ac and
aInstituto de Nanociencia y Materiales de Aragón (INMA), CSIC-Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza, 50009, Spain. E-mail:
bDepartment of Chemical and Environmental Engineering (IQTMA), University of Zaragoza, 50018 Zaragoza, Spain
cDepartment of Condensed Matter Physics, University of Zaragoza, 50009 Zaragoza, Spain
dNetworking Research Center on Bioengineering, Biomaterials and Nanomedicine (CIBER-BBN), 28029, Madrid, Spain
eARAID, Government of Aragón, 50018, Zaragoza, Spain
First published on 1st June 2021
Semiconductor nanocrystals, used in quantum dot solar cells, are interesting materials for photovoltaics because they can be obtained in solution and can be composed of abundant elements. Moreover, as compared to other photovoltaic materials, nanomaterials show unique features due to their novel size- and shape-dependent properties such as band gap tuning, multiple exciton generation, and modulation of n- or p-type behaviour by doping or by modifying the ligands on the surface of the nanocrystals. Quantum dot solar cells, together with perovskite solar cells, are the latest incorporation to photovoltaic technologies and have already shown impressive progress in efficiencies and great promise as alternatives to commercial solar cells. However, in all cases, the highest efficiencies are obtained with materials that contain lead in their composition. To solve the problem of toxicity, several materials have been proposed as substitutes. In this review, we summarize some of the non-toxic alternatives that have been synthesized as nanocrystals and incorporated in photovoltaic solar cells, specifically: tin (Sn), germanium (Ge), bismuth (Bi), and antimony (Sb)-based materials. Our findings show that this field has been scarcely covered; there are very few reports on non-toxic perovskite nanocrystals incorporated in solar cells and in general, the efficiencies are still modest. However, this area deserves more attention since some nanocrystal-based solar cells already outperform bulk counterparts. For each case, we also discuss factors limiting efficiency, the approaches followed to overcome these limitations, and the possible solutions to improve efficiency.
Semiconductor nanocrystals are nanomaterials with typical dimensions of less than 10 nm. They offer interesting and unique properties for their use in several optoelectronic devices and more precisely in solar cells. Traditional photovoltaic materials have a fixed band gap that determines the range of photons that solar cells will be able to absorb. However, the reduced size of nanocrystals leads to quantum confinement effects, i.e. their electrical and optical properties, including band gap, can be easily modified just by changing their shape and size (Fig. 1A). Multiple exciton generation (MEG), the generation of two (or more) electron–hole pairs from one absorbed high-energy photon, is more efficient in nanocrystals than in bulk semiconductors and this could produce efficiencies over the theoretical limit for single-junction solar cells (Shockley–Queisser limit).2,3 Moreover, their behaviour as n- or p-type semiconductors and doping density can be modified by introducing foreign atoms, like in traditional silicon technologies, and also by surface treatments. Nanocrystals are stabilized in solution thanks to the presence of long chain ligands on their surface that are replaced by shorter ligands or atoms during the fabrication of solar cells (Fig. 1B). Depending on the final ligands on the surface of NCs the position of the Fermi level and/or the valence and conduction bands can be modified, which is a unique feature of nanocrystals and a very powerful tool (Fig. 1C).4 Taking advantage of all these features efficiencies over 16% have been obtained using perovskite nanocrystals (Cs1−xFAxPbI3).5
Perovskite solar cells (PSC) are based on materials with a general formula ABX3; where X is a halide anion (X = Cl, Br, I), B is an inorganic cation (usually Pb), and A can be an inorganic (usually Cs or Rb), or an organic cation (usually MA = methylammonium, or FA = formamidinium) leading to all-inorganic or hybrid organic–inorganic perovskites, respectively (Fig. 1D).6 They usually crystallize in a 3D structure, however, the dimensionality can change to 2D, 1D, or 0D (Fig. 1E) if Pb is replaced in the B position by a cation with a different charge (Cu+, Sb3+, Sn4+), which may consequently alter the perovskite formula (e.g. A2B2X6, A3B2X9). Additionally, the structure can also be modified depending on the volume of cation A (greater volumes can lead to distortions in the 3D structure) or the radius of the B atom (for example, Cu smaller radius favours 2D structures).7 In general, the fabrication of the active layer is performed by mixing the precursors in solution, depositing the solution on a substrate followed by a final thermal treatment, usually at low temperatures (<100 °C). This implies that, in these devices, synthesis, film deposition, and grain crystallization occur at the same time.
