b and
aDepartment of Physics, Quantum Centres in Diamond and Emergent Materials (QuCenDiEM)-group, Micro Nano and Bio-Fluidics (MNBF)-Group, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, 600036, India. E-mail:
bDepartment of Physical Sciences, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Kolkata, 741246, India. E-mail:
First published on 25th June 2021
We employ a single optically trapped upconverting nanoparticle (UCNP) of NaYF4:Yb,Er of diameter about 100 nm as a subdiffractive source to perform absorption spectroscopy. The experimentally expected mode volume of 100 nm of the backscatter profile of the nanoparticle matches well with a numerical simulation of the dominant backscattering modes to confirm our assertion of achieving a source dimension considerably lower than the diffraction limit set by the excitation wavelength of 975 nm for the UCNP. We perform absorption spectroscopy of several diverse entities such as the dye Rhodamine B in water, a thin gold film of thickness 30 nm, and crystalline soft oxometalates micro-patterned on a glass substrate using the UCNP as a source. The initial results lead to unambiguous utility of UCNPs as single nanoscopic sources for absorption spectroscopy of ultra-small sample volumes (femtolitres), and lead us to hypothesize a possible Resonance Energy Transfer mechanism between the UCNP and the molecules of the ambient medium, which may even lead to single molecule absorption spectroscopy applications.
In order to attain subdiffractive sources, we envisage a single particle smaller than the diffraction limit that emits a broadband light, which can then be used for absorption measurements. Our idea relies on the fact that classical scattering theories predict that the mode volume of the leading order scattered modes are of the same order of the source volume – so that, if the source is a particle that is smaller than the diffraction limit of visible and infra-red light, the emission shall also remain sub-diffractive for a certain propagation distance. The rare earth doped upconversion nanoparticles (UCNPs) which have exceptional photon conversion behaviour of lower energy near-infra red photons into higher energy visible photon via long lived intermediate energy states15 are excellent candiates for this since the emission is in visible and can be easily isolated from the infra-red excitation beam. Moreover, it has advantages over conventional organic fluorophores and quantum dots like low excitation intensity and high chemical and photo stability.16 The UCNPs have been used for bio imaging,17–20 chemical sensing,21 temperature sensing,22,23 anti counterfeiting,24,25 basic statistical mechanics,26 security27 and solar cells.28 We expect that such UCNPs with diameter smaller than the diffraction limit of light can create subdiffractive mode volumes.
In this paper, we test this hypothesis, where we first perform numerical simulations to determine the scattered mode volume of a single UCNP (diameter 100 nm), and proceed to validate our simulations experimentally on an optically trapped single UCNP. Thus, we image the upconverted emission – which is predominantly in the backscatter direction – on a camera and determine its full-width at half maxima (FWHM), and obtain very good agreement with our simulation results. Thus, the source appears to be clearly subdiffractive – indeed, significantly smaller than that obtained by a tightly focused Gaussian beam at visible wavelengths. In order to test the efficacy of this source for diverse materials of known absorption characteristics, we perform absorption spectroscopy in the visible wavelengths for three different types of samples, namely Rhodamine-B dye (few femto-liters of Rhodamine-B dye dissolved in water detected up to a concentration of 100 ppm), gold film on glass coverslip and a pattern made on glass using soft oxometallates. In standard techniques employed for absorption spectroscopy in the visible wavelengths, the sample is irradiated with monochromatic light which is scanned through the band of required wavelengths, or a broadband white light. Importantly, such techniques reach an ultimate spatial resolution determined by the diffractive limit, but in practice achieve significantly lower resolution. On the other hand, a single UCNP clearly provides a definitive route to facilitate sudiffractive absorption spectroscopy with several exciting applications that can be envisaged. These include deploying it in conjugation with confocal microscopy to facilitate ultrahigh resolution without the use of complex higher order beams,5,11,13 and in the absorption-based imaging of molecules present in the mode volume of the UCNP source. Indeed, this could lead to an analog of the fluorescence correlation spectroscopy,29 which we propose could be termed as absorption correlation spectroscopy – that would enable absorption spectroscopy and imaging of extremely small sample volumes (femtolitres to attolitres) while in motion, as opposed to being immobilized.30
To understand this in a quantitative manner, we take recourse to the well-known Mie scattering theory. While the Mie theory describes elastic scattering very accurately, we believe that it would be reasonably efficacious in describing the inelastic scattering process we report here, as we clarify shortly. The scattered electric field from the Mie theory for a particle of radius a is given as31
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In order to quantify the size of the backscattered upconverted light, we perform a simulation on the FDTD-based software Lumerical32 with the assumption that the UCNP emission goes mostly into the backscatter direction, as is observed in experiments which we shall describe later. We consider a particle with a size well below the diffraction limit of visible light – namely 50 nm diameter – with a plane wave of wavelength 500 nm incident on it. We proceed to simulate the backscattering from the particle and determine the full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the Gaussian spread of the backscatter. The procedure has been indicated in Fig. 1(a), and the results are shown in Fig. 1(b) and (c). The FWHM of the Gaussian backscatter light increases linearly with the distance from the nanoparticle with a slope of 1. Thus, it appears that the emission from a 50 nm particle shall remain subdiffractive till about 150 nm distance from its center. Moreover, the UCNP backscatter mode volume appears to be significantly smaller than that for a tightly focused Gaussian beam with similar propagation distance at visible wavelength, as indicated in Fig. 1(c). The blue curve indicates the waist size as a function of distance from the center of the particle, as estimated from the eqn (3).
