Nirvana Delgado Otalvaro,
Gerardo Sogne,
Karla Herrera Delgado
Stefan Wild
Stephan Pitter
Jörg Sauer
Karlsruher Institute of Technology (KIT), Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1, D-76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany. E-mail:; Tel: +49 721 608 28631
First published on 13th July 2021
The one-step synthesis of dimethyl ether over mechanical mixtures of Cu/ZnO/Al2O3 (CZA) and γ-Al2O3 was studied in a wide range of process conditions. Experiments were performed at an industrially relevant pressure of 50 bar varying the carbon oxide ratio in the feed (CO2 in COx from 20 to 80%), temperature (503–533 K), space-time (240–400 kgcat s mgas−3), and the CZA-to-γ-Al2O3 weight ratio (from 1 to 5). Factors favoring the DME production in the investigated range of conditions are an elevated temperature, a low CO2 content in the feed, and a CZA-to-γ-Al2O3 weight ratio of 2. A lumped kinetic model was parameterized to fit the experimental data, resulting in one of the predictive models with the broadest range of validity in the open literature for the CZA/γ-Al2O3 system.
The commercially established production route of DME involves two steps. The first step is methanol synthesis from syngas, followed by the methanol dehydration step in a second reactor. An alternative route is the direct or single-step synthesis, where DME is produced directly from syngas in a single reactor.4 Potential advantages of a single reactor are reduced complexity and investment costs. Also, the direct synthesis is thermodynamically advantageous compared to the conventional route.7 The in situ conversion of methanol by the dehydration reaction shifts the thermodynamic equillibrium of methanol synthesis towards the products. As a result, a higher conversion of the synthesis gas can be achieved under comparable conditions.7
Many dual catalyst systems have been proposed in the scientific literature for direct DME synthesis.8–10 These combine the properties of metallic catalysts for the methanol synthesis (typically copper-based),11 and a solid acid catalyst for the selective methanol dehydration to DME (such as γ-Al2O3, zeolites, and silica-modified alumina).12 In this contribution, we consider mechanical mixtures of the two commercial catalysts of each step i.e., Cu/ZnO/Al2O3 (CZA) and γ-Al2O3.
Identifying and quantifying dependencies between process parameters and performance is essential for efficient, economically viable and safe process design and operation. Hence, numerous studies have been conducted investigating the influence of different variables on the performance of the direct DME synthesis from CO2 rich synthesis gas.
Although so many studies have been carried out for the direct DME synthesis from CO2 rich synthesis gas, the detail reaction mechanism is still controversial.32 Therefore, reliable kinetic models valid in a wide range of conditions at industrially relevant process conditions are still necessary. In this work, we develop a reaction kinetic model applicable for an extended range of catalyst bed compositions, and process parameters (CO2 content in the synthesis gas, temperature and space time), extending the scope of available reaction kinetic models and providing a useful tool for model-based reactor and process design and optimization.
Properties of the CZA catalyst10 | |
Metal composition (Cu/Zn/Al)/wt% | 64/29/6 |
Specific surface area (SBET)/m2 g−1 | 98 |
Pore volume/cm3 g−1 | 0.332 |
Maximum pore diameter/nm | 11 |
Pore size range/nm | 5–26 |
Properties of the γ-Al2O3 catalyst33 | |
Specific surface area (SBET)/m2 g−1 | 213 |
NH3-TPD peak position in low and high temperature regions/K | 512 and 624 |
Total acidity/mmol NH3 per gcat (desorbed NH3 in NH3-TPD) | 0.37 |
Acidity in low and high temperature regions/mmol NH3 per gcat | 0.18 and 0.19 |
The feed gases, carbon monoxide (CO, 99.97%), nitrogen (N2, 99.9999%), hydrogen (H2, 99.9999%) and a mixture carbon dioxide/nitrogen (CO2/N2, 50:
50 ± 1.0%) were purchased by Air Liquid Germany GmbH.
