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aCentre for Neuroscience, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore-560012, India. E-mail:;
bLaboratory of Optobiology, School of Biotechnology, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi-110067, India
First published on 8th March 2021
Adenosine 3′,5′-cyclic monophosphate (cAMP) is a key second messenger that activates several signal transduction pathways in eukaryotic cells. Alteration of basal levels of cAMP is known to activate protein kinases, regulate phosphodiesterases and modulate the activity of ion channels such as Hyper polarization-activated cyclic nucleotide gated channels (HCN). Recent advances in optogenetics have resulted in the availability of novel genetically encoded molecules with the capability to alter cytoplasmic profiles of cAMP with unprecedented spatial and temporal precision. Using single molecule based super-resolution microscopy and different optogenetic modulators of cellular cAMP in both live and fixed cells, we illustrate a novel paradigm to report alteration in nanoscale confinement of ectopically expressed HCN channels. We characterized the efficacy of cAMP generation using ensemble photoactivation of different optogenetic modulators. Then we demonstrate that local modulation of cAMP alters the exchange of membrane bound HCN channels with its nanoenvironment. Additionally, using high density single particle tracking in combination with both acute and chronic optogenetic elevation of cAMP in the cytoplasm, we show that HCN channels are confined to sub 100 nm sized functional domains on the plasma membrane. The nanoscale properties of these domains along with the exchange kinetics of HCN channels in and out of these molecular zones are altered upon temporal changes in the cytoplasmic cAMP. Using HCN2 point mutants and a truncated construct of HCN2 with altered sensitivity to cAMP, we confirmed these alterations in lateral organization of HCN2 to be specific to cAMP binding. Thus, combining these advanced non-invasive paradigms, we report a cAMP dependent ensemble and single particle behavior of HCN channels mediated by its cyclic nucleotide binding domain, opening innovative ways to dissect biochemical pathways at the nanoscale and real-time in living cells.
Development of optogenetic probes that alter the cAMP concentration has improved our understanding of local cAMP dependent signalling cascades within organelles and in cytoplasmic compartments in heterologous cell lines and animal models as well as in neurons. They provide a significant advantage over the conventional pharmacological approaches which lack the spatio-temporal control to manipulate local fluctuations of cAMP at submicron resolution or with a temporal precision of a few milliseconds. Adenylyl cyclases are a family of proteins which have been evolutionarily modified to synthesize cAMP by different kinds of stimulations. Photoactivated adenylyl cyclases (PACs) are photoreceptors that combine activation of a light sensing domain (Blue Light Using FAD; BLUF) with blue light and gating of synthesis of cAMP with a C-terminus coupled adenylyl cyclase homology domain (CHD). PACs first reported from unicellular flagellate Euglena gracilis (EuPAC) were composed of PACα and PACβ subunits, responsible for the step-up photophobic response.11 Recently, smaller PACs encoding a single BLUF domain as a sensor and CHD as an effector module have been identified and characterized from Beggiatoa sp. (bPAC),12Naegleria gruberi (NgPACs),13–15Turneriella parva (TpPAC),16Leptonema illini (LiPAC)17 and Oscillatoria acuminata (OaPAC),18 bestowing a wide repertoire of PACs to modulate cAMP levels in living cells.
PACs have also been successfully deployed in diverse biological systems to modulate the intracellular cAMP levels to control signal transduction of selected molecular pathways, to program cellular responses, to modulate cellular morphology and to control animal behavior.19–25 Despite these advances, there has been limited understanding on how the local or global activation of PACs can control the lateral organization and real-time trafficking of trans-membrane molecules such as HCN channels whose activity is directly controlled by cAMP. This is in part due to the lack of information on the characterization of biophysical properties of PACs in living cells and due to the lack of development of novel paradigms to investigate real-time changes in nanoscale localization and dynamics of molecules in combination with optogenetic approaches.
