Alex M.
*a and
aDepartment of Chemistry, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB T6G 2G2, Canada. E-mail: arthur.mar@ualberta.ca
bDepartment of Physics, McGill University, Montreal, QC H3A 2T8, Canada
cDepartment of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824, USA. E-mail: alexzev@msu.edu
dEnergy Technologies Area, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA
eThermal Energy Conversion Research and Advancement Group, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91109, USA
First published on 4th November 2020
Accurate density functional theory calculations of the interrelated properties of thermoelectric materials entail high computational cost, especially as crystal structures increase in complexity and size. New methods involving ab initio scattering and transport (AMSET) and compressive sensing lattice dynamics are used to compute the transport properties of quaternary CaAl2Si2-type rare-earth phosphides RECuZnP2 (RE = Pr, Nd, Er), which were identified to be promising thermoelectrics from high-throughput screening of 20000 disordered compounds. Experimental measurements of the transport properties agree well with the computed values. Compounds with stiff bulk moduli (>80 GPa) and high speeds of sound (>3500 m s−1) such as RECuZnP2 are typically dismissed as thermoelectric materials because they are expected to exhibit high lattice thermal conductivity. However, RECuZnP2 exhibits not only low electrical resistivity, but also low lattice thermal conductivity (∼1 W m−1 K−1). Contrary to prior assumptions, polar-optical phonon scattering was revealed by AMSET to be the primary mechanism limiting the electronic mobility of these compounds, raising questions about existing assumptions of scattering mechanisms in this class of thermoelectric materials. The resulting thermoelectric performance (zT of 0.5 for ErCuZnP2 at 800 K) is among the best observed in phosphides and can likely be improved with further optimization.
New conceptsThis investigation of RECuZnP2 (RE = rare earth) is the first in-depth study of transport properties in quaternary CaAl2Si2-type compounds, a promising class of thermoelectric materials. This study demonstrates that the combined application of DFT calculations with advanced physics-based scattering calculations delivers new insight on the underlying mechanisms of thermoelectric transport. The results directly challenge the usual assumption that acoustic phonon scattering is the limiting factor of electron transport in most thermoelectric materials; instead, polar-optical phonon scattering is likely more important than previously believed. Moreover, the calculations shed light on the unexpectedly low lattice thermal conductivity in RECuZnP2: despite high bulk moduli and speeds of sound, strongly anharmonic bonding can significantly reduce the thermal conductivity. These insights on the mechanisms of electron and heat transport have broader implications to the materials science community, by guiding researchers to discover more efficient thermoelectric materials in applying new concepts to optimize their properties. The low computational cost of these methods could also herald an exciting era of DFT-guided materials discovery. |
The search for high-performance thermoelectric materials can be accelerated by high-throughput screening of candidates evaluated by density functional theory (DFT) calculations.2–8 Based on ongoing screening of the electrical properties (viz., power factor, PF = S2/ρ) for over 20000 disordered inorganic compounds taken from the Inorganic Crystal Structure Database (ICSD),9 the phosphides RECuZnP2 (RE = trivalent rare-earth metal) have emerged as promising candidates. These compounds are quaternary derivatives of a family of AM2X2 compounds that adopt the trigonal CaAl2Si2-type structure and exhibit electrical and thermal properties suitable for thermoelectric materials (e.g., Mg3Sb2,10–12 EuCd2Sb213). Despite restrictions on the formation of these AM2X2 compounds (requiring a valence electron count of 16 and a d0, d5, or d10 configuration for M), they are numerous and diverse. The A cation is commonly divalent but can be monovalent or trivalent with appropriate substitution of the other components to maintain the electron count, as exemplified by RECuZnP2, which contains Cu+ and Zn2+ mixed on the M site (Fig. S3, ESI†).14–16
In general, semiconducting compounds containing light atoms such as C, N, or P often exhibit excellent electrical properties,17 but they would be expected to have stiff bonds, leading to high thermal conductivities. However, some metal phosphides have been predicted to show low lattice thermal conductivities,18–20 suggesting that lightweight compounds should not be dismissed so easily. The transport properties of many CaAl2Si2-type compounds remain largely uninvestigated, especially of nitride and phosphide members,21–28 as well as those containing a trivalent A cation. Given that site disorder would also lower thermal conductivity, we hypothesize that the phosphides RECuZnP2 are attractive candidates for thermoelectric materials.
