Department of Chemistry, The Research Institute of Natural Sciences, Sookmyung Women's University, Cheongpa-ro-47-gil 100, Yongsan-ku, Seoul 04310, Korea. E-mail:
First published on 24th March 2021
Cooperativity is considered to be a key organizing principle behind biomolecular assembly, recognition and folding. However, it has remained very challenging to quantitatively characterize how cooperative processes occur on a concerted, multiple-interaction basis. Here, we address how and when the folding process is cooperative on a molecular scale. To this end, we analyze multipoint time-correlation functions probing time-dependent communication between multiple amino acids, which were computed from long folding simulation trajectories. We find that the simultaneous multiple amino-acid contact formation, which is absent in the unfolded state, starts to develop only upon entering the folding transition path. Interestingly, the transition state, whose presence is connected to the macrostate cooperative behavior known as the two-state folding, can be identified as the state in which the amino-acid cooperativity is maximal. Thus, our work not only provides a new mechanistic view on how protein folding proceeds on a multiple-interaction basis, but also offers a conceptually novel characterization of the folding transition state and the molecular origin of the phenomenological cooperative folding behavior. Moreover, the multipoint correlation function approach adopted here is general and can be used to expand the understanding of cooperative processes in complex chemical and biomolecular systems.
Such a macrostate cooperativity concept, however, does not reveal underlying molecular mechanisms. In this regard, we notice that the cooperativity between two events A and B can in general be captured by the correlation, χ = P(A, B) – P(A)P(B), defined in terms of the joint probability P(A, B) and the product P(A)P(B) of the probabilities of individual events:9,10χ > 0 or χ < 0 corresponds to positive or negative cooperativity, respectively. For example, when A and B refer to ligand binding events to receptor sites i and j, χ > 0 indicates that the conditional probability P(B/A) = P(A, B)/P(A) is larger than P(B), i.e., the ligand binding to site i enhances the binding affinity to site j from what it would be in isolation. Thus, the cooperativity formulated with χ is able to uncover the existence of a certain communication between molecular events occurring at distinct sites (the term “communication” is used here only in this sense, i.e., when the correlation or cooperativity quantified by χ ≠ 0 is present). Owing to the recent advances in experimental and computational technologies, the folding transition path that was previously inaccessible has now become within our reach.11–16 The folding transition path is a small fraction of equilibrium folding trajectories where the folding process actually takes place. The transition path thus contains, in principle, all the mechanisms of protein folding, and there must be certain concerted molecular processes that underlie the macrostate folding cooperativity.
Here, we investigate the folding cooperativity through the correlation χ defined with microscopic events occurring in the transition path. This is done for a number of small globular proteins displayed in Fig. 1 (see also Table S1†), whose all-atom simulations were reported by Shaw and coworkers.17–20 Since protein folding requires the establishment of native amino-acid contacts, we will choose the formations of those contacts as the relevant microscopic events. Of particular interest in the present work is the timing (early, intermediate, or late stage) at which the cooperativity sets in during the transition path. To achieve this goal, χ(t) carrying the time-dependence shall be introduced, which hence probes time-dependent cooperativity or communication between amino acids. Thereby, we would like to address how and when the folding process is cooperative on a molecular scale. We will then argue how such microscopic cooperativity is connected to the emergence of the macrostate cooperative folding behavior.
The transition path is a portion of the trajectory that starts from an unfolded configuration (Q(r) < Qu) and ends at a folded one (Q(r) > Qf) without recrossing the Q = Qu line. To detect cooperativity among multiple amino acids, we introduce a time-dependent correlation,
(1) |
We computed χ(t) for the transition path (cyan curve in Fig. 2C) by averaging over all the transition paths identified in each system. We also computed χ(t) for the unfolded state (magenta curve in Fig. 2C) using the trajectory parts that are close to Q = Qu (painted magenta in Fig. 2B). We find that, while χ(t) for the unfolded state remains small at all the times, the one for the transition path develops a significant peak. We confirmed that the peak indeed originates from the correlation of distinct amino-acid pairs by comparing the diagonal ((i, j) = (k, l)) and off-diagonal ((i, j) ≠ (k, l)) contributions to χ(t) (Fig. S9†), to be denoted as χdiag(t) and χoff-diag(t) in the following. Thus, the growth of the amino-acid correlation is a distinguishing characteristic unique to the transition path. Such a behavior of χ(t) as a function of time closely resembles that of a microscopic measure of “thermodynamic cooperativity” versus temperature,25 and the cooperativity described by χ(t) may be termed the dynamic cooperativity. Our observation is also consistent with the recent NMR measurements demonstrating that the amino acids forming key contacts in the transition state interact not simultaneously in the denatured state.26
Here, a digression might be useful to better understand the nature of χ(t) = χdiag(t) + χoff-diag(t) since a peak in χ(t) may arise from a trivial reason, i.e., just from the fact that a number of amino-acid contacts are formed roughly at the same time (in fact, the folding occurs within quite a short duration of time as can be inferred from Fig. 2A). We introduce a simple random model in which amino-acid pair contact formations are assumed to occur at random, Gaussian distributed times about the middle of the transition path. We find that χ(t) of this model exhibits a peak whose height is about 1. However, since this model does not incorporate any correlations between distinct amino-acid pairs, such a peak entirely reflects the “self” term, i.e., χ(t) ≈ χdiag(t) ≈ 1 and χoff-diag(t) ≈ 0 (Fig. 3A and B). Thus, the mere presence of a peak in χ(t) does not warrant the existence of cooperative processes. We next consider an extended model in which correlations (characterized by the correlation coefficient ρ) are imposed between contact formation times of n amino-acid pairs. This model can be implemented by using the n-variate Gaussian distribution.9 (We notice that n = 1 corresponds to the random model.) We find for the model of ρ = 0.9 that, whereas χdiag(t) remains the same as that of the random model, the peak of χoff-diag(t) increases linearly with n and that the peak height of χ(t) provides a very rough estimate of the average number of correlated contact pairs (Fig. 3C to F). Thus, χ(t) conforming to χoff-diag(t) ≫ 1, which holds in the protein systems studied here (Fig. S9†), indeed indicates the presence of highly cooperative amino-acid contact formation.
