Giovanni Maria
Alex H.
Alexander B.
Gitti. L.
Lee J.
b and
aMicrosystems Group & Institute of Complex Molecular Studies (ICMS), Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven 5600 MP, The Netherlands
bSchool of Chemistry, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332, USA
cSchool of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332, USA. E-mail:
dSchool of Materials Science and Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332, USA
eDepartment of Material Science and Engineering, Technion Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa 3200003, Israel
fResearch Centre Biobased Economy, Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Groningen 9747AS, The Netherlands
gMaterials Science and Engineering Division, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD 20855-8542, USA
First published on 2nd September 2021
The morphology development of polymer-based blends, such as those used in organic photovoltaic (OPV) systems, typically arrests in a state away from equilibrium – how far from equilibrium this is will depend on the materials chemistry and the selected assembly parameters/environment. As a consequence, small changes during the blend assembly alter the solid-structure development from solution and, in turn, the final device performance. Comparing an open-cage ketolactam fullerene with the prototypical[6,6]-phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester in blends with poly[2,5-bis(3-hexadecylthiophen-2-yl)thieno[3,2-b]thiophene] (PBTTT), we demonstrate that experimentally established, non-equilibrium temperature/composition phase diagrams can be useful beyond rationalization of optimum blend composition for OPV device performance. Indeed, they can be exploited as tools for rapid, qualitative structure–property mapping, providing insights into why apparent similar donor:acceptor blends display different optoelectronic processes resulting from changes in the phase-morphology formation induced by the different chemistries of the fullerenes.
Here, we selected an open- vs. a closed-cage fullerene derivative, i.e. an azafulleroid often referred to as ketolactam fullerene3 (see Fig. 1; simply called ‘ketolactam’ or ‘keto’ in the below) and the prototypical[6,6]-phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM), in blends with poly[2,5-bis(3-hexadecylthiophen-2-yl)thieno[3,2-b]thiophene] (PBTTT)4 to scrutinize the usefulness of non-equilibrium temperature/composition phase diagrams, established via thermal analysis, to provide qualitative understanding of why apparently similar blends of comparable polymer:fullerene compositions can display different optoelectronic properties depending whether the open- or the closed cage fullerene is used.
We selected specific fullerene:PBTTT binaries for which it has been shown that they can form co-crystalline regions, where the fullerene intercalates within the polymer side chains in the solid state, leading to a 1-phase system: i.e., a solid solution.5–9 This can be followed in a relatively straight-forward manner via thermal analysis, linear ultraviolet-visible (UV-vis) absorption spectroscopy as well as vibrational spectroscopy techniques.6 The two fullerene derivatives were chosen because of their similar molecular size and mass, and their rather comparable reduction potentials (1.08 V for PCBM and 0.91 V for ketolactam, corresponding to an ionization potential of −3.75 eV and 3.92 eV, respectively10) and their nearly identical UV-vis absorption behaviour (Fig. 1).
Comparing the DSC data of both systems, a few observations can immediately be made (Fig. 2, top panels). The melting temperature, Tm (≈255 °C), of the open cage ketolactam fullerene is very ill defined compared to PCBM (Tm ≈ 275 °C), indicating low molecular order. It, however, evolves upon addition of the polymer. Indeed, both the melting endotherms of the PCBM and the ketolactam become sharper and easier to identify with increasing PBTTT content. Moreover, a second endotherm around 240–250 °C is readily observed in the PCBM:PBTTT system at PBTTT content below 60% (all compositions are mass fraction unless otherwise noted), Fig. 2A, top panel, while only some broadening in melting endotherms of specific blend compositions is found for the ketolactam:PBTTT system (e.g., 5% and 15% PBTTT; Fig. 2B, top panel). Increasing the polymer content further (above ≈60%), a low-temperature shoulder evolves in both systems. These endothermic features are relatively weak in the PCBM:PBTTT system but well resolved in the ketolactam:PBTTT binary.
