a and
aDepartment of Analytical Chemistry, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ, Permoserstrasse 15, 04318, Leipzig, Germany. E-mail: thorsten.reemtsma@ufz.de
bInstitute of Analytical Chemistry, University of Leipzig, Linnéstrasse 3, 04103, Leipzig, Germany
First published on 13th October 2021
Staining of biological cells with heavy metals can increase their visibility in mass spectrometry. In this study, the potential of ruthenium red (RR) as a staining agent for single-cell analysis by inductively coupled plasma time-of-flight mass spectrometry (SC-ICP-TOF-MS) is explored using two different yeast strains and one algal species. Time-of-flight mass spectrometry allows the simultaneous detection of Ru and multiple intrinsic elements in single cells. Ru has a better correlation with Mg than with P in Saccharomyces cerevisiae (S. cerevisiae) cells. For the three tested strains, the staining efficiency of RR exceeded 96%; the staining strengths were 30–32 ag μm−2 for the yeast cells and 59 ag μm−2 for the algal cells. By deriving the cell volume of single cells from their Ru mass, the concentration of Mg and P in individual cells of S. cerevisiae can be calculated. Elemental concentrations of Mg and P were highly variable in the cell individuals, with their 25–75 percentile values of 0.10–0.19 and 0.76–2.07 fg μm−3, respectively. RR staining has several advantages: it is fast, does not affect cell viability and is highly efficient. Provided that the shape of the individual cells of a culture is similar, Ru staining allows the elemental content to be directly correlated with the cell volume to accurately calculate the intracellular concentration of target elements in single cells. Therefore, RR can be a promising cell staining agent for future application in SC-ICP-TOF-MS research.
The volume of an individual cell is usually at the femtolitre (cubic micrometer) level and the amount of elements contained therein is at the picogram or femtogram level.6 This presents a challenge as very sensitive methods are required. Intrinsic elements could be employed to detect single cells in SC-ICP-MS, provided that their concentrations in the individual cells would not differ significantly.8 Polyatomic interference and unavoidable noise often hinder the effective determination of these elements. Therefore, cell staining with heavy elements was developed to increase the visibility of cell signals by ICP-MS. One commonly used agent to deliver heavy elements to cells is antibodies.9 At present, antibodies as a cell staining agent are mainly used in mass cytometry, which avoids detecting ions smaller than 80 Da and, thereby, most intrinsic elements of cells. With the help of mass cytometry, a method called CellCycleTRACER was developed to obtain cell cycle and cell volume information,10 which are essential to study cells in depth. Bendall et al. used labeled antibodies to bind to human bone marrow cells and simultaneously analyzed up to 34 different cell parameters through mass cytometry.11 The size of mammalian cells was studied by OsO4 staining (a lipid stain).12 Löhr et al. used DNA intercalators carrying Ir to label cells and analyzed elemental distribution in human monocytic leukemia cells using laser ablation combined with SC-ICP-TOF-MS.13 However, these cell staining agents have the disadvantages of cumbersome pre-processing of cell samples and a high price. Besides, platinum-based cisplatin used to stain cells can be applied for cell viability testing by distinguishing dead cells from live cells.14 Metal nanoparticles (e.g. Au) can also be used for cell staining,15 provided that a certain number of nanoparticles can enter the cell or be firmly attached to its surface, which directly determines the staining efficiency. Therefore, an efficient and simple staining agent for the determination of single cells by SC-ICP-MS would be valuable.
At present, it is still a challenge to determine the elemental concentration in a single cell by SC-ICP-MS because the cell size cannot be measured simultaneously with the elemental content. A method for plotting elemental content data obtained by SC-ICP-MS against cell volume data from microscopic analysis in a numerical order and, then, estimating the elemental concentration was reported.8,16 However, this method has a shortcoming: the accuracy of the data plotting cannot be ensured. Therefore, a cell staining that can provide cell size information by SC-ICP-TOF-MS analysis would allow direct access to elemental concentrations in single cells. RR can bind with polysaccharides on the cell surface and its initial purpose was to enhance the optical visibility of cellular or subcellular structures of cells in electron microscopy.17,18 Due to the binding tendency to the cell surface,19 RR may be a suitable and versatile cell staining for the SC-ICP-MS analysis, which has not been investigated until now. Besides, Ru has an extremely low presence in biological samples, which should ensure a favorable signal-to-noise ratio and, thus, a high sensitivity of this staining approach.