Here, we have bridged this gap using a battery of paradigms to evaluate cAMP dependent temporal fluctuations in the molecular organization of HCN channels. First, we studied the photophysical characteristics of a cAMP sensor by altering the intracellular cAMP levels in a controlled manner. Then, by using targeted photoactivation, we characterized different optogenetic modulators of cAMP namely, bPAC, TpPAC and native variants of NgPACs in heterologous cell lines. We then used spatially confined local elevation of cAMP as well as global acute and chronic photoactivation of PACs to investigate the transient mobility and nano-organization of ectopically expressed trans-membrane ion channel HCN2, whose function is directly modulated by intracellular cAMP levels. We show that the stimulation patterns of different PACs influence the mobility of HCN2 channels differentially, and that the elevation of cAMP can transiently immobilize HCN2 channels on the plasma membrane in live cells by optogenetic modulation with blue light. Using a truncated construct of HCN2 lacking the nucleotide binding domain as well as two point mutants of HCN2 (R591A and R591E) displaying altered sensitivity to cAMP, we verified that the dynamic distribution of HCN2 is a result of direct cAMP binding. Thus, we show that different classes of optogenetic probes for cAMP modulate the Brownian diffusion of membrane molecules differentially, altering the nanoscale dynamics of HCN2 channel segregation on the plasma membrane. These studies not only provide novel paradigms to evaluate the nanoscale organization of molecules using a non-invasive approach, but also allows alteration of the biochemical map of protein segregation in live cells. Our study opens unique ways to dissect information of complexes at the molecular scale within their native environment, paving the way for therapeutic interventions that can alter molecular pathways with unprecedented spatial and temporal control.
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Fig. 1 Optogenetic activation of photoactivated adenylyl cyclase (PAC) and sensing of transient changes in cAMP levels by Pink Flamindo in live Neuro-2a cells. (A) Schematic representation of a cell expressing photoactivated adenylyl cyclase (PAC) and Flamindo for sensing the cAMP level. Photoactivation of PACs increases the cAMP level in the cells, which is reported as an increase in the fluorescence intensity of Flamindo. (B) Neuro-2a cells expressing GFP-P2A-PAC-T2A-Pink Flamindo imaged in the GFP channel indicate the expression of photoactivated adenylyl cyclase (PAC), where P2A and T2A represent self-cleaving sites (ESI†). Pseudocolour images indicate transient changes in the fluorescence of Flamindo imaged at 560 nm upon targeted photoactivation of PAC with 405 nm. Fluorescence intensity in the photoactivated region decayed rapidly with time. Scale bar: 10 μm. (C) Comparison of intensity fold change of Flamindo upon photoactivation of PACs with 405 nm (n = 10, mean ± s.e.m from 2 biological replicates, ***p < 0.001, Mann–Whitney test). Average intensity of GFP::PAC in the corresponding cells is depicted in Fig. S1C, ESI.† (D) Curves representing the temporal changes in fluorescence intensity upon photoactivation of the PACs (bPAC, TpPAC, NgPAC1, and NgPAC3) with 405 nm. Fold increase in fluorescence intensity is normalized to 1. (E) Table illustrating the biophysical properties of fluorescence decay computed from (D). A1 and A2 represent the fractional components corresponding to lifetimes τ1 and τ2, respectively. All PACs-Flamindo (bPAC, TpPAC, NgPAC1 and NgPAC3) exhibited an increase in average fold intensity upon targeted photoactivation, implying a surge in cAMP level in a localized illuminated region, which decayed exponentially with varying kinetics. The controls mApple and Flamindo did not show a similar increase upon photoactivation. Consistently, the decay kinetics of PACs-Flamindo were significantly slower compared to control Flamindo, whereas mApple did not display any difference in its kinetics. |
Variants of PACs from Beggiatoa12 (referred to as bPAC), Naegleria gruberi (referred to as NgPAC1 and NgPAC3)13,15 and Turneriella parva (referred to as TpPAC)16 were assessed to study the dynamics of cAMP in a light regulated manner. All PACs-Flamindo (bPAC, TpPAC, NgPAC1 and NgPAC3) exhibited an increase in average fold intensity after targeted photoactivation, implying a surge in cAMP level in a localized illuminated region, which decayed exponentially with varying kinetics (Fig. 1C and D). bPAC-Flamindo showed the lowest average fold intensity change or least generation of cAMP, which increased for TpPAC and NgPAC1 (Fig. 1C and Table S1, ESI†). On the contrary, upon photoactivation no significant change was observed in the average fold intensity for control cells expressing mApple or Flamindo alone (Fig. 1C). To ensure a similar expression of the different PACs, fluorescence intensity changes in Flamindo were studied only in cells with similar GFP::PAC expression (Fig. S1C, ESI†).
