de Oliveira
Josep M.
*b and
aInstitute of Chemical Research of Catalonia (ICIQ), The Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology (BIST), Av. Països Catalans, 16, Tarragona, E-43007, Spain
bDepartament de Química Física i Inorgànica, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Marcel·lí Domingo 1, E-43007 Tarragona, Spain. E-mail:;
cSchool of Chemistry & AMBER Center, Trinity College, University of Dublin, Dublin, D02 PN40, Ireland. E-mail:
dEquipe d'Electrochimie et de Photo-électrochimie, Institut de Chimie Physique, UMR 8000, CNRS, Université Paris Saclay, Orsay, F-91405, France
eICREA, Pg. Lluís Companys 23, 08010 Barcelona, Spain
First published on 19th May 2021
Cobalt polyoxometalates (Co-POMs) have emerged as promising water oxidation catalysts (WOCs), with the added advantage of their molecular nature despite being metal oxide fragments. In comparison with metal oxides, that do not offer well-defined active surfaces, POMs have a controlled, discrete structure that allows for precise correlations between experiment and computational analyses. Thus, beyond highly active WOCs, POMs are also model systems to gain deeper mechanistic understanding on the oxygen evolution reaction (OER). The tetracobalt Weakley sandwich [CoII4(H2O)2(B-α-PW9O34)2]10− (Co4-WS) has been one of the most extensively studied. We have compared its activity with that of the iron analog [FeIII4(H2O)2(B-α-PW9O34)2]6− (Fe4-WS) looking for the electronic effects determining their activity. Furthermore, the effect of POM nuclearity was also investigated by comparison with the iron- and cobalt-monosubstituted Keggin clusters. Electrocatalytic experiments employing solid state electrodes containing the POMs and the corresponding computational calculations demonstrate that CoII-POMs display better WOC activity than the FeIII derivatives. Moreover, the activity of POMs is less influenced by their nuclearity, thus Weakley sandwich moieties show slightly improved WOC characteristics than Keggin clusters. In good agreement with the experimental data, computational methods, including pKa values, confirm that the resting state for Fe-POMs in neutral media corresponds to the S1 (FeIII–OH) species. Overall, the proposed reaction mechanism for Fe4-WS is analogous to that found for Co4-WS, despite their electronic differences. The potential limiting step is a proton-coupled electron transfer event yielding the active S2 (FeIVO) species, which receives a water nucleophilic attack to form the O–O bond. The latter has activation energies slightly higher than those computed for the Co-POMs, in good agreement with experimental observations. These results provide new insights for the accurate understanding of the structure–reactivity relationships of polyoxometalates in particular, and or metal oxides in general, which are of utmost importance for the development of new bottom-up synthetic approaches to design efficient, robust and non-expensive earth-abundant water oxidation catalysts.
The use of water oxidation catalysts (WOCs) is imperative in order to alleviate the high energy demands of the reaction. In this regard, noble metal-based WOCs have shown promising catalytic capabilities.11,12 However, their implementation in large-scale applications is limited due to their scarcity and prohibitive cost. Intensive efforts have been made during the last years in WOCs research with earth abundant elements.13–15 Interestingly, first row transition metal oxides provide excellent catalytic activity in alkaline media, but their stability rapidly decays at lower pH, where only cobalt oxide analogues sustain good WOC performance in neutral media with the aid of phosphate electrolytes.16,17