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Thus, it is clear that using a particle with subdiffractive dimensions yields a back-scattered mode which is subdiffractive as well. Very importantly, if there are absorbing particles or molecules inside that scattered volume, we clearly access the domain of sub-diffractive absorption spectroscopy. Note here that our imaging mechanism does not overcome the diffraction limit. However, since the source emits well within the diffraction limit, the final resolution we obtain overcomes the diffraction limit for that wavelength. It is also clear that we shall be limited to using the entire volume of the cone into which the particle backscatter is emitted (up to the wall of the sample chamber), unless we make use of confocal microscopy.
To test our design experimentally, we perform subdiffractive absorption spectroscopy on a solution of Rhodamine-B (RhB) molecules that have an absorption at the spectral emission profile of the UCNP, as indicated in Fig. 2. Now, when a source of light is passed through a medium, the intensity of forward scattered light can be ascertained from the Beer–Lambert Law using eqn (4).
I = I0![]() | (4) |
I = A![]() | (5) |
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Fig. 2 This indicates the absorption spectra of RhB (black) and the emission spectra of the UCNP (red) to show the efficiency of the resonance energy transfer process. |
The eqn (4) can also be written as
log(I) = log(A) − c/τ | (6) |
Note that there would be some alteration to the theory while using a divergent beam for absorption, since the intensity of the beam also decreases with distance from the particle. The exact calculation is beyond the scope of this manuscript. However, since we focus on constant conical mode volumes to ascertain the concentration, the relative reduction in intensity is a good measure.
We determine both the spatial extent of the UCNP scattering (in the backward direction) and its spectral signatures convolved with that of RhB (in the forward direction) by careful experimentation. We also determine the concentration of RhB from the peak amplitudes of the spectra using eqn (4)–(6), which we now go on to describe.
The spherical UCNPs were prepared using the reverse microemulsion technique.35 Two identical solutions were prepared with 50 ml of microemulsion (μE) containing 20% of surfactants (CTAB, oleic acid and co-surfactant 1-butanol), 70% of oil (iso-octane) and 10% of water-phase (DI water) were prepared. 0.4 M of NaF was added into one μE (50 ml) and 0.1 M of Ln(NO3)3 (Ln = 78%Y, 20%Yb and 2%Er) was added in another μE (50 ml). These two μE s were mixed together using magnetic stirring for 30 min and kept aging for 24 h. The white gel like precipitant was washed three times with ethanol/acetone (1:
1 ratio) and centrifuged with a force of 4700 RCF. The white colour powder was collected by drying at 100 C about 3 h. The sample was further calcined at 200 C for 30 min to obtain cubic phase NaYF4:Yb,Er nanoparticles. This cubic phase NaYF4:Yb,Er nanoparticles was used in the experiment. The Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) images for the prepared particles are shown in Fig. 4(a) with the distribution indicated in Fig. 4(b), which demonstrates that the diameter of the particles is between 60–180 nm. The energy level diagram for the NaYF4:Yb,Er particles has been shown in Fig. 4(c). The X-ray Diffraction (XRD) pattern of the NaYF4:Yb,Er reveals the cubic crystal structure of the NaYF4 without any impurity peaks, as indicated in Fig. 4(d). The calculated lattice parameters are a = 0.54507 ± 0.035 nm; v = 0.16194 nm3 and are matched with JCPDS number 77-2042. The FTIR spectrum of the UCNPs shows a small amount of carboxylic and hydroxyl from the residuals of surfactants used during the preparation, indicated in Fig. 4(e). The purity of the reverse microemulsion prepared sample is 98% up to 800 C, which is confirmed from the thermal gravimetric analysis.35 We also performed Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) experiments using Horiba SZ 100 particle size analyzer. The size distribution results are shown in Fig. 4(f) while the zeta potential results are shown in Fig. 4(g). The DLS shows similar distribution of particle sizes as the SEM measurements – from 90 nm to 150 nm – and well dispersed in the colloidal solution. The zeta potential is −40 mV.
