Thomas M.
Alexander J.
Jackson E.
Stephen A.
Rico F.
b and
Alexander F.
aDepartment of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology and BP Institute, University of Cambridge, CB3 0EZ, UK. E-mail:
bSchool of Chemistry, Monash University, Clayton 3800, VIC, Australia
cAustralian Centre for Neutron Scattering, ANSTO, Lucas, Heights 2234, NSW, Australia
First published on 13th December 2021
The spontaneous adsorption of graphene oxide (GO) sheets at the air–water interface is explored using X-ray reflectivity (XRR) measurements. As a pure aqueous dispersion, GO sheets do not spontaneously adsorb at the air–water interface due to their high negative surface potential (−60 mV) and hydrophilic functionality. However, when incorporated with surfactant molecules at optimal ratios and loadings, GO sheets can spontaneously be driven to the surface. It is hypothesised that surfactant molecules experience favourable attractive interactions with the surfaces of GO sheets, resulting in co-assembly that serves to render the sheets surface active. The GO/surfactant composites then collectively adsorb at the air–water interface, with XRR analysis suggesting an interfacial structure comprising surfactant tailgroups in air and GO/surfactant headgroups in water for a combined thickness of 30–40 Å, depending on the surfactant used. Addition of too much surfactant appears to inhibit GO surface adsorption by saturating the interface, and low loadings of GO/surfactant composites (even at optimal ratios) do not show significant adsorption indicating a partitioning effect. Lastly, surfactant chemistry is also a key factor dictating adsorption capacity of GO. The zwitterionic surfactant oleyl amidopropyl betaine causes marked increases in GO surface activity even at very low concentrations (≤0.2 mM), whereas non-ionic surfactants such as Triton X-100 and hexaethyleneglycol monododecyl ether require higher concentrations (ca. 1 mM) in order to impart spontaneous adsorption of the sheets. Anionic surfactants do not enhance GO surface activity presumably due to like-charge repulsions that prevent co-assembly. This work provides useful insight into the synergy between GO sheets and molecular amphiphiles in aqueous systems for enhancing the surface activity of GO, and can be used to inform system formulation for developing water-friendly, surface active composites based around atomically thin materials.
Graphene oxide (GO) is a promising material for the stabilisation of interfaces; its extraodinarily high surface area and ease of processing provide potential in adsorption and dispersion applications where these properties are advantageous.8, 9 The high surface area to volume ratio implies that stabilisation can be achieved for a fraction of the material requirement and the sheets are much more energetically difficult to displace due to their higher surface coverage at the interface.10–12 In addition, GO sheets are highly compatible with water and readily form monolayer dispersions in aqueous environments due to their highly oxygenated functionality and periphery carboxylate groups.13–15 Therefore, GO can be utilised in aqueous systems and is an attractive material for many industrial applications where water serves as the bulk liquid (i.e. decontamination, cosmetics, agriculture, pharmaceuticals).
A major limitation hindering the exploitation of GO in stabilisation applications is that adsorption of GO at interfaces, such as that between oil and water or air and water, is a non-spontaneous process due to GO's high aqueous compatibility.16 Therefore, GO has only previously been found to be an effective Pickering stabiliser under specific conditions.17 For example, as a pure dispersion, GO has only been found to be surface active in highly acidic conditions,18 where the surface charge is approximately neutral due to protonation of the carboxyl groups.19 To overcome this limitation, additive inclusion to aqueous GO suspensions has been investigated as a potential pathway to achieving spontaneous adsorption of GO. Such additives include quantum dots,20 hydrotropes,21 polymers22 and surfactants.23, 24 These systems work by forming surface active GO/additive composite materials that accumulate at interfaces without requiring adjustment to extreme pH conditions.
Surfactants have commonly been employed for the purpose of imparting surface activity to materials that preferentially remain solvated in bulk water such as polymers and proteins.25 In these instances, the surfactants serve to alter the surface energy and intermolecular interactions of these macromolecules so that they are thermodynamically driven to adsorb at interfaces (i.e. air–water, oil–water or solid–water).26, 27, 28 The primary functions of this arrangement are to enhance the stabilisation capacities of the system through synergistic effects,29–32 but also to promote reaction efficiency where the key process occurs at the surface of materials.33 Two-dimensional carbon nanomaterials such as GO also stand to benefit from this type of enhanced functionality, with potential applications in fabrication technologies, foaming agents and emulsifiers.