![]() | (1) |
The experimental conditions as summarized in Table 2 were chosen in order to measure intrinsic kinetics i.e., by minimizing heat and mass transport limitations. The total catalyst mass in all experiments was 2 g, while the mass of each catalyst was distributed in different ratios (μ = mCZA/mγ-Al2O3). The mole fraction of H2 in the feed (yH2,in) was set to 46.5% to avoid a stoichiometric limitation in all cases. The mole fraction of carbon oxides in the feed, i.e., yCOx,in = yCO2,in + yCO,in was at 15%, and the fraction of N2 (yN2,in) was set accordingly to 38.5%. The concentrations used for the model parametrization were determined from the mean value of at least 4 chromatograms per operating point. Each set point was held for at least 3 hours enabling multiple readings, and confirmation of stability.
![]() | (2) |
The parameter estimation took place based on the measured mole fractions of the components in the product gas, excluding water and methanol since it was not possible to detect these species accurately over the wide range of conditions shown in Table 2. Reported values for water and methanol correspond to those calculated based on the component balances (C, H and O balance). Additionally, experimental data for which the component balances exhibited a relative error higher than 8% were excluded from the parameter estimation (wn = 0). Due to the strong influence of initial parameter values, and in order to avoid local optimality, the fitting procedure was iteratively repeated until the relative difference between the parameters obtained in two consecutive iterations was lower than 5%. The Matlab built-in function nlparci was used to calculate the 95% confidence intervals of the parameter estimates using the residuals and the Jacobian matrix of the fitted model, which are both output arguments of lsqcurvefit. Additionally, correlation coefficients were computed using eqn (3),34
![]() | (3) |
Vθ = s2(JTJ)−1. | (4) |
Correlation coefficients |ρi,j| ≥ 0.95 are assessed to indicate a strong parameter correlation.35
![]() | (5) |
![]() | (6) |
![]() | (7) |
rvj = (1 − εbed)ρcat,jξcat,jrmj. | (8) |
![]() | (9) |
![]() | (10) |
The reaction network considered in this model consists of the CO2 hydrogenation (reaction 1), the methanol dehydration to DME (reaction 2), and the water gas shift reaction (reaction 3). Reactions 1 and 3 are assumed to be promoted by the CZA catalyst, while reaction 2 is promoted by γ-Al2O3.
Reaction 1:
CO2 + 3 H2 ⇌ CH3OH + H2O |
Reaction 2:
2 CH3OH ⇌ CH3OCH3 + H2O |
Reaction 3:
CO + H2O ⇌ CO2 + H2 |
The reaction rate expressions were postulated based on the general Hougen–Watson formulation,
![]() | (11) |
The kinetic term equals the rate constant of each reaction j (kj). The potential term, describing the driving force of the reaction i.e., the distance from thermodynamic equilibrium, is defined for each reaction j as follows,
![]() | (12) |
The adsorption term is generally defined by,
![]() | (13) |
It accounts for the inhibition caused by adsorbed species on the catalytically active surface, and hence it must be defined for each component of the catalyst mixture. The postulated model includes the adsorption of CO2, CO and dissociated H2 on the CZA (eqn (14)), whereas no adsorption on the dehydration catalyst was considered (eqn (15)). Furthermore, the adsorption term has a different influence on the rates of the CO2 hydrogenation and the WGSR, with n = 3 and 1 respectively.21,29 In eqn (12) and (13), fi is the fugacity of component i in bar, Kf,j is the equilibrium constant of the same reaction, νi,j is the stoichiometric coefficient of component i in reaction j, and Ki is the adsorption constant of component i.
![]() | (14) |
Ads. termγ-Al2O3 = 1 | (15) |
The resulting rate expressions for the three reactions are presented in eqn (16)–(18).
