Department of Applied Chemistry (Major in Bionano Convergence), Hanyang University, Ansan, Gyeonggi-do 15588, Republic of Korea. E-mail: kjang@hanyang.ac.kr
First published on 11th November 2020
Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are thermoelectric materials with immense potential because of their flexible, lightweight, and solution-processable properties. Herein, we report a facile method for improving the thermoelectric performance of CNTs for application in flexible thermoelectric generators. By introducing carbon nanoparticles (CNPs) between the CNTs, all-carbon heterostructures could be formed. A barrier energy at the CNT–CNP interface can directly enhance the Seebeck coefficient (S). The all-carbon heterostructure films exhibited S and power factor values as high 54.0 ± 1.4 μV K−1 and 503 ± 49 μW m−1 K−2, respectively, which are 1.9 and 2.3 times higher than those of the CNT films without the heterostructures. Note that the thermoelectric performance is considered only from the point of view of the power factor. For complete characterization, the evaluation of thermal conductivity would be required. Using the all-carbon heterostructures as thermoelectric elements, a flexible thermoelectric generator of three-dimensionally stacked elements was fabricated for efficiently harvesting energy from a vertical temperature difference. The thermoelectric generator with a thermal contact area of 6 cm2 exhibited a maximum output power of 4.8 μW from a vertical temperature difference of 30 K. Thus, we developed a facile strategy for synthesizing high-performance thermoelectric all-carbon heterostructures and demonstrated their superior ability to harvest thermoelectric energy.
In addition to conjugated polymers, single-walled carbon nanotubes (CNTs), which are flexible, lightweight, and solution-processable, are also emerging thermoelectric materials.9–16 Avery et al. reported that separated semiconducting CNT films exhibited a PF up to 340 μW m−1 K−2.9 Thermoelectric CNTs with various physical forms, such as freestanding films, fibers, and shape-deformable dough, have been reported.12–16 Because of their unique one-dimensional shape and flexibility, CNTs form numerous junctions between their bundles. The networks of well de-bundled CNTs exhibit excellent σ values. The as-grown single-walled CNTs are a mixture of semiconductors and metals because the nanotube geometry such as the diameter and rolling direction, which affect the electrical properties of individual CNTs, could not be finely controlled till now.9 Thus, S of CNTs is restricted by the existence of metallic CNTs with an S near zero. If the S value of CNTs can be increased without severe loss in σ by the energy filtering effect, CNTs can be a promising thermoelectric material. By forming heterostructures with an optimal barrier energy in thermoelectric materials, the energy filtering effect can be introduced.17–22 The barrier energy at the interface of heterostructures restricts the transport of low-energy carriers but does not affect the transport of high-energy carriers. Thus, a larger density gradient of carriers could be generated, resulting in a higher S without severe loss in σ.
Herein, we report a facile method for enhancing the thermoelectric PFs of CNTs by using the energy filtering effect. By introducing carbon nanoparticles (CNPs) between the CNT bundles, CNT–CNP–CNT junctions with a barrier energy were generated. CNPs are chosen as a barrier material for the energy filtering effect, because CNPs can form intimate contact on the CNT surface, their diameter is comparable to the mean free path of carriers, and their barrier energy can restrict the transport of low energy carriers effectively. To form the CNT–CNP heterostructures, CNT–polymer composite films were burned using a commercial gas lighter. The polymer chains were combusted, leaving CNPs between the CNTs. The combusted all-carbon heterostructure films exhibited S and PF values as high as 54.0 ± 1.4 μV K−1 and 503 ± 49 μW m−1 K−2, respectively, which are 2.8 and 5.5 times higher than those of the as-prepared CNT films. Using the all-carbon heterostructures as thermoelectric elements, a flexible thermoelectric generator of three-dimensionally (3D) stacked elements was fabricated for efficiently harvesting energy from a vertical temperature difference (ΔT). A thermoelectric generator with a thermal contact area of 6 cm2 exhibited a maximum output power of 4.8 μW from a ΔT of 30 K.
