Departament de Química Inorgànica i Orgànica, Secció de Química Inorgànica and Institut de Química Teòrica i Computacional, Universitat de Barcelona, Martí i Franquès, 1-11, 08028 Barcelona, Spain. E-mail:
First published on 15th November 2021
Among the wealth of well-established molecular structures, inorganic rings and clusters present an overwhelming variety of geometries that chemists try to describe with a limited assortment of regular polygons and polyhedra. In the case of six-atom structures we usually employ the hexagon, the pentagonal pyramid, the trigonal prism and the octahedron. More often than not, however, real world structures deviate from those ideal geometries, and we try to cope with non-ideality by adding adjectives such as distorted, twisted, puckered or flattened, additionally nuanced by adverbs such as slightly, significantly or severely. This contribution presents a systematic structural perspective of six-atom groups in molecules by means of a continuous shape measures (CShM) analysis. The shape of a group of N points is defined by all the sets of 3 N Cartesian coordinates that can be generated by rigid translation, rotation, or isotropic scale change. Among all possible arrangements of N points in space, we select as reference shapes the corresponding regular N-vertex polygons and polyhedra, together with univocally defined combinations thereof (e.g., two coplanar or perpendicular edge-sharing squares). The present CShM study allows us to classify most of the structures not only by their closeness to a particular regular shape, but also by quantifying their position along minimal distortion interconversion pathways between two regular shapes.
Edwin A. Abbott, Flatland, a Romance of Three Dimensions, 1884.
The continuous shape measures3,4 have demonstrated to constitute a remarkable toolset for the stereochemical analysis of molecular skeletons, based on their comparison with regular or semiregular polygons and polyhedra, or as distortions therefrom.5,6 Some previous studies on eight,7 nine,8 eleven,9 and twelve-atom10 transition metal clusters explored some specific distortion pathways, although in a non-comprehensive way. A logical sequel of such studies consists in applying similar concepts and methods to the stereochemical analysis of the wealth of inorganic rings and clusters that present a variety of compositions and shapes.11–16 A recently reported study of systems formed by four atoms of main group elements17 has shown the relationship between shape, conformation and electron count, allowing for a differentiation of butterfly-shaped, square, rectangular, rhombic, and tetrahedral compounds. In the present work, a similar study is extended to six-member main group rings and clusters, to explore in more depth the connections between the corresponding polygonal and polyhedral structures and to discover new paths and new relationships between apparently unrelated molecules.
The shape measure of a set of atoms with respect to a reference shape (e.g., the octahedron, abbreviated OC-6 by the IUPAC) calibrates the overall distance of those atoms to the vertices of the reference shape, in the same position and with the same size and orientation. Thus, a zero shape measure for a set of atoms indicates that it has exactly the reference shape, expressed as S(OC-6) = 0.00 for the case of an ideal octahedron. For increasingly distorted octahedra we will obtain increasing values of the shape measure. Commonly, values of a few tenths indicate minor distortions, while values of more than one unit reveal more severe deviations from the reference shape.
Since a shape measure tells us the magnitude but not the type of deviation from the reference shape, it is useful to compare a given structure with two different ideal shapes. From those two shape measures we can determine a path deviation function that gauges the separation of our problem structure from the minimal distortion pathway between the two references. A path deviation of 0% corresponds to structures that are exactly along that pathway, but values of up to 5–10% or a little higher are usually acceptable for describing the stereochemistry of our molecule as being in-between the two reference shapes. Moreover, we can calculate the degree of distortion of our structure from one shape toward the other as a generalized distortion coordinate, that may adopt values between 0 and 100%.
Notice that throughout this paper the reference shapes are those that are univocally defined by regular polygons or polyhedra, whereas structures aligned with a portion of a minimal distortion interconversion pathway between two reference shapes are referred to as conformations. For instance, the chair and boat conformations of six-member rings are two families of shapes that can be found along the hexagon-to-octahedron and hexagon-to-trigonal-prism paths, respectively. In other words, each conformation corresponds to a family of geometries in the same region of the shape hypersphere.18
To name the reference shapes, the standard upper case abbreviations proposed by IUPAC19 are adopted for the regular coordination spheres, that include the number of atoms of the fragment under consideration. We thus use TBPY-5 for trigonal bipyramidal, TPR-6 for trigonal prismatic, OC-6 for octahedral, etc. For other reference shapes, the standard abbreviations are modified with lower case prefixes. A vacancy in a regular figure, let's say a square, is therefore referred to as vSP-3 (a right triangle), while dvCU-6 refers to a cube with two vacant positions. Similarly, two edge-sharing figures will be indicated by the prefix “es”, esTP-4 referring to two equilateral triangles sharing an edge. A list of all abbreviations used in this work is provided at the end of the paper.