![]() | (16) |
![]() | (17) |
![]() | (18) |
The reaction rate and adsorption constants (kj and Ki) are each calculated using modified Arrhenius and the van't Hoff equations (eqn (19) and (20)). This re-parameterization reduces the correlation between the frequency factor and the activation energy, as well as between the sticking coefficients and the enthalpy of adsorption.42 Other advantages of using re-parameterized expressions are lower computational costs and higher robustness in parameter estimation with the least squares algorithm.43 These are particularly relevant for the fitting of large data sets, as used in this work.
![]() | (19) |
![]() | (20) |
The modified parameters are related to the parameters of the traditional Arrhenius equation according to eqn (21) and (22).34
![]() | (21) |
![]() | (22) |
![]() | (23) |
![]() | (24) |
The reference temperature (TR) was calculated with eqn (25) based on the temperature of each experiment n.44
![]() | (25) |
The equilibrium constants Kf,j of each reaction j are calculated using eqn (26),45 the temperature T in K, and the parameters in Table 3.
![]() | (26) |
Parameter | Reaction 1 | Reaction 2 | Reaction 3 |
A | 3014.4029 | 1143.9494 | 2076.2131 |
B | 10.3856 | 0.9925 | 2.0101 |
The equilibrium constants are dimensionless for reactions 2 and 3 (methanol dehydration to DME, and WGSR), while Kf,1 (the equilibrium constant of CO2 hydrogenation to methanol) has the units bar−2, in accordance with the law of mass action.
For performance evaluation, the conversion of component i (Xi), and the carbon-normalized yield and selectivity of component i from COx (Yi and Si) were computed based using eqn (27)–(29), respectively.
![]() | (27) |
![]() | (28) |
![]() | (29) |
For an initial qualitative analysis of the experimental results, the measured conversion of COx (XCOx) and DME yield (YDME) are shown in Fig. 1 and 2 as a function of the temperature and the CZA-to-γ-Al2O3 ratio (μ) for the four investigated COR levels (20, 40, 60 and 80%). To create this graphical representation, the values between the experiments were calculated using lowpass interpolation with the Matlab® function interp. The maximal conversion attained for the different inlet feed composition varies from 19.8% (COR = 80%, T = 523 K, μ = 2) to 42.6% (COR = 20%, T = 533 K, μ = 2). In general, low CORs, i.e., low CO2 contents in the feed, lead to higher conversions at all temperatures. The highest conversions were reached in all cases with μ = 2, whereas the conversions attained with the reference catalyst bed composition (μ = 1) are the lowest. Even at high temperatures relatively low conversions are attained with the reference μ = 1 in comparison to those reached with the other catalyst beds. It is obvious that the temperature at which the maximal conversion was measured, decreases with increasing CORs.
![]() | ||
Fig. 1 Conversion of COx determined experimentally and plotted as a function of the temperature (T) and the CZA-to- γ-Al2O3 ratio (μ) for nominal CORs of (a) 20%, (b) 40%, (c) 60% and (d) 80%. Experimental conditions summarized in Table 2. |
![]() | ||
Fig. 2 Yield of DME determined experimentally and plotted as a function of the temperature (T) and the CZA-to- γ-Al2O3 ratio (μ) for nominal CORs of (a) 20%, (b) 40%, (c) 60% and (d) 80%. Experimental conditions summarized in Table 2. |
The DME yield, displayed in Fig. 2, exhibits a strong temperature dependency. The maximal YDME varies between 4.6% (COR = 80%, T = 533 K, μ = 2) and 27.9% (COR = 20%, T = 533 K, μ = 2). Overall, lower CORs lead to higher yields of DME, and analogous to the conversion of COx, the highest yields were attained with a CZA-to-γ-Al2O3 ratio μ = 2. The response surfaces are very similar for all CORs, however, it can be observed that with increasing COR, the region at which the highest yields are reached migrates towards the upper left corner i.e., towards high temperatures and low μ. At 533 K and 20% COR for example, high yields are attained with all the catalyst beds, whereas at 80% COR, the yields reached at this temperature are high with μ up to two, and significantly lower with μ of three and higher.