The decay in fluorescence intensity at the region of photoactivation for the various PACs during photobleaching was analyzed by fitting their fluorescence decay curves using a bi-exponential decay model (Fig. S2B, ESI†), which fit better compared to a single exponential decay model (Fig. S2A, ESI†). The fluorescence decay curves indicated the temporal change in cAMP level in the cells. All PACs-Flamindo systems exhibited varying fluorescence decay kinetics with distinct short (τ1) and long (τ2) lifetime components (Fig. 1E and Table S1, ESI†). Among these, TpPAC displayed the fastest kinetics, followed by bPAC, NgPAC3, and NgPAC1. The temporal cAMP level after photoactivation depends on the recovery kinetics of the BLUF domain of the PACs. The fast kinetics of cAMP by TpPAC-Flamindo and bPAC-Flamindo resembled the fast recovery kinetics of TpPAC16 and bPAC12 photoreceptors, respectively. Compared to PAC-Flamindo expressing cells, control cells expressing Flamindo alone displayed a fast average lifetime (τav = 0.688 ± 0.286 s) with minimal increase in the residual intensity after photoactivation with 405 nm, whereas the control mApple displayed no changes in its kinetics over time (Fig. 1D). Apart from 405 nm, PACs were also photoactivated using 488 nm, resulting in an increase in the average fold fluorescence intensity and decay time (Fig. S1D, ESI†). The decay kinetics (τav) of the different PACs on photoactivation with 488 nm (Fig. S1E, ESI†) varied as compared to activation with 405 nm (Fig. 1E). However, photoactivation using either 405 nm or 488 nm revealed the slowest kinetics for NgPAC1 and fastest kinetics for TpPAC (Fig. 1E, Fig. S1E and Table S1, ESI†). All PACs showed distinct characteristics in terms of fold change, duration of recovery (recovery kinetics), and fractional components of lifetimes (A1 and A2 corresponding to τ1 and τ2, respectively). In summary, the PAC variants altered the cAMP level in a localized manner with varying amplitude and dynamics.
Using an activator-sensor strategy which utilises an equimolar concentration of PAC and the fluorescence sensor Flamindo, we were able to determine the biophysical properties of each photoactivated adenylyl cyclase variant. Expression of bi-cistronic constructs with photoactivated adenylyl cyclase (PAC) and the fluorescence sensor Flamindo ensured an equimolar concentration of PAC and Flamindo, respectively. This strategy of using an equimolar concentration of activator and sensor along with observing relative fluorescence intensity changes allowed us to rule out any changes in the ensemble diffusional behaviour of the sensor. However, the rate of synthesis of cAMP depended on the photoactivation kinetics and enzymatic activity of the different PAC variants. Therefore, the amount of cAMP generated would be proportional, but not equimolar to the PACs nor to the available Flamindo sensor.
Though the observed biophysical characteristics of PACs were comparable to their reported values, it is not well understood if the hygrodynamic radius of different PACs have a direct influence on the instantaneous generation of cAMP and persistence of enzymatic activity generating cAMP within live cells. The difference in biophysical properties of PACs which altered upon changing the photoactivation wavelength from 405 nm to 488 nm could be attributed to the differences in the absorption cross-section of PACs at different wavelengths. Since cAMP is generated as a result of the enzymatic activity of PACs, engineering PACs that are either Stokes shifted or with altered sensitivity to selected wavelengths would provide a broader spectrum of activation and flexibility for the experimenter.