To overcome the hydrolysis of transition metal oxides in neutral and acidic media, catalytically active metal ions have been incorporated into polyoxometalate (POM) frameworks, thus providing good stability over a large range of pH values.18,19 Moreover, as redox-active materials, POMs can afford different oxidation states without suffering major structural changes, exhibiting high stability under harsh working conditions.20 For instance, in 2008 a Ru-containing POM, [Ru4O4(OH)2(H2O)4(γ-SiW10O36)2]10−, was reported as the first POM showing efficient water oxidation catalytic activity.21,22 Regarding POMs based on earth abundant elements, Co-containing POMs (Co-POMs) are the most studied because of their good activity and remarkable stability under controlled working conditions. In 2010, the Co-POM with the formula [Co4(H2O)2(B-α-PW9O34)2]10− (Co4-WS) was reported as the first WOC of its kind.23 This POM is composed of a tetracobalt-oxo core stabilized by two trilacunary Keggin moieties (B-α-PW9O349−) forming the also-known Weakley sandwich (Fig. 1).24 In 2012, a high nuclearity Co-POM, [Co9(H2O)6(OH)3(HPO4)2(PW9O34)3]16−, was reported to render efficient WOC activity, evolving O2 for weeks without sign of fatigue or decomposition.25 Later on, it was demonstrated that this Co-POM maintains its water oxidation capabilities with outstanding stability in the solid-state over a wide range of pH, surpassing the catalytic activity shown by benchmarking IrO2 in strong acidic conditions.26,27
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Fig. 1 Polyhedral representation of [(CoIIOH2)2CoII2(PW9O34)2]10− (Co4-WS), [(FeIIIOH2)2FeIII2(PW9O34)2]6− (Fe4-WS). |
Iron, as one of the most abundant and less toxic transition metals, is a promising element to design cost-effective and durable catalysts.28,29 The redox properties of iron make it essential in biological systems for O2 involving processes, such as the nonheme iron complex that acts as an electron-transmitter in Photosystem-II.30 Many iron-based catalysts have been reported with interesting and promising performance and good stability towards water oxidation catalysis.31 Hydrated oxides (FeOOH),32 FeOx/CNT composites (FeP@CNT),33 iron-phosphate (FePO4)34 and a trimetallic FeCoW oxide35 are some examples of Fe-based WOCs used in basic (1 M KOH) media performing an overpotential of ca. 200 mV at 10 mA cm−2. Moreover, incorporation of traces of iron into the nickel oxyhydroxide structure is known to dramatically enhance the catalytic activity.36 Nevertheless, the studies of Fe-containing POMs as WOCs are scarce37,38 and in some cases the POM acts as a catalyst precursor and not as the true active species.39
In addition, the reaction mechanism of the water oxidation catalysed by Co4-WS at close-to-neutral pH was recently studied by computational means.40 There, the active species and the O–O bond formation steps were explored using a simple model system. Within this proposed mechanism the potential-determining step corresponds to the O–H bond cleavage to facilitate the formation of the active species, a radical Co-oxyl species, through a proton-coupled electron transfer step. Thereafter the O–O bond formation occurs when this electrophilic, active species is attacked by a water molecule, working as a nucleophile. Taking advantage of this theoretical investigation and the extensive experimental studies carried out on the Co4-WS, other POMs with similar structural features may be studied to gain a deeper mechanistic understanding. This knowledge will allow to define a strategy for the design of novel efficient and cost-effective POMs working as WOCs. Hence, a clear case study is the Fe-containing POM [(FeIIIOH2)2FeIII2(PW9O34)2]6− firstly described by Hill and co-workers.41 The electronic structure and redox properties of Fe-based anions have been reported previously.42–45
Here we report the water oxidation catalytic activity of [(FeIIIOH2)2FeIII2(B-α-PW9O34)2]6− (Fe4-WS) and compare it with that of the Co4-WS. We have carried out our catalytic study at neutral pH and in the solid-state using the POM water-insoluble barium salt to assure structural stability. Moreover, we have investigated the reaction mechanism employing computational methods to determine the key aspects in comparison with those of the Co4-WS. In addition, in order to attain more insight on the structure–reactivity relationship of POMs, we also investigated the OER catalytic properties of the Fe- and Co-monosubstituted Keggin moieties.