Comparing six-member puckered rings such as cyclohexane with a Platonic octahedron may seem odd. However, we will see in what follows that there are a variety of rings that get rather close to, e.g., the octahedron or the trigonal prism, as well as fully octahedral or trigonal prismatic molecules of main group elements. Therefore, the use of those pathways provides us with a wide perspective for structural comparison. The hexagon to octahedron pathway implies the puckering of a ring, changing its bond angles from 120 to 60°. Notice that such a distortion retains the symmetry operations of the D3d symmetry point group. During this work two additional six-atom shapes with that symmetry, derived from regular polyhedra, were identified as intermediate milestones along that path. One of them results from removal of two opposing vertices of a cube, a divacant cube (dvCU-6), and corresponds to a chair conformation that lays precisely along the hexagon–octahedron minimal distortion path (Fig. 1), with a degree of conversion of 55% and bond angles of 90°. In addition, occupation of alternating vertices of a hexagonal prism, in a hexa-vacant hexagonal prism (hvHPR-6), yields a shape still closer to the octahedron, a 75% along the way, with bond angles of 75.5°. A six-member ring with tetrahedral bond angles, such as cyclohexane,24 appears much closer to the planar hexagon, with a 28.5% of octahedricity.
The interconversion of the hexagon and the trigonal prism proceeds through a C2v symmetry pathway and has no regular intermediate shape (Fig. 2, third row, left). Thus, it gives raise only to a variety of boats that differ from each other in length and beam (Fig. 2, second row, left). Another regular planar shape, a domino formed by two edge-sharing squares (esSP-6, Fig. 2, top), can be bent around the shared edge, passing through a whole range of book conformations, including a cis-divacant cube (cdvCU-6), ultimately reaching the trigonal prism (Fig. 2, second row. The domino may alternatively undergo a shear distortion within the plane to yield a regular tile of four triangles. Yet another regular planar shape, an edge-bicapped square (ebcSP-6) can be defined. Alternatively, shifting the two extreme vertices of the triangular tile above and below the plane, respectively, generates the skewed chair conformation, that may end up in a regular octahedron (Fig. 2, third row, right).
The so-called twist boat conformation can be roughly approximated to intermediate structures along the hexagon to edge bicapped tetrahedron (ebcT-6) path (Fig. 2, fourth row, left). Note that an ebcT-6 shape was introduced in an earlier work to describe the distortion of octahedral transition metal complexes induced by two pincer tridentate ligands such as terpyridine.25 However, in that case the reference shape was defined with six identical metal–ligand distances, whereas in the present work the criterion for ideality is that all the edges of polygons and polyhedra must have the same distances, in other words, the triangles formed by the capping atoms and the capped edges are defined as equilateral.
An out of plane displacement of one of the vertices of the regular hexagon may result – with some reorganization of the remaining vertices to form a pentagon – in a pentagonal pyramid (PPYR-6, Fig. 2, fifth row), passing through the intermediate envelope conformation. Notice that the ideal shape used here is not a Johnson (or edge-regular) pentagonal pyramid,26 but one in which the distances of all vertices to the centre of the plane are identical. The pentagonal pyramid can also be related to another regular planar shape formed by a tetrahedron and a planar square group sharing an edge (esTSP-6, first row, Fig. 2 left). Along this path we find the half-chair conformation. Finally, a planar distortion of the hexagon that retains its trigonal symmetry axis generates asymmetric hexagons characteristic of rings of A3B3 composition, as will be seen below. As three alternating vertices approach the centre of the hexagon, at some point they will become aligned with the edges of the larger triangle, resulting in a super triangle (sT-6, Fig. 2, fourth row, centre) formed by one central and three peripheral triangles. If the three outer triangles are bent around the edges of the central one to the same side of the plane, a sort of three-petal flower is generated. Continuing that motion, the flower becomes finally a bud with the shape of an octahedron.
To illustrate how different interconversion paths between the hexagon and 3D shapes cover different regions of the 6-points shape space, Fig. 3 plots the position of structures along three minimal distortion pathways projected onto the hexagon–trigonal prism space. Notice that two ideal ebcT-6 shapes can be defined, a spherical version in which all distances from the vertices to the centre are identical, and a regular version in which the two caping atoms form equilateral triangles.
Before analysing the stereochemical behaviour of a variety of families of six-atom cores by comparing their structures with those of the paths just discussed, let us give a couple of examples of molecular structures that correspond to some of the shapes presented in Fig. 2. Those structures were located from subsets of the CSD structures containing six-atom fragments of specific groups of elements, subject to a scanning of their shape measures relative to the desired distortion paths. Thus, the edge-sharing tetrahedron-square composite can be chemically represented by the coordination spheres of the two metal atoms in a bis(oxo-bridged mixed valence CrIV(high spin)–CrII(high spin) compound (Fig. 4a),27 that has a small shape measure relative to the esTSP-6 (0.80). A pentagonal pyramidal shape, on the other hand, nicely corresponds to the geometry of the C6 core of the Hogeveen dication28,29 (MeC-Cp*)2+ (Fig. 4b), with a shape measure S(PPYR-6) of 0.02. The structures of several analogous isoelectronic pyramids are known, in which the apical carbon atom is replaced by Ga, In, Tl, Si, Ge, Sn, Pb, P or As. The difference with the all-carbon pyramid is that in all other cases the molecular shape deviates from the regular pentagonal pyramid because the larger size of the apical atom results in elongated pyramids. In fact, the pentagonal pyramidal shape measures present an excellent correlation with the E–Cp distance. An example of a severely elongated TlCp pentagonal pyramid is shown in Fig. 4c for comparison with the regular pyramid of the Hogeveen dication.
