Jiries Meehan-Atrasha,
Wentai Luoab,
Kevin J. McWhirterb,
David G. Dennisc,
David Sarlah
Robert P. Jensend,
Isaac Afrehe,
Jia Jiang
Kelley C. Barsanti
Alisha Ortiza and
Robert M. Strongin
aDepartment of Chemistry, Portland State University, Portland, Oregon 97207-0751, USA. E-mail: strongin@pdx.edu
bDepartment of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Portland State University, Portland, Oregon 97207-0751, USA
cRoger Adams Laboratory, Department of Chemistry, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois 61801, USA
dFlorascience Inc., Milwaukie, OR 97222, USA
eChemical and Environmental Engineering, Center for Environmental Research and Technology, University of California-Riverside, Riverside, California 92521, USA
First published on 23rd March 2021
Dabbing and vaping cannabis extracts have gained large popularity in the United States as alternatives to cannabis smoking, but diversity in both available products and consumption habits make it difficult to assess consumer exposure to psychoactive ingredients and potentially harmful components. This work studies the how relative ratios of the two primary components of cannabis extracts, Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and terpenes, affect dosage of these and exposure to harmful or potentially harmful components (HPHCs). THC contains a monoterpene moiety and has been previously shown to emit similar volatile degradation products to terpenes when vaporized. Herein, the major thermal degradation mechanisms for THC and β-myrcene are elucidated via analysis of their aerosol gas phase products using automated thermal desorption-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry with the aid of isotopic labelling and chemical mechanism modelling. Four abundant products – isoprene, 2-methyl-2-butene, 3-methylcrotonaldehyde, and 3-methyl-1-butene – are shown to derive from a common radical intermediate for both THC and β-myrcene and these products comprise 18–30% of the aerosol gas phase. The relative levels of these four products are highly correlated with applied power to the e-cigarette, which indicates formation of these products is temperature dependent. Vaping THC–β-myrcene mixtures with increasing % mass of β-myrcene is correlated with less degradation of the starting material and a product distribution suggestive of a lower aerosolization temperature. By contrast, dabbing THC–β-myrcene mixtures with increasing % mass of β-myrcene is associated with higher levels of HPHCs, and isotopic labelling showed this is due to increased reactivity of β-myrcene relative to THC.
The two primary methods for inhaling cannabis extracts are dabbing and vaping with cannabis e-cigarettes (CECs).5,8 Dabbing is performed by placing a small amount of cannabis extract onto a heated surface while the user takes a large inhalation of up to an entire inspiratory capacity (<3 L).5,8 CECs, commonly known as vape pens or oil pens, are compact e-cigarettes comprised of a single-use or refillable atomizer cartridge attached to variable or fixed-voltage batteries. The cartridge contains 0.3–1.0 g cannabis oil, a viscous substance that may contain up to 90% of the psychoactive Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC, mp = rt,9 bp = 416 °C (ref. 10)).5 Dabbing and CEC use have quickly surged in popularity, and one recent study showed 19.5% of past-month cannabis users reported CEC vaping, and 14.6% reported dabbing.11
Cannabinoids are expressed in Cannabis sativa as cannabinoid acids,12 with an aryl carboxy group at the 2-position of the phenol ring (Fig. 1).13 Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinolic acid (THCA, mp = 70 °C (ref. 14)) decarboxylates readily to THC at temperatures seen in smoking15,16 and vaping.17,18 Butane extracts (butane hash oil, BHO) do not experience high temperatures during production,19 primarily contain cannabinoid acids20 and are solid. BHO is typically consumed by dabbing.19 Purification and decarboxylation using advanced techniques isolates neutral cannabinoids and cannabis terpenes which may be reconstituted and used in a CEC.21 In addition to adding flavor, terpene blends of cannabis-derived and synthetic or botanical terpenes21 also reduce the viscosity of THC which facilitates handling and administration.22 Other ingredients added as cutting agents22–24 are extremely controversial given the recent outbreak of e-cigarette or vaping product use-associated lung injury (EVALI), in which the viscosity modifier vitamin E acetate was implicated as a potential causative agent.23,25,26
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Fig. 1 Chemical structures of Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), cannabinol (CBN), and β-myrcene shown with carbons numbered. |
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) in cigarette smoke27 contribute 62% of the excess lifetime cancer risk associated with cigarette smoking.28 VOCs present in cannabis vaporizer aerosols are significantly different from those in tobacco and cannabis smoke. They consist largely of terpenes and terpene pyrolysis and oxidation products such as isoprene, methacrolein (MACR), methyl vinyl ketone (MVK), and 3-methylfuran, among others.5,8 Exposure to terpene oxidation products causes sensory irritation and airflow limitation in exposed mice,29 and gaseous products are indicated to be responsible for the majority of these symptoms.30 In humans, exposure to terpenes and terpene/isoprene oxidation products at concentrations typical of indoor air do not significantly cause airway inflammation or sensory irritation,31 but the impact of inhaling these products at concentrations orders of magnitude greater than in indoor air has not been thoroughly investigated.