The best performing perovskite solar cells are based on lead-containing materials (Pb2+ cations in B position). They have high absorption coefficients, suitable direct band gaps (around 1.5–2.5 eV), small exciton energy, balanced and long charge-carrier diffusion-length, high carrier mobility, and trap-free carrier relaxation, which favour high efficiencies and make them ideal for photovoltaic applications.6,8–10 However, the long-term stability of lead-perovskite solar cells is poor, affected by moisture, oxidation, heat, or light, which causes losses in the efficiency of the devices over time when working at ambient conditions.11 For instance, MAPbI3 degrades into PbI2 and MAI in the presence of water, and high temperatures (150 °C) can also induce the perovskite material degradation.12–16
It has been proposed that the key feature that makes lead-based perovskites such great materials for photovoltaic applications is their defect tolerant nature, associated with the 6s2 lone pair configuration of Pb2+ that leads to large dielectric constants, small effective masses, a valence band maximum composed of antibonding states, and high levels of band dispersion.10,13,17,18 Following this rationale, perovskite materials composed of other ns2 cations, such as Sn2+, Ge2+, Sb3+, and Bi3+, have been proposed as alternatives for their use in solar cells, as they may offer similar attractive properties than lead-perovskites, but better stability in ambient conditions.10,13 Moreover, lead is a toxic heavy metal that dissolves in water and tends to bioaccumulate, which is problematic during fabrication, use, and disposal of lead-based devices.19–21 The suggested alternative cations are considered more benign than lead, or, like bismuth, non-toxic elements; therefore, they offer the additional advantage of eliminating health or environmental concerns. Indeed, these materials may be an attractive option for devices in close contact with humans, such as wearables or indoor applications.22–24
In the last years, there has been some progress in this area and some reviews have already summarised the most relevant results in lead-free bulk perovskite materials for solar cells.10,13,15,18,21,25–32 In this review, we focus on Sn2+, Ge2+, Bi3+, and Sb3+ perovskites that have been synthesized as nanocrystals and incorporated in photovoltaic solar cells. Some recent reviews have focused on the synthesis and light emission properties of lead-free perovskite NCs, but none of them has collected the efficiencies obtained incorporating the nanocrystals in solar cells.33–35
The most common structure of a perovskite solar cell, also used in the perovskite nanocrystal solar cells, consists of an n–i–p junction (n-type, intrinsic, and p-type semiconductors). The light harvester layer (intrinsic semiconductor) is placed between a Hole Transport Layer (HTL, p-type semiconductor), an Electron Transport Layer (ETL, n-type semiconductor), and the two metallic contacts (Fig. 2A). Alternatively, NCs can be introduced in Dye Sensitized Solar Cells (DSSC). In a typical DSSC, upon light absorption the excited sensitizers inject electrons into the conduction band (CB) of TiO2. The oxidized dyes are regenerated by the electrolyte (Fig. 2B). NCs can be incorporated acting as sensitizers, either alone or in combination with other dyes to enhance light absorption.