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Fig. 4 (a) The edge-sharing tetrahedron-square planar shape is represented by the coordination spheres of the two chromium atoms in this binuclear compound.27 Only the skeletons of the bidentate nacnac ligands are shown for clarity. (b) The pentagonal pyramidal shapes of the Hogeveen dication (MeC-Cp*)2+ and (c) Tl(CCH2Ph)5.30 |
One or several atoms of the S6 ring can be replaced by other six-electron atoms of groups such as X (X = S–Te), (BR2)−, (NR2)+, (PR2)+, ER2 (E = Si–Sn), ER (E = N–Sb) and MRL (M = Ga, In). In that way one we come out with a variety of molecules or ions with also 36 valence electrons. The ranges of boat and chair conformations found for this and several other families of rings formed by atoms from periodic groups 13 to 16 are shown in Fig. 5. In all of them we can find both chairs and boats with varying degrees of puckering along the corresponding paths. An exception to that conformational behaviour is found for the dodecahalohexasilylanes, which appear in most cases as planar Si6 rings (Fig. 5, row 4).
The molecules of the (ER)6 family (E = N–Sb) appear most commonly with the chair conformation, while the boat conformation is found only for the symmetric N3E3R6 subclass. The degree of puckering of the chair conformers varies between 16 and 57% (Fig. 5, row 3) and increases roughly with the number of heavy atoms of the ring: N3P3 ≈ N4P2 ≈ N2P4 < P6 < As6 ≈ Sb6. The isoelectronic dication of formula P6Me4Ph42+ also adopts a chair conformation, whereas the analogous P6Ph82+ presents a twisted boat conformation, a 70% in the way to an edge-bicapped tetrahedron. We can include in this family the hexagonal structures of As, Sb and Bi,34 in which the six R groups can be formally substituted by a neighbouring atom in their extended layered structures. All these elemental chair conformation rings appear at around 48% of the path toward the octahedron.
A group of X3E3R6 36-electron rings (X = S–Te, E = P–Sb) appear mostly in a chair conformation, with only a few cases in the boat conformation (Fig. 5, row 6). These rings show a significant degree of puckering toward the octahedron (32–53%) and the trigonal prism (44–60%), respectively. With only one exception, the boats have an Sb3S3 composition and are closer to the trigonal prism than to the planar hexagon.
Mixed group 13-group 16 rings of general formula X3(MRL)3, where X is S or Se, and M is Ga or In, are also 36-electron species. Only one of those molecules, [GaCl(Me2py)]3S3, presents the boat conformation, while all others appear in chair conformations (Fig. 5, row 7), including a THF solvate of the same Ga compound.36 Although the boat and chair conformations seem to be by far the most common ones among 36-electron inorganic rings, eventually structures with some of the alternative conformations discussed above can be found. This is especially evident in the X3E3R6 family (X = S–Te; E = Si–Pb), for which the most common conformation is the twist-boat one (Fig. 2), which can be easily identified by its proximity to the hexagon to edge-bicapped tetrahedron path, with deviations of less than 14%.
Notice that the 36 valence electrons of all the six-member rings discussed so far correspond to six atoms with sp3 hybridization that form two bonds to the nearest neighbours and have two outward-pointing electron pairs, be them lone pairs or electron pairs of E–R or E–L bonds. One must therefore be cautious when counting electrons for signs of the presence of sp2-hybridized atoms that may hold only one peripheral electron pair. As an example, consider the structures of three Pb-containing rings (Fig. 6).35,37 In these compounds we can count 34 valence electrons but, since the sum of the bond angles around the N atoms are within 0.1° of a planar coordination, the total number of electrons available for bonding within the ring is 16, consistent with Lewis structures with four π electrons shared by the N–Pb–N trio.