In this work we explore the surface adsorption behaviour of GO in response to incorporation with a series of specially chosen surfactant molecules. The surfactants vary in terms of charge character (zwitterionic, nonionic and anionic) as well as hydrophobicity, and X-ray reflectivity measurements serve to characterise the air–water interface. GO/surfactant systems were also analysed as a function of GO:surfactant ratio and loaded amount to investigate competition and partitioning effects. Cationic surfactants were avoided in this study due to their tendency to cause GO to flocculate,34–37 which inhibits spontaneous adsorption at the surface.24 The work in this paper provides a more systematic investigation of spontaneous surfactant/GO adsorption at the air–water interface compared to our previous work on such systems,10, 24 and therefore offers new physicochemical insight into methods of controlling interfacial behaviour.
Oleyl amidopropyl betaine (OAPB) was synthesised and purified according to previous work.40,41 Hexaethylene glycol monododecyl ether (C12E6) was from Sigma (≥98%). Triton X-100 (TX-100, ≥98%) and sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS, 90%) were from ChemSupply. Sodium bis(2-ethylhexyl) sulfosuccinate (AOT, 96%) was from ACROS Organics. Each of these surfactants were used as received with the exception of SDS which was recrystallised once from hot ethanol and then freeze dried before using. It should be noted that TX-100 is now a restricted substance in the European Union – European Authorisation list (Annex XIV) of REACH – and its use in the present study was for exploratory purposes only, not commercial development.
Samples were dispensed onto 8 × 4 cm Langmuir troughs inside an enclosed sample environment to prevent evaporation. Measurements were performed at 30 °C to facilitate possible adsorption of materials at the surface. All reflectivity data was modelled using MOTOFIT,42 with a resolution value (dq/q) of 1% and two layers in the model. Fitting parameters (thicknesses, roughness values and scattering length densities) for each presented system can be found in the ESI.† Samples for XRR were prepared by addition of aqueous GO dispersion to diluted surfactant solutions to avoid irreversible partitioning effects.
Atomic force microscopy (AFM) was performed using a JPK NanoWizard 3 as a complementary technique for accurate determination of GO sheet thickness. Imaging was performed by tapping mode in air with a Bruker NCHV model cantilever (spring constant ca. 42 N m−1, resonant frequency ca. 340 kHz). The sample was prepared by spin-coating 3 μL of 0.1 mg mL−1 GO onto a freshly cleaved mica disk (ProSciTech). Image refinement and height profiling was performed using the JPK Data Processing software.
Inclusion of the surfactant oleyl amdiopropyl betaine (OAPB, Fig. 4a) to 0.1 mg mL−1 of aqueous GO exhibits marked effects on the air–water reflectivity compared to the nascent GO sample (Fig. 1c). The highly featured XRR pattern with a distinct fringe at ca. 0.2 Å indicates that a film has formed at the interface with a coherent structure. Modelling this pattern reveals that the total thickness of the film is approximately 38 Å (Fig. 1e), indicating that the adsorbed material has a higher thickness than could be expected for just the surfactant at the interface (Tanford length 24.3 Å).43 We therefore posit a co-assembled structure of GO and surfactant that collectively adsorbs at the surface, accounting for the higher thickness value obtained from the model fit.
The reflectivity of this system could be best fit by using a two layer model, which ascribes two independent layers of differing chemistries to the interfacial structure. Parameters associated with each layer are thickness, scattering length density (SLD) and roughness (which accounts for the effects of deviations in layer topography on specular reflection).42 To validate our choice of model, nested sampling was performed on three separate XRR datasets of aqueous GO/surfactant systems using the Python packages refnx44 and dynesty45 (see ESI,† Table S1). Nested sampling performs a computational analysis of the free model parameters within specified bounds (lower and upper limits of fitting algorithm), and calculates the Bayesian evidence of the model.46 Differences in evidence can be used to verify the feasibility of one model compared to another, thus assisting in devising the ideal model in instances where multiple models can describe the data.47, 48 Evidence values were generated for two layer and three layer models fit to each of the three XRR datasets, and it was observed that the two layer model fits had marginally higher evidence (see ESI,† Table S1). It was therefore deemed less viable to utilise the more complex three layer model to quantify these systems, and a two layer model was thus used in all subsequent XRR fitting.