The solar cell performance of Pb-perovskite NCs has progressed significantly from the first work by Kojima et al. in 2009 reporting an efficiency of 3.8% using MAPbI3 NCs as sensitizers in DSSCs.36 Two years later, it was found that by optimizing the thickness of the TiO2 layer, the efficiency could increase up to 6.5% for MAPbI3 NCs. Nonetheless, the perovskite layer was only stable for 10 minutes until the NCs dissolved in the electrolyte.37 Later, substituting the electrolyte by spiro-OMeTAD, acting as HTL, the efficiency achieved was 9.7%.38 In the field of all-inorganic perovskites, (without volatile components, detrimental in terms of stability) the use of colloidal NCs has allowed to stabilize structural phases desirable for photovoltaics. For instance, the cubic α-CsPbI3 form has an optimal bandgap for photovoltaic applications, but it is hardly achievable in bulk, where the orthorhombic δ form prevails below 320 °C. By using ligands such as oleic acid and oleylamine, α-CsPbI3 NCs were synthesized and stabilized at room temperature, and an efficiency of 10.77% was reported for perovskite NCs solar cells.39 The introduction of a polymer in the interface between the NCs and the HTL allowed to adjust the energy levels and consequently to enhance charge extraction. Efficiency values as high as 14% and 13.2% have been obtained for CsPbI3 and FAPbI3 NCs perovskite cells, respectively.40
Nowadays, Cs0.5FA0.5PbI3 NCs have delivered the highest published efficiency for nanocrystal-based PSC with a 16.6%, where FA addition played an essential role by reducing non-radiative recombination.5 The record for all-inorganic nanocrystal-based PSC is 16.07% obtained with Zn-doped CsPbI3 NCs.41 The optimization between energy levels, doping with other elements, or the introduction of stabilizing ligands/molecules have been essential for the development of devices with greater efficiencies.
The next sections are organized as follows: first, characteristics of each material, application in bulk solar cells, and maximum efficiencies obtained are summarized. Finally, a detailed review of the corresponding perovskite NCs used in solar cells and their efficiencies (also referred as power conversion efficiency, PCE) are explained. We have observed that there are very few examples of perovskite NCs introduced as absorbing material in solar cells, therefore, in some cases, we have included materials that may not form the traditional lead-halide composition or the typical perovskite crystalline structure, but that share the main characteristics of perovskite materials used in solar cells.
The interest in substituting lead has fostered the use of several tin-based materials as absorption layers in bulk perovskite solar cells. For example, optimized all-inorganic CsSnI3 solar cells have shown a 4.81% power conversion efficiency,47 recently improved up to 7.5% by incorporating N,N′-methylenebis(acrylamide) into the perovskite layer.48 FASnI3 perovskite solar cells treated with SnF2–pyrazine showed an efficiency of 4.8%, maintained over 100 days,49 which was later improved up to 9% when mixing the 3D FASnI3 perovskite with a small quantity of the 2D Sn-perovskite PEA2SnI4 (PEA = phenylethylammonium). Apparently, the addition of the 2D material promotes the growth of highly crystalline and oriented FASnI3 grains which reduces the number of grain boundaries, suppresses tin vacancies, and improves charge carrier lifetime.50 Moreover, applying a passivation treatment with edamine (EDA), FA0.98EDA0.01SnI3 bulk perovskite solar cells achieved a 10.18% efficiency. Edamine molecules prevented the charge carrier recombination by suppressing tin oxidation and iodide vacancies.51 Recently this value has been improved up to 13% by employing GeI2 doped (FA0.9EA0.1)0.98EDA0.01SnI3, where EA corresponds to ethylammonium cations. The presence of EA in the perovskite enhanced the charge transport by presenting more favourable energy level adjustment between the perovskite and the charge transport layers.52 Also, other hybrid organic–inorganic Sn-perovskites have been tested in devices: ethylenediammonium–MASnI3 solar devices delivered a 6.63% efficiency.53 Mixing methylammonium and formamidinium a power conversion of 8.12% was achieved for FA0.75MA0.25SnI3 devices.54
