Jordi Hug
Chemical Engineering and Analytical Chemistry Department, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Barcelona, Martí i Franquès 1 11, 08028 Barcelona, Spain. E-mail:
First published on 2nd November 2020
The kinetics of the butyl tert-butyl ether (BTBE) synthesis reaction over Amberlyst™ 35 as the catalyst has been studied at 303–356 K in the liquid phase in two different reactor systems: batch and fixed-bed. Internal mass transfer effects were detected at temperatures above 333 K for catalyst particles larger than 0.25 mm. Particles smaller than 0.08 mm did not show mass transfer limitations under the whole assayed temperature range. The best kinetic model has been searched among a large number of kinetic equations resulting from the systematic combination of all possible elementary reactions, adsorbed species, and rate-determining step based, according to the Langmuir–Hinshelwood–Hougen–Watson and the Eley–Rideal formalisms. The significance of the temperature effect on the kinetic parameters and of the effect of the interaction between the catalyst and the reaction medium on the reaction rate has been checked. All proposed kinetic equations have been fitted to experimental rate data free from mass transfer limitations. The model discrimination procedure has been based on mathematical and physicochemical criteria. The resulting kinetic model is consistent with an Eley–Rideal type mechanism where one 1-butanol molecule adsorbs on one active site of the catalyst, it reacts with one isobutene molecule from the liquid phase to give one adsorbed BTBE molecule, which finally desorbs. The rate-determining step is the surface reaction. The catalyst activity is affected by the resin-medium interaction. 1-Butanol adsorption on the catalyst is more exothermic than BTBE adsorption, and isobutene adsorption is negligible.
In the course of the addition of IB to BuOH to form BTBE, two side reactions can take place simultaneously depending on the operating conditions (Fig. 1): isobutene hydration to form tert-butyl alcohol (TBA), and isobutene dimerisation to form 2,4,4-trimethyl-1-pentene (TMP1) and 2,4,4-trimethyl-2-pentene (TMP2). Few literature references focused on BTBE synthesis can be found. The most significant works are devoted to the reaction thermodynamics and to the reactivity of primary alcohols with isobutene.5–9 No data have been found concerning the BTBE etherification kinetics, which is crucial for the potential production of BTBE in industrial units. Due to the reaction similarities, BTBE synthesis is expected to proceed through a mechanism similar to that of MTBE or ETBE and, therefore, reaction rates could be explained by means of an analogous kinetic model.
MTBE and ETBE etherifications have been studied extensively throughout the years.10–16 More recently, the production of propyl tert-butyl ether (PTBE), the next ether in the analogous series, obtained by addition of 1-propanol to isobutene, has also been investigated.17 According to the literature, all these etherification reactions are reversible and exothermic, and the olefin–alcohol–ether mixtures behave strongly non-ideally. The reported reaction rate expressions are basically derived from Langmuir–Hinshelwood–Hougen–Watson (LHHW) or Eley–Rideal (ER) formalisms. It is expected that these reactions proceed through a similar mechanism. However, there are some discrepancies among the published works concerning mainly the number of active sites involved in the rate-determining step and the compounds that actually adsorb significantly on the resin. Possible reasons of such discrepancies are to have tested a limited number of candidate models, to have chosen a model among others with a similar goodness of fit, to have included non significant effects in the kinetic equation, or to have excluded significant effects. The present in-depth kinetic model discrimination study is motivated to assure that all plausible models are considered in the discrimination procedure, and that all parameters included in the proposed kinetic equation are significant.
All proposed equations match the same general expression (eqn (1)). Models differ in the developed form of each term in the kinetic equation (Table 1).