The experiments were carried out in an aqueous potassium phosphate (50 mM) buffer solution containing KNO3 (1 M) as the electrolyte at pH = 6.9. The thermodynamic potential for the water oxidation was corrected by the pH value using the Nernst equation:
EO2|H2O = 1.229 − (0.059 × pH) (V) vs. NHE at 25 °C |
All potentials were converted to the NHE reference scale using ENHE = ESCE + 0.241 (V). The water oxidation overpotentials (η) were calculated by subtracting the thermodynamic water oxidation potential to the applied potential:
η = Eapp − EO2|H2O |
The number of moles of oxygen produced were calculated using the Ideal Gas Law as:
The theoretical amount of O2 produced was calculated from the number of charges passed through the working electrode during the chronopotentiometry experiment as:
Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) was performed under N2 flow with powder samples using a TGA/SDTA851 Mettler Toledo with a MT1 microbalance. The experiments were carried out by weighing about 3 mg of sample in an Al-crucible of 40 μL and with a temperature scan range from 30 °C to 600 °C at a heating rate of 10 °C min−1. IR spectra were collected with a FT-IR Bruker spectrometer model Alpha equipped with an ATR accessory. The spectra were acquired in the range 400–4000 cm−1 with 32 scans. Raman measurements were acquired using a Renishaw inVia Reflex Raman confocal microscope (Gloucester-Shire, UK), equipped with a diode laser emitting at 785 nm at a nominal power of 300 mW, and a Peltier-cooled CCD detector (−70 °C) coupled to a Leica DM2500 microscope. Calibration was carried out daily by recording the Raman spectrum of an internal Si standard. Rayleigh scattered light was appropriately rejected by using edge-type filters. The spectra were acquired in the range 100–1800 cm−1. Laser power was used at nominal 1% to avoid sample damage. Spectra were recorded with the accumulation of at least 3 scans with a 30 s scan time. Cation content was determined by energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX), which was collected with a JEOL-JMS6400 environmental scanning electron microscope equipped with an Oxford Instruments X-ray elemental analyser. The sample was adhered on a carbon tape using Al-stubs as a support. Before measurements, the sample was cleaned with an airflow to remove non-attached compound. The measurements were performed under low-vacuum conditions with a Large-Field Detector at 20 kV using a probe current of 17 pA. Quantification of metal leached into the buffer solution was carried out with an Inductively Coupled Plasma Quadrupolar Mass Spectrometer (ICP-MS) (Thermo, iCAP Qc, Xt interphase and PFA micronebulizer) at the University of Valencia. Elemental analysis was carried out with an Agilent 725-ES inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometer (ICP-OES) at the University of Valladolid, taking the following standards: Ba (455.403 nm), Cs (697.327 nm), W (207.912 nm), Co (238.892 nm), P (213.618 nm) and Si (250.690 nm). The digestion of the POM was carried out by dissolving 10 mg of POM in 10 mL of acidic solution (concentrated HNO3, concentrated HCl).
The electrocatalytic water oxidation experiments were carried out in the solid-state using the water-insoluble barium salts of the POMs to prepare modified carbon paste (CP) electrodes. The choice of the countercation was made based on our previous works, where we showed its superior WOC performance compared with the caesium salts.27,59 The catalyst content in the carbon blend was limited to 20% to avoid mechanical sensitivity due to the formation of oxygen bubbles.
The water-insoluble barium salts were obtained by metathesis from POM aqueous solutions. The catalytic performance was studied by running multiple (≥5) linear sweep voltammetry (LSV) scans using a three-electrode configuration with a Pt mesh as the counter-electrode and a Saturated Calomel Electrode (SCE) as the reference electrode. Three independent electrodes were tested in order to evaluate the reproducibility of the measurements.
LSV with 20% Ba[Fe4-WS]/CP electrodes show a significant catalytic activity with increasing current density rapidly deviating from that obtained with catalyst-free CP electrodes (Fig. 2a). Repetitive LSV demonstrates chemical stability during turnover conditions (see ESI, Fig. S8†). The experimental applied potential values required to reach 1 mA cm−2 for 20% Ba[Fe4-WS]/CP and Ba[Co4-WS]/CP are 1.560 V (η = 732 mV) and 1.512 V (η = 684 mV), respectively (see Fig. 2a and Table 1), which represents an overpotential difference of 48 mV. Ba[Fe–K] and Ba[Co–K] show an apparent better WOC activity than the corresponding Weakley sandwich POMs, with a decrease in the overpotential values of ca. 70 mV to reach 1 mA cm−2, with applied potentials of 1.495 V and 1.442 V, respectively. Again, the influence of the nature of the catalytically active metal center on the activity is noticeable with the cobalt analogue requiring a 53 mV lower potential than Ba[Fe–K] to achieve a current density of 1 mA cm−2. This lower overpotential at the same total weight derives from the lower molecular weight of the POM-K salts. When we normalized the current density per total number of moles of catalyst, both POM structures show similar activity, with a slightly better performance in the case of the Weakley sandwich POMs, and a significantly better performance for the Co-POMs (Fig. 2b and Table 1). This comparison suggests that the nature of the metal center seems to play a more important role in the WOC performance than the POM structure.