To test this hypothesis and to validate the predictions from the computational screening, three RECuZnP2 (RE = Pr, Nd, Er) compounds were synthesized and their thermoelectric properties were measured. These experimental results were compared with first-principles calculations of electron and phonon transport properties to gain insight on the scattering mechanisms that determine thermoelectric performance.29,30 In particular, starting solely from first-principles input, the ab initio scattering and transport (AMSET) software package was used to compute carrier lifetimes arising from acoustic deformation potential (ADP), polar-optical phonon (POP), and ionized impurity (IMP) scattering processes. In a recent study,31 AMSET was applied to 16 simple semiconductors and demonstrated excellent agreement against both experimental measurements on single crystals and state-of-the-art calculations (Electron–Phonon Wannier, EPW) of electronic mobility and Seebeck coefficient. However, unlike other methods whose computational expense limits their use to small highly-symmetric systems, AMSET can be applied to complex compounds (including disordered ones such as RECuZnP2) and in a high-throughput manner, enabling information about scattering to be extracted for a wide variety of materials. We evaluate how well this new computational approach agrees with the experimental results on RECuZnP2 and whether other related phosphides may be feasible thermoelectric materials.
Compound | B [GPa] | E [GPa] | G [GPa] | ν | v L [m s−1] | v T [m s−1] |
PrCuZnP2 (exp.) | 87 | 126 | 50 | 0.26 | 5170 | 2940 |
PrCuZnP2 (comp.) | 87 | 142 | 58 | 0.23 | 5340 | 3180 |
NdCuZnP2 (comp.) | 88 | 143 | 58 | 0.23 | 5300 | 3140 |
ErCuZnP2 (exp.) | 95 | 142 | 57 | 0.25 | 5080 | 2910 |
ErCuZnP2 (comp.) | 94 | 147 | 59 | 0.24 | 5080 | 2970 |
For all samples, the resistivity increases with higher temperature and the carrier concentration is >1019 cm−3 (Fig. 1(a) and (c)), implying that these compounds are highly degenerate p-type semiconductors. Substitution with a heavier RE component (from Pr to Er) lowers the resistivity by an order of magnitude, due primarily to an increase in carrier concentration in ErCuZnP2 relative to the two other compounds. The higher carrier concentration could be the result of sample processing or suggest that cation vacancies have a lower formation energy in ErCuZnP2.37
The hole mobility is relatively low for RECuZnP2 samples, ranging from 37 to 50 cm2 V−1 s−1 at 300 K on progressing from RE = Pr to Er (Fig. 1(b)), compared to other rare-earth-containing compounds with the CaAl2Si2-type structure (e.g., EuZn2Sb2, 250 cm2 V−1 s−1;38 YbZn2Sb2, 130 cm2 V−1 s−1;39 EuMg2Bi2, 192 cm2 V−1 s−1).40 The mobility reported previously in the related phosphide YbCuZnP2 is even lower (11 cm2 V−1 s−1 at 300 K).26 Given that the mobility, μ = (e·τe)/m*, depends on the competing effects of effective mass m* and relaxation time τe, first-principles calculations were carried out to gain insight on their roles. The electronic band structures, calculated using DFT with the Heyd–Scuseria–Ernzerhof (HSE06) exchange–correlation functional,41 reveal that the RECuZnP2 compounds are small band gap semiconductors (Eg = 0.52 eV (Nd), 0.54 eV (Pr), 0.73 eV (Er)) with the valence band maximum at the Γ point (Fig. S4, ESI†). Note, experiments indicate that the materials are paramagnetic above room temperature (>0.3 K for ErCuZnP2).14 For each compound, the conductivity effective mass mc* was evaluated at the experimental carrier concentration and is the weighted average of three bands that nearly converge at the Γ point.42 At 300 K, the value of mc* for ErCuZnP2 (0.43 me) is larger than for NdCuZnP2 (0.38 me) and PrCuZnP2 (0.36 me). To check for contributions from bands below the band edge, mc* was also evaluated as a function of chemical potential;43 ErCuZnP2 retains the highest mc* regardless of chemical potential. These values are similar to the only other report of mc* for a CaAl2Si2-type compound, namely p-type Mg3Sb2 (0.34 me at a carrier concentration of 1019 cm−3).44