Automated thermal desorption-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (ATD-GC-MS) is a powerful analytical technique that allows the identification and quantification of gases at trace levels for applications such as the atmospheric analysis of anthropogenic VOCs,32,33 metabolomics,34–36 and materials analysis.37,38 In the e-cigarette aerosol analysis field, ATD-GC-MS has allowed the determination of gas/particle partitioning constants of e-cigarette ingredients39 including nicotine in heat-not-burn tobacco vaporizers,40 as well as the identification of myriad degradation products emitted by both nicotine and cannabis vaporizers.5,8,41
It was previously shown that the addition of ∼10% cannabis terpenes to THC was associated with an increase in the levels of all VOCs as compared to pure THC when these were subjected to dabbing.5 Herein, the degradation of a model cannabis terpene, β-myrcene, and THC are studied mechanistically, and a site-specifically isotopically-labelled β-myrcene is used to track this terpene's degradation during dabbing THC–β-myrcene mixtures. Given the popularity of CEC vaping, VOCs released by a popular CEC containing THC with variable terpene content are studied to investigate how added terpenes and applied power impact the nature and quantity of gas phase VOCs. Additionally, the impact of applied power on the release of HPHCs, terpenes, and THC per puff is investigated, providing insight into aerosolization efficiency and dosing of a popular type of cannabis vaporizer.
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Fig. 2 Proposed mechanism for the thermal degradation of β-myrcene-d6. The natural isotopologues of these reactions products compose ∼30% of the VOCNT observed for β-myrcene. |
MACR and MVK, two abundant and toxicologically-concerning VOCs observed in all terpene and cannabinoid vaping experiments, are known isoprene oxidation products.45,46 During atmospheric oxidation of isoprene, the formation of MVK is more favorable than MACR due to its more stable reactive intermediates.45,46 For terpene and cannabinoid vaping experiments, a MACR:
MVK ratio of ∼10 is typically observed,5,8 contrary to what would be expected.45,46 Two gas phase chemical mechanism generators and box models, SAPRC and GECKO-A, were used to derive chemical mechanisms for β-myrcene oxidation under vaping conditions; SAPRC was also used to predict levels of product formation in the vapor stream immediately following the heat source (simulation conditions: 300 ppm gaseous β-myrcene, 643 K). The chemical mechanism derived using GECKO-A was consistent with the experimentally derived mechanism supported by the deuterium incorporation in the isotopologues of MACR and MVK that were observed (MACR-d5 and MVK-d3, Fig. S8 and S9†). Importantly, SAPRC predicted an elevated MACR
MVK ratio that generally increased as a function of temperature and was ∼10 at 643 K. See ESI† for details regarding chemical mechanism modelling.
Given the known topography associated with CEC vaping, THC degradation was investigated using this type of device to provide a per-puff-based quantitation of the VOCs released to the aerosol GP. Pure THC was introduced in a CCELL TH2 atomizer and the aerosol GPs from single puffs at 10 W using the CORESTA puffing topography for e-cigarettes were collected (in triplicate) and characterized by ATD-GC-MS. The resultant chromatograms display particularly elevated levels of isoprene, substituted C6–C10 dienes, and aromatics such as toluene and xylenes, with a total of 6.3 ± 0.4 μg of total VOCs (VOCT) in the aerosol GP quantified by non-target analysis. THC was also subjected to dabbing for qualitative analysis of its product distribution. See ESI† for a sample chromatogram, a full list of products tentatively identified.
