John D.
Radina L.
Carol K.
*b and
aDepartment of Theory and Biosystems, Max Planck Institute for Colloids and Interfaces, Potsdam 14476, Germany. E-mail:
bDepartment of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina 27695, USA. E-mail:;
First published on 27th October 2020
Hydrogels constructed with functionalized polysaccharides are of interest in a multitude of applications, chiefly the design of therapeutic and regenerative formulations. Tailoring the chemical modification of polysaccharide-based hydrogels to achieve specific drug release properties involves the optimization of many tunable parameters, including (i) the type, degree (χ), and pattern of the functional groups, (ii) the water–polymer ratio, and (iii) the drug payload. To guide the design of modified polysaccharide hydrogels for drug release, we have developed a computational toolbox that predicts the structure and physicochemical properties of acylated chitosan chains, and their impact on the transport of drug molecules. Herein, we present a multiscale coarse-grained model to investigate the structure of networks of chitosan chains modified with acetyl, butanoyl, or heptanoyl moieties, as well as the diffusion of drugs doxorubicin (Dox) and gemcitabine (Gem) through the resulting networks. The model predicts the formation of different network structures, in particular the hydrophobically-driven transition from a uniform to a cluster/channel morphology and the formation of fibers of chitin chains. The model also describes the impact of structural and physicochemical properties on drug transport, which was confirmed experimentally by measuring Dox and Gem diffusion through an ensemble of modified chitosan hydrogels.
The network morphology of native chitosan hydrogels is determined by the ratio of acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) and glucosamine (GlcN) monomers, expressed as degree of acetylation (χAc),7,8 the water/chitosan ratio, and pH.9 Tailored chemical modification of the free amine groups on GlcN monomers provides additional control over the properties of the chitosan hydrogels.10,11 Chemical modification provides several design parameters, such as type of functional group, degree of modification (χ), conjugation strategy, polymer/water ratio, etc.1,12–14 Understanding and predicting the impact of these design factors on the morphology and physicochemical properties of the chain network – and therefore its permeability to bioactive compounds – is key to develop drug delivery formulations with optimal therapeutic activity.
Computational modeling represents a powerful tool to gain a molecular-level understanding of the correlations between molecular interactions, the structure of the polysaccharide network, and drug diffusion therein. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations with atomistic resolution provide a detailed picture of the interactions. The length- and time-scales of the dynamics in polysaccharide assemblies, however, far exceed the power of atomistic models. Coarse-grained (CG) models overcome these limitations by reducing the degrees of freedom of the system and accelerate molecular dynamics by creating a smoother energy landscape.15,16 As a result, CG models can simulate larger systems and for longer time-scales. This gain in efficiency, on the other hand, comes at the cost of losing some precision in the molecular detail. To maintain predictive power in CG models, different strategies have been developed to find effective interaction potentials between CG sites, which preserve the molecular information of the material and provide a realistic representation of its large-scale behavior. CG strategies applied to polysaccharide systems include (i) parametrization to reproduce bulk thermodynamic data,17 (ii) sampling the polymer conformations based on the conformational space available to the glycosidic angles φ and ψ,18–20 and (iii) interaction potentials that reproduce features of the atomistic system.21–26
To date, a limited number of studies have focused on the MD simulation of chitosan-based materials. The conformations of single chitosan chains have been explored both at atomistic19,27–29 and CG resolution.20 Other studies have probed the properties of nanoscale aggregates at the all-atom scale.30–32 Finally, the aggregation of chitosan with different χAc and different modification patterns has been simulated with a MARTINI-like model.7,33 In the present study, we implement a novel and promising approach for elucidating the structure–property relationship in chemically modified chitosan hydrogels. Our method employs (1) multi-scale coarse-graining (MS-CG), also known as “force matching”,34 to derive non-bonded interactions for solute–solute, solute–solvent, and solvent–solvent interactions that reproduce the forces sampled in the all-atom system; and (2) Boltzmann Inversion35 to derive the bonded interaction potentials. This combination enables polysaccharide models that are transferable to simulate polymer chains with different length and concentrations,25 and reproduces the aggregation behavior and osmotic pressure of the atomistic systems.26 In this study, we applied this method to model hydrated networks of chitosan chains modified with acetyl, butanoyl, and heptanoyl moieties. The CG model was first validated against atomistic MD simulations and subsequently applied to describe the effect of type, degree (χ), and pattern of modification (i.e., alternating or blocky), as well as water/chitosan ratio on the molecular architecture of the network. Our results demonstrate that hydrophobic modifications significantly alter the conformation and spatial arrangement of the chains, causing a transition from a homogeneous distribution to a cluster-channel morphology featuring large chain aggregates and pores. The impact of network structure and properties on drug transport was investigated using two model drug molecules, gemcitabine (Gem) and doxorubicin (Dox), which differ by polarity, hydrophobicity, and size. The calculated diffusion coefficient of Dox was found to vary significantly with the type, degree (χ), and pattern of modification, whereas Gem diffusion was approximately constant in all systems. Both predictions were confirmed experimentally by drug release tests conducted with an ensemble of modified chitosan gels. Collectively, these results demonstrate the validity of the proposed CG model and its value in pharmaceutical chemistry to accelerate the design, and therefore the transition to clinics, of chitosan hydrogels for drug delivery.
