Amanda C. Evans*a,
Andrew S. Petit
Steven G. Guillenb,
Amanda J. Neukircha,
Søren V. Hoffmann
c and
Nykola C. Jones
aBiosciences/Theoretical Divisions, Los Alamos National Laboratory, P.O. Box 1663, Mailstop E529, Los Alamos, NM 87544, USA. E-mail:
bDept. of Chemistry & Biochemistry, California State University Fullerton, 800 N. State College Blvd., Fullerton, CA 92831, USA. E-mail:
cISA, Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus University, Ny Munkegade 120, DK-8000, Aarhus C, Denmark
First published on 5th January 2021
Synchrotron radiation electronic circular dichroism (SRECD) and anisotropy spectroscopy for both enantiomers of a group of small non-planar chiral molecules are reported here. The experimental SRECD spectra are compared to computational ECD spectra generated using time-dependent density functional theory and a thermal averaging over relevant molecular configurations. The combination of these experimental and computational characterization methodologies for such molecules enables the prediction and understanding of the spectral behavior of other small molecules, in addition to chiroptically characterizing members of the mandelic acid family substructure. Enantiomeric purity of samples can be evaluated in comparison with these spectra and the extent of photolytic enantioinduction can also be predicted using these experimental/calculated SRECD and anisotropy spectra.
We describe here the characterization of small chiral non-planar molecules by measuring their interactions with circularly polarized light (cpl). The studies presented here focus on electronic circular dichroism (ECD) performed in the ultraviolet (UV)-visible range using a synchrotron light source, or synchrotron radiation ECD (SRECD). Previous SRECD studies of small non-planar molecules have focused on amino acids, alcohols, amines, and some carboxylic acids.6–8 This work compares experimental SRECD spectra with computational ECD spectra, with a view towards building an understanding of how molecular conformation results in unique chiroptical signatures and predicting important bands relevant for photolytic enantioinduction. We have focused our studies on a specific family of mandelic acid molecules, as mandelic acid is an important building block for pharmaceutical manufacturing.9–26 The ECD spectrum of mandelic acid has been the subject of previous experimental and computational studies,27,28 but former measurements have never before been reported below 200 nm, and the prior reported spectra do not characterize both enantiomers simultaneously. ECD spectroscopy below 190 nm for characterizing small molecule pharmaceuticals is novel and provides innovative chiroptical characterization of these species into the vacuum ultra-violet (VUV) regions that is not easily accessible using conventional benchtop CD.
ECD spectroscopy measures the differential absorption of right- (rcpl) and left-handed cpl (lcpl) across a range of wavelengths (typically from the near UV into the VUV region) for a given chemical species – either a small molecule or a macromolecule.29 The units of measurement are described in terms of the difference in absorption (ΔA), where A is a dimensionless unit representing the absorption intensity. The graphical illustration of absorption in an ECD spectra is indicated by having an either positive or negative electronic transition band (or “peak”); this is determined by eqn (1).5,29
ΔA = Alcpl − Arcpl | (1) |
Thus, a positive peak is correlated to a stronger absorption of lcpl and a negative peak is correlated to a stronger absorption of rcpl.
ECD spectroscopy can be obtained for solid, liquid, solution, and gas phase substrates.5,30–32 An ECD spectrum across a set of wavelengths for a given molecule/macromolecule is not purely an intrinsic property of the species being measured. The absorption bands are also dependent specifically upon molecular conformation, in addition to temperature, pH, concentration, phase, and solvent if in solution phase. We have chosen to focus the majority of our studies here on small molecules in solution (water) over a series of dilutions at room temperature – with exceptions made for comparison/solubility purposes.
If both ECD, ΔA, and absorption spectra, A, for a given compound are measured simultaneously, an anisotropy factor g can be determined for the substrate for every wavelength measured
![]() | (2) |
These anisotropy spectra inform choice of wavelength when using cpl to perform chiroptically selective photochemistry.6–8,33–35 The optimal wavelength for chiroptical photochemical induction is driven by the g-factor: the highest g will allow for the enantiomeric enrichment of an initial racemic mixture through the preferential photodegradation of one enantiomer.
Specifically, the enantiomeric enrichment, or excess (ee), which is typically denoted as a percentage (% ee), quantifies the difference in the relative yields of the R- and S-enantiomers after a reaction. Notably, the maximum achievable ee is not exclusively dependent on the differential absorption, ΔA, obtained from ECD spectroscopy but on the anisotropy factor g. The anisotropy factor is directly indicative of the predicted maximal % ee achievable by asymmetric photolysis using cpl to a given extent of reaction, ξ, (0 ≤ ξ ≤ 1)6,8,35 as shown in eqn (3).
