Aile Tamm*a,
Aivar Tarrea,
Jekaterina Kozlovaa,
Mihkel Rähna,
Taivo Jõgiaasa,
Tauno Kahroa,
Joosep Linkb and
Raivo Sternb
aInstitute of Physics, University of Tartu, W. Ostwaldi Str. 1, 50411 Tartu, Estonia. E-mail:; Tel: +372 737 4662
bNational Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics, Akadeemia tee 23, 12618 Tallinn, Estonia
First published on 17th February 2021
Due to the several applications of biosensors, such as magnetic hyperthermia and magnetic resonance imaging, the use of superparamagnetic nanoparticles or thin films for preparing biosensors has increased greatly. We report herein on a strategy to fabricate a nanostructure composed of superparamagnetic thin films. Ruthenium-doped iron oxide thin films were deposited by using atomic layer deposition at 270 and 360 °C. FeCl3 and Ru(EtCp)2 were used as metal precursors and H2O/O2 as the oxygen precursor. Doping with ruthenium helps to lower the formation temperature of hematite (α-Fe2O3). Ruthenium content was changed from 0.42 at% up to 29.7 at%. Ru-doped films had a nano-crystallized structure of hematite with nanocrystal sizes from 4.4 up to 7.8 nm. Magnetization at room temperature was studied in iron oxide and Ru-doped iron oxide films. A new finding is a demonstration that in a Ru-doped iron oxide thin film superparamagnetic behavior of nanocrystalline materials (α-Fe2O3) is observed with the maximum magnetic coercive force Hc of 3 kOe. Increasing Ru content increased crystallite size of hematite and resulted in a lower blocking temperature.
However, by inducing nanoparticles inside a thin film substance it is possible to increase the safety and stability of magnetic nanoparticles. By using atomic layer deposition (ALD) it will be possible to achieve conformal deposition with atomic precision on various nanostructured architectures, for example, different sizes of nanocrystals (nanoparticles) with large or complicated surfaces.6 ALD is a chemical vapor phase technique capable of producing thin films, which are based on sequential, self-limiting reactions. ALD offers an exceptional conformality on high aspect ratio structures, also the thickness control on the atomic level.7
Iron oxide in the hematite phase (α-Fe2O3) in the form of small nanoparticles with superparamagnetic behavior can be said to be one of the most studied nanomaterial.1,3,4,8,9 Also, the iron oxide in the form of ALD thin film is quite well known,7 but nanocrystalline hematite thin film showing superparamagnetic behavior and, deposited at lower temperatures, has not yet been shown.
In the present study, the target material of nanocrystalline hematite thin films was achieved at a quite low temperature of 270 °C (instead of typical 360 °C).10 For achieving such a low-temperature crystallization the doping with ruthenium was used. Thickness, nanostructure, morphology, and magnetic behavior of the deposited thin films and, complementarily, cross-sections of the selected films deposited on three-dimensional (3D) substrates were examined.
Fig. 1 Mass thicknesses measured by XRF inside the films deposited at different temperatures and processes. |
Name of the sample with deposition temperature | ALD growth cycle sequence | Thickness nm | Ru, μg cm−2 | Cl, μg cm−2 |
Iron oxide, at 270 °C | 500 × (FeCl3 − H2O/O2) | 49.9 | — | 0.06 |
Ruthenium at 270 °C | 500 × (Ru(Et(Cp)2) − H2O/O2) | 15.8 | 17.4 | — |
Ru-doped Fe2O3 at 270 °C, at% (Ru) = 0.42 | 2 × (100 × (FeCl3 − H2O/O2) + 100 × (Ru(Et(Cp)2) − H2O/O2)) + 100 × (FeCl3 − H2O/O2) | 24.1 | 0.2 | 0.12 |
Ru-doped Fe2O3 at 270 °C, at% (Ru) = 0.98 | 25 × (10 × FeCl3 − H2O/O2 + 10 × Ru(Et(Cp)2) − H2O/O2) | 28.0 | 0.4 | 0.22 |
Ruthenium at 360 °C | 500 × (Ru(Et(Cp)2) − H2O/O2) | 20.1 | 22.5 | — |
Ru-doped Fe2O3 at 360 °C, at% (Ru) = 29.77 | 25 × (10 × FeCl3 − H2O/O2 + 10 × Ru(Et(Cp)2) − H2O/O2) | 36.5 | 14.3 | 0.03 |
Iron oxide at 360 °C | 500 × (FeCl3 − H2O/O2) | 52.8 | — | 0.05 |
This could be expected, considering that, at the beginning of the ALD growth, the dependence of the film thickness on the number of cycles most often remains sublinear and the growth rate somewhat retards, due to the nucleation issues at the early stages of the growth.