These observations can be explained with a double eutectic behaviour for both binaries (as previously postulated for PCBM:PBTTT),8,11i.e. systems with two eutectic points, which are binaries that feature two low-melting compositions. One eutectic point is observed at a eutectic composition, ceutectic-1, and forms between the fullerene and the fullerene:polymer co-crystalline structure; a second eutectic is found at ceutectic-2 and develops between the co-crystalline phase and the polymer (Fig. 2, middle panels). Thereby, ceutectic-1PCBM:PBTTT ≈ 55% PBTTT, ceutectic-2PCBM:PBTTT ≈ 90% PBTTT; while ceutectic-1ketolactam:PBTTT ≈ 10% PBTTT, and ceutectic-2ketolactam:PBTTT ≈ 90% PBTTT. The co-crystal compositions, where essentially all fullerene is intercalated in the polymer, without excess fullerene or excess polymer being present (i.e., a 1-phase system is formed5,6), are identified as 60% PBTTT for the PCBM:PBTTT binary and 45% PBTTT for the ketolactam-based system.
According to this assignment, the two high-temperature endotherms at ≈300 °C and ≈250 °C in the fullerene-rich PCBM:PBTTT binaries (PBTTT content of ≤50%) can be attributed to the liquidus transition (i.e. the transition to a fully liquid state) and, respectively, the eutectic temperature of the PCBM/PCBM:PBTTT co-crystal system (i.e. the transition from solid PCBM and a solid co-crystalline phase to a 2-phase system comprised of solid PCBM and a melt composed of PBTTT- and PCBM molecules11). Note: this behaviour is somewhat more difficult to discern for the ketolactam:PBTTT system, though, the broadening of the endotherms at 5 and 15% PBTTT indicate a similar behaviour. In addition, we see clear fullerene-rich domains (dark contrast) at low polymer content (20%) in back-scattered electron (BSE) high-resolution electron microscraphs (HRSEM) of vapour-phase infiltrated (VPI) samples (insets in Fig. 2, middle panel; see the ESI† for details on the VPI process as well as ref. 12–14), indicating presence of fullerene-rich domains. Relatively, homogenous samples are found for compositions with predominant co-crystalline phase content (micrographs for a polymer content of 30% and 70% are shown).
On the PBTTT-rich side of the phase diagrams, a similar behaviour is observed; which, this time, is more clear in the ketolactam:PBTTT system. More specifically, in the ketolactam binary, at PBTTT content ≥50%, initially, a broadening of the liquidus endotherm is recorded, which evolves into two clearly distinguishable endotherms, one of which can be assigned to the eutectic temperature (≈230 °C; i.e. the transition from solid PBTTT and solid ketolactam:PBTTT co-crystalline domains to a two-phase system with solid co-crystal being in co-existence with a melt composed of PBTTT and ketolactam), and the other to the liquidus transition above which all material is in the melt (around 240 °C to 260 °C, depending on composition). A similar trend is found for the PCBM:PBTTT binary although the endotherms at polymer-rich compositions are less well resolved.
Such a phase behaviour (formation of two eutectics) implies that we have distinct solid-state phase morphologies in these fullerene:PBTTT systems.11 Solid fullerene- and co-crystalline phases co-exist at room temperature for PBTTT contents of ≤60% and ≤45% for PCBM:PBTTT and ketolactam:PBTTT binaries, respectively. Solid polymer and co-crystalline phase are present at higher polymer contents (i.e. above 60% and 45%). Thereby, fullerene-rich domains, so-called primary domains of fullerene,11,12 form at compositions of ≤55% PBTTT in the PCBM-based binary, while for ketolactam:PBTTT, they only form over a very limited composition regime (≤ceutectic-1 ≈ 10%). In contrast, polymer-rich primary domains develop in a similar composition regime for both systems: at fullerene content of ≤10%; i.e. above ceutectic-2 (≈90% PBTTT). In many cases, these primary regions are embedded in a eutectic morphology (finely-phase separated structures of the co-crystal and, respectively, polymer- or fullerene-rich regions11).
This morphology development can be followed by IR vibrational spectroscopy at room temperature (Fig. 2, bottom panels) using the CH2-assymetric stretch d-frequency in PBTTT, which can be used to probe the side chain order of the polymer (black circles), and the carbonyl stretching frequency of the fullerene (grey circles). We focus on these vibrations because intercalation of the fullerenes within the polymer side-chains (i.e., co-crystalline phase formation) disrupts the nearly all-trans configuration of the interdigitated side chains of the neat polymer regions,6 resulting in an increase of the d-frequency. Similarly, the CO frequency of the fullerene provides useful information of the fullerene molecules environment, decreasing upon aggregation due to the high dielectric environment of the neat fullerene regions.