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Fig. 6 Lewis and molecular structure of a lead-containing ring35 with an envelope conformation, at 34% along the pathway from the hexagon to the pentagonal pyramid. Colour code: Dark blue, Si; light blue, N; red, O, and grey, Pb. |
Species with two less valence electrons (34) are the Te62+ cation38,39 (Fig. 5, row 10) and the E64− (E = P, As) and S3N3− anions40 (Fig. 5, row 16). The former has a strongly puckered boat conformation 1 that is the structure closest to the trigonal prism (77%) for a monocyclic six member molecule (Fig. 7b). In contrast, the E64− anions (E = P, As) are all planar, corresponding to aromatic 10 π-electron systems (Fig. 7c) which have been reported as K, Rb and Cs salts,41–43 or π-coordinated to transition metals in a variety of complexes,44–49 that can be described as in 2. The same situation is found for the S3N3− isoelectronic anion40 and the E610− Zintl anions (E = Si, Ge).50
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Fig. 7 Conformations of (a) the 36 electron Se6 molecule in its chair conformation,51 (b) the 34 electron Te62+ cation with a nearly trigonal prismatic geometry,39 (c) the 34 electron P64− anion with a hexagonal shape,43 (d) the envelope conformation of the 34 electron S4N2,52 (e) the 34 electron asymmetric chair of a P6R4 molecule,53 (f) the 32 electron Te64+ cation with an elongated trigonal prismatic structure,54 (g) the core of the 30 electron compound Ge6(PhiPr2)6 with a regular trigonal prismatic structure,55 and (h) the hexagonal 30 electron B3N3 core of (BBr)3(NH)3.56 |
Other 34-electron molecules analogous to bicyclo(3.1.0)hexane (3) contain P, As, Sb or Bi, with other elements appearing less frequently. Prototypical examples of this family are (PR2)4(ER)2 molecules (E = P, Sb, Bi),53,57 whose shapes can be described as asymmetric chairs with the back narrower and much more bent than the footrest (Fig. 7d). With also 34 valence electrons, the S4N2 molecule52 is severely distorted away from the hexagon toward the pentagonal pyramid (33.7%, Fig. 7e) in an envelope conformation. As in the lead-containing ring discussed in the previous section (Fig. 4), the 16 skeletal electrons in this case result in an allylic N–S–N group 4a with S–N distances of 1.56 Å, compared to 1.68 Å of the other two N–S bonds. Similarly, in the family of 34-electron alazanes with Al3N3 rings and general formula (LAlR)2(AlR)(NR)3 we find the envelope58,59 and boat60 (4b) conformations, with RN–Al(R)–NR allylic groups in both cases and distortions along the respective paths of 19–20%.
Several bicyclic compounds of type 5 have been reported with a variety of p-block elements in the corners: B, Ga, Si, Ge, Sn, N, Bi and O. If we think on the planar geometry as an open book, then the pathway that takes to the trigonal prism can be imagined as the action of closing a book, i.e., going from a domino to a trigonal prism. The bicyclic compounds analysed appear scattered close to that path (Fig. 8a), with shapes of more or less open books. In some of them the covers are not strictly square and somewhat twisted, as if they were paperback books, and therefore deviate significantly from the minimal distortion track. The most closed book (lowest circle in Fig. 8a) is represented by the metallic frame of the Bi2(Ge(C6F5)2)4 molecule,61 in which the Bi–Bi bond is the spine and two Bi2Ge2 squares the covers of the book (Fig. 8b), with a 74% conversion to the trigonal prism. Among the most open books –smallest S(esSP-6) values–, the one closest to the minimal distortion path (i.e., a hardback book) is the Sn6 core of Sn6(2,6-C6Et2H5)9(nBu),62 shown in Fig. 6c.
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Fig. 8 Shape map of bicyclic six-member rings relative to the domino and the trigonal prism. Open book shapes of (b) the Bi2Ge4 core in Bi2(Ge(C6F5)2)4,61 and (c) the Sn6 group of Sn6(2,6-C6Et2H5)9(nBu).62 The position in the map of three reference shapes are indicated by squares, including the two extremes and an intermediate cis-divacant cube. |
Systems with two less (32) valence electrons can present special versions of the envelope, boat, and chair conformations. The former is found in a small family of compounds with the general formulae (BR2)B2N3 and (RBR2)BN4, in which there are six π electrons delocalized through five practically coplanar sp2 atoms, while a saturated BR2 group is out of that plane and occupies the tip of the envelope (7), including (BF2)(NPh)2N(NR)(BR), where R is the anthracene-9-yl group,64 which was retrieved as having only one double bond. An extreme boat conformation appears for the cationic species Te64+,54,65,66 that has an elongated trigonal prismatic shape (Fig. 7f) with short (≈2.7 Å) Te–Te bonds within the triangular bases and longer distances (≈3.1 Å) between them, reaching a 96% of a regular trigonal prism. Its bond length distribution indicates a high degree of electron delocalization that can be represented by Lewis structures a of types 8 and 9, or by a single structural formula 10 in which the black dashed lines represent four delocalized bonding electrons (the grey dashed lines in 8, 9 and elsewhere are given only to facilitate the visualization of a close ideal shape). With the same electron count, the cation [(BH)2(BH2)(NPEt3)3]2+ has a cyclohexadiene-like structure 11 with a half-chair conformation.67