Potential/overpotential | Set | Co4-WS | Co–K | Fe4-WS | Fe–K |
a Two sets of potentials and overpotentials were determined from measured current densities (Fig. 2a) and from current densities normalized per μmol of catalyst (Fig. 2b). The experimental errors for the potentials were estimated as a standard deviation of three independent measurements. b Computed potentials and overpotentials were determined using a smaller (BS1) and a larger (BS2) basis set (see Computational section for more details). Computed overpotentials values may be compared with experimental overpotentials at 1 mA cm−2.66 c An Eapp of 1.52 V was reported for Co4-WS using a Nafion ink on a GC electrode.67 d Value from ref. 40 corrected at pH 7. | |||||
E app | Measured @1 mA cm−2 | 1.512 ± 0.004 | 1.442 ± 0.010 | 1.560 ± 0.013 | 1.495 ± 0.008 |
η | 684 ± 4 | 614 ± 10 | 732 ± 13 | 666 ± 8 | |
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Normalized @1 mA cm−2 per μmol of catalyst | 1.553 ± 0.006 | 1.555 ± 0.009 | 1.610 ± 0.010 | 1.642 ± 0.012 |
η′ | 724 ± 6 | 727 ± 9 | 793 ± 10 | 813 ± 12 | |
E DFT | BS1 theory level | 1.54d | 1.69 | 1.59 | 1.67 |
η DFT | 723 | 870 | 773 | 853 | |
E DFT | BS2 theory level | 1.54 | 1.58 | 1.54 | 1.64 |
η DFT | 723 | 763 | 723 | 823 |
The long-term stability of Ba[Fe4-WS] was confirmed by chronopotentiometric measurements at a constant current density of 1 mA cm−2 for 4 hours (Fig. 2c) and 20 hours (Fig. S9†). All POMs show good stability. Moreover, the oxygen evolved employing Ba[Fe4-WS] during a chronopotentiometric experiment at 1 mA cm−2 for 30 minutes was measured employing a fluorescence probe. This measurement confirms a faradaic oxygen production (>91%) compared with the theoretical amount of oxygen expected from a stoichiometric 4e− reaction (Fig. S10†).
Post-catalytic characterization of the recovered POMs after bulk water electrolysis confirm the structural stability of the compounds. No signs suggesting the evolution of the catalysts towards a new species, metal leaching or POM decomposition were detected. Raman spectroscopy is a surface-sensitive characterization technique that allows the identification of traces of new species formed on the surface of the catalyst.59,60 The Raman and IR spectra of the recovered Ba[Fe4-WS] matches that of the freshly made compound (Fig. S11†). Moreover, the electrolyte solution was analysed by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) to identify metal leaching (Table S2†). The concentration of all the elements were below the detection limit of the technique, suggesting a good chemical stability under the working conditions.
In order to understand better the origin of the different WOC activities shown by Ba[Fe4-WS] and Ba[Co4-WS], we calculated the double-layer capacitance (Cdl) of the modified CP electrodes, which is expected to be proportional to the total electrocatalytic active surface area. Ba[Fe4-WS] electrodes show lower Cdl values than Ba[Co4-WS] ones, which indicates that the cobalt analogue possesses an intrinsically higher electrocatalytic surface area than the iron derivative (Fig. S12†). This difference can be somehow related to the total charge of the POM, which determines the number of cations needed to counterbalance the high anionic charge of the POMs. Hence, a higher number of countercations may lead to a higher number of accessible active sites on the insoluble POM particles.
We also studied the Tafel behaviour of these POMs through steady-state analysis (Fig. 2d). The Tafel slope depends exclusively on the rate-determining step of the catalytic reaction, being independent on the total number of active sites.61 We found Tafel slopes of 99 mV dec−1 and 73 mV dec−1 for Ba[Fe4-WS] and Ba[Co4-WS], respectively. These values indicate a competition between a chemical and an electron-transfer limiting step for both catalysts, and confirm the faster kinetics for the Co-POM.27
We have also studied the protonation–deprotonation equilibrium by computational means. The computed pKa value for Fe4-WS is 6.1, which is in very good agreement with experiments. It is worth noting that the computational M–Ow distances in the aqua system are 2.151 Å and 2.220 Å for Fe4-WS and Co4-WS, respectively, supporting that Fe4-WS has a stronger M–Ow interaction than the cobalt derivative.
In order to get more insight into the deprotonation of these type of POMs, we have computed and determined experimentally the pKa value of the Fe–monosubstituted Keggin POM (Fe–K) to be 4.4 and 4.3, respectively. The value is slightly lower than that of Fe4-WS, probably due to the difference in the overall charge of these two POMs (−6 for the sandwich Fe4-WS and −4 for the monosubstituted Fe–K). We have used the Bond Valence Sum model64 to estimate the oxidation state of the Fe in both systems, obtaining values of 2.7 for the sandwich Fe4-WS and 2.9 in the case of the monosubstituted Fe–K. This also agrees with the Fe–O distances that are a slightly larger for the sandwich Fe4-WS.
