M. I. Kholil*,
M. T. H. Bhuiyan*,
M. Atikur Rahman,
M. S. Ali and
M. Aftabuzzaman
Department of Physics, Pabna University of Science and Technology, Pabna, 6600, Bangladesh. E-mail: ibrahim.physics20@gmail.com; thbapon@pust.ac.bd; azamanphy@pust.ac.bd
First published on 12th January 2021
Lead-free metal halide perovskites have nowadays become familiar owing to their potential use in solar cells and other optoelectronic applications. In this study, we carried out the structural, elastic, electronic, and optical properties of pure and metal (Mo/Tc) doped CsSnBr3 by using the density functional theory. The metal doping CsSnBr3 displays a narrowing band gap and as a result the optical functions exhibit high absorption and high conductivity in the visible region. Metal doping samples also reveal a high dielectric constant which indicates a low charge-carrier recombination rate and hence enhances the device performance. The optical absorption spectra of metal doped samples greatly shifted (red-shift) towards the lower energy region compared with the pure sample which creates a high-intensity peak in the visible region. The mechanical parameter reveals a highly ductile, soft, and flexible nature which indicates the suitability for use in thin films. The electronic band structure of metal-doped CsSnBr3 shows an intermediate state that assists the excited electron to pass on from valence band to conduction band. The overall study suggests that lead-free CsSn0.875Tc0.125Br3 perovskite is a promising candidate for solar cells and other optoelectronic applications.
Lead halide perovskites already attack immense interest due to their excellent feature including power-conversion efficiencies as well as simple and cheap processability.7 Although the material meets the necessary condition to use in optoelectronic technology but the major concern comes up owing to their presence of toxicity of Pb and hence they are not environmentally friendly. As for example, lead-based PbI2 perovskite is poisonous according to environmental conditions.8–10 On the other hand, the feature of device instability and J–V hysteresis are the key defects of Pb contain perovskite materials.11 To overcome the toxicity, recently researchers have been executed some theoretical and experimental work by substituting favorable metal cation.12,13
Optical properties predicted by Roknuzzaman et al.12 reveal that CsSnBr3 perovskites possess a medium absorption coefficient and less optical conductivity in the visible region. Therefore, CsSnBr3 is not suitable to use in a solar cell and other optoelectronic applications. Although this material shows ductile in nature, but it has a wider experimental band gap 1.75 eV.14 An appropriate metal doping can reduce the band gap and hence increase the possibility to enhance the absorptive nature as well as conductivity in the visible region. Consequently, here we consider the metal doping in the Sn site of CsSnBr3 to find out the enhanced optical nature in the visible region. M. G. Brik15 suggested the narrowing band gap of CsSnBr3 but the Poisson's ratio (0.0809) reveals the brittle nature of this material. He also studied CsCaBr3 and CsGeBr3 perovskites but these also reveal the brittle nature. Therefore, the studied materials may not be acceptable to use in some high ductility required applications and hence high ductility is demanded as a promising material.16 In addition, Mahmood et al.17 proposed the ductile nature (Pugh's ratio 2.39) of CsSnBr3 and high absorption but the material shows a large band gap (1.72 eV) as experimental value (1.75 eV). The investigation of metal-doped CsGeCl3 available in the literature18 reveals that Poisson's ratio (0.26) stays in a critical position and hence separation is needed to consider ductile/brittle nature. Consequently, CsGeCl3 is not acceptable as promising for optoelectronic applications. The metal-doped CsGeCl3 and CsSnCl3 show high absorption and conductivity but the reflectivity is also high enough in the visible region.16,18 As a result, these metal doping is not considered as a highly absorbing material and hence not suitable to use in solar cells and other optoelectronic applications. Supercell symmetry is highly required for doped samples to search for the appropriate physical properties;19 however, supercell symmetry is absent in metal doped CsGeCl3 and CsSnCl3.16,18 Another Ni-doped of CsGeBr3 investigation7 suggests the enhanced absorption in the visible and ultraviolet region but it is not considered as high absorption than the pristine one. On the other hand, pristine CsGeI3 shows high optical absorption but it reveals brittle in nature12 and hence not advantageous to use in practical applications. Therefore, in our present investigation, the structural, elastic, electronic, and optical properties of Mo- and Tc-doped CsSnBr3 have been calculated to find out the promising solar cell material with outstanding optoelectronic properties by using density functional theory (DFT). Finally, the present results of the metal-doped sample compared with the pristine and other well-known perovskite material to reveal the enhanced results of key properties.