![]() | (1) |
Regarding the driving force term, four different alternatives have been considered, given the considered rate-determining step for the global reaction process, i.e., surface reaction (eqn (3)), 1-butanol adsorption (eqn (4)), isobutene adsorption (eqn (5)), and BTBE desorption (eqn (6)). The parameter Keq in eqn (3) to (6) stands for the chemical equilibrium constant for the synthesis of BTBE, whose value had been determined experimentally in a previous work:7
![]() | (10) |
No. | Adsorption term | No. | Adsorption term |
1 | 1 | 8 | 1 + KBuOHaBuOH |
2 | a BuOH | 9 | 1 + KBTBEaBTBE |
3 | a IB | 10 | 1 + KIBaIB |
4 | a BuOH + KBTBEaBTBE | 11 | 1 + KBuOHaBuOH + KBTBEaBTBE |
5 | a BuOH + KIBaIB | 12 | 1 + KBuOHaBuOH + KIBaIB |
6 | a BTBE + KIBaIB | 13 | 1 + KBTBEaBTBE + KIBaIB |
7 | a BuOH + KBTBEaBTBE + KIBaIB | 14 | 1 + KBuOHaBuOH + KBTBEaBTBE + KIBaIB |
Since Kj parameters are adsorption equilibrium constants or a quotient thereof, their temperature dependence has been expressed according to the van't Hoff equation, as follows:
![]() | (11) |
The exponent n in the adsorption term is related to the number of active sites, or clusters of active sites, involved in the reaction mechanism. Values of n of 1, 2, and 3 are the most likely, according to previous kinetic studies on similar reaction systems.11–13,18,20–22
The resin–medium interaction term (eqn (9)) accounts for the effect of the reaction medium on the catalyst activity promoted by the difference between the solubility parameters of the reaction medium, δM, and the catalyst, δP, as observed in analogous reaction systems where the Hildebrand solubility parameter was used.15,23 The binary parameter bP is equal to 0 if the effect of the interaction between the reaction medium and the catalyst is not significant, or equal to 1 if the interaction effect is significant; then, δP could be constant (kTP = 0) or linearly temperature dependent (kTP ≠ 0):15,23
δP = kP1 + kPT(T − Tm) | (12) |
As a result of all possible combinations of the proposed forms of the general kinetic expression terms, a total of 1404 different kinetic equations are obtained, to be fitted individually to the experimental data with the aim of obtaining the best kinetic model.
GC analyses of samples of the reaction medium in both setups allowed quantifying the reactants and products concentrations. Each GC was equipped with a capillary column (HP-PONA 19091S-001, J&W Scientific, Santa Clara, US; 100% dimethylpolysiloxane, 50 m × 0.20 mm × 0.50 μm), helium was used as the carrier gas, and the oven temperature was set at 333 K.
A detailed description of the experimental setup and procedure can be found elsewhere.17 Further details on the calculation of experimental reaction rates are shown in section A of the ESI,† and a list of all experimental conditions and calculated reaction rates in section B.
Internal mass transfer effects occur inside the catalyst. They become more noticeable at larger catalyst bead size and at higher reaction temperature. Assuming that there are not external transfer effects, internal mass transfer effects can be easily checked by plotting the logarithm of measured reaction rates obtained at the same composition vs. the temperature inverse (Fig. 2). If a straight line is obtained, internal mass transfer effects are negligible. For this purpose, a set of experiments was carried out at different temperatures in both reactor systems, i.e., batch and fixed-bed, with the same reactants composition ( = 1.0) in the absence of product, and with 0.25–0.40 mm catalyst bead size (solid symbols in Fig. 2). Experimental points deviate at temperature higher than 333 K (1/T < 3.0 × 10−3 K−1 in Fig. 2), what indicates a significant effect of mass transfer resistances above 333 K. Additional experiments at the same composition and at about 343 K and 353 K were carried out using smaller catalyst particles (<0.08 mm, open symbols in Fig. 2), which resulted well aligned with those obtained at lower temperatures, thus free of mass transfer resistance. In the further kinetic analysis, reaction rates affected by transfer effects were dismissed. From the slope of the solid straight line in Fig. 2, the apparent activation energy, Eap, for the BTBE formation reaction has been estimated as (67 ± 2) kJ mol−1. This value is in the same range of those quoted in the literature for similar reaction systems using A35.14,17,18,22,31,32
![]() | (13) |
The discrimination of kinetic models has been carried out by applying the following mathematical and physicochemical criteria to conservatively discard inadequate models:
1. Fitted kinetic equations presenting large RSS values do not provide a satisfactory description of all experimental kinetic data. Fig. 3 shows the obtained RSS, where kinetic equations are ordered from lowest to highest RSS values. Consequently, equations presenting RSS values larger than 100 have been rejected.
2. In a suitable kinetic expression, all fitted parameter values should be statistically significant. Their standard error can be estimated from the covariance matrix of the parameters at the optimum. In this regard, models with at least one parameter with an associated standard uncertainty as large as the fitted value have been discarded.