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Fig. 1 CG mapping of the atomistic structures of (a) acetyl-chitosan with DP = 4 and χAc = 50%, (b) N-butanoyl-glucosamine, (c) N-heptanoyl-glucosamine, (d) Dox, and (e) Gem. |
The network structures were characterized by calculating the distribution of pore size, following a published method;54 this procedure finds the largest sphere that can be constructed to contain randomly selected points in the network, and was implemented in this work with a constrained nonlinear optimization of the center of the sphere using the SOLVOPT routine.55 For every distribution, three snapshots of the network structures were taken at 5 ns intervals and analyzed. Finally, the diffusion coefficients of Dox and Gem in modified chitosan networks were obtained from the slope of their mean square displacement (MSD) as a function of time, and the corresponding van Hove functions were calculated using the built-in GROMACS routine. The numbers of contacts within 0.6 nm between the modification beads (M in acetyl-chitosan; MA and MB in butanoyl-chitosan; and MA, MB, and MC in heptanoyl-chitosan) in the network, as well as between the drug and the modification beads or between the drug and the backbone beads (A, B, and C) were calculated using the GROMACS mindist routine, counting only one contact per bead.
First, the RDFs obtained from CG simulations of chitosan chains with low degree of modification (χAc and χBut = 16%, and χHep = 8%) aligned well with the corresponding RDFs obtained from atomistic simulations. There is an excellent agreement between CG and all-atom data for the RDFs between water beads and the various CG sites of chitosan chains, as shown in Fig. 3. These monomer–water interactions are the most sensitive to long range perturbations and sampling issues, as shown in a previous study.25 The RDFs for all other pairs of CG sites obtained for modified chitosan chains with low χ from atomistic and CG simulations are reported in Fig. S1–S3 (ESI†). The small differences observed in the short-range structure of some of the RDFs are unlikely to have an effect on the larger scale structure of the networks. The simulated acetyl-chitosan system at χAc = 100% (Section 3.2.2) demonstrates in fact that local details can also be captured remarkably well. The largest differences in overall aggregation trends (i.e., long range tails in the RDFs) are observed in butanoyl-chitosan chains, for which all CG sites are slightly over-hydrated as compared to their all-atom counterparts. This means that the polymer–polymer aggregation observed in the simulated butanoyl-chitosan networks may be somewhat underrepresented. We note, however, that the differences are small and other factors such as water content and experimental control over the modification pattern are likely to have a much larger effect on the system, when comparing in silico vs. experimental data.
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Fig. 3 Comparison of atomistic and CG RDFs of the distances between modified-chitosan and water (W) beads: (a) A–W, (b) B–W, (c) C–W, (d) M–W, (e) MA–W, (f) MB–W, (g) MA–W, (h) MB–W, and (i) MC–W. Note: A, B, and C beads map the GlcN monomers, whereas MA, MB, and MC map the modification groups, as outlined in Section 2.2 and in Fig. 1. |
The RDFs for the hydrophobic beads derived from CG and atomistic simulations at higher χ (Fig. 4, black and red lines) deviate from their atomistic counterparts more than those obtained at lower χ. For example, the RDF of M–M (acetyl-to-acetyl) beads obtained from the CG simulation of acetylated chitosan with χAc = 32% exhibits a major peak at short distances (<6 Å, Fig. 4a), indicating an over-representation of the attractive interactions between the acetyl groups (M–M). Similarly, the CG RDFs of MA–MA distances (Fig. 4b) differ substantially from their atomistic counterparts at short distances (<6 Å) and show close contacts (<2.5 Å) that are physically unrealistic, and the close-range MA–MA interactions of heptanoyl-chitosan with χHep = 16% are over-represented by the CG model (Fig. 4d). Notably, the atomistic RDFs contain several irregular peaks at all distances, which suggests the formation of stable clusters as a result of the strong interactions between the modification groups, which is likely to prevent sufficient sampling of atomistic RDFs and forces at all distances; these sampling issues for the MA–MA interactions were confirmed by comparing the RDFs obtained in separate simulation runs (Fig. S4, ESI†). The differences between atomistic and CG results are more moderate for the RDFs of MB–MB distances in butanoyl-chitosan with χBut = 32% (Fig. 4b and c), and the RDFs of MB–MB, and MC–MC distances in heptanoyl-chitosan with χHep = 16% (Fig. 4d–f).
It is anticipated that the formation of kinetically trapped clusters and the ensuing limitations in adequately sampling the conformational space of the system may lead to non-representative interaction potentials because the all-atom forces do not represent the ensemble average. To avoid these issues, we tested the performance of CG interaction potentials that were obtained using chitosan chains with lower degree of modification (χAc and χBut = 16%, and χHep = 8%) and transferred them to systems with high degrees of modification (χAc and χBut = 32%, and χHep = 16%). A similar approach was demonstrated in a previous study,25 where the potentials obtained with a CG procedure were found to be transferable to systems at higher concentrations. The RDFs obtained with the transferred potentials (blue lines in Fig. 4) demonstrate a much better agreement with atomistic RDFs relative to the initial CG simulations (red lines) in modeling the M–M interactions for acetyl-chitosan (Fig. 4a), and remove the physically unrealistic close-contacts from the MA–MA interactions for χBut = 32% (Fig. 4b). Notably, the RDFs of the MA–MA interactions for both butanoyl-chitosan with χBut = 32% (Fig. 4b) and heptanoyl-chitosan with χHep = 16% (Fig. 4d) using the transferred potentials no longer exhibit the irregular peaks found in the all-atom systems, and closely resemble the RDF of the M–M interactions in acetyl-chitosan (note: because heptanoyl modifications are more hydrophobic and the effects of chain clustering are already observed χHep = 8%, the interaction potentials were obtained for χHep = 8% and transferred to χHep of 16% and 24%). Finally, the RDFs of MB–MB and MC–MC interactions remained unchanged by the transferred potentials and in overall agreement with their atomistic counterparts (Fig. 4c, e, and f). Similarly, the RDFs between all other CG sites remain unchanged when the transferred interaction potentials were used (Fig. S5–S7, ESI†). Collectively, these results demonstrate that the transferred interaction potentials (i.e., from lower to higher values of χ) improve the agreement between atomistic and CG simulations in modeling the interactions between hydrophobic sites, while preserving the agreement between CG and atomistic approaches for all other CG sites. Accordingly, in all the simulations presented in this study, we employed the CG interaction potentials obtained at χAc = 16%, χBut = 16%, and χHep = 8% to model systems at higher χ. Notably, this approach confers the additional advantage of rendering the model more versatile for constructing polysaccharides with different modification patterns.