To understand the scattering physics in more detail, it is of interest to calculate the transport properties, which requires electronic band structures as the primary input. Although existing methods to evaluate electron–phonon scattering such as Electron–Phonon Wannier (EPW)45 can yield accurate scattering rates, they are not feasible for complex compounds due to their high computational cost. As the first application of AMSET31 to examine new thermoelectric materials, scattering rates and carrier mobilities were calculated for RECuZnP2 using the momentum relaxation time approximation.46 Three scattering mechanisms were considered: ionized impurities, acoustic deformation potential, and polar-optical phonons.
The AMSET results were obtained at the experimental temperature-averaged Hall carrier concentrations. The mobilities are shown for all three compounds in Fig. S5 (ESI†) and highlighted for NdCuZnP2 in Fig. 2. The chief mechanisms that are predicted to limit the mobilities are polar-optical phonon and, to a lesser extent, ionized impurity scattering. In contrast, acoustic deformation scattering is not predicted to affect the hole transport significantly, given the small absolute valence band deformation potentials (∼1.4 eV) and stiff elastic constants (Table 1). This is rather surprising, because the experimental temperature dependence of the hole mobility (Fig. S7, ESI†) suggests that acoustic scattering is the dominant mechanism, as would be commonly assumed for thermoelectric materials used in mid-to-high temperature ranges.47 In fact, acoustic scattering as a dominant mechanism is contradicted by many recent state-of-the-art computational studies, which indicate that polar-optical phonon scattering is the most important mechanism in many classes of high-performance heteropolar thermoelectric materials (e.g., SnSe, PbTe, half- and full-Heusler compounds),48–51 as is the case here for RECuZnP2.
To confirm that the presence of f-electrons and disorder of the Cu/Zn site in RECuZnP2 do not engender unusual features, analogous AMSET calculations were carried out for the related simpler compound CaZn2P2. The results confirm that polar-optical phonon scattering also dominates in CaZn2P2 (Fig. S6, ESI†), suggesting that this mechanism is important in other CaAl2Si2-type compounds. CaZn2P2 is predicted to have a lower hole mobility than RECuZnP2 because of its higher mc* (0.47 me at n = 1019 cm−3) and smaller dielectric constants, leading to reduced electronic screening. The present AMSET results suggest that further understanding of the scattering mechanisms in CaAl2Si2-type compounds is required to develop concepts to improve their thermoelectric performance.
Compared to the experimentally measured mobilities for RECuZnP2, the computed values are overestimated (Fig. 1(b)); however, the AMSET values should be considered as upper limits as the input DFT calculations were performed using completely ordered structures and boundary scattering, or other mesoscale imperfections not taken into account. The predicted trend in mobility as a function of RE substitution is opposite to that observed. However, the experimental mobility of the samples can be controlled by many factors (e.g., impurities, porosity, grain boundaries, pores, etc.), and may not reflect inherent differences in the electronic structure. In particular, the Er-containing samples have a larger grain size, as evidenced by the powder XRD patterns, which reveal narrower peaks compared to those for the Pr- and Nd-containing samples (Fig. S2, ESI†). The computed resistivities, evaluated at the temperature-averaged experimental Hall carrier concentrations, show reasonable agreement with the experimental values (Fig. 1(a)), but they are somewhat underestimated, due to the overestimation of mobility.
