Yuri M.
d and
aSchool of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA. E-mail: yu.efremov@gmail.com
bBirck Nanotechnology Center, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA
cInstitute for Regenerative Medicine, Sechenov University, Moscow, Russia
dGraduate School of Information Science and Technology, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan
First published on 12th November 2019
Mechanical properties play important roles at different scales in biology. At the level of a single cell, the mechanical properties mediate mechanosensing and mechanotransduction, while at the tissue and organ levels, changes in mechanical properties are closely connected to disease and physiological processes. Over the past three decades, atomic force microscopy (AFM) has become one of the most widely used tools in the mechanical characterization of soft samples, ranging from molecules, cell organoids and cells to whole tissue. AFM methods can be used to quantify both elastic and viscoelastic properties, and significant recent developments in the latter have been enabled by the introduction of new techniques and models for data analysis. Here, we review AFM techniques developed in recent years for examining the viscoelastic properties of cells and soft gels, describe the main steps in typical data acquisition and analysis protocols, and discuss relevant viscoelastic models and how these have been used to characterize the specific features of cellular and other biological samples. We also discuss recent trends and potential directions for this field.
AFM methods provide a variety of tools for evaluating micromechanical properties by measuring the interactions between a microcantilever probe and the specimen surface. Precise control over the force applied to the probe allows us to study a wide variety of heterogeneous biological materials. The accuracy of piezo scanners provides AFM-based methods with the unique ability to both image the sample and to study its mechanical properties in different experimental configurations. The selection of the probe (a sharp tip versus a microbead attached to the microcantilever) provides the opportunity to adjust the spatial resolution, balancing precision mapping versus the fast acquisition of averaged properties.
Since the earliest mechanical characterization experiments,17–20 it has been noticed that biological materials have unusual properties that cannot be completely described in the context of elastic (or “Hertzian”) contact. Even in the absence of active cellular responses, the behavior of biological material combines both solid- and liquid-like aspects. For such materials, also called viscoelastic, the relationship between stress and strain changes over time, giving rise to a whole range of specific phenomena. The important role of viscoelastic properties has been demonstrated in past experiments at all levels of biological organization.21–26 The viscoelastic behavior of biomaterials is thought to originate from their complex structure, involving the composition of both solid and fluid components, and the existence of structural hierarchies, active dynamics and force generation (reviewed in ref. 26–30). Special methods of characterization are required for viscoelastic (also referred to as rheological) properties, involving experiments in the time and frequency domains.
The present review is focused on the use of AFM techniques to characterize the viscoelastic properties of biological samples, and specifically animal cells. Despite the wide use of AFM for mechanical measurements of biological soft matter, the majority of prior studies use the framework of standard Hertzian contact mechanics, and thus only measure the apparent elastic modulus of the materials, disregarding viscoelastic effects. This review will help interested researchers to make a transition from a pure elastic description of the data to a viscoelastic one. We will focus on several aspects: a description of the current AFM protocols for viscoelastic measurements, data analysis and viscoelastic models, and the associated uncertainties and limitations. Although a large variety of protocols and models are available, a lack of standardization in the field of AFM-based viscoelastic characterization makes it difficult to compare data between different studies. We will also discuss trends and potential directions for future research in the field.
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Fig. 1 AFM basics. (A) The main elements of an AFM setup. The tip, which usually has a conical, pyramidal, spherical or cylindrical shape, interacts with the sample, and the interaction forces cause the microcantilever to deflect (bend). The deflection is monitored via a laser beam reflected from the microcantilever onto a four-quadrant photodiode. A set of piezoelectric translators allows nanometer-scale movement of the microcantilever with respect to the sample. In a typical AFM indentation experiment, the microcantilever base moves with a constant vertical speed, which is the same for the approach and retraction phases, while the force is recorded. (B) Example of the F–Z curve obtained on a 3T3 fibroblast with the spherical indenter. The contact point is marked with an arrow. (C) The contact point (Z0) is usually identified as part of the post-processing of data, and the acquired F–Z curve is transformed into the force–indentation coordinates. The equivalent Young's modulus EHertz is calculated with Hertz's model. Hysteresis between the approach and retraction curves is clearly seen. Inset: Scheme of a spherical probe indenting a half-space. B and C are adapted from ref. 31, CC-BY-4.0, published by Springer Nature. |
The Hertz model predicts that the approach and retraction force curves coincide, and that there is no hysteresis in the indentation cycle; however, this is clearly not the case for living cells and most other biological materials. Hysteresis indicates the presence of energy dissipation during the indentation process, and the main source of hysteresis in liquid environments is the viscoelasticity of the sample. Thus, it has been suggested that the hysteresis area of the force curve can be used to estimate the viscoelastic properties of a sample in a liquid. A simple means of quantifying this hysteresis is to numerically calculate the area enclosed by the approach and retraction curves, and to divide this by the area under the approach curve.7,41,42 In this way, normalized hysteresis is obtained, i.e. the relative amount of energy lost during the indentation cycle. The apparent viscosity of the sample can be calculated numerically using additional assumptions.43 Although these parameters cannot determine the viscoelastic constitutive parameters directly, they can be useful in a comparison of different samples, since a larger hysteresis area (usually normalized by the total area under the approach curve) corresponds to a larger energy loss and viscoelastic contribution.