For both systems, we observe the CH2-asymmetric stretch d-frequency to increase with fullerene content till a blend composition of 40% fullerene (60% PBTTT) is reached for PCBM:PBTTT, and 55% fullerene (45% PBTTT) for ketolactam:PBTTT. At these compositions, and for more fullerene-rich blends, the CH2-asymmetric stretch d-frequency stabilizes around 2924 cm−1, implying that maximum side-chain disorder is achieved, in agreement with fast calorimetry data presented in the ESI.† We attribute these observations to the fact that at low fullerene content, the PCBM/ketolactam molecules begin to intercalate in the polymer side chains; however, only when sufficient amount of fullerene is added (≥40% PCBM and ≥55% ketolactam), complete intercalation is reached with a composition independent polymer structure.
This picture is supported by the evolution of the CO frequency upon addition of the polymer to the fullerenes. At low fullerene
polymer ratios (i.e., low fullerene content), the C
O frequency is relatively independent of loading, due to the homogeneous environment of the cocrystal. At high fullerene
polymer ratios, the frequency shifts as we enter a phase region where fullerene-intercalated PBTTT co-exists with eutectic co-crystal/fullerene regions (ketolactam:PBTTT), or a fullerene-rich phase co-exists with eutectic co-crystal/fullerene domains (PCBM:PBTTT). The transition from polymer:co-crystal co-existence to fullerene:co-crystal coexistence is clear at ≈40% PCBM and ≈55% ketolactam.
Having established critical compositions in the phase diagrams of fullerene:PBTTT blends, we went on to scrutinize the allocation of the eutectic temperatures and liquidus lines based on the DSC data shown in Fig. 2, top panels, using temperature resolved absorption and photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy (Fig. 3), with cuts taken at 30 °C (black dashed lines), at close to the full melting of the blend (270 to 315) °C (depending on the system; red lines) and then after cooling back to 50 °C (blue lines). Thereby we focus on 50:
50 and 40
60 fullerene:polymer blends.
We first discuss 50:
50 fullerene
PBTTT binaries. While for the PCBM-based binaries the critical absorption features between (2.0 and 2.5) eV fade only around 305 °C (Fig. 3A, top), for the ketolactam blends this occurs already around 270 °C (Fig. 3B, top) in agreement with full melting occurring around these temperatures. For both systems, the line shape becomes, however, less defined at lower temperatures: around 250 °C for PCBM:PBTTT, and ≈230 °C for ketolactam:PBTTT, which we assign to the fact that, at the eutectic temperature, the co-crystalline phase and some PCBM melt (in case of PCBM:PBTTT), while in the ketolactam:PBTTT system, PBTTT and some co-crystalline domains melt. Tellingly, the line-shape for 40
60 ketolactam:PBTTT is relatively ill-defined as cast (prior to heating), as can be better seen in Fig. 1B (right), suggesting incomplete fullerene intercalation at that stage (complete intercalation leads to a structured line-shape with well-resolved 0–0, 0–1 and 0–2 transitions7). Moreover, upon heating, the absorption rapidly decreases above ≈230 °C, i.e., above temperatures where we have identified the eutectic temperature of the co-crystal:PBTTT system to occur.
Also in agreement with the established phase diagrams, for 40:
PBTTT there is nearly complete quenching of the PL, due to nearly comprehensive formation of the co-crystalline phase. The quenching is persistent upon cooling from the melt, in accord with expectations for soldification at the co-crystal composition with no excess PCBM or PBTTT. In contrast, while the as cast 50
PBTTT again has minimal PL, indicating dominant co-crystal formation, significant PCBM PL appears after cooling from the melt, due to the formation of more phase-pure primary PCBM through the more equilibrium (melt) processing (cooling was performed at 10 °C min−1).
Similar behaviour is observed for the ketolactam:PBTTT blends. At 50:
50 ketolactam
PBTTT, the system exhibits nearly complete PL quenching, both in the as-cast and melt-solidified states, consistent with the near co-crystal composition. For 40
60 ketolactam
PBTTT, the system is polymer rich, with the presence of primary polymer domains being inferred from the recorded PBTTT PL both in the as-cast and melt-solidified states. We note that the PL is maximally quenched in the intimately mixed melt, for both the hypo-co-crystalline (i.e. the PCBM-rich) 50
PBTTT and the hyper-co-crystalline (i.e., polymer-rich) 40
60 ketolactam
Having established the phase morphology of PCBM:PBTTT and ketolactam:PBTTT blends via the temperature/composition phase diagrams in Fig. 2, middle panels, we now show that this information aids in explaining some of the photo-physical behaviour of such binaries. We use for this purpose transient absorption spectroscopy data taken at a photoexcitation of 2.29 eV (exciting the polymer and partly the fullerene) and 3.10 eV (exciting predominantly the fullerene), Fig. 4 and 5.