The goal of this work is to explore the feasibility of RR as a cell staining agent for SC-ICP-MS analysis. This staining should serve two purposes: (1) to improve the detectability of single cells in ICP-MS and (2) to provide the possibility of direct connection between intrinsic elements and the cell volume of individual cells. This was tested using three cell samples: two strains of yeast cells and one type of algae cell.
A = πr2, | (1) |
S = 4πr2, | (2) |
S = 4·A. | (3) |
In the equations above, r represents the radius of particles/cells and eqn (3) originates from (1) and (2).
To calculate the elemental concentration of Mg and P in single cells, the following equations are used:
![]() | (4) |
m′ = a·S, | (5) |
![]() | (6) |
![]() | (7) |
Eqn (7) is derived from (2) and (4–6). In these equations: V is the sphere volume; m (represents Mg or P) and m′ (represents Ru) stand for the elemental content in single cells, respectively; a represents the staining strength of RR, i.e. Ru; c is the elemental concentration of Mg or P.
Because the binding sites of RR are located on the cell surface, they do not penetrate into the cell membrane. This should avoid affecting the physiological state and structure of the stained cell and its viability. To confirm this, several parameters of cell integrity of S. cerevisiae cells with and without RR staining were compared (Table 1). Similar values were found by microphotography (Fig. S3†) with regard to average cell density and cell size (cell surface area), suggesting that RR does not induce changes in the cell structure or cause cell lysis. Elemental analysis of Mg and P also proved that there are no significant (p > 0.5) differences provoked by RR staining inside the cells. It can be concluded that RR staining leaves the cells studied in this work intact and viable.
Cell density | Cell surface area (μm2) | Mg intensity (cts per cell) | Mg content (fg per cell) | P intensity (cts per cell) | P content (fg per cell) | |
Without staining | 288 ± 19 | 144.1 ± 11.5 | 371 ± 11 | 26 ± 1 | 124 ± 10 | 271 ± 21 |
With staining | 265 ± 28 | 156.6 ± 4.3 | 361 ± 23 | 25 ± 2 | 118 ± 8 | 258 ± 17 |
Since Mg and P are essential elements and are relatively abundant in cells, the simultaneous occurrence of their mass spectrometric signals can be regarded as a cellular event (Fig. 1a). Because the characteristic element of RR is Ru, the parallel occurrence of a 102Ru signal marks a stained cell (Fig. 1b). It is worth noting that the baseline of 102Ru is very low, indicating that the excess of dissolved RR has been sufficiently removed by the washing processes. On account of the low noise of Ru in biological samples, stained cells should be well detectable in single-cell analysis methods, including LA-SC-ICP-MS. In addition, RR staining can also help distinguish cells from noise, especially for elements with a high background signal: although Fe and Ca are present in cells, there is no distinguishable cell signal. With the support of 102Ru, the location of the cell signal is clearly shown (Fig. 1c).
Since RR is only attached to the cell surface, it can be assumed that the amount of Ru bound to a single cell may be proportional to its surface area. Provided that cells have a regular shape, it would be possible to relate the surface area with their cell volume. For the yeast cells, it was previously suggested that the content of Mg and P in the cell is related to the cell volume.8 For a set of 1077 cells of S. cerevisiae strain 1, it was tested whether the content of Mg and P (proportional to r3) and Ru content (proportional to r2) are correlated (Fig. 2). For Mg, this correlation is 0.81, suggesting that the Mg content per cell is, indeed, correlated with the cell volume and that its concentration in the cells is rather constant (Fig. 2a). This supports previous findings for S. cerevisiae with an approximation approach.8 In contrast, the correlation with Ru is weaker for the P content, with a correlation coefficient of 0.49 (Fig. 2b). This indicates that the P concentration in single cells of strain 1 is more variable. Yeast can store P mostly in its vacuoles to prepare for the conditions of phosphorus deficiency.23,24 Thus, the P content of single yeast cells may be influenced by other factors than just their cell. In addition, the detection sensitivity of ICP-MS to P is generally lower than that of Mg, which may also lead to a weaker correlation with Ru.
In order to verify whether RR can effectively stain other species of biological samples, S. cerevisiae strain 2 and algal cells of S. vacuolatus were also investigated. The RR staining efficiency (the percentage of stained cell in total analyzed cells) can be determined by SC-ICP-MS. For the three investigated cell species, the staining efficiency ranges from 96.5 to 98.1% of cells (Table 2).