The scattering power of X-rays scales with atomic number and density of the substrate.49,50 Therefore, it is unsurprising that a two layer model is favoured, as the organic materials being analysed in these systems offer minimal contrast using X-rays. Scattering length densities (SLD) of air and water for X-rays are 0 and 9.35 × 10−6 Å−2 respectively. According to the SLD profile generated from fitting the GO/OAPB sample (Fig. 1d), the SLD of the first layer is approximately 8.5 × 10−6 Å−2 and the second layer is 11.1 × 10−6 Å−2. These values are indicative of hydrocarbons in air (i.e. the surfactant tail-groups) and solvated, electron rich surfactant head-groups or GO sheets respectively. As the overall thickness is significantly greater than for the surfactant monolayer, the interfacial structure is likely comprised of noncovalent GO/surfactant composites that have synergistically enriched at the surface to yield the observed reflectivity (Fig. 1e). It is feasible to infer the GO sheets adsorbing flat at the interface, as the GO basal plain is less hydrophilic than the periphery.15
When the TX-100:
GO ratio is fixed at 1
1 (mM
mg mL−1), no adsorption of GO/surfactant complexes is apparent until a loading of 0.75 mM
0.75 mg mL−1 is produced (Fig. 2b). At 1 mM
1 mg mL−1 (TX-100
GO), a noticeable amount of adsorption in the reflectivity is apparent. Contrary to the example in Fig. 1c, the lower layer of this system is larger with a thickness of 25 Å compared to 10.7 Å for the upper layer. TX-100 has a shorter, bulkier tail-group which may account for this difference, and the head-group can be up to 20 ethylene glycol units in length. It is also likely that the phenyl ring of TX-100 experiences π–π stacking with the GO basal plain, causing the surfactants to lay flat on the GO surfaces. This would result in a layered structure and could account for the higher thickness of the submerged layer.
When the amount of surfactant is increased to 5 mM for 1.0 mg mL−1 GO, the adsorption signal for composite materials at the interface disappears and the XRR pattern mirrors that of the pure surfactant solution (Fig. 2a). It is likely that excess TX-100 molecules partition to the interface before GO/surfactant complexes and saturate it. In this instance, the surface tension is minimised and therefore, there is no further energy reduction to be incurred by adsorbing surfactant-coated GO sheets at the interface. Similar behaviour was observed for a GO system with high concentrations of cationic photosurfactant.24 In the cases where GO adsorption at the interface is evident, the SLD patterns show a significant increase to between 11–12 × 10−6 Å−2, reinforcing that more than surfactant head-groups are present just below the interface (Fig. 2e and h).
Interestingly, at a TX-100/GO loading of 0.5 mM:
0.5 mg mL−1 where no interfacial adsorption of GO is evident, the incorporation of small amounts of salt causes marked increases in adsorption of GO at the interface (Fig. 2c and f). A 2 mM addition of NaCl to this mixture manifests a significant change in the GO/TX-100 reflectivity at this concentration. It is likely that the strong negative surface potential of GO serves to stabilise it in the bulk water by electrostatic repulsions between sheets, and addition of salt minimises this interaction by screening the surface charges. As a result, the GO sheets coated with TX-100 molecules can pack more densely at the air–water interface (Fig. 2i). When larger amounts of salt are included (5 and 10 mM), adsorption of GO/TX-100 composites decreases (Fig. 2c and f), most likely because the sheets become unstable in solution and begin to aggregate together, limiting their diffusion to the surface.
As with TX-100, mixing different amounts of hexaethyleneglycol monododecyl ether (C12E6, Fig. 3a) with 0.1 mg mL−1 GO did not exhibit significant interfacial activity (Fig. 3b and e). Again, this is likely because there are too few sheets to result in significant partitioning to the interface (Fig. 3h). A similar partitioning effect was also observed for differing amounts of GO/C12E6 at a fixed ratio (1:
1), whereby lower loadings did not exhibit noticeable air–water adsorption (Fig. 3c and f). Unlike TX-100, noticeable adsorption of GO at the interface is not apparent until a loading of 1 mM
1 mg mL−1 (C12E6
GO). For TX-100/GO, some adsorption of composites is apparent at 0.75 mM
0.75 mg mL−1 (Fig. 2b and e) which suggests that TX-100 is slightly more effective at driving GO to the interface than C12E6. This could be due to the branched tail-group and the shorter head-group of TX-100 molecules (TX-100 head-groups vary from 2–20 units).