Interestingly, we find that the time at which the amino-acid cooperativity attains its maximum size corresponds to the time when the system crosses the transition state. Not only can this be identified in Fig. 2C, but it can be also observed in the corresponding figures for the other systems, in which the average time t* the transition state is reached at (i.e., Q(t*) = Q* with Q(t) = 〈Q(r(t))〉) is indicated by the vertical dashed line. This implies that the transition state can be characterized as the state in which the amino-acid cooperativity is maximal. To further corroborate this observation, we plotted χ(t) as a function of Q(t) with t as a parameter. The resulting χ(Q(t)) profile is shown and compared with the free energy profile F(Q) in Fig. 4A and B. We find that χ(Q(t)) closely traces F(Q) not only in the transition-state region (Q = Q*), but also in the whole Q range (Qu ≤ Q ≤ Qf) it is defined (Pearson's correlation coefficient is R = 0.93; corresponding results for the other systems are shown in Fig. 4C, D and in Fig. S10†). This is a nontrivial result since χ(Q(t)) is purely a dynamic quantity, and provides evidence demonstrating that the macrostate, thermodynamic cooperativity (brought about by the presence of the transition-state barrier) is connected to the microscopic, dynamic cooperativity (characterized by χ(t)).
The element-wise correlation χij;kl(t) at t = t* (Fig. 2D) quantifies the strength of communication between individual amino-acid pairs. To facilitate its visual understanding, we present in Fig. 5A network representations of protein configurations during the transition path. In the upper section, the vertices (yellow circles) refer to amino acids and the edges (black lines) represent the formation of native amino-acid contacts; the folding process implies an increase in the number of black edges. In the lower section, the vertices and edges are colored cyan when χij;kl(t) > 0.3 for those amino acids in (i, j) and (k, l) pairs (this criterion was chosen since such large amino-acid correlation is barely observed in the unfolded state, as shown in Fig. S11†). The growth of the amino-acid correlation toward the transition state and its subsequent diminution are clearly visible in the network graphs.
Further insights into the amino-acid cooperativity, which are smeared in χ(t) after summing over all the pairs, can be gained through the analysis of individual χij;kl(t) elements. For example, χ(t) can be decomposed into the main-chain and side-chain contributions by examining which of the main-chain and side-chain contacts is mainly involved in the (i, j) and (k, l) amino-acid pairs, and we find that the magnitude of those contributions is comparable (Fig. S12†). The peak time for each χij;kl(t) element can also be introduced. We observe that values are dispersed around the average peak time t* (Fig. S13†). Again, this is a dynamical analog of the thermodynamic transition in which residue-dependent variations were identified in the transition midpoint temperature.27
Our current view of protein folding owes much to the funneled energy landscape perspective.28–30 This perspective asserts that, in order to resolve Levinthal's paradox,31,32 folding should not be a random conformation search; it must be energetically biased. However, the landscape perspective does not provide a clear picture of the transition-state barrier responsible for the emergence of cooperative two-state folding: the barrier is ascribed as being due to a “mismatch” between the energy gain and the entropy loss at the middle of the funneled landscape.33 As we argued here, the folding transition state comes out naturally as the state of the maximum microscopic cooperativity by realizing that the amino acid contact formation is not a random process, but occurs on a multiple-interaction basis. In this sense, the new view for the folding transition state represents an extension of the landscape perspective.
While native contacts are of primary interest in protein folding studies, non-native contacts can in principle contribute to the time-dependent amino-acid cooperativity discussed in the present work. This is because χij;kl(t) defined in eqn (1) is invariant under the sign change, σij(t) → −σij(t): σij(0)σij(t) varies from 1 to −1 not only when a contact absent at time t = 0 (σij(0) = −1) is formed at time t (σij(t) = 1), but also when a contact present at time t = 0 (σij(0) = 1) is broken at time t (σij(t) = −1). Therefore, if there exist a number of non-native contacts that are highly populated in the unfolded state but are broken during the folding process, they would contribute to χ(t). For the systems studied here, the existence of highly populated non-native contacts was not detected, and we cannot illustrate such a possibility. Nevertheless, it is important to realize that the amino-acid cooperativity does not necessary refer to the formation of contacts; the breaking of contacts can also occur cooperatively.
Finally, we present a possible experimental method for the detection of the cooperative contact formation of multiple amino acids by using a kind of Kirkwood relation that connects fluctuations and response. For this purpose, we introduce a two-point time correlation function F(t) = 〈q(t)〉 with . This function describes how on average the native contacts are being formed as the folding proceeds. The multipoint function χ(t) capturing the time-dependent cooperativity can be written as the fluctuations around the average folding dynamics: χ(t) = N〈δq(t)2〉 in which δq(t) = q(t) − 〈q(t)〉. Let us introduce a susceptibility defined as the response of F(t) to a perturbation φ (such as a change in temperature): χφ(t) = ∂F(t)/∂φ. It was demonstrated for dielectric and density fluctuations in glass-forming systems that χφ(t)2 exhibits essentially the same dynamics as χ(t).34 Since the average function F(t) is intimately related to the “shape” function of the transition path that is now experimentally accessible,35 measuring χφ(t) by varying experimental conditions will provide experimental evidence of the microscopic cooperativity in protein folding.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/d0sc07025d |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2021 |