Fe4-WS possesses a C2h symmetry with two equivalent aqua ligands. Consequently, this POM shows two different pKa values derived from the removal of a proton from each H2O ligand. The first deprotonation changes the overall charge of the POM to −7, thus rendering the second deprotonation higher in energy. According to our DFT calculations, the value of pKa2 is 9.0. Unfortunately, we could not establish the pKa2 value during the acid–base titration experiments up to pH = 10, after which Fe4-WS becomes unstable. Nevertheless, we can assume that the second deprotonation would occur at higher pH values than the catalytic working conditions we are considering in this work and, hence, it will not be involved in our proposed reaction mechanism. We can conclude that, at neutral pH, both Fe-POMs are present as POM-FeIII–OH species at the resting state (vide infra).
The first step of the reaction starting from the resting state S1 (FeIII–OH) species clearly consists of a PCET event leading to the iron-oxo species S2 (FeIVO). The sequential electron-then-proton transfer pathways are more energy demanding, as can be seen in the square diagram in Fig. 4. In this figure, vertical processes correspond to oxidation reactions (ET), horizontal ones to proton cleavage (O–H, only proton transfer (PT) acid–base reaction) and diagonal arrows represent PCET steps with one electron and one proton loss. Therefore, the first step S1 (FeIII–OH) → S2 (FeIV
O) takes place, according to calculations, at 1.54 V. An ET would require a very high potential of 2.21 V. This is because the hydroxyl ligand does not stabilize high oxidation states such as FeIV. Moreover, the deprotonation of S1 is thermodynamically unfavourable, and it would require strong basic conditions, where the Fe4-WS is unstable. The S1 (FeIII–OH) species is expected to have five unpaired electrons in each iron. However, DFT calculations tend to somewhat over-delocalize the electron spin density leading to values of 4.1e on all four irons and 0.4e on the hydroxyl oxygen (see Table 2). S2 (FeIV
O), shows an electron spin density on the reactive iron of 3.1e and 0.6e on the terminal oxo moiety. Hence, this species can be regarded as an average of the two Lewis structures FeIV
O and FeIII–O˙. The computed spin density is more consistent with a FeIV
O species, since a complete electron has been removed from the iron center upon one-electron oxidation of the FeIII–OH species. The computed Fe–O bond length of 1.609 Å also suggests that S2 must be seen preferably as an FeIV
O species (Fig. 5). However, the high electron spin density localized at the terminal oxygen in S2, gives a significant reactivity to this oxygen. At this point, the reaction mechanism can proceed through two different pathways, either the S2 (FeIV
O) species is the electrophilic reactive center (WNA takes place at this point) or the S2 is one-electron oxidized to give a FeV
O species.
S0 FeIIOH2 | S1′ FeIIIOH2 | S1 FeIIIOH | S2 FeIVO | TS2 [FeIIO⋯OH2 + H2O] | Int FeII–O–OH2 | S3 FeIII–O–OH | S4 FeII–O–O | |
a Bonds lengths are in Å and Mulliken spin densities in e. All data correspond to BS2 calculations without explicit water molecules except for TS2 and Int, whose values correspond to the calculations performed with an extra water molecule. b Int: intermediate species generated from TS2. | ||||||||
Charge | −7 | −6 | −7 | −7 | −7 | −7 | −7 | −7 |
ρ(Fe) | 3.778 | 4.137 | 4.100 | 3.125 | 3.769 | 3.744 | 3.912 | 3.741 |
ρ(O) | 0.027 | 0.070 | 0.414 | 0.563 | 0.139 | 0.094 | 0.552 | 1.007 |
ρ(OWNA) | — | — | — | — | −0.126 | −0.003 | 0.198 | 1.005 |
d(Fe–O) | 2.227 | 2.151 | 1.836 | 1.609 | 1.818 | 2.001 | 1.964 | 3.924 |
d(O–OWNA) | — | — | — | 1.700 | 1.501 | 1.375 | 1.214 |
The latter requires a high applied potential (2.11 V), similar to that reported for the cobalt analogue anion.39 Given that the LUMO of S2 (Fig. 6a) has an important p(oxo) contribution, it is expected that S2 may act as an electrophile and be the active species that oxidizes water (see below).