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Fig. 1 Crystal structure of CsSnBr3: (a) unit cell, (b) 2D view of unit cell in bc plane, (c) constructed 2 × 2 × 2 supercell, and (d) polyhedral form of supercell. |
The optical absorption coefficient defined the material ability to measure the penetration of light when a certain wavelength of light or energy is incident on the material surface and it penetrated until it is fully absorbed by the material.31 It is extremely significant to reveal absorption behavior as well as solar energy conversation capability. The investigated absorption coefficient of pure form and metal (Mo, Tc) doped samples are displayed in Fig. 2 as a function of photon energy and wavelength of light. The calculated absorption spectra as a function of photon energy, as shown in Fig. 2(a), represent that the absorption spectra of metal doping samples largely shifted (red-shift) towards the low photon energy region as compare to pure form. The metal doping enhances the absorption coefficient between 1.0 eV to 9.0 eV region. It is also observed that two additional peaks occurred at 2 eV (low) and 6.5 eV (high). Therefore, the enhanced absorption in visible as well as some part of the high-energy region explicitly represents the higher ability of absorption under metal doping. The Tc-doped sample with compare to Mo-doped exhibits the greater absorption quality and the reason for this difference is clearly explained in the electronic properties section.
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Fig. 2 Calculated absorption coefficient as a function of (a) photon energy and (b) wavelength of light of pure and doped form of CsSnBr3. |
Fig. 2(b) represents the absorption coefficient as a function of the wavelength of light and this was mainly calculated to elucidate the absorption behavior in the visible energy region. As compared to pure form, the metal-doped sample enhances the absorption largely entire the visible energy region. The Tc-doped sample is better enhanced the absorption spectra in the visible region than the Mo-doped sample. On the other hand, the pure form shows negligible absorption spectra in the visible region as compared to the doped form. In general, the wider band gap semiconducting material has the ability to use 4% of ultraviolet light of solar spectrum and on the contrary, the material used visible light 44% of the solar spectrum.32,33 Therefore, the pure form of CsSnBr3 with a large experimental band gap (1.75) is not suitable to proper utilization of the visible light absorption and hence the performance is not considered significant in solar cells and other optoelectronic applications. The Tc-doped CsSnBr3 represents the large absorption compared to Mo-doped and pure form of CsSnBr3. Consequently, the Tc-doped sample reveals the greater ability to utilize the visible light of the solar spectrum and may use to increase the performance of solar cell devices.
The real part of conductivity spectra as a function of photon energy is calculated here up to 12 eV and displayed in Fig. 3(a). Optical conductivity mainly reveals the reflection of photoconductivity.34 Consequently, photoconductivity as well as electrical conductivity is increased due to the absorption of light energy. Conductivity in low energy (visible) range of metal-doped sample has shown higher compare to pure sample. An additional peak of Mo- and Tc-doped CsSnBr3 is also observed in the low energy region, but for pure CsSnBr3 conductivity is negligible between 0 and 2.25 eV. Although pure samples conductivity reveals high in higher energy region than doped samples, but here we mainly focus on the effect of metal doping in the visible region. Therefore, the Tc-doped sample revealed a higher conductivity in the lower energy region as well as a visible region than the Mo-doped and pure form of CsSnBr3. The high conductivity in Tc-doped samples is observed in the visible region due to higher absorption (Fig. 2) in that region. Hence, the Tc-doped sample is suitable to use in solar cells and other optoelectronic applications.
The optical reflectivity of a material determines the materials ability to reflect the incident light on the material surface. It is one of the essential properties of a material to find out the suitability to use in optoelectronic applications. The optical reflectivity spectra are calculated here up to 20 eV and illustrated in Fig. 3(b). It is evident from Fig. 3(b) that the reflectivity of metal-doped samples is higher compared to the pristine sample up to 10 eV, but in higher energy, it displayed lower reflectivity. The reflectivity of metal-doped samples in the visible region is decreased and exhibited two peaks in around 2.0 eV and 8.5 eV. The Tc-doped samples show higher conductivity than the Mo-doped sample. However, the present Tc-doped and Mo-doped samples show lower reflectivity compared to metal-doped in CsSnCl3 and CsGeCl3.16,18 Therefore, more investigation is required to reduce the conductivity in the visible region as well as the low energy region, which may enhance the absorption and conductivity in the visible region as well as device performances.