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Fig. 2 Targeted control of HCN2 dynamics upon optogenetic modulation of cAMP levels. (A) Wide field (i) and SRRF (ii) images of Neuro-2a cells expressing mEos::HCN2. To achieve high spatial resolution, wide field images were processed using SRRF (ESI†). Scale bar: 3 μm. Zoomed diffraction limited (iii) and SRRF (iv) images of selected regions outlined in black. Scale bar: 1.7 μm. (B) Neuro-2a cells expressing mEos::HCN2 + PAC imaged in the GFP channel (left panel). Representative temporal changes in fluorescence intensity within the photoactivated region upon activation of PAC and photoconversion of mEos molecules with 405 nm are depicted (right series). Scale bar: 10 μm. (C) Fluorescence decay curves representative of the temporal changes in fluorescence intensity upon photoactivation of PAC and photoconversion of mEos molecules are shown. (D) Comparison of fluorescence decay of mEos::HCN2 fit by a single exponential decay model under control condition and upon optogenetically increasing the cAMP level using PAC variants namely, bPAC, TpPAC and NgPAC1. τ represents the decay time constant (n = 11, mean ± s.e.m. from 3 biological replicates, ****p < 0.0001, Mann–Whitney test). The mobility of mEos::HCN2 decreased significantly upon elevating the intracellular cAMP by targeted photoactivation of PACs. The PAC variants modulated the mobility of HCN2, correlated with their photodynamics and amplitude of the light-gated cAMP level altered by the respective PAC. |
For optogenetic modulation of the cAMP level, targeted photoactivation was performed on cells co-expressing mEos::HCN2 and PACs (referred to as mEos::HCN2 + PACs), which transiently increased their fluorescence intensity that decayed exponentially (Fig. 2B and C). Targeted irradiation with 405 nm photoactivated PACs and simultaneously photoconverted mEos molecules from the dark to bright state. For targeted photoactivation, a region corresponding to the point spread function of the system was randomly selected at a distance of 2–5 μm from the periphery of the cell. It resulted in an increased concentration of cAMP in the cells, which bound to the HCN2 channels and regulated their mobility. We used PACs with the fastest kinetics namely, TpPAC and bPAC as well as the slowest PAC namely, NgPAC1 to further assess the effect of modulation of cAMP on the membrane dynamics of HCN2. Cells expressing mEos::HCN2 + TpPAC and mEos::HCN2 + bPAC displayed delayed fluorescence decay curves with τ = 2.9 ± 0.499 s and τ = 2.4 ± 0.618 s, respectively in contrast to cells expressing control mEos::HCN2, which did not induce any change in cAMP (Fig. 2C and D). On the other hand, mEos::HCN2 + NgPAC1 exhibited the slowest decay kinetics (τ = 3.4 ± 0.946 s, Fig. 2C and D). The diffusion of HCN2 depended on the amplitude and duration of increased cAMP level in the cells, defined by the photorecovery kinetics of the expressed PAC protein. The PAC variants with varying photorecovery kinetics altered the mobility of HCN2 and its corresponding fluorescence decay (τ) differentially (Fig. 2D and Table S2, ESI†). Among the different PACs that were photoactivated, HCN2 diffusion was the fastest for bPAC (Fig. 2C), which reduced for TpPAC and significantly reduced further for NgPAC1 (Table S2, ESI†), consistent with our previous observations where cAMP levels increased from bPAC to NgPAC1 (Fig. 1C and Table S1, ESI†). In summary, the PAC variants modulated the mobility of HCN2, correlated with their photodynamics and amplitude of the light-gated cAMP level altered by the respective PAC. The transient local increase of cAMP due to activation in the focal column could hinder the mobility of HCN2 molecules, which exchanged significantly slower in the presence of PACs compared to when mEos::HCN2 was expressed alone.