Solutions to the viscoelastic counterpart of Hertz's model have been presented in several works.44–46 The use of these models to extract viscoelastic properties from experiment is not straightforward. In a simple case in which the microcantilever is much stiffer than the sample, an analytical solution can be obtained for specific viscoelastic functions to fit either the complete curve (both the approach and retraction parts)47,48 or only the approach part.49 A numerical solution can be used for a more general case.31Fig. 2 shows a set of curves that are numerically constructed for materials that behave according to different viscoelastic models at different times, together with some experimental curves. Ting's viscoelastic solution captures the approach-retraction hysteresis well, but the viscoelastic function needs to be preselected for this type of analysis. Partly due to these challenges, Ting's model has only recently been applied31,48 to extract viscoelastic data directly from conventional AFM force curves.
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Fig. 2 Force curves numerically modeled with Ting's model for different viscoelastic models and indentation times: (A) the standard linear solid (SLS) viscoelastic model (relaxation time τ = 0.1 s); (B) the power-law rheology (PLR) model (power-law exponent α = 0.15). The SLS model predicts most of the viscoelastic relaxation at times close to the relaxation time, as can be seen from the hysteresis area in the curves. For the PLR model, the amount of relaxation (hysteresis area) does not substantially vary with indentation time. (C) Experimental F–δ curves obtained on PAAm hydrogel and (D) NIH 3T3 fibroblast for different indentation times. The offset is added to the force for clarity. The black lines show the fits to the (C) SLS and (D) PLR models. Adapted from ref. 31, CC-BY-4.0, published by Springer Nature. |
In this review, we will describe the AFM techniques that have been developed in recent years to examine the viscoelastic properties of cells and soft gels in the time and frequency domains, and will describe the main steps in typical data acquisition and analysis protocols. We discuss the basic theoretical concepts of viscoelasticity in relation to the indentation experiments and review relevant viscoelastic models, showing how they might be used for specific samples and tasks.
Before continuing to a description of AFM techniques for viscoelastic measurements, a few words should be said about the concept of viscoelasticity. For viscoelastic materials, a time-dependent function is used instead of a single value of Young's modulus, and this is called the Young's relaxation modulus E(t). The corresponding relaxation function for shear stress can be obtained as G(t) = E(t)/2/(1 + v). The creep compliance function J(t) is used to describe creep behavior and can be related to both the Young's modulus (JE(t)) and shear modulus (JG(t)). The Young's relaxation modulus and the creep compliance are not explicitly inverse in the time domain; however, in the Laplace domain, E(s)JE(s) = 1/s2, and in the frequency domain, E*(ω)J*E(ω) = 1 (where the “*” symbol denotes a complex quantity). A “reduced” form of the relaxation (creep) function can be obtained that represents the function normalized by its initial value: ϕ(t) = E(t)/E(0) (ψ(t) = J(t)/J(0)).
A naïve implementation of viscoelasticity would be to simply substitute Young's modulus with the Young's relaxation modulus in eqn (1). This is an incorrect approach, except in the specific case of an instantaneous load and subsequent stress relaxation (see below). When linearity is assumed, superposition should be applied to segments of the indentation (strain) history, as stated by the Boltzmann superposition principle. This gives rise to a convolution integral known as the Boltzmann hereditary integral.60,61 Moreover, for a range of viscoelastic problems, the correspondence principle states that the solution can be obtained based on the corresponding linearly elastic problem: each quantity that depends on time is replaced by its Laplace transform multiplied by the transform variable, and this is then transformed back to the time domain. Although the general indentation of the viscoelastic body presents a more complicated problem, as it has time-varying boundary conditions, Lee and Radok46 have found that the correspondence principle still works when the contact area does not decrease with time (i.e. the approach phase of the force curve and step-hold experiments):
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Although cases with a decreasing (retraction part of the force curve) or non-monotonically changing contact area are more complicated, solutions were found in subsequent works, with Ting's solution being one of these.44,45 Both the Lee–Radok and Ting solutions can be applied to the processing of indentation data, as shown in the next section.
The versatility of AFM comes from its ability to precisely measure and control force (∼stress) and indentation (∼strain), meaning that a large variety of experimental protocols can be implemented (Fig. 3). Moreover, AFM allows for the mapping of the viscoelastic properties of the cell with high spatial resolution. Methods for measuring viscoelastic properties with AFM can be separated in the time domain (sometimes referred to as static experiments) and the frequency domain (referred to as dynamic experiments), and we will review these in the following sections. All methods described here have certain benefits and shortcomings, and there is currently no technique that is best overall. We therefore hope this part of the review will help the reader to identify the techniques best suited for addressing a particular task (Table 1).