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Fig. 9 Structure of the P6 core in RP(P4)PR (12),68 and skeletal bonding in analogous compounds with a 1,2 substitution pattern (13). |
With two less electrons we find the 30-electron E6R6 molecules (E = Si, Ge, Sn), with the same 100% regular trigonal prismatic shape (Fig. 5, row 13, and Fig. 7g) as the organic prismanes, C6R6. In contrast, two families with the same electron count have essentially a planar hexagonal shape, that indicates aromaticity, as in the isoelectronic benzene molecule. One such family has the general formula B3X3R6 (E = group 13, X = group 15 element) and includes borazines (X = N) and triphosphatriborinanes (X = P). Most of them are close to the hexagon, with shape measures in the 0.00–0.40 range, a good example being 2,4,6-tribromo-borazine,56 (BrB-NH)3, shown in Fig. 7h. Larger deviations from the hexagon, calibrated by the S(HP-6) shape measures, are nicely correlated with the decrease in the bond angle around the most pyramidalized atom (Fig. 10), and appear only in the presence of bulky substituents, such as iPr, tBu, ferrocenyl, SiMe3−nCln or NiPr2. The most common values of the chair and boat distortions in this family of compounds are summarized in Fig. 5 (row 15). Two of the most puckered members of this family, [HP-B(NR2)]3, appear in two different conformations, a 38% trigonal prismatic boat for R = iPr,71 and a 29% octahedral chair for R = SiMe3.72 The resulting loss of aromaticity in the former has provided an explanation for the long B–P bond lengths compared to those in similar rings. An isoelectronic compound intimately related to this family, a diazatetraborinin with a para-B4N2 core, is a nearly perfectly planar hexagonal six π electron aromatic molecule 2.73
Yet another option for 30-electron species is to form a bicyclo(2.2.0)cyclohexa-2,5-diene (or Dewar benzene) type structure built up by three boron and three nitrogen atoms (14).74,75 These molecules adopt a shape close to that of a cis-divacant cube (15 and Fig. 11). The two such compounds structurally characterized deviate slightly from the minimal distortion path between the hexagon and a cis-divacant cube (13%) and both are rather close to the latter reference shape (75%), similar to the values found for organic analogues (12–24 and 79–85%, respectively). Finally, a couple of compounds76,77 with 30 valence electrons present a basket shape 16 (E = P, SiR), analogous to those with two more electrons and a single bond for the handle (13), and whose purely organic analogue has gone so far unreported.
With two less electrons (28), and related to the 30-electron prismatic E6R6 molecules (E = Si–Sn) just discussed, we find the silicon and germanium E6R4 analogues,78,79 that form an additional E–E bond across the diagonal of a square face, producing a severe loss of the trigonal prismatic shape. In fact, the shapes of those molecules are best described as octahedra distorted toward the edge-bicapped tetrahedron (Fig. 12), up to a 47% for E = Si.78
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Fig. 12 (a) Structure of the skeleton of a Ge6R4 cluster79 with an octahedral geometry distorted toward the edge-bicapped tetrahedron. Two opposed edges of a planarized tetrahedron formed by the four intermediate atoms, are capped by the upper and lower atoms, along the distortion pathway b. |
Moving to groups with two less valence electrons, 26, we find a large set of closo-hexaborates, B6R62−, and a few closo-gallanates, Ga6R62−. All of them appear as 90 to 100% octahedral (Fig. 5, row 10), i.e., the closo geometry expected from the Wade–Mingos–Lauher rules for a 6-atom cluster with 7 skeletal electron pairs. Interestingly, three examples of analogous neutral species, with two less valence electrons, have been also characterized as octahedral molecules (Fig. 5, row 11): B6I5F is a practically perfect octahedron,80 whereas the other two cases,81,82 Ga6(Si{SiMe3}2Me)6 and B6(NMe2)6 are 80 and 88% along the hexagon to octahedron path, respectively.
Rings that incorporate alkaline or alkaline-earth atoms appear with a variety of electron counts. In some cases, the alkaline atoms are electron precise and the stereochemical behaviour of the rings is similar to those families of the p block discussed above. For instance, a family of compounds with 36-electron Be3O3 rings, such as (BeL2)3(OH)3, includes three members with a chair conformation (6–15% octahedral) and seven with the boat one (12–25% trigonal prismatic). In many instances, however, the alkaline atoms are coordinatively unsaturated and the number of valence electrons of the ring can be rather small, but still accounting for six two-electron bonds. The family of M3E3 (M = Li, Na; E = OR, NR2) compounds is a good example. They have 24 valence electrons and roughly half of them can be found along either the chair (2–15% octahedral) or boat (2–25% trigonal prismatic) pathways, as found for the electron-precise 36-electron systems discussed above. Similarly, the related (BNMe2)3 molecule83,84 appears in a chair conformation with 26% of octahedrality. However, the other half of compounds deviate more than 10% from those paths, a fact that can be associated to a size mismatch of the two types of atoms that gives raise to asymmetric hexagons.