We relied on two different strategies to study the nanoscale mobility of HCN2. In the first case, we used a high power of 488 nm (acute photoactivation) which would saturate the optogenetic activity of PACs and increase the cAMP content in the cytoplasm. Then, we compared the mobility of mEos::HCN2 in unstimulated conditions versus upon saturation stimulation of cAMP. Saturation stimulation of cAMP was performed prior to PALM imaging by acute photoactivation of PACs with 100% of 488 nm laser. The mobility of mEos::HCN2 in live cells measured as the instantaneous diffusion coefficient (Dm = 0.105 ± 0.014 μm2 s−1) significantly reduced upon optical cAMP induction, compared to the basal condition (Fig. 3B). The instantaneous diffusion coefficients of mEos::HCN2 upon photostimulation of bPAC (mEos::HCN2 + bPAC), TpPAC (mEos::HCN2 + TpPAC), and NgPAC1 (mEos::HCN2 + NgPAC1) were 0.041 ± 0.004 μm2 s−1, 0.039 ± 0.007 μm2 s−1, and 0.029 ± 0.004 μm2 s−1, respectively (Fig. 3B). The cumulative distributions of the instantaneous diffusion coefficients of mEos::HCN2 + PACs demonstrated a left shift towards lower mobility upon stimulation, compared to the control mEos::HCN2 (Fig. 3C and Fig. S3A, ESI†). The plateau reached by the mean square displacement (MSD) curve of mEos::HCN2 + bPAC, mEos::HCN2 + TpPAC, and mEos::HCN2 + NgPAC1 represented the confined movement of molecules upon optically saturated cAMP stimulation via acute photoactivation of PACs (Fig. 3D; MSD plateau = 0.08 ± 0.009 μm2, 0.08 ± 0.011 μm2, 0.05 ± 0.006 μm2 for bPAC, TpPAC, and NgPAC1, respectively) in contrast to unstimulated conditions (Fig. 3D; MSD plateau = 0.14 ± 0.012 μm2). Between the PACs, there was no significant difference in the instantaneous diffusion coefficient (Dm) of mEos::HCN2 upon photoactivation (Table S2, ESI†). However, photoactivation of NgPAC1 resulted in a significant decrease in the mean square displacement and shift in cumulative frequency of the instantaneous diffusion coefficient of mEos::HCN2, compared to the other PACs (Table S2, ESI†). These data were in agreement with the ensemble diffusion, where a targeted stimulation resulted in slower mobility of HCN2 in the presence of PACs, especially NgPAC1, indicating confinement of HCN2 resulting from immobilization or trapping (Fig. 2C and D).
In the second case, we verified if a chronic increase in the cAMP levels by continuous optical stimulation using low illumination intensities could result in a progressive increase in the immobilization and trapping of HCN2 channels. We used a low intensity wide field illumination of 405 nm (10%) during PALM imaging, allowing both sparse photoconversion of Eos molecules and continuous synthesis of cAMP by mild photoactivation of PACs. This paradigm showed a progressive decrease in mobility as confirmed from the instantaneous diffusion coefficient and mean square displacement for all the trajectories, when observed in temporal blocks of 80 seconds. The trajectory map of different time windows from five continuous streams of PALM data displayed slower diffusion of mEos::HCN2 molecules (Fig. 3E), with the diffusion coefficient (Dm) of mEos::HCN2 + PACs decreasing with time (Fig. 3F). In accordance with this, the cumulative frequency distribution of the instantaneous diffusion coefficients of mEos::HCN2 + PAC trajectories demonstrated a shift towards lower mobility with time, showing an increased confinement upon exposure to 405 nm illumination (Fig. 3G). The MSD curves also displayed the confined movement of mEos::HCN2 + PACs, correlated with a continuous increase in cAMP level (Fig. 3H). Alternately, no significant change in the diffusion coefficient (Dm) and mean square displacement was observed with time for the control, namely mEos::HCN2 (Fig. S3B–D, ESI†). These studies indicated a temporal increase in the fraction of HCN2 molecules being immobilized at low illumination intensities of optogenetic activation, which tended to saturate with longer duration of activation.
The mobility changes of mEos::HCN2 on altering cAMP levels were also assessed by pharmacological application of forskolin29,30 to induce cAMP, as well as by directly adding a membrane permeable cAMP analog (8-Br-cAMP). Single particle experiments were performed in live cells expressing mEos::HCN2 before and after forskolin or 8-Br-cAMP application. The diffusion coefficient (Dm) of mEos::HCN2 decreased after elevating cAMP levels by forskolin or 8-Br-cAMP application, in accordance with the optical cAMP stimulation experiments (Fig. S4A, ESI†). The cumulative frequency distribution of instantaneous diffusion coefficient and mean square displacement of mEos::HCN2 molecules revealed decreased mobility of HCN2 after forskolin or 8-Br-cAMP application (Fig. S4B and C, ESI†). The results asserted our earlier observations that the diffusional modifications of HCN2 were indeed due to alterations in cellular cAMP levels whether by acute photoactivation of PACs by saturation stimulation or by chronic optical stimulation. Thus, the mobility of cAMP effector HCN2 channels was optogenetically modulated in a spatio-temporal manner.