At a higher GO loading (1 mg mL−1), small additions below and equal to 1 mM:
1 mg mL−1 (C12E6
GO) result in significant adsorption of GO at the air–water interface (Fig. 3c, f and i). This further demonstrates that concentration is a key factor driving the partiitoning of GO sheets to the surface, and that an equilibrium exists between dispersed and adsorbed sheets. As again with TX-100, Excess surfactant has an inhibiting effect due to saturation of the interface by free surfactant monomers.
Zwitterionic surfactants are, to an extent, self-screening, which allows them to pack more densely at interfaces while also having high aqueous solubilities.51–55 In the case of OAPB, it is likely that GO experiences attractive interactions with the positively charged ammonium in the head-group, especially in cases where the carboxyl group is protonated. OAPB molecules are thus going to have high affinities for the GO surfaces, and render the sheets hydrophobic. The GO sheets will therefore be driven to the air–water interface even at very low concentrations. The hydrophobic effect on GO is also likely to be greater in the case of OAPB because it possesses an 18 carbon alkyl chain instead of a 12 carbon chain as with C12E6.
At a fixed OAPB:
GO ratio (2
1), adsorption of GO/surfactant composites is evident even at 0.025 mg mL−1 GO (Fig. 4c). This implies that the GO sheets are optimally hydrophobised at this ratio to effect spontaneous adsorption at the surface. Maintaining this ratio, but increasing the loadings to 0.05 and 0.1 mg mL−1 GO shows significantly enhanced adsorption at the surface and thicker films (Fig. 4c and e), indicating improved surface coverage and packing conditions. However, increasing the loaded amount to 0.4 mM OAPB and 0.2 mg mL−1 GO and above causes destabilisation of the system by surpassing a critical coagulation threshold, resulting in diminished partitioning to the interface. The SLD profiles for these two sample compositions suggest that adsorption is primarily due to surfactants only and/or smaller sheets that have sufficient edge-to-plain ratio in order to remain stable in dispersion. This is similar to the aforementioned salt effect, whereby excessive NaCl over-screens the surface charge and the GO sheets subsequently aggregate in the bulk liquid rather than adsorbing at the interface. It is therefore clear that zwitterionic surfactants only enhance GO surface activity at very dilute concentrations.
GO has a strong negative surface potential as a result of periphery carboxyl groups that readily dissociate into carboxylate anions.15,19 Therefore, it is likely that charged-based repulsions are preventing the anionic surfactants from adsorbing to the GO surfaces, which has also been observed in bulk aqueous conditions.37 As such, the GO sheets remain strongly charged and hydrophilic, thus energetically favouring dispersion in the bulk water (Fig. 5c). This suggests that charge is an overriding factor for GO/surfactant self-assembly and adsorption, as altering surfactant surface activity (di-chain, branched tail-group vs single chain, unbranched tail-group) did not appear to have a significant effect in the case of SDS and AOT. It is also likely that anionic surfactant molecules are locating at the surface and forming a negatively charged film that would serve to repel nearby GO sheets (Fig. 5c).
Charge-based interactions appear to play a key role in the dispersion behaviour of GO/surfactant systems, as anionic surfactants show no apparent interfacial adsorption with GO. This is likely due to long-range Coulombic repulsions preventing their co-assembly.37 Conversely, nonionic and zwitterion surfactants such as TX-100, C12E6 and OAPB significantly promote GO surface adsorption. Optimising the GO:
surfactant ratio is a key factor in enabling this process, as too little surfactant does not render the GO sheets sufficiently surface active to favour locating at the interface, and excess surfactant inhibits GO adsorption by saturating the interface. The addition of small quantities of salt (NaCl) also facilitates adsorption at the air–water interface, presumably by reducing Coulombic repulsions between GO sheets and allowing denser film formation. These findings provide key insight into the requisite conditions for promoting spontaneous adsorption of aqueous GO sheets at interfaces using surfactants. Such systems could be further developed for industrial foaming, emulsifying and adsorption applications, where synergistic effects lead to significantly enhanced stabilisation.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Contains further information on fitting parameters for XRR datasets of each system. See DOI: 10.1039/d1cp04317j |
This journal is © the Owner Societies 2022 |