In order to determine the origin of these degradation products, cannabinol (CBN, Fig. 1), was subjected to identical vaping conditions as THC. CBN is a THC oxidation product that forms during storage and processing.51 CBN shares identical structural features with THC except for the aromatic thymyl ring, and CBN has only limited psychoactivity when compared with THC.52 CBN vaporized in a CEC shows a starkly different aerosol GP that consists almost entirely of 1-butene, 1-propene, 1-pentene, butanal, propanal, and pentanal. C–C bond scission on the alkyl chain releases 1° alkyl radicals that form peroxy radicals after O2 addition, which subsequently undergo intramolecular rearrangement to hydroperoxy radicals that decompose to an alkene, or may undergo direct beta scission to an aldehyde. The quantity of VOCs released by CBN (0.6 ± 0.3 μg) is ∼10-fold lower than those released by THC vaporized under identical conditions.
The lack of isoprene and terpene-related degradation products in CBN's VOC profile is strong evidence that THC's p-menthyl ring accounts for the majority of THC's thermal degradation products. Moreover, the starkly increased quantity of VOCs (significant at p < 0.05) suggest this is a particularly labile structure. Fig. 3 is proposed pathway of THC decomposition accounting for 23 ± 6% of its VOCT for vaping THC in a CEC. The initial bond scission between carbon 6 and O is likely the most thermodynamically favorable to occur in THC given the stability of the two resultant radicals (3° and phenoxyl). Subsequent beta scission opens the p-menthyl ring resulting in a cannabigerol-like diradical with a linear terpene moiety that readily decomposes to release the same radical formed during β-myrcene thermal degradation (1), and consequently, four of the same products are released: 3MCA, 2M2B, isoprene, and 3M1B. THC subjected to dabbing releases elevated levels of oxidation products, with 30 ± 10% (n = 2) carbonyls relative to all other GP products tentatively identified, which is significantly higher than THC vaporized in a CEC with 2.1 ± 0.9% (n = 4) carbonyls.
We previously reported levels of HPHCs and all VOCs for dabbing a synthetic cannabis extract containing ∼10% of a cannabis terpenes mixture in THC, and showed that this mixture releases higher levels of all VOCs as compared to pure THC, and higher levels of selected toxicants compared to vaping a THC – terpene mix.5 It was hypothesized that terpenes may be more thermally labile than THC, and thus responsible for the increased quantity of degradation products. In order to test this, THC–β-myrcene mixtures were subjected to dabbing at 370 °C (a typical dabbing temperature5) using a previously reported dabbing method,5 and the levels of known degradants and their D-isotopologues were compared. Fig. 4 displays the levels of select degradants and their D-isotopologues as μg mg−1 of PM collected on CFPs for pure THC, THC with 5% β-myrcene-d6, and THC with 9% β-myrcene-d6.
Aerosol levels of major HPHCs known to exist when vaping cannabis oil components5,8 (isoprene, MACR, and MVK) increased with increasing % mass of β-myrcene-d6, and the elevated levels of their isotopologues that are known to derive from β-myrcene-d6 suggest this terpene was responsible for disproportionately more HPHCs compared to THC. Accounting for the isoprene–isoprene-d5 ratio of 0.45 ± 0.02 observed when pure β-myrcene-d6 is subjected to dabbing, in the THC–β-myrcene mixture containing 5% β-myrcene-d6, the terpene affords a 0.75% yield of isoprene, while THC produces only 0.15%. For the THC – β-myrcene mix containing 9% β-myrcene-d6, the terpene results in a 1.9% yield of isoprene, and THC a yield of 0.3%.
The higher yield of isoprene from β-myrcene may be explained via a combination of several factors. Isoprene has a more direct route to formation from β-myrcene than from THC, requiring less energy to generate this product. Additionally, β-myrcene partitions mostly to the aerosol GP, facilitating these reactions that are known to occur in this state.45,46,53,54 THC only has an appreciable distribution to GP at elevated temperatures directly surrounding the nail, but quickly condenses to PM, allowing less time for GP reactions to occur. β-Myrcene's smaller size and many fewer degrees of freedom than THC affords it a smaller molar heat capacity than THC, increasing the likelihood of bond homolysis with applied heat.
Pure THC, THC with 7.2% β-myrcene, and 14% β-myrcene were added to CCELL TH2 atomizers and vaporized at 10 W. Mass of SCO consumed (mC, Table 1) did not significantly change as β-myrcene % mass increased from 0% (pure THC) to 7.2%, and decreased non-significantly as % mass increased to 14%. THCT increased significantly in a linear fashion (R2 = 0.99) with increasing β-myrcene % mass. THC yield (THCY) increased significantly in a linear fashion (R2 = 0.98) upon increasing the β-myrcene % mass. β-Myrcene transfer (β-myrceneT) expectedly doubled as the % mass β-myrcene doubled from 7.2% to 14%, but the yield of β-myrcene (β-MyrceneY) did not significantly change.