![]() | (3) |
In the context of photochemistry, the extent of reaction reflects the fraction of molecules which undergo reaction after absorbing a photon6–8,30–35 if this irradiation process is considered to be photodegradative. For all anisotropy spectra presented here, a prediction of % ee chiroptically inducible with an extent of reaction of 99.99% is also provided.30–35 Likewise, the maximum % ee may also be estimated6–8,30–35 and these are typically 0.25–0.30% ee higher than the more conservative minimal values estimated based on eqn (3). These values assist in understanding the degree to which an ECD band will affect photodestructive asymmetric induction during photoirradiation studies.
Computational prediction of ECD spectra, as we report here, not only afford complete characterization of a given chiral small molecule, but also can provide insight into which bands are chiroptically relevant for subsequent enantioinductive photoirradiation studies.6–8,30–35 Strong correlation between reliable experimental ECD and computational ECD ensures that computational ECD can be used as predictive tools for choice of wavelength for cpl photoirradiation experiments.
All experimental ECD and anisotropy spectra considered here have been measured using synchrotron radiation as the light source,36 which makes it is possible to accurately measure the CD and absorbance spectra simultaneously, with low signal to noise, which is vital for the generation of anisotropy spectra. Although modern conventional CD instruments are very powerful, they generally experience a rapid drop in intensity below 190 nm, as expected from a lamp-based source. This can be countered to some extent with opening up slits to preserve the light intensity. However, by doing so, spectral artefacts cannot be avoided as opening slits alters spectral resolution and may allow stray light into the system. Such artefacts are not present in a well-tuned SRECD instrument; thus SRECD provides more reliable (and reproducible) spectral data. SRECD has been demonstrated to provide a series of advantages for generating molecularly characteristic spectra, including access to the vacuum UV regions, superior signal-to-noise ratios due to higher photon flux, and the ability to measure lower concentrations of sample.37–40
All samples were measured in water or HFiP, as indicated, across a series of dilutions to ensure high spectral quality with low signal-to-noise ratios. All samples were measured at 25 °C using a 100 μm pathlength quartz cell and in some cases also a 20 μm CaF2 cell, a 2 s dwell time per point, and six accumulations. Baselines measured with the appropriate solvent and cell were subtracted from the sample measurements. SRECD spectra were mildly smoothed with a 7-point Savitzky–Golay filter.44
Gk = Ek + Hk − TSk | (4) |
The enthalpies and entropies were calculated using the standard rigid-rotor/harmonic-oscillator approximations at room temperature. Solvent effects were included using a polarizable continuum model (PCM) parameterized for water or 2-methyl-1-propanol. 2-Methyl-1-propanol was used as computational analogue for HFiP as the two solvents have very similar dielectric constants, 16.77 and 16.70 respectively. All geometry optimizations and vibrational frequency calculations were performed using Q-Chem 5.1.45
At each optimized molecular geometry, the ECD spectrum was calculated using time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT) with the ωB97XD functional and the 6-311++G** basis.46–48 Solvation effects were included with a PCM model and a (150, 770) integration grid was used. The theoretical line spectrum of each molecular conformation was convoluted with a Gaussian line shape with a full-width at half maximum of 0.1 eV (806.554 cm−1) to approximately account for inhomogeneous broadening. The overall ECD spectrum of the molecule was then obtained by thermally averaging the ECD spectra of the different molecular conformations via:
![]() | (5) |
![]() | (6) |
The TDDFT calculations used to generate the ECD spectra were performed using Gaussian 09 and the ECD spectra analysed using GaussView 5.49 The character of the electronic transitions was analysed using natural transition orbitals as implemented in the Q-Chem 5.1 software package.50,51
Only molecular conformations with significant thermal populations (≥0.01) were included in the calculation of 〈CD〉. The ECD spectra of only the R enantiomers were explicitly calculated as the ECD spectra of the R and S enantiomers are identical to within their sign.33,34 The intensities of the calculated ECD spectra have been uniformly scaled to match the experimental intensity range.
An added complexity in the calculations of the ECD spectra of these molecules is the existence of both neutral and anionic forms at equilibrium. Eqn (5) and (6) were separately applied to the neutral and anionic molecular conformations. The resulting 〈CD〉 were then averaged together, with the relative weights of the neutral and anionic forms determined based on the equilibrium concentrations of the acid and conjugate base obtained from the pKa (Table 1) and experimental conditions. As expected for weak acids, the ECD spectra were dominated by the neutral molecules.