Let us consider just an example of the many structures that present simultaneously asymmetrisation and puckering distortions, an interesting member of the 24-electron family, an outstanding molecular form of potassium iodide, K3I3, which appears coordinated to three tungsten atoms.87 In the more common KI monomer the potassium atom is surrounded by a crown ether or an N-donor macrocyclic ligand and linked to an iodine atom that may or may not be coordinated to a metal atom. The K–I bond distance in the cyclic trimer, 3.52(10) Å, is similar to those in the monomers (average 3.54(10) Å) and in the ionic cubic crystals with the NaCl structure88 (3.52 Å). The K3I3 ring presents a boat conformation, 42% along the trigonal prismatic path, combined with the bond angle asymmetry, and appears in the present shape map as a point nearby the path from a 50% asymmetrised planar hexagon to the octahedron (Fig. 13a).
The supertriangle is geometrically related also to the octahedron through a minimal distortion path, an issue that is addressed now from the chemical point of view by means of the corresponding shape map (Fig. 13b). A special case is that of the 32-electron species Sn3(PCy)32−,89 an electron deficient compound that forms a delocalized bond between the three tin atoms, and is the closest structure to the supertriangular shape. In contrast, the only 24-electron compound that deviates at most 10% from the path between the octahedron to the supertriangle is the already mentioned Li3Ge3 core85 (Fig. 13b). This compound seems to be closer to such an ideal shape in this map than in the supertriangle to regular hexagon path (Fig. 13a) because that distance is magnified in the latter case due to the shorter path length. It is among the 36-electron molecules that we find structures within a 10% of the minimal distortion pathway, corresponding to intermediate geometries, i.e., flower conformations. However, the flower and chair paths are rather close to each other, so it is not easy to tell one conformation from another, unless one of the shape measures is very small, as is Sn3(PCy)32−,89 or for structures more than halfway along the path to the supertriangle, where the two paths strongly diverge, as is the case of Te3(P{CPh3}3)3 and (InR2)3(OH)3 (Fig. 14d).90,91
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Fig. 14 Some structures that represent snapshots along the octahedron to supertriangle pathway: (a) (B6H6)2−, (b) Ga6R6, R = Si(SiMe3)2Me, (c) Sn3(PCy)32−, (d) (InR2)3(OH)3, and (e) Li3(Ge{SiMe3}3)3. |
Altogether, several molecules that are well aligned with the octahedron to supertriangle path provide us with a visual description of the geometric changes along the way (Fig. 2), from the 26-electron octahedral boranes and gallanes which can be considered as buds at the beginning of the path, represented by the hexaborate dianion (B6H6)2−,92 and the slightly open 24-electron Ga6R6, R = Si(SiMe3)2Me, on to the 36-electron flowers in full blossom Sn3(PCy)32−,89 and (InR2)3(OH)3,91 and finally reaching the supertriangular shape in the 24-electron Li3(Ge{SiMe3}3)3.85
To offer a systematic view of the stereochemistry of groups of six atoms from the p and s blocks of the periodic table, they have been discussed in this section in decreasing order of number of valence electrons (v). Their shapes, however, depend essentially on the number of electrons available for bonding within the cluster or ring (c), disregarding the electrons used for bonding with peripheral atoms (p) and the outwards-pointing lone pairs (l). Moreover, we have seen that the electrons not involved in peripheral bonding can be either used in σ- or π-bonding (c = σ + π), and the distribution of the valence electrons in the cluster is expressed by eqn (1).
v = σ + π + p + l | (1) |
c = σ + π = v − p − l. | (2) |
It is easy to figure out that the wide choice of atoms that can form the cluster, as well as its charge (chemical formula and v), the number and nature of peripheral groups (p value), and the possibility of having electron-precise, electron-deficient or expanded-octet atoms (l value) within the cluster offers an astronomic number of possible combinations that could be classified according to the number of cluster bonding electrons c, easily deduced from eqn (2). Moreover, there is still the possibility of having different combinations of the number of electrons employed in cluster σ and π bonding, giving raise to different isomers. An attempt to summarize all that amount of information is presented in Fig. 15, where the different shapes found are organized according to the value of c, and some of the combinations of σ, π, p and l found are annotated. It is interesting to see there how similar shapes may result from different combinations of these electronic parameters, while very differet shapes are compatible with a given number of cluster electrons.
Johannes Kepler, De nive sexangula, 1611 (transl. Colin Hardie).
The water molecules that appear in hydrated crystal structures often form clusters linked by hydrogen bonds. This section presents a statistical analysis of the geometries of hexawater clusters in a host of crystal structures of organic and metallo-organic compounds. A similar study of tetrawater clusters has been reported recetnly.17 The specific cases of the same clusters present in some ice structures93–95 or as calculated on a Cu(111) surface96 will be also commented upon. Since the hydrogen atoms are often disordered, the focus is placed on the positions of the oxygen atoms only. The structures of the (H2O)6 groups in the mentioned systems are represented in the shape maps for either the chair or the boat distortion pathway of the hexagon from which it appears to be closer, by comparison of the corresponding path deviation values (Fig. 16). It must be noted, however, that for small deviations from the regular hexagon one cannot tell one path from the other and the representation of very little distorted structures in one or the other map is arbitrary. Among the “independent” clusters, a handful of them present asymmetric structures with significant differences between short and long O⋯O distances, that deviate markedly from the minimal distortion path. Those asymmetries are usually associated to the presence of further hydrogen bonding to other nearby groups (e.g., chloride or thiocyanate).