To enable a quantitative analysis of the observed effects, representative results at the minimal and maximal temperature are investigated more in detail in the following. The COx conversion is depicted in Fig. 3 for the investigated CORs as a function of the CZA-to-γ-Al2O3 ratio, at the maximal and minimal temperature of 533 K and 503 K (Fig. 3a and b). At 533 K, the COx conversion increased for all measured feeds when increasing μ up to a value of 2. This effect was most pronounced for a COR of 20% where the relative enhancement of the conversion was of 47%. For a COR of 80% the relative enhancement amounted 19%. A further increase of the CZA-to-γ-Al2O3 ratio had a negative effect on the conversion compared to the conversion obtained with μ = 2, but in all cases, the attained values were still higher than in the reference case (μ = 1). The only exception to this observation was for COR = 80% and μ = 5, where the conversion decreases from 14% (μ = 1) to 13% (μ = 5).
![]() | ||
Fig. 3 COx conversion as a function of the CZA-to-γ-Al2O3 ratio (μ) for CORs from 20% to 80%. (a) T = 533 K and (b) T = 503 K. |
At a temperature of 503 K, the conversion of COx shown in Fig. 3b for all bed compositions and CORs is lower than for the corresponding values attained at 533 K, which can attributed to the general dependency of the reaction rates on the temperature. For all CORs, a maximum at μ = 2 was detected. With this CZA-to-γ-Al2O3 ratio, a relative conversion enhancement of 88% and 52% was obtained compared to μ = 1 at the minimal and maximal COR levels of 20% and 80% respectively. Comparable to the observations made at 533 K, the effect of the catalyst bed composition on the conversion is more pronounced at lower CORs. Furthermore, it can be observed that with the reference catalyst ratio μ = 1, the attained COx conversion is at a close value of approx. 14% regardless of the CO2 content in the inlet feed, in contrast to the other experiments with increasing COx conversion as the COR is decreased.
In general it was observed that decreasing amounts of CO2 in the feed gas (i.e., decreasing CORs) lead to higher conversions, and to more pronounced effects of the catalyst bed composition. The beneficial effect of low CO2 concentration in the synthesis gas has been observed in other kinetic studies of both the methanol and the DME synthesis.14,15,26,46–48 Regarding the surface chemistry, low CO2 concentration prevents sintering of the CZA catalyst, and promotes catalyst morphology that enhances the catalytic activity.48,49 From a thermodynamic perspective, high CO2 feed concentration shifts the equilibrium of the WGSR towards the educts (H2O and CO), resulting in increased water formation and subsequently in decrease of the methanol dehydration rate.14,15 This explanation is in accordance with our findings and is further confirmed by increased methanol selectivity at high CORs discussed in the following. In addition, we explain this effect on the basis of mechanistic considerations in Section
In Fig. 4a–d the yields are shown for the minimal and maximal CORs 20% and 80%, and for the minimal and maximal temperatures 503 K and 533 K. Since the yield is calculated based on the reacted COx, and no other carbon-containing compounds were detected in a significant amount during the experiments, the yield is calculated only for methanol and DME. However, as discussed further in Section 4.2, CO and CO2 formation was evidenced at some specific conditions.