We further investigated the effect of chemical modification of chitosan chains on their conformation by evaluating angle distributions and end-to-end distances. The conformational space of single chitosan chains is governed predominantly by the glycosidic bonds between GlcN monomers, whose spatial arrangement is described by the dihedral angles φ and ψ. In the CG model presented here, the conformations of the φ and ψ angles are reflected by the two angles Bi–Ai–Ci+1 and Ai–Ci+1–Ai+1, as well as the dihedral angle Bi–Ai–Ci+1–Bi+1. The probability distributions of these angles sampled in the atomistic and CG simulations are reported in Fig. 5a–c, together with snapshots of the molecular conformations corresponding to the three main minima in the φ–ψ free energy landscape (Fig. 5d–f). Both atomistic and CG models returned angle distributions showing a bimodal distribution (Fig. 5a and b).
Regarding the Bi–Ai–Ci+1–Bi+1 dihedral angle, the atomistic model returned a distribution with three maxima (−140°, 30°, and 140°), corresponding to the three conformations shown in Fig. 5d–f, only two of which were reproduced by the CG model. The comparison between atomistic and GG distributions shows that the CG model provides a satisfactory representation of the dominant conformation for all three angles, although the states corresponding to the second energy minima (i.e., the maxima of probability distribution) are underrepresented in the distributions. This is due to the application of the Boltzmann inversion method without further iteration, which does not account for the effects of neighboring bonds and can therefore over-represents the stiffness of the interaction potentials. On the other hand, the second minimum provides a relatively minor contribution to the overall polymer conformation, as reflected for example by the end-to-end distances of the molecules.
The comparison of the distribution of end-to-end distances sampled by atomistic and CG models is shown in Fig. 6. The polymer conformational space of acetyl-chitosan is captured very well by the CG model (Fig. 6a). For butanoyl- and heptanoyl-chitosan, the impact of the more rigid glycosidic links is slightly larger. This derives from the conformations adopted by the glycosidic links immediately adjacent to the substituted monomers, which show significantly shifted angle distributions (Fig. S8, ESI†). As a result, more compact conformations are more frequently sampled with butanoyl- and heptanoyl-chitosan chains (Fig. 6e and f). These compact states are underrepresented in the CG model, which employs the same bonded potentials for all glycosidic bonds, as shown by the distributions of end-to-end distances (Fig. 6b and c). Nonetheless, there is a considerable overlap between the atomistic and CG distributions, indicating that the conformational space of the chains is for the most part well represented in the CG model. It is however possible that the end-to-end distances observed in butanoyl- and heptanoyl-chitosan hydrogels are slightly overestimated, and that the transition to more compact polymer conformations, as observed in butanoyl-chitosan (Fig. 6b and e), may be initiated already at slightly lower χBut.
Next, we proceeded to test the effect of degree of polymerization (DP) and water/chitosan ratio (W/C) on the chitosan–chitosan and chitosan–water interactions. Initially, the transferability of the interaction potentials from concentrated systems (low W/C, namely 12 water molecules per GlcN monomer) to diluted systems (high W/C, namely 32 water molecules per GlcN monomer) was tested by comparing atomistic and CG RDFs for chitosan chains with DP = 16. As observed in similar systems,25 the RDFs obtained for the diluted system with the transferred interaction potentials closely resemble those from the atomistic simulations (all RDF plots are reported in Fig. S9 and S10, ESI†). Based on these results, a larger system comprising acetyl-chitosan chains (χAc = 16%) with DP = 50 and 32 water molecules per GlcN monomer was constructed and simulated. The resulting RDFs, reported in Fig. 7, indicate that the chitosan–water and chitosan–chitosan interactions are minimally affected by the value of DP. Only the peaks corresponding to the short-range interactions between bonded neighbors, such as those observed in the A–A and A–M RDFs (Fig. 7c and d), increased at higher DP, due to the presence of more bonded neighbors.
To obtain a more detailed picture of the local molecular interactions within the networks, we measured the number of contacts with distances below 0.6 nm between the modification groups (Table 1). Specifically, the contacts between (i) all M beads in acetyl-chitosan networks, (ii) between MB and all MA or MB beads in butanoyl-chitosan networks, and (iii) between MA and any MA, MB or MC beads in heptanoyl-chitosan networks were counted. As anticipated, the number of contacts was found to increase with the hydrophobicity of the modification group and χ. In acetyl-chitosan systems with evenly-spaced modification pattern, the average number of contacts between M beads grows from a minimum of only 0.07 ± 0.02 per modified monomer when χAc = 16% to 0.22 ± 0.02 when χAc = 50%. Similarly, the contacts formed by the butanoyl MB beads increases from 1.08 ± 0.02 when χBut = 16% to 1.25 ± 0.01 when χBut = 32%. Finally, the heptanoyl MC beads form on average 1.53 ± 0.006 contacts per monomer when χHep = 8%, and 1.63 ± 0.015 contacts when χHep = 24%.
