*bc and
aKey Laboratory of Functional Molecular Solids, Ministry of Education, Anhui Provincial Engineering Laboratory for New-Energy Vehicle Battery Energy-Storage Materials, College of Chemistry and Materials Science, Anhui Normal University, Wuhu, Anhui 241002, P. R. China. E-mail: jyliu@ahnu.edu.cn
bNational Laboratory of Solid State Microstructures, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Nanjing University, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210093, P. R. China. E-mail: hgzhang@nju.edu.cn
cState Key Laboratory of Multiphase Complex Systems, Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, P. R. China
First published on 18th August 2021
Currently, non-ideal anodes restricts the development of long-term stable Li-ion batteries. Several currently available high-capacity anode candidates are suffering from a large volumetric change during charge and discharge and non-stable solid interphase formation. Here, we develop a novel nanosphere-confined one-dimensional yolk–shell anode taking iron phosphide (FeP) as a demonstrating case study. Multiple FeP nanospheres are encapsulated inside an FeP nanotube through a magnetic field-assisted and templated approach, forming a nanosphere-in-nanotube yolk–shell (NNYS) structure. After long-term 1000 cycles at 2 A g−1, the NNYS FeP anode shows a good capacity of 560 mA h g−1, and a coulombic efficiency of 99.8%. A recoverable rate-performance is also obtained after three rounds of tests. Furthermore, the capacities and coulombic efficiency remain stable at temperatures of −10 °C and 45 °C, respectively, indicating good potential for use under different conditions.
It is considered that transition metal phosphates with a hollow structure can effectively alleviate the volumetric change during charge–discharge. Mo et al. prepared a carbon-coated NiCoP hollow nanoflower by a solvent reaction thermal method,17 showing a capacity of 819.4 mA h g−1 at 0.2 A g−1. Du and co-workers reported Ni2P nanoparticles in carbon nanofibers,18 which delivered a capacity of 850 mA h g−1 after cycling 450 times at 0.2 A g−1. However, some hollow structures such as hollow spheres are non-efficient for the rapid transport of electrons and ions. One-dimensional (1D) structures improve the transport efficiency of ions and electrons; however, the change in volume still needs more investigation. Chen et al. developed a core–shell CoP@N-doped carbon@TiO2 with a carbon framework, which alleviated the volumetric change of CoP particles.19 The composite exhibited a capacity of 706 mA h g−1 after 200 cycles. So far, since the common preparation approaches are complicated, the development of 1D yolk–shell anodes remains a challenge.
Here, we develop a novel 1D nanosphere-in-nanotube yolk–shell (NNYS) FeP as a high-performance anode. As shown in Fig. 1, at first, Fe3O4 nanospheres were synthesized hydrothermally, which were subsequently aligned by in situ coating of SiO2. After that, FeOOH was grown on the 1D Fe3O4@SiO2, forming Fe3O4@SiO2@FeOOH which was then etched by a basic solution to remove SiO2. The yolk–shell Fe3O4@void@FeOOH was phosphatized by a thermal treatment,20–22 finally forming NNYS FeP. It possesses the following features: the 1D structure improves the transport of electrons and ions compared to the common yolk–shell spheres, which enhances the rate-performance and the voids in the yolk–shell structure accommodate the volumetric change, reducing the capacity decay efficiently. The results show that the prepared NNYS FeP anode exhibits good electrochemical performance including a stable capacity after 1000 cycles, low- and high-temperature tolerance, and a reversible rate-performance.
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Fig. 1 The preparation process of the NNYS FeP through a magnetic field-assisted and templated approach. |
Fig. 2f and g show a shell thickness of about 50 nm. The HRTEM image (Fig. 2h) shows that the distance of the lattice is 0.256 nm, which corresponds to the (200) plane of FeP. The inset SAED diagram exhibits four diffraction rings, which match with the (200), (102), (211), and (212) lattice planes of FeP, respectively, further confirming the XRD results. In addition, Fe3O4 (Fig. S5a, ESI),† Fe3O4@SiO2@FeOOH (Fig. S5b, ESI),† and yolk–shell FeP nanospheres (Fig. S5c and d, ESI)† were prepared by the same method, which were used as control materials for electrochemical performance evaluation. The XRD patterns (Fig. 2i) are assigned to the Joint Committee on Powder Diffraction standards card #79-0417 (Fe3O4), #81-0464 (FeOOH), and #89-2597 (FeP), respectively. The line-scanning image of the NNYS FeP is shown in Fig. 3a. Fig. 3b and c show the elemental distribution of Fe and P. The line-scanning curves (Fig. 3d) indicate an equal stoichiometric ratio between Fe and P.
