ab and
aDepartment of Molecular and Macromolecular Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University, Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya 464-8603, Japan
bDepartment of Chemical Science and Engineering, School of Materials and Chemical Technology, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2-12-1-H120 Ookayama, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 152-8550, Japan. E-mail:
First published on 7th December 2020
A new strategy for the synthesis of sequence-regulated vinyl polymers based on a combination of iterative atom transfer radical additions (ATRAs) of vinyl monomers and acyclic diene metathesis (ADMET) polymerization was developed. A molecularly defined vinyl monomer sequence at the single monomer unit level was constructed in telechelic diene sequence-regulated oligomers by iterative metal-catalyzed ATRAs of vinyl monomers to dichloride followed by allylation of both carbon–chloride terminals. ADMET polymerization of the obtained telechelic diene oligomer with a symmetrical monomer sequence resulted in polymers with an embedded vinyl monomer sequence that was repeatedly connected by an olefin formed by olefin metathesis polymerization. The subsequent hydrogenation of the main-chain olefins led to polymers that mimicked sequence-regulated vinyl polymer structures consisting of saturated C–C main chains. In particular, this study enabled the synthesis of sequence-regulated vinyl polymer mimics that have perfect and periodic styrene–acrylate–styrene–ethylene–methylene sequences, no statistical distributions of the comonomer compositions and sequences in polymer chains, relatively high molecular weights, and only carbon–carbon single bonds in the main chain. The thermal properties of the sequence-regulated vinyl polymer mimics were evaluated and compared with those of hypothetical random copolymers of styrene, acrylate, and ethylene units with the same comonomer contents.
For vinyl polymers, one of the major families of synthetic polymers, precision monomer sequence control, particularly at the single monomer unit level, is extremely challenging. Vinyl polymers are usually prepared by chain-growth polymerizations,11 in which the propagation of comonomers statistically occurs according to the monomer reactivity ratios. Statistically governed copolymerization inevitably results in nonhomogeneous distributions of comonomer units among the resulting polymer chains. The comonomer sequence and distribution differ from chain to chain and are molecularly undefined and uncontrolled. Although there are several pairs of monomers, which undergo alternating radical copolymerization with a high probability of cross-propagation, a sequence error is statistically inevitable.12 Furthermore, longer monomer sequence control of more than three monomer units is obviously harder to achieve.13 Therefore, synthesizing sequence-regulated vinyl polymers with a long monomer sequence and high sequence perfection at the single monomer unit level has been one of the most challenging feats in polymer synthesis.
We have proposed a novel approach to synthesize sequence-regulated vinyl polymers based on iterative step-by-step single unit monomer additions of vinyl monomers, followed by an appropriate polymerization of the obtained sequence-regulated oligomers.14–18 Although other researchers have used single unit monomer addition or insertion to control the sequence of vinyl monomers, there have been limitations in the sequence lengths due to the use of iterative approaches, and separating discrete oligomers becomes difficult as the sequence length increases.19–32 We prepared a series of sequence-regulated oligomers by iterative metal-catalyzed atom transfer radical additions (ATRAs) of vinyl monomers to a dichloride and then put unconjugated vinyl groups by selective allylation at one chain end while keeping another chloride intact at the other chain end. The obtained ab-type heterotelechelic sequence-regulated oligomers, which have unconjugated vinyl (a) and halide (b) groups at their terminals, were then polymerized via metal-catalyzed step-growth radical polymerization to produce polymers with embedded vinyl monomer sequences linked by an additional monomer unit, which was equivalent to the vinyl chloride unit and was formed via metal-catalyzed radical addition between the unconjugated vinyl group and chloride. Step-growth polymerization also works for aa- and bb-type homotelechelic sequence-regulated oligomers, which possess two vinyl and two halide groups at both terminals, respectively.15 Although the vinyl monomer sequences in the resulting polymers can vary from 4 to 11 vinyl monomer unit lengths in which various vinyl monomers, including styrenes, acrylates, acrylamides, acrylonitrile, vinyl chloride, and ethylene, can be embedded, the molecular weights are limited to approximately 2000–3000 in number-average molecular weight (Mn) due to inevitable side reactions and slow step-growth radical polymerizations. A more efficient linking reaction for the sequence-regulated oligomers is required for further developments of this approach based on iterative single unit vinyl monomer additions.