S. cerevisiae strain 1 | S. cerevisiae strain 2 | S. vacuolatus | |
Staining efficiency (%) | 96.5 ± 0.4 | 96.6 ± 0.2 | 98.1 ± 1.2 |
Average Ru content (fg per cell) | 4.6 ± 0.2 | 3.2 ± 0.1 | 5.2 ± 0.1 |
Staining strength (ag μm−2) | 30 ± 2 | 32 ± 2 | 59 ± 11 |
The average Ru content after staining two S. cerevisiae strains is 4.6 fg per cell and 3.2 fg per cell, while it is 5.2 fg per cell for S. vacuolatus (Table 2). The main advantage of SC-ICP-TOF-MS, however, is the ability to determine elements in individual cells: the Ru elemental content distributions of the three studied cell samples are demonstrated in Fig. S4.† Independent microscopic image analysis showed that S. vacuolatus cells had the smallest cell size and, thus, the smallest surface area of these three cell types (Fig. 3). Several factors may affect the staining strengths (Ru mass per surface) of cells of a given culture, including its culture conditions. Therefore, when using this RR staining, the corresponding culture-specific staining strength needs to be determined separately, for each type of cell under study, to allow the calculation of internal concentrations.
This staining strength value can be derived from the data of the average Ru content on single cells from SC-ICP-TOF-MS measurements and the data of average cell surface area, derived from optical microscopy (Table S2 and Fig. S5†). Based on these data, the two S. cerevisiae strains exhibited similar staining strengths of 30–32 ag μm−2, while the staining strength of S. vacuolatus was much stronger, 59 ag μm−2 (Table 2). As RR is assumed to bind to polysaccharides at the cell surface,19 this strong difference in staining strength between the yeast and the algae may be due to a higher polysaccharide density at the surface of the algal cells. The algal cells, however, also exhibit a higher standard deviation of 19%. This may be due to the smaller size of the cells, which brings about a higher uncertainty in optical size estimation. Given the speed of analysis of single cells by SC-ICP-MS, the higher standard deviation could be compensated by analyzing a large number of cells.
After having established a link between Ru mass and cellular surface for one species, this calibration can be used to calculate the surface area of each single cell of that species, depending on its Ru signal obtained by SC-ICP-TOF-MS. For converting the determined mass of an element in a cell into concentration, the cellular volume rather than its surface area is needed. For approximately spherical cells like the yeast and algal cells in this study, this is straightforward (eqn (2) and (4)). Therefore, based on the information of elemental content, the concentration of intrinsic elements (such as Mg and P) in the single cells stained by RR can be estimated (Fig. 4). But also for other shapes, a correlation exists between the cell surface area and the cell volume that could be employed for the volume calculation based on the Ru content. For example, the difference in volume between spherical and cubic shape does not exceed 30%. The fundamental prerequisite for any calculation of concentrations is that the cells of the culture have a sufficiently similar shape.
The cells of this study were approximately spherical (Fig. S2†) and volumes of each single cell were calculated from its Ru signal. The corresponding average elemental concentrations in single S. cerevisiae strain 1 cells are 0.16 fg μm−3 for Mg and 1.82 fg μm−3 for P. SC-ICP-MS analyses do not only yield average concentrations, but concentration distributions (Fig. 5): these show that for all three cultures studied the concentration of Mg is less variable (e.g. S. cerevisiae strain 1, 25–75 percentile: 0.10–0.19 fg μm−3) than the concentration of P (e.g. S. cerevisiae strain 1, 25–75 percentile: 0.76–2.07 fg μm−3).
![]() | ||
Fig. 5 Distribution of the concentrations of Mg and P in cells of (a) S. cerevisiae strain 1, (b) strain 2, and (c) S. vacuolatus. |
These average data for S. cerevisiae strain 1 cells agree well with a previous quantification exercise solely on a data plotting approach, which yielded 0.12 fg μm−3 for Mg and 1.42 fg μm−3 for P.8 The new RR staining approach outlines, however, that not only the P but also the Mg concentration shows some variability. Therefore, RR staining should provide a more accurate access to internal elemental concentrations in single cells than normalizing to the Mg mass. RR staining greatly expands the application range of SC-ICP-TOF-MS and allows for a deeper exploration of internal elemental concentrations at the single-cell level and of the factors that affect these concentrations.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/d1an01143j |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2021 |