The measured Seebeck coefficients of RECuZnP2 are positive, increase with higher temperature, and are inversely proportional to carrier concentration (Fig. 1(d)). For the Pr- and Nd-containing samples, saturation occurs around 780 K due to minority carrier activation, whereas for the Er-containing sample, a maximum is reached at 860 K (as seen more clearly in the high-temperature data shown in Fig. S9, ESI†). The Goldsmid-Sharp band gap energy (Eg = 2e|Smax|Tmax) is similar for PrCuZnP2 (0.36 eV) and NdCuZnP2 (0.38 eV), but much lower for ErCuZnP2 (0.23 eV), contradicting the trend in computed band gaps. This disagreement likely arises because the Goldsmid-Sharp approximation breaks down for highly degenerate samples,42 as is the case here. Nevertheless, the computed and experimental Seebeck coefficients agree well with each other in terms of magnitude and temperature dependence.
The density of states effective mass mDOS* was estimated from the experimental Seebeck coefficients using the single parabolic band (SPB) model52 and the three scattering mechanisms (IMP, ADP, POP) proposed above, as shown in Fig. S9 (ESI†). The selected type of scattering affects the magnitude of the estimated value of mDOS*, but not the predicted dependence of S on nH (Fig. S10(b), ESI†). Regardless of scattering mechanism, mDOS* increases with higher temperature, indicating a greater number of valence bands or flatter band dispersion (Fig. S8, ESI†). Furthermore, mDOS* is virtually independent of the RE component. A similar observation was noted in AZn2Sb2 compounds, for which substitution of the divalent A component has no effect on mDOS*;53 these previous reports made use of an SPB model with transport assumed to be limited by acoustic phonon scattering. If the same assumption is applied to the present compounds containing trivalent cations, the mDOS* values (0.9 me at 373 K and 1.1 me at 673 K) are significantly higher than the average reported in other p-type CaAl2Si2-type compounds (0.6 me).26,33,53 If, instead, the dominant mechanism in RECuZnP2 is assumed to be polar optical scattering, as suggested by the AMSET results above, then the mDOS* values become comparable to those of other p-type CaAl2Si2-type compounds, assuming that they are dominated by acoustic phonon scattering.
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Fig. 3 (a) Experimental (symbols) and computed (solid lines) total thermal conductivities and (b) lattice thermal conductivities of RECuZnP2 compounds. (c) Phonon dispersion and DOS curves reveal stiffer phonons in ErCuZnP2 than in NdCuZnP2. (d) Computed mode Grüneisen parameters and (e) phonon mean free paths indicate stronger anharmonicity and smaller average mean free path in ErCuZnP2 than in NdCuZnP2. (Dashed line indicates the grain size limiting the thermal conductivity in NdCuZnP2.) Note that the calculation for PrCuZnP2 did not converge; see ESI† for details. |
Compound | Density | v avg | Grüneisen parameter | κ ph,exp | Ref. |
PrCuZnP2 | 5.70 | 3900 | 1.1 | This work | |
NdCuZnP2 | 5.82 | 3880 | 1.5 | 1.0 | This work |
ErCuZnP2 | 6.67 | 3680 | 1.7 | 1.0 | This work |
YbCuZnP2 | 6.64 | 0.9-1.0 | 26 | ||
CaZn2P2 | 3.93 | 4190 | 1.0 | 26 | |
CaMg2Sb2 | 3.87 | 3210 | 1.4 | 1.6 | 34 and 57 |
Mg3Sb2 | 4.04 | 2790 | 1.8;1.8–2.2 | 0.6 | 34, 58 and 59 |
CaMg2Bi2 | 5.66 | 2480 | 1.5 | 1.2 | 55 |
CaZn2Sb2 | 5.40 | 2480 | 1.8 | 1.9 | 60 |
EuZn2Sb2 | 6.78 | 2400 | 1.1 | 54 | |
CaCd2Sb2 | 5.95 | 2380 | 1.7 | 0.7 | 61 and 62 |
SrZn2Sb2 | 5.68 | 2320 | 1.2 | 63 | |
YbMn2Sb2 | 6.71 | 2070 | 2.2 | 64 |