The 975 nm laser beam is tightly focused inside the sample chamber for optically trapping a single UCNP. The concentration of RhB dye present in the medium of the sample chamber is varied while performing the experiment. Along with water, four different concentrations of 100, 750, 1500 and 3000 ppm RhB dye are used, in which a small amount of spherical UCNP in powdered form is added. These concentrations are well under the threshold concentration at which the inner filter effect may set in (lower than 200 μM (ref. 36)). The sample chamber is formed by placing 20 μL of each sample on a glass slide (Blue Star, 75 mm × 25 mm × 1.1 mm) and covered with a glass cover slip (Blue Star, English glass, Number 1 size). The thickness of the sample chamber has been estimated to be 22 μm. To estimate this, we first image the nanoparticles adhering to the bottom surface of the sample chamber into clear focus of the microscope camera. Then we move the z-axis of the stage such that those adhering to the top surface come into focus. The distance by which the stage was moved in order to shift focus between the two surfaces corresponds to the thickness of the sample chamber. Such an experiment was also done using a thin large area film of upconverting material,37 but we use nanoparticles of the material to do the same.
In order to coat the gold on the cover slip, the substrate was cleaned in acetone, IPA and de-ionized water using an ultrasonic bath for 5 min each followed by nitrogen drying. The samples were then loaded into a thermal evaporator immediately and 5 nm chromium was initially evaporated at a rate of 0.05 nm s−1 to provide better adhesion followed by 30 nm of gold evaporation at 0.1 nm s−1. The thickness of the deposited layer was monitored using a quartz crystal monitor and the vacuum of the evaporator chamber was maintained at 1 nbar during the deposition.
The Soft Oxometallate (SOM) was prepared by dispersing 817.6 mg of ammonium heptamolybdate tetrahydrate (from Sigma-Aldrich) in 4 mL of water which was heated until a homogeneous clear dispersion was obtained that scattered no light from a laser. This dispersion was subsequently cooled to room temperature before being used for optical patterning experiments – for which, the SOM solution was mixed with UCNP and then the patterning was performed with thermo-optical tweezers, as reported previously in literature.38 Briefly, a layer of self-assembled SOM absorbs light which leads to the formation of a temperature ‘hot spot’ that eventually results in the nucleation of a bubble which in turn causes an in-flow of material into the base of the bubble due to Marangoni convection. The bubble is then displaced in one direction by moving the laser spot which causes formation of patterns on the substrate. The SOMs are in a crystalline phase in the pattern as has been demonstrated.39
We report our results in the next section.
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We modulate stage sinudoidally at fstage = 16 Hz with an amplitude of A = 500 nm. The Δf is 0.5 Hz and the T is the room temperature set using an air-conditioner at 25 C. As shown in Fig. 5(a) – the size for this particle comes out to be 136 ± 10 nm – which is in the range of the UCNP size we synthesized. Note that this is within 2 standard deviations of the size we predicted in our simulations for the backscatter mode volume in very close proximity of the nanoparticle – which is essentially the same as the diameter of the particle itself. Incidentally, this also proves that we indeed have a single trapped UNCP. These results clearly demonstrate that the illumination region of the sub-diffractive UCNP's scatter is well within the diffraction limit of visible light.
We now proceed to the measurement of the spectra of individual trapped UCNPs. The UCNP absorbs light at 975 nm and emits in a range of wavelengths between 400 and 700 nm as shown in Fig. 7. The backscattered light from a single trapped UCNP is now coupled into a spectrometer. The integration time is fixed to 10 s and the measurements are repeated over 5 scans – the average of which yields the spectrum of the emitted light. Now, since we do not have monodispersed UCNPs – it had to be established that the ratio of the intensities at different wavelengths remained steady for different particle sizes (all from the same batch of average diameter 120 nm). Thus, we proceeded to trap individual particles, and measured both the scattering spectrum and the scatter-mode volume diameter. The results have been shown in Fig. 5(b) and (c). It appears that the mean particle sizes are slightly larger than the mean size from the SEM images, which maybe due to the formation of clusters. From the spectra, we find that the ratio of intensities at 555 nm (or 545 nm) with that at 410 nm are constant to within 12%, as indicated in Fig. 5. Thus, in our experiments with the RhB dye – where we attempted to measure dye concentration from changes in intensity of the UCNP spectra due to absorption by RhB – any attempt to extract concentrations with intensity changes less than 12% is futile, which is the reason why dye concentrations lower than 100 ppm cannot be detected by this technique presently. However, the sensitivity may be improved by performing the experiment in a microfluidic chamber with smaller spatial dimensions than what we have presently in our sample chamber, and proceeding to trap a single UCNP in a similar manner and gradually flowing different concentrations of dye.