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Fig. 6 (a) LUMO of FeIV![]() |
When a second molecule of water is included in the calculations (TS2), the activation barrier significantly decreases to 19.8 kcal mol−1 (0.86 eV). In this case, we could only find a transition state that exhibits hydrogen bonds with terminal oxygens (Fig. 7). We have repeated these series of calculations using the smaller basis set BS1. In general, the results are very similar but with lower activation energy barriers.
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Fig. 7 Ball and stick representations of the S2, TS2, Int and S3 species. For a description see footnote in Table 2. Selected distances are in Å. Energies are given in eV. The S2 to Int transformation is controlled thermally, whereas the Int to S3 one is controlled electrochemically. |
According to these results, TS2 is the preferred pathway for the O–O bond formation. This step should be rather fast, since the computed activation energy is easily surmountable at room temperature. Moreover, bulk water and buffering molecules may assist in speeding up the process. The transition state TS2 leads to the Int (FeII–OOH2) species, where the hydrogen atoms of the inserted water molecule form hydrogen bonds with both a terminal oxygen atom of the POM and the oxygen atom of the assisting water molecule. Notably, the WNA process involves the reorganization of the electrons in the active metal center, which is the result of an electron-donation effect from the attacking water molecule to the iron center (Fig. 5). This is reflected in a reduction of the oxidation state of the active iron center from FeIV to FeII. Indeed, Int (FeII–OOH2) species presents a spin density of 3.7e on the reactive iron, whereas a negligible spin density is localized on the nearby oxygens (Table 2). The FeII nature of this atom is also confirmed by orbital inspection. Fig. 6b shows the SOMO beta localized in the reactive iron atom indicating that it cannot have a higher oxidation state. In addition, a bond distance of 1.501 Å indicates the formation of a relatively strong O–O single bond, which is combined with an elongation of the Fe–O bond length from 1.609 Å in S2 to 2.001 Å in Int. The influence of the POM structure was analysed by computing the corresponding TSs for the Fe–K anion. The results are very similar to those obtained for Fe4-WS, even though all the free activation energies are slightly higher (Table 3). One possible explanation for this is that all hydrogen bonds occur with bridging oxygen sites (Fig. S15†). The computed energies agree well with the experimental normalized current densities (Fig. 2b), where Fe4-WS shows slightly better OER activity than Fe–K.
POM | Basis set | Transition states | ||
a All energies are in kcal mol−1. b TS1B and TS1T represent the two different transition states computed with only one molecule of water, which forms a hydrogen bond interaction with either a bridging oxygen or a terminal oxygen, respectively. c TS2 results from the computation of two molecules of water that form a hydrogen bond with a terminal oxygen. d The Keggin anion only presents hydrogen bond interactions with a bridging oxygen. Two TSs (TS1B1 and TS1B2) were located using one molecule of water. | ||||
TS1B | TS1T | TS2 | ||
Fe4-WS | BS2 | 25.6 | 25.7 | 19.8 |
BS1 | 23.2 | 20.0 | 14.2 | |
TS1B1 | TS1B2 | TS2 | ||
Fe–K | BS2 | 27.3 | 27.3 | 24.2 |
BS1 | 25.5 | 25.1 | 21.2 |
We also compared the activation barriers between the Fe and Co based POMs using the small basis set BS1. The reported Gibbs free energy for Co4-WS in TS1B was 22.9 kcal mol−1,40 which corresponds to a 0.3 kcal mol−1 lower energy than the corresponding value for Fe4-WS. Additionally, we have obtained a systematic series of results for the Co–K catalyst using BS1 and BS2. In this case, the activation barriers were found to be ca. 2 kcal mol−1 lower in energy than the Fe analogue (Table S3†). These results are consistent with the greater catalytic activity shown by the cobalt compounds (Fig. 2).