Acyclic diene metathesis (ADMET) polymerization is one of the most efficient step-growth polymerizations of linear telechelic diene monomers.33 Polymerization, especially using ruthenium catalysts, is highly effective for various linear telechelic dienes, resulting in relatively high molecular weight polymers, even though the monomers contain polar functional groups. To place periodic functionality in polymer chains, Wagener and other groups used ADMET polymerization for linear telechelic dienes with various lengths and functional groups, such as alkyl, alcohol, ester, amide, and halogen, in the side chains. They then hydrogenated the resulting olefins in the main chain produced by the olefin metathesis reaction to synthesize a series of linear polyethylene mimics with periodic functional groups.34–38 However, no vinyl monomers have been used as starting materials for telechelic dienes, and no vinyl monomer sequences have been embedded in the resulting polymers.
In this study, we investigated the combination of iterative single unit monomer additions via ATRAs and ADMET polymerization of sequence-regulated telechelic diene oligomers to produce sequence-regulated vinyl polymers with a long monomer sequence, high sequence perfection, relatively high molecular weights, and only C–C main chains (Scheme 1). We thus prepared sequence-regulated telechelic diene oligomers possessing a styrene–acrylate–styrene sequence via iterative ATRAs followed by allylation at both chain ends. We then performed ADMET polymerization of the synthesized telechelic dienes and subsequent hydrogenation of the resulting internal olefins to synthesize sequence-regulated vinyl polymer mimics consisting of periodic styrene–acrylate–styrene–ethylene–methylene sequences. Although we quite recently reported ring-opening polymerization of a sequence-regulated cyclic dimer of the telechelic diene oligomers derived from ring-closing metathesis,39 in this study, we report ADMET polymerization for the first time.
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Scheme 1 Sequence-regulated vinyl polymers via iterative atom transfer radical additions and acyclic diene metathesis polymerization. |
The terminal C–Cl bonds of the obtained products were then allylated by allyltrimethylsilane in the presence of TiCl4 to introduce olefins at the terminals. The obtained sequence-regulated telechelic diene oligomers possessing styrene–methyl or butyl acrylate–styrene sequences between the terminal olefins (OSAMSO (M1) or OSABSO (M2), respectively) were purified through a silica-gel column to remove the remaining dimer after selective amidation with ethanolamine to change the polarity. The successful synthesis and purification of M1 and M2 were confirmed by 1H and 13C NMR (Fig. S1 and S2†). The monomer sequences were indeed perfect; however, they were mixtures of diastereomers and enantiomers,39 as expected from the stereo-uncontrolled ATRAs and allylations.
Tetralin (1,2,3,4-tetrahydronaphthalene), which has a relatively high boiling point (208 °C), was used as a solvent to increase the polymer chain mobility in the ADMET M1 and M2 polymerization with G2 under reduced pressure (0.03 MPa) at 50 °C. Both M1 and M2 were consumed in the solution, resulting in polymers with a higher Mn close to 3000 (Fig. 2). The Mn of the products progressively increased particularly at a later stage of the polymerization and was close to the calculated line for the step-growth polymerization based on the assumption that the Mn or DPn (number-average degree of polymerization) increased in inverse proportion to 1 − p, where p means the consumption of the olefin terminal or the extent of reaction. However, a small peak was observed at around 500–800 in the SEC curves that was attributed to the M1 and M2 cyclic dimer formed via dimerization and the subsequent ring-closing metathesis reaction. Selective cyclic dimer formation has been reported during metathesis, particularly at high dilution.39 These results indicated that the sequence-regulated telechelic diene oligomers possessing styrene–acrylate–styrene sequences underwent ADMET polymerization efficiently in the solution under reduced pressure.