![]() | ||
Fig. 4 Yield of methanol and DME at specific conditions: (a) 533 K, 20% COR, (b) 533 K, 80% COR, (c) 492 K, 20% COR and (d) 492 K, 80% COR. |
At 533 K and a COR of 20% (Fig. 4a), the converted COx in the feed gas reacted to form mainly DME. In general, at this temperature and COR, an increased amount of the CZA catalyst led to a higher DME production than that attained with the reference catalyst bed (μ = 1). The highest relative enhancement of the DME yield was 30.3% with μ = 2. A further increase of μ = 3 and 5 also enhanced the yield of DME but to a lower extent (enhancement of 22.8% and 13.2% respectively compared to the yield attained with the reference μ = 1). At the same temperature and a COR of 80% (Fig. 4b), the methanol yield was at least twice as high as that of DME. An increased μ did not increase the DME yield which amounts 4.6% at μ = 1 and 2, and was lower otherwise. Comparing the results shown in Fig. 4a and b (and also Fig. S3a and b†), a shift of the selectivity from DME to methanol is observed when increasing the COR from 20 to 80%. The water concentration is low at high CO contents in the feed (water removal via WGSR), and high at a high level of CO2.14 Obviously, presence of water is thermodynamically unfavorable for the dehydration, explaining the observed methanol concentration at high CORs. This conclusion is supported by the mechanistic analysis provided in Section
In Fig. 4c and d it is observable that for a temperature of 503 K, the yield of methanol is higher than that of DME for both COR levels. An enhancement of the DME yield compared to the reference case is still observable at a COR of 20% (38.2% and 4.3% with μ = 2 and 3), whereas at 80% COR, an increase of the μ proved to be disadvantageous for the DME yield. The lowest DME yields were observed at 503 K, a COR of 80% and μ = 3 and 5.
The catalytic activity of the CZA/γ-Al2O3 system is a function of combined physicochemical characteristics such as Cu surface area, dispersion, and acidity.50–52 Furthermore, the setup of reaction conditions have also shown to be a key factor.24 While the study of the catalysts properties was out of the scope of this work, a wide range of conditions was covered during the experimental program. The improvement observed by increasing the CZA-to-γ-Al2O3 ratio reveals that the number of required acid sites has already been significantly exceeded when equivalent catalysts masses are used.15,21 Therefore, an increase of the catalyst ratio leads to an overall enhancement of the synergetic effects of the direct DME synthesis i.e., the faster methanol formation due to an increased amount of CZA catalyst has a positive effect on the methanol dehydration even though the amount of the catalyst that promotes this reaction is reduced. Overall, it was observed that the highest enhancement of the DME yield was attained at a CZA-to-γ-Al2O3 ratio of μ = 2, and that higher ratios lead to a minor improvement, or even to a decrease of the DME production. Additionally, it was observed that the methanol yield increased with increasing CZA-to-γ-Al2O3 ratio at all conditions (Fig. 4a–d) as also described in other kinetic studies.15,24,50 Hence, the evidenced enhancement of the DME yield is associated to the higher conversion, i.e., the conversion of COx increased more than the DME selectivity decreased, leading to higher DME yields than with the reference catalyst bed.
![]() | ||
Fig. 5 Parity plots for mole percent of CO, CO2, H2 and DME in the product gas for all data (186 experiments). |
The resulting parameter estimates are shown in Table 4 along with the respective 95% confidence intervals. The adsorption parameters were fixed. Hence, no statistical information is available on these estimates. In regards to the rate constants, the confidence intervals demonstrate that all re-parameterized pre-exponential factors and activation energies are statistically significant. Moreover, the width of the confidence intervals is less than 13% of the respective estimates for five out of six parameters. The widest confidence interval was that of the re-parameterized activation energy of the CO2 hydrogenation, with a width of 29% of the estimated value, which underlines the high statistical significance of the estimated kinetic parameters.
The reference temperature was calculated as TR = 517.43 K using eqn (25) for the 186 experiments used for fitting.
Notice that and
are dimensionless according to eqn (22) and (24), and that
is based on the mass of the catalyst that promotes each reaction, i.e., CZA for the CO2 hydrogenation and the WGSR, and γ-Al2O3 for the methanol dehydration to DME.