Tin-based materials tend to suffer from bulk recombination due to the presence of Sn vacancies generated by Sn2+ oxidation, which strongly limits their properties as light absorbers. In order to prevent Sn2+ oxidation, additives such as SnI2 excess47 or pyrazine49 have been introduced. Another option has been the use of the most stable tetravalent cation (Sn4+).55,56 However, Sn4+-based perovskites offer lower efficiencies (1%), as shown in studies employing Cs2SnI6.45,56,57 Therefore, the key for achieving better performing devices might rely on the control of Sn2+ oxidation. The use of hypophosphorous acid (HPA) has shown to increase the efficiency of a CsSnBr2I perovskite solar cell from 1.67% to 3%. The HPA addition induced the formation of perovskite seeds and decreased recombination by lowering carrier mobility and charge carrier density. Moreover, devices showed excellent stability. Experiments under 1 sun at maximum power point showed a 98% retention of the original efficiency, even at temperatures as high as 200 °C, while in analogous experiments MAPbI3 devices lost almost 90% of the original efficiency at temperatures of 80 °C. Furthermore, encapsulated devices stored under ambient conditions (25 °C and uncontrolled moisture) maintained ≈100% of the initial efficiency over a period of 77 days.45
Lately, tin-perovskite NCs have risen as alternatives to bulk tin PSC. They offer the general advantages of nanocrystals such as easy synthesis, quantum confinement and high photoluminescence yield.33,58,59 Nevertheless, the aforementioned drawback caused by Sn2+ oxidation could be fostered in the nanoscale due to the high surface/volume ratio. Therefore, stabilization of the nanocrystals is crucial. By controlling the synthesis, functionalizing the surface with ligands60,61 and adding excess of SnX2, more stable tin-perovskite nanocrystals, such as CsSnX3 NCs, can be obtained.33,47,53 Only a few reports, including CsSnI3 NCs, rod shaped CsSnX3 NCs (X = Cl, Br, I), and CH3NH3SnBr3−xIx NCs (MASnBr3−xIx NCs) describe the use of tin-perovskite NCs as light harvesters in solar cells.
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Fig. 3 (A) Device structure of the solar cell based on the CsSnI3 films. (B) J–V curves of CsSnI3 bulk solar cell (black), CsSnI3 bulk solar cell with the addition of TPPi as antioxidant additive (green) and CsSnI3 NCs solar cell with TPPi (blue). Reproduced from ref. 58 with permission from the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC, Journal of Materials Chemistry A). |
These results highlight the importance of overcoming Sn2+ oxidation to reach better photovoltaic devices. Moreover, they show that the introduction of perovskite NCs could improve the efficiency and stability of devices. The NC-based device was better in every aspect than the corresponding bulk solar cell; nonetheless, the performance is still far from CsPbI3 NCs devices, that have achieved an efficiency over 16%.41
A red shift in the band gap and PL emission, from 625 to 709 nm, was observed from the chloride to the iodide CsSnX3 (X = Cl, Br, I) QRs (Table 1). The nanocrystals were used as absorbing layers in solar cells including TiO2 as electron transport layer and spiro-OMeTAD as hole transport layer. The best efficiency was obtained for the CsSnI3 QRs (Table 1), probably due to its more adequate band gap among the three materials. Additionally, the stability of CsSnI3 QRs and bulk MAPbI3 sealed solar cells was tested. While CsSnX3 NCs solar cells showed a 40% efficiency decay after 16 days, the efficiency decay of MAPbI3 solar cell was 70%.63
E g (eV) | PCE (%) | |
CsSnCl3 | 2.0 | 9.66 |
CsSnBr3 | 1.9 | 10.46 |
CsSnI3 | 1.7 | 12.96 |
The observed performance is very encouraging towards the development of lead-free inorganic solar cells. Indeed, the 12.96% efficiency obtained with CsSnI3 QRs is the best result for non-toxic perovskite NCs reported to date, surpasses the efficiency obtained with bulk CsSnI3 (7.5%),48 and is very close to the efficiency delivered by analogous lead-perovskite NCs devices (16%).
In this former case, CsPbI3 NCs were treated with ZnI2 to prevent iodine vacancies, which enhanced the stability.41 The loss in efficiency observed in CsSnI3 NCs devices after 4–5 days, which might be related to Sn2+ oxidation, can compromise their commercialization. The addition of an antioxidant agent, as commented in the previous example, or ZnI2 treatment like in CsPbI3 NCs, could be solutions to improve device stability.