Experimental technique | Benefits and shortcomings | |
Time domain | Conventional force curves31,47,48 | Indentation experiment, in which the tip first moves down and then up while indenting the sample |
+ A simple technique available in the most of AFMs | ||
− Rigorous computational processing is required | ||
Force relaxation56–58 | Fast loading is applied, after which the indentation depth (force relaxation) of the force (creep) is held constant | |
+ Relatively simple techniques; simple processing step | ||
− The assumptions underlying this method (instantaneous step) are not always valid | ||
Creep52–55 | ||
Frequency domain | Off-resonance oscillations2,33,59,68–73,76 | The microcantilever oscillates with a small amplitude at several frequencies while indenting the sample |
+ Adjustable range of frequencies (below the cantilever resonance frequency) | ||
+ Complex setup that requires additional calibrations and a skilled experimenter | ||
− The processing step is relatively complicated | ||
Resonance oscillations74,75,83 | The microcantilever is directly excited at the resonance frequency (one or several for a multimodal setup), and the signal (amplitude, phase) is measured at several harmonic modes | |
+ High operational frequencies allow the study of fast processes | ||
− Frequencies are limited by the type of cantilever, and special cantilevers may be required | ||
− Requires special hardware for direct excitation of the cantilever |
When the indentation is kept constant, a continuous decay in the interaction force is observed during stress relaxation.56–58 In the newer generation of AFMs, the feedback mechanism can keep the true indentation depth constant, while in older devices the Z-displacement of the piezo is usually kept constant. This leads to an increase in the indentation depth during the hold phase, since the force and therefore the microcantilever deflection are decreasing. Depending on the experimental conditions and the properties of the sample, this relative increase in depth may be small or large, and can be accounted for.57 To simplify the equations, the approach phase has often been considered to be instantaneous (approximated using the Heaviside step function), and thus the straightforward analytical solution of the Lee–Radok equation can be used:
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In this specific case, the force history retains the mathematical form of the Hertz model, although the fixed value of EHertz is replaced by Young's relaxation function. However, in an actual experiment, the approach phase cannot be instantaneous, as hydrodynamic and inertial effects limit the maximal loading speed, and true step-loading conditions are impossible to implement. Since the approach phase has a finite rate and a finite time duration (a ramp rather than a step), not only are the data for the initial relaxation process missing but an error may also be introduced into the analysis, depending on the duration of the ramp.62,63 Processing of the total ramp-hold curve57,64,65 can be used to improve this analysis, when the approach region is fitted with the Lee–Radok equation together with the hold region. Corrections to the analysis have been suggested to account for the finite ramp time in indentation experiments.12 The effect of the ramp period on the analyzed data is an example of the prehistory effect on the viscoelastic material, since the relaxation in a specimen is a function of the entire loading history. This means that complex loading histories (e.g. consecutive ramps or step-holds applied during the hold period) make quantitative analysis more difficult but might provide additional information about the sample.
In the second type of step-hold experiment for creep relaxation, the feedback circuit keeps the force constant, and the indentation is recorded.52–55 The instantaneous approach approximation can be used with eqn (5) to give:
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Again, the instantaneous approximation can introduce error into the analysis, and processing of the complete indentation history (the approach and hold phases) is preferable.55 Since the indentation depth increases throughout the experiment, the effects of nonlinearity and heterogeneity associated with the depth will be more pronounced; otherwise, data from these two types of experiments should agree with each other when performed on the same sample (Fig. 4).54
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Fig. 4 Example of relaxation and creep in the same cell. Linear plot of (A) the averaged stress relaxation and (B) the creep curve for NIH3T3 cells on a microarray. The insets show the corresponding relaxations on logarithmic axes. The solid lines represent the fit to the power-law function. Reproduced with permission from ref. 54, copyright 2009 The Japan Society of Applied Physics. |
As described in Section 2, the conventional force curves can also be used to extract the viscoelastic parameters of the sample, as the growth in the apparent Hertz's elastic modulus with an increase in indentation rate yields important viscoelastic information. The value of EHertz is indirectly proportional to the value of Young's relaxation function (more precisely, to its time-averaged value) at the indentation time. Hence, by conducting indentation measurements at several indentation rates/times, an idea of the relaxation function can be obtained. The dependency of the apparent elastic modulus on indentation rate has been used to obtain the power-law exponent7,50,51 or relaxation time66 of cells. Thus, when the Hertzian mechanics model is applied to the force curves, the piezo displacement speed should be mentioned in order to allow an adequate comparison between the data from different studies; instead, authors often give the acquisition frequency (in Hz), which can be quite misleading. Firstly, the piezo displacement generally takes the form of a triangle, rather than a sinusoidal movement. Secondly, and most importantly, the frequency is related to the complete piezo cycle, while contact takes place only during a certain part of this cycle. A more reasonable frequency can be obtained by accounting for the duration of only the contact part of the force cycle.47,67