Regarding the results of micro-Raman spectroscopy (Fig. 2) at 270 °C deposited iron oxide, the main bands at 703 and 1400 cm−1, which are typical for ε-Fe2O3, were observed.12 At 360 °C deposited iron oxide thin film the broad bands at 231, 300, 418, 621, 680 and 1342 cm−1 were observed, which are typical for α-Fe2O3.13 At 270 °C deposited Ru-doped iron oxide thin films, the main broad bands of hematite (α-Fe2O3) at 418, 621, 680 and 1320 cm−1 could be noticed. Since the films are very thin, some of the bands are hidden under the reflexes caused by the Si substrate (200–521 cm−1).
Fig. 2 Room-temperature micro-Raman spectra of pure iron oxide and Ru-doped structures, the recognized Raman bands are denoted by labels. |
GIXRD patterns (Fig. 3) confirmed that all thin iron oxide films were crystallized already in the as-deposited state at both deposition temperatures. The diffractogram of the pure iron oxide thin film (Fig. 3, top panel) contained reflections attributable to the hematite α-Fe2O3 (PDF 00-033-0664), deposited at 360 °C and orthorhombic ε-Fe2O3 phase (ICSD 173024), deposited at 270 °C. This metastable ε-Fe2O3 phase has been found and synthesized only in nanoscale samples, including specimens in a thin film form.10,14 In an ALD study the ε-Fe2O3 phase was present in a lower deposition temperature range (280–320 °C),10 and at temperatures higher than 340 °C the phase had changed to hematite.14 In a pure Ru film the hexagonal Ru phase (PDF 00-006-0663) was detected and the GIXRD peaks at 38.4, 42.1, 44.0, 58.3 and 69.4 degrees were observed. Ru-doped iron oxide thin films have very broad reflections of a hematite phase (Fig. 3, bottom panel), the main GIXRD reflection at 33.2 and 54.2 degrees were used for evaluating the size of nano-crystallites in accordance with Scherrer's formula and by using a standard reference material SRM-660 (LaB6) (the instrumental broadening has to be considered, where the standard deviation is ∼1 nm). As expected from the diffractograms presented in Fig. 3, in the case of Ru-doped iron oxide, the estimated size of α-Fe2O3 crystallites was 4.4 ± 0.3 nm in Ru-doped film (Ru 0.42 at%) and 7.8 ± 0.4 nm in Ru-doped (Ru 0.98 at%) film.
Fig. 4 shows cross-sectional STEM images of the Ru-doped iron oxide film deposited at 270 °C. Fig. 4 (left panel) displays the cross-sectional view of the bright field (BF) image of the film, showing the areas with distinct lattice planes, which correspond to the domains of different crystalline orientation. This confirms that the crystallization of the iron oxide took place. The film is estimated to be 24.5–27 nm thick, which is in accordance with XRR measurements (Table 1). The thickness variation is due to the roughness of the surface of the film. The crystalline domains in the film vary in size, some of the larger crystallites penetrate the whole thickness of the film, while, smaller crystallites were more abundant. The high-resolution HAADF image (Fig. 4, right panel) shows the presence of crystallites with the size of 4 nm and smaller inside the film. At some places, no crystal fringes can be observed, indicating that some of the amorphous areas were also present in the film.