From that shape map we can pinpoint the structures of hexawater clusters that best represent three rather different geometries along the minimal distortion path between the hexagon and the octahedron. First we see a regular hexagonal planar O6 ring97 (Fig. 17a) which, interestingly, seems to be supported not by O⋯H but by Cl⋯H hydrogen bonds with two chloride anions sitting above and below the ring. Notice that the connections shown between the oxygen atoms do not intend to indicate chemical bonds but only to show the geometrical arrangement of the O6 cluster. The second selected structure98 is halfway between the hexagon and the octahedron, with the shape of a divacant cube (Fig. 17b), and seen to be held by well oriented O–H⋯O hydrogen bonds. Finally, an outstanding O6 octahedron is formed by hydration water molecules,98 apparently held by six hydrogen bonds (O⋯O = 2.84 Å) along the six edges that join two opposed trigonal faces (in which the O⋯O distances are 2.92 Å) of the octahedron (Fig. 17c).
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Fig. 17 Structures of hexawater clusters that represent snapshots along the hexagon to octahedron pathway: (a) Planar hexagon (the spheres above and below the O6 plane represent chloride ions.97 (b) A chair conformation with a divacant-cube shape,98 and (c) an octahedron.98 |
We can choose as representative of independent water clusters with boat conformations the one found in a dysprosium complex99 (Fig. 18a) that is bent away from the planar hexagon, 20% along the path toward the trigonal prism. By independent it is meant that there are six and only six water molecules connected via hydrogen bonds, but naturally the cluster always forms further hydrogen bonds with the organic or metallo-organic molecules in the crystal structure. More often than chair rings, most hexawater boats tend to be fused together and/or linked to extra water molecules or organic groups. One example appears in the crystal structure of D,L-histidyl-L,D-histidine penta-hydrate,100 whose hydration water molecules form fused rings with boat conformation in a chain supported by hydrogen bonding to an extra water molecule hydrogen-bonded also to a carboxylate group (Fig. 18b). Another example is provided by the crystal structure of the zwitterionic 2-[(2-ammonioethyl)amino]acetate dihydrate,101 in which the hydration molecules form layers of fused boats, hydrogen-bonded above and below to the carboxylate groups (Fig. 18c).
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Fig. 18 Hexawater groups with boat conformation: (a) independent and connected to an organic molecule by further hydrogen bonding, and fused together forming (b) chains100 and (c) layers.101 All connecting lines indicate hydrogen bonds; hydrogen atoms are omitted for clarity and non-water oxygen atoms are depicted in brown. |
The phase diagram of ice comprises some seventeen different structures.102 Some ice structures containing hexawater groups are shown in the shape maps for the boat and chair conformations (Fig. 16a). It must be noted that the hexawater rings in the ice structures analysed appear well aligned with the independent hydration clusters discussed so far along the minimal distortion pathways. In the common form of ice at ambient pressure,93,103 known as structure Ih, both boat (40% trigonal prismatic) and chair (29% octahedral) rings coexist fused together and extending in the three directions of space (Fig. 19a). The same topology and similar degree of puckering is found in the ice XI structure,93 whereas ice Ic has the diamond structure94 with only one type of chair rings and a similar degree of puckering (Fig. 19b). In ice II,95 two types of chairs formed each by one of the crystallographically independent oxygen atoms, with different degrees of puckering (9 and 19%) are connected forming columns in one direction (Fig. 19c).
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Fig. 19 Fragments of the crystal structure of (a) ice 1 h,93,103 constituted by boats in the x, and y directions and chairs in the z direction (b) ice Ic with a diamond structure, and (c) ice II,95 showing the chairs formed by each of the two crystallographically independent oxygen atoms, connected vertically forming irregular rings in the perpendicular direction. |
Remarkably, the hexawater rings present in some ice structures fit perfectly into the general stereochemical picture of independent clusters found in molecular crystals as solvation molecules or adsorbed on a Cu(111) surface. It is also noteworthy that layers formed by such hydration water molecules seem to have some relationship to the ice structures, suggesting the possible formation of ice microlayers during the nucleation process of those hydrated compounds.