The obtained polymers were analyzed by 1H and 13C NMR after polymer purification by preparative SEC to remove low-molecular-weight oligomers, including the cyclic dimer (Fig. S3†). When the 1H NMR spectra of the obtained polymers were compared with those of the monomers, the terminal olefins significantly decreased and internal olefins appeared, indicating that the olefin metathesis reaction occurred between the terminal olefins of the telechelic dienes, converting them into internal olefins in the polymer main chains (Fig. 3). However, there were almost no significant changes in the chemical shifts and shapes of the other signals, including main-chain alkyl, side-chain alkyl ester, and phenyl protons, except for a slight broadening of these peaks. These results indicated that the ruthenium catalyst successfully induced ADMET polymerization of the sequence-regulated telechelic diene oligomers without significant side reactions, such as olefin isomerization. In addition, the peak intensity ratios of the main-chain alkyl and side-chain ester and phenyl protons agreed well with the calculated values for the polymers with one acrylate and two styrene units. The 13C NMR spectral changes also showed disappearance of the terminal olefins and appearance of the internal olefins (Figs. S4 and S5†). The methylene carbons adjacent to the internal olefins were observed at two different chemical shifts due to the cis and trans structures.41 The intensity ratios revealed that the internal olefins were rich in the trans structure (trans:
cis = 81
The MALDI-TOF-MS spectrum of poly(M2) consisted of a main series of peaks with almost identical intervals (376.5 Da) equal to the molar mass of the repeating sequence-regulated oligomer unit (Fig. 4). In addition, the peak molar masses were almost the same as those for the sequence-regulated polymers with telechelic olefin terminals produced by M2 ADMET polymerization. A similar result was also obtained for poly(M1) with a methyl ester substituent (Fig. S7†).
As presented in Table S1,† we also investigated various conditions, including different ruthenium catalysts for M1 ADMET polymerization. Although higher molecular weight polymers were obtained by increasing the temperature or extending the reaction time, olefin isomerization became more visible.
These results indicated that sequence-regulated telechelic diene oligomers with the embedded styrene–acrylate–styrene sequence were successfully polymerized by ADMET polymerization, resulting in well-defined sequence-regulated polymers.
In the 1H NMR spectra of the obtained products, the complete disappearance of the internal olefin peaks and slight changes in the alkyl proton regions were observed (Fig. 3), indicating quantitative hydrogenation and formation of the fully saturated main chains without any structural changes in the side chains of the styrene and acrylate units. The 13C NMR spectra of the products also showed the disappearance of both olefinic and allylic carbons (Fig. S4 and S5†), also indicating successful hydrogenation. Furthermore, in the MALDI-TOF-MS spectra of the hydrogenated products (poly(M2)-H2), the main series of peaks was separated by 378.6 (Fig. 4), which agreed with the theoretical value of the hydrogenated repeating units, namely, styrene–acrylate–styrene plus ethylene–methylene units, which were linked by single C–C bonds. In addition, there were no statistical distributions of these vinyl monomer units in any of the polymer chains. Specifically, the vinyl polymer chains were homogeneous in terms of not only their monomer compositions but also their monomer sequences. Such vinyl copolymers are generally difficult to prepare in any chain-growth copolymerizations due to the inevitable statistical distributions of comonomers for each polymer chain.
