Issue 11, 2021

A bimetal hierarchical layer structure MOF grown on Ni foam as a bifunctional catalyst for the OER and HER


NiFe-based non-precious-metal catalysts are promising substitutes for noble-metal-based catalysts due to their outstanding electrochemical performance and endurance. Herein, a NiFe-based MOF supported on Ni foam was designed to obtain good OER and HER activities in alkaline media. Thanks to the 3-D hierarchical layer structure distributed on Ni foam, the high exposure of active sites, and the good conductance, as-obtained NiFe-MOF-5 presented advantages for its use in electrochemical catalysis. As a result, an overpotential of 168 mV at 10 mA cm−2 for the OER was reached. Moreover, the catalyst only required a cell voltage of 1.57 V at 10 mA cm−2 for overall water splitting, and it outperformed most previously reported non-precious-metal electrocatalysts in 1 M KOH.

Graphical abstract: A bimetal hierarchical layer structure MOF grown on Ni foam as a bifunctional catalyst for the OER and HER

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Article information

Article type
Research Article
02 Mar 2021
15 Apr 2021
First published
15 Apr 2021

Inorg. Chem. Front., 2021,8, 2889-2899

A bimetal hierarchical layer structure MOF grown on Ni foam as a bifunctional catalyst for the OER and HER

Q. Mou, Z. Xu, G. Wang, E. Li, J. Liu, P. Zhao, X. Liu, H. Li and G. Cheng, Inorg. Chem. Front., 2021, 8, 2889 DOI: 10.1039/D1QI00267H

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