The calculated real and imaginary part of dielectric function is shown in Fig. 4 and calculation was carried out up to 12 eV. Dielectric function is responsible for charge-carrier recombination rate.35 The static value of real part of the dielectric function reveals this recombination. The greater static value reduces the charge-carrier recombination and hence increases the efficiency of optoelectronic applications. The static value of the real part of the doped samples is higher than the pristine samples. An additional peak is also observed in the low energy region as shown in Fig. 4(b). The pure form sample shows a negligible effect compared to doped samples. Material with a large band gap reveals the lower dielectric value.36 In the present calculation, the metal-doped samples reduce the band gap (Fig. 5), and hence Tc- and Mo-doped CsSnBr3 show higher dielectric value. The imaginary part mainly responsible for the electronic band structure of a material and reveal the absorption nature.37 The imaginary part of the dielectric function, as shown in Fig. 4(b), exhibited a large peak in the low energy region for metal-doped samples, which increased the absorption (Fig. 2) in low energy region. The Tc-doped sample shows a higher dielectric constant value than Mo-doped and pure form of metal CsSnBr3. Therefore, Tc-doped CsSnBr3 could reveal better performance in optoelectronic applications. The real and imaginary part of the dielectric function shows a negligible effect around 9 eV and 10 eV for the metal-doped and pure form of CsSnBr3. Hence, the investigated samples revealed the high transparency in the higher energy region (above 8 eV) and as a result, it shows low absorption in the higher energy region.
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Fig. 4 Calculated (a) real part, and (b) imaginary part of dielectric function as a function of photon energy. |
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Fig. 5 Calculated electronic band structure of (a) pure unit cell, (b) pure 2 × 2 × 2 supercell, (c) Mo-doped and (d) Tc-doped of CsSnBr3 perovskites. |
The calculated electronic band structure of pure supercell is displayed in Fig. 5(b). The observed band gap is 0.5539 eV at R k-points and reveals the direct band gap nature as the pristine unit cell. There is some variation of band gap observed between the pure unit cell and pure supercell due to eight times unit cell consideration in the supercell. The experimental band gap 1.75 eV (ref. 14) of CsSnBr3 highly contradicts with observed band gap of pure unit cell and pure supercell of CsSnBr3. Therefore, it is clear that the present GGA calculation underestimates the experimentally observed value of band gap. This underestimation is the general limitation of the GGA approach owing to correlation effects and electron–electron exchange approximation.16 The band gap is also underestimating in LDA functional and LDA+U techniques based calculation. For that case, the researcher developed few techniques that reduce the usual problem of underestimation including hybrid functional39 and GW method,40 however, these techniques reveal some great limitations. On the other hand, GGA+U41 functional-based calculation overcome the partial underestimation between theoretical and experimental band gap. However, here we focus on the comparative evaluation of band structure and DOS of pure and metal-doped CsSnBr3 that are not influenced by the GGA approach.
The calculated electronic band structure of Mo-doped CsSnBr3 is displayed in Fig. 5(c). The valence band maximum and conduction band minimum in Fig. 5(c) occurs at two different k-points (Γ and R) that indicate the indirect band gap nature of Mo-doped samples. The observed band gap is 0.806 eV between these two k-points. An intermediate state is observed in the band gap. Although the calculated band gap of Mo-doped material is large compared to pristine material but the optical nature is more significant than the pristine sample due to the creation of an intermediate state inside the band gap. The intermediate state mainly arises due to the metal doping effect and this helps the excited electron in the valence band to pass the conduction band easiest way. The observed indirect band gap between the intermediate state and conduction band is 0.081 eV. The calculated electronic band structure of the Tc-doped CsSnBr3 is illustrated in Fig. 5(d). The observed band gap is 0.540 eV in two different k-points that indicates the indirect band gap nature of Tc-doped sample. An intermediates state in the band gap is also observed here. The narrowing band gap as well as the presence of an intermediate state make the transfer of excited electron in VB to CB easier than the Mo-doped and pure samples. The band gap of the intermediate state and conduction band is 0.179 eV that also indicates the indirect band gap nature.
It is obvious from Fig. 5(c) and (d) that the Fermi level shifted towards the conduction band compared to the pristine samples. This was happened due to metal doping. With compared to metal-doped and pure sample, it is clear that Tc-doped material possesses a greater absorption as well as conductivity in the visible region due to the narrowing band gap. Therefore, Tc-doped sample is more significant to use in a solar cell and other optoelectronic applications. Fig. 6 represent schematic diagram of energy band and bar charts of the observed band gap of pure and metal-doped CsSnBr3 with available experimental and theoretical results.