NCs | E g (eV) | PCE (%) |
MASnBr3 | 2.3 | 0.155 |
MASnBr2I | 2.0 | 0.322 |
MASnBrI2 | 1.8 | 0.202 |
MASnI3 | 1.5 | 0.106 |
Electrochemical impedance spectra (EIS) showed that the resistance between the electrolyte and the NCs–TiO2 interface was much higher than for state-of-the-art DSSCs, which might be due to the presence of long chain molecules such as oleylamine around the perovskite NCs. In order to improve electron extraction, TiO2 interface was further decorated with graphene quantum dots reaching an efficiency of 0.60%. Alternatively, the introduction of the N719 dye as co-sensitizer to the MASnBr2I NCs improved the efficiency up to 8.79%, which is higher than the efficiency delivered by N719 alone (7.28%).65 As a preliminary result, an efficiency of 8.79% is very promising especially taking into account that state-of-the-art DSSCs show record efficiencies of 14.3%.66
To further improve these results some modifications could be introduced. For instance, great efficiencies have been achieved by substituting the I−/I3− electrolyte by Co2+/Co3+ electrolyte,67 or using spiro-OMeTAD as HTL.5,38,68 Capping ligands are another important parameter since, as commented above, the presence of long chain ligands is detrimental for device efficiency. Moreover, it has been demonstrated that the nature of the capping ligands will influence the interaction between the perovskite NCs and the dye or the TiO2 interface, therefore the use of shorter or more adequate ligands could improve the device efficiency.69 Not only that, if co-sensitization is the key to boost performance, other dyes such as Ru complex N3 have also shown improvements combined with other NCs DSSCs.70
NCs | V oc (V) | J sc (mA cm−2) | FF | PCE (%) | Ref. |
CsSnI3 + TPPi | 0.42 | 23.79 | 0.42 | 4.13 | 58 |
CsSnCl3 | 0.87 | 19.82 | 0.56 | 9.66 | 63 |
CsSnBr3 | 0.85 | 21.23 | 0.58 | 10.46 | 63 |
CsSnI3 | 0.87 | 23.2 | 0.65 | 12.96 | 63 |
MASnBr3 | 0.53 | 0.62 | 0.48 | 0.155 | 64 |
MASnBr2I | 0.56 | 0.87 | 0.65 | 0.322 | 64 |
MASnBrI2 | 0.52 | 0.70 | 0.56 | 0.202 | 64 |
MASnI3 | 0.46 | 0.55 | 0.43 | 0.106 | 64 |
In the case of the hybrid MASnBr3−xIx perovskites, the low currents obtained in the DSSC devices point to an inefficient charge transfer between the NCs–TiO2 interface and the electrolyte. As commented, the substitution of the long chain organic ligands might lead to a better contact between the nanocrystals and the electrolyte. Additionally, the introduction of these NCs in other cell configurations, like the one used in ref. 63, could provide better efficiencies and would allow a better comparison among the different materials and synthetic strategies.