3. Only kinetic equations producing positive values for the apparent activation energy, Eap, can be accepted, because of the experimental evidence that the reaction rate increases with temperature (Fig. 2), so models with positive fitted values for (eqn (2)) are directly discarded. In addition, positive Eap values clearly inconsistent with previously reported Eap for similar reaction systems (in the range of 69.3 to 84 kJ mol−1 for MTBE, ETBE, PTBE, and TAEE syntheses over A35)14,17,18,22,31,32 can also be rejected. In particular, Eap values well above 100 kJ mol−1 (i.e.,
< −13
000 K−1) or below 45 kJ mol−1 (i.e.,
> −5000 K−1) have been rejected.
4. The adsorption process of a given compound on the resin is an exothermic process ( < 0). For models with a significant number of unoccupied active sites (eqn (7)), Kj is the adsorption equilibrium constant of compound j, and KT,j (eqn (11)) corresponds to
, thus it should be positive. Models whose range of any KT,j and its uncertainty clearly falls in negative values have been discarded. Models where all active sites are considered as occupied (eqn (8)) are not affected by this condition, because Kj is defined as a ratio of adsorption equilibrium constants and, therefore, KT,j = −(
)/R, so it can be either positive or negative.
5. From its definition, the resin solubility parameter δP must be positive. In models where δP is temperature dependent, and it is expected to decrease with temperature,23 so the range of kPT and its uncertainty cannot fall completely in positive values. Models that do not meet these conditions have been discarded.
6. The Akaike information criterion (AIC), i.e., the relative likelihood of every model, can be used to rank a number of S kinetic equations from more to less plausible upon the basis of robust multimodel inferences.33,34 The following expressions apply in the Akaike procedure:
![]() | (14) |
![]() | (15) |
Δi = AICci − AICcmin | (16) |
![]() | (17) |
The consideration of the mathematical and physicochemical criteria applied in a conservative way allowed to reduce the number of candidate equations from 1404 to only a few. The best ranked models, their optimal parameter values and ranking criteria (RSS, Δi, and wi) are listed in Table 3, sorted from best to worst.
Model no. | k′ (mol g−1 h−1) | {Driving force}a | {Adsorption term} | n | δ P (MPa1/2) | RSS | Δ i | w i | ||||||||
1st adsb | K 1,BuOH | K T,BuOH | K 1,IB | K T,IB | K 1,BTBE | K T,BTBE | k P1 | k PT | ||||||||
a Form of the driving force: (a) surface reaction (eqn (3)) and (c) isobutene adsorption (eqn (5)). b First summand of the adsorption term. | ||||||||||||||||
49 | 0.320 | −9171 | (a) | a BuOH | — | — | — | — | −1.119 | −4039 | 1 | 24.51 | — | 6.497 | 0 | 0.937 |
48 | 0.395 | −9031 | (a) | a BuOH | — | — | — | — | −0.540 | — | 1 | 24.18 | — | 6.981 | 8 | 0.021 |
290 | 1.917 | −8986 | (a) | 1 | −0.334 | — | — | — | −0.810 | — | 3 | 24.61 | — | 6.948 | 9 | 0.010 |
173 | 2.072 | −8994 | (a) | 1 | 0.332 | — | — | — | −0.144 | — | 2 | 24.53 | — | 6.954 | 9 | 0.009 |
56 | 3.408 | −9019 | (a) | 1 | 2.951 | — | — | — | 2.491 | — | 1 | 24.32 | — | 6.977 | 10 | 0.007 |
174 | 2.230 | −8498 | (a) | 1 | 0.495 | 530 | — | — | −0.096 | — | 2 | 24.50 | — | 6.920 | 11 | 0.004 |
978 | 0.412 | −9033 | (c) | 1 | — | — | — | — | −1.178 | — | 3 | 24.06 | — | 7.155 | 11 | 0.004 |
291 | 1.975 | −8707 | (a) | 1 | −0.272 | 308 | — | — | −0.804 | — | 3 | 24.60 | — | 6.933 | 11 | 0.004 |
861 | 0.428 | −9042 | (c) | 1 | — | — | — | — | −0.761 | — | 2 | 23.94 | — | 7.185 | 11 | 0.003 |
166 | 0.088 | −9318 | (a) | a BuOH | — | — | — | — | −1.655 | −3039 | 2 | 22.56 | — | 7.327 | 16 | <0.001 |
751 | 0.121 | −9346 | (c) | a BuOH | — | — | — | — | −0.981 | −3650 | 1 | 22.24 | — | 7.429 | 18 | <0.001 |
165 | 0.144 | −9196 | (a) | a BuOH | — | — | — | — | −1.207 | — | 2 | 22.26 | — | 7.749 | 22 | <0.001 |
750 | 0.182 | −9218 | (c) | a BuOH | — | — | — | — | −0.451 | — | 1 | 21.89 | — | 7.888 | 24 | <0.001 |
2 | 1.170 | −9770 | (a) | 1 | — | — | — | — | — | — | 1 | 20.06 | — | 9.566 | 48 | <10−10 |