Finally, our initial attempts to computationally model the anisotropy spectra were unsuccessful. We attribute this to the fact that g depends inversely on the absorption spectrum and hence is highly sensitive to the tails of the spectral line shapes. We anticipate that a more sophisticated approach towards modeling spectral broadening, for example, one that includes explicit solvent effects, will be required to accurately capture computational anisotropy spectra.
As shown in Table 2 and Fig. 1, the agreement between the experimental and computational ECD spectra of mandelic acid is generally very good, especially in terms of band positions and overall line shapes. Indeed, the TDDFT calculations capture the major band positions to within 0.13 eV. The calculated spectral linewidths are not in exact agreement with experiment because of the ad hoc way in which inhomogeneous broadening was included in the calculated ECD spectra. The largest discrepancies between the experimental and computational ECD spectra occur at low energies. The feature at 232 nm in the computational ECD spectrum, which is attributed to the S0 → S1 transition of mandelic acid, differs from the low-energy features in the experimental SRECD spectrum by 0.57 eV.
Compound | pKa |
Mandelic acid | 3.41 |
Benzoin | 12.60 |
2-Phenylpropionic acid | 4.59 |
Methyl mandelate | 12.19 |
In Fig. 2a, the computational ECD spectrum of mandelic acid in 2-methyl-1-propanol shows good agreement with the experimental spectrum in HFiP (Fig. 2b). Using HFiP as a solvent for mandelic acid, we were able to extend our measurements well into the VUV and observe further absorption bands for this compound. Comparing Tables 2 and 3, mandelic acid shows a very small solvatochromic shift between water and HFiP, with the experimental hypsochromic shifts consistently less than or equal to 3 nm. This is despite the fact that water and HFiP have significantly different dielectric constants, 78.35 for water and 16.70 for HFiP. The solvatochromic shift is too small to be reliably captured by our chosen computational approach.
Experimental band (nm/eV) | Calculated band (nm/eV) | Assignment |
— | 164.6/7.53 | |
175/7.08 | 175.8/7.05 | n → π* with charge-transfer character from carboxylic acid to aromatic ring |
190/6.52 | 186.8/6.64 | π → π* aromatic ring with charge-transfer character to –COOH |
205/6.05 | 203.8/6.08 | π → π* aromatic ring |
220/5.64 | 214.8/5.77 | n → π* carboxylic acid |
260/4.77 | 232.0/5.34 | π → π* aromatic ring |
Experimental band (nm/eV) | Calculated band (nm/eV) | Assignment |
— | 165.0/7.512 | |
172/7.21 | 176.6/7.02 | |
188/6.59 | 187.4/6.62 | π → π* aromatic ring with charge-transfer character to –COOH |
202/6.14 | 204.4/6.07 | π → π* aromatic ring |
219/5.66 | 215.2/5.76 | n → π* carboxylic acid |
260/4.77 | 232.8/5.33 | π → π* aromatic ring |
Previous experimental work by Verbit and Heffron28 captured the bands at 260 nm and 220 nm but not the three spectral features at lower wavelengths present in Fig. 1. As such, our SRECD spectrum of mandelic acid provides significant new chiroptical information of this molecule. Miyahara and Nakatsuji27 used symmetry adapted cluster-configuration interaction (SAC-CI) theory, along with thermal averaging over molecular conformations, to computationally model the ECD spectrum of mandelic acid. Their approach better captured the low-energy feature at 260 nm than our TDDFT calculations, with this feature calculated to be at 266 nm. However, their calculations predict an incorrect phase for the spectral feature at 200 nm relative to both the calculated and experimental spectra shown in Fig. 1. This research corrects these omissions and advances our understanding of chiroptical behavior of these small molecules by clearly characterizing both enantiomers of mandelic acid and its derivatives down into the vacuum UV (VUV).