% β-Myrcene in THC | Power | |||||
0% | 7% | 14% | 8 W | 10 W | 12 W | |
n | 4 | 6 | 5 | 3 | 5 | 3 |
mC (mg) | 5 ± 3 | 5 ± 4 | 7 ± 3 | 4 ± 1 | 7 ± 3 | 7 ± 2 |
THCT (mg) | 1.6 ± 0.6 | 3 ± 2 | 4 ± 1 | 2.9 ± 0.2 | 5 ± 1 | 5 ± 1 |
THCY (%) | 4 × 101 ± 2 × 101 | 5 × 101 ± 2 × 101 | 8 × 101 ± 1 × 101 | 9 × 101 ± 3 × 101 | 8 × 101 ± 1 × 101 | 8 × 101 ± 1 × 101 |
β-MyrceneT (μg) | 0 ± 0 | 8 ± 5 | 17 ± 6 | 18 ± 4 | 17 ± 8 | 12 ± 3 |
β-MyrceneY (%) | NA | 2.2 ± 0.6 | 1.8 ± 0.9 | 3.3 ± 0.4 | 1.8 ± 0.9 | 1.4 ± 0.4 |
psi-LimoneneD (μg) | 0 ± 0 | 3 ± 3 | 9 ± 3 | 9 ± 2 | 9 ± 4 | 6 ± 2 |
VOCNT (μg) | 6.3 ± 0.4 | 9 ± 4 | 5 ± 1 | 3 ± 1 | 5 ± 1 | 9 ± 2 |
Isoprene (μg) | 1.35 ± 0.04 | 1.5 ± 0.5 | 0.5 ± 0.2 | 0.07 ± 0.02 | 0.5 ± 0.2 | 1.5 ± 0.1 |
Isoprene epoxide (ng) | 7 ± 4 | 5 ± 3 | 3 ± 1 | 0.59 ± 0.01 | 3 ± 1 | 4 ± 3 |
1,3-BD (ng) | 12 ± 8 | 13 ± 9 | 3 ± 1 | 3 ± 1 | 3 ± 2 | 6 ± 8 |
MACR (ng) | 41 ± 3 | 4 × 101 ± 2 × 101 | 16 ± 5 | 5 ± 2 | 16 ± 8 | 31 ± 9 |
MVK (ng) | 39 ± 3 | 5 × 101 ± 2 × 101 | 22 ± 4 | 5 ± 7 | 22 ± 6 | 4 × 101 ± 2 × 101 |
Butanal (ng) | 11 ± 3 | 7 ± 2 | 5.8 ± 0.8 | 0.8 ± 0.2 | 6 ± 1 | 4 ± 2 |
Benzene (ng) | 10 ± 4 | 3 × 101 ± 4 × 101 | 2 ± 2 | 0 ± 0 | 2 ± 3 | 4 ± 3 |
Toluene (ng) | 1 × 102 ± 2 × 101 | 2 × 102 ± 2 × 102 | 2 × 101 ± 1 × 101 | 10 ± 7 | 3 × 101 ± 1 × 101 | 8 × 101 ± 5 × 101 |
Xylenes (ng) | 2.4 × 102 ± 3 × 101 | 4 × 102 ± 4 × 102 | 2 × 101 ± 2 × 101 | 2 × 101 ± 2 × 101 | 2 × 101 ± 3 × 101 | 1 × 102 ± 1 × 102 |
Some HPHCs previously identified in the cannabis vaporizer aerosol GP that have a calculated inhalation unit risk or reference exposure level values with regard to their cancer or non-cancer chronic exposure risk were measured and are displayed in Table 1.5 Isoprene epoxide was identified in all ATD-GC-MS chromatograms, and quantitative data for this compound was also included in Table 1 as this molecule is known to mediate the mutagenic effect of isoprene.55 Overall, the highest β-myrcene % mass tested, 14%, resulted in the lowest overall delivery of HPHCs. Pure THC and the SCO with 7.2% β-myrcene release similar levels of all HPHCs.