Some theoretical calculations have predicted promising efficiencies for Ge perovskite solar cells. For instance, 1D-Solar Cell Capacitance Simulator (1D-SCAPS) simulations estimate a 23.58% efficiency for a CH3NH3GeI3 (MAGeI3) PSC employing CuSbS2 as HTL, and by introducing Shockley–Queisser maximum solar cell efficiency (S–Q) and Spectroscopic Limited Maximum Efficiency (SLME) models in DFT calculations a theoretical value of 27.9% PCE is obtained for a CsGeI3 PSC.71,72 This reflects their great optical properties and the potential application of germanium-based materials in photovoltaic devices. Based on these good results some Ge-based bulk PSCs have been fabricated. CsGeI3 solar cells achieved an initial efficiency of 0.11%,73 which was further improved up to 3% and patented by Huang et al.74 Moreover, germanium was included in a mixed all-inorganic tin-PSC, CsSn0.5Ge0.5I3, reaching an efficiency of 7.11% as well as enhanced stability due to the growth of a Sn-containing GeO2 native passivation oxide layer (formed spontaneously when exposed to air).75 Hybrid organic inorganic materials, like MAGeI3, have also been tested delivering a 0.2% efficiency,73 which was later increased up to a 0.56% by introducing a 10% of bromide in the composition (MAGeI2.7Br0.3).76 Additionally, germanium has been used in a formamidinium antimony-PSC (FA4GeSbCl12) achieving a 4.7% efficiency.77 Finally, a FA and MA Ge-doped Sn perovskite, FA0.75MA0.25Sn1−xGexI3, was used as active layer leading to an efficiency of 7.9% when a 5% of Ge was present.78 In summary, thin-film photovoltaics using Ge-perovskites are scarce and have reached efficiency values up to 3%; however, when combined with other non-toxic elements such as Sn or Sb, the efficiency is greatly increased, attributed to an improved passivation, suppression of recombination, and reduction of trap states, which improve carrier dynamics.75,77,78
As the oxidation of Ge2+ to Ge4+ in air is quite straightforward, reports of Ge perovskite NCs applied in photovoltaics are limited, as spontaneous oxidation is favoured in NCs because of their high surface/volume ratio. Although there are some reports of Ge perovskite NCs synthesis,42,79 very few address their use in solar cells.80
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Fig. 4 (A) J–V characteristics of CsGeI3 (blue), CsGeBr3 (red), and CsGeCl3 (black) solar cells. The inset shows a picture of a solar cell. (B) Incident Photon-to-electron Conversion Efficiency (IPCE) of CsGeX3 perovskite devices with different halides. Reproduced from ref. 80 with permission from the Royal Society of Chemistry. (RSC, RSC Advances). |
Results are shown in Table 4. Iodide QRs show the highest efficiency, closely followed by the bromide ones, probably due to their more adequate band gap.80 The obtained currents are very encouraging and the strategies to improve efficiency should focus on improving Voc and FF. In that sense, it would be interesting to explore alternative transport layers. In any case this result is very promising since the 5% efficiency obtained with CsGeI3 NCs surpasses the efficiency obtained in CsGeI3 bulk PSC (0.11% and 3%).73,74 However, there is room for improvement; devices based on other inorganic perovskite NCs such as CsPbI3 NCs achieved an efficiency up to 16.07% and the analogous Sn NCs (CsSnI3 QRs) offered an efficiency of 12.96%.63 As stated above, Ge2+ inert pair effect is less prominent than in Sn or Pb; therefore, its tendency to oxidize to Ge4+ is greater. This instability is a major concern for Ge-based perovskites and one possible solution would be the addition of antioxidant compounds. As described in the previous section, this strategy has successfully been explored in Sn materials where the addition of edamine, pyrazine, triphenyl phosphite, or SnI2 excess improved the device stability.47,49,58 Moreover, the use of CuSbS2 as HTL instead of spiro-OMeTAD could be a better match for this material.71
QRs | E g (eV) | V oc (V) | J sc (mA cm−2) | FF | PCE (%) |
CsGeCl3 | 2 | 0.35 | 18.57 | 0.40 | 2.57 |
CsGeBr3 | 1.9 | 0.49 | 19.49 | 0.52 | 4.92 |
CsGeI3 | 1.8 | 0.52 | 18.78 | 0.51 | 4.94 |