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During the holding period, sinusoidal oscillations can be applied as discrete frequencies33,59,73,76 (Fig. 5). Alternatively, to reduce the time required for the experiment, multi-frequency signals can be applied that are composed of several sine waves68,77 or a sweep (chirp) signal in which frequency continuously increases with time.2,78,79 Oscillation can be applied to the Z-piezo or directly to the specially designed microcantilever using magnetic forces.75,80,81 When the applied frequencies are much lower than the microcantilever or the piezo resonance frequency, the analysis is simplified due to the nearly invariant amplitude and phase transfer function of the microcantilever. The analysis generally involves Fourier transforms of the force and indentation signals, F(ω) and δ(ω) respectively. For low-amplitude, off-resonance oscillations of the spherical indenter around an operating indentation δ0, an expression can be obtained for the complex Young's modulus33,59 as follows:
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Fig. 5 Experiments in the frequency domain: (A) example of the force–time trace at an oscillation of 1 kHz, obtained on a living cell; (B) force–indentation loops (also called Lissajous figures) obtained from the contact region of the force curves at different oscillation frequencies, showing increased slope and hysteresis with frequency; (C) frequency dependence of the complex shear modulus of 3T3 cells, fitted with a double power law (the arrowhead shows the transition frequency). Reproduced from ref. 76, with permission from Springer Nature, copyright 2017. |
When the microcantilever is directly excited at the resonance frequency, the signal is greatly enhanced. Moreover, a high frequency (usually in the kHz range in liquid) enables mechanical measurements to be made during fast scanning, since there is enough residence time at each pixel to obtain the amplitude and phase signal. A lock-in amplifier is generally used to obtain these quantities.74,75 The amplitude and phase changes are then analyzed using linear vibration theory (e.g. simple harmonic oscillator theory) and the viscoelastic parameters are extracted (Fig. 6J–L).82 Monitoring of the higher harmonic modes and bimodal excitation can be used to obtain data at even higher frequencies.74,83 The local stiffness, stiffness gradients and viscoelastic dissipation can be measured at a high spatial and temporal resolution; however, the physiological relevance of such high frequencies remains questionable.
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Fig. 6 Mapping of the viscoelastic properties of a cell with AFM: (A–C) multi-frequency force modulation;68 (D–F) force clamp force mapping;55,89 (G–I) stress relaxation microscopy;90 (J–L) multi-harmonic dynamic AFM with directly excited microcantilevers.74,82 (A and B) show the power-law rheological parameters G0 (scaling parameter) and α mapped for a NIH 3T3 fibroblast (a description of these parameters is provided in Section 4.2); (C) immunofluorescence image of the nucleus (blue), actin filaments (red), and microtubules for the same cell region; (D) map of contact height and an optical phase contrast image (inset) for a mouse embryonic fibroblast (the nucleus position is marked by a dashed circle, cytoskeletal fibers are marked with arrows); (E and F) maps of the modulus scaling parameter E0 and the power-law exponent β for this cell; (G) height map at constant force (1 nN) for MCF7 cells; (H and I) corresponding maps for slow and fast relaxation times; (J and K) storage and loss moduli maps mapped over an NIH 3T3 fibroblast using direct excitation of the microcantilever at the resonance frequency (several kHz); (L) the actin cytoskeleton structure in the same living cell, with well-developed stress fibers (perinuclear actin cap). Panels A–C are adapted from ref. 68 with permission from AIP Publishing, copyright 2015. Panels D–F are adapted from ref. 55, CC-BY-3.0, published by The Royal Society of Chemistry. Panels G–I are adapted from ref. 90 with permission from Elsevier, copyright 2010. Panels J–L are adapted from ref. 82 with permission from Springer Nature, copyright 2018. |
The AFM-based characterization of biological samples is an actively developing area, and new experimental techniques for viscoelasticity measurements are often introduced. These include techniques based on an analysis of the thermal fluctuations of the AFM microcantilever above and in contact with the sample,84 estimation of viscoelastic parameters from the frequency dependence of the phase lag between the oscillating microsphere and the driving piezo at various heights above the sample,85 and contact resonance-based techniques.86 These are not commonly used, however.
There have recently been several advances in viscoelastic property mapping techniques that utilize resonant microcantilevers oscillating at high frequencies, allowing the average amplitude (several nm), deflection, and phase to be obtained at each point as the microcantilever scans the surface (Fig. 6J–L).74,75,82 During a scan performed either in tapping or contact mode, the microcantilever indents the soft cell to depths of about 100 nm. Thus, the contact mechanics model can be applied to extract the complex Young's modulus with proper accounting for the microcantilever dynamics and hydrodynamic drag. Although this method is orders of magnitude faster than force-curve-based techniques for the same image resolution, again, only high-frequency data are obtained.