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Fig. 21 Structure of a Li6 groups with (a) a chair conformation and a divacant cube shape,105 (b) an open octahedron,106 and (c) an octahedron.107 The light blue spheres represent two Si atoms that occupy the two vacant positions of a cube. |
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Fig. 22 Structure of the core of the Ga6R82− anion108 with a shape intermediate between a domino and a tile of four fused equilateral triangles (Fig. 1). |
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Fig. 23 Hexagonal coordination spheres in (a) the [Ni(cyclo-{PtBu}6)] complex with a planar cyclic hexadentate P6 ring,110 (b) a PdH3Mg3 compound,112 (c) a Co2+ ion within a metalloorganic framework115 (d) the [Ag(cyclo-{OSiMe2}6)]− anion, (e) a VO6 group in the [VMo12V2O44]4− anion,116 and (f) an AgO6 core within a polyoxotungstate.117 |
No wonder the recent report of two compounds in which a palladium atom is surrounded by a planar Mg3H3 coordination sphere (Fig. 23b) has been qualified as unusual.112 Given the different Pd–Mg and Pd–H bond distances (∼2.56 and 1.60 Å, respectively), these coordination spheres are highly irregular planar hexagons, with S(HP-6) values of 3.14 and 5.44. In fact these structures are in the path from the hexagon to the supertriangle, 55 and 73% along the way, respectively. If we concentrate on the orientation of the metal–ligand bonds by using normalized bond distances,113 the hexagonal shape measures (0.14 and 0.38) are small enough as to describe it as a quasi regular hexagon. In other words, if we disregard the differences in bond distances, the directions of the six bonds to Pd correspond to a very good approximation to those from the centre to the vertices of a regular hexagon. It is to be noted that the design of these compounds was based on the molecular orbital analysis of the hexagonal NiP6 compound made by Hoffmann and coworkers.114
A last known example of a hexagonal planar coordination sphere appears in a Gd–Co coordination polymer115 in which six bridging chelidamato ligands are coordinated through their phenolic oxygen atoms to a cobalt with a perfect hexagonal planar coordination geometry (Fig. 23c), as indicated by a shape measure relative to the hexagon of 0.00. This compound is obtained from a hydrated pink precursor in which the Co2+ ion is presumably coordinated by water molecules.
To find out if there might be some other complexes that are close to the hexagon or intermediate between that polygon and the two regular polyhedra, a CSD search for six-coordinated transition metals with only single metal–ligand bonds was carried out, and 183517 ML6 crystallographically independent fragments from 123
521 crystal structures were found. Filtering out those that deviate more than 10% from the chair and boat pathways, 75
326 and 351 independent structural data sets, respectively, were retained. The position of these coordination spheres along the hexagon–octahedron and hexagon–trigonal prism paths can be seen in the corresponding shape maps (Fig. 24). The hexagons just discussed correspond to the uppermost points in those plots, in which the practically undistorted hexagonal CoO6 and NiP6 cores are departing points for both chair and boat distortions and are therefore plotted in both maps, whereas the NiAs6 group is unequivocally on the chair path, although with a very small (4%) puckering, and it is plotted only in Fig. 24a.
The next closest structure to the planar hexagon seen on the path to the octahedron, with a 15% puckering, is the coordination sphere of a Ag(I) ion coordinated by the hexadentate ligand cyclodimethylsiloxane (Fig. 23d),118 whose structure has been commented upon in more detail recently.1 A few other structures that appear in that region of the shape maps have been disregarded because either the position of the metal and/or donor atoms are disordered or because there are one or more extra atoms semi coordinated to the metal, so there seems not to be well characterized complexes as far as a 55% of the path to the octahedron (S(HP-6) ≈ 9.0), where we find a vanadium ion encapsulated within a polyoxomolybdate (Fig. 23e).116 In contrast, silver ions in polyoxotungstates appear practically halfway along the path to the trigonal prism (Fig. 23f).117 The rest of the structures are far away from the hexagon, but many of them are distant enough from the octahedron or the trigonal prism as to describe a wide range of intermediate shapes. The much higher preference for the chair geometries compared to the boat ones can be also appreciated by comparison of the two shape maps.
The conversion of a hexagon to a bicapped square follows a simple geometrical path. A number of structures can be found at its two ends, the regular hexagon being rather commonly found, as in a Ag@Au6 “jeweler's ring”.120 and a small number of examples appear to be around the central portion of the path. Some examples of metal clusters found to follow such a distortion mode are given in Fig. 26, together with their shape coordinates. Two of them are elongated hexagons with Ni6121 and Au6
122 cores, and the third one is a Pd6 cluster nicely sandwiched between aromatic cyclo-octatetraene and cyclononatetraenyl anions.123
The third path explored here for hexametallic clusters connects the octahedron and the linear ribbon formed by fusing together four triangles (Fig. 27), the latter represented by an Ag6 cluster.124 By bending the ribbon around the vertical edges it starts winding up, as illustrated by Au4Ag2,125 Ru6,126 and Cu6127 groups, approaching the octahedron in a Cu6 cluster128 and closes the three upper and the three lower vertices to form the two missing faces of the octahedron in an Fe6 example.129
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Fig. 27 Structures and shape coordinates of transition metal clusters that illustrate the winding up of a triangular tile into an octahedron. The ligands in those clusters are omitted for clarity. |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2021 |