Modification | Evenly-spaced | Blocky | ||
Total | Per modification bead | Total | Per modification bead | |
χ Ac = 16% | 28 ± 7 | 0.07 ± 0.02 | 37 ± 9 | 0.09 ± 0.02 |
χ Ac = 50% | 273 ± 2 | 0.22 ± 0.002 | 319 ± 23 | 0.26 ± 0.02 |
χ But = 16% | 433 ± 8 | 1.08 ± 0.02 | 456 ± 12 | 1.14 ± 0.03 |
χ But = 32% | 1002 ± 15 | 1.25 ± 0.01 | 1034 ± 20 | 1.29 ± 0.03 |
χ Hep = 8% | 306 ± 9 | 1.53 ± 0.006 | 399 ± 11 | 2.00 ± 0.06 |
χ Hep = 24% | 980 ± 18 | 1.63 ± 0.015 | 1383 ± 24 | 2.35 ± 0.04 |
Together with the contact numbers, the values of end-to-end distance provide insight into the role of chain modification and intermolecular interactions on the conformation of chitosan. The variation in average end-to-end distance with different modification groups, χ, and pattern (i.e., evenly spaced or blocky) is presented in Table 2. A consistent trend is observed, where acetylation increases the end-to-end distances, and both butanoation and heptanoation drive a sharp decrease. The amide bond introduced by acetylation, combined with its mild hydrophobicity, promotes the formation of chitosan–water and chitosan–chitosan hydrogen bonds. This in turn drives the alignment of chitosan chains, whether single or in a network, which translates in higher end-to-end distances. Butanoyl and heptanoyl groups, instead, impart a higher hydrophobicity, which promotes intramolecular monomer–monomer interactions and chain de-solvation. These results demonstrate that the modification type and χ can be determining parameters for the structure of the chains, and larger changes to the network structure are likely hindered predominantly by the dense packing in the networks.
Modification | Evenly spaced | Blocky | |||
Single chain | Concentrated network (50 chains) | Dilute network (20 chains) | Single chain | Dilute network (20 chains) | |
Note: the values of end-to-end distance did not change in going from concentrated network to dilute network (data not shown). | |||||
χ Ac = 16% | 15.4 ± 3.6 | 14.6 ± 0.4 | 14.4 ± 0.6 | 12.1 ± 4.06 | 15.4 ± 0.6 |
χ Ac = 32% | 15.1 ± 0.2 | 15.4 ± 0.7 | 15.4 ± 0.6 | ||
χ Ac = 50% | 15.9 ± 4.2 | 16.2 ± 0.3 | 16.1 ± 0.9 | 16.29 ± 3.92 | 15.7 ± 0.6 |
χ But = 16% | 10.2 ± 5.1 | 12.9 ± 0.5 | 12.7 ± 0.8 | 13.68 ± 3.65 | 13.4 ± 0.6 |
χ But = 24% | 11.8 ± 0.3 | 10.4 ± 0.5 | 13.0 ± 0.4 | ||
χ But = 32% | 8.7 ± 3.4 | 9.0 ± 0.3 | 5.6 ± 0.4 | 10.84 ± 3.66 | 10.2 ± 0.3 |
χ Hep = 8% | 13.2 ± 3.7 | 13.5 ± 0.5 | 13.1 ± 0.7 | 10.42 ± 3.78 | 13.0 ± 0.4 |
χ Hep = 24% | 11.7 ± 3.7 | 11.8 ± 0.3 | 12.4 ± 0.9 | 9.94 ± 1.38 | 12.4 ± 1.1 |
Modification | Evenly spaced | Blocky | ||
Total | Per modification bead | Total | Per modification bead | |
χ Ac = 16% | 4 ± 2 | 0.025 ± 0.012 | 5 ± 3 | 0.03 ± 0.02 |
χ Ac = 50% | 46 ± 10 | 0.092 ± 0.02 | 56 ± 10 | 0.11 ± 0.02 |
χ But = 16% | 165 ± 3 | 0.41 ± 0.01 | 308 ± 3 | 1.92 ± 0.02 |
χ But = 32% | 561 ± 10 | 1.03 ± 0.06 | 507 ± 16 | 1.58 ± 0.05 |
χ Hep = 8% | 115 ± 5 | 1.44 ± 0.06 | 151 ± 6 | 1.89 ± 0.08 |
χ Hep = 24% | 233 ± 7 | 0.97 ± 0.03 | 491 ± 15 | 2.04 ± 0.06 |
These results indicate that the overall structure of the networks formed by acetylated chitosan chains remains independent of χ (Fig. 9a–c), as was observed in systems at the higher chitosan concentration (Fig. 8). The acetyl-chitosan chains are evenly distributed throughout the simulation box, and the pore-size distributions are independent of χ and feature pore sizes between 1.5–2.5 nm.
The butanoyl-chitosan systems, on the other hand, show a drastic restructuring of the chain network as χBut increases from 16% to 32%. This triggers the formation of dense “micelle-like” structures, comprising clusters of butanoyl moieties surrounded by chitosan backbones, connected by individual polymer strands (Fig. 9e). The transition of the network morphology from homogeneous to cluster/channel is accompanied by a distinct increase in the measured pore size, from 1–3 nm to 4.0–6.0 nm (Fig. 9f). While partly caused by the larger size of the simulation box, the observed variations of pore size are an important indicator of the morphological change of the network. The value of pore size in the larger systems are determined both by the water content and the length of the polymer bridges.
Reflective of this morphological change, a notable decrease in the end-to-end distances from 12.7 ± 0.8 nm (χBut = 16%) to 5.6 ± 0.4 nm (χBut = 32%) was observed in this network (Table 2), which results from the chitosan backbones wrapping the butanoyl clusters. A closer inspection of the cluster-channel structure (Fig. 10) indicates that the clusters comprise several hydrophobic domains (or centers) with diameters of ∼1–1.5 nm, corresponding to approximately twice the length of the hydrophobic moieties. These domains coalesce into larger clusters featuring almost completely hydrophilic surfaces formed by layers of chitosan chain backbone. The persistence length of chitosan chains, which experimental measurements estimate to be in the range of 5–20 nm58–60 and our simulations indicate it to be ∼5 nm (based on the end-to-end distance, Table 2), is comparable to the separation between adjacent modification groups on the chains. Forming loops at this scale would lead to a considerable cost in bending energy. Thus, separate hydrophobic moieties of one polymer chain do not typically cluster in one hydrophobic domain, but are rather embedded in separate hydrophobic domains that can either be part of the same larger cluster (Fig. 10, orange) or as bridges between two larger clusters (Fig. 10, red). In both cases, the modified chitosan chains remain approximately linear on the length scale of several monomers (i.e., their persistence length). Both micelles with intermolecular hydrophobic domains, resembling the clusters observed here61 and the bridged micelles62 have been proposed as probable models for the structure of hydrophobically modified chitosan.