The spatial resolution of viscoelastic mapping is mainly determined by the tip–sample contact area,91 and thus may be adjusted by varying the tip shape and the applied force. Another parameter affecting the spatial resolution is the number of lines/points in the map (or the size of a pixel in nm). Since a larger number of points means a longer acquisition time, this value is selected as a compromise between the spatial and temporal resolution. The maps reveal large spatial variations in the viscoelastic parameters across the cell surface; the spatial dependence of the viscoelastic properties over the cell has been studied in several works, and no clear pattern in the properties of an on-center (over nucleus) versus off-center (over cell periphery) location have been found.55,68 In general, stiff subcellular components such as actin cytoskeleton fibers can be resolved on high-resolution maps.82 Advances based on a combination of AFM with optical techniques allow the matching of heterogeneities in local mechanical properties with fluorescent images of the different structures in living cells (Fig. 6C and L).
Many different mathematical forms have been suggested and used for an analytical description of the viscoelastic behavior. Often, these models have an empirical origin that is based on ease of mathematical use, and a minimum number of parameters are required. To be physically meaningful, the relaxation functions E(t) should monotonically decrease with time (in the same way, the creep function should monotonically increase). Viscoelastic models with an analytic expression for E(t) can be divided into models with discrete or continuous relaxation spectra. Models based on a bottom-up approach, which are focused on the properties and interactions of individual molecular components, usually do not have analytical expressions on a whole-cell level, but are still able to provide valuable predictions of the sample behavior.
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Due to the properties of the exponential function, most of the relaxation/creep occurs during one time decade (a factor of ten) (Fig. 7B and 2), and following this, the function returns rapidly to its long-term value. However, most biological materials relax or creep over many time decades, and this is better represented on a logarithmical scale. Although several authors have used the SLS model to obtain a characteristic relaxation time for the cell,56,92 this approach is contradictory since it can be shown that when the SLS model is applied to describe a continuous relaxation process, the result (relaxation time) depends on the duration of the experiment (Fig. 7J).24 The SLS model gives the following complex Young's modulus frequency behavior (Fig. 7C):
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The SLS model can be extended by the addition of more Maxwell elements (the so-called generalized Maxwell model), thus giving several relaxation times:
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This function is often referred to as the Prony series (Fig. 7D–F). Models with two53,90 or three93 relaxation times have been used, where each relaxation time was presumably assigned to different cell structural elements (membrane + cortex, cytoplasm + cytoskeleton, nucleus). The addition of elements, however, leads to an increase in the number of fit parameters: there are a total of seven fitting parameters for a model with three Maxwell elements. This makes the fitting procedure less reliable, since the converged solutions may be non-unique due to the presence of local minima. In the words of John von Neumann: “With four parameters, I can fit an elephant, and with five I can make it wiggle its trunk”.94,95 In the frequency domain, broader Debye peaks are observed when elements have close relaxation times; several discrete Debye peaks are observed for distant relaxation times, and a “wavy” shape of the E′′(ω) curve is observed in the general case for moderately spaced relaxation times (Fig. 7F). The latter has not yet been confirmed in experiments on cells.
The number of Maxwell elements/relaxation times can be increased indefinitely, leading to a generalization of the expression for the Young's relaxation modulus:96
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E(t) = Kα(t/τ)−α = E1t−α. | (15) |
In this case, it is normalized with a prefactor E1, which is the value of the Young's relaxation modulus at t = 1 s. The value of the power-law exponent measured with AFM for cells is within the range 0.05–0.4.2,31,59,89,99
The spring-pot element can be substituted into any other spring-dashpot model by replacing the spring, the dashpot element or both. For the spring-pot element in parallel, with a spring (E(t) = (E1 − E∞)t−α + E∞) or a dashpot (E(t) = E1t−α + ηδ(t)), the power-law behavior will be still preserved. The former is also known as a fractional-derivative Kelvin–Voigt (KVFD) model.100 Although the power-law rheology (PLR) model provides good results in terms of describing the relaxation behavior of cells,2,31,48,62,89,96 equations that are more complex than a simple power law will be obtained when another element is placed in series with it. For example, for the SLS model with a single spring-pot element instead of the dashpot element, the Young's relaxation function becomes (Fig. 7K):
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E α,1(z) is the Mittag–Leffler function, defined as:101
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A pure power-law description (single spring-pot) of relaxation is not completely physically realistic, since it predicts an infinite modulus at time zero. A modified power-law function has therefore been suggested:98
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In several works on cells, a stretched exponential function known as the Kohlrausch–Williams–Watts (KWW) function103 has been employed for step-hold data analysis (Fig. 7K):
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Another relaxation function with a continuous spectrum within a defined range was suggested by Neubert106 and has been successfully applied to biological samples by Fung24 (the expression without E0 is also known as Fung's reduced relaxation function) (Fig. 7K):