Experimental band (nm/eV) | Calculated band (nm/eV) | Assignment |
— | 165.6/7.49 | |
175/7.08 | 176.0/7.04 | |
190/6.52 | 186.0/6.67 | π → π* aromatic ring with charge-transfer character to –COOCH3 |
206/6.02 | 203.4/6.10 | π → π* aromatic ring |
220/5.64 | 213.0/5.82 | n → π* carboxylic methyl ester |
262/4.73 | 231.8/5.35 | π → π* aromatic ring |
Fig. 3 shows that the calculated ECD spectrum of methyl mandelate captures the major features in the experimental ECD spectrum. Compared to experiment, the calculated ECD spectrum overestimates the intensity of the band at 186 nm relative to the other bands in the spectrum. Moreover, the relative intensity of the feature at 203.4 nm is too large. As with mandelic acid, the largest discrepancy between theory and experiment occurs with the lowest-energy peak in the spectrum, where the calculations predict a low-intensity feature at 231.8 nm whereas the corresponding peak in experiment occurs at 262 nm, an error of 0.62 eV. For the major bands in the ECD spectrum, the largest error observed in the TDDFT calculations of methyl mandelate is slightly larger than that of mandelic acid at 0.18 eV.
Experimental band (nm/eV) | Calculated band (nm/eV) | Assignment |
— | 162.4/7.63 | |
— | 168.8/7.34 | |
181/6.85 | 174.2/7.12 | |
191/6.49 | 183.0/6.77 | π → π* aromatic ring with charge-transfer character to –COOH |
205/6.05200 | 205.6/6.034 | π → π* aromatic ring |
220/5.64 | 216.2/5.73 | n → π* carboxylic acid |
262/4.73 | 231.4/5.36 | Aromatic ring |
The computational ECD spectrum of 2-phenylpropionic acid shown in Fig. 4a successfully captures many of the features present in the experimental spectrum. The band at 216.2 nm is in good agreement with the experimental band at 220 nm, both in terms of position and asymmetric line shape. The features at 183.0 and 205.6 nm, as in the experimental ECD spectrum, share the same sign but are shifted further apart than in experiment due to a 0.28 eV error in the position of the higher-energy portion of the band. Finally, the calculations predict a series of bands below 174.2 nm, the existence of which is suggested in the experimental spectrum by the partially resolved band at 181 nm.
Experimental band (nm/eV) | Calculated band (nm/eV) |
— | 162.4/7.63 |
164/7.56 | 166.2/7.46 |
170/7.29 | 171.8/7.22 |
178/6.96 | 177.0/7.00 |
— | 182.8/6.78 |
185/6.70 | 189.0/6.56 |
191/6.49 | 195.2/6.35 |
205/6.05 | 206.2/6.01 |
215/5.77 | 227.2/5.46 |
232/5.34 | 245.0/5.06 |
256/4.84 | 258.8/4.79 |
300/4.13 | 296.2/4.19 |
Fig. 5 and Table 6 additionally show that the agreement between the calculated ECD spectrum of benzoin and the experimental SRECD spectrum is much less good than what is observed with the other compounds. This is true for not only the band positions but also their relative intensities and line shapes. We believe that this reflects the challenge inherent in modeling the ECD spectrum of a molecule with many overlapping electronic transitions. Because amplitude in ECD spectra can be positive or negative, overlapping bands can combine in a constructive or deconstructive way. The ability for bands in ECD spectra to deconstructively combine amplifies the effect of errors in electronic transition energies on the overall spectral line shapes. For benzoin, the large number of overlapping bands necessitates a more accurate description of the electronic excited states than the TDDFT/PCM approach that we employed.
From a computational perspective, we have demonstrated the strengths and weaknesses of using TDDFT, in conjunction with a PCM solvation model and a thermal averaging over molecular conformations, to model the ECD spectra of small chiral organic compounds with an aromatic substituent. For mandelic acid, methyl mandelate, and 2-phenylpropionic acid, we demonstrated that our computational approach can provide a reasonable description of the major band positions and line shapes. However, with benzoin, the large number of overlapping electronic transitions led to much larger discrepancies between the computational and experimental ECD spectra. As such, molecules like benzoin likely require more accurate electronic structure approaches, such as ADC(2), in order to reliably capture the ECD spectrum. The calculations could additionally be improved through the inclusion of explicit solvent molecules. As mentioned above, we additionally believe that a thermal averaging over both the chromophore and explicit solvent molecules will be required to reliably model anisotropy spectra.
Examination of the 160–190 nm VUV range is difficult to achieve with the use of classic benchtop CD devices. This research is fundamental and unique in reporting measurements of ECD and anisotropy bands beyond the range 200–400 nm via the use of SRECD, and sets a precedent for chiroptical characterization of other nonplanar chiral small molecules.
Future work will include expanding the library of compounds modelled and measured and developing an approach for utilizing computational chemistry to predict anisotropy factor and hence ee as a function of wavelength, particularly for small bioactive molecules.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Natural transitions orbitals for the electronic transitions considered in this study. See DOI: 10.1039/d0ra06832b |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2021 |