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Fig. 1 SEM images of the as-prepared and combusted CNT–PEMA films with CNT contents of (a) 50, (b) 60, (c) 70, (d) 80, (e) 90, and (f) 100 wt%. |
The combustion of the polymer chains can also be discussed in terms of the pore volume and surface area of the films. Fig. S2† shows nitrogen adsorption/desorption isotherms of the as-prepared and combusted CNT–PEMA films with CNT contents of 50 to 100 wt%. All films exhibit type-IV isotherms with a hysteresis loop. Using the Barrett–Joyner–Halenda (BJH) method and Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET) method, the pore volumes and surface areas of the films were determined, respectively (Fig. 2a and b). After the combustion process, the pore volume and surface area of the CNT film are increased slightly. This might be due to the evaporation of the solvent residue and/or sublimation of impurities in the purchased CNT product. On the other hand, the combustion process significantly increased the pore volume and surface area of the CNT–PEMA films with CNT contents of 50 to 90 wt% due to the complete removal of the PEMA polymer chains while leaving the CNPs intact. Fig. S3† shows the Raman spectra of the as-prepared and combusted CNT–PEMA films with CNT contents of 50 to 100 wt%. The strong Raman peaks at 1580 cm−1 and 1350 cm−1 correspond to the G band of the sp2 graphitic vibration and the D band of the sp3 defect, respectively. The ratio of the intensities of the D-band to the G-band (ID/IG) indicates the formation of defect sites in the CNTs. All the films exhibited very low ID/IG ratios in the range of 0.025–0.041. Because the change in ID/IG was negligible, it can be concluded that the CNTs were not damaged during the combustion.
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Fig. 2 (a) BJH desorption pore volumes, (b) BET surface areas, and (c) ID/IG intensity ratios of the as-prepared and combusted CNT–PEMA films with respect to the CNT content. |
By introducing CNPs between the CNTs, the CNT–CNP–CNT junctions with a barrier energy could be generated (Fig. 3). The barrier energy (ΔE) between CNPs and CNTs is estimated using ΔE = ΦCNP − ΦCNT, where ΦCNP and ΦCNT denote the work functions of CNPs and CNTs, respectively. To extract the work function of CNPs, PEMA was combusted and pelletized. The work functions of the combusted PEMA and CNTs were measured to be 5.50 and 5.22 eV using a photoelectron spectrometer (Fig. S4†). Thus, the barrier energy between the CNPs, carbonized from PEMA, and CNTs is estimated to be ∼0.3 eV. The barrier energy at the interface of the heterostructures can result in an enhancement of S.18–22 The energy barrier restricts the transport of low energy carriers but does not affect the transport of high energy carriers. Although the total carrier transport decreases with a decrease in σ, a larger density gradient of carriers could be generated with an increase in S by the energy filtering of carriers. It was experimentally confirmed that a barrier energy of 0.1–0.3 eV is optimal for efficient energy filtering of carriers.11,19,20Fig. 4 shows the S, σ, and PF values of the as-prepared and combusted CNT–PEMA films with CNT contents of 50 to 100 wt%. Because CNTs have p-type characteristics in air, all the films exhibited positive S values. The S values of the CNT films and CNT–PEMA films with a CNT content of 90 wt% were not affected by the combustion process. The PEMA chains located between CNTs prevent bundling of CNTs in the dispersion solvent.23 During solvent drying, well-dispersed CNT bundles could form Y-shaped bundle junctions with each other (Fig. 1). The junctions formed by π–π interactions of bare CNTs would be the electrical pathways. The CNT–PEMA films exhibit excellent electrical conductivities. In the CNT–PEMA films with CNT contents of 50 to 80 wt%, the energy filtering effect, i.e., an increase in S and a decrease in σ, is induced by the combustion process. The increase in S and decrease in σ can be attributed to the energy filtering effect at the heterostructure interfaces with CNP barriers. The restricted transport of low energy carriers at the heterostructure interfaces can result in the increase of S and decrease of σ. The PEMA content strongly affects the S values of the combusted CNT–PEMA films. At a PEMA content of 30 wt%, i.e., a CNT content of 70 wt%, the combusted CNT–PEMA films exhibit a maximum S value of 54.0 ± 1.4 μV K−1, which is 2.8 times higher than that of the as-prepared CNT films. As a result, the combusted CNT–PEMA films with a CNT content of 70 wt% exhibit a maximum PF value of 503 ± 49 μW m−1 K−2, which is 5.5 times higher than that of the as-prepared CNT films. The energy filtering effect can be optimized at a specific barrier energy.11,19,20 The CNPs, barriers between CNTs, were formed by the combustion of entire polymer chains. At a CNT content of 70 wt%, a barrier energy suitable for energy filtering at the heterostructure might be generated by the combustion process. Fig. S5† shows the cross-sectional SEM image of the combusted CNT–PEMA film with a CNT content of 70 wt%. Well-dispersed CNT bundles, their Y-shaped bundle junctions, and well-distributed CNPs are clearly visible.
