats both quantum dynamical spin motion and (classical) rotational molecular motion on the same time scale. Such a treatment has not been carried out yet for spin chemical problems and is far beyond the scope of the present work. A perturbation treatment based on the Nakajima–Zwanzig equation, recently published by Fay et al.91 might be a promising option, though.
At intermediate fields between ∼50 and ∼200 mT, the Redfield condition for calculating the T1 time of Cu(II) is valid and we can use eqn (S10) (cf. ESI†). In Fig. 8, the field dependence of this contribution to k±, as given by 1/4T1,ahfc, is also shown. This curve runs slightly above the empirical fit line for k±. Thus, spin relaxation due to the rotational modulation of anisotropic hyperfine coupling at the Cu-center can, in fact, account for most of k± up to fields of about 200 mT, above which it drops below the contribution of ksri. We can thus conclude that, different from the purely organic radical pairs investigated in ref. 73, coherent and incoherent contributions of hyperfine coupling to the spin dynamics are largely inseparable for radical pairs with Cu-centered radicals.
In ref. 78, the advanced semiclassical theory of coherent electron spin motion in radical pairs has been developed to a stage that it can be combined with (parametrized) relaxation and different singlet and triplet recombination rates. We have tested it for the present system using the relaxation parameters and reaction rate constants of our model in combination with the hyperfine constants of Cu(II) and MV+ as shown in Fig. S29 (ESI†). For fields up to about 100 mT, coherent hyperfine induced spin motion accounts for about 50–70% of the difference between the observed decay times and the theoretical results obtained if only incoherent contributions would be taken into account. These findings indicate that there must be a contribution to spin mixing neither accounted for by isotropic hyperfine coupling, nor by the Redfield type relaxation processes and hence support the essential role of “slow motional” anisotropic hyperfine coupling in the region up to 100 mT. Above 200 mT spin state mixing by “static” isotropic as well as “slow motional” anisotropic hyperfine coupling seem to be suppressed since the relaxation processes in the Redfield limit are sufficient to account for the magnetic field dependence.
The spin-rotational interaction, represented by a rate constant ksri, is a field-independent contribution to the incoherent part of k±. It can be calculated directly from the magnetic parameters of the Cu-complex and the solvent viscosity (cf. Section H ESI†). The kinetic role of the spin-rotational mechanism is to represent a lower limit to k±. In the region between 100 and 500 mT, its constant value exceeds both the value of khfc and kgta-int and effectively depresses the maximum CT lifetime by about 10%.
The field dependence of τCT indicates an increase of k± at fields higher than about 200 mT. Such a behavior is characteristic of spin relaxation due to modulations of the g-tensor anisotropy. According to eqn (10), the rate constant of such a process increases quadratically with the field and saturates at a level inversely proportional to the correlation time of the modulation source. The correlation time of rotational diffusion is far too long to account for the increase of k± at high fields (cf. red dashed curve in Fig. 8). Therefore, a rotation independent modulation of the g-tensor has been taken into consideration. From the fit, a correlation time of about 6 ps and a modulation depth corresponding to about 0.5 times the full rotational anisotropy of the g-tensor in case of PhC+A48+ and 1.2 times in case of MeC+A48+ seem adequate. The decreasing effect of this mechanism on the CT lifetime at higher fields is illustrated in Fig. S30.† Although the nature of the relaxation process dominating at high field which formally corresponds to an internal modulation of g-tensor anisotropy is not yet clear, we note that similar observations have been made for [RuL3]2+-based D–C–A triads with a phenoselenazine donor and a diquaternary amine acceptor.34,35 In that case, a correlation time of 2 ps and a modulation by the full g-tensor anisotropy have been found.