To investigate further whether the dynamic distribution of HCN2 was a direct response to cAMP through cAMP-binding, we generated a deletion construct of mEos::HCN2 lacking the C-terminus cyclic nucleotide binding domain (CNBD) of HCN2 (denoted as mEos::HCN2ΔCNBD). The mobility of mEos::HCN2ΔCNBD was studied by optical stimulation as well as by pharmacological application of membrane permeable cAMP (Fig. S5, ESI†). Among the PAC variants, NgPAC1 photoactivation which exhibited the highest deviation for HCN2 mobility from the control was opted for optical stimulation. The instantaneous diffusion coefficient of mEos::HCN2ΔCNBD (Dm = 0.085 ± 0.014 μm2 s−1) remained similar upon optical elevation of cAMP by photoactivation of NgPAC1 (Fig. S5A, ESI†). The cumulative distribution of the instantaneous diffusion coefficient and the mean square displacement curve of mEos::HCN2ΔCNBD also reflected no deviation in mobility upon stimulation (Fig. S5B and C, ESI†). Consistently, the diffusion characteristics of mEos::HCN2ΔCNBD including the diffusion coefficient (Dm), cumulative distribution of instantaneous diffusion coefficient and mean square displacement remained unaltered upon application of 8-Br-cAMP, in accordance with optical studies (Fig. S5D–F, ESI†). A comparative analysis of the mobility kinetics of HCN2 channels and of the deletion construct lacking CNBD upon optical (Fig. S6A, C and E, ESI†) and pharmacological (Fig. S6B, D and F, ESI†) stimulation was performed. The mobility of mEos::HCN2 was significantly reduced on elevating the intracellular cAMP levels by stimulation. On the contrary, the diffusion dynamics of mEos::HCN2ΔCNBD remained unaltered in the presence of elevated cAMP. Together, these results confirmed the cAMP dependent alterations in HCN2 lateral diffusion to be mediated by its cyclic nucleotide binding domain. We confirmed our observations by generating two point mutants of HCN2, namely R591A and R591E, reported to have reduced sensitivity to changes in intracellular cAMP (Fig. S6G and H, ESI†).31,32 In contrast to wild type HCN2 whose mobility was significantly reduced to half by elevated cAMP levels, the point mutants (R591A and R591E) displayed slight alteration in their mobility upon stimulation, similar to the deletion construct (HCN2ΔCNBD) (Fig. S6G and H, ESI†). Our results confirmed that the deviations in HCN2 lateral diffusion was indeed specific and predominantly mediated by direct binding of cAMP.
To understand if the cAMP mediated regulation was specific to HCN2, we extended this study to assess the dynamics of the AMPA receptor subunit GluA1, another type of ion channel which is not known to directly bind to cAMP. Interestingly, upon application of 8-Br-cAMP, a slight regulation of GluA1 dynamics and increase in mobility was observed, contrary to HCN2 (Fig. S5G–I, ESI†). Previous reports have shown indirect regulation of GluA1 function by cAMP dependent PKA, which phosphorylates GluA1 subunits within their C terminus,33 which could explain this deviation in mobility. The results signified the importance of cAMP dependent differential regulation of diverse ion channels, indicating a universal mechanism for controlling membrane excitability.