The Tg values of the sequence-regulated copolymers were compared with those of hypothetical random copolymers of styrene, acrylate, and ethylene, although random copolymers have never been synthesized. In general, the Tg of random copolymers can be estimated from the Tg of each homopolymer (Tg,i) and its weight ratio (wi) in the copolymers according to the Fox equation (1/Tg = w1/Tg,1 + w2/Tg,2 + w3/Tg,3).43 The Tg values of hypothetical random copolymers with the same weight ratios of each monomer unit were thus estimated using typical Tg values of each homopolymer with a high molecular weight (polystyrene: 100 °C, poly(methyl acrylate): 10 °C, poly(n-butyl acrylate): −54 °C, linear polyethylene: −125 °C)40 and the same weight ratios as those of poly(M1)-H2 (polystyrene:
poly(methyl acrylate)
polyethylene = 0.619
0.125) and poly(M2)-H2 (polystyrene
poly(n-butyl acrylate)
polyethylene = 0.550
0.111), respectively. The calculated values based on the Fox equation were 20 and −8 °C for the hypothetical random copolymers with methyl and n-butyl acrylate units, respectively.
Since the molecular weights of the obtained sequence-regulated polymers were not high enough to compare to those of the hypothetical random copolymers, the Tg values of sequence-regulated hydrogenated poly(M1) and poly(M2) with infinite molecular weights were then estimated using the Flory–Fox equation (Tg = T∞g − K/Mn).43 The hydrogenated polymers were separated into several fractions with different molecular weights by preparative SEC, and the Tg was measured for each fraction. The calculated T∞g values of poly(M1)-H2 and poly(M2)-H2 were 41 and 10 °C (Fig. 6), respectively, which were both higher than the Tg values of the hypothetical random copolymers (20 and −8 °C) by ca. 20 °C. The differences can be attributed to the effects of monomer sequences, although they are not conclusive.
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Fig. 6 T g values of hydrogenated poly(M1) (poly(M1)-H2) and poly(M2) (poly(M2)-H2) with various molecular weights and T∞g values estimated using the Flory–Fox equation. |
The hydrogenation of internal olefins increased the thermal stability of the polymers. After hydrogenation, the 5% degradation temperatures (Td5) increased from 343 to 365 °C for poly(M1) and 336 to 363 °C for poly(M2) (Fig. 5B). These values were almost comparable to those of general vinyl polymers, such as polystyrene and polyacrylate, suggesting the formation of thermally stable vinyl polymers.
CuCl (1.98 g, 20.0 mmol), HMTETA (5.5 mL, 20.2 mmol), and toluene (13.8 mL) were placed in a 300 mL round-bottom flask under dry argon at room temperature. The mixture was stirred for 1 h at 80 °C and allowed to cool to room temperature. Styrene (46.0 mL, 400 mmol) and ClSAMCl (133 mL, 662 mmol) were added to the solution at room temperature. The flask was placed in an oil bath at 80 °C under vigorous stirring. The conversion of styrene was determined by measuring the vinyl group of the residual styrene by 1H NMR. After 6 h, the conversion of styrene reached 95% to form ClSAMSCl in a high yield (69%). The solution was diluted with n-hexane and ethyl acetate and washed with aqueous HCl three times and then with water three times. The organic layer was evaporated to remove the solvents. The product (ClSAMSCl) was purified through a silica-gel column and eluted with n-hexane/ethyl acetate (4/1) followed by evaporation to yield a pale yellow liquid (183 g) containing ClSAMSCl and unreacted ClSAMCl.
The liquid was then placed into a 1 L round-bottom flask, into which CH2Cl2 (508 mL) and allyltrimethylsilane (213 mL, 1.34 mol) were added at room temperature. TiCl4 (20 mL, 182 mmol) was added dropwise to the solution and cooled to −78 °C. ([RSCl]0/[allyltrimethylsilane]0/[TiCl4]0 = 1.0/1.5/0.2 M, total volume: 893 mL. The concentration of RSCl was the total value of the styrene-chloride end in ClSAMSCl and ClSAMCl.) After the mixture was stirred at −78 °C for 1 h and at room temperature for 15 h, ammonia methanol (200 mL) was added to quench the reaction. The solution was diluted with diethyl ether and washed with aqueous HCl three times and then with water three times. The organic layer was evaporated to remove the solvents. In addition to OSAMSO, the products contained OSAMCl, which was obtained via allylation of the remaining ClSAMCl.