A model is considered as substantially supported by empirical evidence when its Δi value is lower than 3.33,34 The first ranked model (Model 49) stands out as the most plausible one, because of its high probability (wModel49 = 93.7%) and ΔModel49 = 0 value, far from the second ranked model (wModel48 = 2.1%, ΔModel48 = 8). In addition, some common features are observed among the first ranked models that support the choice of Model 49: i) none of the equations includes the isobutene contribution in the adsorption term (Σwi = 0), whereas the 1-butanol and BTBE effect appears in the adsorption term for most of the candidate equations (Σwi = 0.993 and Σwi ≈ 1, respectively); ii) there is a high probability that the first summand in the adsorption term is aBuOH (Σwi = 0.959) in front of being 1 (Σwi = 0.041); iii) the exponent in the adsorption term is likely to be n = 1 (Σwi = 0.966); iv) the resin–medium interaction term is suitable (Σwi ≈ 1); and v) the most likely rate-determining step is the surface reaction (Σwi = 0.993; driving force type (a) in Table 3).
Fig. 4 shows the adequacy of the prediction of experimental reaction rates by Model 49, the low sensitivity of the model output due to the uncertainty of the fitted parameters and the randomly distributed residuals for each experimental point. Model 49 predicts simultaneously well the experimental data obtained in both batch and fixed-bed reactor systems.
![]() | ||
Fig. 4 Comparison between experimental and calculated BTBE reaction rates for Model 49 (a), and residuals distribution (b). Symbols: experimental rates obtained in the batch reactor (○), in the fixed-bed reactor using the C4 as isobutene source (●), and in the fixed-bed reactor using pure isobutene (■). Error bars in (a) correspond to the sensitivity (standard deviation) of the model output due to the parameters uncertainty (see section C in ESI†). |
![]() | (18) |
Since the exponent of the adsorption term n is 1, the apparent kinetic coefficient k′ is equal to the intrinsic kinetic constant k, as follows:
k′ = k![]() | (19) |
The parameter KBTBE in the adsorption term of eqn (18) corresponds to the ratio between the adsorption equilibrium constants of BTBE and 1-butanol, i.e., Ka,BTBE/Ka,BuOH. It is related to adsorption thermodynamic properties as follows:
![]() | (20) |
The estimate of the Hildebrand solubility parameter of A35, δP (eqn (12)), can be considered as constant in the assayed temperature range and equal to (24.51 ± 0.18) MPa1/2. This value is slightly larger than the published δP values for this catalyst in similar reaction systems, also being constant: (20.5 ± 0.3) MPa1/2 in the PTBE synthesis,17 (20.9 ± 2.0) MPa1/2 in the ETBE synthesis,31 and (21.16 ± 0.12) MPa1/2 in the simultaneous synthesis of ETBE and TAEE.18 However, it fully agrees with the Hildebrand solubility parameter estimated by means of the Hoftyzer and van Krevelen group contribution method,36 resulting in δP = 25.45 MPa1/2 at 298 K. The Hansen solubility parameter, which is considered as a refinement of the Hildebrand parameter, has also been estimated from group contribution,36 resulting in δP = 25.54 MPa1/2 at 298 K. With the aim of checking whether the choice of the selected model, and thus the reaction mechanism, would be affected in case that δP were roughly estimated, all kinetic equations have been fitted again to experimental rate data, but taking δP as a fixed value equal to 20.85 MPa1/2 (the average of the estimated values quoted in literature)17,18,29 if appearing in the model. The best ranked models obtained with this constraint are listed in Table S2 (section D in ESI†). Globally, the residual sum of squares (RSS) is now slightly higher due to the reduction of the degrees of freedom of the fit, but the group of best ranked models is coincident with the non-restricted case, and Model 49 is again the most plausible one (wModel49 = 44.7%, followed by wModel166 = 8.9%). This result reinforces the choice of the selected kinetic equation Model 49 as the best one.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/d0re00318b |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2021 |