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Fig. 3 (a) SEM and (b and c) mapping images of the NNYS FeP. (d) The corresponding line-scanning profiles. |
Fig. 4a shows the Fe 2p, O 1s, N 1s, C 1s, P 2s, and P 2p spectra in the XPS survey spectrum. The XPS spectrum of Fe 2p (Fig. 4b) shows two small peaks at 707.7 and 720.2 eV, which correspond to the Fe 2p3/2 and Fe 2p1/2 in FeP, respectively.23–25 The other peaks at 712.6 and 726.1 eV are related to the surface oxidation because of sample exposure in air. The peaks at 129.4 and 130.6 eV are associated with P 2p3/2 and P 2p1/2, respectively, as shown in Fig. 4c. The peak at 134.3 eV orginates from the P–O bond on the surface exposed to air.26–28 Fig. S6 (ESI)† shows that the BET surface area is 16.6 m2 g−1; while several mesopores of approximately 2–4 nm are detected in the NNYS FeP, which are significant for the electrolyte penetration.29–32
The galvanostatic charge and discharge profiles at 0.5 A g−1 are presented in Fig. 5a. The capacities of the NNYS FeP anode at the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 50th, and 100th cycles are 1130, 748, 739, 561, and 661 mA h g−1, respectively. The first five CV curves are shown in Fig. 5b. At the initial cathodic scan, three reduction peaks were observed at 0.76, 0.92, and 1.14 V, which correspond to the insertion of Li+ in FeP to form LixFeP:33–35
FeP + xLi+ + xe− ↔ LixFeP (x = 0 – 3). | (1) |
The cathodic peak at 0.52 V is assigned to the reduction of LixFeP to Fe and Li3P:
LixFeP + (3 − x)Li+ + (3 − x)e− ↔ Fe + Li3P, | (2) |
After cycling 100 times at 0.5 A g−1, the NNYS FeP shows a capacity of 661 mA h g−1 and a coulombic efficiency of 99.8%, as shown in Fig. 5c. The cycling performance is much better compared to the yolk–shell FeP nanospheres. The long-term cycling performance is presented in Fig. 5d. After 1000 cycles at 2 A g−1, the capacity is maintained at 560 mA h g−1, and the coulombic efficiency exceeds 99.6%. It is considered that the initial capacity loss is ascribed to the non-stable SEI film formation.42,43 Because the activity of nanomaterials is activated gradually,44 the capacity increases slightly. Fig. S7 (ESI)† shows the corresponding charge–discharge curves. In Fig. 5e, the rate-performance was tested three times by changing the current rates from 0.1 to 0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 0.8, and 1 A g−1. The capacity of the NNYS FeP recovers to 697 mA h g−1 when the rate is returned to 0.1 A g−1 after cycling three times. Moreover, the rate-performance of the NNYS FeP is better compared to the yolk–shell FeP nanospheres, which is ascribed to the 1D structure that improves the transport of electrons and ions. The FeP anode exhibits a good rate-performance upon three rounds of cycling at 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, and 3 A g−1 as shown in Fig. S8 and S9 (ESI),† indicating that the capacity shows good recoverability even at high rates. In addition, the good electrochemical performance of the NNYS FeP is compared to some FeP-based anodes (Table S1, ESI).†
For the evaluation of the electrochemical performance under different conditions, the anode was measured at charge/discharge rates of 0.3/0.6 A g−1 and 0.6/0.3 A g−1. Fig. 6a and b show the capacities of 806 and 827 mA h g−1, and coulombic efficiencies of 99.2% and 99.7%, respectively. The stable performance at different charging/discharging rates would be important for the practical applications of power management systems for secondary batteries, which would be able to achieve a prolonged cycling life and a high real capacity. The electrochemical stability of the NNYS FeP at different temperatures is also studied. In Fig. 7a, the capacities are 463 and 514 mA h g−1 at −10 °C and 45 °C after cycling 100 times at 0.2 A g−1, respectively. After cycling 300 times at 0.5 A g−1 (Fig. 7b), the capacities are 420 and 452 mA h g−1 at −10 °C and 45 °C, respectively. Stable electrochemical properties at different rates and temperatures indicate an applicable potential.