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Although all the relaxation functions presented here with a continuous spectrum are clearly different from the function with a single relaxation time (Fig. 7J), they are not very different from each other at the relevant time scales (Fig. 7K) and can therefore describe continuous relaxation almost equally well. It may be hard to select one of these models based on experimental data alone (which may also be noisy) so that a close fit can be obtained for all the models. Of these models, however, the simple power-law rheology model is most widely used in practice to describe cell properties. One of its advantages is that it has only two parameters with intuitive meaning: E1 provides an idea of the stiffness of the object, while the power-law exponent α reflects its closeness to a solid-like or liquid-like state. One surprising aspect, is that the power-law model was developed not only based on the fractional calculus, but also from a completely different background that is related to material molecular97 or mesoscopic composition.109 This is the soft glassy rheology (SGR) model developed by Sollich110,111 for soft disordered materials like foams, gels, and slurries. The theory assumes that the observed scale-free behavior is a natural consequence of the disorder and metastability of the internal structure of the material, which consists of many disordered elements that are held together by weak attractive forces and, as a result, are trapped in energy wells. Scale-free (power-law) rheology arises from a wide distribution of energy well depths and element lifetimes. The power-law exponent α is related to the effective temperature of the material (i.e. the amount of agitation energy in the system), which determines the probability of elements jumping between the energy wells and reflects the dynamics of the system. This jumping of elements between wells is the origin of the fluid-like behavior, and a higher effective temperature (power-law exponent) leads to more pronounced fluid-like features of the material. Thus, in the limit α = 0, soft glassy materials behave like elastic solids (elements are trapped in the walls) and in the limit α = 1 behave like viscous liquids (elements jump freely between the walls). The cytoskeleton of a cell may represent such a structure.28 SGR theory implies that changes in the level of internal disorder and the effective temperature associated with contraction or remodeling of the cytoskeleton can modulate the rheological behavior of the cell, and thus can provide a conceptual framework for processes such as cell migration, wound healing, invasion, metastasis and embryonic development.28
The power-law function has been successfully used to describe cell behavior in both the time54 and frequency domains.2,59,73,112 In the frequency domain, the equation for the complex Young's modulus is:
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The loss tangent2 and power-law exponent31,71 are sensitive factors used to describe the cell condition. Moreover, the elastic modulus and the power-law exponent have been shown to be related to each other in cells: cells in the stiffest group displayed the lowest power-law exponent α, whereas cells in the softest group displayed the highest power-law exponent. After treatment of the cell with actin cytoskeleton-disturbing drugs, softening is accompanied by an increase in α. Based on the correlation between the elastic modulus and the power-law exponent, the existence of the master curve onto which all data can be collapsed has been postulated, originating from a fundamental relation between the prestress, stiffness and power-law exponent; however, the consistency and variability of these observations need to be investigated further. For further details, interested readers may refer to the related publications.25,28,113
At higher frequencies (above several hundred Hz), PLR with a higher exponent was observed (Fig. 5), and the viscoelastic behavior of cells was closely described by a sum of two power laws.76 Viscous dissipation of the thermally driven bending fluctuations of the cytoskeletal filaments with different levels of tension is thought to dominate the system's frictional response at high frequencies.114
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A wide range of models based on a bottom-up approach can be used to provide predictions about time-dependent material behavior. Most of these models utilize the fact that fibrous networks promote mechanical strength and support integrity, at the level of both the cell and the tissue. The properties of these networks arise from the organization and behavior of their constituent filaments and crosslinks. Comprehensive models have been developed for individual semiflexible filaments, such as a worm-like chain (WLC) model and more complicated models (glassy WLC, inelastic glassy WLC, prestressed semiflexible chain, and others, as reviewed in ref. 28 and 119). These models have been found to be useful in describing reconstructed actin gels with a controlled number of components. However, quantitative prediction of the mechanical parameters of the cell is difficult due to the high levels of heterogeneity and variability in the structural parameters of the cytoskeleton (mesh size, filament length, cross-link strength).
Given the wide range of available viscoelastic models, it can be difficult to select the most appropriate one for a specific sample. Moreover, the use of different models for the same types of samples (e.g., cells) can make a comparison of data from different studies more complicated. For example, Fig. 6 shows the viscoelastic parameters obtained for cells using three different models: power-law rheology (Fig. 6A–F), the generalized Maxwell model (Fig. 6G–I), and the Kelvin–Voight model (Fig. 6J–L). Standardization of the measured viscoelastic parameters will help to enable data comparison in the future.