The adsorption constants Ki were calculated with eqn (20) at the different temperature levels to determine the influence of the adsorption of each species on the adsorption term (the reported value for H2 corresponds to according to eqn (14)). The calculated values are shown in Table 5. The CO adsorption has clearly the lowest adsorption constant, in agreement with the studies of Lu et al.29 and Delgado Otalvaro et al.21 where the same adsorption term was employed. The constant of CO2 adsorption exhibited both in Delgado Otalvaro et al.21 and in the present work the highest value. This is also consistent with the investigations of Klier et al.,47 where a strong CO2 adsorption on the metallic catalyst was observed. All adsorption constants shown in Table 5 decrease with increasing temperature due to the exothermal nature of adsorption.
Binary correlation coefficients (ρi,j) were computed to assess the correlation between the parameter estimates (Table 6). The absolute values of all the non-trivial correlations coefficients confirm that using the re-parameterized Arrhenius and van't Hoff equations (eqn (19) and (20)) led successfully to a weak correlation between the parameter estimates. In addition, the convergence time of the fitting was reduced by about 60% after applying re-parameterization.
To elucidate the effect of the COR on the reactions rates, these have been depicted in Fig. 6a–c at exemplary conditions for the minimal and maximal CORs of 20% and 80%. Additionally, the mole percentage profiles of water, methanol and DME are displayed in Fig. 6d (Fig. S4 in the ESI† includes the profiles of CO and CO2, which were left out here for better visualisation). It is shown that the rates of the three reactions, i.e., CO2 hydrogenation, methanol dehydration and WGSR, are higher at 20% COR than at 80% COR. This effect is straight forward for the WGSR where CO2 is a product, and an increased product concentration shifts the equilibrium towards the educts according to the Le Chatelier's principle. For the CO2 hydrogenation on the other hand, it may appear contradictory that the rate is lower at higher CORs since CO2 is a reactant in this reaction. This has been attributed to several factors in the literature such as to the presence of water in high concentrations leading to sintering of the Cu particles,48 to thermodynamic limitation of the methanol formation,54 or to strong CO2 adsorption on the metallic catalyst.47 CO2 adsorption is also believed to be important in our study, which is accounted for in the model by the strong influence of CO2 concentration on the adsorption term (eqn (14) and Section 4.2.1), and by the considerable influence of the adsorption term on the CO2 hydrogenation (eqn (16)). The strong influence of the adsorption term leads to an overall decrease of the reaction rate with increasing CO2 in the feed, even though the potential term of the forward reaction is indeed higher at higher CORs.
The rate of the WGSR (Fig. 6c) takes on negative values at the reactor entrance at both CORs, indicating that the reverse water gas shift reaction (rWGSR) is faster than the WGSR at the inlet conditions. At 80% COR the rWGSR is particularly fast (high negative values, min. rv3 = −3.7 mol m3 s−1 at z = 0), which we attribute to the high concentrations of CO2 and H2 in the feed. Although a high hydrogen feed concentration is necessary to avoid the stoichiometric limitation of CO2 hydrogenation to methanol, the high feed concentration of both, CO2 and H2, accelerates the rWGSR instead of the CO2 hydrogenation as evidenced, leading to water and CO production.16,55 The simulations show that the rWGSR prevails over the WGSR for the initial 10% bed length, resulting in a pronounced increase of water concentration (Fig. 6d, blue dashed line). From a bed length beyond 10%, the water gas shift equilibrium (reaction 3) shifts to the right side and rv3 takes on nearly constant positive values over the entire following bed length, accompanied by reduced overall water formation as water is partially consumed by the WGSR. The widely accepted mechanism of methanol formation by CO2 hydrogenation over copper-based catalysts was disputed by Gaikwad et al.56 It was shown by means of space-resolved experiments that the main carbon source for methanol formation from CO2 rich feeds depends on the reaction conditions, in particular on the temperature. The authors concluded that at 533 K and CO2/H2 feeds, methanol formation takes place via CO hydrogenation formed by the rWGSR at the reactor inlet. Our simulation results are in accordance