To shed light on the relative influence of phonon velocity and relaxation time on κph, DFT calculations using compressive sensing lattice dynamics (CSLD)29 were performed to determine the phonon dispersion curves (Fig. 3(c)). The phonon DOS curve reveals that the acoustic and low-frequency optical modes are dominated by RE, Cu, and Zn atoms, whereas the high-frequency modes are dominated by the lighter P atoms. Examining the phonon dispersion curves shows that ErCuZnP2 has the highest group velocity, but it also exhibits stronger anharmonicity, as indicated by the higher mode-averaged Grüneisen parameter of 1.73 (compared to 1.47 for NdCuZnP2). The Grüneisen parameters are slightly lower than that of Mg3Sb2 and lie within the range of CaAl2Si2-type and other Zintl compounds.34,55,58,60,61 Given its higher anharmonicity, ErCuZnP2 is predicted to have lower κph than NdCuZnP2 (Fig. 3(d)). This prediction contradicts the experimental trend in κph. The computed κph value for ErCuZnP2 is lower than the experimental value, which is surprising given that grain boundaries are not considered in the calculation. It is possible that our “experimental” κph values are slightly overestimated due to an underestimate of Leff and thus κe. Even if Leff is similarly overestimated for all three compounds, the impact on the “experimental” κph for ErCuZnP2 would be the greatest, because it has an order of magnitude higher electrical conductivity than the Pr- or Nd-analogues.
In contrast, the computed κph value for NdCuZnP2 is overestimated relative to the experimental value, the discrepancy potentially arising from impurities, grain boundaries, or point defect scattering (e.g., Cu/Zn disorder, notwithstanding the small mass contrast) which are not included in the calculations. To gauge the effects of grain boundary scattering, the lattice thermal conductivity was also calculated as a function of mean free path (Fig. S13, ESI†). Grain sizes of 25 ± 5 nm in NdCuZnP2 would scatter the majority of acoustic phonons (above the dashed line shown in Fig. 3(e)), reproducing the experimental κph value. The thermal conductivity was computed by combining the lattice thermal conductivity derived from lattice dynamics (Fig. 3(b)) and the electronic thermal conductivity derived from electron scattering calculations. In general, the computed and experimental thermal conductivities agree reasonably (Fig. 3(a)).
The thermoelectric measurements were made on unoptimized samples, meaning that there is room for improvement. Because the thermoelectric figure of merit zT is strongly related to carrier concentration nH, this dependence was examined in more detail at 673 K (Fig. S12, ESI†). When the AMSET model was applied, the results suggest that the figure of merit for ErCuZnP2 can be significantly improved by doping to achieve a carrier concentration to about 5 × 1019 cm−3 or potentially by using single-crystal samples. A similar trend of zT vs. nH was obtained when the SPB model was applied. Assuming polar-optical phonon scattering vs. acoustic phonon scattering leads to major differences in the dependence of mobility and Leff on carrier concentration and chemical potential, and thereby the figure of merit (Fig. S10(a), S11, and S12(a), ESI†). In particular, the mobility is nearly independent of carrier concentration under polar-optical phonon scattering, consistent with the relatively carrier-independent mobility in CaAl2Si2-type compounds. This leads to a prediction of a higher optimum carrier concentration if the predictions from AMSET are correct, and polar-optical phonon scattering is dominant in this system.
Footnotes |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/d0mh01112f |
‡ J.-H. Pöhls and S. Chanakian contributed equally to this work. |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2021 |