It should be noted that most of the viscoelastic models can describe viscoelastic behavior equally well within a narrow range.31,107 Thus, the applicability of a model to a specific sample should be confirmed by conducting experiments over a wide range of times/frequencies (Fig. 2). However, when the applicability of a particular model is confirmed, the acquisition of further data can be limited to a narrow range for higher throughput analysis. Information about these models is summarized in Table 2.
Model | Description | |
Spring-dashpot models | Kelvin–Voight and Maxwell models49 | The two simplest viscoelastic models. The Maxwell model can describe the stress relaxation behavior, and the Kelvin–Voight model can describe the creep behavior. These have limited applicability to real materials |
+ Simplicity | ||
Standard linear solid (SLS) model56,92 | Describes exponential relaxation, and can be described with three parameters: instantaneous modulus, long-term modulus, and relaxation time. The material manifests viscoelastic behavior only at times/frequencies which are close to this relaxation time | |
+ Simplicity | ||
− Most of the biological samples show viscoelastic behavior over a wide range of times/frequencies | ||
Generalized Maxwell model53,90,93 | A model with several relaxation times | |
+ Can potentially describe any experimental data | ||
− Uses a large number of fit parameters, which decreases the reliability of the fit | ||
Models with continuous relaxation spectrum | Power-law rheology and related models (also soft glassy rheology)2,31,48,62,89,96 | A factional element (spring-pot) element (single or in parallel combination with a spring or dashpot) provides the power-law relaxation. The main parameters are the power-law exponent and the modulus scaling parameter (e.g., modulus at t = 1 s) |
+ Simplicity | ||
+ Can closely describe the experimental data obtained for cells | ||
More complex fractional models102 | A factional element in different combinations with spring/dashpot elements and other fractional elements | |
+ Can describe different types of viscoelastic behavior and transitions from one type to another with a relatively small number of fit parameters | ||
− Complex | ||
Stretched exponential function104,105 | The exponent is empirically employed in the SLS model to represent the dispersion processes of the relaxation times in the system | |
+ Relatively simple | ||
− Empirical | ||
Fung's reduced relaxation function57,107 | Continuous relaxation spectrum in the interval between two relaxation times | |
+ Can closely describe the experimental data obtained on tissues | ||
− The parameters of the function show low sensitivity | ||
Other models | Poroelasticity116–118 | The model attributes the time-dependence of mechanical properties to the flow of a fluid through a porous solid network. The main parameter (characteristic relaxation time constant) depends on the characteristic contact length scale (e.g., the contact radius) and the effective diffusivity of the solvent through the pores of the solid phase |
+ Can closely describe experimental data obtained on hydrogels | ||
− In biological samples, poroelasticity and viscoelasticity coexist | ||
Worm-like chain (WLC) and related models28 | Describes the viscoelastic behavior of systems consisting of semiflexible filaments | |
+ Can closely describe experimental data obtained on the reconstructed actin gels | ||
− Has difficulty with quantitative predictions for complex biological samples such as cells |
Although continuous attempts are being made to link the observed viscoelastic parameters with specific biological structures, the overall task still remains challenging. Biological samples have a very complex structure with a large number of constituents. In the case of cells, the most important structure that determines the viscoelastic behavior is the actin cytoskeleton. This is evidenced by a comparison of data obtained on cells and reconstructed actin gels,28 as well as by studying cells with naturally (e.g., cancer cells58,89,123) or experimentally (e.g., treated with inhibitors49,53,107) modified cytoskeletons. The SGR model described above currently provides one of the best predictions relating the observed state of the cytoskeleton to the viscoelastic properties of different cell types and experimental treatments.28 However, the roles of other cellular components (e.g., the nucleus, microtubules and intermediate filaments) and overall cellular heterogeneity still need to be established, and this will require deeper knowledge of the internal cell structure and combined use of cell imaging, mechanical measurements and modeling.