with that conclusion, i.e., the rWGSR takes place at the reactor inlet, followed by the CO hydrogenation, in the model described by the WGSR and the subsequent CO2 hydrogenation. We also believe that this explains the higher conversions and yields at high CO feed concentration. At this COR, the rWGSR prevails only at the reactor entrance (up to 0.8% reactor length), and the rate does not reach such high negative values (min. rv3 = −2.2 mol m3 s−1 at z = 0). As a result, the water concentration at the reactor entrance rises steeply, but does not reach such a high level as at 80% COR. Although water has shown to limit the catalyst deactivation by coke deposition31,57 high water concentration in is indisputably detrimental for direct DME synthesis, especially when using γ-Al2O3 as the dehydration component.4,54 This underlines the importance of water removal, e.g., by permselective membranes58,59 which could also be axially tailored to counteract the observed steep water increase at the reactor entrance shown here as well as in other kinetic studies.60,61
Clearly, the methanol dehydration to DME is also affected strongly by the COR, as shown in Fig. 6b. At 20% COR the concentration of methanol is higher than the concentration of water for the largest portion of the reactor (solid lines in Fig. 6d). Conversely, at 80% COR the water concentration is higher than the concentration of methanol (dashed lines in Fig. 6d). Reduced methanol dehydration rate at high CORs has been explained in the literature by deactivation phenomena of the γ-Al2O3, and by a strong adsorption of methanol and/or water on the surface of the dehydration catalyst.14,28,30,62 In our experiments, no activity drop was observed and, as mentioned in Section 3.1, the model that enabled the best fit to the experimental data is based on the assumption that no adsorption on the dehydration catalyst takes place.21,29,54 Hence, the influence of the COR on the dehydration rate is accounted for by thermodynamics only. I.e., considering the stoichiometry of the dehydration reaction it is clear that high methanol and low water concentrations as evidenced at 20% COR are thermodynamically favorable for DME formation, while low methanol and high water concentrations as exhibited at 80% COR are disadvantageous. As a result, the methanol dehydration is significantly slower at 80% COR than at 20% COR explaining the decreasing DME formation with increasing CORs observed experimentally (Fig. 2 and 4a, b).
A factor not considered by the model but potentially favoring methanol dehydration at elevated temperature is enhanced water desorption from the dehydration catalyst surface,63 leading to an increased number of available active centres for the dehydration reaction. The effect of the temperature on the concentrations profiles is shown in Fig. 7d. Compared to 503 K (solid lines), at 533 K (dashed lines) the methanol concentration is higher for 55% of the reactor length, while the water concentration is lower for almost the entire reactor. Hence it is obvious that at 533 K, the driving force of the dehydration reaction is increased, leading to significantly higher DME concentrations and DME yields, as also determined experimentally (Fig. 4a and c). Furthermore, the concentration increase for DME is significantly higher than for methanol, confirming that higher temperatures have a positive effect on DME selectivity24 (Fig. S2 and S3†).
In the study of Gaikwad et al.,56 for methanol synthesis at 453, 533 and 613 K, the authors concluded that at 533 K the main reaction mechanism takes place via rWGSR and CO hydrogenation, while at lower temperature, direct CO2 hydrogenation is the dominant pathway. In Fig. 8, simulation results at the highest COR considered (80%) and at 503 and 533 K show that our lumped kinetic model is mechanistically sound according to these new insights. The respective reaction rates of the WGSR (Fig. 8c) are of particular interest: at 533 K, the phenomenon described in Section takes place; i.e., the rWGSR dominates at the reactor inlet, followed by both, WGSR and CO2 hydrogenation, in combination representing a descriptor for CO hydrogenation; at 503 K, the WGSR rate is nearly zero and shows a nearly constant profile along the reactor length. This leads us to the conclusion that at 503 K, methanol formation takes place via direct CO2 hydrogenation. From the findings of Gaikwad et al.,56 it cannot be concluded exactly at which temperature the mechanism shifts, although from our findings it seems plausible that at 503 K, both reaction pathways are contributing.