We observe that the photoexcitation bleaches the ground state absorption (see the regions around 2.086 eV and 2.253 eV) for all blends. Moreover, a distinct negative differential transmission around 1.957 eV, independent of excitation and with spectral features consistent with electro-absorption that is indicative of charge generation,15–17 is found for 30:
70 and 50
PBTTT binaries (Fig. 4A and B, left), i.e. where the solid-state structure is dominated by co-crystalline domains. However at excess fullerene (80
: 20 PCBM
PBTTT), this feature is lost, likely because of the dominance of fullerene-rich domains. For the ketolactam-based system (Fig. 4A and B, right), similar observations are made, though the effect on the electroabsorption lineshape is more clearly discernible when exciting at 3.10 eV (400 nm; Fig. 4B, right).
More information can be obtained from the dynamics of the bleach (observed in the ≈2.0 to 2.5 eV region) and the electro-absorption feature (≈1.957 eV; Fig. 5). We focus first on the latter (Fig. 5, top panels). When exciting at 2.29 eV (540 nm), the electro-absorption signature for PCBM:PBTTT blends evolves rapidly for all compositions investigated (i.e., 80:
20, 50
50, 30
PBTTT; Fig. 5A, top left panel), likely because all contain co-crystalline domains. However, the decay is strongly dependent on blend composition. In blends where PCBM-rich phases are present (80
20, 50
PBTTT), the electro-absorption feature is rapidly lost, which we tentatively assign to the fact that these fullerene-dominated regions enable rapid spatial separation of charges. This is somewhat more pronounced (faster decay) for samples with a larger fraction of PCBM-rich phase; i.e. 80
PBTTT. In contrast, the decay is drastically slowed down in binaries of incomplete intercalation and lack of PCBM-rich domains (e.g., 30
PBTTT). A similar trend, but less pronounced is recorded for the PCBM binary when exciting at 3.10 eV (400 nm; Fig. 5B, top left panel).
For 80:
20, 70
30 and 50
50 ketolactam
PBTTT blends (Fig. 5A and B, right top panels), the electro-absorption dynamics are comparable to the 50
PBTTT system (Fig. 5A and B, left top panels), likely because all these blends are dominated by the co-crystalline phase without many fullerene primary domains. No significantly faster decay is observed even for the ketolactam blends of very high fullerene content (80
20), supporting the view that fullerene-rich domains only start to form at ketolactam contents ≥90%, i.e., at PBTTT-contents below ceutectic-1ketolactam:PBTTT compared to the PCBM:PBTTT system where fullerene-rich domains begin evolving at fullerene contents of 45% and more, i.e. at PBTTT-contents below ceutectic-1PCBM:PBTTT.
Another intriguing observation is that the rise in electro-absorption feature is drastically slower for 30:
70 ketolactam
PBTTT than for 30
PBTTT. Considering that the 70
30 ketolactam
PBTTT blend is compositionally less close to the fullerene
polymer ratio where complete intercalation occurs (Fig. 2), these findings emphasise that is not only the phase morphology that matters but also the specific local arrangement of these phases.
The importance of the presence of fullerene-rich domains is also evident from the dynamics of the photo-bleaching at 2.086 eV and 2.254 eV (time cuts were taken when exciting at 2.29 eV; Fig. 5A, middle and bottom panels). In the 80:
PBTTT blend, the bleach displays a long-lived residual component. Conversely, the bleach recovery is nearly complete for the 30
PBTTT blend, similar to the case of neat PBTTT. This effect is even more pronounced in PCBM-based blends when excited at 3.10 eV (Fig. 5B, left, middle and bottom panels), supporting our hypothesis that rapid charge separation within this timescale is enabled by fullerene-rich primary domains in PCBM:PBTTT blends and geminate recombination is reduced. In contrast, the bleach recovery in the ketolactam blends displays a weaker sensitivity to blend composition at both pump wavelengths (Fig. 5A and B, right, middle and bottom panels), which is attributed to the fact that these blends do not comprise such fullerene-rich primary regions even at relatively high ketolactam content.
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Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/d1tc03082e |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2021 |