Interestingly, no morphological transition took place in heptanoyl-chitosan systems, despite the higher hydrophobicity of the heptanoyl groups. While small clusters of M beads can be observed in the simulation snapshots, the pore size distribution remains approximately constant with χHep. Consistent with the absence of hydrophobic clusters, no significant decrease in end-to-end distances was observed (Table 2).
This different behavior of butanoyl- and heptanoyl-chitosan networks stems from the association between the hydrophobic modification groups, which is much stronger with heptanoyl moieties. Accordingly, the initial heptanoyl clusters are too stable to allow a rearrangement of the network into a cluster/channel morphology, which requires dissociation and rearrangement of some of these initial contacts, i.e., the uniform networks are kinetically trapped. While it is possible that network structures appear to be kinetically trapped due to insufficient simulation time, the experimental values of drug diffusion throughout heptanoyl-chitosan systems (vide infra) indicate that similar effects are present at the experimental time scale. Furthermore, the numbers of contacts per modification bead in diluted networks formed by butanoyl-chitosan chains with χBut = 32% and heptanoyl-chitosan chains with χHep = 24% (Table 3) are nearly identical to the corresponding values found in concentrated networks (Table 1). This showcases the role of hydrophobic modifications in forming contacts among modified chitosan chains.
A random distribution of acyl groups on the GlcN monomers is generally assumed for modified chitosan and has been supported by NMR analysis of chitosan samples with different degrees of acetylation (χAc).65 However, the acylation pattern of chitosan chains can vary; for example, several studies have shown that deacetylation of chitin under heterogeneous conditions can result in chitosan with blocky modification patterns.74–76 The use of hydrophobic groups for chitosan modification can also promote the formation of blocky patterns: hydrophobic moieties initially installed on the chain act as “seeding points”, as they attract incoming modification reagents by hydrophobic interaction and promote their local conjugation to the chains. The local accumulation of modification groups around hydrophobic focal points translates into the formation of blocky patterns. The aliphatic chains introduced by butanoic and heptanoic anhydrides can lend themselves to this mechanism.
In this study, we investigated the effect of modification patterns using two model distributions, evenly spaced and regular blocky. Blocky patterns in real polymers likely comprise a distribution of block sizes; similarly, truly random patterns also comprise short blocks of different length. Constructing realistic models of irregular blocky and truly random polymers in silico is not only challenging from the point of view of design, but can also return equivocal results. Therefore, to elucidate the role of modification pattern on chain structure and network morphology, we resolved to compare two idealized modification patterns: (i) “evenly spaced” with single modified monomers distributes at equal distances along the polymer and (ii) “blocky”, where four consecutive monomers bear modifications (Fig. 11a). In the comparison between these different patterns, the largest influence on the network morphology is, once again, observed in butanoyl-chitosan. The networks of butanoyl-chitosan chains, featuring identical χBut = 16% and DP = 50 and blocky vs. evenly spaced modification, shown in Fig. 11b, illustrates the effect of pattern on chain aggregation and network morphology. A systematic investigation of the combined effect of modification type, χ, and pattern on the number of contacts and end-to-end distances of modified chitosan chains (Tables 1–3) and the pore size distribution (Fig. 11d–i) of the resulting structures indicates that the acetyl-chitosan networks do not possess any structural dependence upon modification pattern. Acetyl-chitosan features a two-fold helical structure, where neighboring modifications lie on alternating sides of the chain.77 Therefore, an increase in the number of contacts can occur only if the modifications aggregate into local clusters. The constant number of contacts in both concentrated and dilute acetyl-chitosan systems (Tables 1 and 3) indicates that such clustering at low water/chitosan ratio does not depend on the modification pattern. Similarly, chain–chain interactions and network morphology in concentrated butanoyl-chitosan networks (low W/C) do not present any correlation to modification pattern (Table 1). A different scenario appears in diluted (high W/C) butanoyl-chitosan systems with lower χBut (16%), where chain aggregation is promoted by the blocky patterning (Fig. 11e); at χBut = 32%, on the other hand, the cluster/channel architecture of the network and its characteristic higher pore sizes are formed irrespective of the modification pattern (Fig. 11h). Finally, in heptanoyl-chitosan systems, the number of contacts is consistently higher between chains with blocky modification patterns (Tables 1 and 3); the stronger tendency of blocky heptanoyl-chitosan towards the cluster/channel architecture is also indicated by the small, yet notable, increases in pore size for both low (χHep = 8%) and high (χHep = 24%) levels of modification (Fig. 11f and i). Nonetheless, this effect is much less pronounced in heptanoyl-chitosan systems than in butanoyl-chitosan systems. The strong hydrophobic interactions between heptanoyl groups, in fact, make the chain network more rigid and prevents its rearrangement into the cluster/channel morphology.
Consistent with experimental observations, our CG simulation was also able to predict the formation of thick chitin fibrils consisting of bundles of aligned single chitin chains (Fig. 13a); coherent with chain alignment, the values of end-to-end distance of the aligned polymers increases to 20.4 ± 0.4 nm, as compared to ∼15 nm in the gels. Chitin forms crystalline fibrils wherein the alignment of the chains is either anti-parallel (i.e., α-chitin79,80) or parallel (i.e., β-chitin81). Both chitin allomorphs are found in natural chitin, although β-chitin has never been recrystallized in vitro. In the CG simulations, in fact, half of the chitin chains in every fibril form the anti-parallel alignment observed of α-chitin, while the other chains are aligned in parallel as in β-chitin (Fig. 13b), determined predominantly by the assembly kinetics. The simulated fibrils, however, are more strongly twisted compared to the reported crystal structures.