Table S3 in the ESI† provides an overview on studies with different CZA-to-γ-Al2O3 ratios. A direct comparison with other works regarding this variable is not comprehensively possible, due to the wide range of process parameters evaluated in literature studies,24 and also due to more or less widespread catalyst properties, reactor types and configurations, and finally the respective methodology followed in each study. Commonly drawn conclusions in accordance with our work are as follows: (1) DME selectivity increases with decreasing CZA-to-γ-Al2O3 ratios when CO2 is present in the feed.24,50 (2) However, decreasing CZA-to-γ-Al2O3 ratio especially below a value of 1, is detrimental for the DME production.15,24,64 (3) Hence, increased DME yield attained with increasing CZA-to-γ-Al2O3 ratios is attributed to a significant enhancement of the COx conversion, that makes up for the selectivity loss. Higher amounts of the CZA catalyst, evidently lead to higher rates of CO2 hydrogenation and water gas shift reaction (Fig. 9a and c), which are both promoted by this catalyst. On the other hand, increased methanol formation and water depletion rates are contributing to methanol dehydration to DME. Hence, explaining the higher rate of the dehydration reaction (Fig. 9b), even though compared to the reference case (μ = 1), the fraction of the dehydration catalyst at μ = 2 is reduced. It should also be noted that most of the studies mentioned are experimental in scope. This emphasizes the general importance and necessity of models valid for a broader range of catalyst bed compositions (especially also for a wide range of CO2/COx feed ratios) to enable model-based evaluation of optimization strategies and/or reactor designs under consideration of these variables.
As depicted in Fig. 10a, CO2 formation was evidenced at high temperatures and low CORs. The highest CO2 formation, i.e., the lowest CO2 conversion, was observed at 20% COR and 533 K. At these conditions, the WGSR is faster than the CO2 hydrogenation for most of the reactor length. Hence, more CO2 is produced than consumed, explaining the negative CO2 conversions. Contrary to the results at higher temperatures, CO2 formation does not take place at 503 K.
CO formation on the other hand, was evidenced at low temperatures and high CORs (Fig. 10b). The minimal CO conversion took place at 80% COR and 503 K, caused by a relatively late shift of the rWGSR to WGSR. At these conditions, the rWGSR prevailed over the WGSR for approx. half of the reactor length. The CO produced in the first half of the reactor, is not completely consumed in the second half, leading to the slight overall CO production shown in Fig. 10b. In agreement with the mechanistic analysis presented before, CO2 and CO conversion show opposite trends, with the CO conversion increasing with temperature, as methanol formation takes place via CO hydrogenation.56 CO conversion is also increasing with decreasing COR, due to WGSR that is favored at high CO feed concentration, and decreases respectively with increasing COR according to an increased participation of the rWGSR.
The influence of key process variables on reaction rates was examined in light of the derived model, and representative results were presented with the goal of determining causality and providing a comprehensive understanding of the observed phenomena. An increased CZA-to-γ-Al2O3 ratio was found to be favorable in terms of DME yield, although this reduced the amount of dehydrogenation catalyst. This is attributed to the synergistic effects of direct DME synthesis, i.e., an increased methanol production rate also accelerates the dehydration of methanol to DME. With regard to the composition of the feed, a high CO content leads to an increased DME yield, since the water gas shift reaction and thus the water consumption in the system are accelerated. Conversely, a high CO2 content leads to a significantly increased water concentration. This is due to a strong effect of reverse water gas shift at the reactor inlet, which increases with CO2 content. Moreover, it was shown that increasing temperatures lead to higher DME yield and selectivity regardless of the feed composition. However, at high CO2 content in the feed, the attainable enhancement by optimization of the reaction conditions might not lead to sufficiently high DME yields for the process to be economically feasible. Therefore, additional technical improvements are necessary to achieve a significant increase in overall performance. Possible technical improvements include water removal, novel reactor concepts such as membrane reactors or reactive distillation, as well as a customized product separation.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/d1ra03452a |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2021 |