These results suggest THC and terpene transfer occur with less degradation as terpene % mass increases, and that the vaporizer operates with higher overall efficiency at the highest terpene % mass tested, 14%. The lower boiling point of β-myrcene (167 °C (ref. 56)) compared to THC (417 °C (ref. 10)) may translate to a reduced boiling point of the mixture, depressing the aerosolization temperature. β-Myrcene's enthalpy of vaporization may further depress reaction temperature. In addition to these effects, the observably lower viscosity of 14% β-myrcene likely facilitates wicking and improves atomizer efficiency.
The observation of pseudolimonene (psi-limonene, Fig. S12†) in the ATD-GC-MS chromatogram of the aerosol was unexpected, but this product has been reported as a byproduct of β-myrcene synthesis via pyrolysis of β-pinene.59 psi-Limonene occurred at a near-uniform 1:
2 ratio (β-myrcene
psi-limonene = 2.04 ± 0.04) when vaping the 14% β-myrcene in THC. Levels of β-myrceneT and psi-limoneneT did not significantly change from 8–10 W but decreased significantly as power increased from 10–12 W. Correspondingly, β-myrceneY significantly decreased from 8–10 W and 10–12 W in a linear fashion (R2 = 0.92). VOCNT increased significantly from 8–10 W and 10–12 W in a linear fashion (R2 = 0.95).
With regards to the release of HPHCs to the aerosol GP from vaping synthetic SCO, power level increased the amount of HPHC delivered per puff (Table 1). Linear correlations (all R2 > 0.9) are observed for isoprene, MACR, MVK, benzene, toluene, and isoprene epoxide. Butanal, xylenes, and butadiene displayed non-linearities that likely stemmed from integration error, which may be remedied by external calibration for more accurate data if necessary. Together these results indicate that this type of vaporizer should ideally be operated at the lowest power setting possible to avoid degradation of the starting material and production of HPHCs.
Though it is not possible to measure the exact temperature experienced at the atomizer, it may be assumed that power level is directly related to aerosolization temperature. With increasing power, 1a-derived products decrease relative to 1b-derived products, a correlation that is largely governed by an increase of isoprene relative to 3MCA (see ESI†). The formation of 3MCA begins with O2 addition to C˙ on 1a to form a COO˙ species, which decomposes via C–H beta scission to yield 3MCA and a hydroxyl radical.60 Isoprene similarly begins with O2 addition at C˙ on 1b to form an RO2 radical which can directly release a hydroperoxyl radical and isoprene.61 At lower temperatures, the reversible addition of O2 onto C˙ faces a high barrier in the back reaction for 1a as this releases a primary radical, leading to an abundance of 3MCA as an end product. It is known that at higher temperatures, the barrier for O2 addition on any C˙ becomes nearly nonexistent.61 This favors oxidation via the more stable resonance contributor, 1b, at higher temperatures. 3MCA may be considered a kinetic product favored at low temperatures, and isoprene a thermodynamic product favored at higher temperatures. Significant decreases of the ratio of 1a:
1b products with increasing power support this hypothesis (Fig. 5a). Significant increases in 1a
1b products with increasing % mass β-myrcene (Fig. 5b) suggest that vaping conditions with higher % mass β-myrcene occur at lower temperatures, which is supported by the observation of lower levels of degradation products and higher yield of starting materials under these conditions.
Conversely, higher β-myrcene % mass is associated with a decrease in the levels of all HPHCs and lesser overall degradation for CEC vaping. Less degradation and higher overall operating efficiency was observed when vaping SCO with higher % mass β-myrcene, likely a consequence of decreases in boiling point and viscosity. Depression of the boiling point would correspondingly depress aerosolization temperature in the atomizer and lead to lesser chemical degradation. Using the β-myrcene % mass that displays optimum performance, 14%, the influence of power level on VOC profile and THC content in the PM was examined. The increase in THCT and decrease in THCY from 8–10 W, which plateaus from 10–12 W suggests that even at 10 W degradation of the starting material becomes significant.
In the United States state-level legal recreational cannabis market, reconstituted cannabis oils containing cannabinoids and terpenes are the norm for CECs,21 but vaporizers of black market origin are known to contain non-cannabis additives such as medium chain triglyceride oil, triethyl citrate, or phytol.23 The findings herein may not translate to cannabis vaporizer liquids containing these and other additives, though future work may investigate the impact of these on the release of VOCs and the delivery of THC and other aerosol components.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/d1ra00934f |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2021 |