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Fig. 13 (a) Simulation snapshot of a network of fibers formed by 20 chains of chitin (χAc = 100%) with DP = 50 and 100 water molecules/monomer; the beads in the chitosan backbone (A, B, and C) are in red, the acetylation beads M are in yellow, and the water beads are blue dots. (b) Alignment of chitin chains in the simulated fiber; chitin chains with antiparallel and parallel alignment are in orange and blue, respectively; (c) comparison between predicted (red and yellow spheres) and experimentally determined structure of α-chitin chains (grey sticks: all-atom structure,79,80 grey spheres: CG representation). |
Both effects are likely due to the onset and evolution of the aggregation process in silico, where the outcome of fiber alignment is strongly dependent on the first contacts formed. Nonetheless, the molecular structure and intermolecular contacts in the segments with anti-parallel alignment produced by the CG simulations show remarkable similarity with those detected experimentally in α-chitin79,80 (Fig. 13c). At the same time, reproducing fully the crystal fibers and the internal orientation of the chains in such large systems is beyond the capability of unbiased simulations, which are kinetically constrained. Collectively, these results demonstrate the ability of the proposed CG model to capture the molecular aggregation and simulate the architectural features of chitosan-based hydrogels across the entire range of χAc. Remarkably, the model maintains reasonable predictive accuracy for values of χAc that differ significantly from those upon which the CG interaction potentials were developed.
In this work, we adopted the synergistic chemotherapeutic pair doxorubicin (Dox) and gemcitabine (Gem) as model molecules to study diffusion through modified chitosan hydrogels. Gem is a small (263.2 g mol−1), hydrophilic and electrically neutral species, whereas Dox is larger (543.5 g mol−1) and amphiphilic. CG models of Dox and Gem were initially prepared through the mapping shown in Fig. 1, while the drug–drug, drug–solvent, and drug–chitosan interactions were obtained from initial all-atom simulations following the same steps as for the chitosan interactions. Initially, we calculated the diffusion coefficients of the two drugs in water using atomistic and CG simulations, and compared them with experimental data (Table 4) to characterize the dynamics in our CG systems. The value of water self-diffusion coefficients obtained from atomistic simulations (DASW,W) agrees with the diffusion coefficients reported in the literature for the TIP5P water model83 and is similar to diffusion coefficients determined experimentally (DExpW,W).84 As anticipated, the water diffusion coefficient provided by CG simulations (DCGW,W) is larger, resulting in a scaling factor (τW = DCGW,W/DASW,W) of 6.4. Similarly, scaling factors of 9.6 and 10.0 were found for Gem and Dox, respectively, between the values of diffusion coefficients derived from atomistic vs. CG simulations. We note, however, that Dox molecules tend to form small aggregates, both in atomistic and CG simulations, which may affect the observed scaling factor; a single molecule in a box of water, in fact, has a 10-fold faster diffusion. If the scaling obtained for water (τW = 6.4) is applied to Dox, the resulting adjusted diffusion coefficient DCG,scaledDox,W ∼ 0.1 × 10−5 cm2 s−1 is in rather good agreement with the range of experimental values, 0.158–0.996 0.2 × 10−5 cm2 s−1;85,86 similarly, scaling the diffusion coefficient of Gem by τW returns a value of DCG,scaledGem,W ∼ 0.55 × 10−5 cm2 s−1. Therefore, upon rescaling, the CG model provides a reasonable prediction of the diffusion coefficients of the model drugs.
Molecule | Source | D (10−5 cm2 s−1) |
a New simulations were performed to avoid cluster formation. | ||
Water | Experimental84 | 2.3 |
Atomistic MD simulations | 2.74 ± 0.16 | |
CG MD simulations | 17.53 ± 0.73 | |
CG MD simulations, scaled | 2.74 ± 0.03 | |
Dox | Experimental85,86 | 0.158–0.996 |
Atomistic MD simulations | 0.056 (cluster) − 0.144(single) ± 0.017 | |
CG MD simulations | 0.625 ± 0.058 | |
CG MD simulations, scaled | 0.098 ± 0.005 | |
Gem | Atomistic MD simulationsa | 0.382 ± 0.005 |
CG MD simulations | 3.683 ± 0.626 | |
CG MD simulations, scaled | 0.575 ± 0.098 |
To model diffusion through modified chitosan hydrogels, 20 drug molecules – either Dox or Gem – were randomly placed inside an equilibrated network comprising 20 chains (DP = 50 and 5000 water molecules per chain) of either (i) acetyl-chitosan (χAc = 16% or 50%), (ii) butanoyl-chitosan (χBut = 16% or 32%), or (iii) heptanoyl-chitosan (χHep = 8% or 24%) featuring either evenly-spaced or blocky modification patterns. The diffusion of Dox and Gem through the networks was analyzed by tracking the mean-square displacement (MSD) of the drug molecules vs. time, from which the corresponding diffusion coefficients were calculated. In parallel, following the experimental procedure developed in prior work,56 the above-listed hydrogels were constructed and loaded with either Dox or Gem at the same concentration as utilized in the simulations, and the drug release was measured as a function of time. From the resultant drug release profiles, the values of diffusion coefficients were calculated by applying a derived form of the Fick's second law for slab-like devices.57 The in silico and experimental results are collated in Table 5.