To understand if the nano-organization and mobility changes observed for HCN2 channels upon altering the cAMP levels were due to over-expression defects, the nanocluster organization for ectopically expressed and endogenous HCN2 clusters were assessed by STORM imaging. STORM imaging was performed on Neuro-2a cells over-expressing mEos::HCN2 (Fig. S7, ESI†) and on endogenous HCN2 (Fig. S8, ESI†) in the presence and absence of pharmacological application of forskolin to modulate cAMP. For STORM imaging, both untransfected and cells over-expressing mEos::HCN2 were labelled using HCN2 antibodies marked by Alexa-647. Quantitatively comparable results of morphological parameters of clusters namely, area, average and total intensity from control and forskolin treated cells were obtained. Comparison of HCN2 nanocluster sizes between control and forskolin treated cells for ectopically expressed mEos::HCN2 (Fig. S7A–C, ESI†) and endogenous HCN2 (Fig. S8A–C, ESI†) reflected an increase in size upon stimulation, in accordance with the PALM data. The total intensity of nanoclusters also increased for both ectopically expressed mEos::HCN2 (Fig. S7G–I, ESI†) and endogenous HCN2 (Fig. S8G–I, ESI†) after forskolin treatment, supporting the previous data. No significant change in the average intensity of domains was observed upon stimulation for mEos::HCN2 (Fig. S7D, ESI†) or endogenous HCN2 (Fig. S8D, ESI†). Interestingly, the histogram of average intensity distribution per nanocluster for ectopically expressed mEos::HCN2 (Fig. S7E and F, ESI†) and endogenous HCN2 (Fig. S8E and F, ESI†) shifted towards higher values upon stimulation. In summary, an increase in the area and intensity of HCN2 clusters was observed upon both optical and pharmacological stimulation of ectopically expressed as well as endogenous protein, overruling any over-expression artefacts and confirming that HCN2 channels responded to altering cAMP levels by modulating their localization and kinetics.
All these results emphasize a novel behavior of HCN2 i.e. its tendency to get immobilized with increasing levels of cAMP and self-organize into sub 100 nm sized nanoclusters. Though such an organization has not been reported previously for HCN2, ligand gated and voltage gated ion channels and several trans-membrane molecules including cell adhesion molecules, scaffolding molecules and molecules involved in degenerative diseases have been known to exist in similar functional membrane nanodomains.34–39 Similar to ligand gated receptors and voltage gated ion channels, HCN2 was also observed to undergo Brownian motion alternating between confined and free diffusional states, allowing us to observe the physiochemical map of molecular behavior in real-time with a precision of few tens of nanometers. It is very well known that the gating kinetics of HCN2 is altered upon binding to cAMP. It is thought that binding of cAMP could alter the conformation of HCN2 molecules.40 It has been proposed that the signalling state of the channel with zero, two or four ligands is much more stable than with one or three ligands.41 Thus, a transient increase in the ligand would prefer an increase in the number of channels which are in the stabilized state, which would also increase the immobilization kinetics of the channel. It is still unclear if there are complementary molecular mechanisms involving scaffolding molecules that could be involved in the cAMP dependent alteration of mobility of HCN2 channels. Akin to scaffolding slot molecules, these interacting molecules could modulate the strength of immobilization of these channels depending on the intracellular cAMP levels. However, our studies indicate the alteration of HCN2 channel mobility to be predominantly dependent on direct cAMP binding rather than indirect mechanisms including PKA signalling pathways.
In short, we demonstrate a paradigm to successfully use optogenetic probes to observe different physiochemical properties of a molecule of interest at nanometer resolution in living cells. We demonstrate that both acute and chronic stimulation of PACs can have differential effects on the HCN2 channel kinetics and clustering. Most of the molecular movements on the membrane are described by lateral diffusion governed by the rules of Brownian diffusion. Here, with the help of optogenetic approaches, we were able to control this random movement and modulate both the nanoscale localization and real-time mobility of HCN2 channels. We believe that similar paradigms to alter the chemical map of a cell with high spatio-temporal precision in combination with nanoscale imaging holds great potential in understanding the directionality of molecular signalling and the pre-requisites for this kind of signalling to occur. Though these mechanisms are vague at present, our studies open up the possibility to use a genetically encodable optical approach to study real-time molecular changes in nano-organization which could be extended to different molecular complexes, giving a higher control on manipulating their localization and trafficking dynamics.
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† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Supplementary Figures and Tables, Supplementary Experimental section, Abbreviations. See DOI: 10.1039/d0cb00124d |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2021 |