Issue 4, 2020

A structural topotactical transformation synthetic strategy for Y2O2S:Ln3+ micro/nanocrystals with multicolor emissions


Designing the synthesis of inorganic micro/nanocrystals that are hard to get through conventional synthetic routes remains a challenging issue. Herein, we developed a novel in situ topotactic transformation synthetic strategy towards Y2O2S micro/nanocrystals based on high topotactic structural matching with the crystalline relationship between [001]Y4O(OH)9NO3//[001]Y2O2S and [001]LYH//[010]Y2O2S (LYH is Y2(OH)5NO3·nH2O). We have contrastively elucidated the in situ topotactic transformation mechanism from the crystal structure point of view and found that the microscopically topotactic structural matching in structural anisotropy and atomic arrangement facilitates the Y4O(OH)9NO3 → Y2O2S and LYH → Y2O2S transformation processes, respectively. Interestingly, the morphology contours were maintained well although a high degree of crystal lattice rearrangement was involved during the topotactic transformation process, which contributed to two brand-new morphologies that were unavailable by the conventional synthetic route (hexagonal microprism and quadrangle nanoplate) for Y2O2S. Besides, we also selected amorphous Y(OH)CO3 sub-microsphere as a precursor to comparatively study the structural topotactic transformation. Furthermore, the luminescence properties of the as-prepared micro/nanophosphors were emphasized by featuring the multicolor emissions by downshifting (Eu3+, Tb3+) and upconversion (Yb3+/Er3+, Yb3+/Tm3+) luminescence. Our study may bring a new direction of thought for the targeted synthesis of inorganic micro/nanocrystals that are difficult to get via conventional synthetic routes.

Graphical abstract: A structural topotactical transformation synthetic strategy for Y2O2S:Ln3+ micro/nanocrystals with multicolor emissions

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Article information

Article type
12 Nov 2019
06 Dec 2019
First published
09 Dec 2019

J. Mater. Chem. C, 2020,8, 1440-1447

A structural topotactical transformation synthetic strategy for Y2O2S:Ln3+ micro/nanocrystals with multicolor emissions

B. Shao, S. Yuan, S. Zhao, L. Dong, L. Zhang and H. You, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2020, 8, 1440 DOI: 10.1039/C9TC06182G

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