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Fig. 6 Schematic diagram of energy band (a), and bar charts (b) of electronic band gap (Eg) of pure and metal (Mo/Tc)-doped CsSnBr3. |
The calculated total and partial density of states of pure form and metal-doped form are represented in Fig. 7. The density of states of a pure supercell in Fig. 7(a) represented that the TDOS mainly arises with strong contribution of Br-4p, Br-4s, and Cs-5p states in the whole energy range. The valence band contribution arises here due to the large contribution of Br-4p and Sn-5p with a small admixture of Sn-5s, Cs-6s, and Cs-5p states. On the other hand, the TDOS above the Fermi level (conduction band) mostly originates from the Br-4p and Cs-5p with some admixture of Sn-5p, Sn-5s, Br-4s, and Cs-6s states.
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Fig. 7 Calculated total and partial density of states (a) pure supercell (b) Mo-doped, (c) Tc-doped, and (d) dopant contribution near the Fermi level of CsSnBr3. |
The TDOS and PDOS of metal (Mo and Tc) doped materials are displaced in Fig. 7(b) and (c). The overall DOS of the Mo-doped and Tc-doped samples reveal similar contribution in the whole energy range. The DOS of Mo- and Tc-doped samples mainly arises due to the strong contribution of Br-4p states in the valence band whereas Sn-5p contributed to the conduction band. The dopant atom contributed to the Fermi level by the contribution of Mo-4d and Tc-4d states. The DOS show in the Fermi level due to the dopant level creation near the Fermi level. This dopant level responsible to increase the conduction electron and hence enhances the absorption in the visible region. The doped form of CsSnBr3 with compared to pure CsSnBr3 shows that the Femi level shifted along with the conduction band due to the metal doping effect.
The TDOS of dopant atom is presented here in Fig. 7(d) to understand the contribution in the Fermi level. This TDOS of the dopant atom is responsible to make the intermediate level close to the Fermi level. The intermediate level reduces the difference of band gap and significantly transfer the excited electron from VB to the intermediate state and then to CB under visible light absorption. Therefore, the red-shift of absorption spectra and the high peaks are observed in the visible region.
Phase | C11 | C12 | C44 | C12–C44 | Ref. |
CsSnBr3 | 45.36 | 7.42 | 5.59 | 1.83 | This work |
43.89 | 6.69 | 5.21 | 1.48 | Calc.12 | |
CsSn1−xMoxBr3 | 43.07 | 9.08 | 5.37 | 3.71 | This work |
CsSn1−xTcxBr3 | 45.16 | 8.03 | 5.69 | 2.34 | This work |
The polycrystalline elastic modulus such as bulk modulus, Shear modulus, Young's modulus, Pugh's ratio, and Poisson's ratio of pure and metal-doped CsSnBr3 are calculated by using the equation available in the literature44 and recorded in Table 4. The studied results are in good agreement with available theoretical results.12 The calculated bulk modulus of metal-doped materials reveals the low enough as pristine samples and indicates the soft and flexible nature. Therefore, the metal-doped and pure samples are suitable to make the thin film as well as promising to use more functional in solar cells and other optoelectronic applications. A similar nature is also observed for Shear and Young's modulus. Fig. 8 represent the variation of single (C11, C12, and C44) and polycrystalline elastic modulus (B, G, and E) of pure and metal (Tc/Mo) doped samples.
Phase | B (GPa) | G (GPa) | E (GPa) | B/G | v | Ref. |
CsSnBr3 | 20.07 | 9.37 | 24.32 | 2.141 | 0.298 | This work |
19.09 | 8.94 | 23.19 | 2.135 | 0.30 | Calc.12 | |
CsSn1−xMoxBr3 | 20.42 | 8.71 | 22.87 | 2.344 | 0.313 | This work |
CsSn1−xTcxBr3 | 20.41 | 9.36 | 24.36 | 2.181 | 0.301 | This work |
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Fig. 8 Variation of single (C11, C12, and C44) and polycrystalline elastic modulus (B, G, and E) of pure and metal-doped samples with x = 0.125. |
Pugh's ratio (B/G) and Poisson's ratio define the failure mode such as the ductile-brittle nature of a material.45–47 The critical value to separate the failure mode for Pugh's ratio is 1.75 and for Poisson's ratio is 0.26. The higher value of a material than the critical one denotes the ductile nature; otherwise, the material represents the brittle nature. The obtained value of pure and metal-doped samples represents the highly ductile nature according to the criteria. Therefore, the metal-doped samples are promising to use in optoelectronic applications. Fig. 9 represents the variation of Pugh's ratio and Poisson's ratio of pure and metal-doped CsSnBr3.
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Fig. 9 Variation of Pugh's ratio and Poisson's ratio of pure and metal-doped CsSnBr3 with (x = 0.125). |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2021 |