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Fig. 3 Schematic illustration of the energy filtering of carriers in the CNT–CNP–CNT heterostructure. |
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Fig. 4 (a) S, (b) σ, and (c) PF values of the as-prepared and combusted CNT–PEMA films with respect to the CNT content. |
To build thermoelectric generators, both p- and n-type thermoelectric materials are needed. For n-type doping, combusted CNT–PEMA films with a CNT content of 70 wt% (CNT–CNP films) were immersed in PEI/ethanol solutions with concentrations of 0.5–3 wt%. The amine-rich PEI molecules attached to the CNT surfaces donate electrons to the CNTs for n-type doping.24–26Fig. 5 shows the S, σ, and PF values of the PEI-treated CNT–CNP films as a function of the PEI concentration. The PEI-treated CNT–CNP films exhibited n-type characteristics. The PEI-treated CNT–CNP films exhibited the highest PF of 340 ± 10 μW m−1 K−2 at a PEI concentration of 1.5 wt%. For comparison, non-combusted and PEI-treated CNT–PEMA films with a CNT content of 70 wt% were also prepared. However, they exhibited p-type characteristics. The S, σ, and PF values of the non-combusted and 1.5 wt% PEI-treated CNT–PEMA films with a CNT content of 70 wt% were 37 ± 3 μV K−1, 1000 ± 8 S cm−1, and 150 ± 24 μW m−1 K−2, respectively. For n-type doping, the PEI molecules should be adsorbed on the bare surface of CNTs. However, the PEMA polymer chains located between the CNT bundles could hinder the attachment of the PEI to the CNT surfaces. The 1.5 wt% PEI-treated CNT–CNP films were aged in the ambient environment with a relative humidity of approximately 50% to investigate the air stability of their thermoelectric properties (Fig. S6†). In the PEI-treated CNT–CNP films, the S and σ values decrease with aging. After 2 days, there is a 17% decrease in S and 13% decrease in σ. The stability in air might be improved by the passivation treatment, which is our ongoing study.
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Fig. 5 (a) S, (b) σ, and (c) PF values of the combusted and PEI-treated CNT–PEMA films with a CNT content of 70 wt% as a function of the PEI concentration. |
The CNT–CNP films could be folded or electrically connected using the CNT/chloroform paste as a conductive adhesive without an increase in the resistance (Fig. S7†). Using the neat and PEI-doped CNT–CNP films as p- and n-type thermoelectric elements, respectively, a flexible thermoelectric generator of 3D stacked elements was built for the efficient harvesting of energy from a vertical ΔT (Fig. 6a). The electrode film, prepared by bar-coating with the CNT/chloroform paste, was electrically connected to the thermoelectric elements using the CNT/chloroform paste as a conductive adhesive. To fabricate the 3D stacked thermoelectric generator, 120 thermoelectric elements with a length of 2 cm and a width of 0.5 cm were assembled by stacking 30 sheets of the individual paper-based devices. To demonstrate the energy-harvesting capacity of the thermoelectric generator, a vertical ΔT was applied using Peltier plates. The ΔT between the top and bottom Peltier plates were set to 10, 20, and 30 K. Fig. 6b shows the output voltage vs. output current and output power vs. output current curves for the 3D stacked thermoelectric generator with a thermal contact area of 6 cm2. Maximum output powers of 0.59, 2.3, and 4.8 μW were generated from a vertical ΔT of 10, 20, and 30 K, respectively. The measured maximum output power is roughly proportional to the square of the vertical ΔT, because the generated voltage is proportional to the applied ΔT. A 3D stacked thermoelectric generator for the effective harvesting of energy from a vertical ΔT was successfully demonstrated. The device performance can be enhanced by optimizing the dimensions of thermoelectric elements and reducing the contact resistance between thermoelectric elements and electrodes. The energy filtering effect at the CNP barrier between the CNTs can substantially enhance the thermoelectric performance. Because the CNT-based thermoelectric materials are flexible and can have diverse physical forms, thermoelectric devices of various geometries can be fabricated using the assembling and stacking strategies. CNT–CNP films with a length of 3 cm and a width of 0.6 cm were fabricated by a simple combustion process. In the cross-sectional SEM image of the combusted CNT–PEMA film with a CNT content of 70 wt%, CNPs are uniformly distributed (Fig. S5†). All the thermoelectric properties averaged from ten different samples have narrow distributions (Fig. 4). However, for large-scale production, controlling the uniformity of the films will be challenging.
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Fig. 6 (a) Schematic and photographs showing the fabrication process and (b) output voltage vs. output current and output power vs. output current curves of the 3D stacked thermoelectric generator. |
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/d0se01591a |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2021 |