The next PCET event involves the oxidation and deprotonation of the hydroperoxo ligand of the S3 (FeIII–OOH) species due to the significant contribution of the p(O) orbital in its SOMO (Fig. 6c). This step leads to the formation of the S4 (FeII–OO) species in a very favoured process with an associated potential of −0.30 V. It is worth mentioning that an electron-donation effect is again observed from ligand to metal, which implies the formal reduction of the iron center from FeIII to FeII. It must be noted that all attempts to allocate S4 (FeII–OO) as “end-on” (η1) or “side-on” (η2) led to an adduct with a long Fe–O2 distance, where O2 can be considered uncoordinated to the metal center. A structure with coordinated O2 similar to the one found for the cobalt analogue could be located by using BS1. However, this structure is found 0.8 kcal mol−1 above the uncoordinated equivalent (2S + 1 = 20) and at 17.0 kcal mol−1 above the equivalent structure with uncoordinated triplet oxygen (2S + 1 = 22). This indeed suggests that O2 is a very labile ligand in this POM. Once the oxygen molecule is released, a new water molecule will favourably coordinate to iron (ΔG = −8.6 kcal mol−1), to form the S0 (FeII–OH2) species. The last step consists in the regeneration of the catalyst to its resting state from S0 (FeII–OH2). This step can occur via a PCET step that leads directly to S1 (FeIII–OH), or through a sequential electron-then-proton transfer event at pH 7. Both paths are expected to occur applying a potential below +1 V.
The overall mechanism can be described in two equivalent ways: (i) taking the initial species S1 (FeIII–OH) as the initial stage (PCET + WNA + 2× PCET + O2 evolution + PCET) or (ii) taking the S0 (FeII–OH2) species as the initial stage (2× PCET + WNA + 2× PCET + O2 evolution). The latter mechanism is analogous to other postulated ones for water oxidation, in which usually two protons and two electrons are released (coupled or not) before the water nucleophilic attack.72 The major difference here is that the S0 (FeII–OH2) species naturally suffers a PCET event in solution under aerobic conditions, yielding the S1 (FeIII–OH) species in the crystalline solid. Once it enters the WOC reaction, the complete cycle is needed to move the reaction further. Either way, the potential-limiting step in the reaction mechanism is the S1 (FeIII–OH) → S2 (FeIVO) PCET event with a required applied potential of 1.54 V, whereas a chemical barrier of 19.8 kcal mol−1 (0.86 eV) must be overcome to form the O–O bond through a WNA step.
The speciation of molecular WOCs at the working conditions is key to understand the reaction mechanisms. Acid–base titration experiments and DFT calculations allowed us to calculate a pKa1 value of 6.0 in the case of Fe4-WS and 4.3 for Fe–K. This indicates that under our experimental conditions of pH 7, both Fe-POM catalysts are found as POM-FeIII–OH species (S1) in the solid. Thus, a detailed DFT study of the OER mechanism promoted by Fe4-WS shows two key steps in the catalytic reaction, (i) the potential-limiting step, S1 (FeIII–OH) → S2 (FeIVO), proceeds via a PCET event and requires an applied potential of 1.54 V; (ii) the chemical-limiting step corresponds to the O–O bond formation during the WNA and has an associated activation barrier of 19.8 kcal mol−1 (0.86 eV). Moreover, we have seen that the presence of hydrogen bonds during the WNA helps in decreasing the activation barrier for the O–O bond formation. These hydrogen bonds are more effective in the sandwich species compared to the monosubstituted Keggin structures, as illustrated by their calculated lower activation energies.
Despite the different initial states in the solid for Fe4-WS (S1) and Co4-WS (S0) at neutral pH, the computed potential-limiting steps FeIII–OH → FeIVO and CoIII–OH → CoIII–O˙ involve analogous associated energies. These results are in good agreement with experimental observations, since Fe4-WS requires just a higher applied potential than Co4-WS. Moreover, the lower Tafel slope displayed by Co4-WS indicates faster kinetics than Fe4-WS, which correlates well with the lower activation barriers found for the Co-POM.
It is very illustrative to see that even though POM-FeIIIOH and POM-CoIIOH2 anions show significant differences in their electronic structures, the observed overpotentials are rather similar and trends are well reproduced by our computational studies. This is very relevant for at least two reasons: (1) CoII-POMs have shown excellent OER activity under strong acidic conditions; (2) given the questioned stability of POMs under electrocatalytic conditions and the complexity of the reaction mechanisms, the agreement between experimental and theoretical observations reinforces both experimental characterizations and theoretical studies. The current results strongly suggest that FeIII-POMs are stable under heterogeneous electrocatalytic conditions and active as OER catalysts. With these promising results, our groups are currently working to show that FeIII-POMs can be active and stable in acidic conditions.
Footnotes |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/d1sc01016f |
‡ Permanent address: Laboratory of Chemical Materials (LR13ES08), Faculty of Sciences of Bizerte, Carthage University, 7021 Zarzouna, Tunisia. |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2021 |