The actin cytoskeleton is distributed non-homogenously throughout the cell; it is concentrated in the layer under the plasma membrane (cortex) and forms stress fibers in some types of cells. These stress fibers can often be seen on viscoelastic maps as more solid-like structures.55,67 The presence of an actin cortex leads to inhomogeneity of the cell properties over its depth. This may be another source of the depth-dependency of the measured modulus, and also a possible reason for the effect of tip size on the measured properties. As has been shown in several studies,48,67,124 the measured stiffness (e.g., the effective elastic modulus or the scaling factor of the PLR model) is higher when sharp tips are used, and lower when larger microspheres are used. Simulations have shown that the sharp tip is mostly probing a response from the stiff cortex in the surface layer, while strains arising from the large spherical probe are distributed more evenly throughout the deeper, softer layers (cytoplasm).124
In AFM experiments, linear viscoelastic behavior of the sample is commonly assumed, and this is justified by the usage of low indentation depths. This can be experimentally confirmed by varying the indentation depths, as the extracted viscoelastic parameters should not depend on the indentation depth within reasonable limits.69 In oscillatory experiments, the Lissajous figures should be symmetric and elliptical (Fig. 5), although nonlinearity may be shown at large deformations. One approach that can be used to treat this is quasi-linear viscoelasticity (QLV) theory, which was developed by Fung.24 The main hypothesis of this theory is that the relaxation function can be separated into a time-dependent part, i.e. the reduced relaxation function φ(t), and a strain (indentation depth)-dependent part, i.e. an instantaneous non-linear elastic responseT(e)(δ):24
K(δ,t) = T(e)(δ)φ(t). | (23) |
As mentioned earlier, a reduced relaxation function can be obtained by normalizing the relaxation functions; this is a unitless function with value one at t = 0. The nonlinear elastic response can have different forms, for example the Mooney-Rivlin, Neo-Hookean, Ogden, and Fung functions.125–127 Different combinations of elastic response functions and the reduced relaxation function can be tested, and this is an interesting subject for future work. A simpler related example is a nonlinearity that arises not from the material properties but from geometric nonlinearities, due to large deformations in the presence of an underlying stiff substrate effect. Due to this effect, the thin material at large indentation depth (>10–20% of the thickness) seems stiffer than expected. It has been shown using finite element modeling that this effect depends on the indentation depth but not the time.128 Thus, the correction factor can be applied as a function of indentation depth only, allowing an analysis of the thin parts of cells and thin gels.129
In some cases, the applied force causes irreversible deformation (plasticity) in the cell structure. In particular, incomplete cell recovery was observed after repeated indentation (10 times) of the cells with high force (10 nN).52 It is believed that this irreversible deformation originates from bond ruptures within the cytoskeleton.130 Complete recovery of the cell's shape was observed at smaller forces (1–2 nN).105,131 The application of force, especially prolonged, can lead to an active response from the cell, and may for example cause an increase in indentation depth instead of the expected decrease during the creep experiments.132 Mechanosensing responses may also be activated in the cell due to the action of the microcantilever,133 but even without this activation, active cell behavior (such as moving) can affect the experiment.
Adhesion may play a significant role at the scale of AFM experiments due to the effects of interfacial energies. In indentation experiments, adhesion is usually revealed as the additional tensile force required to separate the surfaces, and adhesion hysteresis is frequently observed, i.e., more work is required to separate the surfaces than is gained when creating the contact. Adhesion therefore creates an additional source of hysteresis, and separating the contributions from adhesion and viscoelasticity can be a nontrivial task.134–137 In oscillatory experiments, adhesion forces can keep the contact area constant, since the load is cycled at small amplitudes. The model therefore needs to be modified, and the dynamic punch model (constant contact area during cycling) has been found to capture the observed viscoelastic behavior more accurately.80 Stress relaxation and creep experiments should be less affected by the adhesion since neither of them involve surface separation. The JKR (Johnson–Kendall–Roberts) model is generally applicable to soft samples in a liquid environment.138 More complicated models are required in which the bulk and interfacial viscoelasticities are distinguished, and the adhesion itself is dependent on the indentation time and rate.131 It is possible, however, to reduce the adhesive force between the probe and the cell surface by proper cleaning and hydrophobic modification of the probe54 or by the addition of interaction-screening molecules in the medium. Using criteria suggested by Johnson,139 adhesion can be safely ignored when the ratio of the maximum adhesive force to the maximum loading force is below 5%.
In passive methods, the ability of a cell to generate forces and deform its environment is monitored, typically by tracking the movement of marker particles, which may be part of the cell or the substrate (including laser tracking microrheology (LTM),146 traction force microscopy (TFM)9) In principle, AFM can be combined with most passive techniques to obtain a more complete picture of the cell biomechanics. For example, a combination of AFM and TFM has allowed a correlation to be revealed between the viscoelastic properties and contractile prestress of living cells.147
It should be remembered that AFM is an external technique, meaning that it probes the surface of the sample. In this sense, AFM results are usually different from those of methods measuring the intracellular rheology, such as LTM, but are in typically in agreement with those of methods measuring surface response, such as MTC.146 While the surface response is mostly governed by the actin cytoskeleton, including the cortex and stress fibers, the intracellular response is dependent on the rheological properties of the deeper cytoplasm.
Mining and extracting knowledge of the physical properties of a cell from these multi-dimensional data requires a deep understanding of the physics of the cell and the measurement process. At the same time, the simplest models, such as Hertz's contact model, are still mostly used by the AFM community for interpretation of the experimental data, due to the complicated data processing steps in viscoelastic analysis. This issue may be resolved by the dissemination of computational tools and the implementation of established experimental protocols in AFM software.
A more complete data analysis will help in the understanding of physiological and pathological processes such as differentiation, transformation, and regeneration, and potentially in the development of new diagnostic techniques, biomedical devices, and consumer products.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2020 |