Different examples of bismuth-perovskite solar cells have been reported, such as (CH3NH3)3Bi2I9 (MA3Bi2I9) PSC fabricated by vapour deposition that achieved a 3.17% efficiency.84 Additionally, all-inorganic perovskite solar cells like Cs3Bi2I9, employing CuI as HTL and TiO2 as ETL, led to an efficiency of 3.20%.85 One year later, using ZnO instead of TiO2, the efficiency was enhanced up to 9.20%.86 BiI3 was tested in thin-film solar cell leading to an efficiency of 1.21%15 that has recently increased to 1.33% in a device with V2O5 as HTL and ZnO as ETL.87 Other Bi-based perovskite materials are the silver bismuth iodide family, with a maximum efficiency of 4.3% obtained for Ag3BiI6,28 or double perovskites (A2M+M3+X6), where one M+ and one M3+ cations substitute two Pb2+ cations. Cs2AgBiBr6 films deposited by vacuum sublimation have delivered an efficiency of 1.41%, and 2.51% for films obtained by spin-coating onto a TiO2 layer.88 Recently, the introduction of a N719 dye interlayer between the Cs2AgBiBr6 and spiro-OMeTAD layers has shown to enhance the efficiency to 2.84%, also improving the stability under ambient conditions.89 Finally, a bulk heterojunction perovskite solar cell with the photoactive layer consisting of Cs3Bi2I9 and Ag3Bi2I9 has led to a 3.6% efficiency.90 Although these are promising results, bismuth-perovskites suffer from the presence of a high number of defects that induce non-radiative recombination of charges and decrease the power conversion efficiency.10,91
In the last years several bismuth perovskite NCs have been synthesized and their optical properties have been studied showing good absorption and emissive properties, with PLQY as high as 62%.92 However, in spite of these promising optical properties, only a few examples of Bi-perovskite NCs have been used to fabricate solar devices. In this section, studies focusing on Cs3Bi2I9, Cs2AgBiBr6, KBaTeBiO6 NCs, and Bi13S18I2 nanorods are discussed.
Bi13S18I2 nanorods were used as sensitizer in DSSC (Fig. 5A), and a maximum efficiency of 0.85% was achieved, showing low variability among the 8 different devices (Fig. 5B).100 The low PCE is due to the low current and fill factor values, which may be improved optimising the thickness of Bi13S18I2 and TiO2 films, or using a different electrolyte or hole transport material. Along this line, the use of polysulfide electrolytes led to better efficiencies for NCs DSSCs.101
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Fig. 5 (A) Scheme of the Bi13S18I2 NCs solar cell structure. (B) J–V curves of eight Bi13S18I2 solar cells. Reproduced from ref. 100 with permission from the Royal Society of Chemistry. (RSC, Journal of Materials Chemistry C). |
KBaTeBiO6 and Bi13S18I2 NCs have been used as dyes in DSSC devices employing the same counter electrode, solar cell area (0.25 cm2), and a similar electrolyte, based on the I−/I3− couple.97,100 The device incorporating the KBaTeBiO6 NCs showed very low current probably because of the presence of defects in the crystalline structure, coming from the lack of control over the composition of the mixed oxide, and on the surface, originated by the absence of passivating agents. Better results are obtained with the Bi13S18I2 NCs, synthesized using a simple solvothermal method. It would be interesting to explore the introduction of this material in a n–i–p solar cell structure to compare with ref. 93 and 96.
Some bulk Sb-perovskite materials have been synthesized, characterized, and introduced as light harvesters in solar cells. In 2016, 0D methylammonium MA3Sb2I9 thin-film solar cells were fabricated achieving a power conversion efficiency of 0.5%.105 Two years later, it was demonstrated that 0D MA3Sb2I9 perovskite had an indirect band gap, reduced carrier transport, and their films suffered from nonradiative recombination and it was suggested that a 2D layered structure could produce better results. This 2D-perovskite could be easily obtained by adding chloride to MA3Sb2I9 films. Thus, 2D MA3Sb2ClxI9−x films were introduced in solar cells achieving an efficiency of 2.19%, the best result so far for Sb-only perovskite solar cells.106 Another type of 2D antimony-perovskite, Rb3Sb2I9, led to a maximum efficiency of 0.66%.104
In addition to these studies on bulk Sb-perovskites, antimony perovskite nanocrystals have also received some attention. Cs3Sb2X9 (X = Cl, Br, I) NCs have been synthesized and stabilized with oleic acid and octadecene capping ligands. The photoluminescence quantum yields are 11% for Cs3Sb2Cl9, 46% for Cs3Sb2Br9, and 23% for Cs3Sb2I9 NCs, and the band gaps are 3.35, 3.02, and 2.21 eV, respectively.107 In spite of having the higher PLQY value, Cs3Sb2Br9 NCs band gap is not optimal for solar cells. Nevertheless, the band gap could be tuned by modifying the nanocrystal diameter and, additionally, Sb-perovskites can be used for other applications. Furthermore, as discussed in the next section, (NH4)3Sb2IxBr9−x NCs have been used as light absorbers in solar cells.