SEM images of pure Fe2O3 and pure Ru thin films, deposited at 270 °C, are shown in Fig. 5. It can be seen, that Fe2O3 thin film (Fig. 5a) shows well-defined grains with rounded edges, which uniformly cover the surface. The pure Ru film (Fig. 5b) also shows the grain-like morphology, but the grains have a more faceted shape, and they are smaller in size.
Fig. 5 The bird-eye view of the SEM images of the reference objects Fe2O3, (a) and Ru (b) films, both films are deposited at 270 °C. |
The SEM images of iron oxide films after incorporation of the ruthenium during the deposition process are presented in Fig. 6. It can be seen that the use of ruthenium has led to the decrease in the size of the grains, however, in the case of a Ru-doped structure, the distinct wedge-shaped grains can still be well discerned in the image. The morphology of the higher Ru-doped film has changed more dramatically, showing a very fine-grain structure. The fine grains visible on the surface are probably a structure of the top ruthenium layer deposited during the last 10 cycles. It can be seen, that the surface under the fine-grained top layer is not completely uniform, as would be expected if only isotropic nano-sized grains would be present. This indicates that at least at some places larger grains were also formed inside the iron oxide film.15
Fig. 6 The bird-eye view of the SEM images of the Ru-doped iron oxide films (0.42 at%, a) and (0.98 at%, b). Both films are deposited at 270 °C. |
The conformality of ALD-deposited films is often the critical factor in choosing ALD over the competing deposition techniques. The conformality of high aspect ratio and three-dimensionally-structured (3D) materials is achieved by its self-limiting characteristic, which restricts the reaction at the surface to no more than one layer of precursor. With sufficient precursor pulse times, the precursor can disperse even into deep trenches, allowing for complete reaction with the entire surface (Fig. 7). For example, a good conformality of Ru-doped iron oxide films (deposited at 270 °C with the same cycle times 5–2–5–5 s) was achieved and is shown in Fig. 7c. The thickness of the layer did not decrease noticeably towards the bottom of the trench, though, indicating that the step coverage could not reach 100% (the 3D trench along with its ∼1.6 μm depth). The top view of the 3D sample shows that the pore openings were not closed in process of the deposition (Fig. 7a and b).
Fig. 7 SEM images of the 3D substrate, top view (a) and cross-section (b and c) of the Ru-doped iron oxide thin film (with recipe 25 × (10 × Fe2O3 + 10 × Ru)) on 3D stack substrate. |
At the same time, the Ru-doped hematite film show a curve typical of a superparamagnetic material (Fig. 9), but the Ru-doped iron oxide thin film, deposited at 360 °C, has a paramagnetic nature of the material (not shown). Although the Ru-doped films deposited at 270 °C demonstrated a behavior characteristic of a superparamagnetic material (Fig. 9a), the finite hysteresis width (coercive field Hc) of roughly 3 kOe (Fig. 9b) emerges at low temperatures in the Ru-doped film where the Ru content was 0.42 at%.
Superparamagnetic behavior is often expected in the case of small particles of magnetic materials, but it is also observable in a thin film containing nanocrystals.19,20 The fact that the structures contain nanocrystals was confirmed by GIXRD (Fig. 3) and was visible from STEM images (Fig. 4). Similar size development of nanometer-sized magnetic ferrite particles powder (in ε-Fe2O3) was observed by Shin-ichi Ohkoshi et al.18 Saturation magnetization in the present study was, however, observed already at room temperature. Zero field cooled (ZFC) and field cooled (FC) temperature dependence of susceptibility at applied field of 1000 Oe was measured in Ru-doped thin films with the recipe: 2 × (100 × Fe2O3 + 100 × Ru) + 100 × Fe2O3 and 25 × (10 × Fe2O3 + 10 × Ru). The blocking temperature estimated from the maxima in ZFC susceptibility for the Ru-doped film (Ru 0.42 at%) was 295 K, while in Ru-doped (Ru 0.98 at%) film much lower, 140 K (Fig. 10). Clearly, with increasing Ru content the superparamagnetic blocking temperature decreased, which can be explained by the decrease of nano-crystals sizes of the film.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2021 |