Issue 37, 2021

Ultra-homogeneous NIR-II fluorescent self-assembled nanoprobe with AIE properties for photothermal therapy of prostate cancer


Near-infrared two-zone (NIR-II) fluorescence imaging has attracted attention as a non-invasive imaging technology that provides centimeter-level depth and micron-level resolution. However, producing a NIR-II fluorescent nanoprobe with uniform size, high bio-identical capacity, and fluorescence intensity, while being metabolizable in vivo, remains a challenge. We first produce a hydrophobic NIR-II fluorescent molecule with AIE properties, and subject it to ultrasonic and extrusion treatments to generate a DSPE-PEG-encapsulated NIR-II nanoprobe with an ultra-homogeneous particle size. The current study based on in vitro and mouse tumor-bearing model-based experiments indicate that cancer cells could efficiently take up this nanoprobe, which aggregates in tumor tissues, is susceptible to metabolization, and enables ideal photothermal therapeutic effects. Thus, this NIR-II nanoprobe with AIE properties shows great potential for precise clinical diagnosis and treatment of cancer.

Graphical abstract: Ultra-homogeneous NIR-II fluorescent self-assembled nanoprobe with AIE properties for photothermal therapy of prostate cancer

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
30 Jun 2021
30 Aug 2021
First published
06 Sep 2021

Nanoscale, 2021,13, 15569-15575

Ultra-homogeneous NIR-II fluorescent self-assembled nanoprobe with AIE properties for photothermal therapy of prostate cancer

S. Cui, S. Fan, H. Tan, Y. Lu, Y. Zha, B. Xu, Y. Liu and D. Cui, Nanoscale, 2021, 13, 15569 DOI: 10.1039/D1NR04227K

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