The different electron configurations of the metal ions and different symmetries of the ligand spheres result in two main consequences: differences in the lowest electronic excitation energies of the paramagnetic complexes (“radicals” that one should better call Kramers doublets, due to their spin–orbit entangled character) and the anisotropy of their g-tensors. In the cases of the d5 metal cores, singly occupied degenerate d-orbitals are involved, leading to a low lying excited Kramers doublet. It is well known that such a situation causes very short, magnetic-field independent, spin relaxation times, due to the so-called Orbach mechanism, operating through thermal excitation of the lowest electronically excited state.29,92,93 Furthermore, the g-tensor components deviate strongly from the free electron value. For the Cu(II) complexes investigated here, a lowest excitation energy of ca. 9000 cm−1 has been calculated, explaining the inefficiency of the Orbach mechanism in this case. Thus, the magnetic field independent spin relaxation is due to spin-rotational interaction and takes much longer than for the Ru(III) and Fe(III) complexes. Additionally, the anisotropy of the g-tensor, though quite large compared to most organic radicals, is much weaker than in the d5 cases. On the other hand, the Cu nucleus exhibits a remarkably strong hyperfine coupling. Together, these differences in the magnetic parameters account for the different spin chemistry of the Cu(II)-complexes: (i) the exclusive Δg-mechanism in the d5 cases, which require very high magnetic fields on the order of 10 T (ref. 30 and 94) to make spin-mixing comparably fast relative to the short spin relaxation time and to the fast reaction rate in the Ru and Fe case, and (ii) hyperfine dominated magnetic field dependence with correspondingly large B1/2 in the case of Cu.
After writing this manuscript, we came across a recent publication by Jones and coworkers95 dealing with the Δg-effect on the RP decay in the photolysis of coenzyme B12. Here the paramagnetic 59Co(II) center plays a very similar role as the Cu(II) center in our Cu-complex systems. Both paramagnetic metal centers exhibit similar, strongly spin–orbit-coupling affected g-values around 2.2 and strong isotropic hyperfine couplings in the 4–7 mT range. In the case of coenzyme B12, the RP is formed in the singlet spin state. The effect of hyperfine induced spin mixing leads to faster 3RP formation and concomitant slower RP recombination, because it is only allowed from the 1RP state. Hence, suppression of spin-mixing by an external magnetic field enhances RP recombination. In the case of our Cu-complexes, the RP originates in the triplet spin state. Here, hyperfine-induced triplet/singlet spin mixing favors RP recombination, a process which is impeded by an external magnetic field to result in a longer RP lifetime.
The Δg-effect, supporting magnetic field driven S/T0 mixing, counteracts and reverts the hyperfine dependent magnetic field effect on the RP lifetime. The 1RP recombination rate in the Cu-complexes is about 10 times longer than in the Co-complex. Hence, the Δg-effect saturates at fairly low fields of about 200 mT (cf. Fig. S30†); the point at which it reaches S/T0 equilibrium during the RP lifetime. In the cobalt case, the Δg-effect continues to develop up to higher fields and also develops a larger amplitude. This different behaviour results from the shorter RP lifetime in the cobalt system which makes S/T0 equilibrium harder to attain than in the Cu systems.
In the Co-case, RP lifetime and rotational correlation time are of similar order of magnitude. Therefore, photoselection and anisotropy effects should matter in the Δg-mechanism, which is not the case for the much longer RP lifetime in the Cu-case. Furthermore, spin-relaxation seems to be unimportant in the Co-case due to the short RP lifetime. On the other hand, it has been shown for the Cu-case that relaxational contributions to spin evolution are essential and that the mechanism of hyperfine anisotropy modulation by rotational diffusion should contribute strongly. In that case, however, normal Redfield theory breaks down, and a consistent theoretical treatment would have to deal with the slow-motional case properly.
Footnotes |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Ligand and copper complex synthesis, optical setup for transient absorption spectroscopy, solvent effects on initial amplitude of MeCA2, quantum chemistry, theoretical calculation of CT decay time, refined analysis of McMillin scheme, emission decay curves, spin motion and spin relaxation. See DOI: 10.1039/d0sc00830c |
‡ Equal contribution from both authors |
§ Present address: Department of Chemistry, Metropolitan State University, Denver, CO 80204. |
¶ Present address: Fritz Haber Center for Molecular Dynamics Research Institute of Chemistry, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem 9190401, Israel. |
|| Deceased on July 2nd, 2014. |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2020 |