To efficiently remove OSAMCl using column chromatography based on differences in polarity, the acrylate unit adjacent to the C–Cl bond in OSAMCl was selectively amidated by 2-aminoethanol (174 g mixture of the crude products in 54 mL (902 mmol) of 2-aminoethanol) at 0 °C. The reaction was run at 0 °C for 14 h to amidate the remaining OSAMCl without affecting the ester group in OSAMSO. The solution was diluted with n-hexane and ethyl acetate and washed with aqueous HCl three times and then with water three times. The organic layer was evaporated to remove the solvents. The remaining amidated product was nearly completely removed through a silica-gel column and eluted with n-hexane/ethyl acetate (4/1). After evaporation of the solvents, OSAMSO was distilled under reduced pressure (50 Pa, bp 145 °C) to give a colorless liquid (M1) (68.4 g, 189 mmol, total yield = 30%).
CuCl (1.27 g, 12.8 mmol) and HMTETA (3.5 mL, 13.0 mmol) were placed in a 300 mL round-bottom flask under dry argon at room temperature. The mixture was stirred for 1 h at 80 °C and allowed to cool to room temperature. Styrene (28.8 mL, 250 mmol) and ClSABCl (92.2 ml, 350 mmol) were added to the solution at room temperature. The flask was placed in an oil bath at 80 °C under vigorous stirring. The conversion of styrene was determined by measuring the vinyl group of the residual styrene by 1H NMR. After 4 h, the conversion of styrene reached 98% to form ClSABSCl in a high yield (62%). The solution was diluted with n-hexane and ethyl acetate and washed with aqueous HCl three times and then with water three times. The organic layer was evaporated to remove the solvents. The product (ClSABSCl) was purified through a silica-gel column and eluted with n-hexane/ethyl acetate (9/1), followed by evaporation to yield a pale yellow liquid (129 g) containing ClSABSCl and unreacted ClSABCl.
The liquid was then placed into a 1 L round-bottom flask, into which CH2Cl2 (286 mL) and allyltrimethylsilane (96.4 mL, 607 mmol) were added at room temperature. TiCl4 (11.2 mL, 101 mmol) was added dropwise to the solution cooled to −78 °C. ([RSCl]0/[allyltrimethylsilane]0/[TiCl4]0 = 1.0/1.2/0.2 M, total volume: 552 mL. The concentration of RSCl is the total value of the styrene-chloride end in ClSABSCl and ClSABCl.) After the mixture was stirred at −78 °C for 7 h and at room temperature for 11 h, ammonia methanol (100 mL) was added to quench the reaction. The solution was diluted with diethyl ether (400 mL) and washed with aqueous HCl three times and then with water three times. The organic layer was evaporated to remove the solvents. In addition to OSABSO, the products contained OSABCl, which was obtained via allylation of the remaining ClSABCl.
To efficiently remove OSABCl using column chromatography based on differences in polarity, the acrylate unit adjacent to the C–Cl bond in OSABCl was selectively amidated by 2-aminoethanol (114 g mixture of the crude products in 120 mL (2.0 mol) of 2-aminoethanol) in THF (140 mL) at 0 °C. The reaction was run at 0 °C for 22 h. The solution was diluted with n-hexane and ethyl acetate and washed with aqueous HCl three times and then with water three times. The organic layer was evaporated to remove the solvents. The remaining amidated product was nearly completely removed through a silica-gel column and eluted with n-hexane/ethyl acetate (95/5). After evaporation of the solvents, OSABSO was distilled under reduced pressure (20 Pa, bp 100 °C) to give a colorless liquid (M2) (33.8 g, 83.5 mmol, total yield = 14%).
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/d0py01564d |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2021 |