NCs | E g (eV) | V oc (V) | J sc (mA cm−2) | FF | PCE (%) |
(NH4)3Sb2Br9 | 2.78 | 0.29 | 0.09 | 0.28 | 0.01 |
(NH4)3Sb2I3Br6 | 2.66 | 0.67 | 0.20 | 0.44 | 0.06 |
(NH4)3Sb2I6Br3 | 2.49 | 0.76 | 0.77 | 0.32 | 0.19 |
(NH4)3Sb2I9 | 2.27 | 1.03 | 1.15 | 0.43 | 0.51 |
The iodide (NH4)3Sb2I9 NCs provided the best performance parameters, with a 0.51% efficiency, probably due to the most adequate band gap and a more optimum band alignment between the active and the transport layers. The low currents and FF point to problems in charge transport and extraction, which could be improved with a better film morphology and the use of alternative transport layers. The best efficiency is similar to the highest value obtained for Bi perovskite NCs (0.85% for Bi13S18I2);100 however, the different stoichiometry and composition make them hardly comparable. The efficiency obtained is still far from other tin or lead-based NCs perovskite solar cells, but close to values obtained for bulk inorganic Sb-perovskites Rb3Sb2I9 and 0D MA3Sb2I9 thin-films mentioned above (0.66% and 0.5% respectively), and still inferior to the best-performing antimony solar cell, 2D MA3Sb2ClxI9−x (2.2%). As a final remark concerning Sb-perovskites, a recent study suggests that Sb-perovskites have much deeper defects than Pb-perovskite NCs, which can reduce significantly the efficiency of the photovoltaic devices.109
The efficiency of lead perovskite cells has grown from 3.8% in 2009 to current 25.5% for bulk and 16.6% for NCs. These improvements have been achieved thanks to the adjustment of the energy levels, enhanced stability, suppression of defects, surface treatments, charge transport improvement, and the use of different and more complex stoichiometries. In this sense, complex and tailored compositions are not easily achievable for bulk perovskites where synthesis and deposition are simultaneous. On the contrary, perovskite NCs offer the advantage of separating both processes, which allows a better control over the stoichiometry of the material. Although the use of non-toxic perovskite NCs in solar cells is quite recent, they have already shown promising results surpassing in some cases the efficiency values obtained for their bulk counterparts: CsSnI3 quantum rods show an efficiency of almost 13% (bulk material 7.5%), and CsGeI3 NCs an efficiency close to 5% (bulk material ≈3%). It is worth mentioning that some of the best results are already close to the efficiency obtained for lead NCs (16.6%), and the stoichiometry or solar cell structure have not been optimized.
In this review, the main issues of non-toxic perovskite NCs have been addressed. Some of the materials suffer from oxidation problems (Ge, Sn) or high number of defects (Bi, Sb) that may harm the solar device performance. In this sense, more complex compositions could be a solution to some of the aforementioned problems. For example, including in the composition edamine that acts as antioxidant cation, ethylammonium that improves charge transport, or formamide which prevents non-radiative recombination. Additionally, the addition of antioxidant additives, more adequate transport layers, different cell structures, or surface passivation treatments are other possible approaches to improve performance.
Research on non-toxic perovskite NCs is a novel field, reports incorporating these NCs in solar cells are scarce, and many alternatives remain unexplored. Indeed, in the studies here summarized, each work uses a synthetic methodology and a solar cell structure making it difficult to compare among them and select the most promising approach. Still, impressive results have already been reported showing that non-toxic NCs could be candidates to substitute lead in the near future with more research in this area.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2021 |