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Fig. 7 The emission spectra from the UCNP in the presence of various concentrations of the dye solution is shown. As the concentration is increased, the 545 nm/555 nm peak intensity gets reduced. |
These observations suggest that there may be two possible mechanisms behind the absorption of the dye molecules – simple reabsorption, or a Resonance Energy transfer. Now, for the latter to be the case, one should observe a re-emission peak at 580 nm for the RhB molecules,37 which should increase with dye concentration. However, we do not observe this – which may reinforce the fact that the phenomenon we have in our experiments is one of reabsorption. However, we may not yet completely rule out the possibility of the energy transfer, since a possible reason for us not observing the re-emission peak might be that we integrate for too long in order to obtain a measurable signal in our spectrometer – which may lead to photobleaching of the dye molecules. However, this is a very interesting question which should be addressed in future research, where more sophisticated and sensitive detectors may be deployed to determine the existence of the re-emission peak, so as to test our hypothesis of the energy transfer. Note also that When the UCNP is placed in the upper region, the dye molecules present in the entire conical volume of the sample chamber can absorb the emitted radiation. This shows that the energy is transferred to the dye molecules present at distances even larger than few nanometers. In addition, we also notice some non-linearities in the absorption spectra of the 655 nm line which is possible since this wavelength is not exactly on absorption resonance of the dye.
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Fig. 8 This indicates the relative intensity of (a) 545 nm, and (b) 555 nm peak as function of RhB concentration. The relative intensity has been estimated with respect to the 405 nm intensity. |
The values of the parameter A are 1.0 ± 0.1 and 2.1 ± 0.2 for 545 nm and 555 nm intensity ratios. It shows that for zero concentration of dye, the emission from UCNP at 555 nm is nearly twice as bright as that at 545 nm. The coefficient τ for 545 nm is 1329 ppm which is well consistent with that at 555 nm (1289 ppm). The exact values of the collision cross section could not be ascertained due to the conical profile of the emitted light and a varying intensity as a function of distance from the UCNP.
Note that for all the experiments, the optical path length, l is fixed at 22 μm by moving the trapped UCNP to the upper region of the sample chamber. Hence, the emission is in a 45 degree cone with the apex at the UCNP with the mode passing through to a glass surface located 22 μm away. This gives a mode volume of . This volume can be further reduced by employing confocal techniques, so that information may be gleaned from virtually a single axial plane – which will naturally contain an ultra-small volume of fluid.
We also show the absorption spectra taken with a conventional spectrometer (Jasco, V-570) and find that the absorbance recorded is about 3% for the deposited SOM pattern while the SOM dispersion has even lower absorbance, as shown in Fig. 10(a) and (b). Further, the absorption of pure water is also shown in Fig. 10(c). There is significant absorption of 975 nm light by pure water (around 18%), so that it is clear that the absence of water would have increased the overall signal levels by the same percentage (since the excitation intensity is now lowered). However, any dye would be needed to be mixed with a solvent – so that the solvent absorption would indeed contribute to the signals finally measured from the dye itself. However, this is not expected to interfere with the re-emission of the dye, since the re-emission happens in visible where water has very low absorption.
An issue that may merit consideration is the classification of the emission peaks of the UNCPs between electric (ED) or magnetic dipole (MD) driven transitions. Now, there exists interesting work in this area on Er:Y2O3 and Eu:NaYF4 UCNPs,41,42 where the spectra has been carefully analysed from their polarization characteristics, which has then been combined with simulations to infer the origin of the transitions. Note that these UCNPs were of a different material compared to ours, and also different in geometry, quite distinct from the predominantly spherical nanoparticles we have in our case. Interestingly, in our case, we observe that the emission from the these in our case is not dependent on the polarization of the coupling light – which we attribute to the fact that the visible emission from this source has been found to be predominantly driven by ED transitions with very little MD character.43 Further, trapping in optical tweezers does not retain control over the orientation of the nanoparticle and hence polarization dependent features can be expected to be smeared out. Moreover, our chief focus in this work is to observe the change in the spectra of the trapped single UCNPs in the presence of RhB and SOMs – thereby confirming our claim of the former qualifying as sub-diffraction absorption sources – and is independent of the ED or MD origin of the spectra.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2021 |