D Dox,Chit (10−5 cm2 s−1) | |||
Modification | CG model | Experimental | |
Evenly spaced | Blocky | ||
χ Ac = 16% | 0.268 ± 0.100 | 0.213 ± 0.034 | 0.538 ± 0.107 |
χ Ac = 50% | 0.161 ± 0.003 | 0.191 ± 0.000 | 0.170 ± 0.035 |
χ But = 16% | 0.257 ± 0.042 | 0.150 ± 0.050 | 0.685 ± 0.140 |
χ But = 32% | 0.827 ± 0.039 | 0.550 ± 0.082 | 0.801 ± 0.162 |
χ Hep = 8% | 0.406 ± 0.070 | 0.345 ± 0.096 | 0.244 ± 0.049 |
χ Hep = 24% | 0.610 ± 0.146 | 0.274 ± 0.052 | 0.424 ± 0.090 |
D Gem,Chit (10−5 cm2 s−1) | |||
Hydrogel modification | Evenly spaced | Blocky | Experimental |
χ Ac = 16% | 3.878 ± 0.764 | 3.787 ± 0.422 | 3.344 ± 0.644 |
χ Ac = 50% | 3.572 ± 0.470 | 3.905 ± 0.150 | 3.713 ± 0.738 |
χ But = 16% | 3.906 ± 0.149 | 3.588 ± 0.464 | 3.756 ± 0.719 |
χ But = 32% | 3.078 ± 0.126 | 3.160 ± 0.300 | 3.313 ± 0.650 |
χ Hep = 8% | 3.603 ± 0.761 | 4.230 ± 0.515 | 3.156 ± 0.619 |
χ Hep = 24% | 3.760 ± 0.427 | 3.600 ± 0.055 | 3.050 ± 0.631 |
The CG simulations indicate that the diffusion of Gem through modified chitosan networks DCGGem,Chit is not affected by the modification type, χ, and pattern, and is only slightly lower than the corresponding value in water (DCGGem,W, Table 5). This was confirmed by the experimental values of DExpGem,Chit. With its hydrophilic character and small size (Rgyr = 0.33 nm) compared to the average pore diameter of the simulated networks (1.2 nm), Gem can migrate seamlessly through the chitosan hydrogel. The absence of strong interactions with the chitosan networks is corroborated by the low number of Gem–chitosan contacts (Table 6).
Hydrogel modification | Dox – modification bead | Gem – modification bead | Dox – backbone bead | Gem – backbone bead | ||||
Evenly spaced | Blocky | Evenly spaced | Blocky | Evenly spaced | Blocky | Evenly spaced | Blocky | |
χ Ac = 16% | 27 ± 3 | 52 ± 4 | 6 ± 2 | 7 ± 3 | 416 ± 19 | 420 ± 18 | 56 ± 14 | 57 ± 13 |
χ Ac = 50% | 83 ± 5 | 98 ± 5 | 18 ± 4 | 21 ± 5 | 470 ± 21 | 402 ± 18 | 72 ± 16 | 76 ± 17 |
χ But = 16% | 50 ± 5 | 96 ± 19 | 7 ± 3 | 34 ± 8 | 417 ± 18 | 505 ± 21 | 65 ± 14 | 147 ± 20 |
χ But = 32% | 89 ± 9 | 124 ± 10 | 58 ± 10 | 80 ± 18 | 475 ± 35 | 655 ± 27 | 368 ± 40 | 351 ± 18 |
χ Hep = 8% | 73 ± 9 | 138 ± 19 | 5 ± 3 | 7 ± 8 | 286 ± 18 | 298 ± 20 | 49 ± 13 | 50 ± 13 |
χ Hep = 24% | 118 ± 9 | 198 ± 10 | 16 ± 10 | 26 ± 18 | 325 ± 28 | 280 ± 16 | 53 ± 14 | 60 ± 13 |
On the other hand, with a larger size (Rgyr = 0.52 nm) and a distinctively higher hydrophobicity compared to Gem, Dox migrates more slowly. The diffusion coefficients of Dox obtained from CG models were found to be lower than the reference value in water (DCGDox,Chit < DCGDox,W) and to vary significantly with the type, χ, and pattern of modification. Specifically, Dox diffusion in acetyl-chitosan decreases moderately as χAc increases from 16% to 50%, whereas it increases more than 3-fold in butanoyl-chitosan between χBut = 16% and 32%, and 1.5-fold in heptanoyl-chitosan between χHep = 8% and 24%. The same trends were observed in the experimental values (Table 5).
The interactions with the chitosan network are reflected by the average number of Dox–polymer contacts (distance <0.6 nm), which account for both the hydrophobic interactions with the modified monomers (GlcNAc, GlcNBut, and GlcNHep) and the hydrogen bonds with the chain backbone (Table 6). Notably, the number of contacts between Dox and the acetyl groups (M beads) nearly triples as χAc increases from 16% to 50% in chitosan chains with evenly-modified pattern. Concurrently, the number of contacts with the backbone increases; as Dox molecules are attracted towards GlcNAc beads by hydrophobic interactions, they also form secondary contacts with the intercalated GlcN beads via hydrogen bonding.56 A different trend is observed with blocky acetyl-chitosan, where the number of interactions between Dox and M beads grows with χAc, whereas the number of contacts with backbone beads decreases; the blocky modification pattern, in fact, by removing the intercalation between the monomers, lowers the probability of Dox forming secondary interactions with GlcN as a consequence of initial hydrophobic binding to GlcNAc monomers. The interactions between Gem and acetyl-chitosan chains, instead, is more straightforward. The number of contacts with the M beads is low and independent of the modification pattern; the increase with χAc is related to the formation of hydrogen bonds with the amide moieties connecting M and A beads.56 The number of contacts with the backbone beads is higher and rather unaffected by either χAc or pattern.