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Fig. 6 Cycling performance of the NNYS FeP anode at charge/discharge rates of (a) 0.3/0.6 A g−1 and (b) 0.6/0.3 A g−1. |
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Fig. 7 Capacities of the NNYS FeP cycling at −10 °C and 45 °C at different rates: (a) 0.2 A g−1 and (b) 0.5 A g−1. |
The EIS spectra at different discharge–charge potentials are shown in Fig. 8. Fig. 8a shows the potentials corresponding to the EIS spectra. In Fig. 8b, the total resistances (Rtot) are equal to the sum of the interface and the charge transfer resistance.45,46Fig. 8c shows the Nyquist plots within one cycle at different charging and discharging potentials, and the insets show the equivalent circuit. At the initial stage, the increasing Rtot is ascribed to the SEI formation, and then it decreases as the discharging potential decreases.47 The initially high value is caused by the oxidation reaction, which occurs during the charging process.48 Subsequently, the resistance increases depending on the increase of the potential, as shown in Table S2 (ESI).† Fig. S10 (ESI)† shows the EIS spectra of the NNYS FeP and yolk–shell FeP spheres before and after cycling. The inset shows the fitted equivalent circuits. Compared to the FeP nanosphere anode (169.8 Ω), the charge transfer resistance of the NNYS FeP anode is 71.1 Ω (Fig. S10a, ESI†). Fig. S10b (ESI)† shows that the resistance of NNYS FeP increases to 123.8 Ω after 100 cycles, while that of the FeP nanospheres increases to 287.1 Ω.
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Fig. 8 (a) Potentials for recording EIS spectra. (b) Relationship of Rtotvs. potential. (c) EIS Nyquist plots at one cycle. |
The CV profiles of the NNYS FeP at rates ranging from 0.1 to 1.0 mV s−1 are shown in Fig. 9a. The equations, i = avb and log(i) = blog(v) + log(a), where i and v are the peak current and rate, respectively, indicate the capacitive and diffusion-controlled behaviors.49–51 When the variable parameter b is 0.5, it indicates a diffusion-controlled process. In contrast, when b is 1, it shows a capacitive response.52,53 In Fig. 9b, the fitted b values are 0.7672, 0.7863, 0.9383, and 0.8298, respectively, indicating a high capacitive contribution to lithium storage.54Fig. 9c shows the contribution of capacitance and diffusion that can be quantified using the equation: i (V) = k1v + k2v1/2, indicating that the ratio of the contribution increases as the scanning rate increases.55 The NNYS structure provides rapid kinetics for the capacitive contribution. Additionally, Fig. 9d shows the currents of anodic and cathodic peaks fitted to the square root of rate. The diffusion coefficient DLi+ is further calculated based on Ip = 2.6 × 105n3/2AD1/2Cv1/2, where n is the electrode area and A stands for the effective area of the disc-like electrode in contact with the electrolyte. The diffusion coefficients are 4.107 × 10−14, 6.09 × 10−14, 4.415 × 10–14, and 6.869 × 10−14 cm2 s−1, respectively, which indicate that the NNYS FeP anode has good diffusivity.56,57
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Fig. 9 (a) CV profiles of the NNYS FeP at a series of rates. (b) Plots of log (i) vs. log (v). (c) Contribution ratios. (d) Plots of peak currents vs. square root of rates. |
In addition, SEM and TEM were conducted on the post-cycled samples, while XPS was also performed. Fig. S11 (ESI)† shows that the NNYS structure remains robust after cycling 100 times. The XPS spectrum of the post-cycled NNYS FeP exhibits the Fe, P, and C peaks, as shown in Fig. 10a. The Fe 2p spectrum (Fig. 10b) shows four peaks at 710.2, 714.6, 719.1, and 724.4 eV, corresponding to Fe 2p3/2, Fe–O, Fe 2p1/2, and Fe–O, respectively. In Fig. 10c, the three peaks of P 2p at 129.6, 130.6, and 133.1 eV are assigned to P 2p3/2, P 2p1/2, and P–O, respectively. The C 1s spectrum is presented in Fig. 10d, which would be from the carbon black and sodium carboxymethyl cellulose binder.
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Fig. 10 XPS spectra of the NNYS FeP after 100 cycles at 0.2 A g−1: (a) survey spectrum, (b) Fe 2p, (c) P 2p, and (d) C 1s. |
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Supplementary figures and table. See DOI: 10.1039/d1nr05294b |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2021 |