The observed sharp increase in Dox diffusion coefficient with χBut can be attributed to the formation of the large pores in the network following the transition from uniform structure to the cluster/channel morphology. With larger pores, the Dox molecules can diffuse freely through the aqueous medium without interacting with the butanoyl-chitosan chains (Fig. 9e), thereby increasing their mobility and ultimately their diffusion coefficient. On the other hand, it is also noted that Dox forms a higher number of contacts with both the backbone and the modification beads compared to that formed with the acetyl-chitosan chains (Table 6). The simulation snapshots of Dox diffusing through networks with different χBut and pattern, in fact, show that several Dox molecules adsorb onto – and become irreversibly embedded into – the chain clusters. This observation was confirmed by analyzing the mean squared displacement (MSD) of individual Dox molecules (Fig. 14). These fall into two distinct groups: one moving with normal Brownian diffusion (MSD ∝ D·Δtα, α = 0.98) and the other exhibiting a significantly slower dynamics (α ∼ 0.7). All the diffusion curves of Dox through the uniform networks fall between these two behaviors, with α comprised between 0.76–0.82; all the individual atoms in these systems show the same diffusion characteristics (Fig. S14, ESI†), consistent with the uniform structure of the networks. Furthermore, the van Hove functions (Fig. S13, ESI†) indicate some confinement at the length scale of ∼5 nm in the uniform networks; however, in the systems formed by butanoyl-chitosan chains with χBut = 32%, a small fraction of Dox molecules travel farther on a timescale of 8–10 ns than in any of the uniform networks. Similar larger displacements are also seen for heptanoyl-chitosan chains with χHep = 24%, indicating that these networks are less uniform than was suggested by the calculated distribution of pore sizes.
Accordingly, the increase in DCGDox,Chit with χBut resulting from the MSD analysis is uniquely due to unimpeded transport of unabsorbed Dox molecules through the pores of butanoyl-chitosan cluster/channel networks. So that the diffusion and release of Dox from hydrogels with such cluster/channel morphology will depend on the numbers of molecules diffusing through the pores, Np, and being adsorbed to the clusters, Ncl. These are determined by the partition coefficient , where Ccl and Cp are the concentration of drug molecules adsorbed on the clusters and contained in the pores, and Vcl and Vw are the volumes of the chitosan clusters and water-filled pores. The number of molecules stuck to the clusters is thus determined both by the affinity of Dox for the hydrophobic moieties and the volume ratio of clusters in the network
. In hydrogels with high water content (Vw ≫ Vcl), as is the case for the modified chitosan hydrogels considered in this study, the majority of Dox molecules will be located in the pores and the observed (average) Dox diffusion is governed by those molecules diffusing freely through the water filled pore space. The experimental values of Dox diffusion coefficient and total release from butanoyl-chitosan hydrogels increase with χBut, confirming the results of the CG model. Numerical discrepancies between simulated and measured diffusion likely stem from the difference in network hydration between in silico and the in vitro systems. Nonetheless, the CG model captures well the mechanisms determining the dependence of the diffusion coefficient of Dox upon χBut.
Finally, heptanoyl-chitosan networks present a hybrid behavior, intermediate between those of acetyl- and butanoyl-chitosan. The partial clustering of the heptanoyl moieties, while not producing a defined cluster/channel morphology, results in larger pores as χHep increases, especially with blocky heptanoation (Fig. 10f and i). As a results, the values of diffusion coefficient of Dox in heptanoyl-chitosan networks fall between those calculated in acetyl- and butanoyl-chitosan systems. Despite the increase in pore diameter, in fact, Dox retention by the heptanoyl-chitosan chains is significant, as shown by the high number of hydrophobic interactions with the modification beads (Table 6). As a result, the diffusion coefficient of Dox through heptanoyl-chitosan with evenly spaced modification increases with χHep, as in butanoyl-chitosan, whereas it decreases when heptanoation is blocky, as in acetyl-chitosan. These values indicate that Dox diffusion is determined by the effective hydrophobicity of the chains and the morphology of the network, which are interconnected to the design parameters of the chitosan hydrogel (i.e., chemical modification and water fraction). The comparison between these predictions and the experimental data reported in Table 5 showcases the predictive accuracy of the proposed CG model, which stems from its ability to accurately determine diffusion coefficients while accounting for the interplay between modification-based molecular architecture and the chitosan–drug interactions.
This study demonstrates that the proposed CG model (i) is flexible and can be transferred to large systems comprising many long polysaccharide chains and different water contents; (ii) accurately captures the supramolecular structures (e.g., clusters/channels, fibers) and connects them to basic design parameters; and (iii) predicts very accurately the transport of small drugs through these materials by virtue of a comprehensive interpretation of the fundamental physicochemical properties and molecular interaction mechanisms. In so doing, this model provides a study toolbox with two-fold significance. In terms of fundamental science, our model enables the use of simple measurements of diffusion of small organic molecules (e.g., fluorescent Dox molecules) in lieu of laborious and expensive experimental techniques (e.g., small angle neutron or light scattering) to evaluate the molecular and supramolecular architecture of modified polysaccharide hydrogels. In terms of technological relevance, this model provides pharmaceutical chemists with a reliable rationale for focusing their developmental efforts towards a specific subset of the wide space of experimental design inherent to drug-loaded soft materials, allowing them to rapidly tailor therapeutic materials that meet the need of different therapeutic treatments, covering the entire span from first-line to consolidation chemotherapy.
CG | Coarse-grained |
MD | Molecular dynamics |
GlcNAc | N-Acetyl glucosamine |
GlcN | Glucosamine |
Dox | Doxorubicin |
Gem | Gemcitabine |
Ac | Acetyl |
But | Butanoyl |
Hep | Heptanoyl |
χ | Degree of chemical modification |
MD | Molecular dynamics |
GROMACS | GROningen MAchine for Chemical Simulations |
RDF | Radial distribution function |
MSD | Mean square displacement |
D | Diffusion coefficient |
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/d0sm01243b |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2020 |